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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 20, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 20, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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['-'] PINK GRAPEFRUIT Texas A Breakfast Delight Each [:3 Avocados ['-I Cauliflower [--]Cucumbers I'-] Broccoli  Peanuts E]Tomatoes Thin Skin California '11€ Serve in Any Salad, Each L/J Snow White, Serve with )a¢ Cream Sauce, Each Long, Green, Serve in 2/35 ¢ Vinegar & Oil, Bash Crisp Spears, Serve wlth 4O € Hollandaise Sauce lb. =-7 ,b 49 € Tubes 29¢ d -'I S,.uash F,rm Zucchini, Fry in JN¢ _._.j t ! Olive o11, lb. 61 BAK .... YS r---1 B,JAAJ Shur-fresh 22J/a-oz. 100% Wheat 7€ L_.J glOU or Cracked Wheat J/11 Shur-fresh [ Hamburger Buns 1, to a pkg. 3V DA ODS DARIGOLD RICH ICE CREAM .......a Assorted flavors Top with fresh ripe bananas! Half gallon [-" Darigold Buflermilk 29 ¢ .....d ['-'._. Darigold Sour Cream Ca.onPint 65 ¢ 1-] Cheese .au Kauna Klub, Goudas, Reg., Smoked, etc 8-ounce $9 € I--] Cheese K raft's ,ndlv,du,,3 kinds wrappedl,.o, Pk0'"ce' 69 € SHE'S THE MOST ACCURATE IN THE WEST! THE RAPID GROWTH OF THE WEST HAS MEANT MORE PEOPLE WHICH HAS MEANT MORE THRIFTWAY CUSTOMERS. SO IN ORDER TO SERVE YOU EFFICIENTLY WE EMPLOY THE BEST CHECK-OUT GIRLS IN THE WEST! RIPE BANAN/00¢ Fancy l 0 I k Golden Ripe ¢ [ ] L O serve on C;or3al d BEAR CLAWS Shur-freshJarge 99* O size. Very tasty Poly bag of 12 BANQUET I|]kT]kT1 !) ( All dinn,ers, 3/$1 o FROZEN lYl00llluIt00 except ham, are priced at only -CENTENNIAL FLOUR Allpurpose 79 - ENRICHED white flour 10 pound bag; NALLEY'S TANG 39 ¢ O Blends easily Quart jar 000000[PPLESAUCE 7/+1 D SPARERIBS AND BREAD STUFFING 1Y2 cups bread crumb= 3 teaspoons grated onion 3/ teaspoon salt 3/ cup diced apple= 3/4 teaspoon pepper Y2 cup milk 3 teaep, minced parsley % teaspoon sage 4 pounds spareribs Mix first 8 ingredients thoroughly. Break spareribs through the center and remove any 8urplu8 fat. Spread bread mixture on bony side of half of ribs, fold In center to cover filling with other half of ribs. Place in baking pan with heavy meat side on top. Season meat and dredge wiU1 flour. Cover bottom of pan with boiling water and cook in mod- erate oven (3250 F,) 1 to 2 hour8 or until tender. Server 4. []HUNT'S RIOH TOMATO SAUCE Thick and spicy. Hundreds of uses. Jult pou,r it on. 8-ounce tin only U. S. Choice Beef € -CHUCK STEAK Portion perlb. 49 _] Chef Cut, Blade SPARERIBS Feshltender ;irk bbs ¢ ,00GROUN D o ROUNDc!00.00o00o0000i,i:: 79 I-7 Boneless Beef Slew Ch;, u,, ",b. 89 r-] Fresh Fryer.Paris B.a.ts or L,. 6V [-7 Arm Chuck Beef Roast ;Ch' 7V I-"] Skinless Wieners Ba;;;t?" Ib 5V ] " Reg or Thick € Ground Ohuok Beef fineThriftway'eflavor, lb. 6V Bar-S Sliced Bar.on .,avor cure ,b 79 Boneless Beef Roast ° s. Choice 98 ¢ Polish or € Cro.. rib ,b Bar-S Sausage Rings Bo,ogn. ,b 69 --] Boneless Beef Sleek °ch.ok,S Choloe, b 7V r--I Red Snapper Fillets Fresh,fish,ROck-lb. Fli:O¢ ] Reser's Beef Patties u,,y Cookedlb. 89 € SEEwEUSALsoFOR YOURDo CUSToMLOcKERcuTTING.NEEDS- FREE SAMPLES FRI. & SAT, --7 i --l- im__a_ Hunt's flne|t lqP¢ I 0male rails +-ounce t,. it Heinz, Tomato Ketchup ,+.oz 39'  prices effective / instant Potatoes 11o= 00. I ,,, MARCH 20, 21 & 22 Mission $ Long SpagheHi 24-0z. pkg. 3/1 1 Cucumber € Halley s Pickles Ch,p,, ,=oz 46 II1|---- fill .... Western Family, large 410€ nlplll UIIVUI pitted, O-oz. "I0 Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Maroh 20, 1969 -} BOLD DETERGENT All-purpose Powdered! 3-pound 1-ounce [--]PUREX HOUSEHOLD BLEACH Economical, safe liquid. Disinfects toot Gillon jug, Weekend Special! 39' ] ZEE ASSORTED TOILET TISSUE White too! Extra Soft, 4 roll pack qN € Thrifty week- / end special. I--.dl (llr DZEErhASaSd0RTEO PAPER TOW= W i prints • /( '4 too, 180 count roll. A /+ I Special, Thrifty drm/ / Weekend Buy! &/ =1 I--] RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT by Gillette. Reg. w+ re+sou c+ ++ 79' Antiperspirant Sucaryl I-7 Zee Napkins f--I +Liquid Trend Sodium or Calcium. 6-oz. White or Assorted 11 60 count, poly wrap Detergent 3/$1 22-oz.. Pink/Reg. FROZEN FOODS Ham Dinners Banquet, heat and serve [-7 Cook-n-Bag Banquet, asso.ed Your choice Russetle Hash Browns 4/'1 +o, 6/q pkg. MJB RICH BLEND COFFEE All Grinds on '189 Sale. 3-lb. tin l-lb. tin 70¢ 2-lb. tin $1.39 • [-'lm'-nk T-na Wh,t, star, 31'1 UlIu u 6 -oz. tin I A r-] Instant Coffee M1Jo?unce jar '1 • • Imperial I-7 Rich Margarine l-lb. carton , r--I iAIlllP Carnation Food Supplement K I I VIUUiSlVU 4 .nvelope pak .t q • " Assorted, 6= "°=" 1 I -I Friskies Cat Food Buffet /, 9 Corned Beef I-"1 Halley s Hash 15-ounce tin ql Halley's Slew• Hearty 1%e.%funce tin . a, we,tern Family 1[ Evaporated Milk ,.o,. ,,, , Ores.cent Black PepperThe ColumblaGrOu'd'" '/ i--] Section No. 7 Enoyo,opedia now o, -,, THRiFTWAY U. S. Food Stamps Accepted! 20th CENTURY THRIFTW Y