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Judgments in Mason County
District Court ,Judge Victoria
Meadows' jurisdiction during
t lw I)ast week include:
l)riving under the influence:
(',harles I. Manning, Hoodsport,
tw. counts, $685, 365 days, 350
suspended, $1,325, 365 days, 320
suspended; l)avid tt, Fisher,
17370 Shelton.-Matlock Road,
Matlock, $685,365 days, 364 sus-
Driving while license sus-
pendcl or mw)ked: Ralph C. Sol- ,Jr., 2128 Madison Street,
Shelton, fhird degree, $150, 90
days suspended; Shane E. Core,
West 360 Maple Rock Road, Mat-
lock, third degree, $100, 90 days,
87 suspended; Christine Rena
,Jorms, North 1193 I,ake Cushman
Road, Ihmdsport, third degree,
$200, 90 days suspended, no in-
surance, $480; Penny M. Ya-
mashiro, 5(i) East Canal View
lq ace, Be lth i r, third degree, $150,
90 (lays susp(:nded; Jimmy L.
(;inn, 719 Promontory Road,
Sh(:lt(m, thir(I degree, $150, 90
(lays suspended; Ilarry R. I)a-
vis, 3335 Itighway 101, tlumptu-
lips, second degree, $300, 365 sus-
l)ended, no insurance, $480; Rod-
m-y I)ale, Sherman, 4171 Day-
t(m Airport Road, Shelton, two
cmlnts, third degree, $200, 90
(lays, 75 suspended.
No valid operator's license:
Santos Tercero-Tercero, Shelton,
$t25,90 days suspended.
No wdid operator's license
and failure to appear (FTA):
James 1). Robert, 120 West Knee-
land, Shelt(m, $527; Mathew S.
Aifken, East 520 PickeTing
I)rive, Shelton, $527; Michael P.
(;;de, 130 llillcrest Road, Shel-
ton, $527; Cynthia D. Griffin,
18911 Joselyn Road, Rochester,
and expired vehicle plates, $684;
David M. Iterron, East 30 Cat'-
hey Irene, Union, and seatbelt
violation, $59; Julian Herbert
Juan Jr., NE 3150 ltighway 300,
Belfair, and failure to use child
restraint, $646; Angelo V. Madi-
" st Cl I e D lve
ha, 7)0 Ear ,eeks'd ri ,
eifafrl ' and expired vehicle
plati;s: $684; st(vii, E. Meziis;'
Belfair, $527,
No liability insurance: John
Roy Anderson, 2661 SE Arcadia
Road, Shelton, and failure to
light or flag extended load, $546;
Bryce W. Noble., 2128 Madison
Street, Shelton, $350; Thomas F.
Roberts, 1001 Cooper Point Road,
Olympia, and speeding and
seatbelt violation, $613.
Over legal weight: Bayside
Redi-Mix, 40 SE Mell Road,
Shelton, 4,200 pounds, $267;
Hunter Farms, 1921 East State
Route 106, Union, 2,600 pounds
over, $201.
Unlawful hunting of big
game: Audra L. Bentley, East
420 Dartmoor Drive, Shelton, two
counts, $2,500, 365 days, 345 sus-
pended; Virgil E. Gallington,
East 420 Dartmoor Drive, Shel-
ton, $2,500, 365 days, 345 sus-
Unlawful recreational fish-
ing: Garrett J. Bach, 606 Wood
Avenue, Shelton, second degree,
$100; Morales Demetrio Morales,
326 NE Russet Street, Portland,
()regon, $159.
Assault in the fourth degree:
Carl R. McMillen, 3080 Picker-
ing Road, Shelton, domestic
violence, 365 days, 180 suspend-
Other offenses: Robert A.
Highland, 127 NE Mahogan
Court, Tahuya, littering over one
cubic fi)ot, $475; Harold S. Dunk-
le Jr., 3522 NE Old Belfair High-
way, unsatisfactory storage of
solid waste, $250.
Judgments in Shelton Munic-
ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's
jurisdiction during the past week
Driving under the influence:
Charlotte L. Woodbury, East 750
Agate Loop Road, Shelton, $685,
365 days, 355 suspended, driving
with license suspended in the
third degree, $250, 90 days, 88
suspended, two community ser-
Driving while license sus-
pended or revoked: Randy Eu-
gene Moon, 6216 Littlerock Road,
Tumwater, $200, 90 days, 89 sus-
pended, no insurance, $480, no
valid vehicle registration, $71,
()pen container of alcohol, $71;
driving with license suspended
in the third degree; Aagela M.
Painter, : 200 Endeavot" 'Lane,
Sh61ton, W0 c0brits third degree,
$350, 90 days, 75 suspended, com-
munity service, $350, 90 days, 80
suspended, 10 community ser-
Third-degree theft: Eugena
Lynn Johansson, 205 West Har-
vard Avenue, Shelton, $350, 365
Reader reports rufous
hummingbirds return
The Journal's Bird Watch
llotline rang this week with the
first report of a returning rutbus
l)aralynne Fitzpatrick said she
saw her first hummer of the year
Saturday at: her home on Wyn..
wood I)rive, a mile out Cloqual-
lum Road.
"I expected it would be a mah',"
she said. "But it. was a tbmale."
The males usually precede the
r(.en t)acked tbmales by a ctmple
of weeks, she noted. However, she
was comfi)rted to see one of the
MISSING FEMALE Beagle, blue collar,
and neutered male Husky mix, choke
clain, last see Mar. 16 near Oak
Park. Any information please call 427-
0997. 427.7554. Reward. B3/18
1991 ZENIflq color console TV, excel-
lent condition, like new. Paid $600, will
sell $150. Have recmpt. 427-1468.
L 3/18
IWO [3EDROOM older mobile with view
of [imberlake. Nice area, references
required $425 monthly includes water.
$425 deposit. 4279450. $3/18
MICA CASE Manager: BHR seeking
full-time Case Manager to provide
heatrnent planning, individual and
group counseling/education and case
management for mentally ill and chemi-
cal dependent adult clients. The goal of
this position is to help consumers
rnaitair sobriety and stable communi-
ty living. MA preferred but will accept
[:/A in social science field plus CCDC
certification. 2 years experience with
dual diagnosis clients in outpatient or
inpatmm setting. Knowledge of MICA
services and case management in
comrnurlity helpful. Mail resume with
cover letter to: BHR, 317 E. 4th Ave.,
Olympia, WA. 98501. For application,
call BHR job line, 1-800-825-4820. Be-
havioral Health Resources, EOE.
rusty-colored, fiery-throated male
hummingbirds Monday evening.
A Shelton resident reported
seeing two hummingbirds a
month earlier near Goldsborough
Creek, but couldn't confirm the
species. The Annas hummingbird
occasionally winters in the area,
some observers have noted.
days, 335 suspended; Christina
L. Johnson, 2311 Adams, Shel-
ton, $200, 365 days, 363 suspend-
ed, two days community service;
Angela Marie Painter, 200 En-
deavor Lane, Shelton, two counts,
365 days, 355 suspended.
Assault in the fourth degree:
Moses Lee Brown, 701 Ellinor,
Shelton, domestic violence, $350,
365 days, 345 suspended; Sale
Teila Wily, 809 South Eighth
Street, Shelton, violation ofa no-
contact order, $150,365 days, 360
suspended, five converted to
community service.
Disorderly conduct: Jay L.
Clark, 125 Moore Avenue, Shel-
ton, $150, 90 days, 89 suspended.
Other offenses: William d.
Dolezal, 1176 SE Bloomfield,
Shelton, resisting arrest, $250, 90
days, 89 suspended.
Divorces Granted
Melissa Hainse and Albert
Hainse III.
Anthony D. Meholick and Va-
nessa Elaine Meholick.
New Cases
Farmers Insurance Group of
Companies against Christopher
Giles, tort motor vehicle.
Homeside Lending, Incorpo-
rated against Greg A. Mitchell,
Peggy V. Mitchell and John and
Jane Does, unlawful detainer.
Washington Department of
Labor and Industries against
Charles H. Boysen, tax warrant.
Department of Labor and In-
dustries against John Richard
Ring and spouse, tax warrant.
Department of Labor and In-
dustries against Dahmans
Shellfish Company, tax warrant.
Department of Labor and In-
dustries against Jerry Wayne
Whitson and spouse, tax war-
Jared C. Helland against
Aaron R. Taylor, tort motor ve-
Department of Labor and In-
dustries against Valerie G.
Sherman, tax warrant.
Department of Labor and In-
dustries against Hildegard M.
Merifield, tax'warrant.
Elliott Bay Adjustment Com-
pany, Incorporated against
Richard J. Stidd, tax warrant.
Wells Fargo Bank against
Michele M. and Jim D. Radclif-
fe, commercial.
Barry and Holly Pettyjohn
against Fay C. Parker, unlawful
Daniel L. and Susan R. Get-
zin against Katie Chalfant, com-
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits dur-
ing the past week include:
Johnny Black, 1980 West Ford
Loop Road, Elma, garage,
$11,648; Taylor Shellfish Com-
pany, 130 SE Lynch Road, Shel-
ton, pumphouse, $5,600; Bald
Point Aerie Community, 18481
T00cC_00N00 ca inc.
Landscape Rock
* Sawdust
o Lava Rock
, Play Chips
Beauty Bark
( several varieties)
Screened Topsoil
l)rivcway Rock
Pit Run C;ravel
... and Mushroom Compost
Brady Trucking Co. Inc.
Page 16- Shelton:Mas0n County ,Journal- Thursday, March 18, 1999
920 East Johns Prairie Road
NE North Shore Road, Tahuya,
resurface boat ramp, $4,600; Ste-
yen Olsen, 51 NE Spar Tree
Road, Tahuya, residence and
covered walkway, $75,270; John
Fields, 390 North Potlatch Drive,
Hoodsport, residence over ga-
rage and covered porch, $44,038;
Joe Castleberry, 17411 East State
Route 106, Belfair, residence,
deck and garage, $191,329; Cal-
vin Smith, 3612 NE North Shore
Road, Belfair, mobile home,
Gary Stokes, 91 West Olympic
View Drive, Shelton, residence
and deck, $98,458, and garage,
$14,758; Doug Gerecke, 1111
Northcliff Road, Shelton, change
garage to office and X-ray room,
$12,018; Lawrence Craig, 2103 SE
Binns Swiger Loop, Shelton, ga-
rage, $19,046; Bill Yocom, 590
East Murray Road North, Grape-
view, mobile home, $61,576;
Arthur Guidi, 2512 East State
Route 302, Belfair, garage,
$16,271; Merle Boettcher, 190 NE
Riverhill Drive, Belfair, mobile
home, $105,000; Donna Sanders,
160 West Lost Lake Park Court,
Shelton, residence, deck and
storage area, $73,522.
Lon Pettitt, 1430 East Mason
Lake Drive West, Grapeview,
addition, $17,741; Dennis Holt-
man, 91 North Potlatch Drive,
ttoodsport, cabin, $50,093; Elaine
Davenport, 191 East Wood Lane,
Shelton, shop, $16,755; Michael
Beste, 70 West Ayliffe Lane,
Elma, carport, $12,336; Lindsey
Young, 200 SE Fuchsia Avenue,
Shelton, garage, $9,536; Lanny
Kelso, 1230 East Phillips Lake
Loop Road, Shelton, bulkhead,
$2,856; Raymond Christianson,
1201 East Leeds Drive, Shelton,
bulkhead, $11,628; Jack Wolff,
1400 North Potlatch Drive,
Hoodsport, replace bulkhead,
$7,030; and Oscar Rieker, 18250
East State Route 3, Allyn, bulk-
head, $3,990.
No value was listed for a
grading project for Ronald De-
vaney, 34591 North Highway 101,
Lilliwaup; and for an undesig-
nated project for Mavis Groves at
5180 East PickeTing Road, Shel-
New construction and other
projects receiving permits dur-
ing the past week include:
Kevin Dorcy, 2110 King Street,
propane tank, no value listed;
City of Shelton, 310 West Cota
Street, reTool city hall, $14,700;
Ocean Federal Bank of Palm
Beach, Florida, 1011 Olympic
Avenue, reTool home, $3,300.
March 9:9:25 p.m. with Ma-
son County Medic One, 2117
Sherwood Lane, unconscious
March 10:12:35 a.m. with
Medic One, 119 West Railroad
Avenue, smoke investigation;
9:40 p.m., Cota and Fifth streets,
burn investigation.
March 11:9:31 a.m., Mason
General Hospital, burn investi-
gation; 4:31 p.m., Olympic
Highway South and Ellinor Ave-
nue, property fire.
March 12:9:42 pro. with Med-
ic One, South First and Mill
streets, two-car motor vehicle ac-
cident with injury.
March 14:3:48 a.m. with Med-
ic One, 600 West Franklin
Street, disturbance.
March 13:8:19 p.m. with Med-
ic One, 208 North First Street,
Tuesday, March 9
A caller from the 500 block of
West Euclid Avenue said some-
one keeps using moss to cover a
sign asking people to not walk on
the grass.
A caller from Mountain View
said a hit-and-run collision oc-
curred in front of McDonald's.
A large group of students were
reportedly involved in an alter-
cation across from Shelton High
Wednesday, March 10
A caller from McDonald's
said some kids were hitting a cat
with a baseball bat.
A caller said a $600 clarinet
was stolen from her daughter's
locker at Shelton Middle School.
Thursday, March 11
Police were asked to quiet a
group of kids who were making a
lot of noise while playing basket-
ball at Johnson Park.
A group of rabbits were said to
be crossing Union Avenue.
Friday, March 12
A stray dog was said to be
causing a traffic hazard on
Olympic Highway South.
Police were asked to inves-
tigate an effort to pass bad checks
at the Wal-Mart Store.
A rifle and a handgun were
reportedly stolen from a house on
the 800 block of Otter Street.
Saturday , March 13
Police were asked to calm'a
disturbance near the youth center
on Franklin Street.
A disturbance was reported on
South First Street.
Sunday, March 14
Police were asked to check out
three juveniles with backpacks,
chains, jeans and leather jack-
ets sitting on the fron stoop of a
house on the 700 block of West
Pine Street.
Three males were reportedly
having a fight on West Franklin
Monday, March 15
A caller said a man just re-
leased from incarceration was
violating the terms of his parole
by drinking at the Pine Tree.
A burglary was reported by a
caller from the 900 block of
Thomas Avenue.
The Mason County Jail, which
was designed for 45 inmates and
refitted in 1989 to house 65,
recorded populations as follows
during the past week:
Wednesday 89, Thursday 92,
Friday 102, Saturday 104, Sun-
day 105, Monday 99, Tuesday
Efforts are currently under
way to increase the capacity
Tuesday, March 9
Fire District 4 and Mason
County Medic One responded at
7:31 a.m. to the report of an in-
jury on West State Route 108.
A caller from East Big Skoo-
kum Road said somebody
chopped a couple of cars and left
them in his yard.
A caller from Belfair said he
felt threatened because a person
he gave a ride to was forcing him
to buy him a beer.
A number of tools were report-
edly taken when a shed on East
Passage View Road was broken
The Washington State Patrol
recovered an inactive badge
issued by the Mason County
Sheriffs Office during a traffic
stop in the Belfair area. Deputies
are assisting the investigation.
Wednesday, March 10
Fire District 4 responded at
1:51 p.m to the report of smoke on
Highway 101.
Fire District 11 responded at
5:22 a.m. to the report of struc-
ture fire at 131 East Northlake
Drive, Shelton.
A burglary was reported to a
business at mile 24.5 of Highway
Deputies were asked to inves-
tigate a sexual assault.
Twenty bags of garbage were
found dumped on North Potlatch-
Cushman Road in Hoodsport.
Thursday, March 11
A caller said his ex-wife was
supposed to take a tire off his
property on East Anything Lane,
Belfair, but that instead she
threw a bunch of stuff on the
Friday, March 12
Fire District 13 res
11:48 a.m. with Medic One
report of an injury on
quallum Road.
Fire District 16 res
8:20 p.m. to the report of*
miles out West Sh
A gun and alcohol
ported taken in a burglarY
house on SE Binns
Road. A burglary was
ported to a travel
gie Lake in Tahuya.
Saturday, March 13
A caller from NE
Place South corn
someone had just e
and left a note left on
saying this was "payb
A caller from
Way said a person was
down in the woods
in violation of a court
Five males report
assed a person riding
West Railroad Avenue.
Sunday, March 14
A caller from Belfair
for help with a drunk
shaved head who was
around the house
windows and yelling.
A caller from the
area was concerned
dog and a dead emu.
Burglaries were
vacation cabin on
shore Drive West and to
age building on East
Monday, March 15
Fire District 4 and
responded at 1:32 p.m.
port of an injury on
A caller from East
Place said the driver of a
low truck tried to run
son and splashed mud
Burgaries were
callers from SE BinnS
Loop South and NE stat
Deputies were aske
something about a big
that bites tires.
Front &
C.C. Cole & Sons,
Evergreen Fuel Co,
Full Line Petroleum Jobber
Tanks Lubricants
Furnaces & Equipment
661 East Pine
Serving Mason County
since 1935 426A
8t6 S4VtN6$ 0N Aft ClY$
AND M00E$ tic 00Cg!
301 E. Wallace Knee/and Blvd.
$100ELTON ($60) 27-6188
Judgments in Mason County
District Court ,Judge Victoria
Meadows' jurisdiction during
t lw I)ast week include:
l)riving under the influence:
(',harles I. Manning, Hoodsport,
tw. counts, $685, 365 days, 350
suspended, $1,325, 365 days, 320
suspended; l)avid tt, Fisher,
17370 Shelton.-Matlock Road,
Matlock, $685,365 days, 364 sus-
Driving while license sus-
pendcl or mw)ked: Ralph C. Sol- ,Jr., 2128 Madison Street,
Shelton, fhird degree, $150, 90
days suspended; Shane E. Core,
West 360 Maple Rock Road, Mat-
lock, third degree, $100, 90 days,
87 suspended; Christine Rena
,Jorms, North 1193 I,ake Cushman
Road, Ihmdsport, third degree,
$200, 90 days suspended, no in-
surance, $480; Penny M. Ya-
mashiro, 5(i) East Canal View
lq ace, Be lth i r, third degree, $150,
90 (lays susp(:nded; Jimmy L.
(;inn, 719 Promontory Road,
Sh(:lt(m, thir(I degree, $150, 90
(lays suspended; Ilarry R. I)a-
vis, 3335 Itighway 101, tlumptu-
lips, second degree, $300, 365 sus-
l)ended, no insurance, $480; Rod-
m-y I)ale, Sherman, 4171 Day-
t(m Airport Road, Shelton, two
cmlnts, third degree, $200, 90
(lays, 75 suspended.
No valid operator's license:
Santos Tercero-Tercero, Shelton,
$t25,90 days suspended.
No wdid operator's license
and failure to appear (FTA):
James 1). Robert, 120 West Knee-
land, Shelt(m, $527; Mathew S.
Aifken, East 520 PickeTing
I)rive, Shelton, $527; Michael P.
(;;de, 130 llillcrest Road, Shel-
ton, $527; Cynthia D. Griffin,
18911 Joselyn Road, Rochester,
and expired vehicle plates, $684;
David M. Iterron, East 30 Cat'-
hey Irene, Union, and seatbelt
violation, $59; Julian Herbert
Juan Jr., NE 3150 ltighway 300,
Belfair, and failure to use child
restraint, $646; Angelo V. Madi-
" st Cl I e D lve
ha, 7)0 Ear ,eeks'd ri ,
eifafrl ' and expired vehicle
plati;s: $684; st(vii, E. Meziis;'
Belfair, $527,
No liability insurance: John
Roy Anderson, 2661 SE Arcadia
Road, Shelton, and failure to
light or flag extended load, $546;
Bryce W. Noble., 2128 Madison
Street, Shelton, $350; Thomas F.
Roberts, 1001 Cooper Point Road,
Olympia, and speeding and
seatbelt violation, $613.
Over legal weight: Bayside
Redi-Mix, 40 SE Mell Road,
Shelton, 4,200 pounds, $267;
Hunter Farms, 1921 East State
Route 106, Union, 2,600 pounds
over, $201.
Unlawful hunting of big
game: Audra L. Bentley, East
420 Dartmoor Drive, Shelton, two
counts, $2,500, 365 days, 345 sus-
pended; Virgil E. Gallington,
East 420 Dartmoor Drive, Shel-
ton, $2,500, 365 days, 345 sus-
Unlawful recreational fish-
ing: Garrett J. Bach, 606 Wood
Avenue, Shelton, second degree,
$100; Morales Demetrio Morales,
326 NE Russet Street, Portland,
()regon, $159.
Assault in the fourth degree:
Carl R. McMillen, 3080 Picker-
ing Road, Shelton, domestic
violence, 365 days, 180 suspend-
Other offenses: Robert A.
Highland, 127 NE Mahogan
Court, Tahuya, littering over one
cubic fi)ot, $475; Harold S. Dunk-
le Jr., 3522 NE Old Belfair High-
way, unsatisfactory storage of
solid waste, $250.
Judgments in Shelton Munic-
ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's
jurisdiction during the past week
Driving under the influence:
Charlotte L. Woodbury, East 750
Agate Loop Road, Shelton, $685,
365 days, 355 suspended, driving
with license suspended in the
third degree, $250, 90 days, 88
suspended, two community ser-
Driving while license sus-
pended or revoked: Randy Eu-
gene Moon, 6216 Littlerock Road,
Tumwater, $200, 90 days, 89 sus-
pended, no insurance, $480, no
valid vehicle registration, $71,
()pen container of alcohol, $71;
driving with license suspended
in the third degree; Aagela M.
Painter, : 200 Endeavot" 'Lane,
Sh61ton, W0 c0brits third degree,
$350, 90 days, 75 suspended, com-
munity service, $350, 90 days, 80
suspended, 10 community ser-
Third-degree theft: Eugena
Lynn Johansson, 205 West Har-
vard Avenue, Shelton, $350, 365
Reader reports rufous
hummingbirds return
The Journal's Bird Watch
llotline rang this week with the
first report of a returning rutbus
l)aralynne Fitzpatrick said she
saw her first hummer of the year
Saturday at: her home on Wyn..
wood I)rive, a mile out Cloqual-
lum Road.
"I expected it would be a mah',"
she said. "But it. was a tbmale."
The males usually precede the
r(.en t)acked tbmales by a ctmple
of weeks, she noted. However, she
was comfi)rted to see one of the
MISSING FEMALE Beagle, blue collar,
and neutered male Husky mix, choke
clain, last see Mar. 16 near Oak
Park. Any information please call 427-
0997. 427.7554. Reward. B3/18
1991 ZENIflq color console TV, excel-
lent condition, like new. Paid $600, will
sell $150. Have recmpt. 427-1468.
L 3/18
IWO [3EDROOM older mobile with view
of [imberlake. Nice area, references
required $425 monthly includes water.
$425 deposit. 4279450. $3/18
MICA CASE Manager: BHR seeking
full-time Case Manager to provide
heatrnent planning, individual and
group counseling/education and case
management for mentally ill and chemi-
cal dependent adult clients. The goal of
this position is to help consumers
rnaitair sobriety and stable communi-
ty living. MA preferred but will accept
[:/A in social science field plus CCDC
certification. 2 years experience with
dual diagnosis clients in outpatient or
inpatmm setting. Knowledge of MICA
services and case management in
comrnurlity helpful. Mail resume with
cover letter to: BHR, 317 E. 4th Ave.,
Olympia, WA. 98501. For application,
call BHR job line, 1-800-825-4820. Be-
havioral Health Resources, EOE.
rusty-colored, fiery-throated male
hummingbirds Monday evening.
A Shelton resident reported
seeing two hummingbirds a
month earlier near Goldsborough
Creek, but couldn't confirm the
species. The Annas hummingbird
occasionally winters in the area,
some observers have noted.
days, 335 suspended; Christina
L. Johnson, 2311 Adams, Shel-
ton, $200, 365 days, 363 suspend-
ed, two days community service;
Angela Marie Painter, 200 En-
deavor Lane, Shelton, two counts,
365 days, 355 suspended.
Assault in the fourth degree:
Moses Lee Brown, 701 Ellinor,
Shelton, domestic violence, $350,
365 days, 345 suspended; Sale
Teila Wily, 809 South Eighth
Street, Shelton, violation ofa no-
contact order, $150,365 days, 360
suspended, five converted to
community service.
Disorderly conduct: Jay L.
Clark, 125 Moore Avenue, Shel-
ton, $150, 90 days, 89 suspended.
Other offenses: William d.
Dolezal, 1176 SE Bloomfield,
Shelton, resisting arrest, $250, 90
days, 89 suspended.
Divorces Granted
Melissa Hainse and Albert
Hainse III.
Anthony D. Meholick and Va-
nessa Elaine Meholick.
New Cases
Farmers Insurance Group of
Companies against Christopher
Giles, tort motor vehicle.
Homeside Lending, Incorpo-
rated against Greg A. Mitchell,
Peggy V. Mitchell and John and
Jane Does, unlawful detainer.
Washington Department of
Labor and Industries against
Charles H. Boysen, tax warrant.
Department of Labor and In-
dustries against John Richard
Ring and spouse, tax warrant.
Department of Labor and In-
dustries against Dahmans
Shellfish Company, tax warrant.
Department of Labor and In-
dustries against Jerry Wayne
Whitson and spouse, tax war-
Jared C. Helland against
Aaron R. Taylor, tort motor ve-
Department of Labor and In-
dustries against Valerie G.
Sherman, tax warrant.
Department of Labor and In-
dustries against Hildegard M.
Merifield, tax'warrant.
Elliott Bay Adjustment Com-
pany, Incorporated against
Richard J. Stidd, tax warrant.
Wells Fargo Bank against
Michele M. and Jim D. Radclif-
fe, commercial.
Barry and Holly Pettyjohn
against Fay C. Parker, unlawful
Daniel L. and Susan R. Get-
zin against Katie Chalfant, com-
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits dur-
ing the past week include:
Johnny Black, 1980 West Ford
Loop Road, Elma, garage,
$11,648; Taylor Shellfish Com-
pany, 130 SE Lynch Road, Shel-
ton, pumphouse, $5,600; Bald
Point Aerie Community, 18481
T00cC_00N00 ca inc.
Landscape Rock
* Sawdust
o Lava Rock
, Play Chips
Beauty Bark
( several varieties)
Screened Topsoil
l)rivcway Rock
Pit Run C;ravel
... and Mushroom Compost
Brady Trucking Co. Inc.
Page 16- Shelton:Mas0n County ,Journal- Thursday, March 18, 1999
920 East Johns Prairie Road
NE North Shore Road, Tahuya,
resurface boat ramp, $4,600; Ste-
yen Olsen, 51 NE Spar Tree
Road, Tahuya, residence and
covered walkway, $75,270; John
Fields, 390 North Potlatch Drive,
Hoodsport, residence over ga-
rage and covered porch, $44,038;
Joe Castleberry, 17411 East State
Route 106, Belfair, residence,
deck and garage, $191,329; Cal-
vin Smith, 3612 NE North Shore
Road, Belfair, mobile home,
Gary Stokes, 91 West Olympic
View Drive, Shelton, residence
and deck, $98,458, and garage,
$14,758; Doug Gerecke, 1111
Northcliff Road, Shelton, change
garage to office and X-ray room,
$12,018; Lawrence Craig, 2103 SE
Binns Swiger Loop, Shelton, ga-
rage, $19,046; Bill Yocom, 590
East Murray Road North, Grape-
view, mobile home, $61,576;
Arthur Guidi, 2512 East State
Route 302, Belfair, garage,
$16,271; Merle Boettcher, 190 NE
Riverhill Drive, Belfair, mobile
home, $105,000; Donna Sanders,
160 West Lost Lake Park Court,
Shelton, residence, deck and
storage area, $73,522.
Lon Pettitt, 1430 East Mason
Lake Drive West, Grapeview,
addition, $17,741; Dennis Holt-
man, 91 North Potlatch Drive,
ttoodsport, cabin, $50,093; Elaine
Davenport, 191 East Wood Lane,
Shelton, shop, $16,755; Michael
Beste, 70 West Ayliffe Lane,
Elma, carport, $12,336; Lindsey
Young, 200 SE Fuchsia Avenue,
Shelton, garage, $9,536; Lanny
Kelso, 1230 East Phillips Lake
Loop Road, Shelton, bulkhead,
$2,856; Raymond Christianson,
1201 East Leeds Drive, Shelton,
bulkhead, $11,628; Jack Wolff,
1400 North Potlatch Drive,
Hoodsport, replace bulkhead,
$7,030; and Oscar Rieker, 18250
East State Route 3, Allyn, bulk-
head, $3,990.
No value was listed for a
grading project for Ronald De-
vaney, 34591 North Highway 101,
Lilliwaup; and for an undesig-
nated project for Mavis Groves at
5180 East PickeTing Road, Shel-
New construction and other
projects receiving permits dur-
ing the past week include:
Kevin Dorcy, 2110 King Street,
propane tank, no value listed;
City of Shelton, 310 West Cota
Street, reTool city hall, $14,700;
Ocean Federal Bank of Palm
Beach, Florida, 1011 Olympic
Avenue, reTool home, $3,300.
March 9:9:25 p.m. with Ma-
son County Medic One, 2117
Sherwood Lane, unconscious
March 10:12:35 a.m. with
Medic One, 119 West Railroad
Avenue, smoke investigation;
9:40 p.m., Cota and Fifth streets,
burn investigation.
March 11:9:31 a.m., Mason
General Hospital, burn investi-
gation; 4:31 p.m., Olympic
Highway South and Ellinor Ave-
nue, property fire.
March 12:9:42 pro. with Med-
ic One, South First and Mill
streets, two-car motor vehicle ac-
cident with injury.
March 14:3:48 a.m. with Med-
ic One, 600 West Franklin
Street, disturbance.
March 13:8:19 p.m. with Med-
ic One, 208 North First Street,
Tuesday, March 9
A caller from the 500 block of
West Euclid Avenue said some-
one keeps using moss to cover a
sign asking people to not walk on
the grass.
A caller from Mountain View
said a hit-and-run collision oc-
curred in front of McDonald's.
A large group of students were
reportedly involved in an alter-
cation across from Shelton High
Wednesday, March 10
A caller from McDonald's
said some kids were hitting a cat
with a baseball bat.
A caller said a $600 clarinet
was stolen from her daughter's
locker at Shelton Middle School.
Thursday, March 11
Police were asked to quiet a
group of kids who were making a
lot of noise while playing basket-
ball at Johnson Park.
A group of rabbits were said to
be crossing Union Avenue.
Friday, March 12
A stray dog was said to be
causing a traffic hazard on
Olympic Highway South.
Police were asked to inves-
tigate an effort to pass bad checks
at the Wal-Mart Store.
A rifle and a handgun were
reportedly stolen from a house on
the 800 block of Otter Street.
Saturday , March 13
Police were asked to calm'a
disturbance near the youth center
on Franklin Street.
A disturbance was reported on
South First Street.
Sunday, March 14
Police were asked to check out
three juveniles with backpacks,
chains, jeans and leather jack-
ets sitting on the fron stoop of a
house on the 700 block of West
Pine Street.
Three males were reportedly
having a fight on West Franklin
Monday, March 15
A caller said a man just re-
leased from incarceration was
violating the terms of his parole
by drinking at the Pine Tree.
A burglary was reported by a
caller from the 900 block of
Thomas Avenue.
The Mason County Jail, which
was designed for 45 inmates and
refitted in 1989 to house 65,
recorded populations as follows
during the past week:
Wednesday 89, Thursday 92,
Friday 102, Saturday 104, Sun-
day 105, Monday 99, Tuesday
Efforts are currently under
way to increase the capacity
Tuesday, March 9
Fire District 4 and Mason
County Medic One responded at
7:31 a.m. to the report of an in-
jury on West State Route 108.
A caller from East Big Skoo-
kum Road said somebody
chopped a couple of cars and left
them in his yard.
A caller from Belfair said he
felt threatened because a person
he gave a ride to was forcing him
to buy him a beer.
A number of tools were report-
edly taken when a shed on East
Passage View Road was broken
The Washington State Patrol
recovered an inactive badge
issued by the Mason County
Sheriffs Office during a traffic
stop in the Belfair area. Deputies
are assisting the investigation.
Wednesday, March 10
Fire District 4 responded at
1:51 p.m to the report of smoke on
Highway 101.
Fire District 11 responded at
5:22 a.m. to the report of struc-
ture fire at 131 East Northlake
Drive, Shelton.
A burglary was reported to a
business at mile 24.5 of Highway
Deputies were asked to inves-
tigate a sexual assault.
Twenty bags of garbage were
found dumped on North Potlatch-
Cushman Road in Hoodsport.
Thursday, March 11
A caller said his ex-wife was
supposed to take a tire off his
property on East Anything Lane,
Belfair, but that instead she
threw a bunch of stuff on the
Friday, March 12
Fire District 13 res
11:48 a.m. with Medic One
report of an injury on
quallum Road.
Fire District 16 res
8:20 p.m. to the report of*
miles out West Sh
A gun and alcohol
ported taken in a burglarY
house on SE Binns
Road. A burglary was
ported to a travel
gie Lake in Tahuya.
Saturday, March 13
A caller from NE
Place South corn
someone had just e
and left a note left on
saying this was "payb
A caller from
Way said a person was
down in the woods
in violation of a court
Five males report
assed a person riding
West Railroad Avenue.
Sunday, March 14
A caller from Belfair
for help with a drunk
shaved head who was
around the house
windows and yelling.
A caller from the
area was concerned
dog and a dead emu.
Burglaries were
vacation cabin on
shore Drive West and to
age building on East
Monday, March 15
Fire District 4 and
responded at 1:32 p.m.
port of an injury on
A caller from East
Place said the driver of a
low truck tried to run
son and splashed mud
Burgaries were
callers from SE BinnS
Loop South and NE stat
Deputies were aske
something about a big
that bites tires.
Front &
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661 East Pine
Serving Mason County
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$100ELTON ($60) 27-6188