March 18, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 18, 1965 |
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PAGE 4 SHELTON--MASON 'COUNTY JOURNAIJ--Pfiblished in "0hr stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday,
Scouts To Pick
lb ood
Mason County Boy Scouts will
be conducting the second half of
its annual Good Turn Day Driw?
fo*' Goodwill Industries Saturday.
The Scouts will be picking up
the Goodwill Good Turn bags they
left at homes in the county last
The pick-ups will start at 30
a.m. Saturday. Those who receiv-
ed the bags are asked to put them
out on the front porch or steps
to save themselves a trip to ans-
wer' the dooF.
I The used clothing and other
things collected in the bags will
be turned over to Goodwill Indus-
tries for use in their plants and
st2j:s employing handie.apped per-
County Buys 2
,,HOt.~mcnMUCH SHALL i PRUNE,,? Thisalong with other Dump Trucks
their cane berries. To answer this question the E2(tension Service t awarded a contract for two dump
is bringin0 John Dodge, E×tension Horticulture Specialist in to /trucks for the County Road De-
discuss fruit 9rowing at an open meeting Friday at 1:15 p.m. in /partment to Jim Pauley Inc., low
the Conference Room at the P.U.D. Building. Dodge will discuss /bidder with a bid of $26,859.10.
strawberries, blackberries, blue berries and raspberries, their care, /The bid includes trade-in of two
and what sprays to use. /trucks now in use by the county, i '
I Kimbel :M:otors was the only oth-
i ...... .-" ....................................................... |1 er bidder on the trucks.
| ~..~.. rlpk.. ~/ Each firm submitted bids with
I~ I IIlll lllI~ I .
! ,/three different makes of dump
! 'I, - I,.. • |I bodies to be installed.
; , • .LflIIIWIIPIB_ • EtII E~P~W~P |I A delegation of residents from
I ,gJLIIIg7 %,Ig I| L IM |[the Mason Lake area appeared at
.... z the commission meeting to ask
......... "~ ..... T ............................................... I that something be done about the
COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS victions on traffic violations were ~ dust on the roads around the lake ,A , . .1 Relurn From -.rTr;"
Building permits approved by filed by Erren K. Barnhard and/and for other improvements in the
the Mason County Commission Leslie Younglove. ~ roads, nnan Leaner ur I
this week were to Richard H. • .,..~qp..~ .~r. ....~ The commission voted to hold , .. Mexicoo ...ecen.,
Barber wood cabin $a00 Wflham Annearing in Mn~tnn C~n,,niv .'[,.~ /°ver until next week approval of I~ # lfl~ / / By Betty liens
• ' ~- ~"~ ° ............ ~ .... " the
Durych, wood cabin, $2,,,00; I. C. lice Court heforo .lurlgo O.lonn~ plat of Alderwood Villa pend-T~0~ll~ ~I~ / • • .
........ o ......... UNION -- Mr and Mrs Lloyd
Federnmn, .wood cottage and tool Correa were Geo,.~o n, R~hho~m. [mg receipt of a $3,000 bond to as- .. Jr. ....... [Cook and Mary Jarchow returned
storage shed, $1,000; Raymond F. ne~lieent driving" ~ suee~lin~,~9 /sure completion of the roads in
"~' " "' 2aus]ca~ tmen[s nourisnea aur-/recently from a trip that took l
Moore, retatmng wall, $~00", Vagn f'm'~ ~ Geoz~.e'r- F ...... ~hh ..... • -d~f,~o- [the plat. !ng hzs ht~n school days at Shel-/them t'o guaynms, Mexico, where i
Sorens(n swimming pool, $600 , ' " ~ "~ .....
.... , ...* . the foot brake, $12 fine; Michael / -- .ton nea.ny ;~o years¢.%go..nave z mur- [they spent their time fishing. The
md Roy Kzmbezly, wood zemdence I ssl ,- ~-
". ' ]e..! er, exceeding, safe speed, $1a /H • ~ a , e, ~Sv%e~at?n~°foa P~Z~e~ s~oeivme/cooks said it was real good fish-
$20:000. : . ' forfeit; Donna J. Kelly, exceeding i~|0n aono|arsn|, y, ling and were surprised to see so
CITY BUILI)ING PERMITS safe speed, $12 forfeit; James L. [ = ,. ., r successful Anaeortes businessman. ]many cars with Washington state
Inn Sytsnla, add to residence, Fitzgerald, $12 forfeit; Geraldlna I A front page st.ory, in the Ann.-/tags" on them. They also spent a
$2,000 and Robert Flore.k, woodCultree, failure to keep right of] Tiff " cor~es American ins]: week ~euSl~eek visitin~ in San Francisco be-
e ' expn'ed" operator's " "
•. . ] ol'e retulTllng holnu ,c~.~L ~*~,s**u~y.
lense, $200, c rater l,ne, he- ]a,~ how Kelly carries on a normal bus- f ." ., ,.o, ~ ...... ...
znessman's li[e During the days ~ .... ~ . .
CITY* POI,ICE COURT ense, $34 forfeit; [ ,o ~ g~,~e~, '' ~az" ann Mrs t erry uiJworth
Appearing in Shelton Police John G. Riggins, driving while ~ • .Appleations for two scholar- ~n: l~adi~.2~:hhatl)~pulaas O2~oh~:d [motored to Olympia Sunday and
Court Monday' night before Judgeintoxicated, minor in possession of ~ stops offered by the Wasinngton n~ ~,vln~. *,,.~ ~ h,,~,~,, ~ h~o [picked up theh" friends, Mr. and
bet were Omit N Oak , , Stat¢ Laoor t3ouncfl ale avafla
Rolla Hal t ~"-: ' • - liquor, no valid operau)rs license,/-" ' '• '''- ~,ott'ena'r~i~or~,,~o/'~"~ ,,' ...... ~Mrs. Reuben Roys and went on
ley, drunkenness, $10 forfeit; Er- $172 fine, 15 days in jail, 13 sus-lb]eht° graduating seniors from ~, P~ead,n~ ~,h:~"~,,~,',','~=:~,--~ ~/t° Puyallup and Sumner to see
ren H. 'B~rnhh;rd, speeding, minor pended, driver's license suspended .~ g sc onto in. the county who .... " ~ ""'~'~':;z.." .......... i the daffodil fields Timy returned
s s f ~ 42 fo,fmt are e,ther the c~hldren of a mere pretLy prom why ~euy, once a ~. ..: . _ " ._ • ,- • _.
in pos,'es, ion o liquo', $ ' • ." ; 30 days; Allen L. Bell, no valid [ " " ~ ' ! ' - very capable catcher for the High- ~to .u~yn~p~]. w aere ~ney nan mn-
mmm m osses ber of an AFL CIO unmn ot a dauffhte~ D~ me had droner at the
Curtis R. O~,en, ' ' ' P . - operator's license, $12 forfeit;[ ' . " " climber baseball team, made the[net* wztn me r¢oys. .
sion of liquor, $25 forfeit; William Hillyard Enloe, no valid operator's I memner of a union themselves,statement. His musicians are con- / Mrs. Helen Pearce and Mrs.
mn of uarzell Sparks p~emdent of the
E, Rodgers, minor in possess" lieez~ses, $12 forfeit; I. ' -- "' ' " • stantly in demand for chlb high ~Ocie Dean attended a luncheon
liquor, $25 forfeit; John A. err, Frank L. Deemer, failure to dis-]m, ason county Labor Council said school and college events, part~s [Wednesday in Bremerton put on
no valid operator's lic.ense, $15 play valid vehicle license or ton- tins weeg.
forfeit; Charlie L. Daugherty, neg- nage. $29 fine; Marie L. Briner, I Two scholarships of $500 each and special occasions from Everett lby the Navy Mothers' club.
north. Every Saturday night U]ey ] MRS. E. K. BISHOP opened her
ligent driving, $56 forfeit, driving while intoxicated, $110 I are offered by the state group. )In for the Elks Club in Mt Ver summer imme for the March meet-
t Y - • - ' ....
ClTig •POLICE fine, license suspended 30 days, I Applications have to be in to the non, frequently appear at Town ]ing of the Union Ladies civic club.
A Honda ridden by Lowell Le- five days in jail; Floyd Asbridge, t Scholarship Committee of the & Countr and the Elks Club in ~Gladyce Simrman and F, lean,n"
Marsh ran into the rear end of failm'e to stop at stop sign, $12IState Labor Council in Seattle be- Y ' ' "
Everett,lastsummer Dlaved a/Buechel hostesses for the poUuct<
a car driven by Mrs. Floyd Riceforfeit; John Williams, negligent t fore April 1. , , ' - ~"
week s en m-~ement onthe Prin l luncheon had ti~e table set with
at First md Pine driving, $29 fine; JOhn A Gecicn ,__, .................. " g ~ " " " - ' • ,
¢ " ' ~ " ' / ~xppnuauon~ are avalmme zrom cess Elaine, a swank floating res- tthe St. Patmcks day theme, qwen-
Merle Snyder reported the head speeding $24 fine; Agnes Dyment, S"arks or b ....... ' " " "
of a sewing maeh, ne taken from d'~nk in+::pgblie, $25 forfe[t, a,[~htp ComYmtV~t~mg¢~eh?2ghtO2; taurant near Bellingham, have Jty membeys were present and
luu daughh'r's hun e ' ~I"homh., James drun ~ in I)~ blie, ~1 ~-r ......, . _~: . .,;~ regular engagements at the Nor- /four guests, Helen Hardy, , Lyla
"A pm"i 'e t'e]•ovging"to Eliz' beth $25 rorfei ; Michael Sheedv, oh- wester Club in Oak Harbor, were/Seheel, Vivian Barnett and Dor-
.... ' " " r .... " ", ~. ~eal;l:ie
Re '1 nagle was found at tt~e loeo- sin ctmg traftw contnbulmg to I a~ru~ -r'n ^~B~^, at Rosario Resort on areas Island ]othy Aldrich. After the meeting
c~ -. • .... .............. =,,n last summer .and played for four they played games with home-
motive, in the park. lira. dehnquency, . . .: of, ao.,mmoz,~ ,.. zllegal., r J Western, wasnmgton .......... ~taxe ~rn-" years at the Holiday" Balh'oom.nmde candy as th'e prizes, made
Cars driven hy Hector Bourber possessmn ot nqu.)r, ¢,)o nne; ma - t le~e's 70-voice oh~i .... m ......, KELLY STARTEb in Shelton by Mrs. Sherman. The club will
and a parked, car owntd. I,y. Kith- w.y Robln.~on,. .drujlk t]]. publ~ic"~cv" [ a' n t a conceit at the Blue O-x T1]oatar high school with a trombone but hold a card party today at noon
lees Turner ~eze Involved Ill an en nays in jail .~lu nne' t~le a • at 7 30 m M, : ........
..... ~ ~ ~ '" "-" ~-^ fin PeterI :, p. arch z4 The choir,nine years ago changed to string in the community hall, all ladies
accident in flont of the Timber l~.owzer speeding ~o e; " under the di'zec':~ : ~" "
- "" ' " .... l "n" .ca~ , . • ann oz Dr t~ernaz'a bass which he ])lays as he directs of the community are invited. The
Bowl ' b l-'ercy clrlvlng wnt e i tOXlI.- -e, ...... ".
. ' " ~. ' . ........ , r~e,g~er, ~s on i~s annum springthe band he organized eight years next regular meeting will be April
Lyk. ~ Lloyd. reported a six-month, ed, .$150 fortett;. 'vnomas. ....... b.wen- ~ vacation concer~" tour." ago from nmsicians tluoughout 8 at Mrs. Walt Henderson's, with
de u therhead insfcule IDa(l, ~Z~ Ilne,
old Golden Laborador m~ ' p ppy r ' " } " ' " i
missing Thomas L. Weatherhead, no val- [ Skagit Count.~. [ Mrs. Thomas Ball as co-hostess.
" " " .... 1 theid o erator's license, $17 fine; Leading a l~and is no novelty for [ Helen Timm and Eleanor Bue-
A. E. Dams repmted he ost P " • . • Franklin Willia• " . " Kelly. Many Mason Countyites will chel took advantage of the good
registration papers to his ca,'. I-Infold W..K. tdd,!~telehcen.,~e right-of wa,, t,~m,~,;]a~',~'oe' !°~Y',el2
oo,.s driven by Thomas Aaron oz' m-u'anm~ permm ,~.,.~ zorzmt;i ~ P2 " . J ............. ~ ......... recall the 10-piece group he oz'- weat.!mr .and went to Olympia
":."L~ . ::" .:z' - ...... ~ ~-~-t"' L Channel defective e-uir, I~lz forfmt; Allen W. Bell driv- ganized in Shelton around 1937 It onoay to an some ~as~er shop-
on First Street " ment, $1z rorre,~; ttaymond s ........... ~, ,~u ~,ne, which enjoyed high popularity for ping.
C R Brooke reported commer- S~:h~tzer, over-length, no permit, ~eensen suspended 30 days, fiveseveral years in the Shelton-Hood ] Mr. and Mrs. Roland Walter and
tl fmhin" eat talc~n from his$,(i line b~amey vameuven, tow- Y jail, suspenoea, resisting Canal-Olympia area. ., - : 'r • " • .
;~at a'{ ]Illg cgi!~y dock" ing unlicensed vehicle no proper arrest, $50 fine and 10 days in .......... Cottage Cafe Tuesday, the occa-
v,~,~,h,~ ~,h,a,~,,, h,, .~teve Blincr in-transit permit, $29 forfeit Neff jail; Alvin L. Weddle, speeding, sion being Mrs. Walter's birthday.
......... ~ ........ &*" 7" .~.:v . .... eimmons overwidtl~ load, $12 for 1515 forfeit; Waite Dolrymple, fish- ] Sunday luncheon guests of Mr.
and Warren vanDusicK conmerl ,~ ", "in zn closed sea " ~and Mrs. Roland Walter were Mr.
near the Johnson Ma(hine Works. felt ............ i Lege A "/ .' son, $15 forfeit;__ and Mrs. A1 Bloomfield and faro-
' • ' "-~ ': ............ COUNTY BUILDING I~Ig.NMITS/ . ~tevens nsnmg m erased
Steve ~Lgnlll~el' 0t I:ne ~netLon ~ '. "~. _ - _ ily of Hood~port.
I-Ii~e:oo~Oirtld;eV~;~hsm to thetheBt:l~/~Cahsnogn P~nu~y al~Pjm°~r~dssiboY: :en1?°~isl$~: ff:f3;tosGa3YaEon?t$c~; /~.~