March 22, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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An Alaskan sex offender, who
has absconded from his registra-
tion requirements in that state,
is thought to be hiding out in
Adam Lee Inman, 31, was
convicted in 2005 for third-de-
gree sexual abuse of a minor in
Ketchikan Superior Court. He
was also convicted in 2007 for
failing to register as a sex of-
The U.S. Marshal Service
contacted the Mason County
they have reason to bel eve In-
man is hiding somewher in the
Shelton area.
Inman is 5'9" and 136 ~ounds
with brown hair and brm eyes.
He is a Level 3 sex often ter con-
sidered a high risk to re-offend.
Sheriffs Office March 16 to let Those that know of ~nman's
them know that Inman had once whereabouts should Dot ap-
again absconded from his regis- preach him, but instead ~all 911
tration requirements and that immediately.
Journal photo by Nlatalie Johnson
Neighborhood residents gathered to watch as Central Mason Fire & EMS worked to extin ish a
house fire in the 300 block of Fir Street in Shelton's Capital Hill neighborhood on Friday. |
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Pamdl O~ ned & Opetated
~!:: [e~a~ i~ #8~#~#~[)9~- Behind Allyn View RV Park ~n~n. ~
on all of our firefighters, but
they did an excellent job,"
Central Mason Chief Tim
McKern said. square-foot mobile home, had sponded to assist with the
At 4:14 p.m on Friday, smoke pouring out from three incident.
crews responded to a struc- corners of the residence, Cen- At 4:01 a.m. on Saturday
ture fire on the 300 block of tral Mason Fire and EMS of- Central Mason responded
Fir Street in Shelton's Capi- ficials said. to a garage fire in the 800
tal Hill neighborhood. The structure was com- block of Wyandotte Street in
Three residents of the me- pletely destroyed, McKern Shelton. Fire District 11 pro-
bile home -- two adults and said. vided mutual aid, and Mason
a five year-old boy -- were "It was well done," he said. County PUD 3 and Shelton
home but not injured. "Nobody got hurt." Police also responded.
According to a press re-Fire Districts 4, 6 and 11 McKern said the structure
lease from Central Masonprovided mutual aid on the was a 500 to 600 square-foot
Fire & EMS, a child playing fire and Mason County PUD storage unit.
with matches started the fire. 3, Mason County Medic One Two adults escaped with
The structure, a 1,500 and Shelton Police also re- no injuries. According to a
Fire crews from Central Mason Fire
and EMS moved into the renovated
Shelton fire department building more
than a year ago.
However, the building hasn't re-
ceived permanent signage yet.
The City of Shelton Commission
agreed Monday to accept a recommen-
dation from the Shelton Historic Pres-
ervation Commission that future sig-
nage on the building should say "Shel-
ton Fire Hall."
"We saved a building of historical
significance that's our fire station,
which used to be our city hall," city
Administrator Dave O'Leary said. "It
arguably should have some signage."
Originally, the historic preserva-
tion commission recommended that the
sign read, "Shelton City Hall," since the
building was once the city hall. Howev-
er, city and fire district staff members
were concerned that the sign would be
O'Leary said city staff met with the
historic preservation commission and
came up with a compromise.
Historic commission chairman Tracy
Moore asked that the city commission
to consider a historic marker labeling
accidental fire. i :::: ':,*::
Central Mason re#ponded
to another fire on Saturday
at the Birch Street Apart-
ments at 123 W. Bit .'h St. in
The fire began in t he bath-
room of one apartm,.,nt, and
according to a press release
from Central Mas~,n, was
started accidentally iue to a
"pyrophoric process caused
when wood strnctm'al com-
ponents are subjecte to heat
over a long period."
McKern said it co: ld have
been an electrical fire.
'~e are certainly going to
be taking a look at hat," he
PUD 3 and Shelt n Police
also responded to the fire:
Courtesy Photo
This artist's rendering shows what the signage approved by
the Shelton City Commission on Monday would look like on the
city's fire hall,
the building as Shelton's historic city m01d damage made it uninhabitable.
hall, and the restoration of a lamppost "We were pretty adamant from the
that once stood near the building, beginning that this buildin~ needed
The city commission once considered to be saved," city Commissioner Dawn
demolishing the building, which needed Pannell said. "I m glad to see|the sig-
extensive renovations after flood and nage didn't become a divisive issue."
Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 22, 2012