March 20, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 20, 1969 |
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Marj Jacobson, Women's Editor
Officers Are Elec÷ed By
Welcome Wagon Club
Wallingford was vice president: Mrs. Virgil Ves-
president of the tal, 2nd vice president; Mrs.
gon Club at the Doug Bloedel, recording secre-
The group tary; Mrs. Thomas P. Mira-
of Mrs. Lonnie naugh, treasurer; and Mrs. Larry
Mxs. Wally Ewart Lauzon, historian.
Ohcers to serve Newest residents of Shelton
for the coming the introduced at the meeting were
year Sherie Mohler and Chottie Mul-
bits. Wally Ewart, 1st lane, and guest Louise Korte.
A board meeting, with both
Pi hi incoming and outgoing board
members, is to be held in the
[OC e home of the newly elected
I b Wi
, president at 7;30 p.m. Tuesday.
U nners The next regular meeting of
the club will be held April 8
at the Monday night in the home of Lucille Nevitt.
SRA Pinochle Officers will be formally in-
high, Marie stalled. Newcomers and guests
Connie Froeh- are invited to attend and may
Marion White; inquire by phoning 426-2514.
Crane tied with
won by Betty
Hill• The Jack-
Crane and Con-
and May McCann
Pennies. Norma and
held 1,000 Aces.
Series To
Museum film
and the Olym-
Olympia are co-
in this year to
of outstanding
movies to
with few exceptions,
run, critically ac-
This is the
museum film ser-
able to offer top-
at the cost
be shown in the
and Sign•"
March 30-31 and
[ 13, 14, 15 "The
"Live for Life"
"Faces" and
on April 27, 28,
films of the
and "Tar-
be shown May
be shown at the
506 S. Wash-
for the films
ch 30 are avail-
the Olym-
office, State
and from film
members. Sin-
will be avail-
box office.
the series will
support of the act-
State Capitol Mu-
Red Cross Baby
Care Course To
Start Monday
ID, What the well-dressed baby
will wear this spring, how to
bathe the baby, how to become
a quick change artist and how
to give the baby a feeling of
belonging are among the practi-
cal tips for Mother and Dad
being offered by the Red Cross.
TWo six-hour sessions of the
Mother and Baby Care course
will be free of charge. A regis-
tered professional nurse will be
the instructor starting Monday
at the Chapter House, 1407 Cap-
itol Way, Olympia.
Classes will be held Mondays
and Wednesdays from 2:30 -
4:30 p.m. Enrollment is limited.
Arrangements may be made by
writing, or by calling the Chap-
ter House, 352-8575.
MEMBERS of the Christmastown TOPS Club boxed up
and prepared this box of "goodies" for maling to Viet-
nam. Here, left to right axe Alice Getty, Thelma IAnn,
Mickey McMorris, Barb Kelly and Dot Clark. The box
contains about $8 worth of candy, um, potato chips, pe-
nuts and other items, which were purchased with the
club's "pig" money for two months• The money is col-
lected in fines from members who gain weight. The box
will be sent to Mrs. McMorris' brother, Dick Linn, who is
with a Naval Repair Division at Nhabe, south of Salgon.
He will distribute the items to other members of his group.
Church Here Has New Schedule For Sunday Services
BUYS ot the WEEK
Buy Now !
235 hp V-S, tint glass, mats, door guards, brakes, Turl:o Hydra,
steering, radio, wheel covers, whitewalls, Regular $3894 . . .
Now S3292
II MATLOCK -- Matlock Com-
munity Church's new schedule
for Sunday services is Sunday
School at 10 a.m., morning wor-
ship at 11 a.m., Young Peoples
Or÷hopedic Guild Has
Ivlee÷ing Las÷ Week
UNION The David Ray Or-
thopedic Auxiliary March meet-
hsa wgin eld at the home of Mrs.
Art Krause with Mrs. Ken Si-
mons co-hostessing. Plans for the
April 3 Bake Sale to be held at
Bali's Food Center starting at
10 a.m. were discussed. A work
party followed the meeting in
which tray favors were made for
the Children's Orthopedic Hospit-
al ifi Seattle for Easter. Mrs.
Jack Ghramm was in charge of
the favors. The April meeting
will be at the home of Mrs.
Harry Coles.
The Union Ladies Civic Club
Dinner was well attended with
about 35 people attending. It
was a potluck dinner with
ham and turkey, various vege-
tables with cake and pie for
dessert. The tables were dressed
in the St. Patrick day decor.
Mr. and Mrs. James Oblizalo
became the proud parents of
a little boy March 12. It was
announced to the community by
a big sign in front of Buechels
very early the same morning,
The new parents will call their
son John.
Mrs. Wanda Nilson spoke to the
40 et 8 KRsap voiture in Port
Orchard on "Why use Zip Codes".
Also Mrs. Roweed spoke on the
two-year registered nurses train-
ing offered by the Olympic Col-
lege in Bremerton. The entertain-
ment for the meeting was pre-
sented by a girls tim.
meeting 6 p.m. and evening ser-
vice at 7 p.m.
The Pinochle Club met at the
Matlock Grange Hall Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Max
Cash host and hostess. High score
went to Darl Goldy and Dora
Hearing. Pinochle to Dave Rayson
and Dora Hearing and low score
to Dan Walker and Tavie Kil-
lough. The next party will he
March 29 with Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Killough host and hostess.
Matlock Grange meets this
Friday night with potluck supper
at 7 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Iner Lackstrom
of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Lamb of Woodinville were
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Max Cash. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Brigs of Seattle were Saturday
visitors at the Cash home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Turner of
Shelton spent Tuesday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Brad-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hogben re-
hot water. They know how to get it. That's why you'll find
so many hospitals in Cascadeland relying on gas hot water.
• '% 21J0000)
A dollar
might get you
That same dollar, or even less, will let you talk
station to station to anyone anywhere in the
continental United States (except Alaska) for three
minutes after seven p.m. and all weekend long.
turned Saturday after spending
a week with the former's folks
at Walla Walla.
Mrs. Hazel Eisney and
granddaughter of Shelton called
on Mrs. Augusta Portman Sun.
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Legacey
of Tacoma were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Mr• and Mrs• Elvin Hearing
called on the Steve Dudec's fam-
ily Tuesda3".
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HOSPITALS. In the 70 communities we serve in Washington :':i
and Oregon, leading hospitals heat water wth natural gas. .:i:
Hospitals must have an abundant, always dependable supply of i!ii
half a haircut,
Pacific Northwest Bell
Prt nf tha Ntinnwlda Rnll Rvtnm
RESTAURANTS. The very nature of the restaurant business
demands a steady flow of really HOT hot water. That's why
hundreds of restaurants, large and small, in Cascade's service
area insist on natural gas-fired water heaters. Operators KNOW
(sometimes from bitter experience) that quick recovery is most
essential in a restaurant water heater.
Natural gas hot water is by far the best for families, too. Get the best for
YOUR home. The Cascade man will gladly give you an estimate on the
modest conversion cost. No ,obligation.
Buy Now I
Comfortron air conditioning, 396 V8 Turbo Hydra, steertng:
disc brakes, level ride, powt r w:ndows, G-way seat, luggage
carrier, tilt wheel, FM rad'o. Must see :md drive to appreciate.
Buy Now !
Brand new, full warranty, V8, Power Glide, steering, tilt
wheel, wheel covers, tint glass, whitewalls. Regulax $3378...
Now $2800
327 V8, Powergllde, steering, tint glass, radio, wheel covet
red, black vinyl trim.
OVER 100
COMPLETE body and mechanioal rap=dr=
QUICK parts and servioe Mon. thru 8at,.
1st & Grove
Distributors of N&turs]g&sstisf&oUon M.I.C. Ins. • Rental Cars
eeoeoeeeeOeee eeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeee|T%e e eeost ,e •
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Thursday, March 20, 1969 - Shelton.Mason County Journal. PNIe