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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 20, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 20, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12 For Sale TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Oisen Furniture, 4th and Cots. 4/14 tin FOR SALE -- Good, effective and  inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426- 4412. 8/19 tin EASTERN WASHINGTON HAY for sale by the bale. Phone 426-6685. K 3/13-4/3 EARLY AMERICAN console pi- ano. Like new. Assume low monthly payment. Phone ad- justor, BR 2-5282 Tacoma, Wash. T 3/20-27 HAY FOR SALE, no tansy, weedm. McDonald Farm, Ka- mllche Valley. 426-3740. Mc 10/17 tft GOOD ALFAI'A HAY, first cutting, heavy bales, $2.00. Good pasture for 6-month rent- als, $2-$4 per cattle, horses $8. Good fly shelter and fences. Oison, Lost Lake road. 426- 8053 evenings. O 3/20 tin KENMORE DRYER, working condition, $20. See at 1828 Washington St. Phone 426-1276. I 3/20 YOUNG GRAIN-FED STEERS: Side 47# per lb. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods, Inc., 426-6523. S 2/29 tin WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at Ol- sen Furniture, 4th and Cota, 426-4702. O 11/18 tfn mage sale. Wed. March 26 at PUD, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. H 3/20 FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, re- frigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Cen- ter. 6/5 tin FREE KODAK IqLM, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163. 5/25 tin ONE USED Upright Piano, $125. Excellent practice piano. John- ny's Music Box, 205 Cola. Phone 425-4302. 3/20 tin SIMPLICITY MOWERS and till- ers. See now at Mike's McCul- loch Sales md Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28 tfn i WALNUT CONSOLE ,PIANO -- Assume small monthly payment or cash. Almost half paid tar. For Sale INDOOR-OUTDOOR CARPET, $3.99 sq. yd. Choose from 11 different colors at Oisen Fur- niture, 4th &Cota. 426-4702. O 8/1 tin MOBILE HOME FURNITURE We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furni- ture you're always welcome, 4th and Cots. 426-4702. 4/14 tin CLOTHES DRYER for sale $25. Call 426-4097. H 3/20 FARMALL CUB tractor, plow, cultivator and mower, $500. Phone 426-8566. C 3/20-27 MODEL 8N Ford tractor with hydraulic hitch, cultivator, disc. Other equipment. 426-4076 after 5 p.m. Y 3/20 ONE USED SPINET. Excellent condition. Call Johnny's Music Box 435-4302. 205 Cota. 3/20 tfn HEAVY DUTY Maytag Washer $100. Also Yon Schrader com- mercial rug shampooer, recent overhaul $250. Lighthouse Mo- tel, Hoodaport 877-5481. L 3/20-27 CONSOLE PIANO BUY. Want responsible party to assume small monthly payments. Also electric organ. Write C. Jonew, Credit Adjuster, 10334 Aurora No., Seattle, Wash. 3/20-27 SAVE BIG! Do your own rug and Upholstery cleaning with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampoo- er $1. Coast to Coast. 3/20 ONE USED WURLrPZER Or- gan, $395. Jahnny's Music Box 205 Cola. Call 426-4302. 3/20 tin For Sale ELIC RANGE, drop-in copper-tone, glass window, stainless steel top. Practically new. St. Rt. 2, Box 234, Wood- land Manor, Shelton. N 3/20 ANTIQUE GLASS door tall cup- board, bottom drawers refinish- ed, oak, $45. M(mtag circulator takes 24 inch wood, $25. Good 1958 Pontiac hardtop, new tires, $200 or $225 part trade for pi- ano, calves, furniture or ?. 426- 6953. D 3/20 NEW HIDEAWAY automatic cabin or trailer hot water heat- ers. 110 volt $24.50. Gone Se- ward, Ferry landing on Har- stine Island. 426-6818. S 3/20-4/10 Pets, Livestock K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming• Call Mrs. Kimball for appoint- ment 426-8988. 8/31 tin ELKI-IOUND PUPPIES for sale. Good watchdog. Phone 426- 4538. V 3/20 tin i Double L Corral Lake Limerick Now Open for Boarders Also Horseshoeing Cliff Dodge P. O. Box 712 Shelton, Wash. 98584 3/20-4/13 PORTABLE Dishwasher, Ken- more $80. Pitone 426-2587. B 3/20 REPOSSESSED --- 1 year old Lowrey piano $650. Cost new $805. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cola. 426-4302. J 12/12 tfn Mobile Homes A GOOD BUY. Fully furnished 10x45 ft. mobile home. Good condition. $2500 -- Phone 426- 6125. H 2/2"?-3/20 Used Cars 1956 FORD PICKUP. New paint and tires, runs good. $450.00. 315 So. 1st, Shelton. Sporting Goods GLASSPAR, GLASTRON, Fiber Form, Boston Whaler, Schock sailboats, Evinrude, Homelite Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union 898-2252. 2/15 tin sale. Good Condition. Phone 426-3051. W 3/13 - 20 Real Estate .,, HOOD CANAL COUNTRY 2  bedroom waterfront home be- tween Belfalr and Twanol Park Sporting Goods 1964 EVINRUDE 3-hp. $99, 1966 Mercury 3.9-h.p. $145, 1959 Evinrude 35 h.p. electric $165, 1965 Evinrude 33 h.p. manual Work Wanted EXPERIENCED NURSING com- pazLton-housokeeper wants work. Phone 425-6657 Shelton. W 3/13-4/3 $265, 1963 Johnson 40 h.p. - ......................................... electric $285, 1963 Johnson 40 LICENSED EXPERIENCED ba- h.p. electromatic shift $345. All by sitter wants baby sitting in motors reconditioned and guar- my home. Call 426-2241. anteed. Also few new 1968's. Hood Canal Marina, 898-2252 3/6 tin '68 EVINRUDE MOTORS -- Close out prices. HoOd Canal Marina, 898-2252 Union. 2/20 tin J 3/20-4/10 Help Wanted GIRL TO LIVE IN to help in the home. Call 426-3648. H 2/13 tfn TRAILMASTER 100 cc Yamaha .................................................... 2100 miles excellent condition. BEAUTICIAN WANTED- full Phone 425-2049 evenings. B 11/28 tfn 1966 YAMAHA Scrambler, 1800 miles, $500, including helmet. Black leather Jacket, like new, $25. 1956 Metrepol/tan, $125. 352-9779 after 5. T 3/20 1958 12-HP ELGIN OUTBOARD, tank, $60. Bolex 8 mm movie projector, practically new, $50. Phone 426-8751• W 3/20 Personal CONFIDENTIAL care for un- wed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls ac- cepted. Florence Crittenton Home, PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, We. 98178. 8/29 tin ii ii i i "NOTICE I hereby give notice that ,BISHOPBROOK' on Hood Canal Is not for Hie, and no person, firm or corpor- ation has an option to put- chase ume. LILLIAN BISHOP" Work Wanted DABLE' BABY sitting, ironing and dress making in my home. Phone 426-6266. 1 2/27-3/20 WILL REMOVE old buildings at reasonable cost. Phone 426-2760 R 2/27-3/20 DRESSMAKING AND ALTER- ATIONS. 426-3732. P 316-27 For full details write or tele- T 3/13-4/3 on south shore Hood Canal. Price phone TOM'S PIANO SHOP, ........................................................ $24,950. 1028 - 148th N.E., Bellevue, Wash. 1956 FORD PICKUP truck with * * * 3/6-20 camper, $175. Moving must Sun, her cottage at Stetson Beach sell. Phone 426-3152. U 3/20-27 Hood Canal. Price $9,850. GARAGE SALE ;66-Ti'ExcellenE c°ndi" * * * EXCHANGE -- What you have tion, low mileage, auto, trans., --.-- . .. .. -- for what you want. Kurt Chaise lounges, metal cabinets, power steering, $1,695 or best )numal[e [ea|][y Mann, Realtor - Exchanger, skates, rockers, floor polisher, air offer. 426-2746. S 3/20 HOODSPORT 426-6592. 8/18 .tin compressor, lawn mowers, elec- -, tflc heLers, tool box, charcoal R SALE -59Voliswagen, 877-5576 days, 877-5575 evenings broiler, vacuum cleaner, electric $475 or best offer. Phone 426- 8HELTON 426-8510 " Real Estate fan, fire extinguisher, Christmas 6098 evenings. C 3/20-27 decorations, coffee table, hun- 9-E-i-+--4-lel. Sale Starts 12 O'Clock Noon B 3/20 SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd 222 West "B" Street FoR 8XO-/-Tze ..... GMC 2 ton livestock truck. Runs 8helton 426-6573 K 3/20 good, seven good tires. 426- 3631• H 3/20-27 RECREATION LOTS • • • the downtown area for only USED It's not too early to start $13.,000 total? Maybe 2 two thinking where you'll spend b.edr0om homes on tln.-- tJl, n.m ill Bummer view IS more me ueKe[ a¢ not have your own .pyi- o00L.L00?0o vats retree.t ? we cap. oIzer vu. top I.., in nearly all of Mason D County s top recreational AYTON '... areas. They all have their own Have you been looking for a special features- wooas, wa- little bit of acreage with a CARS t+ o + ++ +? $1750 on_ terms. Dont wait -- There'are about 3 acre in- See at the good ones go early, volved with 250' of rosa front- EA P age. Large garden spot, fruit Olsen Furniture B TS AYING RENT... trees, and chicken house. TO 4th A Cots 426-4702 Say you don't have too much take the place over will take '67 PLYMOUTH FURY III nmney to use for a down pay- about $4000 down and month- J'  '" '67 OPEL KADETTE Wagon ment. Well if you can dig up ly payments at $80.05. The total price is Jet at $12,000. '67 FAIRLANE Wagon '66 FORD Country Sedan '66 FORD GALAXIE Hardtop '65 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE '65 MUSTANG Hardtop '64 FORD CUSTOM 500 4-Dr. '64 RAMBLER Classic 4-Dr. '63 T-SIRD Hardtop '63 DODGE 6-Pass. Wagon '63 DOOGE 4-Door '63 COMET 4-Door '63 VOLKSWAGEN Bus '62 OODGE Wagon '62 RAMBLER Wagon '62 CADILLAC Flestwood (full power) '59 CADILAC Limousine or part time. Phone 426-4582. E 12/12 tin WD." -FALE COOK, ap: ply in person at Alderbrook Inn, Union. 3/13-20 YOUR OWN BUSINESS -- Full or part time distributing fa- mous high quality Rawleigh Products. For information write P. O. Box 468, Kenmore, Wa. 98208. 3/20-27 Wanted to Rent GOOD HUCKLEBERRY LAND wanted. Pay up to $3 per acre. Phone 426-3051. W 3/13-20 R. E. Wanted about $750, we can put you into a 2 bedroom home on Mountain View. Plenty of room for adding on and the location is near the school. The total price is only $7,500 and you'll appreciate the low monthly payments at $75.00. DOWNTOWN . . . Have you always wanted an Early American styled home? Here is one of those very dis- tinguished older 4 bedroom homes wlch is located con- veniently to all needs. You'll have to let tie show you this one to appreciate the spa- ciouness. Large shade trees for those summer evenings ahead. A lot of home for a lit- tle money. Only $13,000. ,PACKAGE IDEALS . • • You know, everything seems to come as a package these days. In keeping with the trend  here are a couple of real estat packaKee. How about 2 one bedroom homes A. ROY 110 RAILROAD AVENUE URGENT! LAND WANTED 10 - 80 Acres -- Old Farm or Wooded Acreage for Newly Formed Investment Club• Call Collect: DAN SNUFFIN Eves 857-4230 - or Write: TRITON REALTY P. O. Box 246 Gig Harbor, Wash. 3/6-27 Real Estate PURDY REALTY Wynwood Center---P. O. Box 410 Gig Harbor -- 857-2121 13 Acre farm in Grapeview. 4 acres in Grapes. 3 BR home with fireplace, basement• Ex- cellent view of the Olympic Lit. range. 2 car garage. Lots of fruit trees and u-ubs. Chicken house. An excellent buy at only TRUCKS Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT 10 Year • Free Replacement Warranty '66 FORD '.Ton '611 FORD Ranohero '66 CHEV V=-Ton '65 FORD Ranohero '56 INT. 4 x 4 '56 DODGE Vs-Ton '55 FORD -Ton '51 INT, Pickup WATER HEATER The Hetiiat Custom Gllslillm water kester provides the ulU- m la sutoma¢le, sate, eftJ aleut operation. Ad belt of all, it is bseke4 by 10 year tanl( relseemeat warrsaty. Eells & Valley Appliance Center 2nd & Cots St. PhOne 425-4663 Complete Home Furnishing Center Jim Pouley's Bob - Bus - Bill - Dick 5th & Railroad -426.8231 i i ,li i i . Wanted WANTED: Aider and second growth maple. 9 inches and larger. Any length. 426-3464 L. R. Smith Alder Mill. S 11/14 tfn WANT "=-- Waterfront Property -- Write c/o Journal Box F, P. O. Box 430, Shelton. *3/20 Real Estate TWO STORY, three bedroom, full basement, double garage, close to schools, shopping, $13,800 5¼%, $3,500 down or make of- far. 943-8579. L 3/20 tin BY OWNER -- Equity in 3 year old three bedroom, double gar- age, large landscaped lot. Close in rural neighborhood, 6%% interest. $18,950. Call 426-2427. M 3/6-27 TWO CHOICE adjoining lots, 80'xl00' each, Angleside. N.E. corner 15th and May Streets. Write Harry Ross, 265 N.E. 197th, Portland, Oregon 97230. R 3/13-4/3 Nice 2 bedroom home, 3 big lots, separate garage, $7,950. Wanted  Lot with view suit- able for duplex. Savage Services, Inc. Star Route 2, Box 189 Phone 426-8584 2/6 tfn Real Estate 4 BEDROOMS, MOUNTAIN VIEW 2 bedroomS, aeop the m floor° 2 in a finished basement, good size living room, kitch 2 car garage plus carport AND as a BONUS, 2 potentially commer- cial lots will be included in ad- dition to the lot which contains Lhe home. The tall price ? $15,500 and $2,500 down will handle. RANCHETTE, 3.5 ACRES $25,500. A 3 bedroom modern with R. E. Exchanges beamed ceilings, free standing 300' of waterfront in a cove. fireplace, radiant heat, good When tide is out creek runs drilled well and much more. Full QUIET... Tf the old neighborhood noises are getting you down, here is a serene atmosphere you'll en- Joy. I.cated Just out of the city on Capitol Hill and does have about 1% acres of good useable land. This is a very cheerful 3 bedroom stucco home with fireplace. If there is any place in Maon County to ral a good garden  this has to be one of the best! AI- reedy has fenced axea for horses. All for only $14,750. Let's drive up quietly and look. NEAT AS A PIN . .. For an easy-upkeep 2 bed- room home, this is it! Jtmt like new, inside and out, and yott'll so enjoy tle panelled walls, the cozy plush carpet- ins, the pretty bath, and the handy kitchen and utility room. Like to see tt? Only $10,950. DUNN 426-4447 Evenings Call: DON BROWN . 42tl-6388 -- TOM TOWNBEND - 426-6§97 A. ROY DUNN - 425-41101 through middle of channel, price $14,500 - and we can talk Wooded. Will sell for leas than terms. $22.00 per foot. A DOUBLE "A' FRAME Call Julius Stock, 426-6705 days; On a most beautifully wooded lot 426-6911 evenings and weekends at Lake Limerick - It's a year around home and it's entirely finished with fire place and many, L BISSONIERE more extras-AND it's comp etely and very tastefully 8 furnished. All you need is the key ..and your pajamas and you re ReM Estate -IOME. $14,950 and in our opinion it's a very Jalr value. Owner will help with financing. LEASE PENDING FHA: LAKE ISABELLA 1 year old 3 bedroom home avail- Charming 2 bedroom home with able for occupancy on approval fireplace, good drilled well, work of credit Attached garage, na- shop, utility porch, carport and tural gas, only 115,000. much more. It's only 40 feet on the lake but over 600 feet in 10 BEAUTIFUL ACRES: depth, but then, how much room Lovely 3 bedroom home, carpet- do you need to put in a boat with ed, fireplace, built-in appliances the whole lake as your play- includes Kitchen Aid Dishwash- ground. $10,600 js the full price er• Draperies and some furnish- and includes moat furnishings. ings included. Also a barn. • $33,500 HILLCREST A good size 2 bedroom home with ACRE IN COUNTRY: large garage to sell for $7,900 or Large 2 bedroom house on ap- trade equity into 3 bedroom home prox. 1 acre near Lake Nahwat- in the $12,500 range. Why not ezl. Excellent for vacation home or that income rental. $7300 at- tractive terms or less for cash. ARCADIA ESTATES: New 20 x 40' Db. Expando Mo- bile Home on 1 acre. All electric, carpeted and completely furn- ished. See  new listing today. $12,500 CAPITOL HILL WITH VIEW: 3 bedrooms, partially furnished, and only $7,500. FAMILY ROOM PLUS: lovely 3 bedroom home is carpeted, has a lovely fireplace, 1 baths, built-in appliances, ex- tra large yard, completely fenced and double garage. $25,000 MOST OF OU R LISTINGS HAVE BEEN SOLD THIS PAST MONTH. CALL US FOR AC- TIONI Call 426.1641 Bev Thomason 425-8848 Polly 8wayze 426-2059 LaBISSONIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE 122 80UTH THIRD ST. call and we'll talk it over. ELDERLY OWNER Thought he was nicely settled in this small 2 bedroom home at the edge of town - but now he's go. ing south and will sell out - furn- ished. Asking $4,950 cash - will take ? You make an offer. 1 BEDROOM, EDGE OF TOWN Bring a couple hundred dollars, your hammer, saw and paint brushes and begin a career of home-ownership. It's on a  acre with lots of room for expansion. $5,750 and $60 per month. MT. VIEW, 2 BEDROOMS Located on a neatly fenced corn- er lot, this charmer will be avail- able on or possibly before May 1st. 2 good-size bedrooms, fair size living room, dining and a roomy kitchen plus attached ga- rage. If you can come up with about $2,600 you can assume a 5A% mortgage with payments of only $75 a month which in. cludes taxe and insurance. WE HAVE JUST LISTED 3 very fine waterfront lots at Shorecrest. All three have real low bank and excellent beach. Fricee range from $7,950 to $9,300. MANN REAL ESTATE, 121 R.R. Arc. 426-(g2 anytime RATES 15 words or less -- $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) Insertions for the price of THREE (3). Classified deadline: 3 p.m. Tuuday. Instructions MEN WANTED to train for HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS AND MECHANICS You will get your training with a qualified contractor. Operate the D-8, Tournapulls and Grader. The only training of its kind on the coast. Fill in coupon NOW. West Coast Training Service, Box W/100 c/o The Journal P. O. Box 430, Shelton, Wash. 98584 Name ................................ Age .......... Address .............................................. Phone ................................................. City ................................ State ........... Hrs. I work a.m ............. p.m ........... 3/13-27 Services BACK HOE SERVICE  Light grading, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. 7/22 tin BATHROOM AND KITCHEN remodeling. Roofing, patios, carports. Smaller Jobs also. Call Osborne's 426-6241. O 1/25 tin MOSS ON YOUR ROOF? Will kill it on any roof. Guaranteed. Phone 426-4057. Mc 3-13-3/3 FULL, LAWN SERVICE: Mow- ing, shrubs and flowers. By ex- perienced horticulturist. Call 426-4719. P 3/13-4/3 Business BUSINESS OPP© Lease or buy center in handle ment and fixtures. 4 bedroom urn, increasing ume, increasing growing community HOOD RE00L Phone 877.5211 or Union Se CHAIN SAW speedy, grinding. tot Shop, 4602. $7.95 RENTS a man-Clay, South Lacey. Phone 3370. ELECTROLUX ice. ElectroluX Free delivery. ley, 426-3544. CUSTOM time. Phone Day. FOR Formica 426-8018. Ide's Expert Tree Large dangerous trees safely removed. Also pruning, fruit tree pruning, custom trimming lilac and other domestic bushes. Also raking lawns, etc. WORKING MAN'S PRICES Call Anytime 426-3605 Real Estate Real homes for happy people didn'f have time fo wrife 426-2646 Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 20, 1969