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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 22, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 22, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Courtesy photo Drivers heading through Shelton on State Route 3 can expect ongoing delays as the Washington State Department of Transportation works to stabilize an eroding slope adjacent to Oakland Bay near the Shelton Yacht Club. The slope began to give way Friday afternoon before the roadway was closed to one lane. A 75-foot-long section of the shoulder has sloughed approximately 6 feet at the site, and there is no estimate on how long repairs will take to complete. Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Dick Taylor, Port of Shelton commission chair, asked for clarification in some parts of the port's draft Forest Management Plan update. Port sets public hearing to amend forest plan By NATALIE JOHNSON The Port of Shelton com- mission further discussed a plan to sell 100 acres of port-owned timber Tues- day. The commission also set a public hearing for Tues- day, April 3, to hear pub- lic comment on proposed changes to its Forest Man- agement Plan. "On the 21st of Febru- ary we had a conversation about doing a timber har- vest on Johns Prairie," port Executive Director John Dobson said. At that meeting, the port commission heard a pre- sentation from Joe Staley of North Wind Timber Con- sultants on the feasibility of harvesting 100 acres of timber at the port's Johns Prairie Industrial Site. Dobson said the port needed to take several steps before it could receive bids and approve the sale of the timber. First, the port needs to update its Forest Manage- ment Plan, Dobson said. Engineering technician Brandon Palmer provided the port commission with an updated version of the plan during its meeting on Tuesday. He said many of the changes to the plan, which hadn't been updated since 2002, were to clean up difficult-to-understand lan- guage. Palmer's draft of the plan also includes updated in- formation about laminated root rot on the property, tree thinning and the size of trees on the property. While the port has de- stances of timber vernacu- termined that the commis'- lar, which he said might be sion legally does not need to confusing for members of hold a public hearing, Com- the public. missioner Jay Hupp said he After approving the for- would feelbetter if the com- est plan update, the port mission received comments commission will need to on the plan from the public, approve a resolution to sur- "It's in my mind a fairly plus the timber, and go into significant change," he said. executive session to discuss "I would like to see this go the minimum bid amount to a public hearing. I feel that the port will accept. like I need public input." The commission plans Dobson said the updatedto discuss those issues at a draft plm~ would be avail- later date. After it passes able on the port's website, the resolution and agrees Commission Chair Dick on a minimum bid, the port Taylor also asked for some will have the option to ask clarification in the docu- for bids on the timber, Dob- ment, particularly in in- son said. Justv/~}sk RENTAL First & Mill • Shelton 426-4373 or 426-2411 Monday-Saturday 8:00-6:00 Sunday 9-5 Sheriff - Casey Salisbury SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN - WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF ABSCONDED SEX OFFENDER Date: March 16, 2012 Prepared by: Detective William Adam Bulletin#: 12-09 The Mason County Sheriff's Office is releasing die lbllowing intbrmation pursuant to RCW 4.24.550 and the Washington SLate Supreme Court decision in ~, which authorizes la'~ enforcement agencies to inlbrm the public eta sex oll'enders release when; in the discretion el lhe agency, tile release of information will enhance public safety and protection. The individual who appears on this notification has been convicted of a sex offense ihat requires registration with the Sheriff's Ottice iu the county of their residence. Further, their previous criminal history places them in a chlssification level which reflects the potential to re-offend. This sex offender has served file sentence imposed oil him by tile cotlrls alld has advised Ihe Mason County Sheriff's Ofliee that he will be living in the location below. ADAM LEE INMAN IS WANI'ED BY TIIE POLICE. TtIIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR* RATHER, IT IS OtiR REIA EF TILYI" AN INFORMED PU BIJC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Mason County Sheriff's Office has no legal atalmrhy Io direct where a sex ofllmder may or may nol live. Unless court ordered restrictions exist, this oRimder is coastltuti{mally fiee Io live wherever he chooses. Sex o fl'cnders have ahvays lived in ore" communities, hut it wasn't until passage of the Community Prolectio. Acl o[" 1990 (Which tmtn&~ter set q//bnder regqAIrdliol?) that law enlbrcemeni even knew where Ihey were living. In many cases, law cntbrccment is aow able to share tl/ai inlbrnlatiol1 with you. Citizen abuse of this infornlatieu to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex olfcnders will not be tolerated. Furthel; sneh abuse could potentially end law enlbrcement's ability to do community aotifications. 'We believe the only person who wins if communib, notification cads is the sex offendel; since sex o'ffenders derive their power through secrecy. t f vou have any iah~rmation revardine current criminal activity of this or any other offender, please {all 9!_l, ......................................... For other sex offender information gore" hit "/~a~m.waats/andcliekon'{ic,)~,,~,Sg~i:i;o ADAM LEE INMAN WHITE MALE - DeBt 07/11/1980 - 5' 09"- 136 LBS. BROWN HAIR & BROWN EYES Adam INMAN is required to t~egister as a sex offender due to a felony conviction 12/I 2/2005 of AS 11.41.438 - Sexual Abt. ~ of a Minor 3~a Degree, Ketchikan Superior Court, Alaska, cause #1KE-05-495. This conviction is due to when INMAN was 25 years old, he sexually assaulted a girl between the ages of 13-15. In this case, INMAN was originally arrested tbr Sexual Assault of a Minor with Penetration 2"a Degree. INMAN was also convicted on 04/05/2007 for Failing To Register As A Sex Offender, Ketchikan Superior Court, Alaska, eanse #/KE-06-1294. On 03/16/2012, the U.S. Marshal Service contacted the Mason County Sheriff's Of!ice, advising that INMAN, has again absconded from his registralion reqnirements and that they have reason to believe that INMAN is hiding somewhere within the Sbehon area of Mason County. There are multiple warrants |br his arrest. Due to these 15.ctors INMAN is considered a HIGH RISK. INMAN is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's ()ffice as a Level 3 Sex Offender because he has absconded from his registration requirements. This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. If yon know of INMAN's whereabouts, do not approach him, but call 9-1-1 immediately. But INMAN's Location is Unknown, He is Believed to be in Hiding Within the Shelton Area of Mason County Sheriff - Casey Salisbury I SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSIENT STATUS Date: March 16. 2012 Prepared by: Detective William Adam Btdletin#: 12-10 1he Mason ('otlnl} Shcnll"s ()l~dce is releasing the lbllowing in fonnalion pursuant to RCW 4.24.550 and the Washington State Supren~c Court decision in ~, which authorizes law en/brcemenl agencies to inlbrm the public ol'a sex oltbnders release when; in the discretion of the agency, the release of information will enhance public sa~Iy and pmleclion. The individual who appears on ll~is notificalion has been convicted eta sex offense thai requires registration with the Sheriff's Office in the cotmty of their residence. Further, their previous criminal history phlces them in a classi[icalion lc,~el ~x hich rellccts the polential Io re-offend. This sex offender has served the sentence " imposed on him by the courts and has advised the Mason ('ounty Sheriff's Office thai he will be living in the location beirut, liE IS NOT WANTED BY THE POLICE AT THIS TIME. THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR. RATHER, IT IS OUR BELIEF THAT AN INFORM El) PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Mason County SherifFs Office has no legal authority to direct where a sex oltender may Or may not lixe. Unless court ordered restrictions exist, this offe:nder is eonslitutionally fiee to tivc wherever he chooses. Sex offenders have always lived in our conmmnities, hut it wasn't until passage of the ConmmniPj Protection Act of 1990 (w/lick manchm,s sex ¢4~'nder regisn'alion) that law enforcement even knew where they were tying In many cases, law entbrcement is now able to share thai inlhralalion ".vilh yotl. CitiTen abuse of thls inrorlllation to threaten, illlilnidate or harass registered sex offemtcrs ,a,ill no/be tolerated, Further, such abuse cotdd potentially end law enforccment's ability to do community mxifications, We believe fl~c only person who wins if community notification ends is the sex ollhnder, since sex offenders derive their power through secrecy. If you have lmv information reaardinff enrren| criminal activitw of this or any other offender, please call 911. For otbe .... oflbnder intbnnat on, I~i : :~:.~4ji~{{i. ;:i nd go to: ROBERT EUGENE VANDERVORT WHITE MALE - DeBt 01/04/86 5'-08"-223 LBS.-BROWN HAIR/BROWN EYES Robert VANOERVORT has recently been released again from custody" and has registered as Transient/Homeless within Mason Countv. He is required to register as a sex offender due to a 09/28i05 conviction of Indecent Liberties without Forcible Contpulsioa, Mason County Superior Court cause #05-1-0034%9. This sex offense conviction stems fi'om when VANDERVORT was 19 years old, he was convicted lbr having sexual intercourse with a 5 or 6 year old little girl who was a friend of a friend. VANDER'VORT stated that the rape never occun'ed, but thai he pied io his lesser charge instead of Rape of a Child. VANDERVORT also has a criminal history to include burglary. theft and assault. Due to these thctors, be is considered a level 2, which is a moderate risk, but due tO his Transient/Homeless status, VANDERVORT is a level 3, which is a HIGH RISK. VANDERVORT is on Dept. of Corrections supervision and is required to stay away ti'om where minors congregate. VANDERVORT is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's Office as a Level 3 Sex Offender due to being transient. This is the highest level given to a Sex OfFender, meaoing that this registered offender is at a HIGH RISK to re-oltbnd. VANDERVORT's status within Mason Coont~ is: Transient/Homeless within Shelton, WA Printed in Shelton, WA, USA using US-made ink and US-made newsprint with the highest percentage of recycled content in the industry. Printed With Thank you for recycling. SOY INK F~ ,-. ,--..-.-. LUBRICANTS v.~ I I l.JIb/, t_'~ COMPANY iWedeliver i COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES! We carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson Industrial Park 8761 Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, March 22, 2012 - Page A-5