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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 20, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 20, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Services HAULING Ytrd Dump Truck TEL.. FRANK 426-3153 A 3/20-27 Ilob Ogden ION SERVICE pting. Formica io and Linoleum Llnsod, Bonded & Insured Phons 426-3155 3/6 tfn Estate HOOd Canal with ges. Water ad ,ou. Phone 426-6914. R 3/20-27 and cab- area. J 3/6-27 trae for land Call 426-8987. P.m. S 3/6-27 cleared, house, septic tank. 426- J 3/6-27 lot on Is- daylight ice beach. 50 or 426-3762. P 3/6-27 Waterfront fireplace w/w $29,950. S 1/16 tfn t00LTY OTION OFFICE" lit 6t., Sherton Arcadia Rd. acre Pleasant $8,ooo with 8ALABL] near Lake Nab- $6,000 ACRES, Spen- $16,500 OF A KIND 2 2 GRASSY LOOK AT room 12'x18'. Nice off double car- Big downstairs Heatllator CON- kitch- & oven. with and fruit room for ex- $21,500 be arranged on any 4Ll141 NOW!! .,, e. 426-8522 rsh, Jr. 426-8858 rOker St., Shelton AGENCY OR TRADE for older dis- Electric and single consider a Ask- )M ANCd.ESI DE for the ex- with Rec. Room room with view. Con- inap- $23,5OO.OO RENTAL _ on ap- downtown. building or excellent Potential sell en- Separately, on 19,500.00 _ of- LESIDE 1T on has large kitchen, double ,500. with to school and dining home inside. room will $12,700.00 & Insurance OiCK ANGLE or 426-6188 Ph. 421-82 Services HORSESHOEING Hot, cold, corrective. Phone 426-8965. W 2/8 tfn CUSTOM ROTOVATING. "Hard- rock" Klkendall, 806 Fairmont, Shelton. Phone 426-1179 eve- ning and weekends. If no an- swer call 426-8514. K 2/27 tfn EXCAVATING, HAULING, and clearing. Free etimates. Ph. 426-4378. Gordon B. Moore. M 4/4 tfn Hi LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tfn PAINTING and DRY WALL RESIDENT and COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Bonded and Insured CALL 426-8773 7/4 tfn mll ,11 HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 426-6687 H 2/17 tfn For Rent NOW AVAILABLE -- Distinc- tive ranch type one bedroom apartment. Large windows, garden setting, W/W carpet- ing, Carport. Walking distance from town. $80. 818 Pine. O 2/20 tfn FoR RENT -- 2 bedroom unit on Stewart st. Range, refrigerator, garage, $70.00 month. Call Tom Townsend, days 426-4447, eve- nings 426-6597. T 3/20 FOR RENT -- One bedroom furnished house, water and garbage furnished. No chil- dren. Phone 426-8150. N 3/20 FOR RENT OR LEASE 2 bed- room house. 1 or 2 children. Deposit and references re- quired. Hoodsport 877-5885. V 3/20 Real Estate " SMALL 2 BEDROOM house. Wall/Wall carpeting, Electric Heat. Close to town and schools. $6500. cash. Call col- lect Tacoma VI 7-7379 or 426- 4506 Khelton. S 3/20-27 D AN/EL$ EALTY 1618 Olympio Highway South 426.1600 MT. VIEW LOCATION 3 bedrooms - family room - work- shop - fireplace - carpets and drapes included - $17,500. DREAM HOME When you step into this lovely home you know "This is it". 3 large bedrooms - 2 baths - love- ly soft white carpet in one bed- room - elegant carpet through- out - built-in appliances - mas- sive fireplace with heat-o-later drapes included - built by one of the better builders in Shelton - call us on this one - $22,500 WANT TO BE A FARMER? 5 beautiful acres - lots of straw- berries - 3 bedrooms - large liv- ing room - large family kitchen - outbuildings - fenced for cat- tle - $16,500. Owner will hold contract - $5,OO0 down. $100 per month. DOWNTOWN LOCATION This home was built for solid comfort - 2 extra large bedrooms - built-in wardrobes - formal liv- ing room with fireplace - form- al dining room with china closets - full basement - fenced yard - 1 block from city center - $19,000. NORTHCLIFF BEAUTY 4 bedrooms - 3 baths - large car- peted living room with fireplace - formal dining room - large kitchen - formica counters - lots of cupboards - breakfast room - separate family room - corner lot - fenced yard - excellent neighborlood - double carport - well insulated - easy to heat - $23,850. DOWNTOWN LOCATION Completely redeco.rated inside and out - 2 bedrooms . carpeted living room - lovely cupboards - bath - utility room - 140 ft. creek waterfront - privacy - garage - $10,500. EDGE OF TOWN Beautiful full acre of building site surrounded by elegant homes - $3,000. BUIJLDING LOTS Hillcrest location - 2 lots - ready to build on - $3,000. TRAILER LOT8 100 x 175 - city and sewer avail- able - $2,750. CAPITOL HILL 60 x I00 - under a thousand - city water. FAWN LAKE Small down payment - owner will carry contract - 50' lake frontage - 200' deep - $5,500. SUE M. DANIELS, Broker 426-1600, WALTER GEORGE 426-3530 For Rent NEW TWO BEDROOM Mobile home. 12x60. Center kitchen. All eleetrie. Carpeted. Nice park. Large space. Carport storage room. $115.00 includ- ing space. Rex Mobile Manor 526-4560. M 3/13 tfn DOWNTOWN PARKING at 4th &Cota, blacktop and lighted. Individual spaces, monthly or quarterly. 426-4702. 02/27-3/20 ANGLESIDE 2 bedroom home unfurnished. References re- quired. $140 per month. 426- 6536. W 2/27-3/20 FOR RENT -- Furnished one bedroom house, $80.00 month. Electricity and water furnished. 426-6877 after 3:00 p.m. M 3/13-20 FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426- 4426. M 10/8 tfn ONE BEDROOM furnished apart" ment dovntown. Ref. Inquire 712 Pine or 426-1205. D 3/13 tfn FOR RENT -- One bedroom un- furnished house. Extra space upstairs. M. View. Phone 426- 2532 before 10:00 a.m. W 3/13 10x50 ft. 2 BEDROOM MOBILE home on private lot. Adults only. No pets, $80, deposit re- quired. Hoodsport 877-5738. T 3/13-4/3 FOR RENT two bedroom un- furnished apt. $85. 650 Dear- born 426-4506. S 3/20 Mr. View Elwood Manor Apar÷men÷s 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Available NOW. CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 or 426-6155 1 -2 BR Apartments $110 Appliances, Drapes, Carpets, Water, Garbage, Ample Parking No Pets JEFFERSON APTS. On Mt. View Phone 426-8656 12/5 tfn Lost & Found FOUND -- Man's wedding ring on highway near the Water Wheel Grocery. Write P.O. Box 207, Aberdeen, Wash. P 2/27-3/20 Legal Publications NOTICE OF GROUND W,TE R RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 9970 State of Washington Department of Water Resources Olympia TAKE NOTICE: That PHILIP HERBIG of Aberdeen, Washing- ton on February 10, 1969, filed application for permit to with- draw public ground waters through a well situated within Fractional SW¼SW¼, of Section 6, Township 19 N., Range 4 W., W.M., in Mason county, in the amount of 50.0 gallons per min- ute, subject to existing rights continuously, eacl year for the purpose of community domestic supply. Any objections must be accom- panied by a two dollar ($2.00.) re- cording fee and filed with the Department of Water Resources within thirty (30) days from March 27, 1969. Witness my hand and official seal this llth daY of February, 1969. GLEN H. FTFATLER Assistant Director Division of Water Management Department of Water Resources (SEAL) 3/20-27 2t NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING Pursuant to Chapter 216, Laws, 1953, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that at 11:00 o'clock A.M., Pacific Standard Time, on the 25 day of March, 1969, the Board of Directors of North Mason School District No. 403, Mason County, Washington, will hold a special meeting at the office of the Ma- son County Treasurer in Shelton, Washington, for the purpose of opening bids for the purchase of $680,000 of general obligation bonds of the district end taking action with respect thereto. WENDELL L. HARDER Clerk, Board of Direcors North Mason School District No. 403 3/20 It CALL FOR BID8 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Directors of Shel- ton Consolidated School District No. 309, Mason County, Wash- ington, for one 79 passenger tran- sit school bus, diesel powered, in- tegral built unit body and chassis by one manufacturer. • Specifications may be obtained at the business office of Shelton School District No. 309, Ever° green School, 8th and Pine, Shel- ton, Washington. Sealed bids will be received in the Clerk's Office, Evergreen School, 8th and Pine, until 8:00 p.m., April 8, 1969, at which time bids will be opened and read. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any irregularities in auy bid or bidding. By order of the Board of Direc- tors of Shelton School District No. 309, Shelton, Washington, March 11, 1969. DORIS K. HILLMAN Clerk 3/20-27 2t Legal Publications INVITATION TO BID Remodel and rebuild Gillig - Serial 8944 - School Bus. 1955 - 73 passenger. Shelton School District No. 309 requests bids for remodeling and rebuilding one (1) Gillig transit- type School Bus - 73 passenger per specifications. Bids will be in Clerk's Office, Evergreen School, 8th and Pine, Shelt0n, Washington, on or be- fore 8:15 p.m., April 8, 1969, at which time bids will be opened and read aloud. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The bus is to be completed and delivered to Shelton School Dis- trict No. 309 on or before August 1, 1969, with Washington State approval. It is understood and agreed a 73 passenger leaner bus will be made available to the District at no cost until District bus is com- pleted and delivered. Bidder must give one year war- ranty or 10,000 miles on all labor and parts used. By Order of the Board of DI- rectors of Shelton Consolidated School District No. 309, Shelton, Washington, the 11th day of March, 1969. Signed: DORIS K. HILLMAN Clerk 3/20-27 2t CAUSE NO. 40006 NOTICE of SHERIFF'S SALE in the Superior Court of the Stats of Washington In and for Thurston County GENERAL EXECUTION AGNES O. NYE, Individually and as Executrix of the Estate of Donald D. Nye Plaintiff vs. ARCHIE BURFOOT and HELEN BURFOOT, husband and wife De- fendants. Under and by virtue of a writ of General Execution issued out of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, holding terms at Olympia in and for Thurston County, in said State, and dated on the 20th day of February, 1989, on a judgment rendered in said Court on the llth day of Febru- ary, 1969, in favor of the above named Plaintiff, and against the above named Defendants, for the sum of Twenty-six thousand, three hundred fifty-eight and 62/100 ($26,358.62) Dollars, to- gether with an attorney's fee of ........ Dollars and costs of suit taxed at ........ Dollars, with inter- est at the rate of ........ per cent per annum from date thereof, or $ ........ , and amounting in all to the sum of Twenty-six thousand, three hundred fifty-eight and 62/100 Dollars, plus costs of sale. Which said writ of General Ex- ecution was to me as Sheriff of Mason County, Washington, duly directed and delivered, and by which I am commanded to sell at Public Auction, according to law the following described prop- erty, to-wit: Tract 135, Division 2, Plat of Lake Cushman, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 6 of Plats at pages 85 to 87, records of the Auditor of Mason County. NOTE: Offering for sale' only the interest of the above named defendants in and to the above described property. Now, therefore, public notice is hereby given that on the llth day of April, 1969, at 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, at The East Door of Courthouse in Mason County, Washington, I will sell the above described property at public auction to the highest bid- der for cash, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise sufficient to satisfy said last above named amount, together with increased cost and increased interest. Dated at Shelton, Washington, this 3rd day of March, 1969. W. F. Anderson Sheriff of Mason County, Washington By Ann Rose Chief Civil Deputy. Rrodie, Fristoe and Taylor Attorney for Plaintiff. 3/13-20-27-4/3-4t NO. 4000 NOTICE TO CREOITORS In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County (in Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of LESLI] E. SOULE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Execurix of the above-entitled estate; that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on the said Executrix or attorney of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the clerk of the above entitled court, together with proof of such service, within four (4) months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. DATE OF FIRST ItLICA - TION: March 20, 1969. FAYE E. SOUL,E Executrix of said estate. c/o Joseph J. Roller, Attorney for Estate Office and P. O. Address: 3821 South Yakima Avenue Tacoma, Washington JOSEPH J. ROLLER Attorney at Law 3821 South Yakima Avenue Tacoma, Washington 98408 GR 5-1225 3/20-27-4/3 3t NO. 3623 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR AWARD In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason Coxinty ( in Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of FRANK H. GALLAGHER, De. ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition for an award in lieu of homestead has been filed with the Clerk of this Court, and that the petition will be heard on April 11, 1969, at 9:30 A.M. in the courtroom of the above-entitled Court. PEGGY YVONNE BECHTOLD Personal Representative GLENN E. CORNEA Attorney for Petitioner 121 South 4th Street Shelton, Washington 3/20 It Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal PubllcatlaLns NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF 8ALE OF NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER NOTICE OF BOND SALE OF VALUABLE MATERIAL VALUABLE MATERIAL FOR SALE, OLYMPIC NATION-' North Maim 8hool Dlstrlot NO. ON STATE LAND ON STATE LAND AL FOREST, SOUTH FORK 403, Mason County, Washington. State of Washington State of Washington SKOKOMISH 1968 NO. 1 SALE, located within T. 22N., R5W., GENERAL OBLIGATION Department of Oepartment of W.M., partially surveyed. Public BONDS SERIES 1969 Natural Resources Natural Resources notice is hereby given that ur- $680,000 Bert L. Cole, Bert L. Cole, suant to the provisions of ec- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Commissioner of Public Lands Commissioner of Public Lands tion 5 of Public Law 273, 78th that North Mason School Dis- Notice is hereby given that on Notice is hereby given that on Congress (58 Stat. 132-16, U.S.- trict No. 403, Mason County, Monday, the 24th day of March, Tuesday, the 25th day of March, C.A. 583-583i), and the Cooper- Washington, proposes to issue 1969, commencing at ten o'clock 1969, commencing at ten o'clock ative Agreement for the Manage- under date of May 1, 1969, its in the forenoon of said day, at in the forenoon of said day, at ment of the Participating Forest general obligation bonds in the the Shelton District Headquar- the Port Orchard District Head- Properties in the Shelton Coop- principal sum of $680,000. ters, located at Shelton, County quarters, located at Port Or- erative Sustained Yield Unit en- Said bonds will be in the de- of Mason, State of Washington, chard, County of Kitsap, State tered into by and between the nomination of $5,000 each, will by the District Administrator of of Washington, by the District United States of America and be designated Series 1969, will said District, the timber on the Administrator of said District, the Simpson Timber Company, be numbered from 1 to 136, in- following described state land the timber on the following de- dated December 12, 1946, an es- clusive, will bear interest at an will be sold at public auction to scribed state land will be sold at timated 10,700 M board feet of effective rate of not to exceed the highest bidder, to wit: public auction to the highest bid- timber marked or otherwise des- Application No. 33484 der, to wit: ignated for cutting will be sold 6% payable semiannually on the Hamma Hamma No. 2 locat- to the Simpson Timber Company, first days of May and November ed approximately 33 miles by Mason County of each year from date of issue, Seattle, Washington, on April 14, will be payable both principal road north of Shelton. The sale Application No. 33464 1969. The minimum acceptable and interest at the office of the is composed of all timber marked Red Bluff Hemlock Rehabili- bid per M board feet Is: Douglas- Mason County Treasurer in Shel- with blue paint bounded by sale ration located approximately 19 fir $69.95; western hemlock and area boundary tags on parts of miles by road west of Beifair. other coniferous species $50.40. ton, Washington, and will ma- ture in order of their number on the following: SW¼ NE, SE The sale is composed of all tim- Additional deposit required for the first day of May of each of ¼ of Section 16, N½ NE, SW ber bounded by sale area bound- slash disposal is $1.29 per M the following years: ¼ NE  of Section 21, all in ary tags on parts of the "follow- board feet for all species. All In- Township 24 North, Range 3 ing: SW¼ NE4, S NW%, SW cluded Timber shall be given Do- Bond Maturity West, W.M., containing 90 acres, A of Section 8, Township 22 mestic Processing. Bidders are Nos. Year Amount more or less, comprising approx- North, Range 3 West, W.M., con- advised that violations of the Do- 1-4 1971 $20,000 imately 195,000 bd. ft. of Doug- Lashing 70 acres, more or less, mestic Processing requirement 5-9 1972 25,000 las fir and 25,000 bd. ft. of hem- comprising approximately 50,000 constitutes breach of contract 10-14 1973 25,000 lock, or a total of 220,000 bd. ft. bd. ft. of hemlock, 50,000 bd. and may result in contract can- 15-19 1974 25,000 Minimum acceptable bid: $6,- ft. of Douglas fir, 5,000 bd. ft. cellation, or in refusal to award 20-24 1975 25,000 727.50. of cedar and 6,000 bd. ft.. of pine, timber sales to the violator, or 25-30 1978 30,000 Timber will be sold on a cash or a total of 110,000 bd. ft. debarment or suspension from 31-36 1977 30,000 , or installment plan basis. Timber Minimum acceptable bid: $2,- bidding on future timber sales. 37-42 1978 30,000 must be removed prior to Sep- 292.50 If requested by the State of 43-49 1979 35,000 tember 30, 1970. Timber will be sold on a cash Washington or by Grays Harbor 50-56 1980 35,000 On or before March 24, 1969, or installment plan basis. Tim- or Mason Counties, or by any 57-63 1981 35,000 at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must ber must be removed prior to person deemed to have a reason- 64-71 1982 40,000 make a minimum deposit of December 31, 1969. able interest in the proposed sale, 72-79 1983 40,000 $672.75 in the form of cash, men- On or before March 25, 1969, or in its terms, a public hearing 80-87 1984 40,000 ey order or certified check. Said at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must will be held in the office of the 88-96 1985 45,000 deposit shall constitute an open- make a minimum deposit of Forest Supervisor, Federal Build- 97-105 1986 45,000 lng bid at the appraised price. $229.25 in the form of cash, mon- ing, Olympia, Washington, on the 106-115 1987 50,000 Upon award of this sale, the ey order or certified check. Said 4th day of April 1969 at 2:00 116-125 i988 50,000 respective deposits shall be re- deposit shall constitute on open- PM, PST. Requests for public 126-136 1989 55,000 turned to the unsuccessful bid- ing bid at the appraised price, hearing will not be considered The school district has re- ders. On the day of sale, the pur- Upon award of this sale, the unless received in the office of served the right to redeem any chaser must pay the balance be- respective deposits shall be re- the Forest Supervisor, Federal or all of the outstanding bonds tween the bid deposit and the turned to the unsuccessful bid- Building, Olympia, Washington, of this issue at par in inverse full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of ders. On the day of sale, the on or before March 26, 1969. numerical order on any interest sale fee, or may, if the purchaser purchaser must pay the balance Dated March 10, 1969. Wynne payment date on and after ten so elects at the time of sale, pay between the bid deposit and the M. Maule, Forest Supervisor, years from date of issue. an additional amount, to bring full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of Olympic National Forest. The school district, as author- the total amount of the deposit, sale fee, or may, if the purchaser 3/13 - 20 - 27 - 4/3 - 4t lzed by law, vote of the quail- exclusive of fees, to equal 10% so elects at the time of sale, pay fled electors, and resolutions of of the full bid price based on the an additional amount, to bring NOTICE OF GROUND WATER its Board of Directors duly and cruise estimate, provided that the total amount of the deposit, RIGHT APPLICATION regularly adopted, has irrevoeab- such deposit shall not be less than exclusive of fees, to equal 10% NO. 10036 ly pledged that it will make $2,000.00. This balance may be of the full bid price based on State of Washington. annual levies of taxes without paid by personal check. Pur- the cruise estimate, provided that Department of Water Resources limitation as to rate or amount chaser must also furnish with- such deposit shall not be less Olympia upon all of the property in the in30 days of date of sale a sur- than $2,000.00. This balance may TAKE NOTICE: school district subject to taxa- sty bond of $1,000.00 to guaran- be paid by personal check. On That M & A Development Cor- tion in amounts sufficient to pay tee compliance with all terms of the day of sale purchaser must poration of Seattle, Washington the principal of and interest on the bill of sale. All checks, mon- also furnish a cash bond of on February 24, 1969, filed ap- the ix)ntis of this issue as the ey orders, etc. are to be made $100.00 in the form of cash, mon- plication for permit to withdraw same shall become due. payable to the Commissioner" of ey order or certified check to public gronnd waters through a Public Lands. guarantee compliance with all well situated within SE¼SE¼ NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV, ACCESS ROAD REVOLVING terms of the bill of sale. All of Section 36, Township 23 N., EN that sealed bids for the pur- FUND: $74.80 to be paid on day checks, money orders, etc. are to Range 2W W.M., in Mason Coun- chase of said bonds will be re- of sale. be made payable to the Commis- ty, in the amount of 45 gallons ceived by the Treasurer of Ma- Accessibility: Via Department sioner of Public Lands. per minute, subject to existing son County, Washington, and of Natural Resources access and Accessibility: via Department rights continuously, each. year the directors of the school dis- U.S. Forest Service easement, of Natural Resources and Boy for the purpose of community do- trict at the office of said coun- Complete contract and specifi- Scouts of America and Cady mestic supply, ty treasurer in the courthouse cations may be examined at Shel- easements. Any objections must be ac- in Shelton, Washington, until ton District Headquarters, Coun- Complete contract and speci- companied by a two dollar ($2.00) 11:00 o'clock A.M., Pacific Stan- ty Auditor's office, and office of fications may be examined at recording fee and filed with the dard Time, on the 25th DAY OF the Commissioner of Public Port Orchard District Headquar- Department of Water Resources MARCH, 1969, at which time Lands, Olympia. ters, County Auditor's office, and within thirty (30) days from bids will be publicly opened by To be sold at Shelton District office of the Commissioner of March 20, 1969. the treasurer and said board of Hea..qUars on Monday, March Public Lands, Olympia. Witness my hand and official directors. 24, 1969, 4t 10 o'€Iock a.m. To be soid at Port Orchard seal this 4th day of March, 1969. Eacl bid submitted shall pro, Any sal which has been of- District Headquarters, on Tues- GLNN H. FIEDLER vide for payment of accrued in- fered, and for which no bids are day, March 25, 1969, at 10 o'clock Assistant Director terest to date of delivery and received shall not be recffered a.m. Division of Water Management shall specify either .(a) the low- until it has been readvertised. Any sale which has been of- Department of Water Resources est rate or rates of interest and If all sales cannot be offered fered, and for which no bids are 3/13-20-2t premium above par at which the within the specified time on the received shall not be reoffered bidder will purchase said bonds, advertised date, the sale shall until it has been readvertised. If NO. 3982 or (b) the lowest rate or rates continue on the following day all sales cannot be offered within NOTICE TO CREDITORS of interest at which the bidder between the hours of ten o'clock the specified time on the adver- In the Superior Court of the will purchase said bonds at par. a.m. and four o'clock p.m. Used date, the sale shall contin- State of Washington for Mason Ope or more rates of interest Said timber on said land will ue on the following day between County may be fixed for the bonds be sold for not less than the ap- the hours of ten o'clock a.m. and In the Matter of the Estate of which rate or rates must be in praised value, as appraised by four o'clock p.m. ROBERT A. SLOANE, Deceased. the Commissioner of Public Said timber on said land will The undersigned is the appoint- a multiple of 1/8 or 1/10 of 1%. No interest rate shall exceed 6%. Lands in the manner provided be sold for not less than the apo ed and qualified personal repre- The interest rate shall be the by law, a notice of which is now praised value, as appraised by sentative of said estate. Persons same on all bends maturing in on file in the office of the Au- the Commissioner of Public having claims against the deceas- any one year, the same for each ditor of said county, and District Lands in. the manner provided ed are required to serve the same year on any bond, and repre- Administrator of said district, by law, a notice of which is now in duplicate, duly verified, on the sented by one coupon for each BERT L. COLE on file in the office of the Audi- undersigned or the attorney of Commissioner of Public Lands tor of Mason county, and Dis- record at the address stated be- installment. There shall not be (SEAL) 2/27-3/6-13-20-4t trict Administrator of said dis- low and file the same with the a difference of more than 2% between the lowest and highest trict. Clerk of this Court, together with rates bid. NO. 3994 BERT L. COI. proof of such service within four NOTICE TO CREDITORS Commissioner of Public Lands months after March 6, 1969, or It is requested that each bid In tho Superior Court of the (SEAL) 2/27-3/6-13-20-4t the same will be forever barred, state the total interest cost over SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAL the life of the bonds, less the pre- State of Washipon for Mason mium, if any, and the net effec- County NO. 3996 BANK: By: ARLEIGH T. JONES, Trust Officer tire interest rate of such bid, In the Matter of the Estate of NOTICE TO CREDITORS P.O. Box 328 Such statement shall not be MARJORIE LOIS WILSON, De- In the Superior Court of the Olympia, Washington 98501 deemed to be a part of such bid. ceased. State of Washington for Mason ROBERT L. SNYDER All bids shall be sealed and, except that of the State of Wash" The undersigned is the appoint- County Attorney for Estate ington, shall be accompanied by ed and qualified Executor of said In the Matter of the Estate of 125/ N, 5th estate. Persons having claims ETrA M. BOGRAND, Deceased. Shelton, Washington 98584 a deposit of 5% of the amount against the deceased are required The undersigned is the appoint- 3/6-13-20 3t of the bends either in cash or to serve the same in duplicate, ed and qualified personal repre, by cashier's or certified check duly verified, on the undersigned ssntative of said estate. Persons PUBLIC NOTICE made payable to the Mason Couri- er the attorney of record at the having claims against the deceas- The Mason County Civil Set- ty Treasurer for the credit of address stated below and file the ed are required to serve the same vice Commission will hold a corn- the school district, which amount same with the Clerk of th in duplicate, duly verified, on the petitlve examination on April 3rd, or check will be returned to the Court, together with proof of undersigned or the attorney of 1989 at 7:30 P.M. in the Mason bidder if the bid is not accepted. such service within four months record at the address stated be- county courthouse. If the successful bidder shall after March 6, 1969, or the same low and file the same with the The purpose of this examina- fail or neglect to complete the will be forever barred. Clerk of this Court, togeher with tlon is to establish an employ- purchase of said bonds within LAWRENCE C. WILSON proof of such service within four ment list of eligibles for the pc- thirty-five days from the accep- 600 S. 6th months after March 6, 1969, or sition of Deputy Sheriff. Lance of his bid, the amount so Shelton, Washihgton the same will be forever barred. An applicant must be a citizen deposited shall be forfeited to ROBERT I SNYDER JOHN H. BOGRAND of the United States, an elector the school district. Attorney for Estate Route 3, Box 432D of the county in which he re- The school district reserves the 125 N. 5th Shelton, Washington 98584  sides, able to read and write the right to reject any and all bids Shelton, Washington 98584 ROBERT L. SNYDER English language, in sound health received and to waive any ir- 3/6-13-20 3t Attorney for Estate wlth no physical defects, have a regularities therein. 125½ N. 5th High School education or the Printed bonds will be furn- NO. 3996 Shelton, Washington 98584 equivalent and must never have ished by the school district. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 8/6-18-20 8t been convicted of a gross mis- The opinion of Preston, Thor- In the Superior Court of the demeanor or felony, grimson, Horowitz, Starin & El- State of Washington for Mason NO. 3967 Application blanks may be ob- lia, bond counsel of Seattle, County tained from the Civil Service sec- Washington, approving the Is- (In Probate) NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of In the Superior Court of the retary, Jordan Clapper, of Route gaiity of the issuance of these CHARLES ERWIN MEYER, De- State of Washington for the I Box 30 Shelton or from the bonds, will be furnished the suc- SherifFs office. Blanks must be cessful Mdder and will be re- ceased. County of Mason NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN In the Matter of the Estate of filled out and returned to the produced on each of said bonds, secretary not later titan noon on all at the expense of the school that the undersigned has been ALBERT BARNES, Deceased. April 3rd. All applicants must be district. appointed and has qualified as Notice is hereby given that the interviewed by the Sheriff and The customary signature iden- the personal representative of undersigned has been appointed the Commission secretary to be tiflcation and nonlitigation cer- the Estate of Charles Erwin Mey- and has qualified as Executrix of eligible for this examination, tificate will be included in the er, deceased; that all persons the above entitled estate; that all Mason County closing documents. having claims against said de- persons having claims against Civil Service Commission DATED at Shelton, Washing- ceased are hereby required to said deceased are hereby required by Jordan Clapper ton, this 11th day of Feb. 1969. serve the same, duly verified, on to serve the same, duly verified, Secretary Shelton County Treasurer the undersigned or her attorney on said Executrix or her attorney March 18, 1969 3/20 It John B.. Cole 2/27-3/6-13-20-4t of record at the address below of record at the address below stated and file the same with the stated, and file the same with the Clerkofthesaidc°urt'together Clerk of said C°urt' together [" C ipp[ Ip with proof of such service with- with proof of such service, with- in four (4) months after the date in six months after the date of r ed Kids Can Be He ed[ of first publication of this notice first publication of  notice or or the same will be barred, the same will be barred, i - i I] . . IIII I I I Date of first publication: Date of first publication March March 6, 1969 6, 1969. I SIMPSON Executrix of said Estate 19 Easter Sxl P Representative Address: Route 2, BOx 171 J   Campaign GLNNN E. CORREA Shelton, Washington Bell Building Attorney for Estate 121 South Fourth Street 509 Fourth Street, Suite 4-8 Bremerton, Washington 96810 WuhF°ns/6-13-20 t 8/6-18-20  / I ..I llIH[lll I[ ill lllll II I I I I II ..........  Thursday, March 20, 1969 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Page 19