March 20, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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;;;;;;;;-;;; In,
tERIFF'S SLreet entrance, at Shelton, in the AFFIDAVIT FOR
ESTATE State of Washington, all of theSERVICE BY PUBLICATION
~SHINGTON, right, title and interest of said NO. 12265 ~~n~~~~~~~~~~~~B~H~Mn~HuM .....................
ss. SHERIFF'S defendants in and to the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
r'UEOF Special situated in Mason County, StateIN AND FOR MASON COUNTY Men's Hi Game: John Dantean MIXED FOURSOME Men's Hi Game: Bill Hibbert 181 Men's Hi Game: Chuck
W6o2men's Hi Series: Glenda Ettlin TUESDAY NITE MIXED GRANGE MEN'S CITY
ledout of the of Washington, to-wit: IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF W0o7men's Hi Game: Glenda Ettlin 219 MenMen,sS HiHi Series:Game: JoeJoe BrownBr°wn 601221 Men's Hi Series: Bill Hibbert 503 Thompson 228
L ethe State of The East 132.27 feet of theVIOLET A. WHISENHUNT, Men's Hi Series: Percy Zamzow Woolmen's Hi Game: Jean Hartwell Women's Hi Game: Marcy Cook Men's Hi Series: Ed Dunbar 561
555 , 173 , . Standings: Brad s 32-12,
has n County, onWest 396.75 feet, as measured Petitioner, and RALPH D. 2Wlo0men s Hi Game: Ruth Tingvall WgO3men's HI Series: Jean Hartwell Women s Hi Series: Nellie 22-22, Arctic C. 21-23,, Warren s
Fi ~ruary, ]975,along the North line of the North WHISENHUNT; Respondent. LaVerne Love 7-9 split. Lucky Lager 32-12, Western Parts
'eo in the case of quarter of the Northeast quarter STATE OF WASHINGTON, Br ow n B roe. 301/z-131b, Rossmaier 441
ira ce Company, of the Northeast quarter of the COUNTY OF MASON, ss. Bechtold 30-14, Oqden 29-15. Women's Hi Series: Leslie Matlock 27-21, Agate Two 19Vz-241/z, Lumbermen s 17-27,
nl ston CountyNorthwest quarter of Section 36, GERALD L. WHITCOMB, Failer's 25-19, Certified 24-20, Cochran 541 S t a n d i ngs: H20 Kgs 27-21, Skokom sh 26-22 Agate Nault's 161/z-271/2, Mason Garbage
ngs and Loan Township 21 North, Range 3 being first duly sworn on oath,Lee Fields 23-21, Lumbermen's Standings: Fir Cone 37-11, 33%-14Vz, Salty Dogs 32-16, Odd One 25-23, Progress' 25-23, 16-28.
Js ROBERT O. west, W.M., in Mason County, deposes and says: 21V2-22Vz, Geo. Valley 19-25 West Realty 28-20, Land & Balz 30-18, Happy Hookers Pomona 14-34. Arctic C. ], Jeff Thompson
FF ANCES E. Washington; 1. That I am the Attorney for Ming Tree 19-25, Harrison 16-28, Homes 28-20, Maint. 28-20, 2 8 - 2 0, F a rmers 24-24, Matlock 1, Nellie Rossmaier495; Brad's 3, Joe Florek 529;
an l and wife, TOGETHER WITH and the Petitioner VIOLET A. Bayshore 15-29, Olsen Furn. Wilson 27z/z-201/2, Yell 26-22, DingALings 24-24, 4 B's 23-25,441; Pomona 3, Paul ChallenderNault's 3, Ed Dunbar 561;
, II IC., JOHN F. SUBJECT TO an eastment, 25 WHISENHUNT in the above 11-33. Ruffner23%-24V2, Pauley Mtrs.Hot Dogs 23-25, Lakers 20-28, 405;Progress3, Olaf Burkett368; Western Parts 1, Robert Wagner
R ~, I N I E R feet in even width, over the South entitled action; Ming Tree 1, Joan Engen 426; 21-27,McComb 21-27, Binder Totems 191/z-28)/z, Moonshiners Agate Two 1, Loren Mercer 443;499; Warren's 0, Roger Pearson
~IG COMPANY, 25 feet of the North quarter of 2. That she believes the Brown Bros. 3, Pat Brown 509; 17-31,Waterboys 17-31, Chris' 16V2-31V2, Rookies 141~33]/2. Agate One 3, Lyle Auseth 458; 480; Lucky Lager 4, Bill Blucher
T ~T E S O F the Northeast quarter of the respondent above named is not a Bayshore 0, Donna Walden 438; 14-34. Totems 3, Dan Brown 540; Skokomish 1, Bill Hibbert 503.523; Lumbermen s 3, Gayle
L.~NNING'S Northeast quarter of the resident of the State of Ogden's 4, Dabble Boynton 505;Maint. 4, LeslieCochran 541; DingALingsl, Bill Boad 538; Odd Wentz 549; Mason Garbage 1,
B £GIS PAPER Northwest quarter, lying Westerly Washington or cannot be found Certified 2, Pat Boad 496; Fuller s Wilson 0, Don Donaldson 497; Balz 4, Jean Hartwell 593; SIMPSON RECREATION Chuck Thompson 517.
..1~ ASONRY of County Road No. 5263; therein as is evidenced by the 2, Virginia Fuller 456; Bechtold Yell 4, Bill Townsend 450; Pauley Moonshiners 0, Nene Pleines559; Women's Hi Game: Donna
It.. STATE OF EXCEPTING THEREFROM written statement on file herein 1 , K a r e n B a x te r 4 54 ; Mfrs. 0, Bob Florek 439; Chris' 1, Farmers 3, Wayne Clary 527; Coleman 208
, and OLIVER public roads, if any. of the Deputy Sheriff of Mason Lumbermen's 3, Lilly Loitz 444;Ralph Victor 471; Ruffner 3, Happy Hookers 1, So@aPearson Women s Hi Series: Donna
ISTR UCTION TOG ET HE R W l TH an County, Washington. Harrison's 4, Betty Grindle 502; Mick McCord 433; Land & Homes 497; Lakers 1, Floyd Fuller 513; Coleman 543
" No. 12146, undivided one-fifth interest in and 3. T h a t t h e p resen t Olsen's 0, Carolyn Olsen 387; 2, Harley Stickley 515;Waterboys H20 Kgs 3, Joe Brown 601; Hot Standings: Loaders 29-15,
directed to the existing well now beingwhereabouts of the Respondent is Geo. Valley 0. Glenda Ettlin 562; 2, Percy Zamzow 555; Binder 0,Dogs 3, Ran Allen 490; RookiesLoggers 21-13, Shops 19-25,
constructed along, the easterly line unknown to affiant and she has Lee Fields 4, Cecelia Gunter 408. Ray Rohwein 465; Fir Cone 4, 1, Mike Clary 442; 4 B s 3, Jim Railroad 19-25.
HEREBY of said premises, including no knowledge of his place of Dave Eichhorn 514; West Realty Brewer Sr. 429; Salty Dogs 1, Shops 2, Jean Diggle 410;
proceed to necessary easements and residence of post office address. THURSDAY TRIO 1, Monte Haag 431; McComb 3, GeorgeWitcraft 566. Railroad 2, Donna Coleman 543;
to the appurtenances thereto.. 4. That petitioner's object in Women's Hi Game: Patty Boad Jerry Mallory 545. Loaders 2, Clara Erickson 445;
within the levied on as the property of said this action is to secure a 210 SIMPSON SWlNGSHIFT Loggers 2, Sonja Pearson 521.
law for defendants heretofore named, to Dissolution from the RespondentWomen's Hi Series: Louise Clary Men's Hi Game: Tony Musgrove
ten o'clock Satisfy a judgement, amountingupon the grounds stated in her 547 SATURDAY PREP 210
)f April, to Twenty Two Thousand Eight Petition for Dissolution of Standings: M&O 26-10, Men's Hi Game: Rob Rogers 184 Men's Hi Series: Tony Musgrove
House Hundred Ninety Seven and Marriage filed in the above Harry's 22-14, Arnold & Smith Men's Hi Series: Todd Lund 496 584
aUnty, Fourth 23/100 -- $22,897.23 -- Dollars entitled Court on the 1] day of20-16, Hut 20-16, Nye's 20-16,Women's Hi Game: Gina Dunbar Standings: Veneer 31-13,
attorney's fees of $1,000.00, the March, 1975.
Fuller's 19-17, Makoviney 17-19, 143 , Hemlockers 23-21, Mill Four
’3 cost of suit and interest, in favor /s/Gerald L. Whitcomb Bob's 17-19, Clary's 16-20, Vets Mill Four 3, Dave Tinsley
of plaintiff, plus Sheriff's Fees. GERALD L. WHITCOMB 14-22, Wingard's 13-23, Perry's Wso0men s Hi Series: Kathy Fuller 18-26, Mill Three 16-28.
Dated this 3rd of March, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN 12-24. Standinqs: Riverside 26-14. 528; Veneer 1, Tony Musgrove ~ ProDertv
584; Mill Three 1, Howard Engen
1975. to before me this]1 day of Harry's 3, Linda Swope 467;Thriftway 23-17, TLC 23-17, 431; Hemlockers 3, L. C. Leman
DAN W. McNAIR, Sheriff March, 1975. Hut 1, Patti Campbell 447; Bob s C&R 23-1 7, Journal Z2-18, 480.
--ep,(~llr /s/Carolyn Rose /s/C. Rose 1, Diana Fogo 415; Makoviney 3,RaMac 21-19, Lumbermen's
CIVIL DEPUTY NOTARY PUBLICIN Kathi Durkin 492; Mete 1, Toni 201,z.19,,2, Lions 17-23, Area WOMEN'S ,2:30 Casualty
ATTORNEY: AND FOR THE STATE Ruhl 396; M&O 3, Diana Offerdal I 7-23, Stella s 16-24, Mary's Women's Hi Game: LaVonne
Hwy. No. Lynch and Lynch OF WASHINGTON, 478; Failer's 4, Bubbs Fuller 493; 16-24, VFW 15'b-241/2. Castle 208
Thurston County Federal Savings residing at Shelton Perry's 0, Eva Hanson 422; VFW 0, Ray Johnson 352; W0ooen s Hi Series: Barb Wheaton
C ,
and Loan Bldg. GERALD L WHITCOMB Clary's 2, Louise Clary 547; Riverside 4, Jeff Barnes 399; Area
"-Ornplete Olympia, Washington98501 INC.,P.S. Arnold & Smith 2, PattyBoad 3, Mark Liles 346; Journal 1, Rosa Perkins 6-7 split. Commercial
3/13-20-27-4/3-4t Attorney at Law 5]0; Wingard's 0, Frankie Barnes Mike Woods 339; TLC 4, Willie Standings: Mason Garbage
Suite 2, Angle Bldg., 390; Nye s 4,Sandy Okerlund Flint 363; Stella s 0, Lorna Moore 25-15, mob's 24-16, Sh.Glass
RepQir NOTICE OF MEETING P.O. Box 869 450. 329; C&R 3, Rob Rogers 391; 18-22, Nell s 13-27.
CANCELLATION Shelton, WA 98584 RaMac 1, Dave Dunnington 352;Mason Garbage 3, Barb Auto
Call The regular Port of Shelton 426-5524
Commission Meeting for March 3/20-27-2t GUYS&DOLLS Lumbermen's 1, Shelly Hanson Wheaton 506; Bobs 1, Donna
20, 1975 has been cancelled. Men's Hi Game: Dick Wood 215 346; Merv's 3, Kathy Fuller 380; Coleman 488; Sh. Glass3,
Shelton Port Commission Men's Hi Series: Dick Wood 552Lions 4, Todd Land 496; LaVonne Castle 490: Nell's 1,
Women's Hi Game: Judy Lamont Thriftway 0, Carmen Clark 375. Merits Monger 431. ,,, U0r*"a"e
By Jim Pauley Certain things for our age 181
President 3/20-1t There arc certain things thai our Women's Hi Series: Sandie
Johnson 462
age needs, andcertain things that Standings: Heehaws 25-23, 4 When you need a Life
it should avoid. It needs Kyds 21-27, Dumb Bells 24-24,
compassion and a wish that Woodchucks 31-17, Deadwoods
24-24, 4 W'S 22-26, 4 Fords water pump... H
Our nextrealestate mankind should he happy; it 24-24, Smokin 20V2-27V2, Jim
catalog will be printed needs the desire for knowledge Pauley ,.,,. o c. ,,0me0wners
Carpetbaggers 26-22, Sandbaggers Bedell P ap ’o
SOon. You can have your and the determination to eschew 26-22, Slorollers 27-21. U
included, pleasant myths; it needs above all Heehaws 2, Sandie Johnson
another of our extra
our sellers the greatest courageous hope aiid the impulse 462;4 Kyds 1, Betty Johnson 426 4713
to property buyers, to creativeness. The things that it 451; Dumb Bells 1, LaVern m
Tallman 446; Woodchucks 3, Bob
must avoid and that have brought Haselwood 450 Deadwoods 3, Sales & Service All types of water pumps
Dick Wood 552; 4 W s 1, Jim Expert Installation Angle Building
Call the it to the brink of catastrophe are Williams 492; 4 Fords 1, Bill 4th & Railroad Ph. 426-8272
Ihmlty Office Building c r u e I t y, e n v y, g r o e d, Johnson 460; Smokin 3, Clay 24 years of experience in Mason County
Railroad Ave.,Shelton competitiveness, search for Keith 541; Jim Pauley Two 1,
Scott Hillburn 402 ; Carpetbaggers
426-3361 irrational subjective certainty, and 3, Judy Lamont 450; Sandbaggers
FOR JERRY SMITH what Freudians call the doalh 2, Harold Redman Jr. 474; Northside Mr. View
wish. Slorollers 3, Jim Johnson 474. Baptist Church
ate of Don Benson Realty Bertrand Russell Church ,=3 st,,., Alliance Church
MEN'S TRIO SCRATCH Interim Pastor Dave Be, amy Washington & "J" Sts.
Men's Hi Game: L C. Leman & 910 East Dearborn 426-1027
. L Mac Mclnelly 223 LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School ........ 9:45 a.m. Sunday School ....9:45 a.m.
Men's Hi Series: Wayne Clary 615 Morning Worship ..... 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship .. 11:00 a.m.
Standings: Pile Drivers 90, Sunday School ....9:45 a.m. Training Union ......... 6:30 p.m. Evening Service .... 6:00 p.m.
~i Salmon Smackers 71, Timber Morning Worship . . 11:00 a.m.Evening Worship ....... 7:30 p.m. Prayer Hours (Wed.) 7:00 p.m.
Bowl 58, Misfits 54, Nault's 23. Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. A.Y.F. (Wed.) 7:00 p.m.
Nault's 3, Leo Nault 536; Pile Bible Study (Wed.) 7:00 p.m. jesus loves you --we do too; .....
Drivers 8, Jack Frost 576; Salmon S.B.C. EARL EVENS, Pastor
Smackers 10, Wayne Clary 615;
Timber Bowl 5, Mac Mclnelly
582; Misfits 7, Jim Johnson 542. FIRST BAPTIST
SHELTON BANTAM Word of Life Fellowship
Men's Hi Game: Jeff Likes 162 CHURCH
Men's Hi Series: Jeff Likes 270 Call 426-5336 Services: 7:00 p.m. Sunday, 7:00,,p.m. Tuesday
W o me n's Hi Game: Kerri or write: Box 884 5th and Cote downtown SheltonLocation: Parish Hall, St. David's Episcopal Church, 4th & Cedar
Osterman 108 March 23, 1975
Women's Hi Series: Kerri Pastor Dennis Tea0ue, 426-2758
Osterman & Toni Tinsley 201 "THE SOUL'S
Standings: Nimrod Women Shelton Church A.M. ANCHOR"
22-8, Brad's20-10, Moose Women
19-11, Mac's 19-11, Arnold & of the JUDSON BAPTIST Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints
Drugs ISiC Smith 18-12, Bob's Shoes 17-13, P.M. COLLEGE CHOIR
-=rhauls -- Helena Rubinstein Hut 15qz-141/2, RaMac 12V2-17Vz, Nazorene Connection & 12th Sts., Phone 426-2805
Timber Bowl 11V2-18zb, C&R 9:3oa.m....... Sunday School Priesthood Meeting 9:15a.m.
gnition --Cosmetics ] 1-19, Elks 11-19, Eagles Fairmont& Holman *l):ooa.m...Morning Worship ............................
aria-ups -- Prescriptions 4]/2.251b. 7:o0 p.m.. Evening Gospel Hour Sunday School .............................. 11:00 a.m.
-- Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics Eagles O, Carl Goodburn 196;
SERVICE NELL'S PHARMACY mike ibs0g RaMac 3, Toni Tinsley 201; . Carl C. Green, Pastor 426-1298Dr. Arlin M. Halvorsen, PastorSacrament Meeting ............................ 5:00 p.m.
Brad's 3, John Carlson 233; C&R
426-1212 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 0, Gary Howe 205; mob's Shoes 2, Sunday .~chool ...... 9:45 a.m~ 7:00 p.m. Wednesday
Robbie WaLton 212; Elks 1, Morning Worship ...11:00a.m. Bible study & prayer meeting FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH
Bryan Roof 162; Moose 0, Lewis Youth Choir 5:30 p.m. Arcadia and Lake Boulevard KURT HARDENBROOK, Minister
Farm Slaughtering /lusic Lessons Arnold 222; Mac's 3, Jeff Likes ....... *The Morning Worship is
270; Timber Bowl 1, Kerri Evening Service ..... 6:00 p.m. broadcast live over KMAS, 12110 Bible School 9:45 a.m.
Cutting & Wrapping Piano Classical Guitar Prayer Meeting, Thurs. 7:00 p.m. " ..... Family Service. .7:00 p.m.
Osterman 201; Arnold & Smith 1, kc. Worship 11:00 a.m. " " "
?ttqllQtlons " Curing, Sausage Accordian Music Theory Tony Arnold 221; Nimrod 2, " ........
Making Oriental Rhythms Mike Tinsley 228. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:00 p.m.
& Licensed " Sharp Freezing
426-3073 Kamilche 426-1643 30 years experience 426-1858 ;~ ;~*:~ i
426-8896 ------- ?~ G and King Streets REV. WILLIAM ANDREWS, Minister Episcopal Church Welcomes You
~~ i Church School -- 9:00 a.m. Worship Service -- 10:30 a.m.
Floor Covering ~: ::i! .... ' Youth Groups -- 7 p.m. St. David's - 4th & Cedar, Shelton, Sunday 8 & ]0 a.m.
ir Care Painting :~ FROM St. Andrew's House - Union, 2:00 p.m.
Witches -- Linoleum -- Carpeting ,:~':,~;: ~'
-- Tile - Form=ca Painting i
..... St. Edward's Catholic Church COME AS YOU ARE
REX FLOOR COVERING Wall Papering - Signs t ........ ....
SALON Mt. View. Ph. 426-2292 Father Michael Feeney 3rd and Cedar First Church of Christ, Scientist
426"4582 Prehung Prefinished w.
Sunday School 11 :OO a.m. - Church 11 :OO a.m.
Furniture Repair Doors & Woodwork - Masses -- Wednesday evening teStimony meetings 7:30 p.m.
Paintings * Photo Art LIC_QI~od & ~or~cl~(I ACCIDENTS R=,ai.~ Room -- 107 S. =rid
Gifts * Jewelry Boxes I tee [ st,rilate~ Saturday ................................ 7 p.m. "
Custom made Furniture UNABATED Hours: 12 to 5 p.m. TueSday thru Saturday
g * Handmade Picture Frames Sunday .................... 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. Child care provided (:luring s~rvics
Spec|alty Antique RestorationHeinitz Painting C0. OSHA is very busy
Shelton Furniture Repair inspecting work places and r
ond-Art$tud'o Chuck Heinitz 426-4841 proposing penalties, but its ith th Ch S ,th-D Adventist Church
,426-3657 Rt.l,aoxlSll 4=$-18S8 impact on accident reduction Fo Lu erda urch
=rapeview , has thus far been negligible. SIXTH AND RAILROAD
Insurance P, efrigeration OSHA conducted 185,099 Saturday - 9:30 a.m. -- Sabbath School
. Tired of shopping? inspections during the period 7th and Franklin. z ] :00 a.rn. -- Hour of Worship
~Srvice Wednesday . 7:30 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer
Let us do it for you! Expert Service from April 197 1 through Family Worship-- 8:00 a.m. and 1~):15 a.m. GARETH ELLIS, PASTOR 426-3508
Auto-Home-Boat'Life'Health G.E. Frigidaire Gibson October 1974, issued 124,029 Parish Education Classes -- 9:00 a.m.
Call Business-Preferred Risk? Hotpoint Whirlpool ColdsPot
1691 citations alleging 642,070 ChristianWorship, Fellowship, Education, Service
Insurance is our only business. OLYMPIC REFRIGERATION violations, and proposed
ARNOLD & SMITH & APPLIANCE penalties totaling over $16 Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone 426-8611
117 E. CoLa 426-3317 million.
, For the year ]973,
however, the occupational THE FRIENDLY CHURCH 206 East Wyandotte
Landscaping ] Rentals ] injury and illnessrate for SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD SCHEDuLE FORHOLYwEEK:
Landscape Design I Trailers . full-time workers showed 1521 Monroe Street
I Lawn & Garden Tools / virtually no change at 11.0 PALM SUNDAY -- Service at 10:30, "A Choice That Pays"
I'1~1~1~) Shrubs Rock Waterfalls I complete Painting Equip. & more Mason Younglund, PaYor -- Dale SaLter Assistant
Lawn Sod or Seed I open every day 8:00 to 5:30 injuries and illnesses per 100 Choirs: "The Palms"
Maundy Thursday -- March 27, 8 p.m. "The Great Feast"
full-time workers compared 30-VOICE YOUTH CHOIR
botjt .}'ozt? HERB HAZE LANDSCAPING I BARDEN'S RENTALS with 10.9 in 1972. The rate of G O O D F RIDAY -- March 28, 8 p.m. "Overcome
426-4718 112o9 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-109I lost work days increased from Redmond Assembly of God Misunderstanding."
47.9 in 1972, to 52.0 in 1973. Friday, March 2], 7:00 p.m. Choirs: "God So Loved The World"
EASTER SUNDAY -- Sunrise service at the church at 6. Main
rete Rental Service ' Sunday School (Come and bring your family) ....... 9:45 a.m. Service at 10:30: "Overcome Death Through Christ." Choirs:
Almosl Anything Anywhere N ire Ph y Morning Worship (Pastor speaking) ............... 10:55 a.m. "Hallelujah qhorus."
THIS SPACE Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps amac Gospel Service (Pastor speaking) .................. 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Youth Night .......................... 7:00 p.m. We preach Christ crucified and
F'~lding Banquet Tables Emergency Ph. 426-2165 Wednesday, Share and Prayer .................... 9:00 a.m.
CAN BE HAD & Chairs, Hospital Beds, etc.Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327 Family Night .............................. 7:00 p.m.
How ,4 hr)tll )/0/I? LEW RENTS Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 REVlvALTIME, SUNDAY, KGDN ............... 3:00 p.m. risen to reign in Glory!
2216 W. 4th, Olympia~ 357-7731 Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 (Radio Voice of The Assemblies of God)
Thursday, March 20, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27