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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 20, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 20, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Lake Cushman: i ii i Level Of Lake Is Lower Than Usual For Time Of Year By V. JeMen and J. 8aadvig Ib LAKE CUSHMAN -- Spring is "singing in the rain" here at Lake Cushman! At the last of- ficial check, there was plenty of room in the lake to contain the spring run off, even at the present rate. The lake level is down 16-19 feet, which is lower than it has been at this time of the year• The Lake Cushman Develop- ment Co• has a booth at the Home Show in Seattle, where people can obtain information about the Hood Canal and Lake Cushman area - there are times when we wish the area was as it used to be, but the people who are buying and building homes here are the ones who also love the "great out doors" and are proving it by the work and also the fun for their whole family to be together. A special treat for the secre- tarial staff of the Lake Cush- man Development Company of- rice in Seattle was the trip by plane to Lake Cushman. They enjoyed a luncheon at the lodge and a tour of the general area• ARer years of the legal side of their business, they now have seen the beautiful area and it has become a reality - there's no substitute for "first hand in- formation". Folks In the resort and sum- mer home areas, and especially the ones who are building homes, are now returning to their re- treats for clearing and early spring work. The Sid Anderson home located in the center or the Lake Cushman Golf Course, is now in it's finishing stages. Std recently attended a golf course seminar at Puyallup, and he and Bill Parsons attended the logging congress at Eugene, Ore, The Lea Sandvigs have receiv- ed news of their 8on Dennis hay- ing completed his instrument and carrier landing qualifications and his advancement to Lt. jg., in the Naval Aviation Officer Candidate Program. Recent visitors in the Lynn Jensen home were the Don Mar- rises and the John Clarks of Ta- coma. Mxs. Clark and Mrs. Mor- ris spent many of their spring and summer vacations here at Lake Cushman. One of the sad sights that we are all very con- claus of, now that the snow is melting, is the large mud pond that used to be our beautiful Lake Standstill. We are hoping for the day the work will begin again and we can look out across a sparkling little lake, a view that just can't be found any- where else in the world. Through Course , Army Dentist (Captain) Jan B. Norvold, 26, son of Dr. and Mrs. Roudolph W. Norvold, Shel- ton, completed the medical ser- vice officer basic course at Brooke Army Medical Center, Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., Feb. 7. The five-week course provides basic branch training and orien- tation for newly commissioned Medical, Dental and Veterinary Corps officers• LIFE INS, [ ! Church 910 East LEWl8 B. Sunday School Morning C. Y.'s & CadetS ...... , ]vening Service ...... Bible S'[udy (wed.)... Mt. View Alliance Church Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F. .................... 6:00 p.m. Evening Service ...... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. EARL EVER8, Pastor Firs+ Church of Christ, S N@ Baptist 123 W. C St. st 00 Sunday School Wonhlp 11 Training M Idwee k Travls H. Lawren01v 302 Alder St., 8helton, Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a•m. -- Church 11:00 Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8:00 Reading room located in church. _ 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Men. & Fri. Wed. Arcadia and Lake Boulevard ED CHAMBERLAIN, MiniVer Bible School .......... 9:45 a•m. Family Worship .............. 11:00 a.m. Wednesday  Bible Study and 7:30 Child Care Service Available at 11:00 S of is presently used by Simpson for some of its management ,i ,a St. .l Epl THE COLONIAL HOUSE, 22'2 Pine St•, helton, is one more. than 300 of the oklest and most interesting homes training programs and other activities. The book is pub- Dick Kerwood nay,o's scopal' Chur¢ I l Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington in Wa.shington pictured in a new I)ook "Where the Wash- lished by Superior Pul)lishing Co. of Seattle and contains FIELD UNDERWRITER The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest rgff# , ingtonian laved". The Colonial Ilouse was the home of a text about tim people who built and lived in the homes  Life - Family - Mortgage  The Church Is •lw•ys open for meditation and P the Mark E. Reed family and is still owned by the Reed pictured in the book• i Medical , I 7:30 A•M.  Holy Come, union family, who also own the Simpson Timher Co. The house T Bus. 943-1214 - Res. 491-2376  fl:30 A.lf  Church School & 51104 Pacific venue  Adult Bible Class Mary M. Knight School: v Laoey, Waahington I 11:00 A.M. -- DWLne • • * * -. Unffed Methodist Churc Students Attend Legnslahve Sessmn In Olvmma Mason County ! . ,, '  •n K ng Streets , il i- /I smnnnm \\; " By ANNETTE PAINTER Dcbby Brehmeyer was the high The debate team won two more dians and Eskimos The I REV HORACE H MOUNTS, Minister . , . . y are " • . , .... _ P g work on cor- | • • P I On March 13, the Mary M point sales lad on the hrst day 'n d tt'n i " ' " : " ..... 'i" rounds over NapavJ , an Win- u I n a lot of 9:00 and II:00 am Worshi Servlcea . Ens.. i . . ." Parts ...... , Electrl|  *" :, 1" n-e  .o •  a,L 'i_ :, 1he tlu whiCh met on lvIarch , ,-u 13 voted to su rt the swml • Automotive Machine Shop • liirbanks Morse Pumps  t0r ., ppo •. lap ,o, o00,00Otr00o00. I I l/ Firs÷ Bapfis÷ ChurCh ruing program beginning in T F N T T ,   a g , d STA E O WASHINGTO , DEPAR MEN OF NATURAL RESOURCES Fi ToI • April. They pledged $'/5 towards I. oo.- I I . I I .,,,,. o-=..:..-,. =-o.,..- sen(ng., five boys Anmimll = • LeA•Urn== I Lu Flelda Auto Parts, Ino. I I 8HELTON ELECTRIC CO. I I ooo W][[ ? canlp [nis summer. The ,lLtn'lni v:KJ a.m. ISlDIO oonool  u 229 $ 1at St 420 33S1 419 Railroad Ph 426 6283 11 00 " Club had •lready pledged their urru00.UAL NUIII,,,N: I • • - II ,, • - II Jonn 1:40-40 y part for the same cause. The I t_rouP s I K/Ld, Matlock Grange has the matter DllrllllllP_ IIEBUIT ill,l'C lMl IM'P_IIIITIrtMC "--._ T,_=,_,___ v____ver,___ "' = /,,';l. under consideration. The PTO DUKfllflU rrRIVll/ RULE.) /IU KFUUL/411UIJ 'ubo JCMllaM)J wntru mi$ l I ,, I[ 0"*I1' , also gave Mr. Jurgens $75 to- -^, .. ....... ^., .=,, ,,^,,o .................. .., ...... I • Repaired and Rod Out I I • Llnolou I / ...... ,. "'ffi=ffi ---', ward a new band instrument ['U KLid:A/IUN Art) MUU31:PIULI) AND TAXi) ULIKI PlUL  . Auto Ghum Installation I I • Tile |,1 . - ....... -u-,. /llt • ' '" = ]e Body & Fender Repairing [ | • Carpeting I --- • : _ .- . be -v-,e,-,€-- p s b , bo • ,o.d 7 . -  .... |1 ....=ot. ,£:¢., | J  FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THE RULES BELOW VOIDS PERMISSION TO Auto Repairing I [It)]B  I rromcry=unoay {:\\;.,'l[ L.IIII ld'i BURN AND THE PERSON SO BURNING IS IN VIOLATION OF RCW 76,04.150 AND I ....,^.,......,. I I _ . / I SUNrtA. MARM ,and [[ ",ll',:.lPl 'v v,w.m- --v ECT TO PENALTIE , ,,,, v-=uu*= • Jnnq)lSOes 00, SUBJ S SET FORTH THEREIN. I . ,,-- ....... ,-- I I / I '=...,.. L-PIqI,:B, • •  - --• I • We Drag & Tune-ups I I Block Work / n SeakLSNA: u ' HAy= M=÷lnn !. A pemn capable of extinguishing the fire must attend it all times end the fire I Special Wintertzing I | ..e ............. l Topic: "CANCER" -%: • • Vv, • v I VW/• • f  must be extinguished thoroughly before leaving it. I ED't SERVICE | i m:m'o mu,Jnv / " 2 A lervi f water •us 219 80. tat 426 121 Phone 42641278 .. =. ,-,. ,.0..,--., --. ,,- ,.,-,. , I I I 1 I DAYTON -- Health Spat Ld- immediate vicinity of the fire. Jes of Dayton Community, John your neighbors at the exercise club held at Dayton Hall on March 20 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. For further information call Pea Brown or Sue Rutherford. diet lunch will be served. Peter Buechel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Buechel, spent a ten day leave at home. NEW HOMELITE xom/XL.eOS/XL-OO4 See the difference... come in today SAII MOTOR SHOP L..,- - _ L L i i| J  _,_ I 3. No fires ore to be within SO feet of structures. 4. Material to be burned in hand built piles no more than four (4) feet in di- ametor and three (3) feat in height. ONLY ONE PiLE AT A TIME MAY BE BURNED and each pile iust be extinguished before lighting enQtber. S. The material to be burned must be placed on bare o/i, gravel bars, beaches, green fiolds o¢ other similar areas free of flommob/e material for a suf- ficient distance adequate to pNvent the escape of the fire. 6. The time selected for burning must be dudng calm to very light wimts. Burn- ing during periods when the wind will scoffer loose paper or dry leaves |s poh/b|ted. Early morning before 10:00 A,M. nnd after 6:00 P.M. in the evening ore the best times far burning as the air is generally calm dur/n| these' periods in the summer. Persons not able to meet the above requirements between March 15 and October 15 each yegr in western Washington must apply for a written burning permit through the local district office of the State of Washington, Department of Natural Resources. [r eastern Washington these rules will apply from April 15 through June 0 inclusive, unless other dates ore promulgated by the Supervisor of the Department of Natural Re- sources. After June 0th, written permits for open fires will be required For the purposes of those rules the foliowln I doflnitions •nd directions will apply. HOUSEHOLD AND YARD DISPOSAL  A fire for the purpose of cleonup of debris. This would include, but not be limited to, papers, leaves, prunings, and clippings. RECREATIONAL FIRE -- Any fire for purpose of sport, postime, or refreshment, such us camp fires, bonfires, cooking fires, etc. Worming fires in or immediately odjocent tO logging slosh ore not included. ,.G,ENEP-4L ,RULES The Deportment of Natural Resources reserves the right to restrict burning under RCW "/6.04.150, 16.04,170, and "/6•04.180 due to extreme fire weather or to prevent restriction of visibility and excessive air pollution. The Yacolt Burn Area (Zone D) is exempt from these rules, and that area requires a written burning perm/t throughout the year. These rules do not apply within incorporated city limits or where the Deportment of Natural Resources has contracted protection areas to the Fire Districts or In Fire Districts, which have their own fire permit requirements on improved fond• A bucket may be substituted for the water requirement, if the burning is odiocent to a body of water. A charged garden hose line capable of exttruishment of the fire may be substituted for the five gallon water requirement. Persons burning under these rules bear the some responsibilities or escaped fires as those burning under written permit. Extra rl)lal of them rules and regulations may be obtained from the iDeal district office of the Department of Naturol Resources listed below. Shelton District Office -- Star Route I, Box 37AA, Shelton -- Phone 426-8242 :age 16 - Shelton.Muon County Journal. Thursday, March 20, 1969 I • Complete Hldr Cre l • Wp - Wiglets - Switch I • Merle Norman Cosmetlo I • Fxe Demonstrations | ELAINE'B BEAUTY SALON I 6th & Laurel .... 426-4582 Building Supplies-- Paint .... C and C Paints Co'-Ca-Wall i Co'-Ca.Namal A-Plex • Brella.Plex GRAYSTONE of 8HELTON 7th & Park 426.14 ,i i, iz Rental Service ' - United Pentecostal 406 "K" 8tPeet phone JOHN W. HARDT, Putor SUNDAY SCHOOL ........................................ ! 0'' MORNINO WORSHIP .................................... II EJIING SERVIC ......... =.2 ......................... " BIBI. BTUDY (WedueKlav) TI Churoh that Preaoheo What the Blbk I a Lumbe Almost Anything Anywhere - .... - • horwin-Willlams Paint Bulldozers - Loaders - ]Pumps h (Kern-Tone & Kem-GIo) F01ding Banquet Tabl Fail Lutheran • Cabinet Hardwaro & Chairs, Hospttal Beds, Et. GRANT LUMBER CO. LEW RENTS 60T 8. 1st 436-6613 7th and Franklin E 2216 ,u. 4th, ,Olympia, 357-7731 B:30 lad 11.0 a.m.  Worship 8ervloe 9:30 a.m. -- 8unday 8ohool for all aB #s ( Chain Iws Travel - Chriotlan Worship, Edultio, Fellowship, 8ervl Hi J New and U|md • Rantala I ° Air" RalX " SteamshiP :] CARL J. CA, I-BEN, Pastor Plxm,: I Ore&on C,ins & Accessories I • Bus- Hotels- Tours | 8malZ motor tune-up & repaJl I n No Extra Charge for , " ( I Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m, daffy I Our rvtce I Mike's MoCullooh 8hop I Angle Travel Ros. Center m Obmplw. ., =ea I 4o Railroad Ave. I 426-8272 • ,, 426-4154 I Custom Cebinets" .... TV Service I Quality Built CUSto Cabine I • ,, / | Bank Terms Avallabls I • Phonograpl J I John and Jerry Bunko [BetterBufltCablnetby [ •CB:'wayRsU° '1, I B & B CABINET SHOP I LEROY'8 I"V 8ERVICi / Draperies - Insuranoe ..... "1  I • I / I • Free Elttmatea I Represetave / I • Work Guaranteed I GRANGE INSURANCE ABBN c I Fire - Auto - Cllul|ty / I J. C PENNIEY CO. I Phone 46..61 I o5 .. Ao. Ph. -== l st  1, So ,, S - m nl in im n J I • Experienced =lstance I As, xvo I • Prices ble / • Drlvewaya 1 I • 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. / BOB * Parking Lots Give To EASTER