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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 20, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 20, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[ .County- City Record COUNTy COURT ring on the docket in Justice Court dur- Past Week were: State Patrol Anderson, P.O. Box nmpeding traffic:, E. Baker, 1721 physical con- while intoxicated, Cole, 1620 Cen- failure t) dim $13 forfeit; Lucy Et- Pl., Bremerton, intoxicated, $87 fine, m jail, suspended, lic- 30 (lays. Gray, P.O. Box 56, SPeeding, $13 forfeit; I Jr., St. Rt. 1, ton, speeding, de- failure to stop vehicle, $82 for- Mikkelsen, 8901 N. Vancouver, no Boyee, P. O. Box 46, Brinnon, sl)eeding. $15 forfeit. ('OUNTY BUIIADING PERMITS Building permits approved by the Mason County Phmner's of- fice (luring the past week were to Joe Elam, recreation resid- ence, $5,000; William Prince Jr., recreation residence, $4,800; Fred Starkey, residence, $10,003; Ro- bert Kensal, recreation residence, $2,500. t'¢obert BaseR, residence, $15,- 000; George Teglo, recreation re- sidence, $1,000; William Ander- son, add to residence, $1,000; tester Landon, workshop, $500; liilding Peterson, cabin, $10,000; Del Cole, residence, $16,000; Won- dervue Enterprises, almrtments, $65,000; Floyd Jones, cabin, $3,- 000. SHELTON POICE Michael Lee reported a fire ex- tinguisher taken from the At- Weather High Low Precip. March 13 56 26 -- March 14 56 30 .01 March 15 54 41 .15 March 16 57 36 .01 March 17 52 37 1.33 March 18 56 38 .50 March 19 53 40 .19 Reading are for a 24-hour per- led ending at 8 a.m. as reported by the, ITT Rayonier, Inc. weather station. FIVE.DAY FORECAST Temperatures Thursday thru Monday to average near the nor- mal high of 55 and low of 34 de- grees ? Rainfall expected to average a little above normal, falling mostly as showers. Aver- age rainfall for the five-day per- iod is .61 inches. Marriage Union Resident Taken By Dea+h • August Schmoldt, Union, died in Mason General Hospital last Thursday. He was 75 years old. Mr. Schmoldt was born June 12, 1893 in Wisner, Neb. He had made his home in the Union area the past 15 years. A graveside service was con- ducted by Ray. Mason Young- land at 1 p.m. Monday in the Shelton Memorial Park. Arrange- ments were by the Batstone Fun- e:al Home. One sister in California sur- vives. New Arrivals MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL • Mr. and Mrs. James A. Obli- calo, Star Route 1 Box 227, Union, a boy, March 12. Will J. Waldrip Rife Tomorrow • Will J. Waldrip, 94, of Route 1 Box 244, died Tuesday in the Mason General ttospital. Born Oct. 29, 1874 in Colfax, Mr. Wal- drip worked as a commercial fisherman, an oysterman and a miner until he settled in Oyster Bay in 1903. He conducted an oyster business there until his retirement in 1945. He was the oldest member of the Olympia Elks Lodge, having been a mem- ber of that organization 71 years. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Effie Solbeck, Olympia, and Mrs. Carrie Conover, Billings, Mont. The funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Friday in the Mills and Mills Chapel, Olympia. Rev. Edwin Zschoche, pastor of Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Shelton, will officiate. Burial will be in the mausoleum in the Odd Fel- lows Cemetery in Olympia. Of- ricers of the Olympia Elks Club Funeral Held For Ethel LaMonf, 79 • Ethel E. LaMent, Star Route 2 Box 75, died Marcil 12 in Fir- lane Terrace Convalescent Cen- ter. She was 79. Mrs. LaM0nt was born April 6, 1889 in Green- ville, Mich. and had lived in Mason County 21 years. She was a member of St. Edward's Catho- lic Church. She is survived by foul' sons, Lawrence, Roy and Frank, all of Shelton, and Vernon. of De- troit; two daughters, Mrs. Gladys Kehne, Chicago, an(l Mrs. h'ene Perry, AuTrain, Mich.; 19 grand- children and 25 great-grandchild- ren; and two sisters, Mrs. Mar- garet LaMent, Bellingham, and Mrs. Arthur LaFlam, Munising, Mich. Rosary was said at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Batstone Funeral Home and the funeral mass was held at 10 a.m. Friday in St. Edward's Catholic Church. Bur- ial was in Shelton Memorial Park. Father Gabriel Donohue of- Former Shel÷on Man Succumbs • Phillip Roy Daniels, 88, died Friday in Aromas, Calif. Prior to moving to California Mr. Dan- iels was a resident of Mason county about 50 years, tie was born Aug. 9, 1880 in Iowa. lie is survived by his wife, Hazel, Aromas; four daughters, Viola Johnson and Elva Thomp- son, both of Watsonville, Calif., Fae L)w, Tacoma, and Audrey Jones, New Jersey; two sons, Giles, San Francisco, and Allen, San Jose, Calif.; 22 grandchil- dren and 7 great-grandchildren. The funeral service was held Tuesday in Watsonville followed by burial in Chlco, Calif. MEN WANTED In This Area To Train As LIVESTOCK BUYER LEARN TO BUY CATTLE AND HOGS FOR PACKERS AT SALE BARNS AND FARMS. We prefer to train men 21-55 with farm or live- stock experience. For local interview write age, phone and background to National Insti- lute of Meat Packing, P. O. Box 1207, Modesto, California 95353. Rolled, Foil.Faced, Fiberglass INSU LATION, Full-Thick IKI. ft. n/2" x 4' x 8' sheet WHITE BUILDING BOARD goggles on motorcycle mo.ry. , .- Mr. and Mrs. William L. Smith, will conduct the graveside rite. ficiated at the rites. ONLY Star Route 1 II • Box 144, a girl, : ' -ay oames reporteo a power Licenses March 12. * * * Ltchell, Rt 1 Be -- saw and a tire taken. :pired o,)er'..,f_ .. x 1, Charles Clayton reported one :" James' ' Nichols,at'ors zlce;l f'tt't° Onegs antitaken.a half tons of brass Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Put- STAPLE GUNS to RENT or BUY 3:"forfeit;SeattleGailf°ll°wingA. Smitht°° l Lnis Tylczak reported a wallet "----------'-------"---- ....... vin,March52213.Dearborn Street, a girl, for your insulatiOninstallatlon.Or wall board • Appwmg Ior marriage ncenses ¢ 376A She'-  ,' lost. rfoi,. ',, -on, speen- in the Mason County auditor's of- Mr. and Mrs. William R. Val- * * * .... • • • Icy, 12( Alder Street a bo, fl(c thin past week were Y P; zarvey C. Nel- SHERIFF'S O]F'ICE : : March 13. ' We also feature PLASTERING MATERIALS • " me, Shelton, driv- Barbara Appel reported two int':lcated, $115 fine, tires and wheels and a Basset Severin Jackstadt, 27, Shelton, . of all kinds. 8ee us soon. Mr and Mrs Stephen Cottrell, and Kysa Benner 26 Shelton. 111 " " ted, ', .suspended, lic- I/ound missing. ' 9 Franklin, Apt. No. 1, a boy, • Annllances . - Says I illian Ca e. r( rted r . • •  "g y po a b eak- Clarence Krueger, 23, Klickitat, March 16. r-r- ....... ... =. ...... , Tl.10bs Jr., 310 14th, in. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Jan- • urnlture  % SDec|al Orders " ';elom2°POr t)assing, H.E. Graham reported a pew- and Elaine Zehe, 22, Shelton ...... -'- Por - ,r. S;;,, vzusta, 1510 er saw, rifle and shells taken. Wendell Brickert, 68, Tenino sen, 2207 Madison Street a girl .j  ptUJ! vrut;r=J  ^,' neiton, failure to - ' • Floo overing   Phone and Rae Meleum 60, Shelton March 18 ' ' r C i,d [e and prudent man- FIRE DEPARTMENT .u, Shelton ne,li,ent residence, 1403 Dickinson, chim- i For Your Electrical Needs Soon to be Available at _ rns Ave. Olymnia March 13 2:20 p.m. grass fire travel, $13 for- atMarch2033 Summ,t12, 10:08Dr'p.m. a small ) Arcad= Electric Co. ) Seattle DISCOUNT Prices! ( p fflee huilding at the Raymond Ander- ehlettyo, minors' ,uyn,"" 10 daysfUrnish'in lERS°nburned'residenCe'y , 1561 Railroad Ave. ! O i I; 0 T 101 .... e Ch,-- ' , R RECEIPTS k, .mpagne, Box 209, Receipts from the Harstine Is- , ,uer, Ore., tile- l'md Ferr for the week endin ntractor , 3 fo ' ' " Y g ,:,' _ rfet; Joseph March 15 were $268.50, the Ma- • aa, Matlock, drunk son County Engineer's Office re- Hw za forfeit; Norman ported. , , ,.v,. -vw-,,,,, ,, -vw-w, DAISY TOWELS SUN DAISY SHEETS --m'=rlf L% .r ..A Euttful sheared terr h match Quality Pequot brand polyester and cotton blend permanent press sheets In a beautl- AR .. t v: Sun r,_. y floral print towels t at . uaisy sheets Choose from I ful floral print. Like sleeping on a bed of flowers. Get them now at sale price and 1 .lFr II ar  | • I ;vu _.. • Multi-colors to beaut fy r b,h" enjoy the beauty and care of permanent press sheets. Jl I i I ' ( [.-,'% 'ATH TOWEL .dnUU CASES Reg $3gS pal* NOW S3.39 pr. -- " (';'),,l Regularly $19 ,:v.. $1.66 TWl N FLAT or FITTED Rag. S5.. NOW $4.99 HAND TOWEL DOUBLE FLAT or FITTED Reg:$6.Tg NOW $5.79 v, .......... . , " WASH CLOTH -.. QUEEN FLAT or FITTED Regu,ar,y.98 NOW $7.79. ¢ |'- Regularly $1.29 NOW 88¢ KING FLAT or FITTED Regu,ar,y $11.98 NOW $9.99 ql¢ --- X   / ? Trim, Redecorate and Re Regularly NOW 59¢ KITCHEN TOWELS   • -- m ares  - . . " I and colorful terr kitchen a o •  place worn Items In your (:ORATOR RU Handy, washabe y ccessorles t £- " I I N :la, a GS brighten your kitchen---and at Such Savings. I % I I /  I home ,at savings from Mil- ;e f--nd beautiful as accents to rooms and hallways, l ' • " er s uaht tems from our --')m ten(10) colors. One is just right for you. TOWEL Regu,ar,y 7g, NOW 58€  " J nL  J • Q Y 1 X 36, Regularly $€98 NOW $3,88 ....... .... ,. ,.,..  "" "/ | IV extensive selections that you UII1 ¢;LU/n  r'u/ n " will . - " be proud to display and LID COVER Regu,ar,y 49 NOW $1.88 JUMBo ANCHOR BANDMATTRESS PADS . %,4 ' Protect every bed in your hmeo with these first quality plump and fluffy mat-' ! kI--. ,,^,, ,..-- I IAIIl" V/'%I 1131 NOW $z.S$ tress pads. Choose from the most wanted sizes in anchor band stylee. t I NUW , • • yvu .,gll Ii'%YP /,/UI Reg. $3.98 Reg. .98 NOW $3.88 TWIN DOUBLE 3rd & Railroad 4 NNUA L L A YA WAY SALE! .IJR FAMOUS, 0000XURtous NKET 00NNIVERSARY BLA !ee bee  yeaP t special purchase, we are able to ,nYO'oneaU'e of a gr, 72x 10... ta t ,. his ye_ f America's finest bla,nkets at hard-to-believe Compare a 14.98 nil Yea ar is no exceptionl As a matter of fact, we feel 'a'k" Co." nnivereary blanket is one of the fine. we have 'A .;: ,,: for youree,f fee, the th,ok, rich p,,. that ,, 99 '" i reSlSts Inch . , ndin9 , piling. Take note of the extra wide, 8 le¢ t nat ets off this superb blend of polyester and ray- t, Your new I oral 108 x 90 King o Queen fl. blue ^_ uxury blanket from shades of gold, o , Varlationo/;Hen... it revere, from =lid oolorm to & beau- Compare at 1• 00 i-tone stripes, at 21.98 •  • • 3 x , Reg. $398 NOW $2.99 54 X 76. Reg. $4.98 NOW $3.99 I QUEEN50 x 8o, Rag ,98 NOW $5.99 KING  x 84, Rag $8.98 NOW $6.99 BEDSPREADS, $11.99 Carol J. or Daisy J. Patterns. Very feminine . . . simply elegant! A beautiful floral print throw quilted spread to "liven-up" any bedroom. Delicate colors to select from in twin or double sizes. Re- decorate your room now, and save. Reg. $14.98 TABLE CLOTHS Colorful prints and plain colors on flannel backed vinyl. Just wipe with a cloth to clean. 54x54 Regu,ar,y =.98 NOW $1.99 54 x 70 Regularly $3.98 NOW $2.9 DOWN WILL HOLD IN LA YA WAY CUSTOM DRAP Lined with Wonderful Roc-Lon Raln.N0.Stain  Made to Your EXACT Measurements PAY ONLY FOR MATERIALS No additional charge for labor! Choose from Immense Selection DECORATOR FABRICS • Stubbed effects • Damasks • Duo-tones • Antique satins • Rayon acetate • Pebble textures • Silk-look weaves • Random weaves • Luxurious heavyweights • Metallic highlighted Over 150 Patterns and Colors Open Friday Nights Unfl 8:30 i) ) " ROC-LON r l Insulated LINING ) RAIN-NO-STAIN i ' Ion t I ' roc- ® q ( INSULATED ( LINING Protects against fad- ing, sun-rot, rain and condensation. Insulates again. $1.39 heat and cold. Yard $ A01 you pay is for material actuall'y used  priced from 29 yd. Custom Drapes made with 5" Weighted Hems • Deep Pinch Pleats Sized to Exact Inch Th, March 20 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 =ram.