March 20, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 20, 1969 |
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SHERIDAN CHAPMAN 1)(,(:alne Mrs. Stepllen ltohnan re-
cently when the couple ex,qmnod wedding vows ill the
First Congregational Chm'ch in Sunnyvale, Calif. Their
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Kellneih Chalmmn and Mr. and
Mrs. (ne Hohnan, all of Siwlton. The newlyweds both
graduated with the Irene S. Reed Iiigh School Class of 1958.
A reception honored the pair in fire home of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Stringall in Smmyvale, f()lh)wing the (.eremony.
Attending from Shelton were Mr. and Mrs. ('hapman, SeI
Vander Wegen, and AI Woohtridg(h a former Shelton resi-
dent now living in SantL Ann, Calif. The Itolmans are
making their home in lehnont, Calif.
Wedding Vows And Engagement Rings
MR. AND MRS, ROBERT TEMPLE ann(mn('e the engage-
ment of their daughter, Miss Susan ,lean MallolT, to Mil-
tim IL I)ensh,y, son of Mr. and Mrs. l). Ray l)ensley, all of
Shelton. Both young people are graduates of Shelton High
School and the bride-to-be attended Western Washington
State College and graduated from St.. Martin's College. She
is presently teaching at Snohomish ttigh School. The
prospective bridegroom attended Olympic College and re-
cently (,ompleted a tour of duty with the U. S. Army. tie is
presently employed by Hears, Roebuck Co. in Imeey. The
wedding will take place in June.
- .......... - ............... -:=---:-=-: I Six Pledge Eps
during a candlelight ceremony,
l)unnington, In'ry Knudson,
Wayne Whitney, John Makoviney
......... and Jerry Swartos received the
...... Pledge Ritual to Epsilon Omicron
Chapter of t'ta Sigma Phi.
During the program portion
of the evening Mrs. Velma Graves
.... local artist and art teacher, gave
a demonstration on techniques,of
The chapter attended "Ix)ok
tlomeward, Angel" last Friday
as a social and part of this year's
i cultural program.
' New Officers To
Be Selected By
Local Jaye÷÷es
I Shelton Jayettes will elect of-
ficers tonight at the regular busi-
ness meeting to be held in the
home of Leona Osterman. In-
stallation of new Jayette and Jay-
ilon Omicron
At Monday's meeting the play
was discussed for the program
that evening on Drama.
Mrs. Ward Forrer, a transfer
from Ft. Collins, Col., joined the
Voting on the Girl of the Year
was held and will he revealed
at the Founder Day Banquet to
be. held in Olympia on April 30.
VFW Auxiliary
Business Meeting
Tomorrow Night
The next regular business
meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary
to the Veterans of Foreign Wars
will be held at 8 p.m. Friday in
the Memorial haU.
An audit of the auxiUary's
books was held in the home of
Mrs. Merve Smith last Thursday
All members are advised that
a vote will be taken at the first
THE CHAPEL at the University of l'uget Sound will be the
setting ,June 20 for the mmTiage of Carolyn Rae llill and
Richard I). Peterson, seniors at the mdversity. Parents of
the eoul)le are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. ttill ,Ir. of Re(tweed
City, Calif. and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peterson of Potlatch.
The bride-elect is a member of I)elta I)elta l)elta sorority
anti Mortar I}oar(I. lter fian(.e is affiliated with Theta Chi
fraternity and serves as eOlUlllodort, of tilt' varsity crew.
O D A Y' S
Mar i Jacobsen, Women's EdHor
LOIS JEAN BOWMAN and ttugh P. Brown III were tl I-
ill ho]v lllatrinlony March 1 in Seattle by Rev. S]
l}m'ien I{ai)tist ('hur(,h. Parents of the newlywed
anti Mrs. ])on J. l]owman, Shelton, and Mr. and of:
P. llrown .Ir., llremerton. The I)ride is a gradoa'
tou lligh St,hi)el. They are making their home
cee officers will be held March
28 at the Lake Cushman Resort.
Joyce River, Pat Tarrent and
Barl)ara Webber are represent-
ing the Jayettes in the prelimi-
nary screening of applications fl)r
Mark E. Reed Scholarships.
School record books are being
sold to benefit a Rogers School
meeting to be held in April re-
garding a change in the Cancer
Insurance program. More infor-
mation will follow on this in the
monthly bulletin coming out soon.
All members are urged to start
preparing items for the auxil-
tary's chest of drawers to be
awarded in May. Tickets will be
MAY 17 WEDDING PLANS are being made bY
Burnett and William O. Mayes. Their engagere
nounced by her parents, Mrs. Donald IIolloWaY
E. Burnett, both of Shelton. The future brideg_,
son of Mrs. Richard Lee, of Camp Verde, Ariz., $
Ehner S. Mayes. Miss Burnett is a graduate
Itigh School and the University of WashingtOn
-- 10/i
Geology. She and her fiance are now ernP
proje(t Inquiries may be made awilable at the next meeting, government in Washington, D.C.
to Pat Swarto, project chair- , THE ENGAGEMENT of Wilma Ruth Daniels and Ronald I
/nan, b
Leona Osterman is the Jayette ESA Mem ers J. Moore has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
representative to the Forest Fest- Edward l)aniels, lie, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
ival committee. P]ans are now Hear Talk By Moore. All aj.t. of Shelt,)n. Miss Daniels is a student at
untieray for the Junior Paul
Bunyan parade wlfleh the Jay- Shelton Iligh St'heel from which h" fiance gratluated. He '
shii)ettes of°rganizethe ForestUnder Festivalthe sponsor-As. Mary Saxton is presently serving at llahn Air Iorce Base in Germany.
sociation. , 'Mary Saxton was speaker at M pA÷÷ d I
the March 12 meeting of Pw, ta Junior usic Grou en s
Elinor DES To z,,,, chapter of 0000,,silon S00gma
Alpha. He talked to the groul) d
,,bout foster children and adop- Sfa÷e Fe era÷ion Conven÷ion
Install Officers tion, and particularly about the
experiment with the new concept I At the March n'actin of the entitled "Folk Music and Dan- ,' b 4
On March 28 of adoption in Mason county. Pizzicato Club, the members dis- ces" included an Irish Jig by
C-*lub members met in the home cussed the Junior Day of the Cheryl Bcdell, Nancy L'veleth,
of Mrs. Ken Ewms in Lacey. Washington State Federation of and Ann Quimby and Philippine
Mrs. Lucille Edwards and Following the business meeting Junior Music Clubs. 'This con- pole (hmcing by Diane Demcrs( ::= 4
Fred Martin will he installed as a surprise baby shower was held vention at Ellensburg was at- Kathy Demmon, Susan Edson,
wealthy matron and worthy pa- for Mrs. James Floyd, one of
Iron of Elinor Ch:q)ter No. 177 the members. The guest of honor tin(ted hy 17 girls of the local Susan Itamilton, and Nancy Mar- I
group which had the largest re- anville. An Israeli dance was de- !& °
MARGE HADLEY uses ]Fill' Sour (A'(aln Dressing for ninny on March 28. The 8 ll.m. cere- received many gifts and was pre- P
foods other tban salads. It is (lell(lous on seafood, in dips, n u)ny will take place {n the Un- sentcd with the floral centerpiece presentation of any other club monsirated by Katie Antonsen,
ion City Temple.
on baked potatoes and Oil many oth(.r foods. With Maxge Also "takin': office will be Ms- as a gift from the group, in the state. Kathryn Hamilton, Linda and
r Refreshments were served by Ttose attending the gathering M;trilyn Mounts.
above is her son, Ron. nil( Kaare, associate matron; the hostess and co-hostess, Mrs. on the campus of Central Wash- Baton numbers were performed
Elmer Edwards, associate pat- Bob Seib,rt. ington State Collcgc included the by Jill Himlie, Alexis Kuhr, and
ron; Mattie Backlund, secretary; co-counselors Mrs. R. W. Nor- Susan Holland. Folk songs from
Th Dr i 9 M k A S I d Iqrna Martin, treasurer; Georgie i'] void and Mrs. Kelvin ttmilton; Ih'ench-Canada, Jamaica, Austra-
e ess n a es a a Miller, conductress; Lois Pierce, ,ordeaux PTA and Mrs. A. W, Frank, Mrs. Alex lia, Kentucky, and Czechoslova-
associate conductress. Kuhr, and Mrs. Horace Mounl kin were sung. Th( hymn of the ,
' " g T "ght who helped with the transports- month of the National Federa-
I The dressing makes the salad. Camp, She is :in avid rca(hr, Pearl Pohl, chaplain; Frances Meehn onl tion. All were able to meet others lion of Muxic Clubs was played
Marge Hadley's Sour Creanl colle(.ts recipes and is learning ]Vh;ake, marshal; Bea Larson,
interested in music from Van- by I.)ra Maynard.
Dressing also makes seafood, to knit and s('w. organist; Charla Reeder, Adah; I*" Bordeaux PTA will hold its couver, Tacoma, Everett, and 'The meeting which took place
steaks, hamburgers, wieners and June Fredrickson, Ruth; Marilvn
( es S e 8OUIt (ItEAM I)HIESSIN( {
baked potat: . "he uses th • ',i .... Viger, Esther;, Carol Hiemb g- March meeting at 7:30 ll.m. to- Seattle and to stay for the even- in the parish hall of St. David s
dressing on potato and macaroni 1 small pkg. bleu cheese net, Martha; I_ona Dillon, Etec- night in the school auditorium, ing awards ban(lu(t, lql)is(:.Ol)al Church was co-hostes- ,,
salads, as well as green salads, 1 large pkg. Philadelphia cream ta; Jim Reeder, warder; and Guest speaker for the evening The president's r(port of the sed by Susan Edson, Nancy Mar-
and adds it to dips. ehc(:se Tom Turner, sentinel, will be Nell Molenaar, Super- year's activities as read by Bar- anville, and Lra Maynard. .....
, 1 ( buttermilk
When Marge and husband Vic- . 2: '" ' . Courtesy officers will be Pearl visor of the Rec(ption Center at bara Bamford received the first
, , J q, mayonnuse (do not use Ag
tor moved to Sh(lton ,'eccntly saldd' dressing)" ' " Schmidt, Bible bearer: Evelyn the Washington State Corrections prize .t,'ophy as also ,lid the Golden e Club
Nlcholson, pro tem ofhc ,
from Longview they were hap- • " ' 'er; Betty Center. achievement record scrapbook.
,-t)v to et to an are where. Crumble. bleu cheese. . into large Goodpasler, pro tern officer; and The first prize ribbon for year I,
s va abh Mar,t mixing bowl Blend In creanl y p
books was won by the Pizzicato Birfhda arty
fresh seat'ood L a ii , ,. whereg' (h(es, Add' rna)onnaisc" the'" n Edim Haines, prompter. Orthopedic Guild 00ul, a.,i ,he,,. for "Tht'
was ra,00di, Po00tAngeles . ;':". " 's,, [ P00li:da
she learned to love fish crah buttermilk. Mix with electric mix- Parade of American Music" was • A Saint Patrick birthday par-
awarded the second place rib- ty and program will follow the
and shrimp. Victor shares i,er er. Add l-1'/, tsp. garlic. Yield: Cri To Meet Friday b,n. Their skit entitled "The Ill- 6 p.m. potluck when the Golden
tastes and Tori, 9, and Ron, ,5, 1 -2 quarts Can be used for
are getting an early start
• ' gr(en salads, macaroni salad, ] The Rachel Knott Orthopedic Bred Concert Go-er" was given A%,e Clui) meets next Thursday , '
Marge is publicity chairman ....... -,d fis h shrim ..... " / Can Be Guild will meet at noon Friday: the second place award. Marilyn in the Memortal hall.
l)Ot,, sam , r ",,, v, ,.,,
for Epsflon Omicron Chapter of ' Mrs. Frank Travis Jr. will bc Mounts was elected Chaplain of There will be dancing and
Beta Sigma Phi She has work- wieners, in dips, on steak, ham- [ k Helped | hostess for the meeting in her the WSFMC for the coming year. cards. Visitors arc welcome. Vis- are students at the Law School of the Univ
ed with Girl Scouts in Day but'ger and baked potatoes, I home at 502 Laurel Street. The regular meeting program itors' charge is 25 cents, ington, A June wedding is planned.
Page 6 - Shelton-Maaon County Journal - Thursday, March 20, 1969