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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 20, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 20, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lUrowds Start Corn IEN OLON nesday with a triple birthday l)&apos;u%'. The honored guests wcrc In ever in- Mrs. Stella Morken and Mrs. Ben hordes they come I.>:cretl el Lilliwaup and Mrs. in search of a Fred Sauers of Shelton. After a Utopia. Ahmg the delicious luncheon topped wilh shores and high- tile usual birthday cake, the into the surround- guesls of hone:' opened their search for their cards and gifts. 'am. A few feet of 'lhose enjoying the afterno:m of a view of the with the birthday ladies were Tall frees. Reslful Yh's. l!essie Ogden, Bill Me- maybe the chance Gowan and Fred Sauers of Shel- their hair. Small l<)n: and Mrs. Gcerge Moake, stages of pre- Mr. and Mrs. l_z)uis Schaufler they bear mule eva- an(t Mr. an(t Mrs. Charles Diescn. dream. Here a few Mr. and Mrs. Lon Webb were to make space unahle to altcnd, but sent lheir A foundation dug cards containing gifts. lying, waiting.. A to "do 'till we ORTliOI'EI)IC GUILD MEETS A Small cahin. A The Blanche Radtke Orthoped- And here a sad ic Guihl met at the horne of Squashed flat by the Faith Evans, of Holiday Beach, snow. Maybe just March 12. Thirteen members were marking out a h)t. present. Plans were formulated OWners name nail- for their Annual St)ring Arts and Or the name he Crafts show. Dessert luncheon call his retreat, was served al. a table (lecorated a neat little wood with touches of St. Patricks. for days to All the women were imrticular - evenings to come. ly busy at this meeting - working Ptlrchased something, on wrious projects of their to get away - for choice. All indications suggest for a week, for al- that (he Spring Show will be an the dream never die. extra good one. FAMILY GET TOGETHER Faith and Lewis Ewms spent Diesen entertain- the week-en(l in Tacoma with at Eldon Wed- 1heir daughter, Sharon and fam- District Sees Small an ce At Meeting Rhy KRATCilA AI Jones, Larry Jones, Walt and Frances Allen, Hap Bracy, Sher- The Mason ;trier No. 4 held 11 with a was held to fill chair of vice pre- was nominated as vice president. n was elected to be and he stated he have all the new COme to the drills. Is interested in the the fire trucks and t, are to call Ed ;s Rickard. and the fire on a new set fire call cards. the fire call cards in the Fire Dis- chore. are getting the Fire Dis- called "Rescue l)laeed on all occupants are firemen will no- cue markers and inlmediately what of fires or other- tract had several last month. Meeting will be at Little Skoo- ',range meeting 4 at 8 l).m. Degree at Shelton March 28 at Went on a trail to Dayton Peak ry Cronquist, I)nnic Boelk, Jul- ie Olli, Cindy Bariekman, Mike Bariekman, Ralph Bariek;man, Cliff Taylor, Tim Fuller, Troy Gamber, Tom Moran, Betty Mo- ran, Debhie Brehmeyer, Geral- dine Brehmeyer, Judy Johnson, Mary ttansen, Dick Shrum, Carol 30 miles. Bob Snyder, Shrum, Dick Mrs. Gary Jay Um- t, Jenny Hilde- Leo Bishop tl. at the home tie Tibbits is Tenne- "Merry Lady" colt has four white on the Club met Building. Were Doris and Cowling, Bob Synder, Phil Hard- ic, Carma Wokojance, Carolyn Brewer, Dena Harris, Leo Bis- hop, Jim and Tula Kiml)alt, Lin- da Beach, Bud, Alice and Jenny Hihlebrandt, Mike and Dorene Lee, Julie Ziegler, Mike and Celia Scott, Gary and Shirley Brown, Dec and Bonnie Tibbits and Jay Umphenour. They made plans to dress up their uniforms for the Forest Festival parade. Also planned a rummage sale for April 19. The club took in new memhers Gary and Shirley Brown, Tom Moran, Judy Johnson, Herbert Brehmeyer family and William Beach family. Shey showed a movie on "The Care and Feeding of the ttor- sea" which Tula Kimball brought. The Actions 4-H Club had a business meeting March 11 at the home of Tracy DeMetro, pre- sident ..... The Actions have two new me- hers in their club, Mary Sue Carson and Taryn Lund. There will be. meetings every Monday until Demonstration Day is over. The project members in sewing and creative arts will meet Mar. L. R. Christensen and family. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha, Mike and Shelley and John Kratcha and Monday even- ing Mr. and Mrs. John Cookson and Jackie visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha, ing To Hood Canal On Weekends   CLINT WILLOUR t0 Ninety percent of the asaota a v :  ' of the average man are stand- ing in his shoes right now. ily. Joining them on Sunday for a family dinner was daughter S'mdra and family, from Lacey, as well as Faith's mother, Flor- cn<.e Ross, who is now residing at Panarama City. It's so much nlore convenient now for her to join in these family get-to-gethers since she is living so much clos- er to Faith and Lewis arid their families. WEDDING AIZWIV]PAY Bob and Margaret Richter of Ayock Beach celebrated their forty-fifth anniversary this week. Thursday they invited Ed and Vivien Olson for a drive to Port. Angeles and dinner at Aggies. They stopped at Four Seasons Ranch and picked up Vivien's sister, Lillian Bceman, to include her m the (lays activities. The trip included a drive to Ediz tlook (Bob had to inquire about the fishing!) and to Diamond Point, the site of the (pardon the expression!) old de-lousing stat. ion. In the evening the Richters .joined the Olsons and Lillian for some interesting slides of Lillian's Iravels the l)ast year in Florida, California and Hawaii. Followed, of course, by pinochle. Sa!urday Bob and Margaret went t,) Puyallup to continue the celebration with son George, his wife Joan, and grandchildren Jill and Bill. Had another An- niversary dinner, this time at the Hong Kong in Seattle where they all, and especially young Bill ate and ate and ate of that good Chinese food. GENE VlSSERS ENTERTAIN Gene and Iona Visser held a multi-purpose dinner party Mar. 16, in honor of two birthdays and two anniversaries. AI Pile and Corrine Dorn were the birth- day people. Unfortunately Corrine was unable to attend. Due to the serious illness of her mother, she is in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Lynton and Gene and Iona Vis- set celebrated wedding anniver- saries. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Walt Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. George Webber, the Don Hooven family, Lorna Churchill, Tom Connally, the the Vissers five children, Ken, Keith and Dennis Marshall and Mike and Connie Visser. COMMUNITY CLUB T h c Lilliwaup Commun i t y Club's regular pinochle party will he held March 21 at 8 p.m. At the business meeting March 7 Mattie Backlund was elected treasurer to succeed Lilllan Run- ge. Mrs. Runge felt she could not continue to serve in this of- rice at this time. T. Byron Miles was elected to the board of Trus- tees. PAT MeGR/MDY ON TV Pat McGrady, of New York, will be in Seattle this week and will appear on two television pro- grams. March 20 he will he on Telescope on Channel five. And March 21 he will appear on the Good Morning program on Chan- nel 4. Unfortunately his time will be limited so that he will not be able to visit Lilliwaup. His aunt, Frances Carte had hoped to be able to have a few friends in to meet him. He is the author of "The Youth Doctors", pub- lished by Coward - MeCann. 19. Those attending were Traey De Meiro, Kim Wheeler, Chris Rickard, Sheryl Nolan, Mary Sue Carson, Carol Christensen, Marilee Matson, Teresa Murray, Dana Christensen, Darlene Fer- ris, Christi Bacon Lori Loygren, Mike Matson, Desilee Clayton, Taryn Lund and Lennie Christen- sen. Steve DeMeiro, son of Mrs. L. R. Christensen, left Monday for Fort Lewis where he will be • - Dodg stationed. He spent 30 days Paule • home on leave with Mr. and Mrs. 1966 CHEVY H 4-Door sedan. LOW Mileage. 6-Cylinder. Auto. We will be CLOSED ' M(nday, March 31, 1969 While we make the final switch, over fo Data Processln 9. MASON COUNTY Federal Credit Union Shelton, Woshington S$4 $129S 19{;4 FOP, J) Convertible. Engine Rebuilt. S1O9s 1962 FORD ton pick-up. Auto trans. Heavy duty tired & wheels. Suitable for heavy camper. $10$ 1959 DODGE Wagor Runs good. $34S 1959 PONTIAC Bonneville. Looks like new. Sass See 'em at Front & Railroad 426-8183 AT HOME His winter's perusal of the seed c:aalog is really getting to Fath- er. tie set up a little hot bed wilh a 60 watt. light bull) and l)lantcd tomato seeds. Then all lhe family turned out and search- ed frantically - and in vain - for the fuchsia seeds he had care- fully save(l and put away last fall as the tomato seeds looked a little lonely in lhe big bed. Shades of the Farmer's Ahnanac, it was time to plant the sweet peas. And good neighbor Bob Richter brought him more good- ies in the form of rhubarb, rasp- herries and an improved variety of strawberry lflant. So looks as if carl)enlry will take sccon(l place to farming. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon will have nothing on us here on our steep hillside. 4th & Ceder A 1717 Olympic Highway North I N.2' NATIONAL i I Ph. 426-8139  Insurance for I | FRESHIE Brand Popular Flavors HALF GALLON es Vircina lb. pkg. € H Powdered or Brown € TIDE 25¢ off "For Your Laundry" DETERGENT HUNT CATSUP PACIFIC FRIEND ORANGES Mandarin 11 oz. tin 5/89' Orange, Grape, Tropical Fruit & Grapefruit MANNING'S 6 9 ¢ COFFEE , tin SPARKLING WHITE FRESHIE SYRUP 20 o. bt, GREEN BEANS Standby Gallon : 3 Sieve SLICED BEETS APPLESAUCE B,ue R,bbon O.,,o,ou., oz ,,.. 4/'1 FABRIC SOFTENER Swoe,he.. Gal. size 89* CLAM CHOWDER Oox,ee4, o,,l oz t,. 3/79* 3/'1 303 tin 51'1 Standby S/$I 303 tin STANDBY CORN r.m .rn.StY"303or t,nWh Sfl STANDBY PEAS 3 Sieve 30 t,. Sfl COFFEE MATE Co.e. Cream. 11oz. Jar 69 ¢ NALLEY'S CHILI Reg.l.r or Hot o oz. t,. 69' No. I Golden Ripe CHIOUITA INSTANT MILK F'oremoet Milkman 12 qt. size '1.95 BANANAS SARAN WRAP 12- ., to,, 38' (lb. tin 71€) (3 lb. tin $1,87) HIGHLAND COFFEE A,, r,.d. 2 ,. ,,. q.37 ,.,lt IP STORE. HOURS "il =.=_ ...... ,1=.. Friday: ........................ 9 a,m.. 6 ::: AREHOUSE DIRECT PRICES __ Saturday: ................... 9 a,m.- S p.m. * WHYPAY MOREl * A O LIMIT RIGHT8 RESERVED • Thun March 20 1,969 Shelton-Maaon Count Journal 15