March 18, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 18, 1965 |
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flHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAE--Publishes in '¢Ohrlsfmastmcn, U.KA.", helton, Washington
legs Gut To Beaches At Gr@eview
A fantastic 15 ills Stock residence. Royset, a long David boxing, an(1 Sam, wrestling, tance of the fish lo bite, a tempt-
sunny time friend of Fred Nelson, has l~esidcs the l)oxinK and wrestling Ins l)olluck dinner, touring, ex-
a real treat.
s cloudy start
inevitable re-
of weather more
I pre-spring season
rst fOrth and pro,
interlude of sun-
many sunlmor
ah'eady begs1 construction on
what is to be a pernmnent resi-
dence, having had the site bull-
dozed Monday morning and the
forms for the folmdation well un-
derway by nightfall.
Attending a hmcheon and fash-
ion show at. the "Winthrop Hotel
in Tacoma Satm'day an guests of
matches, jude exhibiis a(tded inter-
est I:o the evening.
Dl'ivil]g over 1'1'o111 Tacollla Io
spend Satlu~iay with the folks
were Mr. and hits. l~.ieh:u'd Oko-
nek an(1 dwnghter Shaft Lynn.
l:Lichal(t spcnl, the day giving his
dad a hand while Carol and little
live-wire ShaFt Lynn kept Grand-
ploring m~d beating managed to
keep everyone lmppily occupied all
afternoon h)ng.
Driving to the Veterans' Hos-
pital in 'Vancouver Sm~day, Mrs.
1,h'ed Lutz learned that she would
be able to bring Fred home Tues-
day. This is pushing two lengthy
trii)s for Phyllis rather close to-
potlnck dinner, it will begin at
6:30 i).m. All Grangers are invited
to attend.
Mrs. Ann %Ve.qtberg of Grape-
view will be installed as Worthy
Matrons of Belfair Chapter Ordel
of Eastern Star Satm'day evening
at 8 p.m. Tim open install'ilion is
to be heht at the Masonic Tem-
ple in Belfair and friends are in-
vite(1 to attend.
John R. H uson of Tahuya will
be installed as %:Vorlhv Patron anti
Mrs. Bill Slaudt of i3enson Lake
The firehouse well, that is! A[
sand-screen was successfully man-:
euvered into place early last week
with good results. The final deplh
was stated to be 270 feet.
Ore' Grapeview Port Commis-
sion met last Wednesday night in
t.he home of ,lulius Stock to gt, t
organized for the coming term.
The election of officers resulted
in Ted Rauschert being the chair-
man and Julie Stock named as
secretary. Various plans for fu-
ture port dew~.h)pn!ent were dis-
Okonek, Carole Battles and Vivian
Query, all of whom urge ns to be
sure to attend this Grapeview
V.F.D. Ladies Auxiliary-spmlsored
event. Vital statistics to note ou
your soei'tl calendar: be nL the
Grapeview scl~oolhollse at S l).nh
this l,'riday, March 19, 1965. Re-
freshments will be served aL~d
there will be a rnost interesting
door prize.
The March meeting of the Sar-
ah Eckert Orthopedic Guild will
be held Friday, 1t a.m., at the
borne of Mrs. grin Buckingham
who will be assisted by Mrs. Lloyd
Richey. President Evelyn Walker
urges all members to attend as
oh, ellen of officers for the 1965-66
season will be held. This early
election date asmn'es the guild that
they will be correctly listed in
the Tacoma directory next year,
P.S,- Ore' loea.1 group is no longer
saving egg c'~rtons as there is no
longer a Tacoma market for them.
Weekend that
margin of er-
r assume that
:ion was tem-
ith the result-
not surprising
re call Satur-
Under control
roperty just
g the
With the
SUmmoned by
y af-
down the sur-
to the
and control
IL WOuld be
permits are
a har-binger of
cars have
just recent-
e to
reasure Island
lew blue Ford
are now
seen off
last Week re-
this lull in
r new
• and
spent a
th stops at
and Los
with rel-
s' Fortunately,
Monday, a
of time to
in the
take 12 hours
but the How-
about that
to dinner
.he occasion
attend y paus-
Seattle, de-
folks, the
they met
University of
Mrs. Som-
Aust at the
~e everyone
'nuff, it
fast Worker is
who re-
the Jul-
the Tacoma Chapter of the Amer-
ican Institute of Banking were
Olympia Chapter members, Mrs.
Arthm" Zehe with daughter Elaine
and Mrs. Don Pogreba with daugh-
ter Susan. The hmcheon was held
in the lovely Crystal Ballroom
and, interestingly enough, the six
models were chosen from the wo-
men members of the various lo-
cal chapters of the Institute.
The day could have been con-
sidered a sort of "coming-out"
party for Shirley and Susan, both
having just effected a recovery
from the "flu" or some such re-
lated virus.
Young Steve Rehard was able
to return to school Monday after
having undergone eye surgery at
the Harrison Memorial Hospital
the previous Thursday. Under the
capable hands and supervision of
Dr. Nilse Olson, a Benson Lake
neighbor, Steve was able to re-
turn home Friday.
It was with regret that the
Bill Staudts bade Bill's niece All-
cia Tavares farewell last Friday
after having enjoyed her interest-
ing companionship for two weeks.
Miss Tavares, a Registered Nurse,
returned home to Hollywood last
November after two years in Pak-
istan with the Peace Corps and
had many wonderful adventures
to relate. After spending several
months in civilian nursing, Miss
Tavares plans to tour Europe this
next winter. She is the daughter
of Mrs. Dick Moore, Bill's sister
who is better known to many of
us as "Trisher".
However, activities at the
Staudt residence seldom stagnate.
A/2c "Chick" Staudt was home
until Wednesday, his outfit hav-
ing earned three days of freedom
from their duties at :McChord
tle kept the Ray Uhlys happily
occupied Saturday. Friends from
Mrs. Uhly's school teaching days,
Miss Olga Loken and Miss Ruth
Loreen, encouraged by the love-
ly weather, drove out to make
a brief visit while Mrs. Uhly's
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jack John-
son stopped by and found visit-
ing so pleasant that they stayed
for dinner.
The Harold Retzmans also en-
tertained drop-in guests Saturday;
Harold's cousin, Miss Minnie Ste-
vens and her friend, Miss Flo-
rence Osmond.
That cast which Pearle Retz-
man is carting about on her hand
is the result of her having taken
a nasty spill some time ago. While
at first thought to be a break, bur-
sitis turned out to be the culprit.
Taking part in the "Smoker"
held last Saturday night at the
:North Mason high school gymnas-
mm were David and San] Gatlin,
Richard Lord, son of Mr. and
Yule's 6th Mrs. G. L. Lord, was recently
r. Cronk's made First Lieutenant. Richard
Southsido is a pilot in the Air Force and is
:l~rs. Leon stationed aL Charleston, S.C. Ri-
chard recently spent three weeks
in England.
:Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Lord of Ar-
cadia and Linaa Parker spent Sun-
day picnicking and clam digging
with at Grayland.
a SOUTHSIDE Eagles 4-I-I Club
all. members met Thursday. 4-H mere-
cancel the
bers talked about suggestions for
a camp theme and planned a menu
for Rally Day. Demonstrations
were given by Mark Henis, Carl:
Johnson and Randy Bracy. The
next meeting will be held March
25 aL Catherine Bracys.
Clover Girls 4-H club members
met at the home of Shelley Lloyd
last Tuesday. Club members prac-
ticed demonstrations for Demon-
stration Day which is March 27.
Shelley Lloyd served cup cakes
and soft drinks for refreshments.
The next meeting will be held at
Carlene NeaPs April 13.
Sherilyn Byrd Guilt met 1 a s t
Tuesday at the home of Judy
Smith, with Ann Wheeler, Joyee
Byrd, Toni Matson, Ruth Snyder,
Marie Frazier, Dayle Dawson and
the hostess attending. Guild mem-
bets had a shower for Toni
Matson's baby girl and gave her
a dress, bonnet and shoes. Guild
members talked over old business
and are starting to sell candy
chocolate butter mints. The next
meeting will be held at Ruth Sny-
der's April 14.
Sherilyn Byrd Guild is having
a pie sale March 27 at 20th Cen-
tury Store.
:Busy Bells 4-H club members
met at the home of their leader,
Julia Bare, last Tuesday for a
short meeting• Chris Flint prac-
ticed her demonstration. Busy
Bells met this Tuesday in the eve-
ning and finished their practice on
Skookum Ladies club met at the
home of :Mrs. Frank Bishop Thurs~ !
day with a nice turn out.
Mrs. Ora Cool of Cole road
brated her birthday Feb. 26
a dinner• Guests were Mr.
Mrs. Roy Willis and Johnny, Olym-
pia, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Willis
~feOlympia, Mr. and Mrs. charles
rinne and family, Jimmy Evans
and Mr. Cool, Shirley and De-
bie. Cake and ice cream we re
Mr. and Mrs. Ors Cool, Shirley
and Debbie of Cole road sunafl,.y--a--
evening visited their granamom:,
er who is in St. Peter's Hospitm
,lympta. - Ra" Krat,
opping by at the ~ ..~
and SFriday~ evening were m
rs. Fred Weaver and Sat-
urday Orpha and Charles Botts
visited with the KratchaS.
ma Louise ent~:rtained all day.
FINE _.~VEAT! ll']l{; and new
Glapeview wi0~ the Walt Cl'ty-
ton families. I)espite the reluc-
gether bnt sounds like good news,
none the less.
The regular sncial meeting of
the I,'air Harbor Grange will be
, heh.t at the Orin Bnckingham res-
idence tonight. Since tonight's
meeting will be combit~ed with a
as a Star Point. Installing officels
will include Mr:;. Orville Kager
and Don Pennebera from Grape-
view. Miss Lynne Stevens will be
in charge of the. g'uest hack while
Mtss Marcella Westberg' will as-
sist with the programs.'
At last, ali's well with the well!
cussed before the group adjourned.
AN A RESULT of a shopping
trip to Tacoma last Thursday, the
committee in charge of I;;ridag
night's game night enthusiastical-
ly promises a v'n'iety of exciting
prizes and gifts. The committee
consists of Doris Stock, Louise
i I
Built out over the water, one m:ile North of Hoodsport
Specialties of the house
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
HOME-MADE PIES Dess & Edna Haines
U.S.D.A. Choice
U.S.D.A. Choice
Blade and
7-Bone Cuts
These "Fork Cuttin' Tender"
roasts are not only budget
S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-R-S, but a real
Family Favorite.
Round Bone Roast
lb. Only
U.S. Choice
Cut from Chuck Ib
Stew Meat o.s. cho,ce
Boneless Beef ........................ lb. 69*
Perk Steaks B,ade
cut ..................................... 49¢
Sliced Bacon
Finest .............................. lb.
Skinless Wieners ,,waukoe '
A,, Bee, ................ ,b. 59¢
Hygrade's - Bologna, Liver Sausage & Salami
Combination Pack,
By The P,oce .................... ,b. 45¢
Swiss Cheese Oan,sh
St,,e ............................ 59¢
Mild Cheese .............................................. ,b. 49
U.S.D.A. Choice Cross Rib BONELESS
Boneless Butt Cut
Here is quality pork at its
flavorful best and O-so tender . ,
Don't miss out on this
Tradewell savings!
lb. Only
Campbell's I~ $¢
Vegetable ~r No. 1
Base .......................................... == Tins
Ma4Yonnalse Qt, 45¢
Instant Milk
(Tradewell's 14 Qt.
14 Qt, 89¢) ......... ; .......................... Pkg.
Tradewell's Pt,
Finest .................................... Size
Oarigold , ,,,, ,b69,
Cubes .................................................................... pkg.
Swanson's Choice of Varieties
.o 4-° °"1
Assorted Oolors ........................................ Rolls
Bruce Qt.
20¢ off label ............................ Size
Frozen Foods
$NOBOY m 10 oz. $400
SLICED ........... ~ pkg$.
7 ,ooz ,1o0
............................................ pkgs.
,+ o, 59¢
4-FiMlermen ...................................... pkg.
Just Look at what "55¢" Buys this Week!
BRUOEWAX Se,, .o,,.h,ng Q" 55*
20¢ off label .................................... Size
15 oz ...................... I.. for
EGG NOODLES Tradewe,, .ed. W,d. o,. 55¢
or Extra Wide ............ ~., pkgs.
TOMATO CATSUP ,t..dby ' 3 "bt,s.°Z" 55¢
Prices effective thru Sat., March 20, 1965. No sales to dealers.
Reserve Right to Limit Quantity.~
Quick or Old Fashioned
lb. Only
Green & Tender
........ hite ........ ca. 19¢