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Walkway approaching house from-mid-driveway, accented by
wood screens, replaces walk straight from curb, directs visitors
to entry. Screens stained to match house siding are Western
wood 2x2s set on 2x4 stringers, 4x4 posts, with 2x8 flat cap.
Entry Gains
Redesigning an entrance
yard with walks and screens can
change a modest or poorly sited
residence from ordinary to ex-
citing, often solving traffic
problems in the process.
A sidewalk that stretches
straight from the street to front
door lacks interest and offers
little• opportunity for innova-
tions. A solution is changing to
a side approach from the drive-
Combined with a series of
wood screens facing different
directions, a new walkway can
create whatever approach and
view the owners wish.
One screen, of 2x2-inch west-
ern wood set vertically on 4x4
posts with a 2x8 flat cap, di-
rects traffic to the walk and
concea!s the front door from
Retaining Walls
Use Posts, Planks
A retaining wall for yard or
garden can be built with 4x4-
inch posts and 2xl0-inch
planks of preservative-treated
western wood. Posts should be
anchored to braces set into the
Gravel and drain tile below
and behind the base of the wall
are important for water runoff.
Local building departments
should be checked as some
areas require permits for re-
taining walls.
A garden slope can be terrac-
ed using 2x8s as step risers, set
in with stakes every 12 inches
and filled with pea gravel or
concrete as treads.
Screen Mutes
Window View
An attractive privacy screen
the street, built of stock sizes of western
Other screens, with posts wood can be the answer to an
bolted to racial straps set in unsightly view out a window or
concrete, are placed at right to block the exposure from
angles near the front door to de- sidewalk or street.
fine the entry, near a window to A simple screen has 2x4-inch
screen the view inside, or placed verticals attached to soffits un-
to balance the grouping of der the eaves. The lower par-
screens and shrubbery, tion in contact with or set into
the ground is preservative
Walk Sets Scene treated.
For Yard Display Spaced 2x2s are nailed to
horizontal braces set between
Many gardeners are creating the uprights. To add a pattern,
less formal and more imagina- spacers can be nailed between
tive scenes by combining Walk- the 2x2s. It's easiest to prestain
ways, small display decks and the lumber before assembly.
Walks of 2x4-inch western Outdoor Plans
wood laid flat on treated string-
ers can be designed with offset Plans for a sun trellis, two
platforms so potted plants cain gazebos and other outdoor
be displayed on projecting car- projects are in a plans folder
hers and groupings of plantings available for 25 cents in coin
tucked into the co.rners, from Western Wood Products
Open screens and arbors ofAssn., Dept. 539-P, Yeon
2x4s on 4x4 posts create a new Bldg., Portland, Or. 97204.
mood for an entry, offering
shade, aplaceforhangingflow- Asia Trying 2 x 4's
ers and a backdrop for plants. Japan is borrowing Ameri-
Outwit The Weeds can home building methods. A
new law accepts U.S. lumber
Before building a deck close sizes and stren .gth ratings, and
to the ground, eliminate future code adoption is expected. By
bother with weeds. Clear the 1980 American framing
space bare, then spread plastic methods may be used in as
sheeting and pin it down with a many as 250,000 houses a year.
layer of fine gravel.
But Careful Design
A tall fence often is the most For this style, boards are
practical way to assure privacy nailed vertically on alternating
m the backyard, thus making it sides of the framework, so the
a livable part of the home. edges overlap about one inch.
But its large wall-like sur- Boards as wide as 10 or 12
faces call for special care to inches are often used, but Ix6
make its appearance not dis- or lx8-inch boards arelesslike-
pleasing to neighbors or your- cup or split.
self. Pattern, materials and Framing is 4x4-inch posts,
color must be carefully select- connected by 2x4-inch rails
ed. near top and bottom, with pos-
A board fence of western sibly a third in the middle. Their
wood will be a happy choice for span should not be over eight
several reasons: feet. A 2x6 cap board along the
1) It goes with any house top ties it all together.
style, including brick and stuc- Before determining the
co; 2) It blends well with trees fence's height, check with local
and shrubbery; 3) It's an easy building officials regardinglim-
type for the do-it-yourselfer, itations and setbacks, and
and 4) Its cost is reasonable, also examine deed and title on
A favorite pattern is the your property for restrictions.
board and board. It appears Sites at intersections are espe-
three dimensional and solid, yet cially vulnerable.
allows good air circulation, and Western red cedar or Doug-
it's a good neighbor fence, be- las fir are recommended for
cause it looks as well on both fences and screens; preserva-
sides, tire treated posts are worth the
added cost.
Simple arbor built of 12-foot
western wood 2x6s, Ix4 cross
pieces adds charming garden
entrance, support for vines.
Factory Housing
An old factory in Hoboken,
N.J. is being converted into 188
apartments, at a cost that may
be 30 percent cheaper than new
construction. Joists in the five-
story masonry building are
3xl0-inch Douglas fir.
17 years
If you need help with your building or home improvement planning,
whether "do it yourself" or by our qualified local craftsmen, you may rely
on our years of experience and pride in our work to give you a job of which
you'll be proud.
Window Seat
Adds Storage
A storage window seat added
in a youngster's room provides a
well-lighted place to sit and read,
or just daydream as many do.
A simple box framing of
2x4-inch western wood 18
inches deep will hold several
drawers or a large cabinet for
storage below the seat.
Extending the unit a foot on
each side of the window allows
addition of bookshelves on each
side. reaching from seat to ceil-
ing. Suggested woods for this
purpose are western fir, pine or
5th and FRANKLIN
Two colors, 5/32"
hardboard, reg. $4.98
Two colors, 5/32"
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Pick Your Panel 99
We have about 30 misc. one-of-a-kind
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See more than 900 fabric-
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brush, both only
Reg. $8.39
Flat White Latex
Reg. $6.49 Gallon
"Building Supplies for Less"
8:00 to 5:30
You $2,00
Page S-14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 20, 1975 ,, Thursday, March 20, 1975 -Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page S-3