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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 19, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 19, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE FOUR THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1920 I I I I I I THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL GRANT C• ANGLE &amp; SON, Publishers member of 'ashlngton State Press and Washington Newspaper Associations Entered as seebnd-class matter at the postofiice at Shelton, Washington Published every Friday morning. Subscription: Domestic, $2 per year. Foreign, $2.50 in advance (All papers discontinued one month after delinquency) _ .......................... MAN WITHOUT A PARTY The spontaniety of the call for lterbeI Hoover for president from democrats over the county is a good indication that they realize the party is doomed after its four years of blundering, and the selection of a man without a party would be some salvage from the wreck. Naturally the Hoover candidacy does not appeal to republicans to any great extent, and his name appears lowest in every poll among the men of that party. Herbert Hoover was almost a household word during the war per- iod when* he was clothed by the President with unlimitec] power to place the American people on rations and use the food, clothing and trans- portation of this country, almost to the exclusion of its own necessities, for the benefit of war-torn countries. Of course, we were all willing to these restrictions, but it may be questioned that Mr. Hoover did much more than thousands of other good Americans .could have done with the same power. It may be granted, however, that Mr. ttoover ranks in the main with the other presktential timber, but-- The fact that he claims to be neither Republicfin or I)emocr,t, that he does not believe in the basic prin- ciples of either of the great natidnal parties, but would gather the people about him under the banner of a third or new party, ought to bar him as the candidate of any party which has any "pride of ancestry or hope for posterity," in these days of "isms." This country has suffered under an arrant autocracy for the past four years, at least, that oght to sicken the people of one-man power forever. President Wilson's personal ideas and wishes have dominated every ad- ministrative act since he has been in power and the suggestions o the best men of his party, even of his own appointees, have been ignored in matters of vast import to the people. Worse still, it appears that during the past few months while the president has been incapacitated, the affairs of the nation have been dictated by his wife and a doctor unknown to fame until made the President's private physician. Cab- inet officers have been ignominously "fired" because they dared to counsel at critical times on the conduct of a government running wild. Perhaps the "one-man" idea is best exempli- fied by the course of President Wil- son in himself indicating the trains of world peace and attempting to tie up for life a people already bled white by wanton blunders and wilful waste. Froan the beginning of time but one man has been capable of such under- taking. When old parties are reproached because of their men or methods, it is usually by those who have been weighed in the parties and found wanting. As advocates of new par- ties they are unlikely to measure up any better. Many new parties have come, and an equal number have long been gone,forgotten, unhonored and unsung. Some of them accomplished some good while in existence, but the good has been swallowed up in the mass of foolishness, selfishness and petty politics. The voice of the peo- ple, spoken through the party and supported by its leaders, is the only real safeguard of the nation. The keen competition btween the leading arties insures the selection of the est men of ea#h party,save only at such times when tim party itself is" "jobbed" through the direct pri- mary £arce. As may be opined while the Jour- nal has no particular choice Herbert Hoover is last in its list of presi- dential candidates. Standard 0il ust have paid its excess profits taw judging from the order which comes to raise the price of gas 2 cents a gallon. However the gas-eating public ougkt to be thank- ful for rmall favors, as'the raise is much less than in most directions. ..... L SHOU00o m ARMY PAY INCREASE EFFECTS MEN SERVING SINCE LAST JULY developed against this project, which will afford the Sunnyside district an outlet, for the reason that only two or three actual settlers are benefitec although a large area of logged lands , would be brought into market and settlement, but more especially for the liklihood that road and bridge :funds in which other sections of the county have an interest, would be called u2on to make up the deficiency of dietdct funds unless a very low bid were received. The prospect for reas6nable bids :for steel bridges or concrete paving is not very good at this time and the Commissioners should apply the limit to this bdge as well as on the paving. FOREIGN SERVICE MEN WILL RECEIVE DIFFERENCE IN PAY UPON APPLI- CATION All men who have served in Eur- ope, Philliphine Islands or Alaska since July 11, 1919, are entitled to REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS letL] estate il-ltn,|'Ol'S furnished A'P(']C- ly by lh' ,lnson (?otlnty Al.)stracL & "l'it h Cempany. ,\\;lorrison l,'. ['ixley and w lo XV. A. Nobh,, wd, blk ]04 exc lot 11 there- from, and the s oV blk 105 [lliOll C'i/y, t!xc r of w. Con 010. Morris(,u 1,'. l'ixlt:y and w to VV. A. N,bbles, wd, S o15 blk I(17 lllld n o( blk 1(18 ]ltl (,t" I;ni(,n City CXC r t?l' W, etc, Con. $10. F. \\;V. Cobb and w to Fred A. Single- t()n, bach, wil, w nw lie si, 82 2[ 5, ex highway. Con. $1{L ltemrich's Stltff I'roduets Co. to J. {!. I;uehanan, wd, lot I 2 3 45 sec (; 20 3, alsu sw sc 6 20 3. Con. 6000. lens Peter Nielsen and w to Charles it. I<ertz and w, wd, n 20 acres lot 2 see 21 22 1, Con. $200. Joseph Jewett Craw ford and W t(, Clarence l-I. Slllvely, wd, sw nw 26 20 3. subject to mort. Con. $900. Albert J. Smith and w to A. O. Jen- sen, wd, east 24 acres of sw sw 7 21 1. Con. $10. Hannah Peterson guar to. Hannah Anderson, guardian's deed, und )-10 int. inse ne and e ne ne and n se of se 18 20 2, also nw ne alld lie nw and sw ne and se nw and that part of nw sw ly- ing e of creek and lots 2 and 3 see 19 Classified Ads ADVERTISING RATES 5 cents a line (six words) in • classilied columns. Minimum charge 25c; twice for 40 cents; three times for 50 cents. 10 cents a line on local page; 30 cents minimum. Cash or stamps must accompany all orders. WANTED--Some elderly woman who wants a good hoe, to take care of two young chiklren. G. H. Mc- Donald, Route 2, Shelton. WANTED---Two girls to learn tailor- ing trade in my shop. Good wages from start. Big money when trade is learned. Tailoresses get from $25 to $40 per week. See J. T. Walsh, Tailor, Shelton. 3-26 twenty per cent increase in pay dat- 20 3, also sw ne 13 20 3, also land in idaho. Con• $1000. ing from that time according to a Ernest L. Anderson a bach to Han- recent decision rendered by.the comp- nah Anderson, wd, se sw 13 20 3• Con• !troller of the treasury. This increase $1000. • 14annah Anderson wid to Ernest L. is on their entire base pay as author- Anderson wd sw se 13 20 3. Con. • ' ' - • I'Zlhid:'encgsitoh: wWil?ldveWle effect of by bynahn "lllfr,::gnh ld,t,°aLillttn/stbn" i W°A'NTEDIT#w2YYn A°3dhest°:dfitifJ:: :increasing the pay of the private on guardian wd se sw ]3 '20. 3. Con I Hard or soft wood. Write orpbone foreign service to $36 instead of $33 $]000. ' ' , I tMs office. No. R 1. 3-19 J as heretofor- n-id datin on and [tannah Anderson wld 1o Ernest I ...... I .....  j. , ... e ; : Anderson et el, wd, all tot tn se ne IWANTED--Clean ras at the .Tour- aider JUly 11, t;),llJ, WfllCn means na and e no no and ne so se 18 20 2, also .1 .0 .+ - n+'  .I -- those men who were on foreign nw n,:? air0 lie ll\\;V and sw ne al|d se nw I *.t .,u, av O C....o  puuu. t service since that date are entitled and that part of nw sw lying e of the '. ., •,. ' " . . ¢ !creek and ]ol.s 2 and 3 sec 19 20 3( also I ......... be llle mrrerenee egween ne lmY sw s 13 2( 3 a s ads i i Idaho Co  t Ull NALE--S]x-weeks ohl fullblood- .  ed Btkshle  s 6 Concmd Beach ,received at that tme and that after .,'u...  " , • p g,, $ . ' ' ' th in re S l|ullll)hl( r Nt]s I lln( "0. tO ( (OIg( r ) 7 r e " c a e for the )eriod until tbeir ,. , , ' :' "' Ioultr. and Hog Fa'm, Mrs W E •  ....  " " " : " " "" 1[ l'unk l, wd " "( Itel't,s t l III ] v  ', T*  . ,. • ' " .......... I (tvtaI(IS, lg  nelon. olscl]arge. 13' ('(m '" , o. ' .... .... . . .,10. The above rates of pav pertain I \\;VJllis IL H(!rr and w to I.'rank S. - ....................... ionlv to :]ltlso on xxhr uro'.o o,,,{ IL'tvley (It(l, n sw aod nw 3 22 3. Con. 1-, ........ • ";l ' " '/ , , - ..... s $I(i '' I'. Ul tSAIA--'I'wo resh Jersey cows, In t ell n .T en! Tnlent Tenty e,  i o  x to ( hn F l)uff r O r : : 's. ::: •  • P-' ;m. e l'. 1,:. A,," Ii, d v .1 [ . • :5, R ute 2, Shelton." 3-26 [cent in(rease s not payable for set-!Am,, wd. lots I aQd 2 blk 55 lAlliv, ao)[ v ce in the Canal zon% Porto R co l,'al}s: C,,n..$[.. " -I ..... vr] 12f¢ltrn;" laDl( [. t, rwlg l*orloel'ly rl'Hylor oncI ' ' .............. H• ' ! I it) h la IC VVsldrip. wd, 1/t11(1 des i,y CHEAP BUILDING LOTS--If you t Discharged soldiers who returned [m and b in 111 19 3. C,)n. $101m. are looking for cheap building lots I ' g(t Mi Co('l)any ti, l'h()enix Lng- to the United States "ffter July 11, gins (X, mpany, wd, ,i s s,c l. sw see the cheapest in Shelton are located i lel9, shouhl make application to the l:t ' nw he. n nw, sw nw. sw and w se in the Southside Additions where 'Director of Finance, Claims Division, i]4 23 .i. (:oe. $10 nnd. other vul. con. a block can be bought for the M,miHnn, Rnlld{n.. 1n,-h{ntan ]5 I Fred Hverett and w to Halldor Skog- price of a lot down town. Less ' _ t,  ,.  . "  .. ford, sp wd, sw SW 33 20 4. Con. $10. ., £or blanks on WnlCtl 1;o sUDmll;J l'rank S. S lners bach t( J( hn Them- than a half-mile from the Bank their claims. The director of finance as 'I'h(ms,,n. wd. s nw se 22 2 ex r of co]mer, telephone and electric light states that blank frowns: will only be w. Con. $100 and other con. selTice.. water within renoh, wl÷h I Ntttl( l Mo]( wid U, M O Mlch- e " an ie furmshed on apphcatmn, i else:. Wd, 'tract'7' unrecorded pat ]lur- fin d v: w; Take a walk 20 2 up nele nex unaay an see wna I gnndy Fruit tracts  lot 1 see 36 ' '. ' l I Con. "$375. improvements the residents are MAY EXCH%NGE LIBERTY BOND Nettle E :Morse wid to Charles Mich- makint Priee are duo tn vMmo .... , elsen, wd, tract No. 8 of the unrecorded shortly" Ask-at the-Joulal offi'ce[ tl', .... . ,_ . •,. . plat of llurgundy Fruit tracts hi lot 1 • ...mer o* Ivery oonas Will De see 36 20 2. Con. $375. able to exchange their temnorarv Hthe] Holmes Patton to Matthew I e ""  ' Dick qcd lots 33 34 35 and 3(; in blk C rtflcates for the permanent bonds : "" " "'- "-* ' ('*on 10 ground must have a cover screwed to ,some time next month, according to i  /ttew°9aIngt(n {o*C'A Wood- top an(] secured to the pil)e with a "" '" '"  n chain and lock tank must be connec(ed local bank officials The original all stat¢ deed lot 1 see 16 zu z. o . ' ..... ; . : ' " 3t}8 1,4 ' wltn a three quarter () inch vent plans called for the exchanfe to be $ ' ' • )1/ -"- "" " : • nade after March 15 but the federal !deN(i sel<YwCn ° #°s.ldf°21L°##lg eC2c PoeveW cn r(m,'Stofme e)ghdt(8), fe • ' ..... ' vent must have return bend on top and reserve bank of San Francisco has;minerals etc. Con. $3400. must not )as  - ) ..... • ' ......... o o-- 1,ells l: s tnr(ugn or Into no A L 1VlC])onalu el; aJ t ll y notified the banks of a further delaYs and- w "wd 'iot 7 blk 9 David Shelton's building under any circumstances. The of at least a month. 'nd add (on 10 ' , tank may be emptied by means of a i ...... C small hand suetton pump If so placed I .Bonds of the first and second loans Carrie l Story wid to Eugenic . . " . . . .....  " "  'on 1 love under grouna as mucn as 600 gallons will be exchanged first When the NeweH wd nw  19 . C "  of ." "" "'" " " • ' " " " and affection . uen aruces may oe sept in tank bonds are ready.the local bank will .Iohn Sleg 'bach to 1,1anch B. Ben,wd ,°[dtt.nk:?o" %pen a.y one premises, pro- n g nOltlOnS are acorolng I:O Iore ..aeePtme:eaneencates .from• tle,r  nw 1# 20 3. sub to Co. roads. Co. golng s;,eclflcatlons. , " , n z rwar nem o an .' - ./. - .... .. ,' , ;. [ Over Six Hundred (600) gallons rus{ 'Fr-nqs- -  " 10rank Flscner anu W o lew, ,,,'[ " . • ,or excnange, cases ton and wd acres In 4. Con. .outside of fir° ,,m,ts u'n- • ' ' , CUtlons ann reguJations prescrtb. )waere ne certificates have coupons $10. . - . 'ed by the Marshal and such re lati ' I gu onS attached th o , e Nevin :Mclntyre naeh to  rank ., e n rs .should detach Grotiiwater and V I-I bel wd 'e ne mnst be submitted to the chief of the £ne coupons and hold them until of sxv 20 20 4 Con" $1'0 ' ' Fire I)el)artment in each case for his maturity. Bondholders can secure w.A. Clarke and w to Azra T. :Hay apF.l'oval.. registered bonds in exchange for wd, nw ne 18 20 4. exe r of w. Con. temporary certificates if they so de- $100. • George Carman wtd /co A. P. Lyman sire. land w, lots 1 and 10 b]k 9 Union City. Con. $500. Robert S. Wright and w to H. O. Groudahl, wd, se se 28 1[) 5. Con. $10, ' Emtly Taylor wld to Hllen Taylor Horn, as her sep est. qcd, n, 30 feet Iot 5 and 6 blk 1 Frances Shelton's add, lot ] blk Q, David She]toWs 1st add. ]()is 3 and 4 b]k G, l<nceland's i add, lot 2 blk 27 ])avid Sheltons 3rd sdd. Con. $10. Love and affccton. I lCmlly Taylor wtd to Thomas Taylor, bach, wd, n sw and sw sw 35 21 6. Con. $10. .lohn MeDaniels and w to A. I,. Bell qed. land des by m and b, lso ne nw 25 20 3. Con. $1. H. Parry Jones and w to Arthur L. Johnson, wd, lots 5 to ]2 ine blk 11 James' First add to Shelton, Con. $10. Janles LeRoy Davis sod w to A. M. Shelton, wd, lot 4 blk 59, Allyn cor- rection deed. Con. $10. George W. Wonder and w to Levi lachelder, wd, lots 15 and 16 blk 4 McReavy's add to Hoodsport,. Con. $10. Nugenia Claire Newell and w to J. I-I. Story, wtd wd, nw 8 19 6. Con. $1500. Ol)r'.ffc :fro. 117. ' TAwUYA I :Mr. and Mrs. H. Nance of Dewatto were Tahnva visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Relic made a flying trip to Se- attle last week by way of Bremerton. A few nf the live ones (or was it beeaose they had a bit of the Irish in !them) gathered at the gym Wednesday evening for a frolic. Gee. Salter of Pennsylvania was a Tahuya visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. ItoHe and V, L, Know]- ton were dtnner guests at the F. Rendsland home last Sunday. Chas. Lundy has quit school and gone to Seattle to work. Dola and Dottle Stanley are making their home with the Rolle's and at- tending school here JLn Ordimtnoe sffulating tho Uss oL An 8torsffs of Bne, GasoLine, aptha or any rydxo.Oarbon v-iquld thtn tho xnlts of ths Tow3x of Hholton, and mondlng Hootion I of B'rowroMxffw. ! I ' Mrs. J. M• Vail went to Olympia Thursday and returned Saturday. Eliza Cush is working at  It. Johnston's. 'If• T. Rose went to Tacoma Friday. Mr. Kirkland has a new tractor to Ozdtnanos o. lo7. ghten his farm work and run his mill. [ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL nls is the second in the valley. The i OF THE TOWN OF SHELTON. ! other is owned by Mr. Camer0n I Section I. That Section I of Ordi- . John Rose is outfitting a boat at lnance No. 107 entitled "An ordinance ,unmn. He intends to mal a trip to regulating the use of any storage oT Alaska. [Benzine, Gasoline or any Hydro-Carbon Thc Glee Club held a social meetlngliquid within 'the limits of the Town Wednesday night, being St. Patrick's of Shelton," be, and the same is hereby Day, Green was much in evidence. All!amended to read as follows: report a Jolly time. Warr - [ Section 1I. No person, or persons, en Johnston ts beaming. Hls lfirm, company, or corporation shall use, pet ewe Is the mother of triplets War-!keep, store, or permit the keeping of, ren's project now is the bringing up I or storage of, within the limits of the of one lamb on a bottle, to relieve the lTown of Shelton in larger quantit:tes ovsrworked mother• .< I than one (1) Gallon, to be always kept Adolph Rlchert Is on the sick list-- in closed metalic cans or tanks in any flu, we fear. I one building or upon any premisea The village around the mill has been place or street, any of the products of increased by two new buildings r. petroleum, including henzine, gasoline, Wohlfarth's cottage and a cook iouse, naptha, , or any hydro-carbon liquid which will flash or emit any inflam- mable vapor at a temperature below' One Hundred and Ten (110) degrees Fahrlelt, without first obtaining a written permit from the Marshal of te Town of Shelton. Not more than fifty (50) gallons of gasolire or any product of petroleum shall be kept in any one place except as hereinafter provided. : All gasoline or any product of petro- !leum in excess of one (1) gallon and not more than ten (10) gallons must be stored outside the walls of any build- ing at a location designated by the marslml; provided, however, that noth- ing herein contained shall be construed as prohibiting: the keeping or storing of gasoline or any product of petrol- eum in any One building or upon any one premises, pl)ace or street, in quan- tities not exceeding firs (5) gallons If the same he kept or stored in approved closed cans or containers with an au- tomatic closing device which shall .ef- fectually close said can or container, such device to be approved by the mar- shal of the Town of Shelton, after hav- ing been tested hy htm prior to such approval. Over ten (10) gallons and not more than fifty (50) gallons must be stored in an iron tank thirty (30) feet from any building, and housed over with a corrugated iron shd set upon legs eight (8) inches high. the legs to be left open and the door to be secured with a lock• Said tank may be installed under the following specifications: Shall be buried under ground deep enough so that foUr (4) feet of earth shall  cover the top of same, a filling •pipe', ; shall extend up. to the top of the The Commissioners this week issue call for ,the construction of a second teel br'idg across the Skokomish Sprtng plowing is progressing. river, about a mile above the Olym. I pic Highway bridge. This bridge i,,{ to be slightly loner than its mate o-- ot rzqYr=.srOrOm having a spa'n of-210 feet, with  .._-. . n)O .rS.  . total length of 470 feet. Its estimat-[ propocs orneVeY cgonVetnructtnlao n sealed a ed cost is around $30,000, althouglvLsteel bridge and approaches across the it is doubtful if any bids are receives I Skokomlsh River In :Mason County will that low. - -, be received l,y tle Board of Oounty More or less criticism has been Commissioners of Mason County, in their office at Shelton, Washington, un- til 10 o'clock a. m., April 10, 1920, and will at that time be publicly opened and read. The bridge will be a 210 ft. pin-con- nected steel span on concrete piers to- gether with 260 lln. ft. of pile trestle approach, the whole structure being 470 ft. long, with a clear road way of six- teen ft. Plans and specifications for this work may be examined at the office of the County Engineer or County Auditor at the Court House in Shelton. Copies of the plans and specifications may be secured from the County Engineer up- on a deposit of $10.00 which sum will be rfunded on the return of said All bids shall be made out on:reg- ular form and accompanied by a cer- tified check equal to 5 per cent of the amount cf the lump sum bid. Th Board of Commissioners reserve the lght to reject any and all bids• Date of first puhlieation of this notice Date of first of this notice March 19, l20.publicati°n 1ONE W. DOYLE, (Seal) Auditor of Mason County. 3-19 -4-9-4t The "labor jury ' sitting at the I. W. W. rial in Montesano brought in verdict of "not guilty-do it again.'? FOR SALE FOR SALE--Second-hand 'cook stove in good condition. Will sell real cheap. Mrs. Anna Runacres, Shel- ton. 4-2 FOR SALE--J6 h. p. steam tractor. Apply to H. E. Stumer, Union City, Wash. 320tf FOR SALE---21-foot cedar launch hull and boat house. The price is right. A. P. Saeger, phone 83, Shelton. 4-2 'FOR SALE--One-deck scow, 19 tons. Right price to'quick purchaser. S. Carlson, Tahuya. 3-19 WANTED TO RENTGood type- FOR SALE--Several tons of loose writer for several months• Inez l wheat, oat and vetch hay, $32. Ask Shorter, Shelton. 3-26 l at this office. I FOR SALE--0n reasonable terms, one five-room house on Cota street. A. L. Bell, Shelton. . 422 FOR SALE--r% Guernsey bull calf 3 weeks old, at near veal prices• Fred Bell, Skokomish. (Address Potlatch). 3-26 LOTS IN SHELTON--We have a number of vacant lots in Shel.ton in various locations offered for sale. If interested better look them up soon, because there are reasons for the owners to stiffen on prices. Journal office. FOR SALE--Gas donkey engine, Al- oe engine, Franklin gear, 3 diem, good sled. First class shape. Used only one month. F. S. Backus, Price and Backus Camp, Potlatch. 4 -2 DO YOU WANT A HOME? A fine and centrally located home has been placed with us for early sale.. We also have several houses and vacant lots in town offered at reasonable prices, and also cheap ad- dition lots. It might be well to get a cheap lot before land prices raise, even lI not ready to build now. If interested in a home talk to the Jour- nal Agency. MONEY TO LOAN on the monthly payment plan. Olympia Building & Loan Assn. Apply Mason Coun- ty Abstract & Title Co. 10-17tf 1 TIDE LANDS FOR SALE We have forty acres of tide lands and beach in a single body reaching from the Hall Donation Claim to Skookum Point. The strip contains some good clam and oyster lands and excellent seining grounds and should be of interest to the .upland owners. The land is offered in a ibody. For information ask at the Journal Agency. LOGGED.OFF LAND Section ]lI. This ordinance shah be tn full force and effect from and after its Dassage and publication according to law. Passed by the Council this 4th day of March, 1920. Approved F. C, MATHEWSON. Mayor of the Town of She!.ton, Attest: F. V¢. TEGTMIYER. Clerk of the Town of Shelton. Published the 19th day of March A. D. 1920. Logged-off land for sale to actual settlers. Price $3.00 pe r acre and up i according to location, tolography and character of soil. Liberal terms of payment and interest on deferred payments at the rate of six percent per annum. Liberty bonds taken in i payinent at par. SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY' ) i Your family is all together now. How long will it be so? Pre- serve the present happy home spirit in a, group portrait by us. The Heckman Photo Shop SHELTON LAUNDRY Now equipped with power ma- chinery for first Class work. FAMILY LAUNDRY A SPECIALTY Cloaks and Suits cleaned, pressed and dyed. CENTRAL HOTEL Rooms for transients T. HAGIWARA, Prop. i An Insured Title Is a Safe Title. OWNERS,' PURCHASERS' ANI) MORTGAGEE, S' POLICIES OF TITLE INSURANCE WRITTEN B r THIS COMPANY. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES OI TITLE MAPS AND BLUE PRINTS / MASON COU00ff ABSTRACT AND TITLE COMPANY (Under State Supervision) SHELTON. WASH, New Spring Showing of Shirt Waists, Middies, House Dresses, Children's Dresses and Rompers, Hosiery Spring Fashions well represented in these garments. Correct styles these approved ideas for immediate wear. Women to whom values appeal will find the acme of perfectfn in this showng and superiority of styl surpassing and surprising, because th ey are distinctive and authoritative are well worthy of your interest. The collection affords right dainty models in the leading materials. IN HOSIERY thd Iron Clad and Burlington brands 'are represented. Nothing but long staple cotton and silk enter into the making. Colors are perfect and fitting also. These brands are leaders in the Hosiery World. d you want, too? The H.ds aud Tou of boa Clad No. 398 ..ve_pll o a speo|Mtwist tea.are that is remarkab uurav, aria there ars  plim i the sore and high heel seek is really a wonder ,or Ions wear. Prioo 50e. Colors: Bla0k. dark gray,white, palm beach, vy, Cordovaa brown. Sitee, 9 to ll. of thousands. Handsome appearance with ex- tra long wear is what most men want. Isn't that what ,*Long Staple" tie,ton meane long Wear Lumbermen ' s Mercantile Company : i ii ii i ii ii i i i%i r: ; '