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Book should be banned
Editor, Belfair Herald:
Recently our son, who is a fifth
grader at Belfair Elementary
School, came home with a book
that was assigned to his reading
group. The book is My Brother
Sam is Dead, written by Collier
and published by Scholastic
This book centers around a
thmily during the Revolutionary
War. Our son called my attention
to words that he thought were not
appropriate. The words, "son of a
bitch, bastard, and go to hell" are
used. The name of Jesus is used
as a swear word several times.
God is called upon to damn char-
acters in the book. "Damn" is
sprinkled liberally throughout the
book. The book talks about the
raping of women, and the 14- and
16-year-olds getting drunk.
I called and spoke with the
principal of the school, Mrs. Liz
l)rew. Mrs. Drew told me that her
children and grandchildren have
read the book and they enjoyed it.
I then spoke with the superin-
tendent of North Mason Schools,
l)r. Marie Pickel, and voiced my
opposition to the book being used
in a classroom setting. Dr. Pickel
has sent me a form which allows
me to start the process of having
a book removed from the class-
room after a public hearing, if the
committee agrees that the book is
inappropriate for 10- and 11-year-
In today's society, we are called
upon to be tolerant and sensitive
to all religious beliefs. This book
is intolerant to the Christian be-
lief that the name of the Lord is
not to be used in vain, and that
we are not to call upon God to
damn anyone. It is also a tool for
the children to see in print the
words that they are told not to
use on the bus or the school
grounds under penalty of being
sent to the office.
Does anyone else see the hypo-
crisy in this? Please help us in the
fight of getting inappropriate ma-
terial out of the elementary
school classroom. I will let you
know when the public hearing
will be held. Thank you.
Lee Anne Martinez
'Thank you' community
Editor, Belfair Herald:
The family of Megan Bishop
would like to express our sincere
appreciation fbr the GREAT turn-
out at the bh)od drive and fund-
raiser held Saturday, March 13,
in Megan's honor, at Belfair Ele-
Megan enjoyed seeing so many
of her thmily and friends. They
came f'rom Seattle, Poulsbo, Gig
llarbor, Bremerton, Silw;rdale
and fi'om the wonderful communi-
ty of Belfair. The number of pen-
pie that came to give blood and to
support our event was over-
whelming! It was heart-warming
to see so many people. We can't
thank our community enough for
the prayers and love we have re-
ceived. Megan is doing so well,
and we have much to be thankful
Puget Sound Blood Center col-
lected 72 units of blood. Many
were first-time donors and came
because of Megan. Mobile Unit 7
was impressed with the number
of people who showed up to
donate blood. They were so busy
they had to go to lunch in shifts.
We were all so excited to see
the numbers go up. It felt great to
see so many people giving such a
wonderful gift of life. Thanks to
everyone who gave or tried to give
blood. The blood is very much
needed, and every unit of blood
saves three lives.
We were able to raise over
$800 for the Children's Hospital
Uncompensated Care Program.
This money will help some other
child receive care at Children's.
Many, many members of our com-
munity worked very hard to make
this a very successful event.
We had such a fun time with
Mr. Friendly the clown, fishing in
the fish pond, eating cotton candy
and baked goods, buying books,
crafts and clothes.
We will always remember this
day. It was a very happy day for
us and helps make the bad memo-
ries of Megan being in the hospi-
tal go away. Thank you to our
family, friends and community for
being so loving and caring. Words
cannot express how much each of
you mean to Megan and her fami-
ly. Thank you, thank you!
The Bishops: Jeff & Phyllis,
Megan, Tanya, Todd and Kevin
Clarifies legislation
Editor, Belfair Herald:
As one of 16 co-sponsors fi)r the
bear and cougar legislation in the
House of Representatives, I want
to clear up misconceptions some
people may have about the propo-
sal. The legislation would author-
ize only a very limited use of ef-
fective management tools to hunt
bears and cougars, and only if
these wild animals are /bttnd to
represent a tlu'eat to Izumans,
pets, or livestock.
th)use Bill 1012 does not alter
the citizen initiative that outlaws
the use of hounds or bait fi)r bear
or cougar hunting. In fact, the
legislation gives substance to a
public safety policy that already
exists in the state law.
The Department of Fish and
Wildlife has the responsibility to
use these management tools to
protect people, domestic animals,
and personal property. This bill is
a reasonable response to a serious
Citizens need to know that the
use of these management tools
will be closely supervised, and
that this legislation does not in
any way create a new hunting
season for the general public to
hunt cougars and bears.
The legislation does not repeal
Initiative 655. Fish and Wildlife
agents could use these tools only
to address public safety needs, or
in cases where the bear and cou-
gar population is determined to
represent a potential threat.
Simply put, this isn't about
overturning what the people vot-
ed for, it's about using common
sense to guarantee public safety.
Bill Eickmeyer
State Representative
35th Legislative District
Supports bus drivers
Editor, Belfair llerald:
I would like te express my sup-
port tbr the Grapeview school bus
drivers who want to have union
I joined the union in 1941
when I was hired as a sales clerk
at Sears. I resented the initiation
tbe, which at the time amounted
to a week's wages, plus monthly
I soon understood that in order
to negotiate for better working
conditions, or earnings, you had
to bargain from strength. It
would not be fair for those who
did not join to get the same bene-
fits as those paying dues.
Many years later our union
went to bat for us when our em-
ployer refused to pay retroactive
wages, following honest negotia-
tions, which he had signed.
Ruth Etten
Volunteer opportunities
Volunteer opportunities for
people of' all ages are announced
by Beth Church of the Volunteer
Center of the Retired and Senior
Volunteer Program. Call (360)
426-3405 for information on these
opportunities, referring to the
number of' the item in which you
are interested.
Drive people to medical
appointnlents. (0042-Ruthe)
Tutor Belfair area stu-
dents in grades 2-5, in reading.
Help homebound seniors
with light tmusekeeping. (2006-
Tutor North Mason High
students after school in biology,
math, science or social studies.
Work with students in environ-
mental monitoring, bird watch-
ing, carving, landscape designing,
or with theater sets. (2051-2164)
Sort, clean and repair do-
nations at a local thrift store.
Perform household tasks
at Harmony Hill in Union. (2016-
DeBritz update
Rodger DeBritz, principal of
Sand Hill Elementary School, is
home recuperating from his re-
cent surgery. "I'm getting strong-
er each day," he said recently.
He has been working on the
adjustments he is facing, but was
pleased to report that all his tests
P.O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfair office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising coDy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there is :: mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in Beynon Center.
RICK STEDMAN ............................................................ Editor
BRENNA WOODWARD ..................... Advertising Manager
LINDA THOMSON ..................................... Editorial Assistant
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
A section of The Sheton-Mason C, ountyJournat serving as the voice of Belfair,
Allyn, Grapeview, [ahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
were clear, so he will need no
chemotherapy arid no radiation.
"I've been out and about some,
doing a lot of walking, getting my
strength back," DeBritz said.
'Tll Work Like A Dog"
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Ist Hand Mortgage
Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 18, 1999
Thursday, March 18
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
Program held at the Theler Center
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
lunch served at noon. For intbrmation
or lunch reservations call 275-4898 or
9:15 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair Com-
munity Baptist Church. Call Bey
Weston, 275-8282, for information.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC
(Women, Infants and Children) nutri-
tional program, North Mason Medical
Clinic. Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting, base-
ment at Saint Hugh Community
Episcopal Church in Allyn. For inibr-
mation, call 895-1363.
11 a.m., Sarah Eckert Orthopedic
Guild, Allyn Baptist Church. Call
275-4963 for information.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness,
Hawkins Middle School conmmns, $3
per session, donated to North Mason
Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club
of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for
6 p,m., Mason County Network
meets in the Grapeview School Li-
brary. For infornmtion, call 275-6769.
6:30 p.m., Bible study at Belfair
Community Baptist Church.
7 p.m., "Powerhouse," a youth
group for young people in sixth
through 12th grades is held at the
Belfair Community Baptist Church.
All young people welcome to attend.
For information call 275-6031.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfidr Highway.
Friday, March 19
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7 p.m., Twanoh Grange 1118, pot-
luck followed by meeting, public wel-
come, Twanoh Grange Hall, Victor
Cut-off Road.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
women's meeting, NE 42 Old Belfair
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Men's Big Book study, Allyn Histori-
cal Church, Allyn.
7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
open, Belfair Community Baptist
9:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
candlelight meeting, NE 42 Old Bel-
fair Highway.
Saturday, March 20
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Sunday, March 21
9 a.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Bdlfair Highway.
7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, Allyn Historical Church, Allyn.
Monday, March 22
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7 p.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) Chapter 1197, Belfair Com-
munity Baptist Church. Weigh-in
from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Call 275-7504
for information.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Tuesday, March 23
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
Program held at the Theler Center
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
hmch served at noon. For information
or hmch reservations call 275-6246.
8:30-10:30 a.m., TOPS #1357
(Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets at
the Prince of Peace Catholic Church
on Sand Hill Road in Belfair.
Noon, North Mason Kiwanis Club
meeting at Belfair Community Bap-
tist Church Fellowship Hall. Call
275-2529 for information.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
4:30 p.m., Mason County Fire Dis-
trict 2 commissioners' meeting, Bel-
fair Fire Hall, Old Belfair Highway.
5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness,
Hawkins Middle School commons, $3
per session, donated to North Mason
Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club
of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for
6 p.m., Teen-2-Teen youth Bible
study for teens in grades 9-12, youth
center at the Belfair Community
Baptist Church.
7 p.m., Grapeview School Board,
Grapeview School Library.
7 p.m., Mason County Board of
Commissioners' meeting, Building I,
Shelton. Call 275-4467 for informa-
7:30 p.m., Fraternal Order of Ea-
gles 4226, ladies' auxiliary only,
meets at FOE building, 23495 High-
way 3, Belfair. Call 275-6885 for in-
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Wednesday, March 24
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC
(Women, Infants and Children) nutri-
tional program, North Mason Medical
Clinic. Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Club
meets at the Canal Room of the Ta-
huya Market. Call 275-2098 for infor-
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Noon, North Mason Chatnber of
Commerce meets at Mason County
Fire District 2 Fire Hall on Old Bel-
fair Highway for a no-host lunch.
Write a letter
to a child today
Today, Thursday, March 18, is
a special day to write a letter to a
child in your life. The Camp Fire
Boys and Girls are asking Ameri-
cans to join them in this celebra-
tion and opportunity to make a
difference in the lives of Ameri-
ca's kids.
Tell a child, in writing, "I love
you!" Any written affirmation of
love, encouragement, or support
could become an important, life-
long keepsake to a child. The date
fair-Hood Canal Sewer Advisory Committee
and Mason County Department of Community
Development will hold a public workshop at the
North Mason High School Administration
Building, 50 East North Mason High School
Road, Belfair, Washington on April 7, 1999 at
If there are any questions, please call Gary
Yando, at 360-427-9670, X270.
3/18-25 2t
is not as important as the action,
so follow up on the idea (and tell
your friends and neighbors), even
if it is after the 18th of March.
America's kids will be thrilled to
hear from you!
The Mason County Shoreline Advisory
Board will conduct their regular public meeting
on Monday March 22, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. The
Advisory Board will meet in the Commission-
ers Chambers of Building I, 411 North Fifth
Street, Shelton. On the agenda are three per-
mite as follows: a. Proposal by Ken Miller to
install approx 120 feet of rock and woody de-
bris on eroding bank on Decker Creek, located
off Ford Loop Road. b. Alderbrook Inn - Foun-
dation and wooden shed roof for pool equip-
ment, located off State Route 106 in Union. c.
Tim Sheldon - Remove old log dump road
(approx. 320 c.y.) and ragrada into some de-
pressions on site, located off Potlatch Rd, Pot-
latch. If you have questions regarding the agen-
da, please contact Pam Bennett-Cumming,
Department of Community Development, at
427-9670 ext. 294.
3/18 It
1 full-time or part-time
Lease or commission available.
Must be motivated.
1 full-time
Flexible hours, motivation
a must. Lease or commission
Carol Taylor
Meeting is open to the public. Call
275-5548 for more information.
6 p.m., Knights of Columbus,
Prince of Peace Council 12002 will
meet at the Prince of Peace Catholic
Church on Sand Hill Road in Belfair.
For more information, contact Harry
Tachell at 275-0329.
6 to 8 p.m., Pioneer Club for chil-
dren 4 years old through eighth
grade, Belfair Community Baptist
6 to 8 p.m., "Man to Man," weekly
men's fellowship group held at the
Belfair Community Baptist Church.
All men welcome to attend. For infor-
mation call 275-6031.
6 to 8 p.m., "Woman to Woman"
Bible study will be held at the Belfair
Community Baptist Church. Child-
care available; open to public. For in-
formation, call 275-6031.
7 p.m., Mason County Fire District
5 commissioners' meeting, Station 3,
Mason-Benson Road.
7 p.m., Trauma Anonymous Sup-
port Group, will be held at Westpark
Christian Church, 5204 First Street
in Bremerton. For information call
7 p.m., Healing Hearts, a support
group for victims of domestic
violence; for meeting place or more
information, call 427-1263.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, Belfair Community Baptist
Thursday, March 25
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
Program held at the Theler Center
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
lunch served at noon. ,For information
or lunch reservations call 275-4898 or
9:15 a.m., ToPs (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair Com-
munity Baptist Church. Call Bev
Weston, 275-8282, for information.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC
(Women, Infants and Children) nutri-
tional program, North Mason Medical
Clinic. Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting, base-
ment at Saint Hugh Community
Episcopal Church in Allyn. For infor-
mation, call 895-1363.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
1:30 p.m., Gypsy Roamers RV
Club meets at the
Baptist Church. Open
For more information
5:30 p.m., Exercise for
Hawkins Middle School
per session, donated to
Kiwanis and the Boys
of Mason County. Call
6:30 p.m., Bible study at
Community Baptist Church.
7 p.m., Powerhouse,
group for young
through 12th grades is
Belfair Community
All young people welcome
For information call 275-6031
7 p.m., North Mason
board room at the
7 p.m., North Mason
dio Emergency Service
meets at the Church of JesUS
of Latter-day Saints,
Road. For more infc
Dewey at 275-2483.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics
open, NE 42 Old Belfair
7:30 p.m., Hood
Lodge 288, stated meeting,
Temple, Belfair.
Three spaces
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We Ask You
Why is it a man wakes up in tte
morning after sleeping under an
advertised blanket on an advertised.
mattress and pulls off advertised
pajamas. He takes a bath in a0
advertised tub, shaves with an
advertised razor, washes with a
advertised soap, puts on advertiSe
clothes, sits down to breakfast with
advertised coffee, puts on an
advertised hat, rides to his office in a
advertised car, writes with an
pencil... THEN, he refuses to advertie
saying advertising doesn't pay. ,An O
then, if a business isn't good enougr
advertise.., he advertises it for
If you believe in your busineS
and want to build it...
in the
Brenna Woodward
Book should be banned
Editor, Belfair Herald:
Recently our son, who is a fifth
grader at Belfair Elementary
School, came home with a book
that was assigned to his reading
group. The book is My Brother
Sam is Dead, written by Collier
and published by Scholastic
This book centers around a
thmily during the Revolutionary
War. Our son called my attention
to words that he thought were not
appropriate. The words, "son of a
bitch, bastard, and go to hell" are
used. The name of Jesus is used
as a swear word several times.
God is called upon to damn char-
acters in the book. "Damn" is
sprinkled liberally throughout the
book. The book talks about the
raping of women, and the 14- and
16-year-olds getting drunk.
I called and spoke with the
principal of the school, Mrs. Liz
l)rew. Mrs. Drew told me that her
children and grandchildren have
read the book and they enjoyed it.
I then spoke with the superin-
tendent of North Mason Schools,
l)r. Marie Pickel, and voiced my
opposition to the book being used
in a classroom setting. Dr. Pickel
has sent me a form which allows
me to start the process of having
a book removed from the class-
room after a public hearing, if the
committee agrees that the book is
inappropriate for 10- and 11-year-
In today's society, we are called
upon to be tolerant and sensitive
to all religious beliefs. This book
is intolerant to the Christian be-
lief that the name of the Lord is
not to be used in vain, and that
we are not to call upon God to
damn anyone. It is also a tool for
the children to see in print the
words that they are told not to
use on the bus or the school
grounds under penalty of being
sent to the office.
Does anyone else see the hypo-
crisy in this? Please help us in the
fight of getting inappropriate ma-
terial out of the elementary
school classroom. I will let you
know when the public hearing
will be held. Thank you.
Lee Anne Martinez
'Thank you' community
Editor, Belfair Herald:
The family of Megan Bishop
would like to express our sincere
appreciation fbr the GREAT turn-
out at the bh)od drive and fund-
raiser held Saturday, March 13,
in Megan's honor, at Belfair Ele-
Megan enjoyed seeing so many
of her thmily and friends. They
came f'rom Seattle, Poulsbo, Gig
llarbor, Bremerton, Silw;rdale
and fi'om the wonderful communi-
ty of Belfair. The number of pen-
pie that came to give blood and to
support our event was over-
whelming! It was heart-warming
to see so many people. We can't
thank our community enough for
the prayers and love we have re-
ceived. Megan is doing so well,
and we have much to be thankful
Puget Sound Blood Center col-
lected 72 units of blood. Many
were first-time donors and came
because of Megan. Mobile Unit 7
was impressed with the number
of people who showed up to
donate blood. They were so busy
they had to go to lunch in shifts.
We were all so excited to see
the numbers go up. It felt great to
see so many people giving such a
wonderful gift of life. Thanks to
everyone who gave or tried to give
blood. The blood is very much
needed, and every unit of blood
saves three lives.
We were able to raise over
$800 for the Children's Hospital
Uncompensated Care Program.
This money will help some other
child receive care at Children's.
Many, many members of our com-
munity worked very hard to make
this a very successful event.
We had such a fun time with
Mr. Friendly the clown, fishing in
the fish pond, eating cotton candy
and baked goods, buying books,
crafts and clothes.
We will always remember this
day. It was a very happy day for
us and helps make the bad memo-
ries of Megan being in the hospi-
tal go away. Thank you to our
family, friends and community for
being so loving and caring. Words
cannot express how much each of
you mean to Megan and her fami-
ly. Thank you, thank you!
The Bishops: Jeff & Phyllis,
Megan, Tanya, Todd and Kevin
Clarifies legislation
Editor, Belfair Herald:
As one of 16 co-sponsors fi)r the
bear and cougar legislation in the
House of Representatives, I want
to clear up misconceptions some
people may have about the propo-
sal. The legislation would author-
ize only a very limited use of ef-
fective management tools to hunt
bears and cougars, and only if
these wild animals are /bttnd to
represent a tlu'eat to Izumans,
pets, or livestock.
th)use Bill 1012 does not alter
the citizen initiative that outlaws
the use of hounds or bait fi)r bear
or cougar hunting. In fact, the
legislation gives substance to a
public safety policy that already
exists in the state law.
The Department of Fish and
Wildlife has the responsibility to
use these management tools to
protect people, domestic animals,
and personal property. This bill is
a reasonable response to a serious
Citizens need to know that the
use of these management tools
will be closely supervised, and
that this legislation does not in
any way create a new hunting
season for the general public to
hunt cougars and bears.
The legislation does not repeal
Initiative 655. Fish and Wildlife
agents could use these tools only
to address public safety needs, or
in cases where the bear and cou-
gar population is determined to
represent a potential threat.
Simply put, this isn't about
overturning what the people vot-
ed for, it's about using common
sense to guarantee public safety.
Bill Eickmeyer
State Representative
35th Legislative District
Supports bus drivers
Editor, Belfair llerald:
I would like te express my sup-
port tbr the Grapeview school bus
drivers who want to have union
I joined the union in 1941
when I was hired as a sales clerk
at Sears. I resented the initiation
tbe, which at the time amounted
to a week's wages, plus monthly
I soon understood that in order
to negotiate for better working
conditions, or earnings, you had
to bargain from strength. It
would not be fair for those who
did not join to get the same bene-
fits as those paying dues.
Many years later our union
went to bat for us when our em-
ployer refused to pay retroactive
wages, following honest negotia-
tions, which he had signed.
Ruth Etten
Volunteer opportunities
Volunteer opportunities for
people of' all ages are announced
by Beth Church of the Volunteer
Center of the Retired and Senior
Volunteer Program. Call (360)
426-3405 for information on these
opportunities, referring to the
number of' the item in which you
are interested.
Drive people to medical
appointnlents. (0042-Ruthe)
Tutor Belfair area stu-
dents in grades 2-5, in reading.
Help homebound seniors
with light tmusekeeping. (2006-
Tutor North Mason High
students after school in biology,
math, science or social studies.
Work with students in environ-
mental monitoring, bird watch-
ing, carving, landscape designing,
or with theater sets. (2051-2164)
Sort, clean and repair do-
nations at a local thrift store.
Perform household tasks
at Harmony Hill in Union. (2016-
DeBritz update
Rodger DeBritz, principal of
Sand Hill Elementary School, is
home recuperating from his re-
cent surgery. "I'm getting strong-
er each day," he said recently.
He has been working on the
adjustments he is facing, but was
pleased to report that all his tests
P.O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfair office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising coDy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there is :: mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in Beynon Center.
RICK STEDMAN ............................................................ Editor
BRENNA WOODWARD ..................... Advertising Manager
LINDA THOMSON ..................................... Editorial Assistant
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
A section of The Sheton-Mason C, ountyJournat serving as the voice of Belfair,
Allyn, Grapeview, [ahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
were clear, so he will need no
chemotherapy arid no radiation.
"I've been out and about some,
doing a lot of walking, getting my
strength back," DeBritz said.
'Tll Work Like A Dog"
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Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 18, 1999
Thursday, March 18
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
Program held at the Theler Center
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
lunch served at noon. For intbrmation
or lunch reservations call 275-4898 or
9:15 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair Com-
munity Baptist Church. Call Bey
Weston, 275-8282, for information.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC
(Women, Infants and Children) nutri-
tional program, North Mason Medical
Clinic. Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting, base-
ment at Saint Hugh Community
Episcopal Church in Allyn. For inibr-
mation, call 895-1363.
11 a.m., Sarah Eckert Orthopedic
Guild, Allyn Baptist Church. Call
275-4963 for information.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness,
Hawkins Middle School conmmns, $3
per session, donated to North Mason
Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club
of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for
6 p,m., Mason County Network
meets in the Grapeview School Li-
brary. For infornmtion, call 275-6769.
6:30 p.m., Bible study at Belfair
Community Baptist Church.
7 p.m., "Powerhouse," a youth
group for young people in sixth
through 12th grades is held at the
Belfair Community Baptist Church.
All young people welcome to attend.
For information call 275-6031.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfidr Highway.
Friday, March 19
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7 p.m., Twanoh Grange 1118, pot-
luck followed by meeting, public wel-
come, Twanoh Grange Hall, Victor
Cut-off Road.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
women's meeting, NE 42 Old Belfair
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Men's Big Book study, Allyn Histori-
cal Church, Allyn.
7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
open, Belfair Community Baptist
9:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
candlelight meeting, NE 42 Old Bel-
fair Highway.
Saturday, March 20
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Sunday, March 21
9 a.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Bdlfair Highway.
7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, Allyn Historical Church, Allyn.
Monday, March 22
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7 p.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) Chapter 1197, Belfair Com-
munity Baptist Church. Weigh-in
from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Call 275-7504
for information.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Tuesday, March 23
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
Program held at the Theler Center
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
hmch served at noon. For information
or hmch reservations call 275-6246.
8:30-10:30 a.m., TOPS #1357
(Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets at
the Prince of Peace Catholic Church
on Sand Hill Road in Belfair.
Noon, North Mason Kiwanis Club
meeting at Belfair Community Bap-
tist Church Fellowship Hall. Call
275-2529 for information.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
4:30 p.m., Mason County Fire Dis-
trict 2 commissioners' meeting, Bel-
fair Fire Hall, Old Belfair Highway.
5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness,
Hawkins Middle School commons, $3
per session, donated to North Mason
Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club
of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for
6 p.m., Teen-2-Teen youth Bible
study for teens in grades 9-12, youth
center at the Belfair Community
Baptist Church.
7 p.m., Grapeview School Board,
Grapeview School Library.
7 p.m., Mason County Board of
Commissioners' meeting, Building I,
Shelton. Call 275-4467 for informa-
7:30 p.m., Fraternal Order of Ea-
gles 4226, ladies' auxiliary only,
meets at FOE building, 23495 High-
way 3, Belfair. Call 275-6885 for in-
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Wednesday, March 24
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC
(Women, Infants and Children) nutri-
tional program, North Mason Medical
Clinic. Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Club
meets at the Canal Room of the Ta-
huya Market. Call 275-2098 for infor-
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Noon, North Mason Chatnber of
Commerce meets at Mason County
Fire District 2 Fire Hall on Old Bel-
fair Highway for a no-host lunch.
Write a letter
to a child today
Today, Thursday, March 18, is
a special day to write a letter to a
child in your life. The Camp Fire
Boys and Girls are asking Ameri-
cans to join them in this celebra-
tion and opportunity to make a
difference in the lives of Ameri-
ca's kids.
Tell a child, in writing, "I love
you!" Any written affirmation of
love, encouragement, or support
could become an important, life-
long keepsake to a child. The date
fair-Hood Canal Sewer Advisory Committee
and Mason County Department of Community
Development will hold a public workshop at the
North Mason High School Administration
Building, 50 East North Mason High School
Road, Belfair, Washington on April 7, 1999 at
If there are any questions, please call Gary
Yando, at 360-427-9670, X270.
3/18-25 2t
is not as important as the action,
so follow up on the idea (and tell
your friends and neighbors), even
if it is after the 18th of March.
America's kids will be thrilled to
hear from you!
The Mason County Shoreline Advisory
Board will conduct their regular public meeting
on Monday March 22, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. The
Advisory Board will meet in the Commission-
ers Chambers of Building I, 411 North Fifth
Street, Shelton. On the agenda are three per-
mite as follows: a. Proposal by Ken Miller to
install approx 120 feet of rock and woody de-
bris on eroding bank on Decker Creek, located
off Ford Loop Road. b. Alderbrook Inn - Foun-
dation and wooden shed roof for pool equip-
ment, located off State Route 106 in Union. c.
Tim Sheldon - Remove old log dump road
(approx. 320 c.y.) and ragrada into some de-
pressions on site, located off Potlatch Rd, Pot-
latch. If you have questions regarding the agen-
da, please contact Pam Bennett-Cumming,
Department of Community Development, at
427-9670 ext. 294.
3/18 It
1 full-time or part-time
Lease or commission available.
Must be motivated.
1 full-time
Flexible hours, motivation
a must. Lease or commission
Carol Taylor
Meeting is open to the public. Call
275-5548 for more information.
6 p.m., Knights of Columbus,
Prince of Peace Council 12002 will
meet at the Prince of Peace Catholic
Church on Sand Hill Road in Belfair.
For more information, contact Harry
Tachell at 275-0329.
6 to 8 p.m., Pioneer Club for chil-
dren 4 years old through eighth
grade, Belfair Community Baptist
6 to 8 p.m., "Man to Man," weekly
men's fellowship group held at the
Belfair Community Baptist Church.
All men welcome to attend. For infor-
mation call 275-6031.
6 to 8 p.m., "Woman to Woman"
Bible study will be held at the Belfair
Community Baptist Church. Child-
care available; open to public. For in-
formation, call 275-6031.
7 p.m., Mason County Fire District
5 commissioners' meeting, Station 3,
Mason-Benson Road.
7 p.m., Trauma Anonymous Sup-
port Group, will be held at Westpark
Christian Church, 5204 First Street
in Bremerton. For information call
7 p.m., Healing Hearts, a support
group for victims of domestic
violence; for meeting place or more
information, call 427-1263.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, Belfair Community Baptist
Thursday, March 25
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
Program held at the Theler Center
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
lunch served at noon. ,For information
or lunch reservations call 275-4898 or
9:15 a.m., ToPs (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair Com-
munity Baptist Church. Call Bev
Weston, 275-8282, for information.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC
(Women, Infants and Children) nutri-
tional program, North Mason Medical
Clinic. Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting, base-
ment at Saint Hugh Community
Episcopal Church in Allyn. For infor-
mation, call 895-1363.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
1:30 p.m., Gypsy Roamers RV
Club meets at the
Baptist Church. Open
For more information
5:30 p.m., Exercise for
Hawkins Middle School
per session, donated to
Kiwanis and the Boys
of Mason County. Call
6:30 p.m., Bible study at
Community Baptist Church.
7 p.m., Powerhouse,
group for young
through 12th grades is
Belfair Community
All young people welcome
For information call 275-6031
7 p.m., North Mason
board room at the
7 p.m., North Mason
dio Emergency Service
meets at the Church of JesUS
of Latter-day Saints,
Road. For more infc
Dewey at 275-2483.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics
open, NE 42 Old Belfair
7:30 p.m., Hood
Lodge 288, stated meeting,
Temple, Belfair.
Three spaces
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We Ask You
Why is it a man wakes up in tte
morning after sleeping under an
advertised blanket on an advertised.
mattress and pulls off advertised
pajamas. He takes a bath in a0
advertised tub, shaves with an
advertised razor, washes with a
advertised soap, puts on advertiSe
clothes, sits down to breakfast with
advertised coffee, puts on an
advertised hat, rides to his office in a
advertised car, writes with an
pencil... THEN, he refuses to advertie
saying advertising doesn't pay. ,An O
then, if a business isn't good enougr
advertise.., he advertises it for
If you believe in your busineS
and want to build it...
in the
Brenna Woodward