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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 18, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 18, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FOR SALE HELP WANTED 356",' number one sell- ry supplement, avail- )endent distributor. t/8 Gateway Center. shirts and women's blous- All stuffed animals and price. Hours 11-4 p.m. and dryer, U-pick up, Bridgestones, 40%- all 4. 877-9698. ST & mixed soils =. 2590 Old Olympic Hwy. B/W. CompuMedia ling, 112 West Alder, C3/11-4/1 FARMERS for sale. Wanted, Oscil- or higher, dual trace Rs. 427-0442. $3/11- and up. Free activa- in Olympia and or put your own on ecrystal. Discount 12/18-4/8 ANTIQUES )UR gallon, plastic with goods, ready for Y2K, $1-$1.50 each. Del drums, $15 each. ery, 877-9894. H2/25- AUCTIONS 501b boxes, $1.49 a 1. T9/18 tfn brightens up the day. door inserts, stepping stones, etc, glass. I also do repairs. llass piece or win- throw it away. Call after 6 p.m. mation and esti- CUstom designs, too. MODEL 90 22 WRF, model 4, 32 rim fire, • 375 H-H rifle. 426-0159. SERVICES SOIL sandy loam Rocks • No Clay L SCAPING aWns ° Sprink ers Plants • Bark BaCkhoe, Dozer :K WALLS • Ripraps Anywhere eSCAPERS EST SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux Design, 426-0820. LUXDE'*033CJ. L 12/3tf n ONE(+) CORD green pine firewood U- haul, $50, 432-0185. F3/18 WICCAN, PAGAN and New Age sup- plies, Mystique Impressions has the largest supply and selection in tools for the Craft in the Mason & Thurston County area. Home based retail store now open Saturday & Sunday, 11 a.m.- 8 p.m. at E. 81-B Daniels Rd., Shelton. Follow our new signs from Agate Rd. End of March sale: All herbs 10% off or call for free catalog. 360-427-9504. M3/18-25 FIREWOOD DRY fir $110 cord. Buy now for next year. Seasoned wood: Alder, Maple, Madrona. Call for prices. Delivery charge outside Shelton may apply, 427-6883. C3/18 BEANIE BABIES and Beanie Buddies for sale and McDonald's Teenie sets. Beanies starting at $4, 427-3839. M3/18 FADED ROSE Collectibles, open Sun- day-Monday, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., 253 E. Boardwalk, (off Shelton Springs Rd.) 360-426-4931. F3/18-25 BUY OR consign one item or an entire estate. Serving the local area since 1963. References available, Lic #193. Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14ffn | PUBLIC AUCTION, Saturday, March 20, 1999, 10 aom. Registration 9 a.m. Preview Friday, March 19, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Info: (360) 491-6804. 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia 98516. Come see our Kalamazoo! It's a gas-powered, 4- cylinder flatbed, runs great. "Winter" player piano with music rolls, piano roll table, old baby buggy, coins, toy train engine, 1950s Karastan rug, 9x12. Shoe shine kit, commodes, old sleds, plates and figurines by Limoges and Lenox. Large pieces of Capodimonte. Old and new Christmas lights and orna- ments including Disney. 365 video discs and two players, like-new leather recliner, nice king-size beds, chests and dressers, bunks, futons. Patio set with market umbrella, stereo system, TVs, mahogany drop-leaf table and 4 chairs, drop-front desk. Huge hand- carved 1939 dining and living room set, Hammond electric organ, fishing equip- ment from light fly fishing to salmon gear. Electric stairway lift for handi- capped, bicycles from City of Olympia, lighted Mariner's hats, buzz saw, elec- tric auger, scuba air pump. Misery whips, glass display case and other commercial displays. Turn-of-the-cen- tury oak and tin bathtub. Melodian from mid-1800s - minimum bid $2,000. Much more. No buyers premium. Ken's Auc- tion Service, Lic #193. K3/18 BUILD 'EM START TO OR DO-IT-YOURSELF rn designed in any size to fit your needs... not our convenience, at competitive prices. Call Art today 426.2411 INSTRUCTION 'r. 32'x24'x10' --°'Car Garage and Storage N E Ticket Agents Flight Attendants Reservations ERS Ramp Agents Travel Agents 20'x36'x8' Horse Stable with Feed and Tack Room Storage PERSONALS *Two-Car Garage 16'x7' Roll-Up Door Quality 21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands g post-frame builders in Mason County. at competitive prices, any width, length or height required of buildings... • Airplane hangars • Carports • , covers • Warehouses • Horse arenas end stables • shops Lic. #TOZIEBIO24PK g00--1 Monday-Saturdly 7:30-7 I Sunday 9-6 j SATURDAY ONLY 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 320 McKinley, (near Bordeaux School.) Something for everyone, including fu- ton sofa. Rain/shine. B3/18 FURNITURE, STUDDED tires, camping unit, miscellaneous. 321 E Treasure Is- land Drive, Allyn. Saturday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 427-7256. P3/18 GARAGE SALE Friday 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Lots of house- hold goods, furniture, knickknacks, baby items. Something for everyone. 2120 Adams Street. F3/18 RUMMAGE SALE. Faith Lutheran Church 1212 Connection St. March 19 & 20, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. New items second day. P3/11-18 MOVING OUT sale, 1130 E. Island Lake Drive Saturday 3/20, Sunday 3/21, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Great things for ev- eryone. H3/11-18 MULTI-FAMILY moving sale. Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 6481 West Skok Valley Road. Lots of items. C3/18 SHELTON SENTRY Mini Storage unit 181, Saturday, 9 a.m.-? Bike, clocks, lawn mower, blower, milk can, house- hold, misc. B3/18 BENEFIT GARAGE/bake/craft sale for the Rick Wood family. Saturday only, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., new IWA Union Hall, 1801 W. Railroad. Organized by the em- ployees of Simpson Timber Company. Y3/18 STUFF, STUFF, stuff sale. Saturday- i Sunday. 10. a.m.E. 10090 Hwy 106, Union. D3/18 S.O.C.K. SWAP every Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Shelton Armory, 601 W. Franklin. Sellers - $15/10x10 area. Lookie Lous welcome. 427-3469. $3/11-4/1 BABY GOODS, television, miscellane- ous. 31 E. Spruce, Oak Park, Satur- day, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. H3/18 HUGE SALE, lots of everything, Union Fire Hall, April 3, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. M3/18 BIG SALE Shelton Elks, Friday 9 a.m.- 3 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-noon. $3/!8 DISTINCTIVE GLASSWARE, misc. col- lectibles, plus a little bit of everything else. Saturday, Sunday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. no early sales. 1520 E. Shelton Springs Rd. A3/18 PASTURE WANTED, reasonable rent for 3 horses, good fencing and shelter a must. North Shelton to Grapeview area, 427-4196 after 5:30 p.m., 360- 731-4208, days. $3/18 CAREGIVER FOR elderly lady living at Spencer Lake, call 427-1946. B3/18 WANTED, USED sliding glass doors for free or reasonable, 427-4196. $3/18 HOUSE SITTER, repair and main- tenance inclined, to work for rent until house is sold. May consider rent to purchase, April 1st. 427-8590. L3/18 HOUSE WANTED to move. Older, pre- 1950 house wanted to move to our site, for restoration. Call 866-8015. M3/11- 4/1 ESTATE BUYER. One piece or the whole house. Honestl 360-898-8100. B2/18-5/6 PAYING CASH - pro 1950 post cards, photos, photo albums, toys, gambling items, lamps, guns, knives, watches- running or not, gold, jewelry, Indian items, old pottery, vases and dishes. Buying estates - all or single items. Call Frontier Antiques 426-7795. F3/4- 25 Journal Classifieds (360) 426-4412 Answers to Super Crossword IMIOISlSlClHIAIFIFIBIAITINIEIOIPlAILI IAIRIAILIRIAITIIIOlilLIIIAIDICll TIEI R A R AII IINITIRIOIIOILIAINIDIIAIN OINI CiLIIIMIBIOIIIEITIFIOIRIDIAILIAIMIOI I I SlEIRIAICBBRIEIOIIAIOIRITIA SlTIEBERIEIXBEVIAILIOIRBBNIEITBBAIClT] IHIAINIDIEILIITIAICIIITIUIIIIHIAINIDILIE| IEIBIEIRITmmMIEILIEIEBmOIUIOEBRIEIHIAINI ILIOIRIAIPIOIRIEISI$1HIEIEITIAIEIRIOI IFIOIOITIPIRIIINITIIFIOIEIIFIOIOITIMIAINI RIOI$1SlOIOIWlPIRIOI HIOiTIFIOIOITIGIAIPIFIOIOItlL 0 0 S E| [AIRIIIAIIFIEILIOINIIFIEITIClHIIAILIO PI IMIAITITIEIINIEIOITIOIRIelKISlTIEINIO ] IAITIHIAINIOIAINITIHIOINIYIBIYIHIAINIDI INIEIEIIRIAIHIIelHIOITISIIOIAIRIINIY|Lel I I RIOIMIAINIEIRIRIelNIAIIIL I/ IFIEIRIAIL/INIOIRIAIIEITIAIHIIAILIIIEINI AIRIIIDIIIOIIIOITISlOILIAIRIAIN Tlk'l iLIIIMIAINIIISlIIEITIRIOINIAIMIOIOI/I ILIEIEIRBBSlNIEIEIRBBelEINIDISBBAININiO I ARE YOU a WorkFirst participant? Do you enjoy and want to work with young children? If you answered yes call the Childcare Careers Program to find out about our free training program. Call Nina 956-9830. $3/18-25 LANDSCAPE ASSISTANT for the Ma- son County Fairgrounds/Convention Center. $6.50/hour. Temporary, part- time 4 hours/day April 15-30; full-time 8 hours/day May through July; and pad- time 8 hours/week August & Septem- ber. Assist with planting, weeding, pruning, mowing. Minimum Require- ment: physical ability to perform land- scaping and gardening which requires bending, kneeling and lifting. Ability to work outdoors in variable weather, fol- low directions and work independently. Closes 3-26-99 at 5 p.m. Application required and available at Mason County Human Resoumes, 411 N Fifth St Shel- ton WA 98584; or call 427-7265. M3/18- 25 P/l" CLERICAL person, typing/clerical skills needed, Spanish bilingual skills helpful, 426-6393. $3/18-25 STEAMBOAT ISLAND Parent Coopera- tive Preschool seeks head teacher for Wednesday and Friday a.m.E.C.E. training and experience. Begins Fall 1999. Salary DOQ, 866-1819. $3/18 ACTIVITIES ASSISTANT, part-time. In- cludes weekends. Valid WDL. Must like people. Alpine Way, 900 W. Alpine, Shelton. EOE. A3/18-25 AUTO WRECKING yard needs pad puller, tools required. Counter person, some experience required. Call 432- 8231. A3/18-25 SHELTON ELKS needs two part-time janitors. Approximately 12 hours per week. Must have transportation and be reliable. $6.50 per hour. Call 426-2322 between 9 a.m.-1 p.m. $3/18 GRAPEVIEW SCHOOL District #54 is accepting applications for substitute teachers. For application, please call 426-4921 or 275-4921. G3/18.25 GRAPEVIEW SCHOOL District #54 is accepting applications for certified substitute bus drivers. For application, please call 426-4921 or (360) 275- 4921. G3/18-25 ADVERTISING SALES position with Mason County's only weekly news- paper. Strong sales experience back- ground preferred. Call 426-4412, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. for appointment or drop resume off at 227 W. Cots. J3/18 RN/LPN/MA to work for busy internal medicine physician. Must be reliable, personable, organized. 2 to 4 days a week. Bring resume and fill out applica- tion. Dr. Schlauderaff/Dagan office, 237 Professional Way. $3/4-25 IN t Providencel SoundHomeCare I and Hospice HOME HEALTH MANAGER Providence SoundHomeCare & Hos- pice currently seeking a full-time Home Health Manager for the Shelton, WA office. Requirements include Bachelor's in nursing or re- lated field, a minimum of three years experience in an acute care facility or home health agency and demon- strated ability to supervise with at least one year of supervisory experi- ence necessary. Qualified candidates can send resume to or apply at PSHCH 3706 Griffin Ln. S.E. Oly, WA 98501, fax to (360) 493-4657 or call (360) 459-8311 for an applica- tion. E.O.E. JANITORIAL, GENERAL floor cleaning, $8-$10 hr., Shelton, call for appt. 1- 800-531-5932. G3/11-4/1 PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR. Full-time position for experienced production line supervisor for Shelton cable manufac- turing business. Candidate must be capable, confident, and self-motivated. Great benefits package. Salary DOE. Please forward resume, salary history, references, and description of super- visory experience to: Production Line Supervisor, 19106 116th Ave SE, Renton WA 98058. O3/11-18 CITY OF Shelton Job Announcement: Job title: Senior Planner. Salary range: $2,968-$3,413 per month DOQ. Date of closing: March 26, 1999. This position is responsible for current planning functions including processing applica- tions and preparation of staff reports for land use change requests, street addressing, review of building permits and business license applications, up- dating current planning data including zoning map, processing of SEPA checklists and shorelines permits, staffing of citizen advisory groups and other duties as assigned. Undergradu- ate degree in Urban planning or related field, minimum two years of profession- al planning experience, or any equival- ent combination of experience, educa- tion and training that would provide the level of knowledge and ability required. Applicants must be familiar with all as- pects of current planning procedures and laws including subdivision pro- cesses, shorelines permits, SEPA, an- nexation, street addressing, and inter- pretation and administration of zoning codes and other regulations. In addi- tion, knowledge of historic preservation issues and techniques is desired. For a complete job announcement, job de- scription and application packet, con- tact the City of Shelton, City Hall, 310 W. Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584 or 360-426-9731, during normal business hours. EOE. C3/11-18 WANTED: PERSONS to set up displays and resets around the country. Must be motivated and highly reliable. F/T, P/'r positions available. 21K-25K per year starting plus per diem and expenses. Extensive background checks will be conducted. Screened applicants will be given interviews. Requirements are U.S. citizen, minimum 25 years of age, valid D.L. with good record. Send resumes to: Northwest On-Call, PC Box 701, Allyn, WA 98524. T3/18 ADOPT-A-PET Kennels are in need of volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1 day a week. But, these hours can be adjusted. Your help would be greatly appreciated, please call 426-2610 or our new Website at for more details. A4/30tfn 1 t Providence II SoundllomeCareand Hospice MEDICAL RECORDS COORDINATOR Providence SoundI-IomeCare & Itospice is cur- rently seeking a full-time Medical Records Coordinator to work Mon.-Fri., 8:00 a.m-4:30 pm m the Shelton Office. Requirements in- clude successful completion of Medical Records Secretary course and/or equivalent cMucation/ experience with at least one year recent expe- rience in the medical field preferred. Must have successfully completed cou in medical ter- minology and have knowledge of medical records and ICD-9 coding. Demonstrated com- puter and word processing skills, Qualified candidates can send resume to or apply at: PSHCH 3706 Griffin Ln. Rd. Oly., WA 98501, fax to (360) 493-4657 or call (360) 459-8311 tbr an application. EOE '’1l 18 i JoL)s • Job Placement Service • Begin Working in Just 10 Weeks • Over 18,000 Graduates Placed • Financial Aid Programs For Those Who Qualify Join Us At A Free Orientation: Olympia Tuesday, March 23 ee Hotel (1.5, Exit 102) 3p.m. or 7p.m. GOLF COURSE, what a fun place to work! Alderbrook Golf Club is looking for food service help at the Bunker Grill. Full or part-time positions avail- able, experience or not. Catered events lead to extra dollars. Call 360- 898-2575 for an application or appoint- ment. A3/18-25 ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE Director: in operations of the Southern Puget Sound Inter-Tribal Housing Authority, including overall office and staff man- agement, personnel administration, staff training, Tribal and housing resi- dent relations, program and policy de- velopment. Acts for Executive Director in his/her absence. Oversees Housing Authority practices and policies, in- cluding regulatory compliance. Con- struction background, including per- sonnel management and progressively responsible experience in management services functions essential. Gradua- tion from a four year college in busi- ness, construction management or re- lated field preferred. Salary DOQ, Indi- an preference applies, drug free work- place. Closing date: March 24. Apply in person: Southern Puget Sound Inter- Tribal Housing Authority. 11 SE Squax- in Lane, Shelton WA 98584, 360-426- 4641. $3/11-18 ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT Bookkeep- er: Responsible for varied accounting and bookkeeping functions including inventory control and management for the Southern Puget Sound Inter-Tribal Housing Authority. Must have knowl- edge in accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and a minimum of two years of accounting course work at the community college level. Must be proficient with Microsoft Word and Ex- cel. Internet knowledge also helpful. Indian preference applies. Salary DOQ, drug free workplace. Closing date: March 24. Apply in person or request an application form and job description from: Southern Puget Sound Inter-Trib- al Housing Authority, 11 SE Squaxin Lane, Shelton WA, 98584, 360-426- 4641. $3/11-18 WEST COAST Bank is currently ac- cepting applications for Customer Ser- vice Manager 1 or 2, Shelton Office, Job #9901-025. Minimum two years ex- perience in Operations. Previous new accounts and teller experience re- quired. Excellent benefits package, education assistance, incentives, work/life program. Please apply at one of our branches or call us at 1-800-358- 1868. EOE. W3/11-18 CNA NEEDED at Rocky Bay Health Care Facility, $8 start. Will train at $7.50. Shift differential on evenings and nights. All shifts open. Contact Jackie or Paula, 253-884-2277. R3/4- 25 EDGEWOOD DAYCARE has openings for kids two and up. New home South of Shelton. 1/4 mile from 101. 426-2969. F3/11-4/1 WOULD YOU like to learn to play pedal steel guitar? I have several reasonably priced guitars available, with lessons as a package. Call Paul at 360-426- 4280. B3/11-4/1 CELLO, BASS and electric bass les- sons including music theory, ear train- ing and advanced techniques. Also of- fering beginning violin and keyboard. 21 years experience. Call Dave, 427- 5487. P9/17tfn TENANT PROBLEMS? Attorney evic- tions. Fast, efficient. $205, collection recovery, small claims. G.P.S.F. Bond- ed. 253-472-1072 or 1-800-925-1520. G3/18-6/3 LOST ON Mason Lake: orange and white Searunner paddle boat. Please call 426-9908. $3/18 TWO FREE puppies and mother, short hair, mid-size dogs, great with children. Ask about 1/2 paid spaying. Wormed. Very cute, 427-7283 evenings only. P3/18 DACHSHUND AKC male, 15 months, short hair, chocolate/tan dapple, shots, etc. $350. (360) 458-8626, Yelm. H3/18-25 FREE TO gentle, dog-loving home, 1- year chocolate lab. 877-0878, V3/18 TWO GREAT family horses. Bay/Arab gelding, 15.1 hands, many years in 4-H, $800. Grey Arab mare 14.3 hands, good trail horse or 4-H project, $1,000. Tack also for sale. 426-3211. A3/18-25 REGISTERED QUARTER horse, geld- ing, 9 years. $2,500 OBO. Good 4-H project. 426-3597 after 5 p.m. K3/11-18 QUALITY GRASS hay, U-haul, $3 bale. Free loose hay for bedding. Twin River Ranch. 426-1023. R3/4-25 SINGLE-AXLE STOCK trailer with 2 spares, $800. Call 427-6731, evenings 6-9 p.m. D2/25tfn RAZORBACK FENCE Company, spe- cializing in livestock fence installation, hole drilling, post driving. Free esti- mates. 427-6201. License #RAZOR- FC0660Z. R 1 2/14tfn ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton. Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve- nings 426-3633. G11/9fin EXCELLENT EASTERN Washington al- falfa hay, $7 per bale. 426-1803. P 10/22tfn PROTECT VALUABLES Video Tech Ltd. will make an inexpensive, profes- sional video tape of all you value in your home. Your proof for insurance claims if you have a fire or theft loss. Call today 360-432-0222. B3/4-25 COTTAGE CLEANER, references, reli- ability, Dona, 877-9277. M3/4-25 RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn DAVID CASEY Painting. Interiors, ex- teriors, mobile homes. Varnish and enameled woodwork. 20 years experi- ence. 426-0235. #DAVIDCP065QW. D2/2tfn JACK FROST Construction, JACKFC- 257N1. Thirty.five years experience, quality craftsmanship, remodeling, new construction, decks, garages, car- pods, cabins, additions or new homes. Dependable service anytime, 426- 0953. F8/3tfn RUDOLL CONSTRUCTION and Handy- man Service. Remodels, additions and repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD05419. 427- 1990. R6/6ffn PAINTING? CALL Tozier Bros. True- Value for close out specials. As low as $3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for Dick. T 12/5tfn HAKOLA'S TREE and Logging Service. Danger tree falling, residential logging, topping, limbing, stumping. Licensed, bonded and insured. Free estimates. Lic. #601-312-066, 426-5234. R5/8tfn I JAY B UTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping • Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360!426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUTS053R2 Thursday, March 18, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal, Page 27 FOR SALE HELP WANTED 356",' number one sell- ry supplement, avail- )endent distributor. t/8 Gateway Center. shirts and women's blous- All stuffed animals and price. Hours 11-4 p.m. and dryer, U-pick up, Bridgestones, 40%- all 4. 877-9698. ST & mixed soils =. 2590 Old Olympic Hwy. B/W. CompuMedia ling, 112 West Alder, C3/11-4/1 FARMERS for sale. Wanted, Oscil- or higher, dual trace Rs. 427-0442. $3/11- and up. Free activa- in Olympia and or put your own on ecrystal. Discount 12/18-4/8 ANTIQUES )UR gallon, plastic with goods, ready for Y2K, $1-$1.50 each. Del drums, $15 each. ery, 877-9894. H2/25- AUCTIONS 501b boxes, $1.49 a 1. T9/18 tfn brightens up the day. door inserts, stepping stones, etc, glass. I also do repairs. llass piece or win- throw it away. Call after 6 p.m. mation and esti- CUstom designs, too. MODEL 90 22 WRF, model 4, 32 rim fire, • 375 H-H rifle. 426-0159. SERVICES SOIL sandy loam Rocks • No Clay L SCAPING aWns ° Sprink ers Plants • Bark BaCkhoe, Dozer :K WALLS • Ripraps Anywhere eSCAPERS EST SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux Design, 426-0820. LUXDE'*033CJ. L 12/3tf n ONE(+) CORD green pine firewood U- haul, $50, 432-0185. F3/18 WICCAN, PAGAN and New Age sup- plies, Mystique Impressions has the largest supply and selection in tools for the Craft in the Mason & Thurston County area. Home based retail store now open Saturday & Sunday, 11 a.m.- 8 p.m. at E. 81-B Daniels Rd., Shelton. Follow our new signs from Agate Rd. End of March sale: All herbs 10% off or call for free catalog. 360-427-9504. M3/18-25 FIREWOOD DRY fir $110 cord. Buy now for next year. Seasoned wood: Alder, Maple, Madrona. Call for prices. Delivery charge outside Shelton may apply, 427-6883. C3/18 BEANIE BABIES and Beanie Buddies for sale and McDonald's Teenie sets. Beanies starting at $4, 427-3839. M3/18 FADED ROSE Collectibles, open Sun- day-Monday, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., 253 E. Boardwalk, (off Shelton Springs Rd.) 360-426-4931. F3/18-25 BUY OR consign one item or an entire estate. Serving the local area since 1963. References available, Lic #193. Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14ffn | PUBLIC AUCTION, Saturday, March 20, 1999, 10 aom. Registration 9 a.m. Preview Friday, March 19, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Info: (360) 491-6804. 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia 98516. Come see our Kalamazoo! It's a gas-powered, 4- cylinder flatbed, runs great. "Winter" player piano with music rolls, piano roll table, old baby buggy, coins, toy train engine, 1950s Karastan rug, 9x12. Shoe shine kit, commodes, old sleds, plates and figurines by Limoges and Lenox. Large pieces of Capodimonte. Old and new Christmas lights and orna- ments including Disney. 365 video discs and two players, like-new leather recliner, nice king-size beds, chests and dressers, bunks, futons. Patio set with market umbrella, stereo system, TVs, mahogany drop-leaf table and 4 chairs, drop-front desk. Huge hand- carved 1939 dining and living room set, Hammond electric organ, fishing equip- ment from light fly fishing to salmon gear. Electric stairway lift for handi- capped, bicycles from City of Olympia, lighted Mariner's hats, buzz saw, elec- tric auger, scuba air pump. Misery whips, glass display case and other commercial displays. Turn-of-the-cen- tury oak and tin bathtub. Melodian from mid-1800s - minimum bid $2,000. Much more. No buyers premium. Ken's Auc- tion Service, Lic #193. K3/18 BUILD 'EM START TO OR DO-IT-YOURSELF rn designed in any size to fit your needs... not our convenience, at competitive prices. Call Art today 426.2411 INSTRUCTION 'r. 32'x24'x10' --°'Car Garage and Storage N E Ticket Agents Flight Attendants Reservations ERS Ramp Agents Travel Agents 20'x36'x8' Horse Stable with Feed and Tack Room Storage PERSONALS *Two-Car Garage 16'x7' Roll-Up Door Quality 21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands g post-frame builders in Mason County. at competitive prices, any width, length or height required of buildings... • Airplane hangars • Carports • , covers • Warehouses • Horse arenas end stables • shops Lic. #TOZIEBIO24PK g00--1 Monday-Saturdly 7:30-7 I Sunday 9-6 j SATURDAY ONLY 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 320 McKinley, (near Bordeaux School.) Something for everyone, including fu- ton sofa. Rain/shine. B3/18 FURNITURE, STUDDED tires, camping unit, miscellaneous. 321 E Treasure Is- land Drive, Allyn. Saturday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 427-7256. P3/18 GARAGE SALE Friday 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Lots of house- hold goods, furniture, knickknacks, baby items. Something for everyone. 2120 Adams Street. F3/18 RUMMAGE SALE. Faith Lutheran Church 1212 Connection St. March 19 & 20, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. New items second day. P3/11-18 MOVING OUT sale, 1130 E. Island Lake Drive Saturday 3/20, Sunday 3/21, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Great things for ev- eryone. H3/11-18 MULTI-FAMILY moving sale. Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 6481 West Skok Valley Road. Lots of items. C3/18 SHELTON SENTRY Mini Storage unit 181, Saturday, 9 a.m.-? Bike, clocks, lawn mower, blower, milk can, house- hold, misc. B3/18 BENEFIT GARAGE/bake/craft sale for the Rick Wood family. Saturday only, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., new IWA Union Hall, 1801 W. Railroad. Organized by the em- ployees of Simpson Timber Company. Y3/18 STUFF, STUFF, stuff sale. Saturday- i Sunday. 10. a.m.E. 10090 Hwy 106, Union. D3/18 S.O.C.K. SWAP every Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Shelton Armory, 601 W. Franklin. Sellers - $15/10x10 area. Lookie Lous welcome. 427-3469. $3/11-4/1 BABY GOODS, television, miscellane- ous. 31 E. Spruce, Oak Park, Satur- day, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. H3/18 HUGE SALE, lots of everything, Union Fire Hall, April 3, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. M3/18 BIG SALE Shelton Elks, Friday 9 a.m.- 3 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-noon. $3/!8 DISTINCTIVE GLASSWARE, misc. col- lectibles, plus a little bit of everything else. Saturday, Sunday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. no early sales. 1520 E. Shelton Springs Rd. A3/18 PASTURE WANTED, reasonable rent for 3 horses, good fencing and shelter a must. North Shelton to Grapeview area, 427-4196 after 5:30 p.m., 360- 731-4208, days. $3/18 CAREGIVER FOR elderly lady living at Spencer Lake, call 427-1946. B3/18 WANTED, USED sliding glass doors for free or reasonable, 427-4196. $3/18 HOUSE SITTER, repair and main- tenance inclined, to work for rent until house is sold. May consider rent to purchase, April 1st. 427-8590. L3/18 HOUSE WANTED to move. Older, pre- 1950 house wanted to move to our site, for restoration. Call 866-8015. M3/11- 4/1 ESTATE BUYER. One piece or the whole house. Honestl 360-898-8100. B2/18-5/6 PAYING CASH - pro 1950 post cards, photos, photo albums, toys, gambling items, lamps, guns, knives, watches- running or not, gold, jewelry, Indian items, old pottery, vases and dishes. Buying estates - all or single items. Call Frontier Antiques 426-7795. F3/4- 25 Journal Classifieds (360) 426-4412 Answers to Super Crossword IMIOISlSlClHIAIFIFIBIAITINIEIOIPlAILI IAIRIAILIRIAITIIIOlilLIIIAIDICll TIEI R A R AII IINITIRIOIIOILIAINIDIIAIN OINI CiLIIIMIBIOIIIEITIFIOIRIDIAILIAIMIOI I I SlEIRIAICBBRIEIOIIAIOIRITIA SlTIEBERIEIXBEVIAILIOIRBBNIEITBBAIClT] IHIAINIDIEILIITIAICIIITIUIIIIHIAINIDILIE| IEIBIEIRITmmMIEILIEIEBmOIUIOEBRIEIHIAINI ILIOIRIAIPIOIRIEISI$1HIEIEITIAIEIRIOI IFIOIOITIPIRIIINITIIFIOIEIIFIOIOITIMIAINI RIOI$1SlOIOIWlPIRIOI HIOiTIFIOIOITIGIAIPIFIOIOItlL 0 0 S E| [AIRIIIAIIFIEILIOINIIFIEITIClHIIAILIO PI IMIAITITIEIINIEIOITIOIRIelKISlTIEINIO ] IAITIHIAINIOIAINITIHIOINIYIBIYIHIAINIDI INIEIEIIRIAIHIIelHIOITISIIOIAIRIINIY|Lel I I RIOIMIAINIEIRIRIelNIAIIIL I/ IFIEIRIAIL/INIOIRIAIIEITIAIHIIAILIIIEINI AIRIIIDIIIOIIIOITISlOILIAIRIAIN Tlk'l iLIIIMIAINIIISlIIEITIRIOINIAIMIOIOI/I ILIEIEIRBBSlNIEIEIRBBelEINIDISBBAININiO I ARE YOU a WorkFirst participant? Do you enjoy and want to work with young children? If you answered yes call the Childcare Careers Program to find out about our free training program. Call Nina 956-9830. $3/18-25 LANDSCAPE ASSISTANT for the Ma- son County Fairgrounds/Convention Center. $6.50/hour. Temporary, part- time 4 hours/day April 15-30; full-time 8 hours/day May through July; and pad- time 8 hours/week August & Septem- ber. Assist with planting, weeding, pruning, mowing. Minimum Require- ment: physical ability to perform land- scaping and gardening which requires bending, kneeling and lifting. Ability to work outdoors in variable weather, fol- low directions and work independently. Closes 3-26-99 at 5 p.m. Application required and available at Mason County Human Resoumes, 411 N Fifth St Shel- ton WA 98584; or call 427-7265. M3/18- 25 P/l" CLERICAL person, typing/clerical skills needed, Spanish bilingual skills helpful, 426-6393. $3/18-25 STEAMBOAT ISLAND Parent Coopera- tive Preschool seeks head teacher for Wednesday and Friday a.m.E.C.E. training and experience. Begins Fall 1999. Salary DOQ, 866-1819. $3/18 ACTIVITIES ASSISTANT, part-time. In- cludes weekends. Valid WDL. Must like people. Alpine Way, 900 W. Alpine, Shelton. EOE. A3/18-25 AUTO WRECKING yard needs pad puller, tools required. Counter person, some experience required. Call 432- 8231. A3/18-25 SHELTON ELKS needs two part-time janitors. Approximately 12 hours per week. Must have transportation and be reliable. $6.50 per hour. Call 426-2322 between 9 a.m.-1 p.m. $3/18 GRAPEVIEW SCHOOL District #54 is accepting applications for substitute teachers. For application, please call 426-4921 or 275-4921. G3/18.25 GRAPEVIEW SCHOOL District #54 is accepting applications for certified substitute bus drivers. For application, please call 426-4921 or (360) 275- 4921. G3/18-25 ADVERTISING SALES position with Mason County's only weekly news- paper. Strong sales experience back- ground preferred. Call 426-4412, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. for appointment or drop resume off at 227 W. Cots. J3/18 RN/LPN/MA to work for busy internal medicine physician. Must be reliable, personable, organized. 2 to 4 days a week. Bring resume and fill out applica- tion. Dr. Schlauderaff/Dagan office, 237 Professional Way. $3/4-25 IN t Providencel SoundHomeCare I and Hospice HOME HEALTH MANAGER Providence SoundHomeCare & Hos- pice currently seeking a full-time Home Health Manager for the Shelton, WA office. Requirements include Bachelor's in nursing or re- lated field, a minimum of three years experience in an acute care facility or home health agency and demon- strated ability to supervise with at least one year of supervisory experi- ence necessary. Qualified candidates can send resume to or apply at PSHCH 3706 Griffin Ln. S.E. Oly, WA 98501, fax to (360) 493-4657 or call (360) 459-8311 for an applica- tion. E.O.E. JANITORIAL, GENERAL floor cleaning, $8-$10 hr., Shelton, call for appt. 1- 800-531-5932. G3/11-4/1 PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR. Full-time position for experienced production line supervisor for Shelton cable manufac- turing business. Candidate must be capable, confident, and self-motivated. Great benefits package. Salary DOE. Please forward resume, salary history, references, and description of super- visory experience to: Production Line Supervisor, 19106 116th Ave SE, Renton WA 98058. O3/11-18 CITY OF Shelton Job Announcement: Job title: Senior Planner. Salary range: $2,968-$3,413 per month DOQ. Date of closing: March 26, 1999. This position is responsible for current planning functions including processing applica- tions and preparation of staff reports for land use change requests, street addressing, review of building permits and business license applications, up- dating current planning data including zoning map, processing of SEPA checklists and shorelines permits, staffing of citizen advisory groups and other duties as assigned. Undergradu- ate degree in Urban planning or related field, minimum two years of profession- al planning experience, or any equival- ent combination of experience, educa- tion and training that would provide the level of knowledge and ability required. Applicants must be familiar with all as- pects of current planning procedures and laws including subdivision pro- cesses, shorelines permits, SEPA, an- nexation, street addressing, and inter- pretation and administration of zoning codes and other regulations. In addi- tion, knowledge of historic preservation issues and techniques is desired. For a complete job announcement, job de- scription and application packet, con- tact the City of Shelton, City Hall, 310 W. Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584 or 360-426-9731, during normal business hours. EOE. C3/11-18 WANTED: PERSONS to set up displays and resets around the country. Must be motivated and highly reliable. F/T, P/'r positions available. 21K-25K per year starting plus per diem and expenses. Extensive background checks will be conducted. Screened applicants will be given interviews. Requirements are U.S. citizen, minimum 25 years of age, valid D.L. with good record. Send resumes to: Northwest On-Call, PC Box 701, Allyn, WA 98524. T3/18 ADOPT-A-PET Kennels are in need of volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1 day a week. But, these hours can be adjusted. Your help would be greatly appreciated, please call 426-2610 or our new Website at for more details. A4/30tfn 1 t Providence II SoundllomeCareand Hospice MEDICAL RECORDS COORDINATOR Providence SoundI-IomeCare & Itospice is cur- rently seeking a full-time Medical Records Coordinator to work Mon.-Fri., 8:00 a.m-4:30 pmm the Shelton Office. Requirements in- clude successful completion of Medical Records Secretary course and/or equivalent cMucation/ experience with at least one year recent expe- rience in the medical field preferred. Must have successfully completed cou in medical ter- minology and have knowledge of medical records and ICD-9 coding. Demonstrated com- puter and word processing skills, Qualified candidates can send resume to or apply at: PSHCH 3706 Griffin Ln. Rd. Oly., WA 98501, fax to (360) 493-4657 or call (360) 459-8311 tbr an application. EOE '’1l 18 i JoL)s • Job Placement Service • Begin Working in Just 10 Weeks • Over 18,000 Graduates Placed • Financial Aid Programs For Those Who Qualify Join Us At A Free Orientation: Olympia Tuesday, March 23 ee Hotel (1.5, Exit 102) 3p.m. or 7p.m. GOLF COURSE, what a fun place to work! Alderbrook Golf Club is looking for food service help at the Bunker Grill. Full or part-time positions avail- able, experience or not. Catered events lead to extra dollars. Call 360- 898-2575 for an application or appoint- ment. A3/18-25 ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE Director: in operations of the Southern Puget Sound Inter-Tribal Housing Authority, including overall office and staff man- agement, personnel administration, staff training, Tribal and housing resi- dent relations, program and policy de- velopment. Acts for Executive Director in his/her absence. Oversees Housing Authority practices and policies, in- cluding regulatory compliance. Con- struction background, including per- sonnel management and progressively responsible experience in management services functions essential. Gradua- tion from a four year college in busi- ness, construction management or re- lated field preferred. Salary DOQ, Indi- an preference applies, drug free work- place. Closing date: March 24. Apply in person: Southern Puget Sound Inter- Tribal Housing Authority. 11 SE Squax- in Lane, Shelton WA 98584, 360-426- 4641. $3/11-18 ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT Bookkeep- er: Responsible for varied accounting and bookkeeping functions including inventory control and management for the Southern Puget Sound Inter-Tribal Housing Authority. Must have knowl- edge in accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and a minimum of two years of accounting course work at the community college level. Must be proficient with Microsoft Word and Ex- cel. Internet knowledge also helpful. Indian preference applies. Salary DOQ, drug free workplace. Closing date: March 24. Apply in person or request an application form and job description from: Southern Puget Sound Inter-Trib- al Housing Authority, 11 SE Squaxin Lane, Shelton WA, 98584, 360-426- 4641. $3/11-18 WEST COAST Bank is currently ac- cepting applications for Customer Ser- vice Manager 1 or 2, Shelton Office, Job #9901-025. Minimum two years ex- perience in Operations. Previous new accounts and teller experience re- quired. Excellent benefits package, education assistance, incentives, work/life program. Please apply at one of our branches or call us at 1-800-358- 1868. EOE. W3/11-18 CNA NEEDED at Rocky Bay Health Care Facility, $8 start. Will train at $7.50. Shift differential on evenings and nights. All shifts open. Contact Jackie or Paula, 253-884-2277. R3/4- 25 EDGEWOOD DAYCARE has openings for kids two and up. New home South of Shelton. 1/4 mile from 101. 426-2969. F3/11-4/1 WOULD YOU like to learn to play pedal steel guitar? I have several reasonably priced guitars available, with lessons as a package. Call Paul at 360-426- 4280. B3/11-4/1 CELLO, BASS and electric bass les- sons including music theory, ear train- ing and advanced techniques. Also of- fering beginning violin and keyboard. 21 years experience. Call Dave, 427- 5487. P9/17tfn TENANT PROBLEMS? Attorney evic- tions. Fast, efficient. $205, collection recovery, small claims. G.P.S.F. Bond- ed. 253-472-1072 or 1-800-925-1520. G3/18-6/3 LOST ON Mason Lake: orange and white Searunner paddle boat. Please call 426-9908. $3/18 TWO FREE puppies and mother, short hair, mid-size dogs, great with children. Ask about 1/2 paid spaying. Wormed. Very cute, 427-7283 evenings only. P3/18 DACHSHUND AKC male, 15 months, short hair, chocolate/tan dapple, shots, etc. $350. (360) 458-8626, Yelm. H3/18-25 FREE TO gentle, dog-loving home, 1- year chocolate lab. 877-0878, V3/18 TWO GREAT family horses. Bay/Arab gelding, 15.1 hands, many years in 4-H, $800. Grey Arab mare 14.3 hands, good trail horse or 4-H project, $1,000. Tack also for sale. 426-3211. A3/18-25 REGISTERED QUARTER horse, geld- ing, 9 years. $2,500 OBO. Good 4-H project. 426-3597 after 5 p.m. K3/11-18 QUALITY GRASS hay, U-haul, $3 bale. Free loose hay for bedding. Twin River Ranch. 426-1023. R3/4-25 SINGLE-AXLE STOCK trailer with 2 spares, $800. Call 427-6731, evenings 6-9 p.m. D2/25tfn RAZORBACK FENCE Company, spe- cializing in livestock fence installation, hole drilling, post driving. Free esti- mates. 427-6201. License #RAZOR- FC0660Z. R 1 2/14tfn ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton. Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve- nings 426-3633. G11/9fin EXCELLENT EASTERN Washington al- falfa hay, $7 per bale. 426-1803. P 10/22tfn PROTECT VALUABLES Video Tech Ltd. will make an inexpensive, profes- sional video tape of all you value in your home. Your proof for insurance claims if you have a fire or theft loss. Call today 360-432-0222. B3/4-25 COTTAGE CLEANER, references, reli- ability, Dona, 877-9277. M3/4-25 RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn DAVID CASEY Painting. Interiors, ex- teriors, mobile homes. Varnish and enameled woodwork. 20 years experi- ence. 426-0235. #DAVIDCP065QW. D2/2tfn JACK FROST Construction, JACKFC- 257N1. Thirty.five years experience, quality craftsmanship, remodeling, new construction, decks, garages, car- pods, cabins, additions or new homes. Dependable service anytime, 426- 0953. F8/3tfn RUDOLL CONSTRUCTION and Handy- man Service. Remodels, additions and repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD05419. 427- 1990. R6/6ffn PAINTING? CALL Tozier Bros. True- Value for close out specials. As low as $3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for Dick. T 12/5tfn HAKOLA'S TREE and Logging Service. Danger tree falling, residential logging, topping, limbing, stumping. Licensed, bonded and insured. Free estimates. Lic. #601-312-066, 426-5234. R5/8tfn I JAY B UTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping • Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360!426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUTS053R2 Thursday, March 18, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal, Page 27