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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 19, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 19, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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£! ii 1 i  • FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1920 7 THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN i i | .......  l_ i • "htr® Is more Catarrh In this section No. 554. No. 556. 1'",2; W GUILTY OF . "he country than'all other lq'OTICE TO C.EDITO]R,S TO .I. I'OTICE TO CRE.ITO]..CT.A][][S. o Thrift put together, avd for years it was sup- CLArMS In the Superior t'ourt of tile StaLe of I I posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing In the Sill)crier Court of the StaLe of \\;Va.hington for Mason Couuty. In MUROE00 to cure with local treatment, pronounced \\;,':(shin.'tim for Masen County. (In 1 l'r'dmtv'th, ,' ttt(," o" th,' l,'.staI,, of lAMES it incurable. Catarrh Is a local disease, ]'rol)ate.) 3,'. IdV.XNS, /h.ceas(,d. greatly Influenced by constitutional con- In the Matter of the ]L'state of AN- Notic,, is Iwreby give,n, that Letters dltions and ttlerefore requires constitu- of Adminislraliou oI] the ]L'slate of t!onal treatment. Itall's Catarrh Medl- ])]CEV "I'O.VNSI,:NI), l),,cea.,.d. ,]anise 1.'. I,b,'tlls. th:,c(!,'tst,d. Were granted One Is Held Insane and Two ¢in. manufactured by F J. Cheney & Notice Is he,',,by giv, .... th,u l,,.ttors t. th,. u,,d, rslgn,:d. ,m the 13th day ,,f Co., Toledo, Ohio, .is a constitutional of ft(lll(illistraliol( oil i|l(! ICstlte of l/tl'ch. 19'-q], by t}l*! s;tid lll)*l'i r(.'Otll'l. Are Acquitted in Armistice- reins0,. Is taken Internally and acts All l,L,r.(ms havin chtms against thru tile Blood on tile Mucous Surfaces .lldl'(!\\;v q'o%VllS¢?l|d, d¢'ccas,'d. "d.'ere .',aid ctatt., cry i'C¢ltlircd 1, 5et've Ihelll Day Case. o, the System. One Hundred. Dollars re- granted to the u,de,'sig,n_.d,, ,, on Ihe (;th xxittl the nec,,ssary vouchers tlDoll Fne ward Is offered for al v case that lian's day eli March, JJ.0, by th .aid .Ul)er- lit the I,a\\;'¢ €)fli(!e d' Ahh,ll (,. |ayh?y, Catarrh Medicine fails to ears. .qend [or i*,r ('ltll-[. |l(]l(}l(. V'asl|ilH4"toll, that (h'..Mg- circulars and testimo'aials, hated as the lllem o1" btlSilloSS of said Montesano, \\;Vasll.--S(won of the de- F.J. CHENEY & (O., '.Poledo, Ohio. AH l)orsons buying ebkhns aKainst esla.te, within six months alt,.r the date UIO by Druggists, 75c. said vstltl(,, are rcqtllrcd to s,!r\\;'t, t|lenl (hi' the first Dtlblit'atioTl of this I(,)lie). fon(latlt8 are guilty of lllllrd(r In tile LIalI's Family l:)llls for constipation, tith lilt. iltK...cssal'y veuchers upon hie lo-v,'lt, althln six lilt)bibs after the 19th day el" htrc{I li)2I), and fill, the sanl*3 Second degree, two are guiltless and at the lair.' (Hilts of Aldel| C. I'ayley, ",:th the clerk of tills Collrl. together. one Is Insane and was not responsible 'OTIC O B.&I; U.F STATE AIDS ,qh('ltmL %Vashington. that btqllK the will( i)roof of such service, or they for his act, was tile final verdict of the da(,c (,f buslt(ess for said estale, with- t-;hall be forever barred. l)atcd at Shclton, Vq:tsh., this 19th : TIlE GATEWAY TO .Notice ts hereby given that on Tues- in six months after the date of the day of :blarch, 1920. Jury in the Centralia armistice-day day, the (;th day of April, 1920, be- first Imblication of this notlee, to-wit: SOLON EVANS, l, ?.: murder case. tween the hours of ten o's'lock In the wllhin six m,mths after the 12th day A(lmlnlstrator of the Estate of James "- 4, 'OUR FUTURE The final verdict came two bourn forenoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, commencing at ten o'clock In the fore- of March, 1020, and file the same with t,'. Evans, Deceased. HAPPINESS AL1)HN C. BAYLEY, after the Jury had rendered a first vet- noon of said day, in front of the main the clerk of this Court .together with entrance door to the County Court Attorney for Administrator, diet, which was refused by Judge Wll- House in the City of Shelton, County )roof of such service, or they shall be Shelton, Wash. 3-19-4-9-4t non because It did not conform to the of Mason, State of "Vashington0 either forever barred. by the County Auditor of said county, Dated at. Shelton, V'ash,, this 12th No. 545. ceurt's lnstructlon in that It found or by a member of the Board of State IOTIC O E&aING O1 'INAI Land Commissioners of the State of (lay of hlarch, 1920. ACCOUNT OX  3LD:IIZST,ATO]g STATE BANK SHELTON the defendants Eugene Barnett and Washington, the following described NEVCT TO%VNSEND, John Lamb guilty of murder In the state lands, together with the Improve- AND ]PETITIOn" 'O DIST-BU- mente situated thereon, wlll be sold at Admlnlstrater of the l,,'state of Andrew TIOt third doree, or of manlaughter, public auction to the highest bidder Townsend, Deceased. In the Superior Court of the State of Those guilty are Eugene Barnett, therefor, to-wit: AI.D[,N C, IAYLEY. %Vashlngton in and for the Cotlllty applioatioa V730, of Mason. In Probate. J. H. Lamb, Bert Bland, O. C. (Corn- All tide lands of the second class, Attorney for Administrator, In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN as deltned by section 1 of' chapter 36 Shelton, Vash. 3-12-4-2-4t I,'IAN1GAN. Deceased. Notice is heel'by given, that George Hunnnnn modore) Bland, J. C. Mclnerney, Brttt of the Session Laws of 1911, owned by A. Flanlgan, Administrator el! the Es- m Smith, Ray Becker and Loren Robert. the State of Washington, situate in :NOTICE O: SALE O1  T:I: -ffi OIq tate ef John l,'lanigm, l)eecascd, has --' . front of, adjacent to or abutting upon STATE I.AlqD The latter, however, was found to be that oart of lot 2, section I0, towItshlp Notice is herehy given that on Tues- ltled with the (lerk or' the above ell- -- titled court his final account and 1)eLi-  - insane. Attorney Elmer Smith ofCe.-19 north, range 3 west, W. M., measur-d,ty, the 6th day of Al,ril, ]920, be-Lion for dist,'lbution of the ,,staLe of '- HOTEL SHELTON "-- tralia and Miles Sheehan were acquit- ed along the meander line as follows: l:leginning at the point of inLersee- I.%v:en the hours el" ten o'clock in the said deceased, wher,,|ll the Collrt is  m ]'l)l'tllOO]l tll(] four o'ch)ek 112 the after- /t[.:ed it) eLtle SI..Ch ace41Hllt, dJst.rihuLe = ted. The penalty for second degree ti(m of lhe west ]Jno ef sa|d lot 2, with [] said iTlellllder line and i'Ullll|ng thence noon, ('OIllln(,ncill K at ten o'elock hi the the prol)el'ty of the estate to the heirs == == l'Orelloon of sa|d day, in frollt O[ the eP.lJtlet| to the anle and discharge the m, murder is from 15 years to life imprls- N. 66 ° 1,;. 135.(;6 feet, more or less, to re:tin entrance (loor t.o the County Court Administrator. [] BILLIARDS AND POOL--A CLEAN SPORT -- onment, an angle point n isatd meander line: It,use in the City of Shelton, County Notice is further gh'en, that in ac- [] - thence N. 83 ° 48' I,]. 3(;3 feet, N. 24 ° of Mason, State of Washington, eitier eordance with an er(h,r of said court Confectionery, Cigars and all Soft Drinks -- All the defendants, convicted and 5s' i. 2.15 feet and N. 60 o 18' E. 67.58 otherwise, were immediately rearrest- feet to the terminal lmlnt of this (to- hy the County Audttor of said county, made and entered on the 13th day of scription, ith a frontage of 12.29 ]in- or by a member of the Board of State Mars'h, 1920, a h:.tring will bc had h,'- [] ed and charged with first degree tour- eal chains, more or less, measured Land Commissioners of the State of f,)re t),e eeurt on said final aeeount and VashingLon, the timber on the follow- 1),'tiLion for distribution on Saturday, EDWARD H. FAUBERT, Mgr. -- der tn connection with kllltng Arthur along the meander line, as shown upon tng descvibod state land will be sold at the 1/th day of kl)ril, ]92¢), at 10 [] the phLt of Skookum lnlet Thle lands, )ublie aueLion ,to the highest bidder o'elccl u. m. of bald (lay in the Court McElfresh, one of the three victims of filed in the olllee ef the Commissioner therefor, to-wtt: loom ,,I this Court, at the Court llouse the gunmen at Centralia. (,I' I'ublie Lands at Olympia, Washing- m Applloaton 1'o. 10803. 1 Shelton, Washington. "= It)ll. l)(,c(,mber 7, 1916, appraised at Prosecution on the charge of killing $Loo per lineal chain or $73.7,1. Timber on NVz of SE% of section 36, Dat(( th,s 13th day of March. 1920. uun||nnn||nun|n townshtl) 23 nonth, range 4 west, W.M.. HATTIE E. ILUCKER-GAI(FIIIA), McElfresh is to be rushed through tin- .qubjeet 1o such right, tttle or Inter- est as may have been acquired by the containing 80 acres, more or less, ac- Clerk of the said Superior Court. cording to the government survey ALD],:N C. :BAYLEY, mediately, Prosecutor Herman Allen urchaser of any part ef sahl tide thereof, appraised at $3942.25. Attorney for Administrator, said, and the defendants will be at- lands as tide lands suitable for the Said thnber on said land will be sold Shvlton, Washington. 3-19-4-9-4t eultlvation of oyslers under any deed for not less than the appraised value. NEW SOI  HEELS reigned on the new charge at Chehalls. heretofore issued by the State of Wash- as apl)ratsed by the Board of State No. 557. ington, l.and Commissioners in the manner , Said lands will be sold for not less provided by law, a statement of which 'O'O TO O]gDOZS will give you a new pair of than the appraised value above stated Bhoe and save you the expense. and upon the terms and conditions fol- is now on file in the office of the In the Superior Court of the State of Auditor of said county, Washington for Mason County. In lowing: Probate. We invite attention to the fact 00MMZI$SIOZS' lqOTX0 - 0]' Tetms nd 0odltions of Bale---Not Terms of salo are: Cash to be paid mr-ttr' less than one-tenth o£ the purchase on the day of sale. In the Matter of the Estate of AN- that in or modern shoe re- price must be paid at the time of sale The timber on the above " described DREW NELSON, Decea.sed. ltiril we u=e only the best State of Washington, to tlte officer making the sale. The lands is offered for sale in pursuance NOTICE IS HEREIJY GIVEN that the grade of loather. That means County of Masoa, ss. I purohaaer, if he be not the owner of of an order of the Board of State Laud undersigned has been appointed and loIlger weev aud a greater say- In the Matter of the Petition of . YrI. !the improvements, must forthwith pc4, Commis=ioner, and an order of ale ltas qualified a Admlnistratrlx of the |W, thimg mot to be ignored Johnstou, J. A. Edmiston and Karl {to the officer making the sate the full duly Issued and certified by the Corn- ' estate of Andrew Nelson, deceased; ! 'amount 0f the appraised value Of the missioner of Public Lands of the State that all persons having claims against n these days of oari shoe T, Rose, for a Frmac/se to erect improvements, as above stated. One- of Washington. now o file in the office said deceased or against said estate .0Bts, ..... i, Telephones Lines. tenth of the purchase price must be of the County Auditor of said county, are hereby required to serve the same. To Whom It May Concern: paid annually thereafter with interest CLAltK V. SAVIDGE. duly verified, on said administratrix or Notice is hereby give=, that the pc- on all deferred payments at the rate Commissioner of Public Lands. her attorney of record at the address CHAMPION SHOE REPAIR litton for a Franchise above mentioned :of six per centum per annum, together 2-27-4-2-6t below stated and |lie the same with the has been filed in the olflce of the with accrued interest on any balance cterk of said Court, together with proof I"L M. Roseholt, Horn Bldg. :Board of County Commissioners of at th same rat: ]Povtdsd That anT/ of such service, within sx months after said County, said Franchise being de- purchaser may make full payment ot OTICE TO COTkCTOI$. scribed in said I'etltion a follows: To principal, interest and statutory tees at .Oll|ce of the State Highway :Board, the date of the first publication of this erect a line from Quarter Sec. line any time and obtain aeea .or state , .Olympia, %Vash., February 24, 1920. notice, or the same will be barred. ", patent. The purchaser of lanu concern- Sealed bids will be received at tiffs Date of first publication blarch 12, Sec. 10-21-5 along Skokomish Valley ing timber or other valuable materials office until two o'clock p. m., March 29, 1920. Ioad to %Vebb Ranch, thence over Navy ROSE NELSON. " Yard Highway from Webb lancl to is prohibited by law from cutting or 1920, and then opened for the following Union, thence commencing at intersec- !removing any such timber or materials improven,ents: Admlnlstratrlx of said Estate. • .......................... . - without first obtaining consent of the (1) Grading, draining and paving ' Address, Shelton, %Vashtngton. ! .,oo ,.,.....o0 ,.o000 w,., 00,00out m.o. o,.m,,,o .'" W BARRETT {board, until the full amount f tho ()lymplc, ]-lighway between Thurston Attorney for Estate, 'ay to city limits of Shelton, for*a purchase pries tm been paid and deed County lane and Kamilche in Mason Rooms 7 and 8, Lumbermen's lldg., period of fifty years, issued. Shelton, W'ashington, 3-12-4-2-4t • • Therefore, it is ordered by the Board All sales of state lands are made County, Post Road Project No. 6. -- ................................. that the hearing of said report will be subject to the reservations of oils (2) Clearing, gradinff, draining and Application No. 7588. THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE sur]aeing with gravel about 2.0 miles IOTIC O AIPI, ZCATIOI TO Y-. held by the Board of County Commis- gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils stoners of said County at their office of every name, lnd and description, of the Navy Yard Highway, between O:IaSE T£DE T.£ 'O m O'ST:g Clifton and Holyoke Creek in Mason at the Court House in Shelton, Wash- and to the additional terms and con- P-&'TIN AND CUT.TIVATIO ". ington, on the 5th day of April, 1920, ditions prescribed in the act of the leg-, County, Post Road Project No. 58. State of Washington, Office of Corn- Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, 0ils, Varnishes and Brushes, at the hour of 2 p.m. islature approved March 20, 1907, being F.ach bid must be accompanied by a missioner of Public Lands, Picttlle Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels. All plumbing ])one rids 8th day of March, 1920. section 3 of chapter 256 of the Laws certified c'heck 1)ayable to the State NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Treasurer for live per cent. of the V. A. I,IUNTER, of 1907. , | J. A. COLE, Said land will be sold aubJect to anaount bid. The right is reserved to pplicatlen has been filed in the ofllce guaranteed as to work and material for one year, the terms, conditions and reservations reject any and all bids. The check of of the Commissioner of Publio Lands VCM. E. DANIELS, of chapter 109 of the Session Laws of all unsuccessful bidders will be 'e- of the State of VCashlngton to pur- chase the $ollowing described tide lands " 3-12-26-3t County CommisSioners. 1911, relating to easements for rights-Iturncd after the contract is awarded situated iu Mason County, %Vashing- of-way and the carrying of timber, !and the bond given. CAZ, T- '0B P-MA1TNT XIGHWAY stone, mineral and other products over Plans and sl(ecltieatlons are on file ton. to-wit: .:I:Ds the same. All tide land. of the second class,[ ( | , [i Notice is hereby given that the The above described lands are offered In the olnees of the County Engineer of owned by the State of %Vashlngton. in- , Mason County, at Shelton; the Pacific eluded in a .tract described by metes IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlilllllllllllllllllll :Board "of County Commissioners of Ma- for sale in pursuance of an order of Builder & Engineer, Seattle; the Em- son County, Washington, will receive ere, and an order of sale duly issued ployers' Asoelath)n of the Inland Em- and bounds as follows: sealed bids for tle construction of and .certified by the Commissioner of pire, Spokane; the Employers' Associa- Beginning at the south meanddr cor- :i! Permanent Highway No. 4-E, for the Pttbllc Lands of the State of Washing-tion of Washington, Tacoma; Asso-ner to fractional sections 9 and 10,1,_ Shelton m,°'-oe   yac*or-" clearing, grubbing, grading, draining" ton now on file in the office of the elated General Contractors of the Pac- township 19 north, range 3 west° W. M., and surfacing with grave], from Sta- county auditor of said county, iIlc Northwest, Portland, Oregon, where and running thence north 200 feet, N. tion 510 plus 00 to Station 577 plus 148  CLARK '. SAVIDGE, they may be inspected. 5G ° E, (;77 feet, N. 89* E, 357 feet, S. (about one and one-fourth mile.) Bids Commissioner of Public Lands. Plans and specifications may be ob- 48° 30' E. 210 feet and N. 47* 19' 50 tO be opened April 6, 1920 at 2 p. m. 2-27-4-2-6t tained from this office by depositing seconds E. 338.3 feet to the southwest AND REPAIR SHOP , Plans and specifications to be seen at $2.00 for each set of plans required to corner of a tract of eyster lands deed- the offices of the County Engineer and ll'O'lIIll O !i£ O' IiA'I T-AIrDs insure the return of them oa or before ed by the State of Washington to County Auditor at Court House in the day the bids are opened. Humphrey Nelson, February 6, 1920, Manufacturers of heavy work shoes. We also ffi ffi •  JAMES ALLEN, under aPlflieatlon NO. 756]; thence S. high Shelton, Washington. ,A certified check Notice i hereby glven, that oa Stae Ighway Commisioner, $3° 12' E. 79,2 feet to the Inltlai point have a line of serviceablei 'topped logger Secretary of the Highway Board. of said Nelson Claim; thence S. $2* 18' tly company each bid. The Commissioners tween the hours of ten o'clock in 2-27-3-19-4t. 30 seconds W. 299,3 feet, S. 85* 30' V. boots. All kinds of shoe repairing nea done. ffi reserve the right to reject any and all the forenoon and four o'clock in the 213 feet, N. 48" 30' W. 210.5 feet, S. ' ' == bids. afternoon, commencing at ten o'clock 87" t . 303.8 feet; S. 57 ° 30' W. 423.3 Date of first publication of this in the forenoon of said day, in £ront No. 324. feet and S. 44" W. 379.7 feet to the HANSEN , notice, March 12, 1920, of the main entrance door to the II1D3Q[OIB OZ BT-IO&TXO  )oint of beginning, vontatnlng an area IONE W. DOYLE, County Court House In the city of O]g-CYO81BE Og' TJLI[ r T'I' of 2.792 acres, according to the plat (Seal) Auditor of Mason County. Shelton, County of Mason, State of In the Superior Court of the State of thereof on file in the office of the Corn- H||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||n||||||||||||||||n||||||||||||||||||[|||||||| $-12-4-24t Washington, either by the county Waslflngton for Mason County. missioner of Public Lands at Olympia, lit auditor of said county or ,by a memver W. H. MAXWELL, Plaintiff Washington, for the purpose of plant- * of the Board of State Land Commie- No. 1659. stoners of the State of Washington, vs. lng and cultivating oysters thereon. BO'I$. the following described state lands JOSF, PH M. HAWTHORNE and N.E. Any person or persons having or In the Superior Court of the State of together w|th the |mprovemente eitu of N.V.; S.W.. of N.W.ZA; S.E. claiming any interest in or right to Washlngton for Macon County. ated thereon, w|ll he sold at publi{ °f N'W' See" 17 'rwp 22 N. 1. 3 the lands app||ed for, or authorized bY STR, S G SIMPSON A. L, BELL and BLANCH B. BELL, actlon to the highest bidder therefor W, W. M. and all persons unknown law so to do, may protest agaiust or if any, having or claiming to hays contest said aDplieation in manner and Husband and Wife. Plaintiffs. to-wit: Apploto o. 10988. an interest ill and to the real proper- form provided by law. The protest or  vs • NE of NE. of section 16 township ty hereinafter described Defendants :HOR kCE H PINTO the l]nKnown  , , , • contet must be filed. In the office of " : " ;; ..... %" '"' De 19 north, range 5 west W. M., contain- 'tHE STATE O10' WASHINGTON to the Commissioner of Public Inds wlthln thirty (30) days after the date  SHELTON ....... '. . ='..,, ing 40 acres, more or less, according to Joseph M, .Hawtimrne and N.E.: of ceases tne unknown JOlrS el ') • ,*he overnment survey thereof ap- w ,,' w  or w "  :  o TACOMA ' n ''   - , ' • ' , ....... of the last I)ublicatton of this notice. L. WILLEY, Deceased, the Unknow ,atsed at $600,00, w Sec 7 .  N   W. THE ROUTE Heirs of FRANCIS W. WILLEY, { f Apploaton o. 107@B. {W. M. and all persons unknown, if any, and must set forth fully the grounds Deceeed, and all other persons or I W of NW of section ]6, township Ihaving or claiming ,to have an interest of the protest or contest, Date of last ptblication, March 26, Single Fare $1.51. Round trip $2.72 parties unknown, owning or claim- oa north rsne 2 west W M contain- I TM and to the real property hereinafter 1920. ing to own or having or claiming to n  80 acres" more or les "according described: (Daily except Sundays) have any right, title, etate, lion or{tothe overnmet survey thereof, ap- { You and each of you are hereby noti- C.V. SAVIDGT, intert in or to tle real estate de-Irasied t 2000"0 {fled that W. H. Maxwell is the holder 3-5-26-4t Commtesioaor of Publi Lands Leave Shelton  a.m. Leave Tacoma 8 p. n p v scribed in the complaint herein, De-[ Said lands wii'l be sold for not less I of_ TM of Delinque=cy numbered No. 49. "" .... ' .......... '-'^ -bore stated I '# ssue on trio let say or June IOTIOH O PrkT jj£T.,m O11 ........... than ne appra].eu ...... , , The morning trip connects with the 11 o'clock Tacoma to Seattle N T N to{ ons fol 1017 by the County of Mason, State * THI STATE OF rASHI G O and pon the terms and eondlU " I - -'r ....... A TAT the said Horace H. Pinto, the unknown lowing: ...... tel" w astmgton, rot the_amoun o unelIn tle Superior Court of the State' of boat at Municipal Dock. Paperers from Seattle to Shelton Z llale.---INot rltunureu x we ana b;J IOU ollar, ins heirs o;; zorace H, Pinto, ueceased, the eall a( Oo(Mtolas o . ] . : .- - ..... Washington in and for the County should take the steamer leaving Seattle at 1 o'clock p. m, unknown heir of Enoch L, Wllley, less than one-tenth of the purchase[sardis oemg tne amount tnen aus .ana of Mason. in Probate. deceased, the unknown heirs of Francis price must be psdd at the time or sale luennquent or taxes for tne year a In the Matter of the Guardianship of W. Willey, deceased, and all other per- to the officer making the sale. The land 1916 together with penalty, inter- the Estate of JOHN ANDERSON, Seattle shipments should be delivered to City Dock. sons or parties unknown, owning or purchaser, if he oe to.t the owner o[ lest, an(* costs thereon, upon real prop- Irtsane. clahning to own, or having or claiming the improvements: inntml:O:atlhewtho FuI erty assessed to you and of which you NDTICE IS I-I'EREBY GIVEN, That 00SPOR00rAT[ON .... to have any right, title estate lien or to ths officer me , t ,aro the owner or reputed owner, sltu-under authority of an order made by COlj P 4 ....... In or to the 'tea' --'+o+- o amount Of the appraised value_ of the ated In said County, and partleularly the Superior Court of the State of S{{00TON ..... ';" "- "he corn ...... " "YY'? " {mprovemente, as above etated. ne- bounded aod docrlbed as follows to- Washington for Mason County. dated SSrlDeQ III I, patt nl; /lreln, i:le .....+.. " tenth of the purchas.e price m}st .b? wit:, North East Quarter of theNorth and entered February 28, 1920, the "."ff.".A each of you are herebus  paid .an.uall¥ thereafter rit.n ntcrest West Quarter (N.E. aA O f N.W.A) undersigned guardian of the above es- " " , [r e S%u:h rVet %uto%?f thvNa/orth sWogt tats will. In obedience to sald order, after the date of the first publication with accrued Interest on any balanoe  .+ ,, ..=. "€ ,.+. -' , o.+. on the 22nd day of March, 1920, or , of this summons,' to-wit, Within sixty at the same rate: ovls, hat any ..... -x..w-., /.^,.i--, thereafter, sell at private sale hi of M ment of .m,4 , ..,.7 ,, ,- =,- - ward's undivided one-half interest in days after the 5th day arch, 1920, parohaer |nay make. full pay - . ,. ........ h,- 2" *a"'t  .... "* .... r.+ and defend the above entitle action in principal interest ana statutory ecs at ---,,,,  -.- - ,,- ....  ..... and to the following described real the above entitled Court, and answer my time and obtain deed or stats "vV. M. estate situated in Mason County, Wash- , the complaint of the plalntlff, andserve )atent. The purchaser of land contain- and upon which he has paid taxes Ington, to-wit: HAF00R Y F'ORD a copy of your answer upon the under- ng timber or other valuable materials assessed against said property as fol- Land In Sections 3 and 4, Towusldp signed attorney for plaintiffs, at his s prohibited by law from cutting or ows: 20 North, Range 2 West, . M., par- removing any such timber or materials Year's tax, 1917; Date paid, June 20, tfcularly (leserlbed as follows: office below stated; and in case of your without first obtaining consent of the 1919; Tax Receipt No., 2803; Amount. Commencing at the one-sixteenth cot- failure so to do, Judgment will be ran- Commissioner of Public Lands or the $17.81. Total amount of taxes paid her west of the corner common to Sac- I I I dared against you according to the de* board, until the full amount of the since date of Certificate of Delinquency, tlons 3 and 4, satd Township and mand of the complaint, which has been purchase pries ha= been paid and deed 57.81 Range; thence Seuth (vs. 22 deg.)! Dealer in Rough cud Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings, filed with the clerk of said court. |ssud. ll of said amounts bearing interest at 15 chains to the initial point of this The object of this action is to ex- All sale= of Itate lands are made the rate of fifteen per cen per annum; description; thence South (vs. 22t& deg.) Doors, Windows. If you are going to build don't overlook elude the above named defendants and subject to the reservations of oils, and you are further notified that he 4.75 chain' thence East (vs. 23 deg.) the fact. We can save you money. Let ua figure with you. each of them, from any right, title, es- ases, coal, ores, minerals sad fossils will apply to the Superior Court of the to the meander line; thence Northet'ly tats, lien or interest in the real eso of every name,,' kind and description, A square deal to all is our motto. Mill at Matlock. Yards and to the addiUonal terms and con- State of Washington° in and for said along the meander line to a point East at Shelton. tats situated in Macon County. State of ditions prem-ibed in the act of the County, for a Judgment foreclosing his (vs. 23 der) of tiae point of beginning; Washington, and more particularly de- leadlature approved March 0, 190'/, lien against the property hereinbefore thence West to tls point of beginning, scribed a8 follows, to-wit: being section  of chapter $66 of the mentioned, and you are hereby sum- contalnlnlr 10 aers more or les. Beginning at a point 28.05 chains East Laws .of 190'/. . moned to appear withi sixty days The undersigned will receive bids in of the Quarter Section corner between Said land will be old |ubJevt to aftr the date of the first publication of writing up to and including the date SectJons 3 and 4, Township 20 North the terms, eondition and reservations this summons, exclusive of the day of of sale at the Law Ofllce of Alden C. I of Rmage $ West, W. M. for initial of chapter 109 of the Session Laws of said first publication, and defend this Bayley. Shslton, "Washington, or bids ' ' ' ' .... point: thence run East through the 1911, relating to easements for rights- action or pay the amount due, together may be delivered to the undersigned center of said Section , 22.52 chains of,way and the carrying of timber, with costs; and in ease of yor failure personally or filed in the oflee of the to the beach; thence South 32* 30' stone, mineral and other products over to do so, Judgment will' be rendered Clerk of the above entlt|ed court. " East $.76 chains; thence South 62" West tke eame. fQrecloslng the lien for said certifloate  The sale will be for cash, 10 per cent act.mithg--Horsetoeing 2.29 chains; thence West $.59. chains; The above described lands are offer-, of delinquency, taxes, penalty, lntereet )ayable at ths time of purchase and "Protection That Protects" thence North 4.25 chains to the initial ed for male in pursuanceof an order and costs, against the lands and prem- sale, and the balance upo the oou- Life, Accident, Health--3 in 1.   {[J[|MA.{ of the Board of State Land Commis- Ises hereinbefore mentioned. Date of flrmation of said sale by the curt, and point, containing 10.00 acres more or sloners, and an order of sale dulF first publication February 6 190,  NORTHERN LIFE  11. l*ttdVLmq )ass. delivery of deed. CHAS. R. LEWIS: Issued and certified by the Commie- Any pleadlng or process may be ' C. I. PRITCHARD, INSURANCE CO. has leased the Phil Horn black- Attorney for Plaintiffs. stoner of Public L4mds of the State of served upon ', the undersigned at the Guardian of the Estate of John Aader- Ofltc9 and postoffice address: Rooms 7 Washington now on file in the office The Home 0ompany of Seattle smith shop, and ia now doh Of the county auditor of said county, address hereatfer mentioned, con, Insane. G.E. Kellogg, District Agorot. blackamiting, h o r s e shoeing M.W. LOGAN. ALDN C. BATLET, and 8, Lumharmen's Bul]ding, Shel- : CLARK V. SAVIDG, Plaintiff's Attorney. Attorney for Guavd|, I  .... • r l'k. ton, Mason Count}', Washington. Commissioner of PUO Lands, P.O. Addrau, 8hlton, Wash. keRon, Washington. 8-1ll)-|t   and Ee.eral /,-gI-l,-g,II $-27-4$-6t 2-6-$-19-'/t - - ' ............. . ,'t v., * /',W@  ....