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Shelton High School class of 2001 l O-year
The ten-year reunion for the Shel-
ton High School Class of 2001 is sched-
uled for Saturday, July 30, 2011 at the
Little Creek Casino.
Invites and information on the re-
union will be sent via e-mail to all
classmates. We are currently in the
process of collecting everyone's e-mail
addresses, and we need your help. If
you, family members and/or friends
are on the alphabetical list below,
that means we still need your e-mail
address. Please e-mail us at shelton- or you can
call Brooke at 503-890-9061.
You can also friend us on Facebook
by searching Shelton High to learn
more about the party. We look for-
ward to seeing you in July.
The majority of the people in the list
following includes those that didn't
actually graduate with our class but,
were a part of our class at one point or
the other.
Sara Adams, Jon Adler, Jessica
Alexander, Gilbert Amundsen, Mat-
thew, Anderson, Sasha Arguijo, An-
gela Atkins, Lisa Bender, Ian Bow-
cutt, Daniel Brewer, Justin Brooks,
Stacy Buechel, James Bullard, Cyndi
Carstens, Stephan Churchill, Marie
Clarke, Bjorn Cofield, Alex Coleman,
Joshua Conn, Jamie Coughlin, Victo-
ria Crenshaw, Jenny Cuch, Tatiana
Cuellar, Jack Davis, Steve Dorland,
Ericson Duke, Jerry Eagle, Ryan
Earls, Kris Felix, Robert Fetters, Ste-
ven Fleshman, Caitlyn Fletcher-Hil-
ton, Aaron Gallington, Dannie Gar-
rett, James Gebhardt, April Gilliom,
Ryan Gonzales, Jessica Graft, Janine
Graft, Vernon Granberg, Jennifer
Graves, Becka Gray, Jason Gray, Sta-
cy Haddock, David Hammond, Chris
Hanger, Nicholas Hanson, Amanda
Henry, Kyle Hontz, Cody Howe, Mi-
chelle Hutchins, Jacob Jeffers, Donald
Jensen, Shiela Jensen, Rachel Johns,
Kevin Johnson, Jesse Jones, Sarah
Jones, Dominic Josephsen, Jonelle
Kasperski, Shawn Kelly, Marie Keyz-
ers, Aaron Kinney, Amanda Kirchoff,
Lynette Kirpes, Nathan Ister, Ty-
rone Krise, Landon Kullman, Ray-
mond Kunkle, Sun-Young Kwon, Vic-
tor Lambert, Angela Lanman, Stuart
Laudert, Paul Leader, Michael Lee,
Yiang Li, Patrick Lopez, Derek Loun-
sbury, Daniel Marler, Danielle Mar-
tin, Diane Martin, Eron Matson, Dan-
iel McDougall, Pamela McGill, An-
drew McLendon, Alma Mead, Tammy
Metro, John Miller, Crystal Montoya,
Thomas Moseley, Shawna Myers,
Daniel Napoleon, Cassandra Nelson,
Timothy Nelson, Amanda Norcross,
Kyle Norwood, Blake Nutt, Brian
Nutt, Bree Olson, Noemi Ortiz, Rachel
Parker, Shane Patch, Dawn Marie
Patterson, Sara Pearson, Ethan Pe-
terson, Megan Powers, Ian Prepper-
nau, Shelley Ray, Courtney Reygers,
John Richardson, Donald Riley, Noe
Rivera, Steven Roberts, Dustin Rob-
erston, Chandler Robinson, Joshua
Rodriguez, Garrett Ronning, Lisa
Rowley, Dallas Samson, Justin (J.T)
Sawyer, Shauna Schacher, Melissa
Scovill, Nickolas Shafter, Chad Shan-
non, Hiram Silva, Andrew Simmons,
Lisa Smeland, Brigitte Smith, Dustin
Smith, Tyler Smith, Bobby Spaulding,
Julie Stanley, Denalda Stefo, Jessica
Stepper-Verduin, Travis Stocking,
Raymond Stosser, Dustin Striplin,
Kirston Taylor, Jordan Thomas, Dena
Threatt, Lance Tilton, Sean Tinney,
Jonathon Todd, Joshua Traxler, Josh-
ua Underberg, Barbara Vega, Bud
Vermeer, Jeremy Voss, Trista Walk-
er, Pamela Warner, Matthew Warren,
Rikki Webb, Kyle (K.C.) Whitehouse,
Kristin Whitener, Lia Widmyer,
Shaun Wilkowski, Tyler Winchell,
Donal Wood, Nathan Write and John
Shellfish growers organize biannual beach clean up
The Pacific Coast Shell-
fish Growers Association
(PCSGA) has scheduled their
13th biannual beach clean
up on Thursday, March 17.
The targeted clean-up ar-
eas will be'Henderson, Budd,
Eld, Totten, Skookum, Ham-
mersley, Carr and Case In-
lets, Oakland Bay, Squaxin
and Harstine Islands and
parts of Hood Canal. The
clean-ups typically involve
around a hundred people
from about 14 shellfish farms
throughout South Sound
as well as representatives
from the Squaxin, Skokom-
ish and Nisqually Tribes,
Pacific Shellfish Institute
and the Washington State
Department of Natural Re-
sources. This week shellfish
growers will also be joined
by members of Surf Riders
Foundation and Standup
Paddlers Cleanup.
Shellfish growers and the
tribes provide vessels and
fuel. Shellfish companies
take turns providing lunch
for volunteers. Typically,
there are twenty plus boats
and crews deployed and ap-
proximately 100 miles of
beach cleaned up.
In the past 12 clean ups,
more than 1,000 tires have
been removed from beach-
es. "It is amazing," said Lin-
da Lentz of Chelsea Farms
who spearheads the clean-
up effort for PCSGA. "I don't
know where they keep com-
ing from but we average 80
tires per clean-up."
Contact PCSGA at 754-
2744 if you would like more
information about this event,
if you know of an area that
needs attention, or if you
don't want people accessing
your beach. Throughout the
year, you can also contact
PCSGA's marine debris hot-
line at 1-800-964-6532.
11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.,
Evergreen Garden Club lun-
cheon and tea will be at the
North Mason Bible Church,
82 E Campus Dr., Belfair.
6 p.m., Shelton-Mason
County Chamber of Com-
merce monthly meeting at
the Pavilion at Sentry Park,
190 W. Sentry Dr., Belfair.
6 to 7 p.m., Relay for
Life of Shelton team meet-
ing at PUD auditorium, 307
West Cota St. Join or start
a team, learn all about the
2011 relay for life.
1 to 3:30 p.m., Turning
waste into rich soil is this
part of the vegetable gar-
dening workshop presented
by the Master Gardener
Program for Washington
State University Extension.
Cost is $10 per class, $15
per couple. This is a series
of workshops. Series pass
options: four workshops for
$30 per person or $50 per
couple or attend all six for
$45 per person or $75 per
couple. The class is held at
Barnyard Gardens Nursery,
920 E. Johns Prairie Rd,
Shelton. For more informa-
tion and to register, stop by
the WSU Extension office
at 303 N. Fourth St. or call
427-9670 ext. 680.
6 p.m., Cooking with
Xinh at Xinh's Clam and
Oyster House, 3rd Street
and Railroad. $50 per per-
son, with proceeds benefit-
ing Mason General Hospi-
tal. Tickets are available by
calling tl/ Foundation office
at 427-36 or Janet Hilder-
man at 490-9247.
6 p.m., Cooking with
Xinh at Xinh's Clam and
Oyster House, 3rd Street
and Railroad. $50 per per-
son, with proceeds benefit-
ing Mason General Hospi-
tal. Tickets are available by
calling the Foundation office
at 427-3623 or Janet Hilder-
man at 490-9247.
1:15 to 3:30 p.m., Chron-
ic disease and pain self-
management program. The
cost is w$30 for the six-week
program being held at the
senior center, 826 W. Rail-
road Ave., Shelton.
1 p.m., The Chronic pain
and other "Invisible" dis-
abilities support groups
regular meeting will be at
the conference room in the
Shelton Public Library, cor-
ner of Seventh Street and
Alder in downtown Shelton.
For more information call
7:30 p.m., Elks Lodge
meeting every Wednesday
with dinner before. Dances
will be on the second and
forth Saturdays and pot-
luck on the other Saturdays.
Dances and potluck are
open to all.
To submit calendar items
for club and non-ticketed
community or charity events
in the Shelton-Mason Coun-
ty area, please e-mail pr@ Be sure
to include time, data and ad-
dress for the event.
Unless otherwise noted,
all events take place at the
Mason County Senior Activi-
ties Center at 826 W. Rail-
road Ave. The Shelton senior
center hours are from 8 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Monday through
Thursday and from 8 a.m.
to 3 p.m. on Friday. The cen-
ter's telephone desk (426-
7374) is closed for lunch from
noon till 12:30 p.m.
8:05 a.m., gentle, restor-
ative yoga.
9- 11 a.m., intermediate/
advanced line dancing.
9 - 11 a.m., EZ Crafters.
10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. blood
11 a.m. - St. Patrick's day
11 a.m., bridge - signup
the day before.
Noon, lunch: St. Patrick's
I p.m., bingo.
1. p.m., treats from Maple
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
9 - 11 a.m., open line
9 a.m.-1 p.m., sewing cir-
ll'a.m., member social
12 p.m., lunch sponsored
1-3 p.m., open painting
with Paul Kucharik
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
9 a.m., beginning line
9 a.m. - 4 p.m., joy of
painting landscape class
10 - 11 a.m., intermedi-
ate/advanced line dancing.
Noon, lunch: salmon cakes
12:30 p.m., game day.
1 p.m. pinochle.
II?IThe Forks Olympian
Four Stars
The News Tribune
Foot care by appointment
8:05 a.m., gentle, restor-
ative yoga.
9 - 11 a.m., intermediate/
advanced line dancing.
9 a.m. - 1 p.m., sewing
10:30 a.m., zumba fitness
Noon, lunch: kitchen
12:30 p.m., bridge signup
day before.
1 p.m., bingo with Adele
1:15 - 3:45 p.m., chronic
disease class
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., AARP
tax aide
9 a.m. Clearwater Casino
Call for Parties,
Meetings, Receptions FRESH
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9 a.m., beginning line
10 a.m., intermediate/ad-
vanced line dancing.
Noon, lunch: curried
12:30 p.m., game day.
1 p.m., pinochle.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 17, 2011 - Page B-3