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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 19, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 19, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE SIX THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1020 i[ i i i t t t i i i! ifllii fltl t [ [ I i a judgment of forfeiit:re. tn¢l order \\;'i(h,d however, that i tn the, (qlinien  ]l .._ ,q..p. of the lNdie(, ,Judg ...... ,y of such for- , " f,,it,,d ,'trill, ..... ,t,.r lb',n int,,xicu.lin liquor az, -t" all) valu( ind a,htpt,d to as'a part d" the order al!(I judgment, ,'xt!('llii(n IT, Ih( ']' "Gn" Mtrsha,], itnd tile i,ro(cl'ds ,,f .stlc!l sale, lifter lmY- tll,ql[ of all v,SIS ill lh( I)roc'(!odlngs, , shall t)e pahl into the Town treasury. .\\;eli,Hi tlll(](q' tiffs s(qt[on an(1 1]lq, ['or- t',i[llre, d(!,truction or sale of ally ILl'- I licit! [her(,llll(]tq' shall riot I)e a, bar to }IrlIV ]M'OS(!CUIi(tn under any other pro- visiollS of |his ol'dill}ln('!. SE(.FI(IN X. Any )(,rson violating ;iny 0[' I]lO lH'ovisions tit |his or(]ilnLnce ]shrill t)! lllJltv of a lnisd(nloanor and :Mrs. Daniel Kcelty is down from S. L. Woo(is, well known Ma,on upon cmvt('tl(,n lhereof shall be pun- Seattle spending a :few days with her daughters. Dec Simmons of Kamilche was in town Wednesday for the first time this winter. :Mr. and Mrs. M. Fredson visited relatives in Ehna last week. Jessie Carlton, Lulu Hinton, O, P. Schriebler and Blanche Woo(ls suc- cessfully passed the February teach- ers' examinations. Dr. French of Elma passed through town Wednesday on his way to visit a patient on the Satsop. ORDINANCE NO. 116. LI¢ 0.DINANCE relating to ',e man- ufacture, keepinff, sale, use and dis- position of intoxicti 1Lquore with. tn the Town of Hhelton, providin penalttea for the violation of the provisions hereof, repoMing Ordln. anco No. 101 relating to intoxicating lqnor, and all oher ordinance= or parts thereof in conflict herewith. BI,] IT OIH)A1NI,I) I:IY THE COUNCIL O1' Tl'llt TOWN OF SHELTON. SECTION 1. This entlrc ordinance hall bc deemed an exercise ef tile po- lice power of the State of Washington and the Town of Shelton for the pro- ection of the eeonoroic and social wel- fare of the p{'oplc of the Town or' Sbel- ton, and all its provislans shall be lib- erally construed for the acc)mplish- ln0nt of that purpose. SE(YFI()N II. Tile words "Intoxiea- t:ing IA(luor" wherever used in tills or- dinance shall be hid(1 .and cnnstrued to include alcohol, whiskey, brandy, gin, rum, wtne, ale, beer, and auy spirit- OilS, vinolls, fermented or malt liquor, ttnd evcry other liquor or liquid con- ainlng lntoxieating 1)roTleriies, which tS till)able el' bldng nsed a.s a beverage, , n,i'l d ally tablets, pnwd(!r, or pellets, Yrlllt(t or oilier Stlt)sianee, frolTl which nny Of |lit' t'oregoin or any imitation theft,el', 0lay be ITlallufactured or con- Co(!I ed. SI,CTION Ill, The word "Person" "wher(,ver ilfqe(l In this ordinance shall be' hehl anti e'onstrue(] to ITIQLn [lilt] in- chide na.[ tlral l)('l'sons, llrnls, CO-1)fl rt- nershtDS ln(1 ctwt)H'ali(n,, and all clnbs and ItSo(til/[ l(tll (If l)fltllral persons, vv'ileLher ttcilng ])y thelnselves or by a s(!rvitnI, nrR't!nt or enll)ll)yee. SI,:CTI()N IV. It: shall lie llnll{wflll "or any l)cr,:oll to Inalltl [actllre, sell or offer for sale, bar! or exehange, give ova,y, Illrlltsh or olilrv¢isc dispose i nl ally tnto×lealing If( uor capal)le Oil being used for a beverage, except that 11 shall noi be, unlLwful for a regularly ordained ndnis|er, priest or rabbi ac- tually cnaged In ministering to his cnngregatl n t(: give tntoxicatiug ]t- quor tea, ills ccmgregation in the per- :l'ormance of tile rites of the sacra- lnent, or f(q, a druggist to dispose of alcohol ill cnformity with the laws of the State of Washington and of the llnlted States of Amerlca SECTION V. It shall be unlawful 'or any person other than a regularly ordained minister, prtest or rabbi ac- tually enraged in ministering to his congregation, to.have in his possession any intoxicating liquor other than al- cohol. SECTION Vl. It shall i be unlawful far any person, leasing, renting, own- ing or occupying any premises, build- ing. vehicle, or boat to knowingly permit intoxicating liquor to be manu- factured, scdd, bartered, exchanged or given away, furnished or otherwise disposed of in violation of the provis- ions of this o,'dinance or to be kept in violation of the provisions of this or- dinan,w thercon nr therein. SECTION VII. It shall be unlawfill for any person to drink, or give or to : Cotlnty log'g'er, returned Wednes(lay from Minnesota where he spent the winter with relatives. :Mrs. Fred Rodigan, mother of Mrs. James Harris, had the misfortune to sprain her ankle Thursday' Charles Hepner and Miss Cora Johnson were married at New Ka- milehe :March 14, 1900 Bert Shelden and J. D. Kinney have dissolved partnership and Bert will continue business at the Central Hotel. l offer to give or furnish to any other Iperson to drink, intoxicating liquor in i ally cafe, restaurant, public dining room, eonfconery, drug store or pi]ar- macy, place of business where soft drinks are sold, pool ball, club or other !place of public resort. : SECTION VIii. if, upon the sworn complaint of any person it shall be made to appear to the Police Judge that :there is probable cause to believe that intoxicating liquor is being maufaetur- ed, sold, bartered, given away, exchang- ed, furnished or othcrwise disposed of or kept in violation of the provisions of this ordinance, such Police Judge Ishall issue a warrant directed t( any l l'eacc Oltieer in the county, comroan(ling him to search the premises dcsig'tmted and described In such eomplatnt and war- rant. and to seize all intoxicating l|- quor there found, together with the vessels *in which it Is contained, and all Implements, vehicles, furnitures and fixtures lived or kept for tile Illegal , llllLn U I'aet Ul'., sale, barter, exchange, giving tway or furnishing or otherwise disl)oslng of such liquor, and to safely keep tile same, and to make a return of said Varrant,within Three (3) days, showlng all acts and things done there- under, with a particular statement of arr articles seized, and the name or the person Jn whose possessiou tile same were found, if any, a,nd 1[ no person bc found in the possession of said ar- lleles the return shall so state, A copy of said warrant shall be served upon ill(! i)!rson found in poss(!ssJon Ill' any su(!h intoxie'ating liquer, vehicle, furni- tilre, or llxtnrc So seized, tlll(] if no )arson be foun(t ill the possession lhere- of, a. copy of said warrant shall be ost(,d on the door of the bulh]Ing or r()om veherein the Sal31o are found, or If there be no door, then In any COll- Sl)]cuous T)lac0 upon tile prenlises, SI,R)'TION JX, Upon the return of the warrant as provided in the next preceding sec.tlon the Police ,Judge shall fix a time not less than Ten (10) and not more than Thirty (30) days }thereafter, for the hearing of said re- Iturn, when hc shall proceed to hear and deterlnine whether or not the ar' lielcs, or any part thereof, were used or in any manner kept or possessed by any person in violation of, or with intention of vlo]atlng any provision of this ordinance/ At such hcaring any person e]ainMng any Interest in any of the articles seized may appear and be heard upon filling a written claim, set- ting forth particularly the character and extent of his interest, but upon suc'h hering the sworn complaint or affidavit upon which the search war- rant was issued and the possession of snch intoxicating liquor shall consti tute prima facie evidence of the con- traband character of the liquor and articles seized, and the burden shah rest upon the claimant to show by compe- tent evidence, his property right or interest in the articles clatmetl and that the same were not kept or used in the violation of any of the pro- visions of this ordinance. If upon such bearing the evidence warrants, or if no person shall appear am claimant, the Police Judge shall thereupon enter JS]l.(1 hy a line of not nl()lN! than T%vo lln o(Ir,,d lelfly ]bollars ($250.00) snd €'()SIs of pros¢'culion or by JnlprIson- FlHqlt ill the Town ,Tall for not nlOl'(. thsn ninety (90) days or by beth such ! [lnl, and tmprisonnlcnt. !' SHCTION X1. This ordinance shall b in fall force and effect from and after date of publteatlon. l'assed by the Oounetl of tho Town of Shelton this 4th day of March, 1920. Approved F, C. MATH'EWSON, Mayor of the Town of Shelton. Allesl: ]e. V¢. TI]GTMEYER, (,lark of the Town of Shelton. J)ate of publication, March 19, 1920. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS .... Secretary Houston has announced that no further loans would be made to the allies. Vermont advocates of license added nearly 100 towns, dry a year ago, to the wet column in the town meotlngs held recently. The French government has acquired the patents to a new gun which has a range three to four times that of the German "big Bertha." Since January 1 emigration has ex- ceeded Immigratlon by 8000, It was de- clared by Representative Isaac Siegel of the house immlgration committee. The commission appointed by Presl- dent Wilson to settle the coal strike has split definitely on the questions of wage increases and hours of work. The loss to the government as a re- sult of the supreme court's decision, declaring stock dividends not taxable as Income, will be nearly half a billion dollars. The Montana state railroad commis- sion will oppose the plan of the state of Washington to construct the Colum- bla basin reclamation project, embrac- ing land in eastern Washlngton. Allen Land Bar Urjed In California. San F rnico.-7-F!ans to submit to the people of California as soon as pos- sible an initiative etitlon designed to prevent aliens, ineligible to citizen- ship, from controlling or operating agricultural land in any other capacity than as laborers were made at an executive conference of representa, tires of the California Oriental Ex. elusio league and other affiliated organizations. Higher Express Rate= Wanted. Washington. -- Increased expresn charges, 'ranging from 10 to 75 per cent and estimated to yield $25,000,- 000 additional evenue annually were aked by the American Railway E. press company in a petition filed with the interstate commerce commission. Economical Trans 'Baby Grand' INISH does not make the auto- mobile any more than 'clothes make the man, but the finish and equipment of the Chevrolet "Baby Grand" Touring Car are evi- dence of the care with which it "is made throughout to meet the re- qui}.ements of the most particular motorist, We now have one on the floor. Come in and see it. SHELTON GARAGE Phone 391 ' .Touring Ca -"-* " ..... ..,.'..L-L..= ,, 700ULD TAKE OVER Washingion.--A p'a: "'"der wh c] American st ealnhlp con]paniof would take over and operate with American ships the 60 pre-war world trade routes of the Hamburg-Anerican line is be- ing worked out by the shipphtg board, subject, it is understood, to the ap- proval of the German eomptmy. The proposal was approved by the senale commerce committee, 10 to 4, after Chairman Payne had explained it in executive session. Both Chairman Jones and Mr. Payne said the board would not be a party to the p{'oposed arrangements with the Hamburg-American line; that its part merely would be to furnish ships, either through sale or lease and to lend its co-)peration in obtaining this busi- ness for American shipping interests. It was said that any arrangement made would be a co-operatlve one, that the tlamburg-America line had the Irt facillties for handling its pre-war businels, but wa without ships. The routes which the American companies will take over inelude not only those between Germany . and the United States, but also those to South Ameri- ca, the orient and other parts of the world. i _ i I Ill] ill __ PF.£RL OIL(00Ros,.s00, i, refined and re-refined by a special process, mak- ing it a dean-burning fuel for home use. Ask your dealer for PEARL OIL. STANDARD OIL COMPA-N (c^,,o=m.l HAVE YOU TRIED SMITH'S FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS Our new electric roaster does them to /turn. ( SMOKERS' / HEADQUARTERS Cigars, Tobaccos and High Grade Candies. Guns, Ammunition & Sporting Goods W.H. SHITH All .the Daily Papers PROFESSIONAL CARDS Office Phone 441. Res. Phone 71 N. E. ROBERTS Physician and Surgeon Succeeding and located in the offices of the late Dr. Wells. H. G. BRADBURY DENTIST Postoffiee Building, Shelton, Wash. Open 9 to 12--1 to 5 Evening by appointments. DR. J. J. MUSTARD Res. phone 755. Office over Capital National Bank, Olympia. Offieephone 639. Office hours 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. 2 to 5 p. m. 7 to 8 p. m. CHAS. R. LEWIS ATTORNEY--AT--LAW, Phone 463. SHELTON, WASH. (Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermens Bldg.) ALDEN C. BAYLEY "LAWYER Mason County Abstract & Title Co Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Shelto PHONE 231. SheIton, Wash. A. L. BELL Abstracts and Surveying Draughting, Real Estate, Loan and Insurance. Horn Bldg. Shelton, Wash, GRANT C. ANGLE Notary Public Real Estate, Insurance and Conveyaneing Fire, Life, Health and Accident and Bond Insurance. JOURNAL OFFICE. SHELTON Passengers, Baggage and Freight REASONABLE RATES PHONE 41. D. E. BARRETT _ Jo a-e, \\;\ LonstlpSt0000 ,, --.-- , i THERE IS NOTHING equal to Chamberlain s-- , Tablets for constipation. When the proper dose is taken their action is so agreeable and so natural that you do not realize that it is the effect of a medicine. These tablets possess tonic propcr- ties that aid in •establishing a natcral and regular action of the bowels. Chambcrlain's Tablets have cured many cases of chronic constipation. W 3IIDIM 1 Wholesome, Cleansing, /IU..... v,., Relreshlng and Ilesllng lJ  t0tlon--Murine for Red. o c(3'.,'  hess, Soreness, Granula- r,  m  tlon.ltching and Burning |UUR .| [.,.)of the Eyes or Eyelids; "2 Drops" After the Moviea, Motoring or Golf will win your confidence. Ak Your Druggist dbMurine when your Eyes Need Care. lurtao e lemcdy Go,, Ghio A Helpful Seed Book ILLUSTRATED WITH COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS No wise eed buyer will tlflnk of purchasing his re- quirements without first consulting this book. It telle positively Of the *'lll,S'l' SEI,Ii) FOI1L 'PItF XVE,T." Brimful of authentic Information and containing %5"ISqPEIIN n--iD CATALOG. L t t " IVi{]TE FO|{ YOUR CO|'¥ TODAY L The Chas. H. Lilly Co. Soattlo 'akllna l'0rtla nd SHELTON-OLYMPIA Hail Stage Line Waiting Room and Lady Atfendant. L. M. STEWART, Prop. Daily Schedules " Leave Shelton 8:30 a.m. 3:00 p, m. I 11:30 a.m. 4:45 p. m. FARE ONE WAY $1.00--ROUND TRIP $1.50 Tickets on sale at Johnson's Garage--Waiting Room Tickets good until used. Leave Olympia 7:00 a.m. 3:00 p. m. / 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p. m. Headquarters at Central Bus Station Phone 22. SHORTY THE ONLY TAILOR IN TOWN New spring samples have arrived so order that new suit now Cleaning, Pressing and Altering Ladies Suits sponged and prcased , 1.00 Suits cleaned and pressed . . 2.00 Ski-ts .... 1.00 Jackets . . 1.00 Dresses ...... , • • 1.75 up Fancy Dresses cleaned and pressed ,  ...... 2.25 up Genilemen Suits sponged and pressed . . $1.00 Suits dry cleaned and pressed . 2.00 Coats ...... 1.00 Pants - 1.00 Pants sponged and pressed . . ,50 Overcoats dry cleaned and pressed 2.00 Overcoata dyed ...... 5.00 Suits dyed ........ 5.00 J. T. WALSH, Box 216, Shelton SOFT DRINK STORE ii i i EMIL PAULSON, Prop. All kinds of pleasing Soft Drinks, Hot Drinks and Light Lunch Fine Candies, Cigars and Fresh Roasted Peanuts Furnished Rooms for Transient Ghests. Shelton, Washington I J. E. CONNOLLY Shelt0n Harket and Ice Plant j(