March 19, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 19, 1920 |
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,.,,,.,,i,,,,,,,,,,i.,,....,.,,.....,,.,......,.....,...H..I....,"iU ,,a e.ucD,.00 Methodist Episcopal Church
-i m ov[,.mva
I tlt',l ,"tt Pr,,,l --/ Judge Wright presiding Saturday• Snday Services
_-- L%,a ,s,, t ,svss,,4L ----[ Estate Ferren Batchelder, deceased,
- ----! order approving iinal report and tim- Morning Sunday School 10 o'clock.
Preaching 11 o'clock.
- -- tributing In'operty of estate•
_ Evening Smwices 7::0.
IIIli|llHIHIlIiIiIlIii|ilIHIIlHiiilIiiiiiIiIiiIiIIiI[ Estate John Flan]gan, lecease(l: Prayer Meeting 7:30 Thursday
Ill ! n•der tixing time for hearing; imm
W. A. Johnson is in Seattle today St• Patrick's Day, Wednesday, was account set for April 17th. evening.
on business, remembered by the usual touch of Estate Alexander James Miller, de- The public is cordially invited to
t the green, ceased, order awarding and setting these meetings•
1)r. and Mrs. J. Richter of Pot-
latch were town visitors Wednesday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Sophus asideEstateall JameseState toF. survivingEvans, dc(.eased.Sp°use" W.H. Thomas,
t Jacobsen of Matlock, a daughtcr on Sohm Evans appointed administra-
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Snickers of Camp March 13th. i trix; notiee to creditors; appraisers, BAPTIST CHURCIt
5 spent last week-end visiting in Eggs are 7 ...... n IR D Bootb, H L Inman and Ernest,
. StilJ on ne ¢ouogga , a" 7 • , • " ' Sunday School at 10 a. m.
town. bringing the produce" 35s cents and tU Nathan White, decree of Morning selwice at 11 a. m.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Denny Ahl of selling for 38 in me store:. Iffal settlement entered. B.Y.P.U. at 7:30 p. m.
Eldon were shoppers in town Satur- . : Evening service at 7:30 p. m.
day The itch for gardening cannot be[ Prayer Meeting on Thursday night
• - Iheld much longer, in fact some plow-MRS. FRANCES BOWERS at 7:30.
Ed. Shick made a business trip to ing has already been done, and some[' ' DIES AT LAKE CUSHMAN Teacher Training Class on Friday
?hud:y and is expected l early stuff already in the grounu. : __ night at 7:30.
tlthl " I ' . !"Mrs. Frances Bowers, aged 27 Choir Practice on Tuesday night
. . , Last week ended m something o{ years, the wife of trances Bowers, at 7:30.
ur and Mrs. Roer¢s remrne9 [a rmn stream, t)u ms week nas a,0,,emuloye of the Phenix Camp 2 Everybody cordially invited to at-
Monday from Seattle where they brought a continuation of fine weath ilear 1:ake Cushman, (lied there on tend these selwiccs.
spent several days visiting, er, with bright prospects for an early Wednesday leaving a husband and Addison Self, Pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Pauley left spring. , fhr¢e small children, the youngest a .
babo of two weeks• The remains were
yesterday morning for Seattle where Two more cars of hardwood lumber brought to Shelton in preparation for CATHOLIC CHURCH
they will attend the automobile show• from the Skokomish mill and four!intierment , and taken to the Reser-
- ' cars of shingles from the Ingersoll vlai0n, where the funeral was held "St. Edward's Catholic Church"
J. H. Deer and family, who have mill went out by carferry this morn- lhmlsday. The deceased was a On 2nd Sundays first Mass is at
spent the winter in San Francisco, ing. dakhter of the late Ned Wateman, 8 a. m. and second Mass at Skoko-
will leave Saturday for their home and born and reared on the Resetwa- mish at 11 a. m.
here. , The stock of the Kellogg Msic ion. On fourth Sundays ]Iass at 10
Store was tbis week taken over by ' a.m. Evening devotions at 7:30p. m.
Mrs. G. C. Angle spent several the Journal Statmnery• Sl'op which NEW Heel)SPORT MILL
days last week visiting friends and will hereafter handle a line of phon-
relatives in Tacoma. She returned ographs, records and accessories. Oscar Ahl and the Ward Bros. re-
Monday evening, cently purchased the Nance sawmill CARD OF THANKS
' Chris Ibbotson the "StrawbertT at Dewatto, and have moved the ma-
Bert Kneeland returned this week King," has sold his property at chinery to Hoodsport, where they To tbe kind friends and neighbors
from Tacoma and .Seattle where he Hoodspm to Chris Ward, a recent '
spent the past month resting up and comer, anti plans to take li{'c easier are building a new mill. A new boil- Wefor wouhttbeir offeringsretmm OUrandheartfeltselwicesthankSren.
er was purchased in Tacoma and dered us during te sickness and
undergoing special treatment• hereaftm •, spending part of his time shipped there las week. They expect death of our beloved son and grand-
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Huntley and in Shelton. to tind a good demand on the Canal
, . . son.
Mr. and Mrs• L• G• Shelton were vie-I Webster &, Ca-le have dissolved. . for. all the lumber, they can CUte. "?n . Mr. attd Mrs. Eli Downing.
to s end s if not they will seek a mark t
itors tb Olympia Tuesday, ";P,( I partne'slip in the garage lusiness, t Shelto n oi the sur, lus :. a:n(l M7 s V . CE?ak.sson
a few hours with Miss Edna%She,on./am 1 the latter left with his wife and • " v • m'• ....
I bab Wednesday• Dan. Webster wall . , ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brobeck_andlcontnue the business alone until other [INFLICTS..YY! 22,1,273r, xrnn CARD OF THANKS
crilddren arrived this week from 1 hel secured I wrttP t-.tH, ,, v,,, - -
temerton to make then home here " ' '
B' ' "t -- -- • , We wish to ex ress our smeere
Mrs. Brobeck was folTnely Myrtle I O'Neill's 19e sale,was well patron-!. Mrs. Ch}ude Lonsberry of Fris}¢en:s thanks to our frienPds and neighbors
lm son . • eo le from all £ innictea a severe cu on net xuo[
S p • [ized anti attracted p. p .............. --" '"me-" for their kind assistance and sym-
• Wnlle S )liLting wootl tit n,z . •
........... ,_ [parts of the county. Bmgam sales I, "; 1 --:-- -.. .... stru4(lnathv m the death of our uncle, Jolm
Maurice Neenam anti imogen .,O-ar e uncommon these days and any- vt0naay morn,ng. " -". " o&, n
thier snent Monday in Tacoma pur, l+h{,o €h,€ -ffers "a real bargain is [square across the instep laying open . *.,-/,. ¢ ..... ,; .... a u;¢tor¢
chasing tools and supplies for their lsu:eSto'raw'a crowd 'a cut five inc.hes long sevem ng o=p ..........................
new tire anti accessory store openeu " - ' Sci, eral arteries, and cutting mo ne
...... :-. "-'eek - ,,a,# .... (n.' J bbhe She was brought to town for RI) OF THANKS
net'€ .m , ' ': tae _..r ....... im • . . . • CA
" '° " .... ...... - - '. o+tnntion an(t s now a ne home oi
. . l ers down the bay, eacn receivco a *-- _. "
Mrs. Allen Fser and Mls...m- h,-ent of 500 day-old White Leg-i Mrs" lirank Wandell. We wish to express our apprecia-
garet Dug of Seattle were msm g . -hicks recentb, and say the: [ " tion'for the kind asmstance of nmgh-
• • " wee " " ' • , ' , • • "
Mrs..Frank Liwngstone. tls ..sed have not found chickens unprofitable KELLOGG IS AUTO SALESMAN bor:.and friends during: th_e mckness
aria lvir. ana ±urs. nttery xow,t • . • - anti ln,ermen15 Ol out • X.vlIe anu ,st ......
m spite of the high cost of feed t
er also Sunda visitors. " .... -- ...... onald
of Camp 7 w e Y -- ', ......... ca" to Ta . n. ve •
_ -._ . - .. a l ,'v, eorge );kellogg, WhO W - -- ... •
John A Schmidt was in Ta'coma Alvin Tucker, the 7-year-old son o c0ma last week, is now connected A. vicienzm.
last week and purchased a new 2-ton Mr. and Mrs. Will Tucker, was a ,with the Western Motors Company
White truck, which has arrived and victim of the natural propensity o of,that city and will make his home
will be used for hauling bolts from small boys to climb trees, and suSi ithere in the future. Word was pub- " VICTOR
tained a badly broken wrist in falling liljed last week that he was to be .
hiSmill.camps to the Ingersoll shingle from a small tree near his home Sat, it@e n back to .B.isbee, Arizona, aSna. I Frank, Andrew, Anna and Myrtle
urday, wtness m the Bmbee (lepoftamn a (1 Nelson were dinner guests at the
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Garfield drove -- . . ' Ikidnapping ' '''¢ ,trials there. enogg. ,was Henderson ranch Sund'y
to Montesano last Sunday to visit Theodore Tremper was a winter anager of the telephone ofhec at] si rlo Nelnn'xon ho's
from Arcadm on Monday and report- hsbee at the tnne the deportatmns Ih ",1' r , ' "
Mr. and Mrs. Lem. Nethery, and re- " ' rs _a__ rl_mo on Hendmson s horse
port the people in that region rather ed the advent of an 8-pound grl to were m prog ss. l funda"
warm over the mild verdict given the the family circle on March llth ':.: ' -- 1 Mr and Mrs K Dahl spent Sun-
I. W. W. murderers. Mrs. Tremper and baby are expected '---.x- ...... 'sOBILE AND ! day evening at 'S. C. Nelson's playing
home this week from Olympia, where ,t ,., ................ [cards.
F. C. Mercy, state sealer for this they were cared for at the Maxwell 'IItAUIUI£ rvttnrto Miss Mabel Smith visited the Vie-
district from the ,department of Maternity Home. __ tor school Friday.
weights and measures is here this The following automobile and Ford- G. Pederson spent Sunday after-
week inspecting and sealing the Local dealers have received word son tractors were delivered in the neon at S. C. Nelson's.
scales throughout the county. He was of the increase in gasol ne anti other past week by the Wallace Johnson I iMiss Ira Nelson spent Friday night
in town Wednesday. fuel oi,ls, the gasoline taking a raise Motor Company. A tractor to Jessieand Saturday at D. C. N evitt's.
of two cents a gallon. A lot of peo- i KMdand on the upper Skokomish td' ' Carl Anderson spent Saturday eve-
Clyde Deegan underwent an oper- ple can still beat the game by not operate bis mill; a tractor and equip- ning a K. Dahl's.
ation in a Tacoma hospital yesterday running their engine idle and stuty- men( to George Cmneron who has a Mrs. K. Dahl and Miss Dug, mar
and word has not yet been received ing their throttles• ' fi,ae farn in the middle Skokomish Smith g'ave a surprise party on Mrs.
as to his condition. His mother, Mrs. valh.y and a traetor and" complete F. B. Sissm Sunday. Quite a number
' • " ' ' s of people came.
F. C. Wily, has been visiting him Contractor Allen who has in charge 1 farming outfit was dehvered to Cha•.
in that city'for several days. plans for the erection of Sbelton's I Wivell for use on his large farm in Miss Larscn, Miss Price and Mrs.
n(w $50,000 hospital and also the Isabella valley. A new Ford was tie- Henderson spent Tlmrsday evening
William Shorter went to Seattle Reed residence to cost about half livered to H. ,Parr. Jones. George at S. C. Nelson's. ,
yesterday to, undergo an operation that sum, was in town this week Michael was a new "hedge oxmer not Mr. :rod Mrs. I,. B. Sisson and
fOrhas theformedremovalin his°f\\;°wthLastWhiChjuly checkingthe grounds.'UP on the plans and viewing mentioned last week. [daughterat Carl Smith's.Helen spent Sunday .evening
he had the growth removed but it has . Miss Dagmar Smith visited Mrs.
gradually returned and become trou- Several families have arrived from DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP K. l)ahl,, Wedensday afternoon.
• Mrs. N. C. Smith visited Hender-
Water Glass
new quart
When You Need This
ask for it as
and ask promptly; or the way of •
cough is often insidiously dangerous. The
time to stop m cough
is when it is getting
started; each day's
delay is increasingly
is a sci,mtific combi.
nation of well-known
expectorant and heal-
ing ingredients which
are of recognizad
value in many forms
of respiratory congcs.
tion •nd irritation.,
60¢ - Two Size• -2Sc
60-pound can of Mountain Flower Honey, de-
livered,S15.00, 10 pounds for $g.00; five pounds
for $1.75; 21/2 pounds for $1.00.
OUTAIN "'r.OWl 1@olq'- " AR
Cmp Two otl&toh, Wash.
Paine's Restaurant
Saturday open till 12 p. m.
Restaurant closed on Sndays
Popular prices Oysters to your taste
Cold & LaGrippe Tablets
are backed by us and guaranteed to break up a cold or your
money back. We are also well stocked with all makes of cold
tablets md cough medicines, throat gagles, nose sprays, mus-
terole, mentholatum, etc. Protect your self against the FLU.
We will be glad to help you.
100 per cent for Shelton
L. B. ALLPHIN, Prop.
New Plumbing Shop
blesome. :nhe:t a theB
Bellingham the past week, part being . . - •
M. E. Reed, Mason Co..unty's rep- n:tsle%hey :rheecoK:::tked twen;hm.t paN;:'ehi ;r!nYg : wne
resentative, is meeting wm me leg- ne - shin-le concern which has leas0d Atlphin and A. M. rluseos, . g'g
islative 'committee this week and . w .. g .... o- e- electric -l:mt in" the business known as Shelton
helping to prepare a program =for. a i ne °l+m;em eParsana will tm t Pharmacy, Shelton, Washington has
speedy special session of the iegm- sma sanll z into ashin-le -lant -" thi-day been dissolved, and that the
lature Monday. ] v • undersigned will not be responsible
Elsewhere t is advised 0 fqr any further indebtedness of said
Mrs. H. E. Stumer and. daughter _1. ..... -., .... ÷:'.-.a; .... :: on']:Shift(on Pharmacy.
.Mddred,n Oaklanah°aLhaye, reacneaSpent-'n--enom wm,t,..,.... [ rGating to change in gasoline stg'-,[;:ig- -4-2 3t A.H. HUSEBY.
1 , ' . ..... , ,---,.ra,e regulations, and the other ram- ,
sa:[ V ' ' ......
darel and ;¢rel2gr gn/passea' in thg limit of fining power Of , _2_ -_'---= .... -=_ ..... ---
.. -'- ....... ".u ,o.oH ',,t man- police justice and otherwise strengt ---7-- ....
aged to get the better of the flu; ening the laws against illicit liquSr
Capt. A. H. Allen is this week en-
joying a visit from his brother, H. S.
Allen from Colorado. Whild Mr. Al-
len did no start out on his trip wi,th
such intention, he is favorably im-
pressed with Shelton and its pros-
pects and might be induced to locate
in business here.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Allen of Se-
attle spent two days here this week
visitin friends. Mrs Robert Allkn,
g " ''" ' ' r
who has been vmtmg her me(he ,
Mrs. Virginia Faube It for some time,
returned with them to Seattle. She
will spend a few days thele before
joining her husband at Guanine, Cal-
ifornia, to which place he has been
rcently transferred with the Carna-
tion Producs Company.
Fay B. Bunnell a popular Dayton
young man wa married by Rev. W.
l=I. Thomas at the Methodi'st parson-
age on Monday to Miss Myrtle May
Kenney, whose home is at Brinnon.
The happy couple immediatelyde-
parted for their future home at Day-
ton, where they met With a wmn and
hearty reception.
Frank Fredson Jr. and Jake Haller
were initiated into the mysteries of
the Elks lodge at Olympia on Mon-
day evening. Eight local Iks mde
the trip over to see that the boys
had the horns put on\\; them properly.
%v I,
', 3 7.4
MONEY IN BEE CULTURE ': ; :'"=---- .............
A complete line of the new
That there is excellent money
bee culture in Gras Harbor cou ti:ityles awaits your approval•
is learned'from an interview [ Select your new Spring Hat
: here.
W. L. COX, pi6neer apiarist of ' .....
county, who states that his total i ¢' ....
ceipts for rlast season were" 'a.p]
imately $6,000. Mr. Cox said: I!i: bick's 'illintr
have 300 colonies of bees sc ,til ,i,. Shelton
over the east end and the r
were excellent. We gathered }r ::: ' # ' q .
than 26,000 pounds of honey, r
was sold at an average price of 2
cents per pound." The work of gath-
ering .the yield proved easy and Mr.
Cox is planning on a much larer
yield this year, having more colonies
of bees which he has working for
him.Elma Chronicle.
(Revised March 19, 1920)
" ,' Prices Paid for Products
, ,., _ tterfat .................... $ .7
• A|ll/A%tf DUAIAV :i;|,Oat, per ton ................ 65.00
atla'll10 Br,/Yl |lPotatoes, per ton ............. 110.00
" , t,Eg s ...... :., .35
Retail Prices
.FOR COUNTRY TRIPS !1' ' ..... ...... ,,,
,,|:'Sugar, new, per pound ........ •
, COMFORTABLE CAR FOR 'I"|:]*,W, heat, .125 pounds .... £. ..... 6.25
DAY & NIGHT SERVICE. "('=na'ia;'iev'': ............. 4.5O
L 1 "''''°''•'°'''" "
REASoNAB E RATES. :'!!:tN£-m;ai ..2 ............. ... 4.9o
• lleop ........... - ............ ..L
l[[ |[tJ .[[Mill run, 80 pounds." .......... z.±o
Muuua • osOIJI1 ' |[Alfalfa hay ......... : ....... 40.00
Headquarters II..M. timothy hay ........... 4.40
• , , uter, vwo pounos ......
JOHNSON S GARAGE "][Best lard, ten pounl:':: :. : .... 3.60
Phone 161. After 10 p. m. IIBacon, per pound ............. 50
Res. Phone 621. |Ilium, per pSund .............. c46
[]Flour, per sack .............. 8.40
• .toits'. ...... ................. a.50
son's Sunday. Satisfaction guaranteed Phone 33
Miss Larsen was a dinner guest at
N. C. Smith's Wednesday evening. Rrs H HANSEN
Mrs. F. B. Sisson, the Misses Dag- •
mar, Mary, Clara and Mabel Smith
and Miss Larsen visited F. M. Sis- Shop in old L. . Warehouse
son's Sunday evening. ..--.-- .......
If you are interested
in Tire Expense con-
sult J. B. RANSOM,
Shelton, about IN-
tributor for Mason
Advertised letters in the postofftce at
Shelton• Wash. for the week ending
March 18, 1920:
Orcn Attleman. A. C. Anderson. Les-
lie Conrad. Mrs. Roy Haywood. Heln-
man Shipgle Co.. Alen ,Toimson. Joe
,Loth. J. M. Kysar. C. l-I. Milcher. Mrs.
.L .,. Peters. x.Vllllam Rudolph, John
Valyka .(2), Julllan I v. XVilliams•
I am prepared to do all
kinds of Fancy Dress-
making .and Seamtress work
and invite the ladies of
Shelton and vicinity %o
bring me ther dressmaking
Fifth and Junction Streets
Shelton, Wash.
The Little Brother Sealpax Underwear
fresh from the laundry to you, made
with double /sea for double wear,
elastic non-binding back band, side
• opening, double sewed and reinforced.
Ages 4 to 8 at $1.25 and $1.50.
We Will have them for little sister
too in a short time.
New Rompers in yellow, pink and
blue, trimmed with white .and, with
fancy black stitching, 2 years to 6
years at $2.75.
A few excellent styles in Ira:dies'
A p r o n s, Ginghams, Percales, Jap
Crepe, Checks and Stripes. Also an all
white Gaberdine, which is of unusual
value. 'These aprons ai'e going fast at
from $3.25 to $5.50.