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18,- 1965
gta*ELTON--MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton,. Washington
(Final Standings)
W L pf pa
Verle's Spt Goods 131 102,1 699
Corrections Center 12 2 1074 899
I Skokomish .............. 95 873 822
i Eells & Valley .: .... 86 94.1 848
Kamilche ................ 68 767 847
20th Century ........ 59 8;]2 934
Simpson Recr. ........ 311 777 9]7
Sunset Land ......... 113 642 993
Final Games
Verle's 98, 20th Century 62
W.C.C. 91, Skokond~|, 78
Eells & V'alley 74, K~unilche 62
Simpson 74, Sunset 58
Ve,'le's Sporting Goods, w i t h
Tommy Coleman aL the throttle,
outran Washington Corrections
Center in the race to tile wire
for the city ba.skeLball league
cliampionshit~ as final games were
played Tuesday ,,ight.
gineered a 98-62 victory for
Verle's over 20th Century Thril't-
way, keei)ing i.he si)ort,~men on,.
game ,tp on the ColTcctions Cell-
te, which finished its sehedu!,,
with a 91-78 success against the
potent Skokomish Renegades Jet-
tin with 23 led the Inmates but
both yielded g'nne honors to Ron-
nie Peterson, who tossed in 33 for
the Renegades. l)on Andrews and
Rege,' Holt supported Coleman
with 19 and 17 points respective-
However, the closing night's
{op total was registered by Hen-
,'V Dean, whose 37 eountt{rs led
l~,clls & Valley Appliance Center
to a 74-62 victory ()vet' Kamilche,
the h)sers g'eltil{g 19 from. Jim
Richards and 17 from Don Clary.
Stu Reynolds supported D e a n
ry Moon with 25 and Greg Mar- with 17.
THREE OTHER 20-plus efforts
came out of Simpson Bee's 74-58
t,'imnph over Sunset Landscap-
ing. Ken Olson had 24 and Don
Smith 21 for the h)ggers while
Herb Baze racked up 23 for the
gardeners, whose Bill Kneeland
added another 19.
With the regttla,' schedule com-
pleted, l,he city league has two
additional activities before wrap,
ping up its :~eaaen.
A single elimination tourna-
ment in which all eight entries
will participate will be held tl~is
weekend with one game tonight ....
............................................................................................................................................................................... Eells & Valley vs. Sunset Land-
Competition Tough,
But Trailblazers
Still Win Trophies
Shelton mo'torcycle riders In'ey-
ed again Sunday at Olympia they
can ride with the best, when the
No. 1 cyclist in the nation showed
up to compete in the 100 cc class
and his brother, No. 6 in the U•S.
it, the 250 cc class.
They are' from Portland. This
the competition stiffer, of
course, as the Trailblazer cyclists
found out, but they rose to the
~ccasion neatly.
Jerry Robertson brought home
his second straight first place tro-
phy in the 50 cc main race; Paul
Wheaten, competing against the
Mixers .............................. 55 33
Pin Benders .................... 51 37
Planer No. 2 .................. 43 45
Wood Worms .................. 40 48
I-Iemlockers .................... 39 49
Chasers ............................ 36 52
High game---Bill Patterson 209.
High seriea---Jess Stites and to-
hefty ~m,mmnmmnmmmtmmmmrmmrmm,mmmnmnnmmmmmmnmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~rmml well Manning~, each 512.
tr, tipping 104 , • '
the end of his Worms 4 (Fred Boysen 499),
last Saturday , Planer 2 0 (Lowell ~;'L'anning 512);
Lake Cushman Hemlockers 3 led Crossan 497),
d by two Plott Chasers 1 (Jess Sti~es 512); Mix-
Walt and Jerry ers 3 (Glen Laugen 505), Benders
hounds brought 1 (John Land 447)•
.~bout 8 a,m
With a 10-and-par score of 63,
a Shelton qua,'tet won the first
pro-am sweepstakes of the 1965
season at the Seattle Golf Club
last Monday.
Ray Walker, pro-manager at
the Shelton G01f Club, teamed
~ith,' Phil Bayley, Clint Willour
and Bob Smith in tile can]petition,
which drew some 250 entries from
all parts of western Washington.
Smitb also brofightsome of the
merchandise .p,'izes .when his 78-7-
71 took second place in the see-
end division, for players with ban-
Ritner's Highballers ........ 28
V¢ilson Company ...~ ........ 27 17
Gott Oil ............................. 26 18
Ziegler's Can, era Slmp .... 23 21
Wingard's Sport Shop .... 21 23
B & R Oil ........................ 21 23
Verle',,~ Sporting Goods .... 17 27
Motel Timbers .................. 13 31
High games- Fred Snelgrove
228, Bob Len,ke 226. 225.
High series .- Bob Lemke 640,
Fred Snclgrove 613
Bob Lemkc and Fred Snelgrove, as rival anchormen,
staged quite a scoring duel in the
men's Commercial bowling leagllc and t h r e e tomorrow.
Verle's plays Kamilehe and Sko-
komish meets Simpson in Lincoln
gym in a doubleheader starting at
7:00 o'clock while 20th Century
visits the Corrections Center at
8:00 tonight.
in a. twin bill Saturday afternoon
with the survivors gein~" for the
tournament title Saturday night.
All gan,es in which the Correc-
tions Center is involved will be
played at the Corrections Center
gym. the others ill Lincoln gym.
The other event is a benefit
game between tile Corrections
Center and an alhstar lineup from
Lt~e rest of the league which will
be played Friday, March 26, under
sponsorship of the Shclton Junior
Chamber of Comn~e,'ce, profits to
be turned ow~r to the community
summer ,'eereation and swimming
ry Dean 37, Stu Reynolds 17, Ted
Wittenberg 8, Ron Ahlf 0, Dennis
Young 4, Gordon JaY 2; Cm't Sells
4. KAMILCHE 62 .... Howa~'d Wil-
son 5, Jim Richards 19, Don Clary
17 Jim Andersoli 1. D'on Jonke,(s
4, Jerry Westland 6 Duane Wil-
son 10.' '. ' . .
98 ..... Bob Ashley 9, Jerry Bleom-
field 13, Roger Hoff' 1"7,. : D o n
Andrews 19, Tom Coleman 25,
Jerry Young' 11, Wayne.Clary 3.
20TH CENTURY 62" George
Lounsberry 14. John Sells 1'2, John
Orr 7, Gary Schneider 41 Gene
White 5, Jerry Mallm'y 20...
Your Car .....
No. 1 guy, .earned second in tile dieaps of 7 to 9. last week. class program.
100 cc (he was first the week be- ': ....... Bob won the series battle, 640Tuesday's individual scoring:
fore) ; and Harold Schnitzer The Womans Team Captain
brought back the third place tro- Tournament now in prog,'ess, is to 613, and his Gott Oil team won CORRECTIONS CENTER 91 --- tl '~
phy in the 500 ec and over 'open in its second week. The Tourna- a 3-1 victory over B & R Oil G,'eg Martin 23, Jerry Moon 25. ~'
ment is based on the best threeFred had th(-{ best single game at Ray Bocatch 4, Mike Caroll 91 Jer-
weekA Main, which he was first a out of four games, using full hart- 76228'gamesB°b'Sandteama 3013had 1011total.andFred,sl0- ry McCoy 12, Troy Hunt 13, KeitllW ha t e v er your
dieap. Nason 2, Don Renion 1. Bob car needs ill glass,
March 2 Womans play was won club had a 1006 game in the blist- Shearer 2, Terry Barnhart 0.
by Mac Monro with fe~vest putts ering pin battle. SKOKOMISH 78 ...... Guy? iner 13. we can install it
In other mal.ches, ~¢Vinga,'d Shop Bob Miller 2, Gary Pcters0n 4.
holes.and Dot Hillier with best nine (Bill Staudt 539) blanked Motel Ron Peterson 33, Pete Peterson 0 .... curved wind-
March 9 play was for low net Timbers (Don Land 506), Verle's A1 Lewis 6, Dick Smith 0 Dick
and was won by Joann McComb Sporting Goods (Harry FletcherAdams 16, A1 Gouley 0, Harmo}~ shields, tiuted or
542) earned a 3-1 verdict overSparr 4, Butch King 0. clear and guaran-
and Ann Correa. Ritner's Highballers (Bob TurP.-
........................... er 557), while Zieg'le~"s Camera SIMPSON REC 74 -- Pet~
. } Shop (Clyde. Zieglcr 574) and OlsonStr°em24,12'AndersonD°n Smithl, Bell21' Ken14, teed not to leak.
Olympm AtMe~e To Wilson Company (Dan Wilson Terry Osterberg 1, MeKutehon O:
540) dueled to a 2-2 standoff. Herdman o. SUNSET LANSCAP- Grimes & McNeil
Speak To Boys Club --EN;; ,NG ...... Bill Kneoland 19, He,+
Baze 2a Gene Avie 5 Morhmann 3rd & Grove
One of Lhe outstanding speakers W L 6, Adams 6.
of its history has been seeured 40 & 8 Voiture 135 ........ 22 8
by the Shelton high school Boys Prepp's Rexal Store .... 18 12 EELLS & VALLEY 74 ---John
Club for its program next Tues- Shaub-Ellison ................ 18 12 Moshltn 2, Buck Drench 0, Hen- I IIIII
day afternoon in the Reed build- Beekwith Jewelry ........ 16 14 ; ;-F : ;
ing auditorium. Frisken Oil .................. 1;] 17
Advisor CheL Domhroski an- Simpson Timber . ........... 11';~ 18~,/,
news in the W 1, nounced yesterday that Lieut. Dairy Queen ................ 11 1.9 '] •
lent this week is '~ ...................... ,,-,.,--,'-":. .......... -...-.~ ~-.-~-.=.,I
In pictured above. I ~ Harstine .......................... 24~fi 15'/., Cliff Cash'man, NCAA 440-meter Wilson Company ............ 101,.,19~/., ' '
Pomona .............................. 23 17 hurdle champion and silver n, edal High game -- Ed Richards 227
Matlock ............................ 22 18 winne,' in that event in tile 1960 High series .... Fred Snelgrove
Agate .............................. 21 19 Olymnic Games at Rome, will 579 Makers of the famous Colortron a ntennl
~ei~h a to{.al of 10 :":::'.~,: 'i:~:~i~'~~':". .Southside .......................... 19 21 speak' to the ch, h membership on .............
eclined to i,.lentifv :.