March 22, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 22, 2012 |
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Shclton Adventist Church • .210 West Shelton
Space is limited...
():30 concert starts
Kids Community Concert
Valley Road
$5 per ticket
Prc-Registrafioa Required
Name: Phone:. Number of Tickets:
Email: Amount Enclosed: $ .(}0
Send Cash/Cheek andF~orm~o:
Shelton Adventist Church P.O. Box 1337 Shelton, WA 98584
Or Drop OffAt: Shelton Valley Christian Child Development Center
210 West Shelton Valley Road (6am-6pm) Questions? Call 360-426-2776
Horses for Heroes program benefit scheduled
A benefit for Horses for Heroes vet- auctions, desserts, live entertainment tography.
eran therapy program will be held at and more. The Horses for Heroes program is
6 p.m., on Saturday, March 24 at the This event is sponsored by Beforefor the country's veterans and serves
Mason Area Fairgrounds in Shelton. You Say "I Do," Flowers by Joseph, every military branch.
Tickets are $10. There will be dress Walmart and the Little Picture Pho- For more information call 426-3119.
KiwanisClub members Dan Beaudoin, left, Kenny Latimer, Tom River and Dick
Courtesy photo
Knutzen are
The Pioneer Kiwanis Club is hav- and the live auction begins at 6 p.m. tically received by the community for
ing its annual crab and clam dinner This event is the club's primary more than 10 years, and take great
and auction from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. annual fundraiser. One hundred per- pride in being able to contribute to
on Saturday at the Pioneer Elemen- cent of the net proceeds are devoted the overall community. New mem-
tary School Cafeteria, north of Shel- to the club's charitable activities, bers are always welcome and mem-
ton, 1 mile east off Highway 3, on Ag- These activities support the children bership information will be available
ate Road. of Pioneer School District and in- at this event.
A dinner consisting of fresh, ocean clude field trips and special reading Membership benefits include hear-
caught Dungeness crab, local clams, and other educational programs, Ma- ing from community leaders through
spaghetti, bread, beverages, and des- son County Literacy, family Christ- weekly speaker programs, provid-
sert will be served from 4:30 to 6 mas baskets and more. Additionally, ing an opportunity for members to
p.m, The cost is $25 for adults, $12 Pioneer Kiwanis provides four schol- broaden their understanding of com-
forchildren (10 and under). Live and arships annually to selected students munity activities and needs, and,po-
Silent auctions feature more than of Pioneer Middle School, who upon litical and business issues affecting
100 premium products and services completion of high school, enter col- Mason County. Organizers also have
donated by local businesses and rest- lege or trade schools. "a good time together," said Dam Be-
dents. Items to be auctioned include A board at Pioneer School Dis-'audoin, the club's current President.
sporting goods, marine equipment, trict selects the students. Also they Pioneer Kiwanis meetings are held
tools, landscaping plants and mate- provide a scholarship to a local Law weekly, from 7 to 8 a.m., on Wednes-
rials, home furnishings, cooking ac- Enforcement Camp and support a days at Spencer Lake Resort.
cessories, dining and other gift cer- youth program at Shelton's Turning Come prepared for great food, lots
tificates, gourmet meals and wines, Point. of interesting silent and live auction
resort lodging, even a pair of alpacas Pioneer Kiwanis members donate products and services, and an oppor-
and some professional services. The their time and efforts in presenting tunity to see old friends while help-
silent auction will be at 4:30 p.m. this event, which has been enthusias- ing our community youth.
Senior center breakfast fundraiser slated for March 24
.ace your
Everyone is invited to11 a.m on Saturday. Either meal also includes 3 complex.
enjoy a hearty home cooked The breakfast features juice, fruit and coffee.Organizers said they
breakfast and support the sausage gravy over biscuits All proceeds from the would appreciate advance
Mason County Senior Activ- and scrambled eggs or stra- fundraiser support the cen- ticket purchases, but you
tries Center. The Center is ta (egg casserole) and hash ter's General Operationscan also pay at the door. For
holding a Breakfast Bonan- browns for only $5 per per- Fund and the Building more information call the
za Fundraiser from 8 a.m. to son. Fund to purchase the PUDCenter at 426-7374.
Grace Baptist Church
...for the faith of the eospel P0 Box 1025, Sl]dt0n, Wk 98884
~N ...... Phone: (960) 4624611
Times of Services: ~ ~: ,. ,,,, E.nlail: past0r@gbcshdt0n.0rg
{ Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m. ~!~%~ ......... ~b~he,~o,,o,a
i{{{{ Sunday Morning Worship...... 11 a.m. fil
Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m.'~. Listen on
i: Wednesday Prayer Meeting ..... T p.m. ~~4 KMASlOSOAM
i: Agate Grange Bldg, on Agate Loop Rd, ~, @'~
i: Sunda .9:30 a.m, ' 728 Railroad Ave,
CrossPoint Service Traditional Service:, :
thdl begins at 9100 AM d~,~{ begins alL ~, :
• I'raise Band • Praise I'eam 10145 AM
- (onielnpi}rary Message - Choir
and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Chi]dcarebotl~ services
_S~ /~ Wednesday Nieht Service
9:0O ,\M I ('elebr.~tion Servime ! ' 7:00 I,M I Mi~I-WePk Service
Nursery to 2 Years
10:3{ ~ I Celebration Service Chilchrent~ Classes
At t ended Nul-sel-y Souk~i~ YOUTH, 6~11-12 ~11 Grade
Children's ('],lsses
/hOf} I'M I (]atcway I(} RccOVel'5 ) THe purp°se rff I~ll~l~ ~'i~/~°a~ is to I~elP
pPople I}et ~ m,o ~,lt~ ~t ~7~',tm* I~l~ d~,ough WOl M~ip,
Cldhl¢ olP Pt ovRled w;tnes~, Warfare, m,,i w,,rk *or Hi~ Kh~gd,,n,
] 405 g'/th St., Nhelton PHON~ I 360 420 215~ W~SlT~ I www.gatewaycEcom
-'" " -h r
n" r h i 1212 Connection St
FRI[II I,U[ e a .,nu C[l _i Shelton WA '
.d Christ-ce.ntered Church (360) 426-8611
(Sunday Morning Worship'~ ~ k N
| Traditional-a:45a.m. l
em afar 11 m ,~ • B,ble Study
/cont p y - :00 a.. / ~