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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 18, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 18, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!: /: /! /, :YI. i¸ ii!: [. :i '!) ::~ i:~ /i(i!i i:~ iJ~ / :ii , , %; /i~ , < i~i~ PAGE 16 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAI5---Published in "Christmasfown U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, I!1 F;illi Used Sale ------ ( ars Lost & Found Wanted REDUCED -- 7 x 35 binoculars coat-J19.,7 SIX CYf,IN'----'-----DF:R pickup LOST -- Potlat--ch-- ,•ea. 8 ft. blue WANTED -- 1000 recappable tires. OR" ed lens, guaranteed. Regularly'S34.50, ] with canopy, (,nly 27,000 miles. $60(}. dinghy with oars. Reward. R. C. Rubber Welders. Mt View. 1/10 tfn NOW $29.45 at Ziegler's Camera Shop | 426-8490. T 3/18-25 Vigor, Heodsport 877-5565. V 3/18-25 i-]()USECL--E-A]~Ii'qG-w~.k-wa~l-i~,a~-]Ji~7 ~_____.____. 3/~2~' tfn.~56-CHEVI~Di:,-E'r-sTXTI-OI~-WAGON gOST .:L v](ii~iify--Laure[--inid-Sixth (,1' by hour. Phone 426-6497. ~'OR A FREE HOUR of beauty on.Ill --rebuilt motor. Very reasonable. Streets. Owner's nmintenance and B 3/;8 4/8 for a Merle Norman Cosmetic dem-] Phone 426-4428. J 1/21 tfn ol~emtiin~ manua,ls for Mercedes- onstratlgn., le.laines phone 426-4582. ]IVIERCURY MONTCIJJ~IR--for sale.-0ne Bcnz car, license No• JJK888. Fin- E 6/4 tfn]ownerl new tires, interior like new, der l)lease phone collcct Olympia Classified Service ~LEC'TPROLU:X~E~Ic-~an(~] never been wrecked. Carlton Sears, 352-4313or Shelten 426-2125. Re- supplies, ,TohaRice• Phone 428-6108. I Thurston Co. Federal Savings and ward. D 3/18 W~ BI~ scrap iron, batteries, radla- after 2:00 p.m. Demonstrations | Loan, Olympia. Phone 943-1224 after ~'~i~-i~2"--L-'0S--T---~-G~7--and-tur: tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton 3unk Co•, First mad Mill 14 1/7 tfn [ 5 p.m• S 3/4 tfn queise, nmle, lost in the GrandviewStreets. Phone 426-8628. S 4/7 tin ~Sl~l~.~Z~i-Ei~YS--'~n---~h~'~e.~-~=]~948 DeSOTO.i:d~ior~--i94-7-Foi;d-l~/22 district, Reward offered. 426-3045, ~2~G~-'~- room mobile home at $100 a month. | ton truck. Electric Harmony guitar. D 3/18 stallations0 oil conversions. '~helton Call 426-474..9 aSter 5 p•m. | Phone 426-3507. N 3/11-25 ~, ~ ~ Sheet Metal Co., 321 So. Third. Dial 426-4792. S 5/1 tfn C~II'tI~TM~TOWN, U.S.A." ru~.erI door. Also BSA single, ]~SA twin, GR~---P~--~-E-~-~I~E-~'-T~'~er stamps Ior sam a~ me Journal, $1,25 1 500 Phone 426-2026 W 3/11-25 CARPENTER WORK WANTED --. and technician, "Regular Care Pre- each. 227 W~st Co|a. 12/1 tfn! ' " : -'s h and 47 ~Y--FOR-SALE 7n, . h,l~ ~,.~| 'd0 DODGE pickup for ,~a ~' , Concrete or boat renair work, freevents Costly Repair". Call Olympia Johnson 426 ~974-- • ..... ~'~"[ DeSeta with rebuilt engine. '54 Ford estimates. Reasonable prlees. Casey 943-3712 or 357-6622, or Shelton 426- ...................... '-- .... 7"~-:: .......... ~±? ~-L~I 9-passenger station wagon. Will Buining, 426-6832. B 3/11 tfn 8267• G 3/12 tfn KODACOLOR ENLARGEMENTS (5x7)[ trade one or all. 426-3689 N 3/18 tfn ~S;A~fTED--Bring---m-o----your-rags:- I CX-R~~m-i-~T 2 fez' $1•49, reg, $2,50 value• Jmnbo| .... ............ will weave them into rugs for you call Cleaning Services Company, ph. color reprints from Kodacolor nega-| S-ortin- Goods at $1.50 a yard. Also rugs for sale. 426-4376 or 426-8138. 1/7 tfn tives only 5 for $1.19. Offer expires | [~ Lr~ ' , ...... Mrs. Alvin Hildebrandt, Route 3,'L---'-~'~r'~'--M~KE a date to decorate. Fo/" next March 31, Ziegler's Camera l ........ Box 561, (Lost Lake Road), Shelton. expert painting and wall papering, Shop '124 N. 2nd St.,phone 426-] 26 FT. WItALE boat, excenent snape,Wash. Phone 426-6469, 3/4-18 call Bennett Painting Company, 6163. 1/21 3/25]new cabin and wheelhouse, ruuy WANTED _.2-Alder Logs-~--B-ehind--a 426-9248 B 1118 t.f~l ~-O-0 CAN PUMP more water anal fibreglassed. Stove, sink, head, lure- million feet on orders. We will pay [4'~ES TOPI~D, ~-~~ longer with Falrbanl~ Morse humus | ber etc. included to finish. Also See them at Shelton Electrrc ~,'| graylugge~ and .shaft and pr~;sl~er every load. 426-3464. S 3/4 tfn Larry's Tree Surgeon ~rviee. 4~- 419 l~tlroad. ' 8/16 tf~l inetu~eo, l~eturmng to ~'ar _ 1--R-6-1~I~-G~~~ 4828. 2/18 t.fn ~R SALE Used steel plates, pipe ] must sell• Make offer, Boat locatedday service If desired. Call 426-45tl3. ~XPERT AUTO GLASS l~tallbtion. -ulle-s an'd shafts ~.. --,I at Mortensen's Cabinet Works, 19 ' L9/19 tfn Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave, y .... - :..1~ type~. Sal:i miles north of Hoodsport. Phone ADULT--WILL BABY- SIT- in--youi; Phone 426-82R1. 4/~ tt~ rage, unel~on Junk uo. ~]rst anal -~ "'~ ....... 2 or ~7" 5316 _Mill, phone .426-8626, ' 9/8 tfnI ~oouspor~ v.~-~o~ ° ~'E 3"/11-18 home or mine, day or night. PhoneR~~;~r~~ 426-4304. S 12/31 tfn tion guaranteed, Ph. 426-8417. 8/20 tin $'OR SAL]~I ~ Large selection of re-/ x,~.,~7~'-*-~'-'--W#nmhli'~---:;~'~--~AILER.,~,~v-~ ~.,~ _.. for- BARNt~/'--L~--~ds~ndivid~'~ ~'O~O-l~"f-t~ c~ndit oned .ranges, refrigerators,| -^,^' ~ ~+ h~.~ ~ h ~ Evlnrude washers, dryers. Eells & Valley AI~-I ~'~"~Y..* ....... . -" --'~.;, .... ' stalls, all carpentry work, Dan . chimneys, planter~, call ]EL ]~. ~ason, pliance Center 8/6 t~n| Tom Comman, phone ~o-~ooo• Badgley Builders, Rt. 1, Box 204, ~26-2~78. 811 tfn ~EE OUR F~'~ stock of fireplace C 3/11-25 McCleary, Wash•, phone 495-8365. equipment. From fireglow to Frank- BOATS, MOT, O,RS, ~I~RS_,_~Ulo~n B 2/4 tfn HAVE GUN WILL SPRAYI Exterlo~ and interior. Free estimatu. Work lin stovt~_ grates to glass doors. .men~.a~. wa~s ~arme vupp~2_~_ P-RIVA-TE---P-AR~ wants sever-a'l-h-£{n- guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. Carlsonl Tile and Fireplace Mt Deauuzul ~oou tJana~, ruu~u ~uuu.- dred acres unimproved land or old Phone 426-8~18. 5/10 tfn View..... 11/15 tfn Port TR 7-5244.. 1 119 tft~ farm in hills. Price reasonable. Write C'~I.~IN .SAW S~G, Bpeed:Ft ~p-~. 1-~A---~, ERta~ John Hallls. 140 N•W• 171st St., a~cur~te precision grinding. ~ow at s'e-- cl~'an,~a h~, ~=,,,i,,, ~;'~,loo: lark horse trailers on sale now at Seattle 98177. Brokers invited. Tele- ~..~otor Shop. H:lllcres~f~h~: ......... ~ ........ ~ ........ i n 832 Company, phone 426-4376 or 426-8138. SheIton.. Union Service S~t~.~,5 tfn phone Lincoln 2-2700. 2/11 4/15 ..... 117 tfn ~o. ls¢ ~t. / DEMONSTRATOR-Ir~st~-ctor-s--want~ed~D AND (~R&~TEL, top ~011, petit Bf~-~iND----NEW--l~o-d-e~cl-'-co--~-r GUNSM:TaHI2Gr'eln;~n~?dDu:eds g~%% for Tri-Che, m liquid embroidery. Part Boil, custom tractor work..Tohn~ or full time work. Phone 426-4538. Creek Sand & Gravel Co., phone 426- pack camera at .a sensational $117.50, ~: p ' . ....... ~ ...... 213~ V 3/4-25 8552. 9/12 tfn Zlegler's Camei-a Shop, 124 NO. 2nd,~nop, ~mon, WaSh. rnon~o~ ,~.~ Z 11/19 tfn ....... W--~-~T;rEI)---~---A-LbER--lo--g-~-. Behind"a ~--~E~N~00--of-fon--~pr--P-re-d-Sa-~n million feet on orders. We will payand Lustre paint--quarts or gallons I~-E-W-'-M~b[~--'h~I~]'Y-N~]'~-s ...... every lead. Shclton Hardwood Co., --419 Railroad Ave., Shelton Electric best seller, your best buy. DeTray's ]~e~s~ LIVeSl;OeK Inc., P,O. Box 234, Shelton, Wash. Mobile. Hoi~es, 1617 Fones Road, Co. 2/11 tfn Olympia• Phone 352-2907. D 10/15 tfn A'I'REY)ALI~'~ -- Two-year male A K C. Phone 426-3464. 3/4 tf ............. 7 ........................................................... "' • " ~-AWN ~AND YAI~D--SERVICE-~ CuLL SALE. Now $1'.00 off on Sprcd Satin registered. G• C. stock---all shots, $75• For Rent and Lustre paint. Quarts ol• gallons, Rt. 1, Box 50 Union. 898-2311. ting, trimming, pruniug, flower beds. Call for cstbnates, Phone 426-8936. 419 Raih'oad Ave, Shelton Electric S 3/11-25 ...... .... Co: ....................................... "2/25_ t.f.n_. NEW SUPPLY og turtles and-fish are WANTED-~ Maintenance man: cape- FOR RENT -- Small cottage, clean, ble of doing various repairs, main- furmsnea, newly reueeorateu, race WOOD 'ANY. LENGTHS. call Belfair in. Also greeting cards of all kinds, tenance, janitor work, etc• Apply for small family, Phone 426-8129 af- CR 5-2302 ~fter 5 p,m• D 2/11 3/25 5e apiece. Call evenings, 426-4378• Y~----OU'~---dA-T~-~I.~OS~i~= V 8/19 tfn Shelton General Hospital. tcr 4:30 p,m• week nights• 3/11-18 U 3/11 tfn ~any mousanas of items to choose ST-U-D--~SER=V-YCE--~--C~Choc.-poi-nt" S-~I~-ESMX~--~W~-NT~--fo}=--t~-Iine of G--A~rE~VA-~--AP-'A-~ME--N~ ...... ~.,~-- f~om.' Large deseounts.We p~'~ siamese. Phone Tacoma GR 5-2336. . A~ ~,~,~v~~ -- ~.a~ge ew and us(d Ca~s and Trucks m furnished4 Masou County Area. Go(d menth y furnished downtown• Adults 218 freight. Shelton Marine Suppl~ I-It~/~ N 1/21 tfn n. '' "• • • I • " -•com. Heat and water __.cres~ .................. M___/__ ~-Wo----I~ui~i~-o~s---19OR--S~-~.~E-----Fe: starting guarantee for qual f cd per- N• First. 'Phone 426-4895 or 42{J-4481 CONDITIONED ALFALFA HAY -- males, mother and daughter (7 years,son. Sah'.,s (x~. l/erienc(' .: not necessmy. "' r. ' ...... c'..~/~ tf'n Three gradeS. Ken Peterson, Route and 16 months). Also double cinch but desirable. Write P.O. Box 205, ~ ......................................... ': ............ 2 Port AngeleS• Phone 4,57,3930. Burro saddle. Perfect for children•Shelton, Wasifingten, stating qual- EDGE,W.OOD. APTS. -- Two.bedrooms P 12/3 tfn $200 for all. Also 8 x 12 flatbed f ~:,,,i .... --,] a~,e 3/18 tfn lurmsnea. ~arge rooms, u)ts ot cms- B'R-'XN---'D---~-.NE~(JL-0-k---p-acK--Psiaroid trailer, $35. Phone 426-.3204 ..... :v'"*Y2Y-•'':'-~'sl[(ih ..... a n'd-'typingcts. Clean and neat, $55 l)er monti~. WILL DO baoy g camera/ Price reduced to $117,50. ~a 1/14 tfn . L: .:• "- 4•.6 References required Phone 426-8584 in my nonlc.~llllCrest area. 2 - ...... Zlegier's Camera Shop. 1/23 tfn ..... 4286 R 2/18 tfn ...... S 3/18 tfn "- •- ........ ; ......... %i:QuALiT~2--~h%--BeTd~-0bTn-- d~Jwntown 3b:iNCI-t--EL-ECTR'IC--i•im-g~;--fi~r--~diS- ~[iaeellg.neollS WANTED --- Experience(~ woman [ ' a ar'm " -- ]' - E eeli(,nt condition, reasonable. Ph. ::.:------:==__-----l,a,'t-time sal s work yit!, foi,. tt'"e C lT;k 426-6539 P 3/4 tfn ~ "----'~ ' - "~ ....' ~ '"~" -" - '" cal ~emtor 426-659° 1/14 tfn -~ ..... ': ............. -~. .............. ." . ~- HEART FUND MEMORIAL contrflm- luttu( at S(a]s Roonucz ann C6. ..- •." ' I~OR SALE --- Joi~n l)eere tracu)r ~uod- tions n ay be sent to Memorial chair- lvtust. Hae t(, sell, /-'lease (ion t • , .... ~ '"' - .............. el "L" with blade p (w d sk Rull~ "~ (I "ant(Is 112' Bay nmil yen" qualifications to Box 100, TWO .AND THREE bedroom house. ,. ..... ms, Mrs. Ma~b'. l D ......9 .- e/o Journal 3/18 tfn Apply 1411Railroad Ave., Thursday: good, new rear t~res, Phofle 426- view Sheiton. 3/11 6/10 . --' = "--~- ...... " il l)iado evening• B 3/4 tfn 8154, A 3/4 tfn ..... : - ! ...................... ~-. .......... , ................................CARI) OF TIIANIGS WANTED TO BUY -- ~;lear ~ g ~ - ........ EXCELLENT JtAY j-Nev, cr wet,, .Nell We wish to express our lumrtfelt for a D.T. 24 Contact John V. Kae- WAREHOUSE FOR RENT, downtown mc~onaiu, ~amncne vaney, ~126-3~au.gratitu(1,' for the sympathy, kindness lin Route 1,' Box 445, Longbranch, l~_cation, clean, dry storat,~e...17hI?o w~h 3/18 4Z6-SZll• J~ ~/a ...... .. _ ......... MC 3/4 tfn ancl e.ssistance, a]so'ihc mCnlorial /~ifts SALE --3O ft. huse trailer,and beaut f,l fh, ral offerings g,vcn S,elto.--I edar n,lu tria, ar ,l°gs-sVc' al ne"' (1947)$495. T~hone 426-8326. us during the loss of our loved on~, T 3/4 tfn Also a special {hanks te |he Roy. E. ~. John's Prairie. Phone 426-6426. Sixtl~. D 2/25 tfn S-CH--V~INfq---~Ii4:--ES~N-ew-'a-n-a--us-6-d- Knaulz, the pallbearers and the F.O.E. J 2/18 tfn Ieoi%-RENT--ZZ---Tl~a~-e-r'sp-a-ce-ciose--t6 Parts and repairs, Keys locks snow Aux. and Aerie. ~'~,~~'r--~RK-'~-0i~E--b-y~the-day downtown, Call 426-4426. M 10/8 tfn skis, sales rentals, repairs.' Clin- Mr, and M,:s. F..C. Mar~; or by the square foot• Phone 426- C'6M-P-I~E'-T--EL~~e~ tows Bike Shop, 223 Cota. ].2/17 tfn [ ~vtr. ~m(l filL.;: ~a~y ~a 3608 after 6 p.m• W 2/25 4/15 tween Unmn and Twanoh State park fl ......p ........~ ......................CIICSlPr ~VlaFlcr I~ IREWOOD t OR SALE -- Any length [ ............. ~v'INDOWS-STRE/~KE-D~T-6o--I~[g-hTo on Hood Canal I41Wa.y. ~.l:landy 2to ;2~1d~2,2 or green or dryi~f,r~./~hot~on/BAKE S~LE"at"Sea~.s--(js:,~:~;isl~¢~e, reach? Call Cleaning Services U0,,Duses anufl~.snjng ~(t~. ~I;..L ~o,x oo pimnes 426-4376 or 426-8138. . .... _Uni_om 898-227_6. .....C. ~u_/1..t~n -~; .......... : ...................................... 0:co-a.m, through 5 p. . " "Y.1/7 tln FOR RENT -- Unfurnished two bed- ~h~,9+CTeWki(~a~F-T~WiNG--/tnvwhere room modern new apartments on in state. R,bert Shunmte, 2642 East Mt, Y mw•. Wa]l-toLwall...carpetl~~, ~:~,~. n~,,m,qa Wash 3~7-5358 QraperJes launury iaclllTles, al)pll- ......... ~ .... S 2/11 tfn ances, private parking and private ................................. -=---'- .......... locked storage space Heated swim- CERTIFIED HOME for nursery care ............ ' ..... on mxng poo~ Svu au montn ~ontact by mature mother References. Ph e ' • • " ,,~ .... ' • . ~,~ ,¢. manager, Phone 426-3100. E 11/26 tfn ..... -o~,, ............... E 11/26 tfn AUTO PAINTING $40 and up Also ~v-,~------~ ....... =--- ....... '~'~one ~u~ I~JdN•~" -- ~tee(~ Apt. 2 bearoom, nouse crauers DoaI:s ere rn ..... ., _,,_~ ,.~ ~'.. tmzurmsnea, garage, yard, Call La- 426 4322 lnqmre ~zu~- uout ~t - " ~ /'" tfn Bissonlere Agency, ~6-4666 or 4z41- _ ~ ~/o ~., 4336. D 8/29 t/n ~--W-()RR" of any kind ................ ..... • FOR RENT Mt• Vlew Community Club Call 426 4378 V 4/1(~ trn '' Fo ....... :2 .... : ........ House anytune, r information call WANTED -- Cedar logs and timber. 426-3959 or 426-2406. M 6/18 tin Call Olympia 352-3178 Scheller J~ros ~-~T.T.'-~-ia.~-~'-~C~i~,TY--~ E~-~J--~'~-~KJ Lumber, Route 4, Box 414D, Olympia, "-TWO b~h'~oo;n cot'ta~'s. "6a~l 4'~6-4~2"~. Wash 9/17 tfn u ...... : ,• _ Highway 101 so th, S 6/11 tfu WANTED --- Ironing in my home, 90c~di~D DW~m -l~ac]-i,;~;:--;,,~•-~',,;,-~- • ' . f ......... -Y. ...... ......... an hour Phone 426-6420 L 11/12 t n ,, Phone k--~O-N----C-.~'LL~i~G----~--Ha--v-~a--few---t6r= ........ O 3/18 4/1 ritorles open in the Shelton area-- ~-¢~r~--~i~./q~ .......... q~wo-~}e-x]-;:v,,,(, ..e, ;..; Matlock, Hoodsport, Union and Brin- --~sl~eY~1~)us(?- $~0 p¢ir-'~non'tl~ ~i~ef'e'r: non area For private interview in ,,,,,~ ,~,,,(',,~d Phon,, 4')s.:ma~ • your home write Mary Rasmussen ........ r~ .~o ~r~ 600 N. 'T' St., Aberdee~ ~2~' tfnFoPS--RENT-=-~h'isi~~d-i;~" bedroom ~r~-~--F-----,.~)i-~--~;--¢,~,rT:i./.OEK~--l..; waterfront llouse, patio. Potlatch• • , ~ "~*~*~ -" "J'~" "~'*.t~"~ .-'" .- "," Phone Hoodsport 877-5309 my home. Phone 426-46s3. unpile1 *-~/lsun ....... Hill, Shelton, Mrs. Arthur L. John- o'- - son. 2/4 tfn wn 50 " nished downto $ per me. 426- ~ 2081.~ B 2/18 tfn I -. ,., I F[JRNISHED AND u--N-~R-NISH-ED [ ln= llllll|l\l/[lll]llll\ll|ll.L1 | one bedroom apart.merits, two blocks i iW~[lllliW/ll~llll,~lll~li I from bank, shopPmg center. Appli- I lllL!.~ll[Vfll~lll[[~['~J1 I ances, heat, hot water, garbage ser- [ -- I vice furnished, l')~eed _sinks, bath- [ Prompt - Guaranteed Service I tubs, showers: .~m~roSutorage-~ul~ [8. 1st426-4563 | electric kitchens, tiled showers, ex- FOR SALE reezers | haust fans, built-ln uressing rooms, - Three laundry rooms, automatic wa- I New 3-bedroom home, 1~2 I ~"'~: .......... -" ...... =h~r- dryer Abundance hot water [bath, double garage, View of | Rcpossessed Gibson upright ...... • -r)fw-~mT_T and heat. Good beds, of course. l mountains, near school and l freezer. 16 Cu. Ft. Assum.~ J:>UUJ.£-JL Lawton Apts., 7th & Pine. Shown I F.H.A. terms. Ph. 426-4428. I pmts. of $11.77 per men| • CONSTRUCTION CO. by appointment. Phone 76-12121{i tfn l .... J3/18 tf 1 4 Cu, Ft. chest freezer. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED I ..... ,! Sold with $6000 and FOUNDATIONS = --'-=-Vi warranty ........................... " Phone 426-6441 Mr. ew 7/23 tfn ...... Home , , , . , .... ELWOOD MANOR Slaughtering Unit Launury ,.qulpmen[ - " .......... i ................. APARTMENTS . . ,Cooling,-,, ,urging ...... Bendix Duo.mat,c Washer- HELP WANTED Now Available l.emKe s l=ierv oe @ZU-I~t'I¥ _ - -- Glenn L. Probsturyer ~t~l~UU I~ • Unfurnished o,y p,, ,52 co o nat on .................... "*" MALe ,2 h roo 11/21 tfn Kelvinator washer. ' Live near ...... hay an • Wall-to-wall carpeting ~- Completely $~00 ~nelton. we e A ~ ..... ;~ immediate ,opening for an out- ~= ~'~.=~l'e'v-faciliH,o .... = --~-' deluxe ............................ :... ~ -:de sale- - -" "'v in *~i- ~ =" ...... " .......... area, car nt;essary. This is a ~ App, li;:C:;rki,, rz~rb--"*'S ~"UAoz'n-'a.)=ll%~ 1 ~: Hotpoint Automatic washer. ~, = re resentatl e ~. ~ Exe~vatjng -- Cement Gravel Deluxe-Push-button. permanent position with oppor- ~ ~-'-'=:',=t- Stora~= . . Fill Dirt Fairly $9n0o tun!ty for excellent earnings ; ;w~r~lnTling p~ Art Indahl new .................................... ~ and outstanding employee's benefits. If interestd---call Mr. We have Kenmores, G.E.'s and Hoyt. Sears, Roebuck & Co., month PI1. 877-5454 Hood~port, Wash. ....... 5/17 t~ NEW YORK Call Dick Kerwood 352-8551 (toll free) Life Fandly Mortgage • Health j FRESH EGGS MONDAY THRU FRIDAY WhQlesale Prices Olympic Hwy. S. at Shelton City Limits HATCHERS EGG ' ' STAND 2/:18 i',f~l m .... many other brands to select from in both Washer & Dryers. All guaranteed, From $50.00 up. Ranges Deluxe Hotpoint push-button range, D,ouble ovens. 20" A-B Range perfect where space is important. SCOTSMAN ICE-MAKER 350 pound capacity per day Flaked Ice. Installed with warranty and terms to suit. We also have used dishwashers ice makers, Gommercial equipment and many more of the above listed appliances. LEM WARREN " REFRIGERATION 127 S. 2nd 426-2445 Shelton. Phone 426-8201 3/18-25 EXPERIENCED SALESWOMAN OR BUYER Buyer and department head position now open in Shelton's leading department store. Must have experience in Women's clothing, foundations and milli- nery or working knowledge of all three. Group insurance avail- able plus other fringe benefits. Apply between 2-4 p•m., Thurs- day, Friday or Saturday at Miller's, 3rd & Railroad, Shel- ton. 3/18 It Contact Manager, 426-3100 1/7-tfn lull Parties interested in leasing space in new modern building to be built adjacent to Knee- land building on, Mt. View please contact John C. Kneeland Box No. 81 Shelton Phone 426-4889 2/4 tfn Warning Sounds , A steady blast of 3 to 5 minutes ' means probable attack , Short blasts for 3 minutes ' means attack imminent. , EIGHT FOOT wide, 42 ft. Rolohome. The Pines, lot 4. Call after 5 p.m. 426-45 4. E 3/18 1/1 for sale. Phone 426-8563. No Satur- day or Friday night calls, please• A 7/4 tfn places, 1~/~ baths. 10 miles out, $500 down. Owner will finance. Phone 426-8002. 10 acres. F 2/24 tfn Union overlooking Hood Canal. Ph. Union 898-2133. D 3/4 tfn ~E ~)-R O-~-M~H O ME o-'-----~--kr c-~a Avenue. Large living room and kit- chen, Good location. Close to stores and school. See to appreciate this buy at $6,950. Call 426-2278. M 12/3 tfn ~ b--R--S-A-L~I~ iV., lois, fem:ed yard, garage. Phone 426-8560, K 3/18 near school. Call after 6 p.m. 426- 4579, W 3/18 tfn Ex©eplionally Good Used Furnilure 48" WALNUT CHINA w/ Sliding Glass Doors, $~50 buffet base ................. ~ 5 PC. DINETTE, very good, new SAI _~,50 chairs ............................ -lr~ NEW OCCASIONAL CHAIRS your choice 4 acres, 400 ft. highway front- age, 5 cabins, 176 ft. waterfront, color & style ............ BILTWELL DAVENPORT & CHAIR New Price $399.50 $[ _= J Our Price ...................... ~ D~ 2-BEAUTYREST FULL-SIZE MATTRESS & BOX SPRING SETS, New Price $159 50 $ • ¢ Our Price ........................ GREEN ALL NAUGAHIDE RECLINER, Extra large, New Price. $159.50 $~ (~ Our Prme .................... ~ LAWSON STYLE DAVENPORT, Very Heavy Cover, coil spring base, New Price $379.50 $~1~r50 Our Price .................... ~ 01sen Furnilure 4th & cota 426-4702 HOLIDAY HOUSE One and Two bedroom units available. E a c h has Westing- house built-in range and refrig- erator, Carpeted living room and ceramic tile bath. All units face nicely landscaped court. There is plenty of parking space and a nice utility. 2 bedroom $~!~(~50 unfurnished ............................ ~ 1 bedroom $ I i~AI50 furnished ........................J~ ~1~ nip 1 bedroom $(1~d~50 unfurnished ............................ ([;~ For appointment to inspect Call: A. ROY DUNN, Realtor 426-4447 126 Railroad Ave. ', ~ 3/11-25 ----H-coD Just south of Union, panoramic Mountain view, 2 bedroom with basement, new condition, creek, landscaped $12,000. 3 bedroom older home, shop poom, creek, 130 ft. tidelands $13,- 500. IN UNION New 3bedroom, garage, car- ort and shop Nme p . ' Mountain view, quiet area $20,000. EAST OF UNION 50 ft. lots on no bank beach, ear Twanoh, $12 n 5 per ft. Also 3 cottages $14,500 . $16,500. Bu k- headed. Nice beach, good acreage and view. 4 bedroom furnished, fireplace, garage and Work shop. 125 ft. bulkheaded beach and Marine rail- way $35,000. IN HOODSPORT 2 homes - One 3 bedroom. Hot water heat. Also one bedroom with oil heat. Both have fireplaces and beautiful Canal view - to-i 2 baths, family room, rec room, and if we haven't the one you want, we'll get gether $27,000. sunken living roorr% 3 fireplaces, patio, sundeck. A home with the 3 BEDROOMS ON THE LAKE 2 bedroom, fireplace, large works. Price is $23,000. This is Wotfld you spend 10 minutes a day to rumpus room, 2 creeks $11,500. less than the owners' cost of con- home you dream of? That's all the struction. Call for further de- at $13,000 you'll never beat it. Exceptional tails, frontage. Look it over. Real Estate Real Estate Real tWO BEDROOM HOME, full base-~ sent, recreation room, with two FOR SALE -- Rental property. One 3- BYr,)mnOWNERhome.-- li firel,lsces on Lake Nahwatzcl,hedroom, one 2-bedroom, and one guest house, $1 $16,500• Pitons 426-6885 or Taylor 4- 1-bedroom house• Good condition 50 ft. waterfro] 2338 Kent. A 3/4 tfn eh)se to school and business district, port 877-5555. 2328 Adams St• Phone 426-4238• FOR SALE -- 100 x ]50 ft. wooded P 7/16 tfn FOR -SALE ~--~ lot, five minutes South of Shelton. ~c~0~-N-TR-~---~--F{vc--aCr~S, at Five Corners. Call 426-2120. Mc3/18 4/1 drilled well, new septic system, two ter 5 p,m. -- FOR SALE by owner. Three bedroom bedrooms down, dormitory up. (~wNER- MUST home, full basement, cut buildings, 426-3443. N 2/11 tfn bedroom, 1~}., bat (1:1". highway just south of Shelt'on. WILLSELL-tlp--t-o-300-feet (,lioice-no: with fireplace. L chen, utility, ext A. O. Charlson, phone 426-6129. bank waterfront, Piekering Passage. level with vieW ac ....... 3/11 tfn Phone 426-6034. M 3/11 tfn pic Mts. Pr ce re, 10 WOODED ACRES, 3 bedroom, doll- ~;IEW" LC)T LL Id~/ll-fm:-d:iylight bane- appraisal of $10,[ ble bath, plastered, hardwood floors, men|, Excellent district. Close to 426-2007. large kitcllen, fireplace, privacy, 4 schools, churches, etc. Sewer, water, H(JUsE--INs~iEL"~ miles out. Unfinished double garage, paved street. Must sell, $995. Phone sent on watel 426-4319. $14,500. B 3/11-25 426-4653evenings. P 3/11-25 home. O. H. Ste! ~o~ior sale 427-A,Shelton. " to be moved. $3200. You finish. Ac- ~~ F'OR--SX-LE--~--sm'~ ross from KMAS. Phone 426-3127 room house. Big B 2/11 tfn after 6 p.m. NN @ Split-level four be • A. ROY DUi can handle co~ year round living, ACREAGE front ~suitable for flies' enjoyment. time. CREEK FRONT And lots of it on an excellent fishing stream. This is a nearly EXOEPT new and cozy home. Partly fur- nished and located on a 14} acre tract. A hard one to beat at V ALt $6,250. Let's go look| GARDEN SPOT NEW. FOUR BE FAMILY ROOM On 5 acres of excellent soil. This Here is a spa~ one is a small home just right for a retired party wanting to EASY TERMS-- "y room for the keep active. Owner is selling fully Just $750 down and $70 monthly [~om rambler wit furnished. Easy access on coun- will move you into this large 3 award kitchen wil ty road. Only $6,850. bedroom home. It's complete with washer and doub] carpeted living room and fire- lady of tho hoUSe. place, roomy bedrooms, dining bat'hs, double g; WATERFRONT room, large kitchen and separate floors, fireplace utility room. New roof and sid- ner lot are just a LOVELY WATERFRONT ing too, so why not take a look. outstanding f~ ~t RANCH It's priced at ,only $9,000. selling price, [! This ,o ne has more than can be down payment P described in a few words. Some of the fine features include 500 PLAN FOR THE FUTURE NEW LISTING~I feet of frontage. Home that re- Purchase this excellent South Outstanding w fleets the good taste of the own- Hill building site now and loeated not fa:' er. New barn that will stall 8 build your dream home later• 150' of prime ' horses. A property that looks like For just $1,250 you can pur- deep .This fine i~ a page from one of the better chase =/2 block of property rooms, carpeted ~ with both water and mountain wall to wall cac] magazines. If you can afford view. Water and sewer are to ing room and ci~ $75,000 --- let's go Ioox. the property. Better hurry on place in living "~ SUMMER RETREAT : this one. Terms if you like. looks the water I Here's a good cabin site on Lost ~ Utility room...._~,,a~d Lake. 50 feet of nice beach. Level CLOSE IN SUBURBAN-- ~.%eOdt~o~• IItl~l~J[, building site. Area of nicer homes This roomy 3 bedroom home is ........ -~'~a]an° ~,he~ in the Lost Lake Country Crub. located about ¼ mile from town ~" ~"~ ..... 30) Price is only $2,950. This is a top ....... ~ value here at $ out ,,~rcaola Hoau on ~V4 acres. buy on this nice lake. There's lots of value here for a NORTHCLIFF R/ modest budget as all rooms are Three bedroOmS: ONE OF THE NICEST extra large and there is even a llvin~ ronm witl~ $32,500 is the price here and full basement. Just $7,950 with $1,- ~,.~.~t~ dlnin~ re worth every penny. A very lovely 000 down and $65 monthly, kitchen wilL eat| 3 bedroom home. 2 baths, dining ~ ty room. All thiS room, ots of carpets, bui,t in lot for $. 00 kitchen, over 100 feet of top beach only V2 mile f~om town. 3 car IHere's a choice 2 bedroom I excellent buy! garage. Everything here is almost I home that is in nearly perfect [ -''t perfect. Owner is anxious for a I condition inside a n'd' out. [ SPACIOUS, SU,V i There's a fenced yard, forced i Six room homei buyer.A good buy for a discriminat- I air ~u~,ace, ~ood" ~oo~, ~arge I bedrooms. Large ~, ]kitchen and ~]ood sized bed-[ dinmg area. r.~.~' CLOSE IN I rooms. $1,200- down and, you I porch. Has full _De We now have available some I can assume the low interest I rage, oil furnau~; property on Island Lake. These ]~oan at $56.50 monthly includ-I system. Has pa~l~ | ing taxes and insurance. I lovely trees an, are hard to find. Better look this [ ....................... | renovation this week. ~ _ ....... home. See it today SALT WATER I~KIVA]P- PARK--- . 165 foot frontage on Hammers- This unique and interesting home MOUNTAIN VIE~ is surrounded by one full acre eli Three bedroO~ Icy Inlet. About 4 a~res in all. privacy. You will enjoy living in firen]ace, hardW0( Good low bank, easy access. 5 ~ . this home w th t many exciting; nort and econo~nff) • . x- ' i miles from town. features, mcludmg an unusual liv- modest] riced • Y P o CANAL VIEW ing room w~th pretty stone fire- ient to school a~. $19,500 is the price on this brand P~;rc; I~::k hl~ghht:awmild l~e'ill~?n Prmed to sell at: new home overlooking the canal and mountains. A top quality home appliances, 3 bedrooms (2 car- THREE BEDRO° with huge living room, color bath, peted) and a large bath with FRONT HOME ~" 2 nice bedrooms. All built in rr~any plus features. Downstairs FINISHED | kitchen, carport, patio with view is a full apartment with bed- 120'x 406'--W and much more. Terms are avail- room, bath, kitchenette and large miles from toW~ daylight living room with fire- eel]ent spring. S able. ' - 1 place. $21,000 is the price a n d cluded- you ca HOMES terms are yours for the asking. $12,500. ANGLESIDE &~,Ig'2-1 =eI~= e'~A¢,~=¢, CLOSE TO TO~ I I 3 BEDROOMS A new home wlth the features I ....... I There are man we all want. 3 bedrooms and I ..-.- -.. ' " ... ~ -. I this modestly den, 2 full baths -- both with I ~u ~,,, lo~Lo:l home Two bedr' showers and tubs --- family room, ] ~~, ,_~, =.,_ ,= ,~ | down. Clean ec k i t c h e n with built in 2 . oven I ~~~~: ,'.'V:: I heat =arge util range, dining room, living ~oom ] ,,,~,~ =,,~~,,,~ ~,. I tached garage. ] has raised hearth fireplace, 2 I ~~'.~'='.~ ~u~ I children to play car attached garage. This one of property or can be yours with only $1,000 I~::H~a;:'wal~',I play Well down and closing costs. Call for i ~anao apretty i 900 askingh°Use' priC an appointment to inspect. I .... .......... I a washer, CHEAPY $3,900 will buy this cozy 2 bed. ~ ...... erat0r as a bo~t room Hillcrest home. Owner has HIMLiE REALTY Angle remodeled and it's neat as a pin. Will trade for a waterfront lot 116 No. 2nd 428" or look at your offer. Why not call now. Phone: 426-336g Jack SteW! VINCE HIMLIE Oiok An~l NICE LOCATION Evenings: 426-6501 Herb AuG 3 bedrooms, 1~2 baths, carpet- ed living room, fireplace, kitch-~~~1~1~,~ en has breakfast area. Excel- ~ lent 2 car garage with shop and storage. $15,500 with terms to WATERFRONT REALTY, suit the buyer. BUILT TO LAST YES!l! "Suburban Property Specialists" Here's a low maintenance, easy t~ like home in a good Ioca. We have a place for that mobil home. tion with view. 3 large bedrooms, types of property and all witl~ excellent ideal for trailer court $35,000. 103 ft. tideland lot $4,250. North of Hoodsport New 3 bedroom, fireplace, 2 car garage, trees, 100 ft. no bank beach, off the highway $37,500. 200 ft. on Hamma Hanna R=ver, 2I • ~2 acres, 2 bedroom with full basement $15,500. Several development acreages with waterfront. HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE Hoodsport Ph. 877-5211 DOWNTOWN 3 BEDROOMS - FAMILY ROOM -$9,950 c A fine modern colonial home . Completely redecorated and ready for your onvenient to schools, stores, ctc. m on ap]2roval of credit. $450 down inch}des c( 3 carpeted bedrooms, 2~2 baths; chase. Other terms available• Call right away• :' living room and family room have fireplaces. A large home with all CHECK ALL OF THIS you could want and the best of A three bedroom home on 5 lots with ~ workmanship. $22,500. Owner will mountail~s. Lots of curb appeal. Attached ga accept your equity in trade for patio. $300 down plus costs on FHA. Full " the down payment. Call today. 30 ACRES CA. R gY Phone 426-6363 @ 126 Railroad Eves. call: A. Roy Dunn .... 426-4601 Mary Voss ........ 426-8074 All with panoramic Olympics View and just 7 miles from town. Even access to the Terms or trade• Evenings Call: 0 Dick Knauf 426-8tl WATERFRONT REALTyMardenStrou'd"'i ................. 426-8277 Call 426-8277 anytime Rt. 2, Box 46