March 18, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 18, 1965 |
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1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Ohr%stma, town, U.g.A.", Shelton,
i Monday morning.
Friday afternoon in the gym,
the Kamilche Black Knights play-
Nadine Rhodes proved last Sept. 15 and fromI VISITING FRIENDS in the Dahlgren presented gifts to all led host to the Southside Basket-
-The Pioneer School the $20,000 received from the For- Bayshore vieiniLv last week was mere'hers present whictl she col- H~[~Vd qU~eJH~'l[~Fkl T~k Al~]l~gll tball team. With the loss of ou|'
.~as.t Tuesday at the est Fund last fall. Ch'arlie Castagno, now of Port- lected on the round-the-world t'rip mmuu~n=e, mu~nnuz-~rz.u mlu ~BW'~_~I center, Larry Swantak, the team
~olution was passed The contracting of Robert H. land. After 25 years as local res- from which she recentl return- ,m~ww~u~ ~ww~aL~vm my irull~ Istarted siowlv and at the end of
'~ the District would Wohleb & Associates Architects I [dents. Mr. and Mrs. Castagnoed. Y By Norms Taylor ] Mark and Mr. and Mrs Bill Pierce [ the first ql[arter things looked t)U%'T &BOOT TI4E "I'|I~E A
i;~,~,,Uo for the con- Olympia, was confirmed This|moved to Portland last sum:meT. The lualrv memh ......... * ..... KAMILCtIE -- A warm wel- c~joyed a picnic iunch-i'n the w~u'n~ about even. After the start ofFATI4Ea &E'fS 14,S D~O614"IEIZ
~^tae.. new. building, contract was made in October, I Now operating a large motel in,,,..~.L"~ "~;:;-"~u ~-tm:^-'~'~-m, ~_':~"11 r .... :~- come goes out to Mr. and Mrs. [beach and each dug a limit of ] the second period, Kamilche really OFt= 14iS ~4AI~DS 14E 14A~ "re
~::~_ ulStnct eligible for 1964 Wohleb and one of his as I that city, Charlie reports they are ~ .... ~,~.¢ r~,~ ..... a l~o g ano no~ard Swartsei and sons, a new clams in the afternoon, warmea up to the job and won pov ~ SoI~" Ild-L~OJ O~ 141S~
~.lle{~ . , - ~.~u~..~t.,, ...2.., ~llii vanoerwal
needed to bringsee[ales were present at the meet- I busy and happy. Mrs Cork- Pickings- ~-* _x..~: family in our community. ] Mr. and Mrs: Henry UniTer had I 58-23. Jimnay Kelley was high ~ FKE.T t ~"
$130,000 wn - • ~ ...... , ...........Mr. and Mrs, Mike Stolen of as their dinner galests Sunday, point man with 28. The second _ ~..~
ost lc.h 3s the rag. The Castagnos are proud grand- Shero of A~ateMr .. vlu
gure .[he project. The Rex Melena school principal, re- parents again with the b,rth of a of Shelton, andof course, Mrs.
Of ..... s. Irvin .... Hoodsport, were weekend guests Mrs. Harve Ruff and Mr. and M{S. team was nip and tuck for three f~ ..~_~ ~/
d mSue" ~umes ~rom the rn°rted that he has be~n ......... v~,h~,~ I boy recently to Mr and Mrs. Dave Auseth and Mrs.Dahlgren. of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty at I Lenard Marco of Tacoma I quarters but Southside won 30-20. /'~.I 'u~. ~w q2) C~
Which was ap- an increasing number of ,hone I Castagno of Detroit. An interest- JOHN WH~THaM o,a ~., .... their ocean beach cabin at South l Saturday evening guests at the IThese two games ended the has- ~' ~ k .]f~ v~-
~-----~_ calls. Some calls could be elimi- ing story was told by Charlie re- in-]a-v~r"I~or'en-Me'rc'e'r' o'f~C)'l~=~'~" Beach. I home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nel-Iketball season. ~./ }~ ~.]2mr
.................... ' latin~ to the birth of the little ...... ~"=' Saturday the weathmr was per- son were Mrs. Frank Baker and l With this extremely fine wee- _t ~ .'1 ~%k ~-~
,~t,'- . /7 ~)nteU.teaenes ~mCea classUmnumerousPrmclpalpnone'als° [ uuy.~-'" s_.,ave got.......... file w, re to the nos- daCameFishinh°me within athPrize catch. Sun- feet for the ocean beaches, where I children, Cecile, Frank[e, Greteh-I ther, the pupils are enjoying re- ~. ~%~(~ I ~.k~ ~
~tll • . . . y. g e Chehalis Rlv- digging clams and just relaxing len and Lynn of Tacoma. tress and noon outdoors. They have ~ ~,p-'-~0 ~,~'~]_~d~.-~-
lllkllll~ ('~f ~ | calls interrupt hm teaching sched- [p)ta! and then was snowbound in er near Montesano, they caught a
~ ~ "~= "~ | ule and consume much of his time• [ the nosp~tai nm.asel~ ,or.mree .oays. six-footsturgeon,weighing 95 was great. Joining the many who [ Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury and [ installed a brand new baseball ~ ~ I_-------~,-~x-~ _//-~/~)"
-',~, .... ~ ............ made the trip to Ocean Shores [Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blackwelder[backstop, and the girls are look- ~ ~---~-I-_ "~'~'-~
n aglnatl n ana constructive
p,::: Tuesday after her long ill- ~ • •
and Mrs Mere Lamberts were Mr.
and Mrs J B Russell o~ ~er)an
Monoay afternoon callers at tne
Jonn t~lce and ~vus ~oDel% ~'en Ste~
]~a,,,~~.~ _,~=~ m~ one 20wavTnarents can neln i= bvllnere were tnree iaulers in a ,~ ..... .~ , nlore than we h ~muhlls bv|l|l~l~llll ,~|~||~1|1 1
ar': ~ adherin'- to the ""lie'" of the snnlhar potation, and newspaper ~ ...... '. were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansburylwere dinner g~msts at the home ling for something the stone on :). ~ ~ [~ | I~!
._ , / School ~3oard regar~'ng~students' photographers found them doing Sh~ir~°saymegn/~IgUeSnt~ of the Jack with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd [of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd Sun-[their side of the field. ~ ~ ~ % | ~V~-~
and Mrs. Florence Taylor with [ day. I Two new students have enrolled; ~1~ ~ ~ r J
| ~Y M010rs Mr. and Mrs. Justin Taylor andI Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ed-IKarien Sigo from Bordeaux school ~ ~.~ ~
children, Billy, Paul and Janet. [win Petty dropped in on Mr. and lwho is in sixth grade and Andy I~l~ ~" ~f" ~
Mrs. Mem Lambert made a trip [ Mrs. Ernest Booth at their beach I Swartsel in fourth t~racle from Ev
[] ~ ~ ~ I~ | ....... i [in one of his friend's homes the Sheros drove to Lake Quir~- to To keland with the. Dirt Dob- I trailer near North Cove. ]ergreen School: ° You won't have t di ver
U !][ Ill I1~ I~ | the senool wire tne pupil. "rnts I " cult and snent the ni "
-" ~ I~ ~t~ lm | would help considerably in reliev- I Mrs Russell Evans was honor-Ri - - -Y B "-g_ht w.~th the Ders tiaroen ~iuo on weanesaay, Sunday, March 21 at 11 a m ........... o g y
looking for driftwood to use in there will be a Mason County . an's..~age~, room m.~eauu~ul~y deep in your wallet if you
ic~lgls.the burden of extra phone t~at. t s~e-t floral arrangements. [Pomona Meeting" at Matlock[Oec°rata.°, w,m.mmns, t)unny rat)- come to us for gasoline and
° bits ana mprecnaun and other St oil
A belated happy birthday to lGrange Hall. [ ........... ' •
8n~.~.._ / The Board has been requested l . y . "gie The unusualsumme-"'- " • . ~atrac~s trlmmmgs mat test the
,, t-.Kewee
aHIlellt 0• .... | to investigate the possibilities of I Shelton were co-hostesses. Twenty ther calledothers .... - Miss Car|lATin Verse who was five ] Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pender- I skill i a " "'o ....
les read,, ",-'- | a: imm . i=tion for mea-I ~!ests werepresent andthe many famous beaches. Mr. :n~l ~I°s. o~ years old on Monday CarllA~n graft drove to the harbor and had ............
is visiting with her grandparents, I di*mer at the Beehive Sunday. i annoy oz.puplls. , ~[~,~J I}~I~ ll~L~k_~hl-]
)_ ~. O0 I~O. / sles. This year what *s reported- ] gilts recelve~ were lovely. . Jones were ests of Mr and M " s Al Ta l a T Tee classrooms are no~ com-
• t~ v gu • re. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robertson. Mr. and Mr . y or c m~l.,,^,~,.. ,~^~ ...;,. .~,,, ..... - _ .
0-4~11~ .-~ [ ly measles has been the greatest I The group played games and a Lee Clockey of Bremerton Sat- -" ................ fro-- Calfforni~ Th-'rsda'" ' v,~,~ *--~,~,, ~*~,, ~,-,,a ~- ~ • - • -~ -'. ,, • ,~
~tr. ano mrs. m. u. Mclv~onagle ua~n .t ~ u Y' l ousU^., til^ "he "-**er-- vaT" in If I II},~
, ,, . ,i our [ cause of absenteeismat the I door prize was given. The refresh- urday and Sunday. The Clocke's and son, Bert, were Sunday eve- They were dinner guests at the t .... '~*• =" " ~'~.~. "~ ~ .. ~--'1 ::~ ~, ~'~ [~=] =~f~
sed Car [ school. 1 ments consisted of delicious open- are members of a trailer club ey ......... :4 , ~ome ^f Mr and Mrs ......lo- ~ o,~eren~ rooms ano m a pracu- : ~.-~177rz/7~
We ~'~.. ~..~'~"~ | The Building Committee met I faced sandwiches and rolled pin- the Jones' took their camner and nmg cauers at Mr an~ ~trs u r~ - u ~ ,_, ~ ~ ~ "
Taylors. " " " "lSaturday evening. This week they lcal and interesting addition to the ~
,~,,a" ,~=t: glYlll~"| last Thursday night at the school. I wheel sandwiches. A daintily dec- met with the group in rinse for a ~,~ p*~,.~a¢,,n,r~ ~, ..... ~,,~, I went to Seattle to stay with Tay- ! classrooms. !
~11£i~,,~ ~ _~ I Present were Jack Shero, Phil/orated cake was also served. Mrs otluek dinner Saturda ' lr s have arrived at the Herbl._~ ...... ".~..~:~a ~.... ,~ ~..~ [ The greatest hypocrites are the
- "~,~l 1' • • "p y mght at b' d , lors sister Mrs Ester Reinsdoff
~,, rade-lnl Chapman, Rex Melelm, Max M,k-]Margle Shelton, mother of Mrs. Ocean Shores. Part of the day No~oA.~ ~.~.~..r ,..,~. ~.~.,~.... ~ ................................ -, .............
~ilOWa~a~ ^_ [ kelsen, and the members of the [Auseth, made the refreshments Sunda was devoted to cla ............................... ' " , ~-eatest aupes --wunam riazutt
• . Y m dl -
spotted the first male Rufousl ] ..............................................................
~v_ ~ V~l | School Board Al Jones, Berne|which were most attractive, ging. g Hummingbird at her home The[ • . .... II
, ew Car= / Stroud and Mac McCleary. The Mrs. Mary Cook has enjoyed A birthday luncheon for Mrs. a u ahea
male comes be t a week " d Sunoay oinner guestsat ~ar.
o , I "o ,em e ,oca o ,oo0 II "=*" .,...,.
• .- [ reviewed. Discussion was held as/Mrs. Leroy Gregersen, and her lheld in her home last Monday• The a nesting site. The little female[ .. • . - . .'. 1[ I~l~lEr~) UU | ~ULI$~ ~I~I~¢]r'.SHATTER P/IO~
~|||1~ ..__ | to various options or alternates [three children, for a few days Mrs birthda, cake decorated in
'Vlu~ • ) , a put in her appearance March 15 . .. . [I I!1~1 I~ ILl lit'IT --$. ~*'~.~-- ,LAb'rSFORYEAR$
! MiiTIInc/ which might be used if necessary[Gregersen lives at Ashford, near l Tin motif with daffodll,
.... --vll~ to r . Isp g 's wa~ So it appears with the migration lE(! Tay.lor reslaenee were ~trs. l| ~UI-U~ |~ n~J~|l~ G'~| ~.~|~ -/~t. ~=-e
| pa e the costs. A tentative/Mt. Rainier. I baked by Mrs. Jack Shero. Oth- of birds back to the area, Spring ' " ' " [ ~ ........ *-s~-~--L--| L~ ~ o~t .~ ~t'~ll~
~1~ | schedule call~ for work plans to ~ A SURPRISE birthday partyI ere attending were Mrs. Cliff must be about here I dergraft'" " ~s Frank eli hant offl ~aV~Up~U~0~|U~| , ~lrf_~ /~(,~r~.~l~
MMU~ | be ready as soon as approval has/was given for Mrs. Glenn Lock-I VanderWal, Mrs. Corky Dick[n- Mrs. John grise has been a pc-I ................. _m_r. anti M' . ~ *~*'P ~dwin' j j " ~--~'~ /~ ~k /~i ]~fl~l~
._ _ | been received from the State [wood Friday afternoon at her lson, Mrs. Ed Bunnell and Mrs. trent at Shelton General Hospital ~ o~
r011t- & _ [ Board of Education. That Board ' home. Janet, Mrs. Lockwood's 11 Irving Vl'k. .... • I Pettys ocean b,ach cabin Sunday. II ~~iildl
• ilrOa(l | will meet the last week in March. year old daughter, had planned ! ~ ua]s past weeK. ] Saturday night the Ed Taylors I [[ ~ ~ J ~ ~dJl~l ~
~9~,~,fln~,,_ [ After. the. State Board reviews the the party., making all arrange-
l~ | Dmtrlcts request for assistancerr/ents and issuing the invitations. I .............. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. and Cecil Blackwelders got to-/| [ ~Z~ ~ /~ ~=,,Q~ s~;,~.&_
cecil Blackwelder gave a dinnerlgether for a few games of crib-~|I ~l~tl~l/~ om.v'7%,JP 36' wld~
| funds, notification and approval Naturally. Janet was in school all I TIDES OF THE - _ .............. . ..
party at thelr home wltll Mr and]bagc I I l ~4 ~-~ ~Jl~------- ., t-.,, ..-= T..,. ~.--.-----.
d should be received about April 1, the time of the party but it was [ --~--v ..~_ • u_=..w ~--hlm I Mrs. Ira Stansbury and Mrs. El,- I AT KAMILCHE Valley School [] I ~ ~ " ~_~ , , ~_.~ I
~.. ~ termed a huge success by those ;1 _ _C°mputed for Hood Canal [ gene Taylor as their guests, the sixth grade are really en-[[ I ~;~.1 [ [ ~H~ l~'~l
,~.- attending. 11 Oakland Bay tides are l hr. and I Mr and Mrs Daniel Lynch vis-ljoying their new reading text-ll I ~~ ~11~'~2P~-~JJt. I
|~|11 ~ ~ ..... Mrs. Gene Rutledge sister of the lI 50 rain. later and vlus 3.0 ~t. | [ted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. lbooks.~'his will complete textbook[[ | ~_ . _~_.1..~..I I] ~ "~ - " [ [ "----"~'~ |
,r,, q: ,ur, r IPII~I~ P~l~l~=dl~ honoree, baked the birthday cake A birthday celebration was heldl Keller and Mr Whitener's [l ;=;r~.n I~
"qmll .................. v.=~ o.v z~.Dan Wood Saturday evenin purchases for the year ~w~,~ =.,,-,., ~.~k=.w~.~,,
l~l~l ~, ,Imlll which was covered with pink ros-: ~... g" "
m~lll, CA I KRb es on the white frosting. Other H, rrlaay, March 19 March 6 at-the ........ home of Mr.'" -andlclasses" are busy with" "Keep We-l| --WI~ HAVI~ GENUINe FLEX-O-GtAS~--
guests were Mrs. Al Coleman, Mrs. _ "gh .............. 6:11a.m. 12.2 ft. Mrs. Robert Pendergraft with ] shington Green'; posters and some [| ......
~terisol Lockwood s aunt, Mrs. Hap Smith, ~L~.w. .............. 12:33p.m. 1.bft. guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Ricelof the pupils have come up with/I
ANTISEPTIC GERITOL Mrs. Lode Rutledge, Mrs. Weaver, H~gl~ .............. 6:45 p.m. 10.9 ft. and Mr. and Mrs. Don Aitken. The i some very original paintings. II Plus Such Other Winter Protectors as:
Reg. $1,29 ;bs'--R2~F $1"73 ~~IL ~~i H~: ~turd:0Y61~44610:aa~! ~0 li ! ~btI'thday h°n°rs were f°r Mr" AlL" ' Pl|plls °f tl~e seventl~ and eighth ' |
ken and Mrs Pender~raft I grades have received the results/i
The Tune "Toppers°will" supply I of S.R.A. achievement tests. These/| Al.mi..m Wl.d.wo @ --
the nmsic at the dance Saturday lcovered a wide range of subject/! ....... "~='" ,, ==,u,-,, :tvll[[ UOOl- i
)W 87* NOW smters. Mrs. Ed Johnson and Mrs. g ..... 7 p.m. 10.6ft. night at Progress Grange Halllmatter taught in the elementary,|
from 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. I schools, and gives the pupil an/I C~..__.___ flit_*___! Tr..
~lW, Fred Archer. Smlday, March 21 Bob Wiles made a business trip I opportunity to compare his ach-J| ~torlu YVlIill0W lkll:S
Low 120 a m 40 ft
A number of youth from the ,.._ - ............. : . • ..'^ ..' to Seattle Monday. /ievement ~ith other pupils[[
Whte Softique area went skiing" recently The ~)g:l .............. ~:~a.m. ll.z~t.Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Martin|throughout the United States. Mr.|| ln~**ln~-~¢~v, • ~[][7,,4-1----c~ • •
_ Rain Confirmation class fronl" Faith ' . ............. :, p.. 0.8 ft. Otto and children made a scenic / Keller, as well as pupils expressed [[ lliOLllCgtllU¢l[ -- , va ner- trll)Dlng
High 840 m 104 ft • • ~'* "-~
_ Lutheran Church spent a da at " " ............. : P' drive to Point Defiance Park by/satisfaction at what has been ac-[|
}lAIR Sp a tr.. x BEAUTY .White. . Pas~= .... q?hose from this Yarea Monday.. March" 22 ' ' way of the Narrows Bridge. At [complished; although he empha-[I L
Reg ~ll~r~r mcnmed .~tr. and .Mrs .... Tom Olsen, Low .............. 2:06am .... 52ft the park they enjoyed a picnic sized there is plenty yet to do.||
' $1,49 chaperones, Ton, Olsen. Brock High .............. 7:39a.m. 10.6ft.and an interesting afternoon go- He stated, "We have completed~| I[~lnr |~||~l~ .~.~L~DalklV
~'~-- ta=, ~49~ Robb.Sher°' Wayne Sushak and Pare HighL°W .............. 29:4743 p.m.m 10.10 fft. A DELICIOUS otluck dinner pert [| ON HILLCREST PHONE 426-4522
~,~- .... =. ~, .................. : P. . .8 throughthe zoo and aquarium. ,, ad a right to ex- [|
was held at Progress Grange Fri- Mrs. Core Morton did substi-I|
,v ~[ ~ll~d: Pickering Homemakers Club ... ~ P "
~ J elected ne '~esday, March 23
~r--- ~1~ ul[~ w officers last Wednes- Low 301am -2 ft day night. Two applications were tute teaching" in Kamilche School J|
. -~-}~/ day after a potluck luncheon .... ~ .: ........... :^ . . ~ 15..
~athro .... ........ ' - ' Elected Were Mrs. Anna Yorl(: ~g~ ':': ........... ~:au a.m. ..... 9.3 ft.ftillr~adoff°rsurprisesmembershiPand laughsand a wasSkkt '~:" .:: : =. ' .............
. om president, Mrs. H. G, Wheeler, g .............. 11:04 p.m. 10.1ft. performed by Ira Stansbury dur-
~|o~.-.~ vice-president, Mrs. Jack Gray Wednesday, March 24
• ~a~lJ]~ CI~I~|IDlq2qP~ 4~'~ secretary Miss Emil, Babcock Low 4"11 n m 70 ft ing the lecture hour.
"" ~"-------~aa~ v,~. ~... =., ... ~. --'~ ~" ' ' ~ "-- " ................... andMr'Mr.andandMrs'Mrs.HenrYCarlVorseR°bertSOnwith ~.:.`.:::~::.x::::::.`.:~:.:.~.::¥:::.~::::~:.:::::~::::.:~`:;.:.:.::r`:`:.~:.:`~.``~i ....... "''" .... " ......
~'~ lfd,| ir ~ treasurer. HlghLow .............. 34:2 p:m: 4:11 am 1:1 ft:70ft ~~, ~1~~~ ~:. •..~i~"~: ~*!i
Reg. $1.74 .Agate Grange held its regular .............. ~ ~ ,, ~ ~. ~, , ~'~. .............................................. e
~?:;?~. ~:~: :~ :~i!~: ~'-': ~i: :i~,'. ..... ~:~ i~: ~i~;.: ...... ii~i~i:: :~i~;~i ...... ~! :~ ::!i ~i! ~:i'~::~il;
five children, drove to Mountlake
nmeting last Friday. A resohltion Low .............. 4:g2p.m. 1.1ft. Terrace Sunday to visit at !,~i!i~ :~:i~'i~,~,~:::::~ ::~ i~ii!i:ii:i:! :i~:i:~ ~!!ii':~i~i::;:ii
was passed changing the time of Thursday, March 25 home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rog- ....................... .............................
NOW the meeting from 8:30 to 8 p.m. High .............. 0:24 a.m. 10.3 ft. ers.
So all members make note of this
Low 5:39a.m. 7.4ft.Thursday evening, the Edwin
change. The new meeting time will High " ............. 9:41 a.m. 8.8 ft. Taylors entertained the Cecil
start with the March 26 meeting. Low .............. 5:35 p.m. 1.2 ft. Blackwelders and IT3, Stansburys
Friendship night will be held at at dinner.
Matlock Grange Friday night.. All There will be a Friendship meet-
Grange members arc invited to at- ing Friday at 8:30 p.m. at Matlock
tend. ~ Grange Hall with Skokomisl~ and
Agate Sewing Club met lt~st [Cloquallum.
Square 426-3327 Wednesday in the home of~afr.
• I Sunday at Pacific -t~eaeh, Mr.
Auseth of Arcadia Road. land Mrs. O. R. Taylor, Mr. and
ter a potluck luncheon, Mrs. Ed Mrs. RoyTaylor and sons, Benano
Sleeve Style
:?aP.tabs." .s~ tapers, white, stripes,
in Pouplar fabrics, Get
All 3,98 TowncraW
dress shirts reduced!
100% Fortrek.? poiyester tricot .
• • or easy care Ptma
Cotton, white only, Long sleeves. Every shirt reduced!
Polished tubular aluminum frame adjusts to 4
positions, has full wrap-around arms. Gay floral,
all-weather pad wipes clean, features 3" thick
box edge! 5" wheels make chaise easy to move.
Big 24" x 73" size. Hurry, it's a big buy!
Light Weight Solid "~11
Colors, Heathers and
Black/White Check
All Reduced
SUITS: Excellent collec-
tion of sl)ring into sum-
mer suits. Newest styles,
colors included.
plete and coordinate with
your spring wardrobe,.
Prices are low--selections
are great.
, O0