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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 18, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 18, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FOR RENT I CARS / TRUCKS MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT BOOK YOUR summer projects now be- fore the busy season. Free estimates. Storm damage repairs, roofing, interior/exterior painting, general .qar- pentry, finish work, pressure washing services, remodeling, manufactured home repairs, home repairs. Call Dave, 427.4237. LI #DAVIDWGO44KU. W3/11-4/29 OLYMPIA PAINTING Company. Quality interior and exterior painting. Residen- tial, commercial, and designer applica- tions. Your northwest drywall special- ists. Licensed, bonded and insured. 426-5265. O3/4tfn HOUSECLEANING SERVICES.Priority of excellence. Shelton and surrounding areas. Help with other tasks. Let&apos;s talkf Call Sue, 432-9537. J3/11-4/1 OLYMPIA PAINTING Company. Quality interior and exterior painting. Residen- tial, commercial, and designer applica- tions. Licensed, bonded and insured, 426-5265. O3/4tfn MASON COUNTY Excavation. Tree service, brush hauling, landclearing, logging, cash for log value, excellent service guaranteed. Free estimates, 426-0574. K2/11-4/29 SITE PREP, land clearing, roads and driveways, tree removal, excavating, demolition work, rockeries, retaining walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain drains, rock and pit run. 426- 9047, call Lot Hauling. LIC #ZIRKLTS141OW. Z3/1 ltfn QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as- pects of landscape installation and re- organization. Extensive references. 426-4598. Q8/13tfn HANDYMAN. REMODELING, carpen- try, painting and building decks, car- ports, garages, fences. Call 427-1741. N8/21 tfn WALLPAPERING, PAINTING. Pam's Decorating, 16 years in business. Free estimates- Reasonable rates. Lic. #PAMSD121J5. 427-5066. C1/15ffn EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS labor-as- needed crew is available for yard work, brush clearing and other labor projects. Call 426-6812 for free estimates. E7/23tfn PIONEER DIGGING Company. Back- hoe, dozer, dump truck. All types of work, including septic systems, land clearing, hauling, etc. Licensed and bonded. Bob Paysse, 426-1803. PIO- NEDI081P7. P11/12tfn Specializing in Troubleshooting Your Lawn • lawn clean-up I • weeding i • pruning  1 1 • barking  ' 7 [] • we do  -, II 35 years experience " :MOWmO00 Hood Canal Shelton/01ympia 877-6695 352-0718 WINCHESTER MODEL 90 22 WRF, $300. Remington model 4, 32 rim fire, $200. Wanted -375 H-H rifle. 426-0159. B2/25tfn 1979 YAMAHA 760 special. Has been parked in garage, hasn't been ridden in years, $1,000 or trade? 427-4196. $3/18 10' OLYMPIAN with Fisherman motor and new Shorelander trailer, $1,200. Call 427-6731, evenings 6-9 p.m. D2/25tfn 8' LIVINGSTON-type, practically new trailer, easy operation, no lifting. $350 OBO, (360)482-4942. M3/18 1987 21' Cuddy Cabin, freshwater cooled 205, stereo, cabin heat, E-Z Loader trailer, new canvas, fishfinder, $7,500, 426-2821. B3/11-18 LOOKING FOR used RV or travel trail- er? Come see us at Sun Auto, RV and Marine Sales Inc. We have many sizes and makes to choose from. Also used boats, autos, pickups, canopies. Con- signments welcome. Sun Auto and RV Sales Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. #3, Shelton (360) 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1972 EL Camino, fresh rebuilt motor, AT, PB, PS, $2,500 OBO, call morn- ings, 432-0478. C3/18-25 1972 DODGE van, good engine, needs minor repair. $350 OBO. 432-8945. F3/18 1982 TOYOTA Celica GT, 5-speed, al- loy wheels, runs great, $1,350. 866- 7997 Olympia. E3/18 1997 LANCE 81/2' camper, self-con- tained, loaded, $6,950. 1990 F-150, 4x4, 61K, new tires, mint, $6,950, 427- 9371. P3/11-4/1 1986 SUBARU XT Turbo. Needs work, $300 OBO, 427-4003. R3/11-4/1 '74 CHEVY, 3/4T PU, new transmis- sion, runs great. $1,200 OBO. 426- 8097. M3/18-25 '88 MERCURY Sable station wagon, fully loaded, needs engine work, $500. 426-3698 days/eves. V3/18 1985 BUICK Century, good parts car, $200 OBO. 1960 Ranchero, runs, $500 OBO. Call 426-7968 between 5 p.m. & 9 p.m. H3/18 '79 HONDA Accord, runs good, lots of new parts. Best offer takes, (360) 482- 4942. M3/18 BUSINESS )ROPERTY Spring and Summer Needs My Journal classified ad gets me all the painting jobs I can handle. To place your ad call 426-4412. Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 18, 1999 1991 GRAND AM SE blown motor, good body, 2 new tires, make offer, 426- 9465. A3/11-18 1978 FORD Courier, very dependable, $450. Call 432-0633. P3/11 1984 CHEVROLET Caprice Classic, 305 V8, AT, well-maintained, runs good, $1,650 OBO. (360) 427-0692. Ask for Jason. Mc3/11-4/1 1984 CHEVY Camaro Z-28, 305 V-8, 5- speed, low miles, runs great, $2,200 OBO, 427-7689. M3/4-25 CARS UNDER $1,000. Large selection of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs, trail. ers. Consignments wanted. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. 3, Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1972 DATSUN pick-up. Great runner. Many extras, $1,000 OBO, 427-8824. P2/25tfn SHORECREST COMMUNITY. Studio cabin, W/D, full bath, charming, in woods, close to lake and swimming pool, all utilities included. No pets, $395 first/last/S250 deposit/refer- ences, 425-432-6810 message, 360- 432-0532. T3/18-4/8 TWO BEDROOM mobile, storage shed, W/D hookup. No pets. $475 monthly plus $475 deposit. (360) 427-6688, ask for Micki. C3/18-25 DOWNTOWN SHELTON studio and one bedroom apartments available, $325, $365. Lawton Apartments, 426-0674. K3/18 tfn RENT OR rent to own, singlewide mo- bile, 2 bedroom, 1 bath fixer-upper, $325 monthly. 360-786-8320. T3/18- 4/8 LARGE ONE bedroom upstairs apart- ment, private entrance, all utilities in- cluded except telephone and cable T.V. No pets. $435 monthly with $435 damage/cleaning deposit. Call 426- 3164. K3/18 COMPLETELY REMODELED 2 bed- room mobile at Shorecrest, new carpet and vinyl, sunshine kitchen, fenced yard, one-car newer garage. Includes appliances, water, heat and electricity, pay only garbage and phone, $550 monthly plus deposit, 427-7299. H3/18- 25 SHELTON, NEAT and clean 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath townhouse style with carport and storage shed. Available 4/1/99. $475 rent, $475 deposit. Invest Realty, 426-3567.13/18 TIMBERLAKES, TWO bedroom mobile home with two storage sheds. Use of parks. Only $425 rent, $425 deposit. Available 4/1/99. Invest Realty, 426. 3567. 13/18 SHELTON - LOW cost rental. Large two bedroom rental with carport for only $430 deposit. Water, sewer and gar- bage paid ($75 value). Available 4-1- 99. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 13/18 4 BEDROOM, 13/4 bath, attached ga- rage, pellet stove, easy Hwy 101 ac- cess, $550 monthly plus deposit, 898- 7779 for details. J3/18 FOR RENT 30' 5th wheel trailer, in- cludes lot, power, sewer, water $325 monthly. 426-3506. R3/11-18 TWO BEDROOM duplex, 1100 sq. ft., W/D hookup, garage, fireplace, very nice, $550 monthly, $175 deposit, W/G paid. Call Betty 426-7646. $3/18 tfn LARGE 2 bedroom apartment, W/S/G included, near hospital and shopping, no pets, $495, call evenings 206-725- 3242. M3/18 tfn LAKELAND VILLAGE, picturesque lakefront, golf, 2 bedrooms. No smok- ing or pets. $776 plus deposit. (253)265-6458. A3/18-4/8 BETTER HURRY. Only one 3 bedroom and one 2 bedroom left. Remodeled, play area, on bus, convenient to schools/shopping. Laundry room. Rea- sonably priced. 426-5511. N9/17tfn BARGAIN MINI-STORE. We now have 1 5'x10', 1 10'x10' open. Better hurry. Best prices in town. Secure, 426-5511. N9/17tfn AVAILABLE APRIL 5th, 3 bedroom house, gas heat, no pets, $625 month- ly, $600 deposit, references and credit check. 427-5636. S3/18-25 2 BEDROOM in town, $525 monthly. 3 bedroom Lake Limerick, $725 monthly plus deposits. 1-877-375-5246. V3/18- 4/8 NICE 2 bedroom, 1 bath house, single- car garage, $560 monthly, $600 depos- it, no pets, 426-7091. L3/11-18 3 BEDROOM, 2 year old house, Mill Creek Rd. $625 monthly, first/last. $400 deposit. Appliances. Available af- ter April 5th. Taking applications. No pets, 426-6166. B3/11-18 TWO BEDROOM single-wide mobile W/D fenced yard, carport, quiet neigh- borhood. No pets. $550 me $250 de- posit. Call 426-3859. F3/1 ltfn RV SPACE available, W/S/G paid, ca- ble available. $200 monthly, 426-2015. E3/4tfn DOUBLE-WIDE MOBILE lot available in secure park in city. Joyce (253) 858- 7442. L2/25-3/18 GREAT MOVDIN SPECIALS Kneeland Park Apartments 2 bedroom, H/C unit -- $438 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit -- $460 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit -- $521 Now Taking Applications I  Call for" Appointment[LI I We are proud to announce 900 Olympic Avenue and Firwood Garden Apartment,, 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom units now managed by: 9120,ympicHwy. N. [rSl]l R]T ForYOURProperty Suite 101 Management  Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-3567 just give them s calll/ i Pro.00Rental Mgmt. b"RYICING YOUR IgITAI, AND ANA NSS] 427-6154 rq REALTOR • COTA Street: 3 bed apt., laundry, wsg paid. $625 • Downtown: Studio apt-S250 me. • 3 bed 2 bath duplex, wsg paid w/d hkup. $700 • Oak Park: 3bdrm home w/garage, gas heat, w/d hkup. $675 • Lake Limerick: 3 bed 2 bath newer mobile, N/S, no pets. $550 me • Lake Limerick: 3 bed 2 bath on 7 acres-1997 mobile, N/S, no pets. $725 me. • Pickering: Amazing view-3 bed 11/2 bath mobile, 2 car gar., w/d hookup and wdstv. 650 me. • Harstine Isl.:2 bed 1 1/2 bath, incredible view, no pets. $750 me. MINI STORAGES PICKERING PROTECT-IT A-1 Heated Units N Hwy 101 Cota St., Inside/Heated Vadous sizes including 5x10, 10x10, 10x20 $29 to $85 monthly ii iiiii ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNERS! Is your property vacant or are you dissatisfied with your current situation? I can help. Professional management with a personal touch. Call Sam today at 427-6154. i I $38 SCREENING FEE TWO MOBILES in safe park, easy 101 access. W/S/G paid. Two bedrooms, one bath, $325. Thrbe bedrooms, two baths, $450. $300 security, $35 screening. 426-3169. W2/25-3/18 DELUXE AND New. Spacious two bed- room duplex, vaulted ceiling, park-like fenced yard, garage w/opener, ref/ dishwasher, W/D connections. Excel- lent insualtion=very low heating costs. Quiet area on north side, one mile out- side City, (no high City Utilities). $615. Call 427-5107, or 427-7189. Mc2/4tfn DOWNTOWN DUPLEX, large 1 bed- room, fireplace, W/D hook-up, garage, W/S/G paid, $450, no pets. 426-9059 after 7 p.m. or leave message. B3/4-25 BELFAIR/TWANOH Falls, 2 bedroom custom rambler on a creek, Hood Canal beach access, no pets, $600, 1-206- 725-3242, evenings. Mc2/11tfn LEASE PURCHASE, 2 bedroom fixer upper mobile home. Call for details $275 monthly, 426-2015. E3/4tfn RV SPACE, W/S/G, cable available, near town and bus stops, 426-2015. E2/25tfn ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS at Golds- borough Cove Apartments and Fair- mont Cove Apartments, subsidized family housing, 426-4417, Equal Hous- ing Opportunity. F1/16tfn SALTWATER VIEW 1 bedroom unfur- nished apartment at Jarrell's Cove Ma- rina. $395 monthly, includes W/S/G, $300 damage deposit. 426-8823. J9/3tfn $425- $425- $475- $525- $550- $600- $600- $650- NE(;. RESIDENTIAL 2 bdrm very large apt., new carpet, HILLCREST 2 bdrm. mobile, very clean, carport, possible lease option, TIMBERLAKES 2 bdrm. fourplex, clean, close to shopping, MT. VIEW 2 bdrm. lg. duplex, new paint, HILLCREST 2 bdrm, Waterfront house ItAMMERSLEY INLET 3 bdrm, fireplace, garage, fenced yard, DOWNTOWN 3 bdrm, newer home, jacuzzi bth, garage, possible lease option, SHORECREST 2 bdrm, waterfront home, new paint/carpet/vinyl, deck, fireplace, HOODSPORT COMMERCIAL Barkley Square, 1700 sq. ft. Store Frontage Retail!t 606 WEST COTA ta OFFICE SPACE, 530 sq. ft. High vis- ibility, prime location, new building, Olympic Hwy. North. Ready now, utili- ties included. 426-4712. H 10/29tfn WOULD LIKE to buy a real estate con- tract, 426-7952. M3/4tfn CASH AVAILABLE. Private party has cash to purchase real estate contract mortgages or deeds of trust at a dis- count. Call 491-5463. Jtfn PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limita- tion or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famil- ial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such prefer- ence, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children un- der the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of chil- dren under 18. This newspaper will not know- ingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby in- formed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To com- plain of discrimination call HUD toll- free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll- free telephone number for the hear- ing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. IQIMI, ROUINNQ OPPORTUNITY LAST CHANCE. Only 2 homes left. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, vinyl sided manufac- tured home, only $35,500 O.A.C. Helen at 1-800-490-9424, dlr. W3/18 FORCED TO sell, repo ... Land/home package 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufac- tured home, only $69,900 O.A.C. Helen at 1-800-490-9424, dlr. W3/18 I'LL GIVE you $995 reasons ... that's all it takes to get into a new 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home on leased land O.A.C. Mike at 1-800-490-9424, dlr. W3/18 TRAVEL TRAILER space available, clean, secure park in city, call Joyce 253-858-7442. R3/4-25 DESPERATEt FORECLOSURE is forc- ing sale of this beautiful 3 bedroom home in nice neighborhood. Assume huge equity and unbelievable terms to sell fast. Call today. SN #24524, dlr. 1- 800-542-5624. D3/4 BEATS RENT. 2 b per country location. Excell tion. $450 monthly total, $1,000 down. Hurry, call U-_.$ave Sales, 943-9954. U3/18 BLACK LAKE beauty, cutt room with lake access. tion! Only $12,500. Don't U=$ave Mobile Sales, FORCED TO sell! Owner into this beautiful new on large wooded corner desperate and will work with you have down if credit is advantage. SN #24524, dlr, 5624. D3/4 WESTSIDE CUTIE, senior this warm and cozy 2 heat, only $24,500. Don't one. U=$ave Mobile SaleS, U3/18 MOVER HOMES. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, comp., wood, $29,950. 1,450 sq. ft., 2 bedroom, 2 bath, loaded, $24,500. 14x70, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, pellet stove, $12,500. Basic delivery and set-up in- cluded. U=$ave Mobile Sales, 943- 9954. U3/18 | I_,l H @n [gig/gill :! 10 FJ €"t/LVjl =101 In ...Just got better! Through .Ill 5/4 FREE UPGRADES INCLUDE: I G.E POTSCRUBBER DISHWASHER* [ G.E. 18 CU. IT. REFRIGERATOR [g GORHAM DELUXE CARPET [j[' WHITE FLAT PANEL INTERIOR DOORS PLUS BONUS OFFER: [. G.E. WASHER AND DRYER PAIR FOR ONLY $550.00! (Not Installed) 'Upgrade i at no extra chac when you ,r&'r 6.t .1’ dtshwaher There has never been a better time to buy your new [:uqua home! Discover the choices Get the outstanding standm'd features Add ripest" FREI" UPGRADES to the value of your iuvestment! See your Fuqua home consultant today for this very special builder direct offer. ItlJIQII V I , 4h,,., \\;, FUQUA ItOME \\;,, } {.'EN'FEI "fo Hoodtport  r,, r  o1 .,p,+ ENDLESS HORIZONS HOMES 681 S.E. Craig Rd. Shelton (360) 427-688 I L J,' '' ' iii WE DO HOME LOANSt • 15-, 20- & 30-Year Mortgages • Financing and refinancing • Home Equity Credit Lines ALL MASON COUNTY RESIDENTS CAN JOIN! Peninsula Community Federal Credit Union 1-888-426-1601 Shelton • Belfair ° Port Orchard PEEK OF the Brothers from cable single story home. 2, 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath with tached garage plus garage and shop for age. Very secure nei $149,999, ask for Butch 360-275-3301 # ERA (360) 275-2868. R3/18 LEVEL LOT for building, also available. Nice place Close to Shelton, Belfair Island. $9,000. ERA (360) 275-2868. R3/18 )PERTIES OF GIG HARBOR,LTD. 253-851 NO-BANK LAKE HoME $119,900 Great view and your boot! This 2-bee Lake home has a for entertaining, and 2-ca with lots of storage. CI peaceful setting at 480 then call Kim Thompson 150 OLYMPIC $69,900 Spotless 1152 sq. ft. oversized kitchen, bedrooms, 2 baths, and ter suite. The natural double lot has a lar, storage building. If more, call Kim Thompson, 137 DELAWARE $99,900 Breathtaking the wrap-around deck woodwork throughout tally remodeled 3 bedrOOm, home. This is a must see, Thompson, 534-4506, showing. HOOD CAN $119 Your own waterfront marvelous southern gives a panoramic vieW with parking for your R cars, makes this 3 daylight basement home deal. Just give Kim at 534-4506. 480 LAKELAND $125,500 This spacious 2196 sq. room, 2 bath rambler sil scale, quiet neig places, large deck and it's the perfect spot Take a look, then call 534-4506, to see. TIME FOR A CHANGE? CONSTRUCTION LOANS ' c FHA 203(]<) & Fannie Mae Homestyl New Construction  Additions 24 hour recorded information d 800-370-3620 ext. 10561 MORTGAGE ONE Roger FOR RENT I CARS / TRUCKS MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT BOOK YOUR summer projects now be- fore the busy season. Free estimates. Storm damage repairs, roofing, interior/exterior painting, general .qar- pentry, finish work, pressure washing services, remodeling, manufactured home repairs, home repairs. Call Dave, 427.4237. LI #DAVIDWGO44KU. W3/11-4/29 OLYMPIA PAINTING Company. Quality interior and exterior painting. Residen- tial, commercial, and designer applica- tions. Your northwest drywall special- ists. Licensed, bonded and insured. 426-5265. O3/4tfn HOUSECLEANING SERVICES.Priority of excellence. Shelton and surrounding areas. Help with other tasks. Let's talkf Call Sue, 432-9537. J3/11-4/1 OLYMPIA PAINTING Company. Quality interior and exterior painting. Residen- tial, commercial, and designer applica- tions. Licensed, bonded and insured, 426-5265. O3/4tfn MASON COUNTY Excavation. Tree service, brush hauling, landclearing, logging, cash for log value, excellent service guaranteed. Free estimates, 426-0574. K2/11-4/29 SITE PREP, land clearing, roads and driveways, tree removal, excavating, demolition work, rockeries, retaining walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain drains, rock and pit run. 426- 9047, call Lot Hauling. LIC #ZIRKLTS141OW. Z3/1 ltfn QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as- pects of landscape installation and re- organization. Extensive references. 426-4598. Q8/13tfn HANDYMAN. REMODELING, carpen- try, painting and building decks, car- ports, garages, fences. Call 427-1741. N8/21 tfn WALLPAPERING, PAINTING. Pam's Decorating, 16 years in business. Free estimates- Reasonable rates. Lic. #PAMSD121J5. 427-5066. C1/15ffn EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS labor-as- needed crew is available for yard work, brush clearing and other labor projects. Call 426-6812 for free estimates. E7/23tfn PIONEER DIGGING Company. Back- hoe, dozer, dump truck. All types of work, including septic systems, land clearing, hauling, etc. Licensed and bonded. Bob Paysse, 426-1803. PIO- NEDI081P7. P11/12tfn Specializing in Troubleshooting Your Lawn • lawn clean-up I • weeding i • pruning  1 1 • barking  ' 7 [] • we do  -, II 35 years experience " :MOWmO00 Hood Canal Shelton/01ympia 877-6695 352-0718 WINCHESTER MODEL 90 22 WRF, $300. Remington model 4, 32 rim fire, $200. Wanted -375 H-H rifle. 426-0159. B2/25tfn 1979 YAMAHA 760 special. Has been parked in garage, hasn't been ridden in years, $1,000 or trade? 427-4196. $3/18 10' OLYMPIAN with Fisherman motor and new Shorelander trailer, $1,200. Call 427-6731, evenings 6-9 p.m. D2/25tfn 8' LIVINGSTON-type, practically new trailer, easy operation, no lifting. $350 OBO, (360)482-4942. M3/18 1987 21' Cuddy Cabin, freshwater cooled 205, stereo, cabin heat, E-Z Loader trailer, new canvas, fishfinder, $7,500, 426-2821. B3/11-18 LOOKING FOR used RV or travel trail- er? Come see us at Sun Auto, RV and Marine Sales Inc. We have many sizes and makes to choose from. Also used boats, autos, pickups, canopies. Con- signments welcome. Sun Auto and RV Sales Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. #3, Shelton (360) 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1972 EL Camino, fresh rebuilt motor, AT, PB, PS, $2,500 OBO, call morn- ings, 432-0478. C3/18-25 1972 DODGE van, good engine, needs minor repair. $350 OBO. 432-8945. F3/18 1982 TOYOTA Celica GT, 5-speed, al- loy wheels, runs great, $1,350. 866- 7997 Olympia. E3/18 1997 LANCE 81/2' camper, self-con- tained, loaded, $6,950. 1990 F-150, 4x4, 61K, new tires, mint, $6,950, 427- 9371. P3/11-4/1 1986 SUBARU XT Turbo. Needs work, $300 OBO, 427-4003. R3/11-4/1 '74 CHEVY, 3/4T PU, new transmis- sion, runs great. $1,200 OBO. 426- 8097. M3/18-25 '88 MERCURY Sable station wagon, fully loaded, needs engine work, $500. 426-3698 days/eves. V3/18 1985 BUICK Century, good parts car, $200 OBO. 1960 Ranchero, runs, $500 OBO. Call 426-7968 between 5 p.m. & 9 p.m. H3/18 '79 HONDA Accord, runs good, lots of new parts. Best offer takes, (360) 482- 4942. M3/18 BUSINESS )ROPERTY Spring and Summer Needs My Journal classified ad gets me all the painting jobs I can handle. To place your ad call 426-4412. Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 18, 1999 1991 GRAND AM SE blown motor, good body, 2 new tires, make offer, 426- 9465. A3/11-18 1978 FORD Courier, very dependable, $450. Call 432-0633. P3/11 1984 CHEVROLET Caprice Classic, 305 V8, AT, well-maintained, runs good, $1,650 OBO. (360) 427-0692. Ask for Jason. Mc3/11-4/1 1984 CHEVY Camaro Z-28, 305 V-8, 5- speed, low miles, runs great, $2,200 OBO, 427-7689. M3/4-25 CARS UNDER $1,000. Large selection of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs, trail. ers. Consignments wanted. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. 3, Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1972 DATSUN pick-up. Great runner. Many extras, $1,000 OBO, 427-8824. P2/25tfn SHORECREST COMMUNITY. Studio cabin, W/D, full bath, charming, in woods, close to lake and swimming pool, all utilities included. No pets, $395 first/last/S250 deposit/refer- ences, 425-432-6810 message, 360- 432-0532. T3/18-4/8 TWO BEDROOM mobile, storage shed, W/D hookup. No pets. $475 monthly plus $475 deposit. (360) 427-6688, ask for Micki. C3/18-25 DOWNTOWN SHELTON studio and one bedroom apartments available, $325, $365. Lawton Apartments, 426-0674. K3/18 tfn RENT OR rent to own, singlewide mo- bile, 2 bedroom, 1 bath fixer-upper, $325 monthly. 360-786-8320. T3/18- 4/8 LARGE ONE bedroom upstairs apart- ment, private entrance, all utilities in- cluded except telephone and cable T.V. No pets. $435 monthly with $435 damage/cleaning deposit. Call 426- 3164. K3/18 COMPLETELY REMODELED 2 bed- room mobile at Shorecrest, new carpet and vinyl, sunshine kitchen, fenced yard, one-car newer garage. Includes appliances, water, heat and electricity, pay only garbage and phone, $550 monthly plus deposit, 427-7299. H3/18- 25 SHELTON, NEAT and clean 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath townhouse style with carport and storage shed. Available 4/1/99. $475 rent, $475 deposit. Invest Realty, 426-3567.13/18 TIMBERLAKES, TWO bedroom mobile home with two storage sheds. Use of parks. Only $425 rent, $425 deposit. Available 4/1/99. Invest Realty, 426. 3567. 13/18 SHELTON - LOW cost rental. Large two bedroom rental with carport for only $430 deposit. Water, sewer and gar- bage paid ($75 value). Available 4-1- 99. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 13/18 4 BEDROOM, 13/4 bath, attached ga- rage, pellet stove, easy Hwy 101 ac- cess, $550 monthly plus deposit, 898- 7779 for details. J3/18 FOR RENT 30' 5th wheel trailer, in- cludes lot, power, sewer, water $325 monthly. 426-3506. R3/11-18 TWO BEDROOM duplex, 1100 sq. ft., W/D hookup, garage, fireplace, very nice, $550 monthly, $175 deposit, W/G paid. Call Betty 426-7646. $3/18 tfn LARGE 2 bedroom apartment, W/S/G included, near hospital and shopping, no pets, $495, call evenings 206-725- 3242. M3/18 tfn LAKELAND VILLAGE, picturesque lakefront, golf, 2 bedrooms. No smok- ing or pets. $776 plus deposit. (253)265-6458. A3/18-4/8 BETTER HURRY. Only one 3 bedroom and one 2 bedroom left. Remodeled, play area, on bus, convenient to schools/shopping. Laundry room. Rea- sonably priced. 426-5511. N9/17tfn BARGAIN MINI-STORE. We now have 1 5'x10', 1 10'x10' open. Better hurry. Best prices in town. Secure, 426-5511. N9/17tfn AVAILABLE APRIL 5th, 3 bedroom house, gas heat, no pets, $625 month- ly, $600 deposit, references and credit check. 427-5636. S3/18-25 2 BEDROOM in town, $525 monthly. 3 bedroom Lake Limerick, $725 monthly plus deposits. 1-877-375-5246. V3/18- 4/8 NICE 2 bedroom, 1 bath house, single- car garage, $560 monthly, $600 depos- it, no pets, 426-7091. L3/11-18 3 BEDROOM, 2 year old house, Mill Creek Rd. $625 monthly, first/last. $400 deposit. Appliances. Available af- ter April 5th. Taking applications. No pets, 426-6166. B3/11-18 TWO BEDROOM single-wide mobile W/D fenced yard, carport, quiet neigh- borhood. No pets. $550 me $250 de- posit. Call 426-3859. F3/1 ltfn RV SPACE available, W/S/G paid, ca- ble available. $200 monthly, 426-2015. E3/4tfn DOUBLE-WIDE MOBILE lot available in secure park in city. Joyce (253) 858- 7442. L2/25-3/18 GREAT MOVDIN SPECIALS Kneeland Park Apartments 2 bedroom, H/C unit -- $438 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit -- $460 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit -- $521 Now Taking Applications I  Call for" Appointment[LI I We are proud to announce 900 Olympic Avenue and Firwood Garden Apartment,, 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom units now managed by: 9120,ympicHwy. N. [rSl]l R]T ForYOURProperty Suite 101 Management  Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-3567 just give them s calll/ i Pro.00Rental Mgmt. b"RYICING YOUR IgITAI, AND ANA NSS] 427-6154 rq REALTOR • COTA Street: 3 bed apt., laundry, wsg paid. $625 • Downtown: Studio apt-S250 me. • 3 bed 2 bath duplex, wsg paid w/d hkup. $700 • Oak Park: 3bdrm home w/garage, gas heat, w/d hkup. $675 • Lake Limerick: 3 bed 2 bath newer mobile, N/S, no pets. $550 me • Lake Limerick: 3 bed 2 bath on 7 acres-1997 mobile, N/S, no pets. $725 me. • Pickering: Amazing view-3 bed 11/2 bath mobile, 2 car gar., w/d hookup and wdstv. 650 me. • Harstine Isl.:2 bed 1 1/2 bath, incredible view, no pets. $750 me. MINI STORAGES PICKERING PROTECT-IT A-1 Heated Units N Hwy 101 Cota St., Inside/Heated Vadous sizes including 5x10, 10x10, 10x20 $29 to $85 monthly ii iiiii ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNERS! Is your property vacant or are you dissatisfied with your current situation? I can help. Professional management with a personal touch. Call Sam today at 427-6154. i I $38 SCREENING FEE TWO MOBILES in safe park, easy 101 access. W/S/G paid. Two bedrooms, one bath, $325. Thrbe bedrooms, two baths, $450. $300 security, $35 screening. 426-3169. W2/25-3/18 DELUXE AND New. Spacious two bed- room duplex, vaulted ceiling, park-like fenced yard, garage w/opener, ref/ dishwasher, W/D connections. Excel- lent insualtion=very low heating costs. Quiet area on north side, one mile out- side City, (no high City Utilities). $615. Call 427-5107, or 427-7189. Mc2/4tfn DOWNTOWN DUPLEX, large 1 bed- room, fireplace, W/D hook-up, garage, W/S/G paid, $450, no pets. 426-9059 after 7 p.m. or leave message. B3/4-25 BELFAIR/TWANOH Falls, 2 bedroom custom rambler on a creek, Hood Canal beach access, no pets, $600, 1-206- 725-3242, evenings. Mc2/11tfn LEASE PURCHASE, 2 bedroom fixer upper mobile home. Call for details $275 monthly, 426-2015. E3/4tfn RV SPACE, W/S/G, cable available, near town and bus stops, 426-2015. E2/25tfn ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS at Golds- borough Cove Apartments and Fair- mont Cove Apartments, subsidized family housing, 426-4417, Equal Hous- ing Opportunity. F1/16tfn SALTWATER VIEW 1 bedroom unfur- nished apartment at Jarrell's Cove Ma- rina. $395 monthly, includes W/S/G, $300 damage deposit. 426-8823. J9/3tfn $425- $425- $475- $525- $550- $600- $600- $650- NE(;. RESIDENTIAL 2 bdrm very large apt., new carpet, HILLCREST 2 bdrm. mobile, very clean, carport, possible lease option, TIMBERLAKES 2 bdrm. fourplex, clean, close to shopping, MT. VIEW 2 bdrm. lg. duplex, new paint, HILLCREST 2 bdrm, Waterfront house ItAMMERSLEY INLET 3 bdrm, fireplace, garage, fenced yard, DOWNTOWN 3 bdrm, newer home, jacuzzi bth, garage, possible lease option, SHORECREST 2 bdrm, waterfront home, new paint/carpet/vinyl, deck, fireplace, HOODSPORT COMMERCIAL Barkley Square, 1700 sq. ft. Store Frontage Retail!t 606 WEST COTA ta OFFICE SPACE, 530 sq. ft. High vis- ibility, prime location, new building, Olympic Hwy. North. Ready now, utili- ties included. 426-4712. H 10/29tfn WOULD LIKE to buy a real estate con- tract, 426-7952. M3/4tfn CASH AVAILABLE. Private party has cash to purchase real estate contract mortgages or deeds of trust at a dis- count. Call 491-5463. Jtfn PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limita- tion or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famil- ial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such prefer- ence, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children un- der the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of chil- dren under 18. This newspaper will not know- ingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby in- formed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To com- plain of discrimination call HUD toll- free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll- free telephone number for the hear- ing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. IQIMI, ROUINNQ OPPORTUNITY LAST CHANCE. Only 2 homes left. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, vinyl sided manufac- tured home, only $35,500 O.A.C. Helen at 1-800-490-9424, dlr. W3/18 FORCED TO sell, repo ... Land/home package 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufac- tured home, only $69,900 O.A.C. Helen at 1-800-490-9424, dlr. W3/18 I'LL GIVE you $995 reasons ... that's all it takes to get into a new 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home on leased land O.A.C. Mike at 1-800-490-9424, dlr. W3/18 TRAVEL TRAILER space available, clean, secure park in city, call Joyce 253-858-7442. R3/4-25 DESPERATEt FORECLOSURE is forc- ing sale of this beautiful 3 bedroom home in nice neighborhood. Assume huge equity and unbelievable terms to sell fast. Call today. SN #24524, dlr. 1- 800-542-5624. D3/4 BEATS RENT. 2 b per country location. Excell tion. $450 monthly total, $1,000 down. Hurry, call U-_.$ave Sales, 943-9954. U3/18 BLACK LAKE beauty, cutt room with lake access. tion! Only $12,500. Don't U=$ave Mobile Sales, FORCED TO sell! Owner into this beautiful new on large wooded corner desperate and will work with you have down if credit is advantage. SN #24524, dlr, 5624. D3/4 WESTSIDE CUTIE, senior this warm and cozy 2 heat, only $24,500. Don't one. U=$ave Mobile SaleS, U3/18 MOVER HOMES. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, comp., wood, $29,950. 1,450 sq. ft., 2 bedroom, 2 bath, loaded, $24,500. 14x70, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, pellet stove, $12,500. Basic delivery and set-up in- cluded. U=$ave Mobile Sales, 943- 9954. U3/18 | I_,l H @n [gig/gill :! 10 FJ €"t/LVjl =101 In ...Just got better! Through .Ill 5/4 FREE UPGRADES INCLUDE: I G.E POTSCRUBBER DISHWASHER* [ G.E. 18 CU. IT. REFRIGERATOR [g GORHAM DELUXE CARPET [j[' WHITE FLAT PANEL INTERIOR DOORS PLUS BONUS OFFER: [. G.E. WASHER AND DRYER PAIR FOR ONLY $550.00! (Not Installed) 'Upgrade i at no extra chac when you ,r&'r 6.t .1’ dtshwaher There has never been a better time to buy your new [:uqua home! Discover the choices Get the outstanding standm'd features Add ripest" FREI" UPGRADES to the value of your iuvestment! See your Fuqua home consultant today for this very special builder direct offer. ItlJIQII V I , 4h,,., \\;, FUQUA ItOME \\;,, } {.'EN'FEI "fo Hoodtport  r,, r  o1 .,p,+ ENDLESS HORIZONS HOMES 681 S.E. Craig Rd. Shelton (360) 427-688 I L J,' '' ' iii WE DO HOME LOANSt • 15-, 20- & 30-Year Mortgages • Financing and refinancing • Home Equity Credit Lines ALL MASON COUNTY RESIDENTS CAN JOIN! Peninsula Community Federal Credit Union 1-888-426-1601 Shelton • Belfair ° Port Orchard PEEK OF the Brothers from cable single story home. 2, 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath with tached garage plus garage and shop for age. Very secure nei $149,999, ask for Butch 360-275-3301 # ERA (360) 275-2868. R3/18 LEVEL LOT for building, also available. Nice place Close to Shelton, Belfair Island. $9,000. ERA (360) 275-2868. R3/18 )PERTIES OF GIG HARBOR,LTD. 253-851 NO-BANK LAKE HoME $119,900 Great view and your boot! This 2-bee Lake home has a for entertaining, and 2-ca with lots of storage. CI peaceful setting at 480 then call Kim Thompson 150 OLYMPIC $69,900 Spotless 1152 sq. ft. oversized kitchen, bedrooms, 2 baths, and ter suite. The natural double lot has a lar, storage building. If more, call Kim Thompson, 137 DELAWARE $99,900 Breathtaking the wrap-around deck woodwork throughout tally remodeled 3 bedrOOm, home. This is a must see, Thompson, 534-4506, showing. HOOD CAN $119 Your own waterfront marvelous southern gives a panoramic vieW with parking for your R cars, makes this 3 daylight basement home deal. Just give Kim at 534-4506. 480 LAKELAND $125,500 This spacious 2196 sq. room, 2 bath rambler sil scale, quiet neig places, large deck and it's the perfect spot Take a look, then call 534-4506, to see. TIME FOR A CHANGE? CONSTRUCTION LOANS ' c FHA 203(]<) & Fannie Mae Homestyl New Construction  Additions 24 hour recorded information d 800-370-3620 ext. 10561 MORTGAGE ONE Roger