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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 19, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 19, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE EIGHT ,t ,% County Correspondence. t w *;  * I J I XOODSPOIT [ AGATE [  I • I •  ".[ Fred Thompson.and Rufus Dunbar Mr. and Mrs, George Wiss. moveii ,visited here late unday evening. over to their home near the mill .............. -- .  mrs• narr.v rmcn, l;oDerl; i, utcn • l ueslay. " . &apos; I Oscar Ahl, Louisa Ahl and ,_.ank >o d00u, rd00v%%eCo%n00 Ahl made a trip to Shelton snu" uo • ; , f Nichol Ward and family and Chris of tt]e ram. It reopened Men€lay Ward and family visited at Lilliwaup toOl-sing'. . , '  .,, ! Sunday. Frank Fedson went down o vim i Elmer Schaufler visited here Mon- Creek last Iuesday to scale Ira Lib-lday ' , r s ? by)s cedar log,. .. I Rudy Bregar, l?red Holmberg, N els "dward Chester is not sttendmg Christerson and Olaf Hanson visited school this week because of illness• here Sunday. We all miss him. " I Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ward, Oscar The basket social at Grange was 'Ahl and Chris Ebbitson made a busi- well attended SaLurdav night. The hess trip to Shelton Monday, sale ¢rf baskets cleared'S91! A dance Bes:4e Sweitzer and friends visited and chicken supper will be given the at the home of Mrs. Jas. Bleecker third of April for Grarrge benefit. • Doctor Beach was called to West's last week to see their yotger daugh- ter Domm, who has been sick. A party of young folks fromhel- ton and around Agate gather4d at the Charles Wiss home Sunday after- noon and went to the show in Shelton in the evening. A school elec.tion was held at the Agate school house last Saturday to vote on the consolidation of the Agate and Grant schools. Mr. Jacoby recently purchased the cedar on the Hilton ranch. He is in- tending to take the cedar out as soon Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ahl of Eldon visited here last week. ] A large crowd from here attended the show and dance at Holly Satur- day night. Everyone reporte(1 a good time, Robert Johnson and Richard Schau- tier of Eldon visited here Monday. Mrs. Smith returned from Seattle Monday. Mrs. Dermic AhL and family visited here, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens were here oh business Monday. Arhie Slade, Dick t, ewis and An- as possible, ton James visited here Monday even- • . ing. . ] Mrs. Joe Pulslfer visited at the DAYTON Cbarley Browner home Sunday I I Those who were neither absent nor - -'tardy from school during the past Mr and Mls E L Bunnell made month e • ' ....  w re Margery Hallett and a business trip to t0wfi Monday. Eleanor Dickinson. Da ton heard the wedding bells Alonz ) Y ' " 11 o Rule :eturned home Men- ring again Monday. Fay Bunne day after spending some 'time in Se- brought his bride, formerly Myrtle attl9 and Everett. Neyhart of Brinnon, to the ti0me of Mi's. W. MacDonald spent a few Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bunnell Monday days in Seattle this veek. evening/Nearly all of Dayton turned Buster Hanson returned to school out wifh tbe cow bells and tin cans Momlay after some weeks absence. and charivarlcd hem. About forty The Johnson family from John- xyere present and all report a good son's Camp visited at.he Finch home time. Fruit and candy were served Sunday evening. by the host and hostess. @ - Mrs. J. Morgan spent Monday vis- ii iting at the McClure and Adams' LOWER MATLOCK ] homes• I - Elonise Smith spent Monday night *  ." . * at the teacherage. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Evers spent Raymond and Lawrence Bailey" the week-end in Elms with  fhe lat- made a business trip to Olympia ter's folks. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Elson of Isabella Valley visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Hensel Sunday. Mr. and M's. E. L. Bunnel] and children and Mary egg called, on Mrs. F. J. Miller Tuesday afternbon. Mrs. J. A. Dinning, Mrs Lmis and smt Albert spent Tuesday at the home of Mcs. J. Morgan, Mrs. G. E. tlickson and dauffhter Juanita made a trip to town Tues- davy. Vgho wi|l he the next Daytonite to hear weddlnr: bells We,. have an idea tbat Kelly iutends to be the next in line. Mr. :lud '.. l#. B. lhmee.ll wonl to their l',on:e at lhe 5I. & S. mill ']"t e : d :,.y. Jack l.;rvdon calh':d at the L, P. Ad "r) ' ,h(m'm hlnn¢!r,y Mr. :m,I M,'s. F. E. b;ontb, avd spent daughter Clara Asa Baterdan, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rediska and daughter Dora all visited' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson of Frisken's Y Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E-ers and chil- dren, Clmrles and Edith and Carl Spalding Jr. visit?d their sister, Mrs. Roy Meek of Aberdeen Sunday. Mrs. Meek has recently underwent an op* eration but is reported doing nicely now, The dance at Matlocl last Saturday nie'ht wa. reported a' great success with a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. S)phus Jacob:;on of :'&rl!oek are the phoud parents o£ a d;ru,v'hLer, born M;irch the,. J2th. 3';:; f,inno] i!c.lin srm:t the week- end at home with nor parenu. A.lval Mei(ibhen rehrnc!d Friday from Tacoma where he spent a :few days, Tu,'.duy ,n }<eltc'. r }v:c :.¢','..,li( BT;u'&all :pent wed:--end w,+h Nrs. L. P. Adarns. E,'(:aK(,?MIb.I! (;IL%?,CE ErTER- TAINS ,<HI,?,LTON VAI,LEY GRAN( E '(IN APRIL 3RD On Saturday evening, April 3rd the officer.s elect of the Skokomih Grange ,,-&'ill be installed. Members of tim ,Shelton Valley Grange will journey vver an(t participate in the installa- tion and entertainment, All members of both granges are asked to re- member the date and be ,present on that evening. " i Liarn herhand GRE EAPlYJtY &ta BO@gKg EPIIO TYPI|':C, IEL;H Evely to&,;hetr an xllert spacial:t 009 POSITIONS await graduates Wo train yOU b tter than five 3ars actual ell:ice expert- enco. We are tespozml.ble ,. fcr living conditions and welfare of git] under I Dean of Wemmu Send for catalog. Hall Business College Third and Co|umbla " Bealtle HOG SALE, It will pay to in'vestigatei We are selling our entire herd of hogs. FULL BLOOD BERKSHIRE inclucling 20 Hogs ranging from 8 months to 2 years oldi (17 bred). 1 Sow with Pigs. " " 1 Service Boar. ALSO FOR SALE 1 Heifer Calf. " 1 Jersey-Guernsey Cow fresh in June. We will also sell all of our chickens except Rh6de Island Reds. Hereafter we will keep only Rhode Island Red chickens. Concord Beach Pou Itry00 Hog Farm Mrs. W. E. Edwards Route 2, (Phone) Shelton, Wash. THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL f OAKLAND EAY , i t I A neck sociui and : nee it; to be given at .he scb,'-, hous' Saturday, March 17ti:. for ne purpose of rais- ing a fund for tLe new hospital. Everybody v.:?! be welcome.  Mr. and Mrs. John Labor returned 'last week from San Diego, Calfirnia, where they had spent four months enjoying the warm climate. Mrs Labor was formerly Miss Mamie Crossman. Mrs. Wall left the Duncan home 'last Sunday for Idaho where she ex- pects to spend a few months visiting relatives. Mrs. Wall has been mak- ing her home for some tiptoe with her daughter, Mrs. Duncan. Mrs. Duncan and daughter Jewel accompanied Mrs. Wall as far as Tacoma. Mrs. A. MeAteer was a week-end visitor at the Kellog home. Mrs; Bmmiee Avalon and daughter Aderiene left last Tuesday for their home in Los Angeles after'spending sewral months visiting friends and relatives n Washington. Jack Buchanan motored from Ta- 'coma last Monday and expects to spend a few davs at the Buchanan summer home. He resorts Mrs. Bu- chanan getting along as well as could be expected after their auto ac- cident of a couple of weeks ago. She is still in the hospital suffering from a broken shoulder, but expects ot be able to return home within another week. Mrs. Tom Moran and family spent Sunday afternoon at the Afdem home. Leon Larsen motored from Ta'coma last Sunday in his new car. He was pccompanied by his father. Louis I,arsen, who is looking after the O'Neill oyster beds nd who had spent the week-end with his family in Tacoma. Roy owman returned from 0lvm- pia last Friday where he had sent "a few days visiting his mother, Mrs. John Bowman. Mrs. O. E. Schroeder and little La Verne Bullock are Tacoma visitors ]thls week. Mrs. John Labor and Miss Pearl Doak were supper guests at the Af- dem home last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crossman left Tuesday for Centralia where they expect to spend an indefinite lenwth Of time with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rivers. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hartson of Shelton were callers at the Crossman home last Sunday• Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meeker of Olympia moved to the Buchanan home laot week. Mr. Meeker will re- sume thb. carpenter work discontinued last fall Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fredson and son of Shelton were visitor. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moran Sunday, Mrs. Ella l%ran spent the past iweek :tt the home of her parents in STADIUM l Charles Some:", a Seattle real es- tate ,14der, who ,,'v," luite a lot of land between here :,=a retroit, has a crew of men making ,,. is to these tracts, so as people may be able to go and hmk at them. Win. Blomgren has purchased a lot of iron pipe and,intends to pipe water all over his place. He hopes of raising a banner crop of tubers. School has opened up again and a jolly lot of husky children were in line with their well filled dinner pails on Monday morning waiting for the stage. Erick Adegard went to Seattle last week to visit bis brother, and also buy h/s garden seed. * R, F. Johnson was a caller at Sta- dium on Sund'3y to see his fmnily. S. tIansen and Bob Johnson were Allyn callers last Sunday to lay in a supply of groeer/es. Capt. Christ Bcrtlesen of Olympia brought a crowd of land seekers down in his launch Clallam to De- troit to look over some lands. Mrs. C. W. Baird is able to be up and around again after a hard seige of the flu. Mrs. Blomgren and daughter Mable returned home on Friday after a few days of city life. M. L. Hoke is employed at the Goodro Logging Co, while Mrs. Hoke is chief firmette.' Mr. and Mrs. Hansen and Mrs. M. E. Brink were in Vaughn one day last week on business. Capt. Christ Bertlesen of Olympia brought a load of lumber down frmr Olympia yesterdhy on the launch Clallam for the Hansen & Sons ship- yard. Capt. Brink brought a load of lumber also for the shipyard. S. Hansen was a caller in Olympia yesterday on business. The launch Marie was a caller at the Stadium float yesterday with I freight,: for Judge Britton. { Tle Dund Brothers Logging Co. are putting hi-yu sticks in the chuck down near Detroit. We have nice weathm" again after the short rainy spell. Ed. Cronquist, 6ur popular stage driver, has his launch out again after having it laid up in the pond all winter. Capt. Bill had his launch up on the beach the other day, giv ing it the once over. L. Rauschert is getting his place ready for the splng work, besides being chief cook while Ted and Bryan attend school. Mrs. K. Sund is still busy/improv- ing her place•  i " SHELTO VALleY I ] , I H. A. Winsor and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bennett spent Sun- FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1920 --. ',_=:--_ L:..=:: NOVELTIES We have a nice assortment of Cotton Chicks, Ducks and Rabbits. Also Flying Birds and Ducks from 5e to 25c. Our assortment of Easter Cards and Book- lets, with envelopes to match, has never been larger. Also Place Cards, Tally Cards, Postals and Rabbit Seals• 5c and 10c. We have just received a shipment of Kno- Glair Linen Electric Light Shades in plain col- ors and cretonne effects which will freshen up your bedroom. Plain 20c each, two for 35c. Floral 30c each, 2 for 50c. Paas & Chick-Chick Easter Egg Dyes. A good assortment of books at all times. Also sheetmusic. Journal Stationery Shop ing Mrs. J. Shafer home after a two eluded in a traet described by metes weeks' visit, and bounds as follows: T!,ey say that "curiosity killed a I3eginnlng at the south meander cor- I cat, and it also brought a good ner to fractional sections 9 and 10. 'crowd out to the Grange meeting Saturday night, in spite of the storm. Each melnber claimed they came just to see if anybody else had the nerve to venture out. G, A. Myers of Seattle is spending a few days at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. Sharer. Miss Ava Winsor is visiting this week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Frank Wandell in Shelton, Mrs. Frank Bennett and Alma and Vearl Bennett spent Stinday evening with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Bennett. Ahna also called at the Winsor heine. Application No. 7588. :tt'O'/'lOlil Of AP$O-a-IOI TO PIR. (::IS- Tlr- AlrDS 'O1 OYST.I, Staie of %%hshlngton. Office of Com- missioner of Public Lands. N()TICI IN ]IPH{.EIIY GIVEN that applicati(m has been fied in the offlee c)f the C,'mm]Isslqner of Public Lands ,)f the NSate of %Vashinrton 'to pur- township 19 north, range 3 west, "W. M., and running thence" nm'th 200 feet, N. 56 ° E. 677 feet, N. 89 ° E. 357 feet, S. 480 30' E..210 feet and N. 47 ° 19' 50 seconds E. 338.3 feet to the southwest corner of a tract of oyster lands deed- ed by the State of 3,Vashington to Humphrey Nelson, Fehruary 6, 1920, under application No. 7562; thence S. 83 o 12' E. 79.2 feet to the initial point of said Nelson Claim; thence S. 22 ° 18  30 seconds W, 299.3 feet, S. 85 ° 30' W. 213 feet, N. 48 ° 30' W. 210.5 feet, S. 87 ° %V. 303.8 feet, S. 57 ° 30' W. 423.3 feet and S. 44 ° W. 372.7 feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 3.792 acres, according to the plat thereof on file in the oince of the Com- missioner of Public-Lands at Olympia, l, Vashlngton, for the purl)ose of plant- ing and cultivating oysters thereon. Any person or persons having or claiming any interest in or right to the lands applied for. or authorized by law so to do, may protest against or eonkest said appli(.atlon in manner and form l)rovlded by law, The protest or contest must be filed in the offlee of thl¢ Comniisston er of Public Lands within thirty (a0) (lays arler the date of the last publication of this notice. and must set forth fully the grouuds She!ton. t KAMILCItE I.t% _2, - 3.[es. lk:l! veLurn<.d lo her hrmto, in Alcr(lc n ufter sl,:,n,,i!.¢; :t wvek at I :[ [Ir')lr[*} ()£' ,{:' l)ttt'(:*lta:', [,IY. VI:] Mrs. /:ram-is (',arm Mis.; ':Meda Gceenw(md is visitin:;- I in O/ "rp his v:ccl,. a Mr. aud ',l':. R,.4c.,rL |, Cot4 u- t!.;.dned L'l;iei,ds l.tonl O.vh,q," d};1- day. [ (lady ';llJt)(il'l;'i?]' ":t.nd Hiram ]hb- m'ts spen Tr, urday night in 0tyro- l pm .... I Roy Crcenwood and family spcnl: t Satuday and-. Sum lay' a the C. C. Wahlrip home in .Olympia. t ,Mrs. Wahlburger was visiting in ODnlpia last week. t ,Don't forget! tim dance at the school house Saturday night. The 'ladies of the district will serve ice cream, pro- (eeds go to buy lamps for thebuild- lng. Mrs. Roy Greenwood spent Wed- nesday with Mrs. Waldbcrger. Madge Canning returned to school, after being absent for wo weeks on account of sickness. Robert Langford delivered hogs i Olympia Tuesdalg. J. X. Waldrip was 'calling in fhis vicinity last week: Mr. Waldrip has been confined to his home in Seattle on account of being ill with pneu- monia. PICKERING PASSAGE 1 Guss Haack is visiting friends in Seattle. Mr. Butterfield went to Olympia to attend the Odd Fellows' reception Saturday evening, returnirg Monday. He made  the trip in hi' new launch. Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Wilson call- ed on Mrs, Munro Sunday, Mrs. Long and babies called on Mrs. Gardner Sunday. Mr'.  Inman and ttarry Inman, ac- companied Mr. Edward, to Shelton Monda:,' in the latter's ]m.mch. Mr. l,onlz' took Mr. Smith to Shel- ton Oil husines MoJt<l:w. Everybody repoi!ts 1)ig bargains at the ],)e sale at 0 ,,eilIs Mnday and Tuesday. "Let the good work carry on," Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Barnes and daughter spent Sunday at the Ed-' wards' home. Josephine Inman and Clarice Wood- all accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Munro to the basket social at Agate Satur- day evening, All report a lovely time.. Mrs. lunl'o's basket received the ,highest bid of any, Mr. Hiller and son of Hoodsport called at Edwards', Farm Sudnay. Mr; Scott is busy setting out straw- berry plant, having set out over 3000 plants. Mr, Edwards is eUing all his pigs nd, will only keep chicksns until he as finished clearing and building. Mr. Woodall is overhauling his launch and putting in a new engine. day wJtb lr, and Mrs. Frank Wan-. chase the re]lowing described tide ]ands </eli in Sholton. r;ltuated In llason County, %Vashing- to-wit: M'r. and ']l'S. l, Vln. qhoarer drove tin}( M tide la;ds of the .oeond olnss 'over fro]n Cllarleston unday, bring- oxnvd by he SLnhl o[ "d/ashina'tmh in- ef the protest or contest. Date of last publieati0n, larch 26. 1920. C. '. SA/IDGE. 3-5-2(;-.1t Connntssh,u(.v of ?Publlc' Lan(t F arm Implements ,. And Garden Tools We are able to take .care of your wants in a satisfactory manner, carrying, a good assortment Of implements and tools at all times• PLOWS" Oliver, John Deere, and P. & 0. plows in steel and wood' beam. Prices from $22.50 to $30.00. " HARROWS Spike Tooth at ............ $22.50 to $26.00 / SEEDERS AND CULTIVATORS ! Phmet Jr. Seeders and Cultivators, $13 up. GARDEN TOOLS OF ALL KINDS THOMAS O:NEILL