March 20, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 20, 1975 |
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Letters to the editor...
Editor, Huckleberry Herald:
Perhaps some of your readers
would be interested in the
following letter which ! received
after publication of an old picture
in the Herald a couple of weeks
housed the crews hired by the
Bonneville Power Administration.
The BPA was building the power
lines that cross through the area.
The sketch below is my
recollection of the location of the
im Legal Publimtion$
Co-sponsorship of an energy PUBLIC WATERS
symposium scheduled for laterSTATE OF WASHINGTON, STATE OF WAS
this year was approved by theDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF
board of trustees of the TAKE NOTICE: TAKE NOTICE:
Timberland Regional Library at a ELDON K. YODER of Ta'coma,Seattle, Washingto
special meeting at the library's Washington on June 30, 1974 1974 under App
Sincerely, This state fire crew was service center in Lacey Mar. 5. under Application No. S 2-23420 2-23541 filed
Richard Knightstationed here to act on any The symposium is being filed for permit to appropriate appropriate pub
public waters, subject to existing to existing rig
forest fires that were located, organized by a group of citizens rights, from Wooten Lake in the Lake tributary
Dear Mr. Knight: During the day we worked in the from the Olympia area. amount of 0.02 cubic feet perin the amount
My mother sent me a picture general area of a lookout near "We are trying to disseminatesecond, continuously each year, per second, col
that recently appeared in the Mason Lake. As I recall, there was information on something thatfor domestic supply. The source year, for domes
Mason County Journal. According fear of fires from incendiary will be affecting us in the near of the proposed appropriation is source of the
located within NE~SW¼ of appropriation is It
to the caption, you have the bombs carriedbyballoons, future,' Lanny Carpenter, Section 19, Township 23 N., Lots 50 and 51 ol
photo and apparently submitted We bitched in our tent. spokesman for the group, said. Range 2 W W.M., in Mason Plat of Section 30,
County. N., Range 2 W. W,
it to the paper. Cooking was done on a We hope to shape this into a Protests or objections to County.
Seeing the picture takes me wood-burning stove, forum for people to ask questions approval of this application must Protests or
back to the summer of '42. TheThank you for your interest about the sources of energy this include a detailed statement of approval of this a Pl
State Department of Forestry in an old picture. It has brought area will have." the basis for objections; protests include a detailed
kept a fire crew at Allyn. Benback a lot of memories. The program will be divided must be accompanied by a two the basis for object
dollar ($2.00) recording fee and must be accompani
Booth was the fire warden in Sincerely, into two parts. First we willfiled with the Department of dollar ($2.00) reco
charge. Five of us lived in the tent James A. Howarth show a film about various sources Ecology, Southwest Regional filed with the Dq
that we are standing in front of. Longview, We.
The other tents in the background SOON TO BE REMOVED from its long-familiar site on Highway 3 in Belfair ofenergy to audiences around the Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 Ecology, South~
just south of Belfair Cafe is this metal building which, in the past few years, area," Carpenter said. "Then after within thirty (30) days from Office, Olympia,
within thirty (30)
P~I~'_ .,~ ~,~,~, ~-- has become an eyesore to passersby. Hank Harper of Belfair, former ownereach film showing, a March27, 1975. 3/20-27-2tMarch27, 1975.
.... representative from our group will
tear it down and use the materials to build a chicken house, symposium which are to get Haul Rock Bulldoze
~ ~ people interested and thinking
re.~¢d~ ~ The second part of the i[~i1111-~a~|L~lr~ ':'" ~/ "
-- pi symposium will be launched by
_ -,Js " Science Fair ctures "an all-day seminar at St. Martins
~'f } } ~ =¢~¢ "I,1~,~ College. Nationally-known . Glass repla0
(| ~ speakers representing all sides of [ I . Custom sta
the various energy questions will | D at D | & screens
be provided opportunities to air
their views. Ii BULLDOZING Sl H°°d2Canal7
Editor, Huckleberry Herald: Editor, Huckleberry Herald: " 'We will have pro and conI CR5-2195 [
Being fairly new to 1 have been reading about speakers for each topic," .
Washington State and the school land-use. NOW is the time for Carpenter said.
levies, I was quite confused when Belfair to plan for future use of The speakers will cover three
I read the ballot at the polls, land around the community "basic areas: health and safety,
From reading the ballot, I center. There seem to be many socioeconomics, and public ACRES HELP
thought it would cost $8.50 per plans for churches, stores, library, involvement. M a le camper
thousand dollars assessed clubs and etc. Also at the St. Martin's attendant for
valuation more than is being But what about our senior seminar will be a number of With 210 feet on the man. A
assessed at the present time. I citizens who have lived here for exhibits with scaled-down Tahuya River near
thought this was a very high many years and helped to build versions of energy alternatives. Hood Canal. Only hours per d
increase. After attending thethis community? Why can't we "With each exhibit will be a $6,500 with good only.
school board meeting for the have a senior citizen retirement person who is knowledgeable on owner contract. Terms for pensioner
month of March, I discovered the home in walking distance of its operation," Carpenter said.available, reasonably gt
Tahuya area.
increase was only $1.42 per banks, post office and stores, or "For example, we will haven id I[hl
thousand over what had do the elderly have to continue working exhibit of a solar energy ~ Rda..! p.m. and
previously been voted, moving out of the community to apparatus. The person operating it BELFAIR 275-2868
Maybe there are others wholive in more convenient areas? will be able to explain its practical
were confused and thought the They not only need a retirement application, efficiency and costs." r ~ , , ,,,
increase would be $8.50 insteadhome but a place for social hours, Some of the exhibits will be
of only $1.42. 1 am sure, from hobbies, meetings and bus service ,: taken to other locations in the
what 1 know of the people of to doctors in Bremerton. area. CHRIST LUTHERAN
North Mason, that the young The need is great, so let us do Also at the meeting the board Chain
people of our area are worth what we can while we still have decided to send a letter of intent Church at Belfair
much more of an investment than open spaces around the to rent larger quarters for
$1.42 per thousand. By helping community center. Timberland's service center. The
them to a better education, they "Young At Heart" Club building is in the Olympia area Service of Worship &
in turn will be better equipped to Lela C. Long and has approximately three Sunday School 10 A.M.
run our country when their time times the space of the present
comes. Editor, Huckleberry Herald: BREAD MOLD was the subject of Brenda Burke's entry which won a fourth service center building.
Jessie L. Vail The board also decided to COME AS YOU ARE
Star at. 4, Box 40 Will you allow us to take this place ribbon, freeze changes in personnel status For Sales
Belfairopportunity to publicly say
', ..... Thank you" to our n~'ftiends this year except in cases of Lower Elementary
in the area. We~ilt~e~ely emergency until a cla~siFtcbtion 275"
survey for employee positions is School Gym
appreciate their concern, kindness conducted by an organizatioh
and generosity to our family and outside Timberland. Nursery Provided
loved ones at the time and after ~"
Don and Dave's accident. The board then approved the
Attention at the scene of the ~i establishment of an additional
accident hy the Allyn and Beifair ~ clerk position at the Timberland ~ 5"~54
aid crews no doubt prevented South Mason Library. That T
library, since its opening last
more serious results. Time and ~~~ ~ November, is well on its way to EXCEDRINNO. 9
care, we hope, will heal all ~& becoming one of Timberland's
injuries, but we will always ~~%~ %~ "major" libraries. Call Us -- we can help you every
It happens often to small remember that we are indeed
businesses Let Uncle
Sam gethisfairshare fortunate to live in this part of ~ ' 7f~ ~/¢~,/41~ B£~l~l;l~.~ ,~l~
but tO make sure your the country where our neighbors ~ ;~i;: ~ i~
busmess gets all the and friends still "care" and "do ¢: Students hear pr0gmm
breaks allowed, call me.get involved." ~
Dave is home now as an Kitsap and Mason County
Perry Baunsgard out-patient and his friends are students had an opportunity to
275-6737 welcome to visit him. ~ view a~"live theatre" production
Belfair, Wash. Most gratefully we again say, last ~eek as part of a 100
Thank you and God bless you. performance cross-state tour of CR 5-2800 5 miles from Belfair on
Very sincerely, the "Absurd Musical Revue for of Hood canal
Dave Dirksen Children," sponsored by the
o u zCun'Jo"" Services Don and Madelon Shellgren Washington State Cultural
and families F, nrichment Program (C.E.P.). D & G THEI~
Performances were scheduled for
8:30a.m .... Morning Worship Mar. 17 at the East High TOPPED, TRIMMED OR IRgr
9:45 a.m ...... Sunday School WINDSHIELD BROKEN
l]:O0a.m.. Morning Worship A complaint of a windshield gymnasium in Bremerton. FULLY INSURED
• Approximately 75 fourth grade Woa Griffmy CR -2117 Lee
5:00 p.m .......... B.Y.F. broken with a rock while parked students from the North Mason
6:15 p.m ......Junior Choir at the intersection of Old Belfair School District were in
Practice Highway and Highway 300 was attendance. Episcopal Church Welcome
received Mar. 15 in the sheriff's This marks the fourth year
7:00 p.m .... Evening Worship office, that A Contemporary Theatre of
Seattle has mounted a production ST. HUGH'S -- ALLYN -- Sunday 9:
of the "Revue" for the C.E.P. The ST. NICHOLAS -- TAHUYA --
COMMUNITY • LINDA BALDY is pictured with her entry on terrariums all-new 1975 version, subtitled
which placed third. "One Hundred and One Ways to COME AS YOU ARE
Tell a Story," will tour statewide,
A serviceman's morale is Mason County chapter of the with 100 school performances North B 0 .vhA
P.O. BOX 407 directly related to the happiness American Red Cross. scheduled for winter and spring of ~ly ][ W CustO~
and well-being of his family, said "Red Cross plays a major role this year.
John Senn, Pastor Mrs. Kaye Lockwood, director of in providing help and counsel to This year's "Revue" is an JOHN C. DALBERG
the service to military and veteran him and his loved ones," she exploration into the possibilities The Finest In Oak Cabinets
Church phone--Ca 5-6262 families for the Kitsap-North explained. "When problems arise of theatre. Various theatrical
and there is need for speedy techniques are used including 275-3109 AllY
communication or other
pantomime, realism, melodrama,
assistance, the Red Cross helps." music, dance and slapstick. $3.99 EACH
A sudden illness of a child or
At the old drive-in location in Altyn parent or a death of a family Children's literature, fables and ROUND POINT SHOVEL
/ MEMBER OF NORTHWEST STEELHEADER$ member are typical of the fairy talcs are used alot|g with Strong,LAWN RAKElight' with long sturdy ash handle
emergencies for whichhelp is through°rig/nil thematerialimprovisatorydevel°pedwork POBowpula~4PEpull'typeRAKEwith 22 sprinq_ -braced steel =
CR~-334~ sought by servicemen, of the actors ,and the director. Forged steel head has curved teeth and 54" aS~
Houri: Wed. thru Sunday, !t a.m. to 6 p.m. March is membership month GARDENING HOE
• AIT -- REELS -- NETS -- F@OZEN HERRING for the Red Cross and persons in The C.E.P. is funded by the
this area who wish to help with Washington State Legislature Made for all garden and field uses. Long
WATCH FOR IST ANNIVERSARY SALE services provided by the through the State Superintendent
of Public Instruction. There is no
l~u~ig~N~l~~~l~u~l~Ml~luullggl~lg~u~ul~ Bremerton office wlfich is located
charge to students or school
at 605 Washington Avenue, are districts for participation in any ERNIE & HAROLD ARIE-5
invited to join. Further
information is available by calling C.E.P.-sponsored event. 275-2031 Weekdays 8:30-5:30 p.m.
the chapter office, 377-376 l.
Norm Sanders and Gloria
Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 Lincoln are Mason County •
Telephone CR 5-6680 residents serving on the board of 1 '~,
the Kitsap-North Mason chapter
Belfair office open 9-5 - Wed., Thurs., Fri. of Red Cross. Marie Lincoln is the
student board representative from
LOU DONNELL ............................. Editor this area.
CAROL WENTLANDT ...... Advertising Manager, Phone: ,
Office Telephone CR5-6680 Eves. CR5-6259 BURGLARY REPORTED ~~,'~¢/~
A complaint was filed Mar. 14 EVERYTHING IN ONE BEAUTIFUL PLACE
A section of the Shelton-Mason County'Journal serving as the in the sheriff's office of a burglary
at the Twanoh Falls home of THE TRUE ODDS the probability of throwing dice, was
voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, Raymond Stewart of Seattle. the subject of this exhibit prepared by Jon Fowler, pictured • Funeral Home • Chapel • Mausoleum •
South Shore and North Shore. tlousehold items were reported above, who won a third place award. (Editor's note: He 5505 Kitsap Way ES7-7648
I missing, didn't go to Las Vegas for research; J asked.)
Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - March 20, 1975