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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 20, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 20, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,,,m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m,,,m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m,m,m,,,,, Youth Bowling Bowling Results and Statistics Tourney Winners NITE SLOW STARTERS Game: Ralph Simpson Hi Series: Lionel Leman Game: Verna Jo- Series: Verna Jo- Slow Pokes 25802, U-Name-It 25257, The Duds 24668, 24514. Dunn 220 : Josh Dunn 585 33-11, Iad- 26-18, Mill 3 24-20, 19-25, Railroad 9-35. • MONDORAMA - BIG FEFTURE$ "EOOO" MAOABRO,, ITT R&YONIER Men's Hi Game: John Denison 205 Men's Hi Series: Dave Knutzen 546 Women's Hi Game: Marge Tobler 158 Women's Hi Series: Marge Tob- ler 451 Acetate Aces 3-1, Dan Cormier 515; Maintenance 1-3, Don Woods 487; Makeups 3-1, Dave Knutzen 546; Pin Curlers 1-3, Gigi Sather 336; Waterboys 3A-l/z, John Dent- son 504; Rayonettes 1/2-3'/£ Marge Tobler 451; WoJdbirds 3-1, Clar- ence Anderson 483; Silva Foxes 1-3, Mary Lund 435. Standings: Waterboys 27V2-121£ Makeups 25-15, Acetate Aces 24½- 151, Woodbirds 20-20, Silva Foxes 17'&-22, Rayonetlcs 16/- 231/, Maintenance 16-24, Pin Curl- ers 13-27. MEN'S COMMERCIAL Hi Game: Gary Clark 210 Hi Series: Jack Stewart 577 Sheiton Mobil 4-0, Gary Clark 563; Wilson Co. 0-4, Ray Rice 532; Verne's Clams 3-1, Harry Flet- cher 541; Lumberman's 1-3, L. C. Leman 517; Wolden's Chevron 1-3, Gene Benedict 526; A. Roy Dunn 3-1, Bud Franklin 528; Dan's Nite Hawks 3-1, Bud Knut- zen 530; B and R Oil 1-3, Glen Robertson 569; Gait Oil 3-1, Jack Stewart 577; Ziegler's Cameras 1-3, Lloyd Clark 520; Wingard's Sport Shop 3-1, Roy Petty 519; Ciary Trucking 1-3, Wayne Clary 555. Standings: Dan's Nite Hawk 29-7, Wingard's Sport Shop 24-12, Gait Oil 21-15, B and R Oil 20V2- 15/, Lumbcrmen's 19-17, Zieg- ler's Cameras 19-17, Verne's Clams 16'/-19/, Shelton Mobil 15-21, A. Roy Dunn 15-21, Wold- en's Chevron 141/-21½, Clary Trucking ll'Jz-241/L Wilson Co. 11-25. OF LD', Shelton Motor Co. iilifHJiJllllliilllllllllllllllll 309ERS' Women's Hi Game: Gigi Sather 166 Women's Hi Series: Gigi Sather 481 Men's Hi Game: Dell Abelein 201 Men's Hi Series: Dell Abelein 513 Tardies 4, Gigi Sather, Jack Swanson, 481; Yappies 0, Dot Ridout 427; Professors 4, Larry Lyle 484; Rittn 0, I_orette Brugge- man 309; Dropouts 3, Tom River 441; Redin 1, Jean Temple 385; Flunkies 3, Dell Abelein 513; Scholars 1, Ole Anderson 461. Standings: Yappies 54-34, Scho- lars 51-37, Proffessors 51-37, Flun- kies 49-39, Tardies 44-44, Dropouts 40-47/z, Rodin 37-51, Ritin 24- 631/2. FRATERNAL Hi Game: Gerry Hart 230 and John Long 243 Hi Series: John Long 595 Eagles 3, Lionel Leman 546; Bull Moose 1, John Long 595; Moose Antlers 3, Gerry Hart 578; Oly. Plywood 1, Jim Simmons 3; Kiwanis Club 3, Walt Allen 507; Nimrod Club 1, Ken Walden 501; Rotary Club 4, George Le- magie 578; IWA 0, Gene Benidict 566; Himlie Realty 3, Gary Cole 477; Shelton Hard. 1, Dell Abe- lein 475; Fuller Const. 4, Jack Frost 570; Lions Club 0, Bert Hoard 565. MARCH Standings: Moose Antlers 33Vs- 1,P/, Rotary Club 29-19, Lions Culb 28-20, Eagle Aeries 27-21, Bull Moose 25-23, Himlic Realty 24/z-23*&, Kiwanis Club 23-25, Fuller Const. 23-25, IWA 21-17, Olympic Plywood 21-17, Shelton Hardware 18-30, Nimrod Club 15.33. MERCHANTS Hi Game: Phil Adams 222 Hi Series: Phil Adams 597 TCF 3-1, B. Mackey 538; Ren- eckcr 1-3, D. Stanley 503: Prepp's 3-1, R. Simpson 513; Boon's 1-3, L. Johnson 546; Foods, 4-0, P. Adams 597; White's 0-4, F. Ful- ler 506; Bob's 1-3, C. Holman 429; Kimbel's 3-1, H. Coffey 487. Standings: Prepp's 31-13, TCF 29-15, Kimbel's 24-20, White's 22- 22, Renecker's 21'/-22'N, Boon's 19,/r24/z, Shelton Foods 16V2-27V2, Bob's Tavern 12Vs-31h. CA R SPECIA L$.1 Legal P ubllcatlo $259S $2695 0059S $18% $1S95 $1S95 $1495 $1245 $109S *795 GTO '-'P", Stereo Tape BUICK w,00OCAT 4-Door Hardtop BUICK 4-Door Sedan TEMPEST LeMANS Hardtop TEMPEST co.o. Hardtop PLYMOUTH 00UR¥ ,,, Hardtop PONTIAC .TA. 4-Door MUSTANG Hardtop FALCON S.R,NT 4-Speed BUICK "00ABRE 4-Ooor Hardtop DODGE CA..00AL" CALL FOR BID8 Sealed proposals will be recetved t,,,.b,Lj/ffice of the City Clerk- Treasure, City Hall, Shelton, Washington, until 11:00 a.m. on Monday, March 31, 1969, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for: PROJECT No. 6972 -- Sewer on Shelton Spring Road PROJECT No. 6973 -- Water on Shelton Spring Road The major items of construction are: 2,840 L.F. 12" A.C. sanitary sewer 2,835 L.F. 12" A.C. waterTnain 56 LF. 8" concrete sanitary sewer 52 L.F. 8" A.C. watermain 11 each manholes Contractual documents may be obtained at the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, Shel- ton, Washington, upon deposit of $5.00. All deposits will be refund- ed upon return of the documents in good condition. Work shall commence within ten (10) days after date of "Notice to Froceed" is issued to the con- tractor, and shall be completed within thirty (30) working days thereafter. All proposals must be made on regular blank forms furnished and must be accompanied by cash, certified check, or bid bond, in the amount equal to five per- cent (5%) of the total bid. The bid bonds shall be made payable to the City Treasurer, City of Shelton, Washington. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all informalities. Dated at Shelton, Washington this 18th day of March, 1969. City of Shelton. Alma K. Catto Clerk-Treasurer 3/20-27-2t Special, Just Arrived l -- 1964 Ford Thunderbird Hwdtop "-, 00'o'ONLY $1695 Evenings Caff BROWNING 426-6510 DON ROWE 943-3281 DURL NYE 426-4532 MR. AND MRS. HANDICAP Men's Hi Game: Del StorinG 223 Men's Hi Series: Del StorinG 575 Women's Hi Game: Margaret Bibbee 213 Women's Hi Series: Margaret Bibbee 520 Mikes McCulloch Sales 2-2, Lucille Chapman 431; Lannings, Hoodsport Care 0-4, Sue Dilley 389; Ruskin Fisher Assc. 1-3, Jeanne Lindgren 421; Eacrett Lumber 2-2, Eldon Todd 460; Dicks Diggers 1-3, Ed Olson 465; Evergreen Florist 4-0, Walt Bain 473; Tyee Well Drilling 2-2, Del StorinG 575; J and J Service 3-1, Cleo Hulet 441; Allyn Shell 3-1, Harold Hillman 480; Lake Cush- man Sales Co. 2-2, Harold Bib- bee 525. Standings: J and J Service 67-25, Lake Cushman Sales Co. 64a&27'/, Tyec Well Drilling 51, 41, Ruskin Fisher Assc. 51-41, Mikes McCulloch Sales 431-48½, Eacrett Lumber 40-52, Allyn Shell 39-53, Dicks Diggers 38½-53*/2, Evergreen Florist 331-58, Lan- nings, Hoodsport Cafe 32-60. Legal Publications ORDINANCE NO. 793 AN ORDINANCE DECLAR- ING AN EMERGENCY WHICH COULD NOT HAVE BEEN FORESEEN AT THE TIME OF THE ADOPTION OF THE 1969 BUDGET AND PROVIDING FUNDS TO MEET EXPENDITURES NEC- ESSARY IN THE SETvVER AND WATER DEPART- MENTS OF THE CITY OF SHELTON. WHEREAS, a commitment by Shelton School District No. 309 to furnish unanticipated revenues has been received by the City of Shelton as expressed in the agreement heretofore executed by the City and the School Dis- trict on 11 March 1969 to finance the proposed extension of the City sewer and water systems for a distance of approximately 2800 feet along the Shelton Spring Road from North 13th Street to property owned by the School District and that the costs of installing said extension were not budgeted at the time of the adoption of the 1969 bud- get. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commis- sion of the City of Shelton: 1. That sufficient funds were not provided in the adoption and the making of the 1969 budget to cover the additional and un- foreseen expenditures to be in- curred in the installation of ap- proximately 2800 feet of sewer ad water mains on the Shelton Spring Road between North 13th Street and the property of Shel- ton School District No. 309 situ- ated in Mason County, Washing- ton and particularly described as: The NE ¼ of the SE  and all that portion of the SE of the NE ¼ lying Scrdtherly of the Southerly right-of-way line of the County Road, known as the "Spring Road", Section 12, Township 20 North, Range 4 West, W.M., containing 41.36 acres, more or less, exoep¢lng roadways, if any. 2. That $43,875.00 is the amount currently anticipated which will be required to meet this emer- gency. 3. It is hereby declared that an emergency exists under the pro- visions af R.C.W. 35.33.090 re- garding such expenditure and the City Treasurer is authorized to make such expenditures for such purpose and is directed to establish nuch funds as may be necessary to account for the pro- jeer. INTRODUCED I n regular Commission Meeting this 18th day of March, 1969. PASSED In regular Commis- sion Meeting this 18th day of March 1969. F. A. Travts Mayor David T. Kneelond Commissioner of Finance Glen Watson Commissioner of Public Works Attest: Alma K. Catto City Clerk Approved: B. F. Heuston City Attorney 3/2O - It 13th th ru March 22 REXALL ADVERTISED ON NK-WS TODAY SHOW" PREPP'S d Sheiton 426-4642 SHELTON JUNIOR Men's Hi Game: Bill Schuffcn- hauer 211 Men's Hi Series: Bill Schuffen- hauer 562 Women's Hi Game: Debble Wit- craft 153 Women's Hi Series: Debbie Wit- craft 411 Hembroff Agency 3-I, Curt Casey 517; Trailblazer's II 1- 2*&, Lynn Southmayd 452; Shel- ton JC's 4-0, Bill Schuffenhauer 562; Merv's Tirecap 4-0, Mark Johnson 459; Joslin Ins. 0-4, Dave Stole 377; VFW Aux. 21- I/,L Rick Peckham 481; Beck- with's 0-4, Mike Nutt 426; Trail- blazer's I 1-3, Dean Metcalf 438. Standings: Shelton JC's 31-9, VFW Aux. 26'-13Va, Hembroff Agency 22-18, Trailblazer's II 19½-20, Joslin Ins. 16-24, Beck- with's 16-24, Traflblazer's I 14-26, Merv's Tirecap 14-26. SUNDAY MIXED FOURSOME Men's Hi Game: G. Benedict 204 Men's Hi Series: G. Benedict 575 Women's Hi Game: Allene Step- per 196 Women's Hi Series: Louise Clary 510 Farmers 4-0, Louise Clary 510; Odd Bah 0-4, Gay Wentz 487; Board Busters 3-1, AUene Step- per 479; Four Splits 1-3, Russ Deyette 455; Timber Ducks 4-0, Jack Frost 501; Force 'era 0-£ Ted Blair 467; Loggers 1-3, Marge Witcraft 458; Hooters 3-1, Gene Benedict 575; Jack Pots 3-1, Bud Heldebrandt 450; What's Next 1-3, Gene Strozyk 477. Standings : Timber Ducks 25- 15, Farmers 24-16, Board Busters 21-18'A, Hooters 21-19, Jack Pots 21-19, Force 'era 20-20, Odd Balz 19½-20½, Loggers 19-21, What's Next 15-26, Four Splits 14-16. RECREATION Hi Game: Florence Woods 202 Hi Series: Florence Woods 536 Standings: Shelton Recreation 26-10, B and J Mart 24½-11, Hoodsport Lumber 20-16, Harpers 20-16, Clary and Clary 20-1£ Lucky Lager 14-21, Nat'l Bank of Mason Co. 12-24, Rainier 11-25. 12:30 WOI[EN'S Hi Game: Merridee Guyer 188 Hi Series: Donna Coleman 490 Standings: C and L Time 23-17, Bob's Tavern 22-18, Jess's Mo- bile 19-21, Ncils 16-24. i!ii First place winners in the Youth Bowling Association Fam- ily Twosome championships at Timber Bowl are: MAJOR DIVISION : Father-Son, Genc Benedict and Gary Robin- son 1270; Father-Daughter, L. L. McInelly and Linda Dodge 1244. JUNIOR : Father-Son, Ken Knight and Terry Knight 1105; Mother-Daughter, Marge and Deb- bie Witcraft 1066; Sother-Son, Helene and Rahn Redman 1212. BANTAM: (2 games) Father- Sen, Walt and Bu Barnes 744; Father-Daughter, Don and Cher- ie Johnson 720; Mother-Son, Joyce and Terry Dion 760. PHARMACIST'8 NEED FOR COMMUNICATION Every intelligent man goes about his work realizing that he is only getting a small por- tion of the vast store of infor- mation available to him. The torrential flow of material available to all of us and par- ticularly the pharmacist who must keep up with an array of scientific information to bet- ter serve his physicians and customers is well known. This material comes from his scientific Journals, profes- sional affiliations, pharmaceu- tical manufacturers and from his customers, the lay public. His knowledge and skill in gathering this vast store of in- formation aids him in serving humanity better through his respected profession, pharma- cy. The need for communica- tion is greater than ever to- day ad with the busy sched- ule the pharmacist has in go- ing about his everyday chores, it is remarkable to see how he keeps up with available infor- mation reaching him from all sides. Neirs Pharmacy Emergency Pk 426-2165 Fifth & Franklin St.---426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:80 Saturdays  9:80 - 6:00 FREE COLOR portrait.: Professionally posed in living color 8 O tC co ;>. It's our way of saying "thank you" to our customers and "wel- come" to everyone else . . . a beautiful full color portrait that you'll treasure for years. We've arranged for a top professional photographer to take the pictures rig,ht in our store. Bring the whole family, and you can pick any one of the portraits as your free gift. Don't forget to dress everyone In bright coMPs! EASTER SPECIAL Wednesday-Thursday, March 26-27 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. No Age Limit • Family Groups Welcome 422 N. 1st Shelton Limit one portrait per family. Children must be with parent We Care AboL,t Our Customers Try Us... You'll See! THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL .c;AVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION • OLYMPIA Home Office Fifth  Capitol Wry Lscsy Only: Hours  Monday Through Thursday 10 to 5 I III i i .... ;. OLYMPIA. SHELTON . LACEY • LACEY • SHELTON Branch Branch 41  ! Market Square 313 Railroad Avanue Friday I0 to $::]0 Thursday, March 20, 1969. Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11