March 18, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PAOE g TtELTON--MASON COUN'TY JOURNAL--Published in ¢'Christmasfown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday,
Serf.Employed Have
Dual ResponsibJli[y
0n Tax Report ForMs
Self-employed people have a du-
al responsibility when it comes
to filing their 1964 Federal in-
come tax relt]rns, according to
Cortland A. Skinner, social secur-
ity district manager in Olympia.
They must not only complete
Folm 10t0, but also either Sched-
lde "C" or Schedule "F" to figure
the amount of net earnings from
their trade,~ or husinc.sses to he
rel)orted f()r social security puz'-
Skinner stated that self-employ-
ed bllslne~lYmcn and faFln(~rs arc
required by law to report net earn-
ings frorn the operation of busines-
ses and pay the social security
tax if net earnings amount to
I$.1()0 or more for the year. The
i deadline for filing the tax return
Ninth Grade Pin): Casi: Is Rehersals, Baseball, in our
[rack Turnouts Start With Large Number Out watch de
Toni llall,
By Liuda Creasey There is a possibility of having
IL|I(I llal it;I'~V;I,~" ,I SOVCIll h [rl'i~('[C [eItt'l~.
The ~dulh grade play cmd, Track turnout I)egan March 8.
which will present "Do You TrustC()ach Bill Btickert said that 117 qualiey
Your Boyfriend?", is coming along boys turned ()tit. This is about as
quite well. Mrs. Venice 1,'agerg~cn, many boys or more than have par- little as
eigi~th and ninlh grade algebra in- ticilxtted in the 1last. The boys
structor, a fot'lner ])lay' Will spend the first week or two
who observed a rehearsal, states, doing conditioning work. The
"The play looks as though it's go- track team will be competing in
ing to be a really promising l)ro- the same league as football and
duction." The evening perform- basketball teams.
ance, open to the public, has been The library has been a busy
tentatively slated for A0ril 15. place lately. Not too h)ng ago,
The SRA tests, which were tak- Miss Lois Sampelson, librarian, re-
en the first part of February, re- ccived an order of about six music
suited in very good scores. The books and some replacements for
tests were t)allded out to the stu- books which were lost or stolen.
dents in their English classes Men- Sometime in the near future, Miss aginei Only $50
dt~y an:i I)h)ttcd on graphs to be Samuelson hopes to furnish a new, Iwmrld-famous ~l
shown to parents, unabridged dictionary for the lib- mend quality,
1st & Cedar
Ph, 4 G 90 I
sister Annie Frederieks. And:when you compare a Chrysler with ful difference: Chrysler is the only big one.
They taughE us and our boys, cars that are even smaller than Ford and So why not see your Chrysler dealer todays
how to fish, make baskets, dig
clams,, barbecue Salmon, spin yarn
etc, J(]hn and his sister lived di-
rectly across f!,0m The:l~ples on
About 1956 also, the/,:State of
Washington Parks Department
purchased land on Squaxih for a
bfarine State l~ark and leased 'the
beach, It has not, been officially
named yet, but probabiy WiUbe
riamed, Squaxin, Island State Park.
It. is located on the east side of
the Island near the South end
with a protected cove. In the Park
are picnic tables and camp stoves.
Jim' McAullffe of Harstine ls l
Park Ranger for theSquayAn pa~k [
as well the The Je~alds C0~e
Park on our Island. He is aet'iv~i.:
ly on duty from AprI!I1, tmtil the
last day in October.
~6r more interesting faet~ about
Sqpaxia and Harstine too, read,
,Sea in The Forest", by Arc2~e
Binn~; one of our Ma~on~ County
born, noted Authors, Bhm~ non-
fiction book is a subtle' blend., of
History, nostalgim, anecdote and
personal observation. Mrs; Walton
carries this book on the: Bookmo-
bile. If this report an Squaxin• in-
spires anyone to go over thereto
explore, remember; these Indians
dug numerous wells, for water
supply, as there axe no streams on
Squaxin. While exploring around,
take care not to fall down an
abandoned well shaft. Mentioning
this well shaft hazard, makes us
think, of one of the most worth
while projects on Harstins, origi~
nally started when Mable Harri-
man was living here. Mabel knows
the location of many old farms, on
our ISland and she started the. pro-
ject, of getting the Islanders,
members of the Social Club, in-
terested in filling up these old well
shafts, so brush pickers, hunters
etc. would be safer. How. about
that, program chairman, for the
Social Club? Ask Mabel over for
a meeting, get her to locate the
wells. Mabel also owns a Diary
kept by Mrs. Jerrals of "GER-
ALDS" Cove. She would be glad
to bring the Diary to a meeting
and read it. In any case a move-
ment ~hould be made to spell 3er-
ral's Cove correctly.
MRS. MILDRED Moore gave a
birthday party last week-end for
her daughter. Mrs. Elmond Christ-
opher of Olympia. It was a family
affair, with children, grand-child-
ren and great-grand children at-
During the beautiful weather
Chevrolet, you're really in for a surprise. Their Move up to Chrysler... it's e syl
V-8 Engine Base
Make Wheelbase Overall Cubic Inch Monthly Difference
Length Displacement Payrnente Per Month
CHEVROLET IMPALA 119 213.1 283 88,94 6.73
OLDS F-86 CUTLASS 116 204.3 330 8g.~ 6.41
,, ,,,,
12¢ 218;~' 383 $65.67 --
119 210.0 £89 58.94 $6.73
BUICK 8PECIAL SKYLARK 115 :203.4 300 ~8.65 7.02
BASIS OF COMPARISON-All models are 2-door hardtops equipped.with V-8 engine, automatic transmission,
power steedng, power brakes, radio ano n.eatsr. Monthly payments have been computed on manufacturers'
suggested retail price, one-third down an(]. a.u monthly payments. Not included are the extras you pay for on
practically any new car= whitewall tires, aeJuxe wheel covers, destination charges, state and local taxes,
interest, insurance and Ilcsnslng fees.
Newpod 2.
Trine In Bob Hope and The Chrysler Thealre,
707 So. First St. Shelton :
~!0 US.~t,O ,h D.O. Coro,
II lt~e 0al~ Ousts Hel,or~al t~evelopmen Com~t~, Pdr, t~d U,~.&°
Swing into Spring with your favorite sun-
dae flavor...specially featured right now.
Live it up at your merry "Dairy Queen."
BW one at
is April 15. Classes entitled "Modern Math I cary. f nest since 1850.
I All app:'opriate items on the for Pare,~ts' a~e being offered ~Jz' Peele from tbe Alcohol Pro- in writin~ R,~,,
Bo~m 10.10 as well ;~s the L.~ched- Tuesday and Wednesday cvemngs blems Association in Seattle spoke
rule "c" or "F" must be fillet] in. for inquisitive parents. The. clas- ILo Miss Koenig's and Mrs." I~een- $~00 $
i[Pr°mpt, and. aceur tie. reporting.. .is ses are bein~g held. iu Mrs.. Janice ~;u., ..... .. e.g..~..;oht~ ~,',.~.en- ..e~,,-~h ......... o~o~s~ ~ down '
i es'$ellLl'Ll lO assure SOCI'LI seclll'ityI Brandstrom's roon1 irl ilia A lg'lel~ n ~ nt rr • 1 S
.............. .~nd .~ f~w ...ntl~ ,,=,z ads. health c a -
protection ..... for self-employed., peo- . . . School. At present.19 ,areen- ] SOS~'a .._...Match..........1] "M'~"...... Pnn]~ rn"°vided..... Author;ned ~rtca
NEW Die and their dependents. If earn- GETS AWARD--Donald Ragan, right, standing, Croton, state ASC office farmer fmldman. Other rolled in the class, first hand knowledge on what the
.-,~_~, .... I i'n~s are not correctly renorted J is presented, with a 10.year service certificate for members of the board IoorkJng on are Andrew Stod- Gez'y Nunnelee's seventh grade sEa-re i~ doin~ abou°L alcohol m'ob-
~' " ~ - ' " me ' M r ........ °- "
UUII~UII¢lP~JLJl I potential benefits may be reduced I his 10 years as a member of the Board of 8upervts- den, Ja s Hunter, Ralph Brewer and a tin Au- core class put on a 10-minute radio I lores IA/f%~Lt UA
I or lost entire]y - I ors of the Mason County Soil and. Water Censer-seth. K. W. Frank, also a member .of the board, is plays March 9. Students wrote, ......, , , ~ . vv~./l%r~ i~
' • . • • • ' • . MA]?HEMArlCS rooms oz ~vtrs. ,
,~ / ,~ I Skinner als¢~£ointe:el~ttbloat:fj vatio~ The presentation was made by L yle not pictured; t Z'OomWnmSC iPa : and put (]n the,r IMelcum, Mrs. Venice Fagergren, PLAY HAI
~'2i i _ ~ff ] for s " : " - " P Y'" [ - d a' - - 4^ ] and Richard Morton are each fur- ;
person flaiea to repor~ set~- n s SJHS na pproximateiy (] . . .
"//I~~..~ [employment income for 1961, he[T~l~A~Elti ~I~AD ~ll--aA~l'-- I~A U JJIIl...|sr.~A i~ U...t..A boys turn out for baseballthis[n~shedtorW,'twhhi~hB:hS:lwesrthVeU'g:aa£h WEAR A i
[jr'""'~']" /'"! Ihas until ApHI 15 1965, to make nabullna VMI ~dUUL~ /U n IIUFI(IULIUt;~ VII lldl~illlU year The boys seventh eighth P .1 . . :" /,~ .......
v v A'HALLMAN ......... n " ~ ." - -" - .... er's instructi(]ns on a screen a~ %,./.tl~/.tvr..z.. -
nc^+rr, ,-o^rvI the repor~ Azter that ante, no I an(/ ninth graaers practice m tne I .......... , .... ..-:~
C ......... , [ credit can be given for that year I by Liz Allison at Squaxin and yet, they know [its been a steady stream of comp- mornings from 7 to 8'30 a m the .~r(]n~ (]z u)e room. 'rn.e tcacn- d~v~s=on of BUL0W i
t~le flew ~ step HalL, His final reminds: t~o t~e Ssel[eI HARSTINE---The Harstine Hall I ~reraYt~itnt.le about this Indian Res, [any at The Maples, all enter[sin .... I ~h~l~Sh:~ as~°~i~aCmge~nes~luaPs - t
man method easier t~yPlt°yedhp:?onecw~ Socia1 secu~: I has been made available to The I The h uaxin Indians are aled with a picnic on the beach by ing will be a potluck supper at ion the screen.
than paint by num- I ;,. .......... ; ,,,,~'~,~., 'o" the tax I Civil Air Patrol for three days, I .... ~...qu ......... ~ ..... ~.~ ^.~ ] the drift wood fire. Monday, Flor- 6:00 p.m. / When asked the advantages of 1 L
b2r~vTdYe~ w2~h?he ;'~ur~2 to"'a~.A'r"e'the:.f~nCreidni~i:g[ March 19-21. If you sees lotof ~f"~e' oi.des~ *t~ri:b~e~?!~ J CeimandLar YeJ r l hedtrr°PaPed goMt~)'Be~aNiA A~tNtD~.~SO~. t SoC~:n~imMerS'~h?el~c~tT~c~sated First 10w.c0st quallyWlt¢
~=t~ta ~t,at a ~=~ ~ 1o[ tne earmngs. . : I activity there, don t worry. "me ] ton '.cerritory anti ~tate. r~viaence I. y' . ~ . .., ... c~ w~c]din~ of her ~randdauuhter ] ,h~, t, ~,, th ...... s~;~ns on sLu-
~;0UCll, mation is available a¢ tne socm~ I ~,, u =~ . ,. .... ~. ~.e ,~, ;~ .~ I of this is seen where, they signed ] ztmcn. "ruesaay the A~tlisons eldes~ L-" .-~" ...... o . .-~ .~ / "~'Y ~" : ..... .7-"'Y ...... . .. ' ........... -rcH
-, ,~ ~ - -- - .... ~"" -~"~^ 1"a'~ South Wash "'"~'" ~ = ~"="~'~ ......... - ...... ~" ~ " .... ' son "harl'e ^^m^ u_.-~ ~.~__..__ uarola lfilleen Mattus to r¢onato / den~s' laces, tnereiore teidng iiH ,~ ~ b w ~-
±Z ctram,azlc_ SUDJeC~S I ~eg~lo~ltYS~re~:' O~';mpLa. lair Force. It is a volunteer search !~? l~je2w~neviou;~;, I with' him,' M~;; ~V£a~"ZouV*~r~:b~ vErit~lge~ekeLe~Ungat The rCer nm y/ vhe 2s~o~i:anUt~?:stt~OdpCOj~':~:; $10.95 ,,
All are.c0mplete with [ -~-~ [ mad rescue auxiliary. The 12nit I the charts made by The Wilkes i Puhlicity Director and one of the ....... ~; ....... ~' := .... / .,s..~ ._, ...... .s- .... t-.l ...... open an Aesop,,
• ,re-area ,,enuine vel- , ' ........ ' ......... ' "-"-~'"-- ~" "~ ~'-"~"* ...... iAotres"^s "rom The "~r-t'- "--- z~'~rs[ tJnrlsT~lan t.;nurc.rl 1.[1 Dz.uzIi.- / -rIOIELS 1~1 LI1U, L IL 1~ UI.U-.'~ ..v ~u ~.;~ta ....... Crl~u,.
z. ~- . P . , I ,~-- .. ~, . . • ~ I coming to ktarstme is v..nuwn ~ I ~v%uuultzua 11,1 IO~1,, ~.~qU~UI W~I I: ~,~ t , ~t q tu x.u~- ,~ ~,_,, ~ ,_ ...... ...~- / .~. .... t ......... .. .....onsid.~r,,V.l., use you,
vet stre~cnea, on .p~y- nelI on UD ome rlsos l,m, x~ ........ ooa,~ m-u=a,--n and I named Jacks Island. The I~land is Lter h~ Seattle. Thursday, Mrs.e, ton, to.oweu ~y a ruccpuun. / u,~tut'c tu½u,rcr, ...... ...m
wood board, ml pam~s, I ..... ""~" " .......- ] ;l~;:v'a'~:e'u'~d~"'the'~mman4 of[about 5 miles long an'd ~ a mile ]: Gusti Goldschmidt Martha Rand Mrs..A~.dersonwill spend Satur.[amoun~ oz space. ~111~$1~
cleaner, brushes and ] A¢~eno ~{~a¢~le ~emirmr [./Y _ . _ ' ~ _ _ I Wide In area about 1 500 acres /and Hal Gt'-nt c~.~ ¢--,~ ~,-~+~- day mght with her son uaz'~ ano / Mrs Melcum, who teaches 8th
full siz.~ easy to follow I Dr ttarry Tokes, Dr and Mrs [7~" ~oa~ers°t e~ig~eat:~Y~na~e I B(0unded by Peale and Dana Pas-[ to picnic and play ~bri'd~ie. ~ ........ wife in Belfair and return to Har-[ grade mathematics freshman me- - ------~i
• s Thomas H Lawrence ~ ..,-'h,~. Dr the rising sun for they were sun/ • of Aberdee~ an ~ • - ] ~unior hi'~h schoo~ classes fez .... ite
techmque .... '/ County two years ag.., ....... , • How luck can ou b ~ ~ • ~ • ~ "" ~" .125 Railroad
il n Ilii iliqd~ of Kansas City, Me., taught the Cyde Secoy of Everett crashed in]WOrshipera. Few. remnants of/ ..... Y . y .. e. ask tended The Annual Driftwood] some tzme now. ~_
. some zrzenas up ~o wszt you zzomhow at Gza land Mr and Mzs ~~
~J~l~i ii ~' ~eigbt hour course. Lawrence is a/his plane near here. This time the[the School, Shaker. O hurch, l~.t-i -u-n:" ..... = .... "'" ,~ ' _ S " Y ' .' - . '"'i.~ ~~'~
IIB4111LIIll d ! snecial consultant to the Ameri- i o,,~ ,,,m h, ~-rchin~ for a sire- f retch House and Cemetery remam.| ~ " .~, ~amorma m ~vtarcn an~ A1 Pridham saw the snow ~unaay./I ~ ........
ill I~i111111 ~ 'L",, ' . . -~ ................. o " revise tor them better weather .... ,'*
lean Optometrm Association as iulated crashed plane I-Ieadquart-ibf°st of the homes are desertedi pr .... , . . Fifty people attended the Pot-]] ]gOU ~hould ]Know
HOBBY SHOP [this seminar was open only to i ers for all the activity will be at is.nd falling apart: The populationi~: 7~)U~e.naV-eu::Lsn°~e' hmk supper in the .Harstine Corn-|J ~:: . ~--I--I--IO--T--Ul
! i I II
22~ r.ota professional members of the na- / The Harstine Community Hall, Lt. i or. ~quaxm ~smna, a century agoi ...... ~.~ ~. ., .~ '. munity rmll Saturday mght. Theii ~~~ U I~ I I1 | || | L I~
v tional ~rouo. / Sauders has invited anyone on lWaS aoout 400 people, now Victor/ ann.. mrs. u'rea (.;ranam zrom ~au- following new officers of the So-/I ~~z~F~~
-- d:_:........................... : -- --" " " " : ......... : .......... : --'--~---- ....... "~= ............ / ~ ~ T=~,,,,~ ~nter~sted ~- (he work]B0b mentioned and described in] smite must surely know now,, cial Club were installed" A1 Prid-| I 1. I,:,. i
i] ~,, ,,i,i~ ,.~,~ Hall A Char'el Service[ this column earher this winter,, m| why the Tierneys left Sausahto ham m'esident; Ella McAuliffe/I in .,
i~ ""will be held at" 10 a.m. ~unuay~" -- ! the only permanent resident. The[ for Harstine Island. Last Thursday i~secretaz'y, and Mary Baunsgard, R
• m,, ,~---- -- ,...~nm=i--~a. --~t, Aiii i/ and all are invited to attendI Francis Coopers and Ed Sigos| night the Tierneys asked some of treasurer. Six new members were/I ~~ HEW 0FF~¢E qUJ ,
[[~i~]}~T ~ ~[~|[[=W~l~i~]~ ~[[[I i i/ ....... . " . ] from mainland areas, in Mason| the Islanders to their home for a Iwelcomed Card ~ames were play li I~~~] ......... t
I J_,urmg tne ~aisszon, racm equzp- C t t , • • s - t
[iei~i M|~I§VLI~Mlli i/.~.~ ...i- b,. installed making/ o m .y visit frequently. Other[ card. pmLy and late supper, to hen-led following the business meeting.~l ~~~ | i§ rtorth Zm
I] '"~':~ .~ "..~ ~ .... ~ | Squaxlns living in uregon and/ or tnezr southern visitors I Mar[t Vaula Norwe'~ian ex / i il~~~~ ........ ,. il~
~,~rADI'v[.X la ...1 9fi i]conmcts w~m ~eatue, Tacoma an~/other "laces r^*"-n *^ ~"--* ~/ ~- .... .,-u_ ' I , s ",/1 m=~~~~ (snaring witn ~m,w
~Vl~l~lt ~ a,~zta ~u i| ~helton where George Doakes is/ .. , " ~ . .,~,,. ~v ,,u,..~ ~,uI .m,- ,,~,-~ meeting of the Har- I change student in the Shelton/I
I|~n char.~e ~e Cadets havens in./Zmn..ownersmp or property ontstine Grange will be held in theIHigh Schoolwasthe Sundayguest||~~i~ ,~.~. ....... .
ft,__,, U,~lm ll,, O_alnkw~|a i[ tontl,m ~)¢ tresnassin~ but durin~ i Squaxm 1~ comprlcated b2 many| home of Mr. and iVrrs. Philliu [of Cindy White. She remained over | I *' - ~ ~ 1fir HAIl t
UUllll~ n~! IIIO Ul~l~ll#lGlliU ........ - "- *' o. , " nezrs of long departed Squaxins Ctm man sin • ' • ~ Ph 426-8139 ,
P I/the activity they will eall on/Hewer r =i .... " - "| P ' ce the Harstlne Hall [mght and returned to school Men-/I •
I[ Islanders to ask ,uestions in con-] - _e, s nee. ~v0t~ property~ nas/ will not be available. The meet- day morning with Cindy. |
• .-• ~., seen ma on, sore and loggea off Tf ,
.........~njoy Coffee and Cookies I/nection with their work So, weN: :interested in securin " " | - -- "
Brouse, see the many 'tert~pe~i,a,,y Pr,ced. |l come to The Narrows Cadet S~axin one shougldPr?r~;tY ~no| " '
Our way of saying thanks for I|Squadron of CA P Lets all coop- ~est'- ''..... -- _ o| "
s ear " ~ ' '; ~ " "i " ern wasmngton Agency, ~ur-~
allow ng us to serve you th,s pat y • I[erate, it a.~Kea to part czpate m leau of Indian Affairs 1620 Hewitt/
|| their activities while on Harstine lave Everett, Wash ' /
I/ Many people living on Harstine, ' "" • /
• a st of Ask the Indian Agent, to send • •
L~la~d permanently nd me. [ " "
~VmlI~.WAA~ ~I-A. Hiil©res! Home I/the week-end visitors and sum- notice of land on Squaxin to be[ The seven dollar mnsunderstan&n
IYaA il lfWVV~u||U~ n .. ||mer people, see Squaxin Island bid on. wnenever, the sales take| ~:~
pmce, one can Dm Dy mail By
ue© I/either when crossing to Harstine ,' • | .....
with May Morgan ...... ood lion The Ferry, or coming by pri- ethr~iSa~i~)et~°:s ~'eOpe:tYn~ntheanl~S-|
ylvlnona ]at I/vate boat. Several . people own I-, ........ " ,~ .h.o lmgr^gvh ,nd~-] ,The misun erstaniJing l as to wlth" Cl rysler names are the only thlng big about tl/em ....
I property on our imana with a .u~ iLu~ tdle ~ea~ ~o ,~.u ,~k,[J,~*rt[~l~1 i . . , i ., =
Ivi~:ur__e.. t~ t,~ h~ ..... West Looking' directly own tidelands but they, can be| ano pr,ces. Let's clear i[up together. Every car cornpared below is a 2-door hard-
' I leased for as long as 25 years, '
..... This ear a full stzed Ch sler e
.................... . . ' / y , - ry N wport top They all have V-8 engines, automatic
.................... with options to re-teaSe:: " I riced less t "
,¢- ' "IN" 1956 AN D SIX' weeks"'I _-part'l, 2-Door Hardtop is p han $7 a month transmission, power steering, power brakes,
we 10st our dearest and most val-1 more than the most popular smaller cars. radio and heater. There is only one meaning-
ued friends, John Leslie and his]