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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 20, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 20, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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For Rent For Rent Legal Publkations Legal Publications Legal Publications Heres /our ome sweet home. 5-ACRE trailer space for rent,McCLEARY -- NICE 2-bedroom claim will be barred, except under located approximately 3 miles by AFFIDAVIT FOR • $30 month, Taylor Towne. Also apartments. Carpets, drapes, those provisions included in RCW road south of Shelton. The sale is SERVICE BY PUBLICATION ,4~#JA• 24x44. trailer for sale..See at 1228 appliances, swimming pool. $14011.40.011. composed of all timber marked NO. 12197 7th and ~ Smith Road, Olympia. Consider month. New manager. 495-3875. Date of filing copy of notice with blue paint bounded by sale IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF BIIllii~ vehicle as down payment. Palmer, M3/6-27 to creditors: February 28, 1975. area boundary tags and property THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Railroad Ave. ~ Rt. 1, Box 1032, Toppenish, WA~ Date of first publication: lines in Unit No. 1 on part IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY Shelton ~ 98948. 1-509-865-2952. P3/20 LOCATED IN a beautiful garden March 6, 1975. NWI/4NWV4; in Unit No. 2 on part IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF 426-3361 ~ /s/Herbert J. Boeck NEI/4NW]/4; in Unit No. 3 on part DONALD G. ROTHENBERGER, ! ONE-OF-A-KIND i !;~ 3-BEDROOM, Shelton, $125 setting, apartment for rent, HERBERTJ. BOECK NWl/4NEI/4; in Unit No. 4 on part Petitioner, and URSULA I EXCELLENT POTENTIAL I ~~ month, $50 deposit. First and last downtown area, unfurnished, Personal Representative WI/2SEI/4; all timber bounded by ROTHENBERGER, Respondent. facilities. Call between 5 p.m. and c/o Robert L. Snyder clearcut boundary tags and STATE OF WASHINGTON, months' rent. 877-5725. $3/20 includes carport, washing 9 p.m. Adults only, no pets. Attorney at Law property lines in Unit No. 5 on COUNTY OF MASON. | Bayshore Hiway 3 business I ~ NICE, LIGHT one-bedroom 426-1479. O11/21tfn 1251/2 N. 5th Street part SW¼SEI/4; in Unit No. 7 on GERALD L. WHITCOMB, | frontage. 260 ft. plus 160 ft. I ~ furnished apartment, downtown. Shelton, Washington 98584 part W~NE=/4; in Unit No. 8 onbeing first duly sworn on oath, | salt water frontage. Approx. 1 I ~ Adults, no pets. 426-6629. ~ 3/6-13-20-3t part SWl/4NE¼, part W]/zSE¥4; all deposes and says: | acre of land with old 5-bdrm. | ~ D3/20tfn bachelor apartments. Dishes, timber bounded by clearcut ]. That I am the Attorney for | home. Needs painting and | Linen. $50 to $65 per month. ~ boundary tags, logged area andthe Petitioner DONALD G. | fixit*~J~ Asking $22,000, with | ~ ~ Shelton Apartments, 2nd and property lines in Unit No. 6 on ROTHENBERGER, in the above | terms, "or will trade for mobile I ~ $70. Working or retired person,Grove. S3/6tfn NOTICE OF APPLICATION part NW|/4, part NI/2SWI/4; plus all entitled action; TO APPROPRIATE timber bounded by right of way 2. That he believes the I home. Call today. I ~~ noD3/20children or pets. 426-6336. MOBILE SPACE available. Quiet, PUBLIC WATERS boundary tags on part SWV4SE¼, Respondent above named is not a | 426-3361 | ~::~ , secluded, laundry. Walk to town. STATE OF WASHINGTON, all in Section 36, Township 20resident of the State of TO LEASE: Beautiful large Cal1426-3242. B9/5tfn DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY North, Ranqe 4 West, W.M., Washington or cannot be found TAKE NOTICE: I ASk for J ~lr ~ fireplace, carpeting, drapes, ~~ That RICHARD D. MILES of less, comprisinq approximatelywritten statement on file herein I lilly SMITH I ~ 2-bedroom waterfront home, (6i~t-ainihg 22~-acres; more or therein as is evidenced by the Kent, Washington on November ;~,500,000 bd. ft. o~ Douglas frr, of the Deputy Sheriff of Mason | /l~so¢iate of | ~ ~ appliances. One child okay, no 2 and 3-bedrooms. No pets, six 26, 1974 under Application No. S 800,000 bd. ft. of hem ock andCounty, Washington. I Den kmon Realty I TORGER LEE pets. $185 month. Deposit. Mannmonths minimum. Reasonable 2-23391 filed for permit to white fir 590,000 bd. ft. of cedar 3. T h a t t h e p rese nt Real Estate, 426-6592. M3/20 rent. Edgewood, 426-5093, appropriate public waters, subject and others, and 110,000 bd. ft. of whereabouts of the Respondent is PROMISE HER ANY- Highway 1 01 past airport, to existing rights, from Maggie ha rdwoods, or a total of unknown to affiant and he has no URNISHED 2-bedroom house E11/21tfn Lake in the amount of 0.01 cubic 4,000,000 bd. ft. knowledge of her * place of THING BUT BUY HER with garage. Walking distance to feet per second, continuously Minimum acceptable bid per residence or post office address. TUle ~Kl¢: town Water, garbage paid $125 FURNISHED STUDIO apartment each year, for domestic supply,thousand bd. ft.: $80.00 for 4. That Petitioner's object in == =~.o.~.,v¢. -- " I us per month, $25 clean del~osit for single adult with references. The source of the proposed Douglas fir $57.00 for hemlockthis action is to secure a Ma:cnless, metscu o , Referenc-° 426 3204 F='~'~ " Lawton Apartments, 703 Pine. appropriation is located withinand white'fir, and $51.50 for Dissolution from the Respondent memora hie, 3-bedroom, n~,=,~.~.~=. -~Lu-o~u.,. rOl~U426-2121 or 426-5811. L1/gtfn Lot 11, Block 1, of plat of Maggie cedar and others. split-level home. Tall, stately Fn ~ l~A~ ~r ~=l= ........... "-- Lake Division No. 1 of Section upon the grounds stated in his trees that let the sun f,lter 3 ...... "''~ FOR RENT: Trailer space close Bidding will be permitted on Petition for Dissolution of -oeoroom, r ir el~ace, arage through, to the bubbl,ng 1150 mnnth 521 AIAq=z- i} 14, Township 22 N., Range 3 W Douglas fir only. Marriage filed in the above ........... to downtown. Call426-4426. W.M., in Mason County. Timber will be sold on a log entitled Court on the 24th day of oybr°°~me Have" aDrOOK orPEnE every, daYon your DECK. interestedM319R.9_/ phone 943-8696. 10/8tfn Protests or objections to scale basis, except hardwoods January, 1975. Large family room and double .... ' .... I I approval of this application must which will be sold on a cash basis. Gerald L Whitcomb garage make for complete NICP" ~ h~drnnrn ~narfrn~nt N~ One and Two Bedroom include a detailed statement ofTimber must be removed prior to GERALD L. WHITCOMB ..... - .................... the basis for objections; protests August 31, 1978. ' livmg at only $29,750. appliances. ~rew carpet |Apartments, with carpet, drapes I must be accompanied by a two SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN throughout. $120, includes allI & appliances, no pets. I dollar ($2.00) recording fee and at 10:00On or a.m.,beforeeachMarChbidder25' 1975,must tOMarch, this 11 day of ====,====, ,~=,.==.u .=== except heat and electrical, filed with the Department of make a minimum deposit of IIIIIIIILII IKI Ai.|]r, IBIli,. Deposit $75. Nopets. 426-1078 ij ff Apt I Ec°'°gy' S°uthwest Regi°na' /s/C. Rose 6th and R lit --' or426-6060. W3/20-4/10 •erson s. Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 $27,703.00 in the form of cash, NOTARY PUBLIC IN money order or certified check. AND FOR THE a o,,,, within thirty (30) days from Said deposit shall constitute an STATE OF WASHINGTON, 426-2646 I-BEDROOM unfurnished I 2329 Jefferson St. I March27,1975. opening bid at the appraised residinqatShelton apartment, no pets. Lights, water, 2/20-27-2t price. Upon award of this sale, the GERALD L WHITCOMB garbage, TV cable furnished. $!15 I Mgr. Apt. 2 or | respective deposits shall be INC., P.S. month. 426-5437. B3/20tfn ~ returned to the unsuccessful 1- AND 2-bedroom apartments. NOTICE OF APPLICATION bidders. The purchaser must, on Attorney at Law Suite 2, Angle Bldg., TO APPROPRIATE the day of sale, make an P.O. Box 869 • I~ ." ~ t ~ References required. Himlie ., PUBLIC WATERS .... Realty, Inc. 426-2646 H3/20 I N~T. VIEW I STATE OF WASHINGTON, additional payment so that theShelton, WA 98584 7th and " ................ '-" DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY total amount deposited, exclusive Railroad Ave. NEWER 2-bedroom ground floor I TAKE NOTICE: of fees, will equal 10% of the full 426-5524 BEDROOMS??? my Shelton I duplex units, carpet, drapes, I ~=1~,~ ~11~ I That ROBERT E. TARLTON bid price based on the cruise 3/20-27-2t Nice four-bedroom home with ~ -...6-3361A,R.':t~R 1 dishwasher, range, refrierator|~-f~l °fshelt°n,Washingt°n°nestimate'plus$1045"OOf°r g " large master bedrc m plumbed ....... I I I December 16, 1974 under hardwoods, plus a $2'5.00 deposit and water included. Country f°r its °wn ba~lO~le kitchen 5 acres on Shelton-Bremerton I atmosphere, tennis" courts; j ~f~ j Application No. S 2-23647 filedon a branding hammer and a NOTICE OF HEARING for permit to appropriate public $5.00 bill of sale fee. This OF FINAL ACCOUNT w i t h r a~ IpI~IP" • e n a n d ................ .. I year-around creek and picnic area H~way P~o..~. ~.o rrlll~-.~ :>UUU, I Call M " I I waters, subject to existing rights, additional payment may be by AND PETITION FOR dishwash,~f,¢ in... Just ason County Realty, of Allyn. $75 down, $75 per I,,~,o~ ....... from an unnamed creek and Dersonal check. Purchaser must DISTRIBUTION $18,950.V. Anxious owner i .... oo.~alzulrn I I ready to move quick. Call me mo. 9%. I 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished pond, tributary of Oakland Bay in also furnish within 30 days of No. 4355 at 426-2646. Himlie Realty, r~, D,'-~le~l • I 3-BEDROOM, all-electric home I Available NOW -- No PetsI the amount of 0.22 cubic feet per date of sale a surety bond of IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF second, continuously each year,$46,000.00 to guarantee THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Inc. ~u~ =~.~,=~.,,- | References required. $75 deposit, ....... | $170 per month. Himlie Realty,I CONTACT MANAGER I for stockwater and during compliance with all terms of the IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF irrigation season for irrigation, bill of sale. All checks, money MASON HIMLIE REALTY, INC. ,=~L.~ ' | Inc. 426-2646. H3/20 The source of the proposed orders, etc. are to be made In the Matter. of the Estate of ' " ~ J 42~-3]00 ._I appropriation is located withinpayable to the Commissioner ofALFRED J. CURTIS, Deceased. 6th and Railroad SMALL HOUSE, two rooms. ,, Government Lot 1 of Section 2, Public Lands. Notice is hereby given that M. 426-2646 i Electric appliances, wood heat, Township 20 N., Range 3 W. A C C E S S R O A D L. Holt, executor of the estate of $80 month. Deposit. 6 miles from W.M., in Mason County. REVOLVING FUND: $155.00 to Alfred J. Curtis, deceased, has .... Shelton. 426-8074. M3/20 Protests or objections to be paid on day of sale. filed with the Clerk of the ~-.'-------------~---- Accessibility: Via public Superior Court of said County approval of this application must II~IA ~ ~ DELUXE -- 2-bedroom, one include a detailed statement ofaccess, and State his final account and "--==" ........ thousand square feet, including ~ PIuIb~f~IIS the basis for objections; protests Complete contract and petition for distribution of said =-=-~--~--~=~-~=-~-=-~-= carpeting, drapes, range, must be accompanied by a two specifications may beexamined at estate; and that Friday, the 11th Ra,lrOad Ave. refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal, dollar ($2.00) recording fee and South Puget Sound Area day of April, 1975, at 9:30 A.M., S,e~ton 24x44 SKYLINE, double carport washer and dryer -- all new. filed with the Department of Headquarters located _at Department of Presiding Judgeof ~II~L, 426-3361 and storage at Hidden Haven. Garage enclosed for your car and NOTICE: ANNOUNCEMENT Ecology, Southwest Regional Enumclaw, County Auditor s said Superior Court at Shelton, in Awnings, aluminum railing and automatic gas furnace. Located OF APPLICATION FOR Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 o f f i ce, and office of the said County, has been duly fixed carpeted porches. See to downtown. Call Mason County PERMIT TO DISCHARGE within thirty (30) days from Commissioner of Public Lands, by our Superior Court for the 1-Bedroom Cottage appreciate. 426-8654. W3/20 Realty, 426-4486. M3/20tfn TO STATE WATERS March 27, 1975. APPLICATION NO.: 3/20-27-2t Olympia. settlement of the said final To be sold at South Puget account, at which time the Court Fenced yard. Choose your own ~ 2-BEDROOM large furnished WA-003807-5 Sound Area Headquarters is asked to settle such account, color. $7,950. $400 down, $85 ~ *f~ I trailer. References required and APPLICANT: Rustlewood, c/o (Enumclaw), on ,Tuesday, March distribute the property to the per too. 9%. I'O¢lfl( I deposit. 426-6765 after 5 p.m. NOTICE OF HEARING Mason County Director of Public 25, 1975, at 10 o clock a.m. persons entitled thereto, and A~Z~2L-~O."111'111~1 I1~ '1T3/20 Works, Mason County ON PROPOSEDRULESAND Additional information' on discha~rge.saidexecutor.. ........... edty • --~ Co~Jrthoose, Shelton, WA 98584REGULATIONS FOR NOXIOUS terms and procedures of sale- are Dated this 17th day of March, ~IISOII R ]-BEDROOIVI duplex, fireplace, has applied for a National WEED CONTROL IN MASON COUNTY contained in the "Public Auction ]975. ,, ~ I wall-to-wall carpet, carport. Pollutant Discharge Elimination Notice is hereby given that Sale" pamphlet. ELAINE PROVINCE ~P~, I Adults, no pets. Call between 5-9 System (NPDES) permit in the Mason County Noxious Weed Said timber on said land will Clerk of said (~, ~,~J~N'. I p.m., 426-1479. O3/13tfn accordance with the provisions of Control Board of Mason County be sold for not less than the Superior Court Chapter 90.48 Revised Code of will hold a public hearing on appraised value, as appraised by /s/Elaine Province ~: ; .... AlcanBuilding Products I ,~--~~ - ~--~-~------~--=~---- Washington and the Federal Water Tuesday, March 25, 1975 at the the Commissioner of Public Lands ERNEST L. MEYER ~ ;~" AWNINGS & SKIRTINGS I POI lu tion Control Act hour of 3:00 P.M. at the Countyin the manner provided by law, a Attorney for Executor ;~ ::~:':!'~ :E.R. "Ea Eismon I ~(~ib ~lll~J 92-500.Amendments of 1972, Public Law Commissioners: Hearing Room in notice of which is now on file in National Bank of Rt. 9, Boxt4NI~A I -----"----~--------------'------------------ The applica.nt proposes to the Mason County Court House, the office of the Auditor of Commerce Bldg. Shelton, Washington, to consider Mason County, and in the officeOlympia, Washington 2/20-1t Olympia, Wa. 9850~ O~m1~4Wt'l~l~STOS ..... I CASH FOR your mobile home, discharge sewage effluent after the need for noxious weed of the Area Manager of South secondary treatment, filtration control in Mason County, and toPuget Sound Area. t-.~n=.~.,-.u=, l/3Otfn I paid for or not. Olympia Mobileand disenfection through a deep adopt rules and regulations for/s/Bert L. Cole Homes, 38 13 Pacific, Lacey. water outfall. The average daily the control of noxious weeds, BERT L COLE NOTICE OF APPLICATION 456-8890. Oll/14tfn flow is about 500 gallons. The' Tansy Ragwort " (Senecio Commissioner of TO APPROPRIATE plant is designed for 22,000 jacobea L) inparticular, pursuant Public Lands PUBLIC WATERS TR~i~I~.IIN ] LARGE STOCK of used mobile gallons per day. The receivingto RCW 17.10.190, Laws of 2/27-3/6-13-20-4tSTATE OF WASHINGTON ='~="~"~='--'='= I homes from $2,495, easy terms. i SPECIAL J Olympia Mobile Homes, 3813 water isPugetSoundvia Pickering 1969; copies of the proposed DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY ~r=.w=~-~=- I Pacific, Lacey. 456-8890. Passage. A fact sheet is not rules and regulations may be ---~--------~ TAKE NOTICE: O11/14tfn 12x50 Flamingo 2-bedroom. I ~ available, obtained at The County That G EOFFREY B. TENTATIVE Extension Service, Shelton Post NOTICE OF SPECIAL M O R PH EW of Spokane, .DETERMINATIONS Office, N 2d & W Railroad, ELECTION, ELMA SCHOOL Washington on May 29, 1974 Range, refrigerator, washer I TRAILER HITCHES, all types. On the basis of preliminary Shelton, Washington. DISTRICT NO. 68, GRAYS under Application No. S 2-22787 ~: apd dryer. $5,988. Low down I Trailer wiring. Swa.y control, staff review the Department Any and all persons desiring HARBOR-MASON COUNTIES, filed for permit to appropriate payment. Hayv~ew MoD,e I 4814 Lacey Blvd. 491-6150. requires the applicant to operate against said application are invited March 25, 1975 • t ~!~i ~ ..... "~'" ~'~'. ~""~ "-"". ~'~ \',': I laCks, brakes. The H~tch Shop, proposes to issue a permit that to voice their opinions for or WASHINGTON, Tuesday, public waters, subject to existing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN amount of 0.01 cubic feet per and maintain the subject toattend. Homes, Highway 101 at Taylor IH11/28tfn rights, trom Mason Lake in the as to meet secondary treatment 1975. ' a special election will be held in for domestic supply. The source CARL JOHNSON J Towne. , I 12x60 2-bedroom with tip-out, wastewater treatment facility so Dated this 12th day of March that on Tuesday, March 25, 1975, second, continuously each year, .~_~,~,,~a~_~=¢~ I set up in beautiful Hidden Haven requirements at all time. A final Mason County Nox Due the above named school district of the proposed appropriation is ARCADIA AREA ] "=~'~"="'= _ I Par k, Space 23, Shelton ' Weed Control Board for the submission to the located within Lot 10, of plat of, 426-9648. P3/20-4/10 determination will not be made It's hard to believe, but weI until all comments received /s/Larry Kegg qualified electors of School J.H. Hill Mason Lake Subdivision haVetracts Mat numberjust $65 OfperWaterfront 1front foot/ ~ ,~=,m~= ~ evaluted.pursuant to this notice have been Larry Kegg, Chairman 3/20 Itproposition:District No. 68, the following Range1 of Section2 W33'W.M.,TownshiPin Mason22 N., PUBLIC COMMENT TAX LEVY FOR along Hammersley Inlet. Good! ~i , ,~,~ SCHOOL PROGRAM County. access road and all surveyed. YOUR TURN KEY TO... AND INFORMATION Protests or .objections to Interested persons are invited NOTICE OF APPLICATION Shall the Lima School District approval of this application must Give me a call at 426-2646 and I'll show you what I mean. ~ ~ ~ to submit written comments TO APPROPRIATE No. 68 of Grays Harbor County include a detailed statement of Himlie Realty, Inc. regarding the proposed permits. PUBLIC WATERS levy a general tax upon the the basis for objections; protests All comments should be STATE OF WASHINGTON, taxable property within the must be accompanied by a two I ~ ~IB~'~ ~ submitted within 30 days °f the DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY sch°°l district in excess °f d°llar ($2"00) rec-°rding fee and HIMLIE REALTY, INC. . ~1 i~ • • ii date of this public notice if they TAKE NOTICE: constitutional and statutory filed with the Department of W~X L~ ~-'~~ IN~ ¢ are to be considered in the That KLAUS W- HOEPFNER limitations in the sum of Ecology, Southwest RegionaI of Shelton, Washinqton on June $224,030, an estimated $5.21 per Office, O~ympia, WA. 98504 f o r m u I at i o n o f f i n a I 26, 1974 under Application No. S one-thousand dollars of assessed within thirty (30) day~ from 6thandReilroad determinations regarding this 2-23542 filed for permit to valuation. Such assessed valuation March27, 1975. application. Comments should be appropriate public waters, subject is true and fair value unless 3/20-27-2t ~; 426~2646 ~ sent to: Department of Ecology, to existing rights, from an specifically provided otherwise by "; '~lA ~ ~ Southwest Regional Office, unnamed spring, tributary of law. Such levy to be made in Olympia, WA 98504. w ,!~. f )~1 ~ ~111111/~ Goldsborough Creek in the 1975 for collection in 1976, the If the comments received amount of 0.01 cubic feet per proceeds thereof to be credited to indicate significant public interest second, continuously each year,the General Fund of School NOTICE OF SALE ~t~ ~ ~ in a pr°posed permit or if useful for stockwater and during District No. 68 to permit the OF REAL PROPERTYBy NEGOTIATION I information could be produced irrigation season for irrigation, district to maintain the present NO. 4529 thereby, the Director may hold a The source of the proposed program as provided in USE YOUR LAND public hearing on the application, appropriation is located withinResolution No. 6-74/75, adopted THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ~,~ ~ Public notice regarding any SEV4NW¼ of Section 17, by the Board of Directors on the WASHINGTON FOR MASON hearing will be circulated at least Township 20 N., Range 4 W. fifth day of February 1975. COUNTY PAID|01 OR NOT i .N AS 30 days in advance of the hearing. W.M., in Mason County. Tax Levy ............ YES GUARDIANSHIP OF DOROTHY • • • The application, proposed Protests or objections to A. MEYERS, An Incompetent. permit, and related documents are approval of this application must re NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN available for inspection and include a detailed statement ofelec copying between the hours of the basis for objections; protests that the Guardian has negotiated 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. must be accompanied by a two " ' ' & 5, Bush, Calder, Delezenne, a sale on the following described n a~ ~ weekdays at the af°rementi°nedd°llar ($2"00) rec°rding fee and F°rds Prairie' Mal°ne' McCleary reaIpr°perty: - regional office of the Department. filed with the Department of Situated in Grays Harbor A copying machine is available for Ecology, Southwest Regional Rural. Porter & Satsop ~'recincts, County, Washington: use at a charge of 10 cents per Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 Lima Town Hall. copy sheet. Further information within thirty (30) days from Said Polling ,place shall be Lot 10in Block 32 of Second Addition to McCleary Townsite, open from 7:00 o clock a.m. until as per plat recorded in Volume.5 may be obtained by telephoning March 27, 1975. 2/20-27-2t 8:00 o'clock p.m. of Plats, page 44, records of Grays (206) 753-2353. 3/20 It William F. Vogler, Harbor County; County Auditor and TO G E T H E R WITH the NOTICE OF SALE Supervisor of Elections vacated East 10 feet of Fifth DAVE THACHER SUPER VALUE ... I f you're looking for a 5-bedroom home, let me show you a "really neat" 2-year-old split entry, located in a suburban community setting. It's got a colorful rec room, 2]# baths, and much more--all this for only $29,950. Call 426-2646 now for your appointment. Hhmlie Realty, Inc. HIMUE REALTY, INC. 6th and Railroad 426-2646 I i Ca~~ One d Our Home Consu/lants lot Detai/s/ • HIWAY 101 AT TAYLOR TOWN • 426-5252 NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4560 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of TILLIE J. BOECK, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified Personal Representative of said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased must serve the claim on the undersigned, or the attorney of record, at the address stated below and must file an executed copy of the claim with the Clerk of the Court within four months after the date of first publication of this notice or within four months after the date of the filing of a copy of this notice or the OF VALUABLE MATERIAL ON STATE LAND STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, Bert L. Cole, Commissioner of Public Lands Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday the 25th day of March, 1975, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the South Puget Sound Area Headquarters, located at 3/20-1t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City Planning Commission of the City of Shelton, Washington will hold a public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 24, ]975 at the City Hall on the application for Conditional Except,on for South Enumclaw, County of King, State of Washington, by the Area ]25 feet of Block 3, Canyon /s/JOHNC. RAGAN Manager of said Area, the timber Addition to the City of Shetton, JOHN C. RAGAN Street abutting on said Lot 10 which has attached thereto by operation of law. The sale price is for a cash price of THIRTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 ($13,500.00) COLLARS. This sale shall be confirmed after March 31, 1975. This Notice is made pursuant to RCW 11.56.100. DATED this 20th day of March, 1975. on the following described state in accordance with Zoning Attorney for Guardian land will be sold at public auction Ordinance No. 682. JOHN C. RAGAN to the highest bidder, to wit:Darell Buell Attorney at Law MASON COUNTY Planning Commission Shelton, Washington 98584 Application No. 33846 Chairman Telephone 426-5576 Isabella Thinning and Clearcut 3/20-1t 3/20-1t Page 26 - She ton-Mason County Jou rrlal - t-hursday, March 20, ]975 Legal NOTICE TO C| No. 45 IN THE SUPERIO THE STATE OF FOR MASON i PROBATE) _ IN THE MAT ESTATE OF LYD Deceased. The undersi appointed and qual of said estate. claims against the serve the sa undersigned, or tl record, at the below and must fi copy of the claim of the Court withi after the date publication of t within four months of the filing of~ notice or the claim except under th included in RCW 11 Date of filing to creditors: 5 Man Date of first I: March 1975. Wilma L Tenb~ Executrix 1785 HickoX R Mt. Vernon, W~ B. Franklin Heust01 Attorney for Estatl Angle Bldg .... Shelton, Wash. 9~u NOTICE TO CR No. 4§1 THE SUPERIOR. WASHINGTON I COUNTY In the Matter o FLOSSIE M. Deceased. .. The unders~! appointed and qu~_~ Representative u, Persons having cla!~ deceased must se~' the undersigned, oi of record, at the below and must fll copy of the claim.' of the Court withal after the date of fi! of this notice months after the c~ of a copy of thiS. claim will be barr.~ those provisions Im ! 1.40.011. Date of filing~ to creditors- March • Date of firS~ March 20, 1975. /s/Earl B Dona~ EARL B" DON/ Personal "ReP~. Cushman No..~. Hoodsport, W/~ JOE L. SNYDER . Attorney for persOr Representative 125 N. 5th St. P.O. Box 26 -84 Shelton, WA 985 NOTICE OF SALE OF RE! STATE OF W County of MasOn, OFFICE BY VIRTI Execution i~l Honorable CoUr Washington for I the 21st day of by the Clerk the~ Safeco Title Ins as Trustee for Federal Savi Association ve~ DODDS and DODDS, hUS PEASE & sON' SMITH, WOODWORK UNITED AMERICA, APPLIANCE, S' COMPANY UNLIMITED, ! WASHINGTOr HOMES cO COMPANY, I~ and to me, as and delivered: NOTICE GIVEN, That sell at publi highest bidder hours presG Sheriff's .~ales, A.M., on the 1975, before door of Mas¢ Street entranO State of Wasl right, title a~ defendants following d situated in M~ of Washington, The East West 264.48 along the Nod one-quarter quarter of the of the Nod Section 36, TI Range 3 We~ County, Was h!l TOGElr SUBJECT TO feet in even wi 25 feet of the of the Northe Northeast' Northwest qua of County Roa ExcEpTIr public roadS,__if .TOGE]r undivided one" to the existin constructed ale of said pre necessarY appurten~ levied on defendar Satisfy Twenty Se vent' fees of and Dated 1975. DAN W. ATTORNE Lynch and Thurston and Olympia, Here ! stand Hier steh' Ic anders. (Here olherwise )