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Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 18, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 18, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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De BYL0kINE KELLY ab, w0 days this past week I was al;o Work in my garden. That i  made me believe spring ,,6,,. arrive this year after all. added two new terraces in the i eyard. So now I have to fiaure p;there I'm going to find ali'the new^ t will take to fill these e w';] s' My husband swears Plts'" go broke just buying looking through the rs at the slide on High- Even from here you can tremendous volume of moved. The houses hanging there make the power behind all We were talking to cover that A lot of us don't think ever be faced with that loss. Thus, we tend to those things. I'm going Our insurance company to- u w our policy. prrf_ 's an update on one of the ISra;l° s columns. Remember the *e"'rayl°r? He was one of  Ople buried at the little ery in Dewa , , headst- tto. Here is the une again. Israel P. Taylor Co. F- 5th Vt. Inf. Died Oct. 5, 1935 90 Yrs. 4mo. 20 days. BOB HOIT, OF Union, caught an error in my computa- tion of his age. He would have been born May 15, 1845, and like- wise would have been 16 when the Civil War started. He also wondered if "Vt. Inf' might have stood tbr Volunteer Infantry in- stead of' Vermont Infantry. Since I can't surf the water I went surfin' the Internet and much to my surprise I found the old fellow. I searched the Civil War, but wasn't successful, so fig- ured, that was that. The last thing I tried was searching for Vermont on the web and then sub searched the Civil War. Success, boy was I surprised. Private Israel P. Taylor enlist- ed in Co. F - 5th Vermont Volun- teer Infantry Regiment. (We were both correct on that one Bob.) He was from Dorset, Vermont but en- listed at Cornwall, Vermont. The 5th Regiment from Ver- mont fought in over 30 major bat- tles from 1861 to 1865. They sus- tained over 18 percent of its total O.Pen house i8 SUnday ty." ment looks at these concerts as gifts to share with the communi- There wi theo^, . 11 be an ()pen house for 'is ebrate Life Pregnancy Cri- Town meeting y,,u Upport Center on Sun- t t4 u p. "arch 21, from 11 a.m. to 3 ,00a,uruay W,a'. "e center has recentl ,=in .... Y State Representatives Bill fthe , to the former sanctuary "Orth Maso • "Ike" Eickmeyer and Kathryn ar N- "" n Bible Church s rth Mason High School. Haigh will hold a 35th Legislative District Town Hall meeting on ,aents will be served. Saturday morning, March 20, 10 contest 'erland Regional Library ,ring a National Photo ugh April 1. Beyond eating America's Li- Contest could be ,000 and even a trip to D.C. and entry forms are t 13 participating Tim- Winners in three divi- al, amateur/ (ages 6- )e announced during ary Week, April 11- information contact e, rland Regional SChool Monday to 11:30 a.m., in Shelton. The town hall meeting will be held in the Cedar Room at the Al- pine Way Retirement Apart- ments, located at 900 West Alpine Way. Eickmeyer, D-Belfair, is the Democratic Vice Chair of the House Economic Deveh)pment, Housing & Trade Committee. Haigh, D-Shelton, is the Demo- cratic Vice Chair of the House Ed- ucation Committee. The 1999 Legislative session recently passed the halfway point of the 105-day session. Forum today The Women's Forum will meet on Thursday, March 18, at 7 p.m. at The Outlook Center at Alder Creek, near the intersection of state routes 3 and 106. The monthly potluck dinner will in- clude planning for the next year's programs, according to Joni Cag- win. She can be reached at 277- 3343 for further information. Mason High School . will present its ' concert "Sacred Gardening onday, 7:30 p.m., the high school audi- for busy people Two Mason County country liv- ing gardening workshops will be offered at the Belfair branch of Timberland Library on Thursday, March 18 and Saturday, March 20. Both events cost $5 and are held in the meeting room from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. On Thursday, the workshop will focus on Realistic Gardening for Busy People. Master Gardener Helen Ilott will offer tips on effi- cient gardening with careful plan- ning. "Even if your free time is choir will pertbrm Sacred music, includ- SPirituals, as well as DZart and Viwfldi. band will perform World," based on "Hal- based on ttand- and other music Oncert band. Is ()pen to the pub- the cost is free. to North Mason lUsic director Allen r music depart- Lit Chucky Check Out Our Dell Take-Out Menu! 10% OFF orders .. called in!! Get Another One Free lt Iresent coupon to redeem, Not valid with any other offer. Good thru 3/26/99. enrollment either killed or died of wounds received in battle. Israel was very fortunate to have sur- vived and then to travel across the country and wind up in Ma- son County. I'M NOT THROUGH with Private Taylor. With any luck I'm going to find out what brought him west and hopefully a family connection. Thank God my hus- band isn't the jealous type be- cause Israel has taken up a con- siderable amount of time. One last note, for those who do surf the net, I typed in Dewatto to search and found a few articles. One of which was a list of the lit- tle cemetery. So, okay, my big find had already been found. You can also see the Census from 1870 in there. I have been very fortunate to meet some people who have given information concerning the De- watto area and now I'm going to have to sit back and put it in some kind of order so when I write people can follow along. Happy belated St. Patrick's Day from one part Irish person to everybody who is part Irish on March 17th. Mason Lake Meanderings limited, you can still feel that sat- isfaction and pride from having grown it yourself," says Ilott. The Saturday workshop focus- es on Herbs from A to Z. Master Gardener Mary Woods will offer tips on learning to garden with herbs. The class will cover many aspects including general care taking, cuttings, harvesting and using herbs to beautify the land- scape. For information on these work- shops or to register, please call 275-4467, Extension 396. By LILIS NOGLER There was a good crowd at the Mason Benson Clubhouse last Saturday. As a matter of fact there was standing room only and some people were escorted to the annex area where they could hear but not see very well. Jerry Nel- son introduced the morning meet- ing with a brief review of how the aggressive Eurasian water milfoil was discovered in Mason Lake and how a community committee was formed to combat this nuisance. The committee, which met of- ten, did extensive research and organized the community meeting are to be congratulated for their efforts. An impressive panel was there to speak to the group and to answer questions. Kathy Hamel, from the Depart- ment of Ecology, had valuable in- formation about the law affecting water quality and lakes and about how other lake residents in Washington state have handled similar situations. Shaun Hyde, from Resource Management Inc., showed slides of lakes around the state that have had a problem with milfoil that has been allowed to spread. BRAD BANNER, FROM the Mason County Health Depart- ment, Cathy Petito-Boyce, from a company in Bellevue that ana- lyzes herbicides, Bill Eickmeyer, State Legislative Representative, and Cindy Olsen, County Com- missioner, were also on the panel. To date, the weed has infested Lake Washington, Lake Sam- mamish, the Columbia River and other lakes in King, Pierce, Thurston, Chelan and Lewis counties, Representative Eick- meyer stated that this was a state problem not to be solved with only community volunteer efforts on Mason Lake. There are bills in the Senate that need to be sup- ported that will help lake proper- ty owners maintain clean uninfec- ted lakes including SB 5742 and SB 5424. Linda Reid (427-1894), presi- dent of the Mason Lake Milfoil Committee and April Cassell (426-5982), secretary, can give you more information about the bills and where they are in com- mittee. The milfoil committee has also established a fund to help de- Garden club meets March 18 fray expenses and meet the matching funds required for the accepted grant proposal. Checks, if you did not contribute last Sat- urday, may be sent to Mason Lake Milfoil Fund, 4452 Mason Lake Drive West, Grapeview, 98546. Ducks and grebes are not the only things floating around in the water this month. Isabelle and Jim Reece (426-3743) have a floating dock about 8' by 10' that they retrieved from the water. It is now on their lake front proper- ty. Call if your dock floated away. This is the last opportunity to help out for the benefit for the North Mason Food Bank. Spon- sored by the Mason Benson Club, everyone's invited to the Grape- view Community Club potluck dinner on Friday, March 19, (which is tomorrow!). Bring hot dishes and other tbod that will help feed yourselves and 17 mem- bers of the Swing Fever Band. Lots of people means lots of fun. The evening begins at 6 p.m. The band plays on. | KNOW THAT there are Ma- son County retired teachers living around Mason and Benson Lakes, The Evergreen Garden Club will meet Thursday, March 18, at 10:30 a.m. at the North Mason Bible Church, 52 East North Ma- son School Road, Belfair. There will be a luncheon at noon, followed by a program at 1 p.m. entitled "Selecting and Us- ing Vines." For further information, call Marie Ennaro at (360) 275-5763. Performance tomorrow The Ambassador Choir from Multnomah Bible College and Biblical Seminary in Portland, Oregon, will be performing a con- cert of worship and praise at North Mason Bible Church on Friday, March 19, at 7 p.m. The program, entitled, "Jesus, You Are My Life," includes choral classics and contemporary selec- tions, along with short dramas. Professor Miriam Gibby will di- rect. The concert is free, and the public is invited. The church is lo- cated at 52 East North Mason School Road. More housing is needed for the 60 college students in the group. If you are interested in hosting a pair of them, or would like more information, please contact Pas- tor Doug Hepting at (360) 275- 4555. Herald Highlights Allan Kadra, of Belfair, has lived in this area since 1961. He retired as a Toolmaker Foreman from Keyport in 1985. Allan was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, and you can still hear that Boston accent when he speaks. He grew up with Allan Kadra one brother and four sisters. His first nine years of schooling were in a parochial school, and his last three at Boston Trade High School, where he graduated after studying carpentry. Allan has two daughters: Deb- bie Wells of Lynch Cove, Belfair, and Annie Borgens of East Brem- erton. He also has a son, Corey Allan Michaels, who lives in Taco- ma. Between Allan and his wife Betty, they have 26 grandchil- dren and 6 great-grandchildren. One special member of the household is his 11/2-year-old Yorkie named Maggie Lou, "the most spoiled dog in the whole world," he says. He enjoys fishing, hunting and camping. He does a lot of work in his shop at home, making all kinds of furiture, especially things for the grandkids. Among his products are picnic tables and Honor roll (Continued from page 1.) bell, Savannah Jones, Peter Jong, Alyssa Jurgemeyer, Tabitha Kleiser, Noah Layton, Jarryd Lim, Chelsie Lomax, Anna Mas- tel, Cassandra May, Brandon Mc- Donald, Alisha McMinn, Derek Mueller, Phillip Neyhart, Kristin Nicol, Hope Norcross, Nathan Nordstrom, and Meggi Olsen. These 7th graders also made the grade: Aaron Pearson, Joseph Redfern, Paul Ringland, Jennifer Robertson, Nathaniel Rosa, Ste- phen Rose, Brenna Sawyer, Mir- anda Sawyer, Amber Schauer, Justin Schnirch, Emily Schroed- er, Vanessa Sinclair, Alexandra Stedman, Ashley Turner, Kevin Volz, Zachary Wing, and Kimber- ly Woodworth. There are nine 8th graders who achieved a 4.0 grade point. They are: Maria Dipola, Matthew Gilbert, Jennifer Hovee, Michelle Kinnard, Ryan Russell, Jonelle Shelton-Freeman, Amanda Sulli- van, Jennifer Virnoche, and Lau- rel Vorheis. Other 8th graders on the first V00GA via ataoha aM/neo, Portland 2nts from 2nts from Riviera (Includes FREE admission to one of three shows) Mandalay Bay Caesars Palace The Mirage Bellagio semester honor roll include: Sara Baertschiger, Jeffrey Bell, Nikki Bonn, Stephani Borik-Jones, Jen- nifer Clifton, Jeffrey Criss, Aaron Crutchfield, and Alisha Dixon. Additional 8th grade scholars are: Austin Farr, Bronson Fatt, Emily Forseth, Collin Greene, Scott Gripp, Michael Hallburg, Tausha Haslett, Jillian Hellgren, Alex Hill, Daniel Hoffman, Ciera Itonsey, and Steven tloyt. These students also achieved the 3.2 or better grades: Kristen Jensen, Sarah Katz, Mark Keehn, Desiree Keller, Leda Lohman, Heather Lazier, Kayley McNa- mara, Adrianne Means, Erin Mohr, and Thomas Quimby. Rounding off the list of 8th grade high achievers are: James Rorabaugh, Patrick Sifton, Erin Sparber, Jason Summit, Heather Taylor, Sheri Thaves, Shauna Veitch, Karla Waldron, and Jesse Webb. $184.95 $189.95 $229.95 $234.95 $259.95 $264.95 $279.95 $284.95 $334.95 $319.95 System Saver rates valid 2nts air and hotel for Sun-Wed depts in the lowest class of services from 3/14-3/19, 3/28-4/16/99 unless otherwise noted. Seattle rates valid for flights from 8:00 p.m - 6 am. E-Mail: WEBSITE: Local Presence, Global Power sM 3276 NW Plaza Road, Suite 112, Silverdale, WA 98383 Phone (360) 698-1411 Fax (360) 698-1428 Owned and operated by S.E.E.K., Inc. rocking horses. Most are for gift giving. He has also picked up an occasional odd job to build a ga- rage or a deck, he said. The thing he hates the most is stereotyping. He thinks it is wrong to speak ofan entire group of people as though they were all the same. Allan's immediate goal is to get over the latest injury that has caused him to spend way too much time in bed, and get back to the camping trips with his friends in the Gypsy Roamers. i i i as well as other collectors, who would be interested in a benefit for the association's scholarship fund. The Mason County Retired Teacher's Association (MCRTA) is planning a garage and collectible sale on Friday, April 2, at the Shelton Armory from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. When you see "collectible" you think there might be some- thing to purchase for one dollar or less that might turn out to be a priceless item. Put this date on your calendar and come and look and buy. Please note that NO hard cooked eggs will be needed this year for the Easter Egg Hunt on April 3. Only plastic eggs will be used. Betty Hussey has been in charge of this day in the past, along with other helpers, but Bet- ty could undoubtedly give an- swers to inquirers about this spe- cial day. Call 426-6919. North Mason Area Churches North Mason Bible Church Welcomes you... • a place to believe • a place to belong • a place to become Sundays - 9:30, 10:45, and 6:00 Wednesdays -- AWANA for Boys and Girls Phone 275-4555 North Mason Unit, ed Met, hodis¢ Church Welcomes You WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 C HI.I,TIA N EDUCATION 'D :5() C ,,h-e  & ;,hlt.:, THELER COMMUNITY CENTE 22.8 71 ,.tatt Rt ,). Bdt,:lir 275-3714 CLEAN Septic Service Serving All of Mason County [FREE SYSTEM EVALUATION WITH EACH PUMPING [ • Tanks Pumped * Risers Installed * Baffles/Pumps Rel)airvd • Sewers Unclogged • Electronic Tank Locating , Home Sales h]specti(m Report AI Droulliard, Owner-Operator O&M Certified (CMS) NE 1120 Old Belfalr Hwy. Belfair Belfalr, WA 98528 1-OO-  Member of N.M. Chamber of Commerce Clearing, Grading, Excavating II Logging, Homesites to Commercial II Building Complexes - Culverts to Storm Drainage Systems Ill Driveways to Highways - Topsoil to 2 MAN Rock 11 18862 E State Rt. 3 ZEPHr03oC0 (360) 275-2861 Ill i/lyn, WA 98524 " Fax (360) 275-3355__ THINKING ABOUT REMODELING ? Then you need T. N. MILLER Remodeling Specialist Kitchens and bathrooms a slecialty A DESIGN/BUILD FIRM Any size job from a new front door to complete rebuild 275-5702 • 426-2058 Tom Miller, Owner • Since 1961 Belfair's Cigarette & Cigar Store SMOKE FOR LESS Located at the Log Cabin Pla00,a SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide Thursday, March 18, 1999 - Belfair Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 De BYL0kINE KELLY ab, w0 days this past week I was al;o Work in my garden. That i  made me believe spring ,,6,,. arrive this year after all. added two new terraces in the i eyard. So now I have to fiaure p;there I'm going to find ali'the new^ t will take to fill these e w';] s' My husband swears Plts'" go broke just buying looking through the rs at the slide on High- Even from here you can tremendous volume of moved. The houses hanging there make the power behind all We were talking to cover that A lot of us don't think ever be faced with that loss. Thus, we tend to those things. I'm going Our insurance company to- u w our policy. prrf_ 's an update on one of the ISra;l° s columns. Remember the *e"'rayl°r? He was one of  Ople buried at the little ery in Dewa , , headst- tto. Here is the une again. Israel P. Taylor Co. F- 5th Vt. Inf. Died Oct. 5, 1935 90 Yrs. 4mo. 20 days. BOB HOIT, OF Union, caught an error in my computa- tion of his age. He would have been born May 15, 1845, and like- wise would have been 16 when the Civil War started. He also wondered if "Vt. Inf' might have stood tbr Volunteer Infantry in- stead of' Vermont Infantry. Since I can't surf the water I went surfin' the Internet and much to my surprise I found the old fellow. I searched the Civil War, but wasn't successful, so fig- ured, that was that. The last thing I tried was searching for Vermont on the web and then sub searched the Civil War. Success, boy was I surprised. Private Israel P. Taylor enlist- ed in Co. F - 5th Vermont Volun- teer Infantry Regiment. (We were both correct on that one Bob.) He was from Dorset, Vermont but en- listed at Cornwall, Vermont. The 5th Regiment from Ver- mont fought in over 30 major bat- tles from 1861 to 1865. They sus- tained over 18 percent of its total O.Pen house i8 SUnday ty." ment looks at these concerts as gifts to share with the communi- There wi theo^, . 11 be an ()pen house for 'is ebrate Life Pregnancy Cri- Town meeting y,,u Upport Center on Sun- t t4 u p. "arch 21, from 11 a.m. to 3 ,00a,uruay W,a'. "e center has recentl ,=in .... Y State Representatives Bill fthe , to the former sanctuary "Orth Maso • "Ike" Eickmeyer and Kathryn ar N- "" n Bible Church s rth Mason High School. Haigh will hold a 35th Legislative District Town Hall meeting on ,aents will be served. Saturday morning, March 20, 10 contest 'erland Regional Library ,ring a National Photo ugh April 1. Beyond eating America's Li- Contest could be ,000 and even a trip to D.C. and entry forms are t 13 participating Tim- Winners in three divi- al, amateur/ (ages 6- )e announced during ary Week, April 11- information contact e, rland Regional SChool Monday to 11:30 a.m., in Shelton. The town hall meeting will be held in the Cedar Room at the Al- pine Way Retirement Apart- ments, located at 900 West Alpine Way. Eickmeyer, D-Belfair, is the Democratic Vice Chair of the House Economic Deveh)pment, Housing & Trade Committee. Haigh, D-Shelton, is the Demo- cratic Vice Chair of the House Ed- ucation Committee. The 1999 Legislative session recently passed the halfway point of the 105-day session. Forum today The Women's Forum will meet on Thursday, March 18, at 7 p.m. at The Outlook Center at Alder Creek, near the intersection of state routes 3 and 106. The monthly potluck dinner will in- clude planning for the next year's programs, according to Joni Cag- win. She can be reached at 277- 3343 for further information. Mason High School . will present its ' concert "Sacred Gardening onday, 7:30 p.m., the high school audi- for busy people Two Mason County country liv- ing gardening workshops will be offered at the Belfair branch of Timberland Library on Thursday, March 18 and Saturday, March 20. Both events cost $5 and are held in the meeting room from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. On Thursday, the workshop will focus on Realistic Gardening for Busy People. Master Gardener Helen Ilott will offer tips on effi- cient gardening with careful plan- ning. "Even if your free time is choir will pertbrm Sacred music, includ- SPirituals, as well as DZart and Viwfldi. band will perform World," based on "Hal- based on ttand- and other music Oncert band. Is ()pen to the pub- the cost is free. to North Mason lUsic director Allen r music depart- Lit Chucky Check Out Our Dell Take-Out Menu! 10% OFF orders .. called in!! Get Another One Free lt Iresent coupon to redeem, Not valid with any other offer. Good thru 3/26/99. enrollment either killed or died of wounds received in battle. Israel was very fortunate to have sur- vived and then to travel across the country and wind up in Ma- son County. I'M NOT THROUGH with Private Taylor. With any luck I'm going to find out what brought him west and hopefully a family connection. Thank God my hus- band isn't the jealous type be- cause Israel has taken up a con- siderable amount of time. One last note, for those who do surf the net, I typed in Dewatto to search and found a few articles. One of which was a list of the lit- tle cemetery. So, okay, my big find had already been found. You can also see the Census from 1870 in there. I have been very fortunate to meet some people who have given information concerning the De- watto area and now I'm going to have to sit back and put it in some kind of order so when I write people can follow along. Happy belated St. Patrick's Day from one part Irish person to everybody who is part Irish on March 17th. Mason Lake Meanderings limited, you can still feel that sat- isfaction and pride from having grown it yourself," says Ilott. The Saturday workshop focus- es on Herbs from A to Z. Master Gardener Mary Woods will offer tips on learning to garden with herbs. The class will cover many aspects including general care taking, cuttings, harvesting and using herbs to beautify the land- scape. For information on these work- shops or to register, please call 275-4467, Extension 396. By LILIS NOGLER There was a good crowd at the Mason Benson Clubhouse last Saturday. As a matter of fact there was standing room only and some people were escorted to the annex area where they could hear but not see very well. Jerry Nel- son introduced the morning meet- ing with a brief review of how the aggressive Eurasian water milfoil was discovered in Mason Lake and how a community committee was formed to combat this nuisance. The committee, which met of- ten, did extensive research and organized the community meeting are to be congratulated for their efforts. An impressive panel was there to speak to the group and to answer questions. Kathy Hamel, from the Depart- ment of Ecology, had valuable in- formation about the law affecting water quality and lakes and about how other lake residents in Washington state have handled similar situations. Shaun Hyde, from Resource Management Inc., showed slides of lakes around the state that have had a problem with milfoil that has been allowed to spread. BRAD BANNER, FROM the Mason County Health Depart- ment, Cathy Petito-Boyce, from a company in Bellevue that ana- lyzes herbicides, Bill Eickmeyer, State Legislative Representative, and Cindy Olsen, County Com- missioner, were also on the panel. To date, the weed has infested Lake Washington, Lake Sam- mamish, the Columbia River and other lakes in King, Pierce, Thurston, Chelan and Lewis counties, Representative Eick- meyer stated that this was a state problem not to be solved with only community volunteer efforts on Mason Lake. There are bills in the Senate that need to be sup- ported that will help lake proper- ty owners maintain clean uninfec- ted lakes including SB 5742 and SB 5424. Linda Reid (427-1894), presi- dent of the Mason Lake Milfoil Committee and April Cassell (426-5982), secretary, can give you more information about the bills and where they are in com- mittee. The milfoil committee has also established a fund to help de- Garden club meets March 18 fray expenses and meet the matching funds required for the accepted grant proposal. Checks, if you did not contribute last Sat- urday, may be sent to Mason Lake Milfoil Fund, 4452 Mason Lake Drive West, Grapeview, 98546. Ducks and grebes are not the only things floating around in the water this month. Isabelle and Jim Reece (426-3743) have a floating dock about 8' by 10' that they retrieved from the water. It is now on their lake front proper- ty. Call if your dock floated away. This is the last opportunity to help out for the benefit for the North Mason Food Bank. Spon- sored by the Mason Benson Club, everyone's invited to the Grape- view Community Club potluck dinner on Friday, March 19, (which is tomorrow!). Bring hot dishes and other tbod that will help feed yourselves and 17 mem- bers of the Swing Fever Band. Lots of people means lots of fun. The evening begins at 6 p.m. The band plays on. | KNOW THAT there are Ma- son County retired teachers living around Mason and Benson Lakes, The Evergreen Garden Club will meet Thursday, March 18, at 10:30 a.m. at the North Mason Bible Church, 52 East North Ma- son School Road, Belfair. There will be a luncheon at noon, followed by a program at 1 p.m. entitled "Selecting and Us- ing Vines." For further information, call Marie Ennaro at (360) 275-5763. Performance tomorrow The Ambassador Choir from Multnomah Bible College and Biblical Seminary in Portland, Oregon, will be performing a con- cert of worship and praise at North Mason Bible Church on Friday, March 19, at 7 p.m. The program, entitled, "Jesus, You Are My Life," includes choral classics and contemporary selec- tions, along with short dramas. Professor Miriam Gibby will di- rect. The concert is free, and the public is invited. The church is lo- cated at 52 East North Mason School Road. More housing is needed for the 60 college students in the group. If you are interested in hosting a pair of them, or would like more information, please contact Pas- tor Doug Hepting at (360) 275- 4555. Herald Highlights Allan Kadra, of Belfair, has lived in this area since 1961. He retired as a Toolmaker Foreman from Keyport in 1985. Allan was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, and you can still hear that Boston accent when he speaks. He grew up with Allan Kadra one brother and four sisters. His first nine years of schooling were in a parochial school, and his last three at Boston Trade High School, where he graduated after studying carpentry. Allan has two daughters: Deb- bie Wells of Lynch Cove, Belfair, and Annie Borgens of East Brem- erton. He also has a son, Corey Allan Michaels, who lives in Taco- ma. Between Allan and his wife Betty, they have 26 grandchil- dren and 6 great-grandchildren. One special member of the household is his 11/2-year-old Yorkie named Maggie Lou, "the most spoiled dog in the whole world," he says. He enjoys fishing, hunting and camping. He does a lot of work in his shop at home, making all kinds of furiture, especially things for the grandkids. Among his products are picnic tables and Honor roll (Continued from page 1.) bell, Savannah Jones, Peter Jong, Alyssa Jurgemeyer, Tabitha Kleiser, Noah Layton, Jarryd Lim, Chelsie Lomax, Anna Mas- tel, Cassandra May, Brandon Mc- Donald, Alisha McMinn, Derek Mueller, Phillip Neyhart, Kristin Nicol, Hope Norcross, Nathan Nordstrom, and Meggi Olsen. These 7th graders also made the grade: Aaron Pearson, Joseph Redfern, Paul Ringland, Jennifer Robertson, Nathaniel Rosa, Ste- phen Rose, Brenna Sawyer, Mir- anda Sawyer, Amber Schauer, Justin Schnirch, Emily Schroed- er, Vanessa Sinclair, Alexandra Stedman, Ashley Turner, Kevin Volz, Zachary Wing, and Kimber- ly Woodworth. There are nine 8th graders who achieved a 4.0 grade point. They are: Maria Dipola, Matthew Gilbert, Jennifer Hovee, Michelle Kinnard, Ryan Russell, Jonelle Shelton-Freeman, Amanda Sulli- van, Jennifer Virnoche, and Lau- rel Vorheis. Other 8th graders on the first V00GA via ataoha aM/neo, Portland 2nts from 2nts from Riviera (Includes FREE admission to one of three shows) Mandalay Bay Caesars Palace The Mirage Bellagio semester honor roll include: Sara Baertschiger, Jeffrey Bell, Nikki Bonn, Stephani Borik-Jones, Jen- nifer Clifton, Jeffrey Criss, Aaron Crutchfield, and Alisha Dixon. Additional 8th grade scholars are: Austin Farr, Bronson Fatt, Emily Forseth, Collin Greene, Scott Gripp, Michael Hallburg, Tausha Haslett, Jillian Hellgren, Alex Hill, Daniel Hoffman, Ciera Itonsey, and Steven tloyt. These students also achieved the 3.2 or better grades: Kristen Jensen, Sarah Katz, Mark Keehn, Desiree Keller, Leda Lohman, Heather Lazier, Kayley McNa- mara, Adrianne Means, Erin Mohr, and Thomas Quimby. Rounding off the list of 8th grade high achievers are: James Rorabaugh, Patrick Sifton, Erin Sparber, Jason Summit, Heather Taylor, Sheri Thaves, Shauna Veitch, Karla Waldron, and Jesse Webb. $184.95 $189.95 $229.95 $234.95 $259.95 $264.95 $279.95 $284.95 $334.95 $319.95 System Saver rates valid 2nts air and hotel for Sun-Wed depts in the lowest class of services from 3/14-3/19, 3/28-4/16/99 unless otherwise noted. Seattle rates valid for flights from 8:00 p.m - 6 am. E-Mail: WEBSITE: Local Presence, Global Power sM 3276 NW Plaza Road, Suite 112, Silverdale, WA 98383 Phone (360) 698-1411 Fax (360) 698-1428 Owned and operated by S.E.E.K., Inc. rocking horses. Most are for gift giving. He has also picked up an occasional odd job to build a ga- rage or a deck, he said. The thing he hates the most is stereotyping. He thinks it is wrong to speak ofan entire group of people as though they were all the same. Allan's immediate goal is to get over the latest injury that has caused him to spend way too much time in bed, and get back to the camping trips with his friends in the Gypsy Roamers. i i i as well as other collectors, who would be interested in a benefit for the association's scholarship fund. The Mason County Retired Teacher's Association (MCRTA) is planning a garage and collectible sale on Friday, April 2, at the Shelton Armory from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. When you see "collectible" you think there might be some- thing to purchase for one dollar or less that might turn out to be a priceless item. Put this date on your calendar and come and look and buy. Please note that NO hard cooked eggs will be needed this year for the Easter Egg Hunt on April 3. Only plastic eggs will be used. Betty Hussey has been in charge of this day in the past, along with other helpers, but Bet- ty could undoubtedly give an- swers to inquirers about this spe- cial day. Call 426-6919. North Mason Area Churches North Mason Bible Church Welcomes you... • a place to believe • a place to belong • a place to become Sundays - 9:30, 10:45, and 6:00 Wednesdays -- AWANA for Boys and Girls Phone 275-4555 North Mason Unit, ed Met, hodis¢ Church Welcomes You WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 C HI.I,TIA N EDUCATION 'D :5() C ,,h-e  & ;,hlt.:, THELER COMMUNITY CENTE 22.8 71 ,.tatt Rt ,). Bdt,:lir 275-3714 CLEAN Septic Service Serving All of Mason County [FREE SYSTEM EVALUATION WITH EACH PUMPING [ • Tanks Pumped * Risers Installed * Baffles/Pumps Rel)airvd • Sewers Unclogged • Electronic Tank Locating , Home Sales h]specti(m Report AI Droulliard, Owner-Operator O&M Certified (CMS) NE 1120 Old Belfalr Hwy. Belfair Belfalr, WA 98528 1-OO-  Member of N.M. Chamber of Commerce Clearing, Grading, Excavating II Logging, Homesites to Commercial II Building Complexes - Culverts to Storm Drainage Systems Ill Driveways to Highways - Topsoil to 2 MAN Rock 11 18862 E State Rt. 3 ZEPHr03oC0 (360) 275-2861 Ill i/lyn, WA 98524 " Fax (360) 275-3355__ THINKING ABOUT REMODELING ? Then you need T. N. MILLER Remodeling Specialist Kitchens and bathrooms a slecialty A DESIGN/BUILD FIRM Any size job from a new front door to complete rebuild 275-5702 • 426-2058 Tom Miller, Owner • Since 1961 Belfair's Cigarette & Cigar Store SMOKE FOR LESS Located at the Log Cabin Pla00,a SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide Thursday, March 18, 1999 - Belfair Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3