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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 22, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 22, 2012
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Ramona Jackson-Mullen Her paternal grandparents areparents are Daryl Wells and La- Lindsey Jackson is a 1998 gradu- Linda University Medical Center in Jesse Mullen and Lindsey Jack- Tom and Annie Mullen, maternal verna Mullen of Sioux City, Iowa. ate of Shelton High School Murrieta, Calif. She was 6 pounds, son welcome the birth of their grandparents are Suzanne Stock- Surv-:ving maternal great-grand- 12 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. daughter, Ramona Jackson-Mullen, well and step-grandfather Steve parents are Shirley Truman of Shel- Alivia Rylin Wagner Her grandparents are Chris Wag- born at 9:11 p.m. Wednesday, March Stockwell of Shelton, and Jeff Jack- ton, and Garnet Schlievert of Des Cameron and Makayla Wagner ner of Stayton, Ore and Guillermo 7, 2012, at Providence St. Peter Hos- son and step-grandmother BethMoines, Iowa. of Murrieta, Calif. welcome the birth and Danielle Gomez of Murrieta, pital in Olympia. She was 19 inches Jackson of Bend, Ore. She has three sisters, Emily,of their daughter Alivia Rylin Wag- Calif. Her great-grandparents are long and 6 pounds, 4 ounces at birth. Surviving paternal great-grand- Charlie-anne and Breezy Mullen. ner, born Feb. 18, 2012, at Loma Larry and Linda King of Shelton. LOOKtWFQRAHOME City of Shelton Animal Shelter Adoptions cost $75, which to 4 p.m. The shelter is closed includes vaccine, wormer, Saturday and Sunday. spay/neuter plus $10 city li- cense. Current listings: New dogs are brought in Rottweilei~, female, 1 and all the time. Call 427-7503 1/2 years old or visit the shelter at 902 W. Labrador, mix, male, 2 Pine St. Dogs may be viewed years old at Shepherd, mix, female, 2 The hours are Monday years old poodle/chihuahua, through Friday from 11 a.m. female, 4 years old KITTENRESCUE Amber and her older kit- ten friends are ready to find their forever homes. They hope you come visit and meet them. These loving older kit- tens are looking for special families that will share love, warmth and provide the safety these playful kittens need and deserve. Amber or one of her friends will bring purrrrfect enjoyment and companionship to the right home. For information on Amber and her other indoor- only friends call 584-0594 or leave a message at 426-2455. These beautiful white Ger- man shepherds are mother and son. Shasta is eight years old and stays young and fit by playing with her four year-old son Bliz. They are obviously bonded and we would love it if they could go to the same home. This home would indeed be a special one, large enough for the two of them to run and play and they will give twice the love in return. If you would like to meet these magnificent dogs please contact us at 432- 3091 or send an email to aap- Spring has sprung at Kennedy Creek For the past few years a group of spring is an interesting juxtaposi- a.m. and 2 p.m. on Sunday at the volunteers and Mason County Con- tion of last year's salmon bones and Kennedy Creek trail. For addition- servation have met at the Kennedy the life that has sprung from the al information contact Stephanie Creek trail to view the emerging fry nutrients they brought to the for- Bishop, education and outreach that were hatched from eggs laid est. This year the public is invited coordinator of Mason Conservation last fall by the salmon. The trail in to join them anytime between 10District 427-9436, ext. 22. Shelton Community Cinema schedules 'Final Friday' movie Shelton Community we're showing '~he World There is no charge for ad- in Shelton. For more infor- Cinema will screen its According to Monsanto,"mission, but donations are marion, call 432-3229 or monthly "Final Friday" a documentary about onewelcome with proceeds go- email Shel- movie at 7 p.m., Friday, of the world's largest cor- ing to pay the license fee ton Community Cinema March 30 at the PUD No.porations and the impact for the films shown, and to is not associated with any 3 auditorium, 307 W. Cota its products have had on SOCK's (Save Our Coun- political or religious group. St., Shelton. This Friday our planet and its people, ty's Kids) youth programs Southside School to hold kindergarten registration Southside School offi- during this time to regis- In order to be eligiblethe kindergarten screen- cials for will have kinder- ter. for kindergarten in theing during the first week garten registration March Parents need to bring fall students must be 5of May. 19 through March 30. a copy of the birth cer- years old prior to August If you have any ques- Parents may come to tificate and immunization 31, 2012. tions please call the the school office anytime records with them in or- This registration infor- Southside School office at between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. der to register, mation will be used to do 426-8437. i M. Knight will have the choice be- Mus c tween a keyboard lab package, Continued from page B-1 which includes 18 keyboards, and a package, which would provide the funds in the district's budget for the school with every instrument they full time teaching position needed need for the band. to bring music back to the school. "They also do advocacy --they "I don't know how they came up can help us find more money," with the funding," she said. Joyner said. "That will come into Since then, she has worked hard play next year." to secure several grants to keep the Representatives from VH1 plan program afloat, including funds to visit the school in June, Joyner from the Green Diamond Resource said. Company, Twin Star Credit Union, ?e "We definitely have a need," she Shelton Rotary, and a $1,000 grant said. '~When I first came here in the from the Encore Arts Foundation. summer literally there was a piano Last month the school received and three music stands." notice that it would be awarded a Joyner, who lives in Olympia, grant from the VH1 Save the Music Started at Mary M. Knight in fall Foundation. 2011. Mary M. Knight is the only In addition to the high school school on the West Coast to receive band class, she also teaches general the grant, music to elementary students, an "They chose little old Matlock -- elementary band, high school choir, it's exciting," Joyner said. high school music exploration and The award comes in several dif-one period of eighth-grade Wash- ferent packages, Joyner said. Mary ington state history. Joyner said even those students not enrolled in her classes show in- terest in music. Eighth-grade student Isaiah Thompson started spending time in the music room before football prac- tice last fall and liked to sit at the piano. "I started showing him scales," Joyner said. "He decided he wanted to play in the band." Now Thompson can play full songs on the keyboard in the high school band class. .... "These kids are progressing so rapidly," Joyner said. "I really, re- ally stress the fundamentals." Mary M. Knight Elementary stu- dents performed for the first time on Wednesday, and the high school band has its first performance at 7 p.m. tonight at the school. "I would like to basically con- tinue to grow the program," Joyner said. "There's kids that weren't sure what the band was going to be, but now they're looking in the wings." Harstine Continued from page B-1 financially. When Judy came home from that meeting she was very excited. As has been reported in the column before, Turning Pointe needs all the financial help it can get as the state support has been cut drastically. I know the shelter greatly thanks the Worn- en's Club. The last lecture of the year for Inquiring Minds will be at 2 p.m. on Sunday at the community hall. The guest speaker will be Joan Hockaday. She is the author of"Greenscapes: Olmsted's Pacific Northwest," published by Wash- ington State University Press in 2009. Hockaday has explored and written on landscape history elsewhere on the West Coast with her first book "The Gardens of San Francisco," an exploration of the natural history, including histories of its parks and gardens of San Francisco. She has given numerous lectures on topics re- lated to her books at the Museum of Arts and Culture in Spokane, the Seattle Public Library and the Rainier Club. Now she will be speaking here on the island at the community hall. Mary Nichols and Barbara LaJune are heading up our an- nual Harstine Island Garage Sale on Saturday, March 31. The event will be held at the com- munity hall. If you want a table give Mary or Barbara a call to see if there are still openings. Judy and I have attended in the past and this year we will have a table of our own. It gives islanders a chance to get rid of treasures they no longer need and shoppers can find treasures they just can't live without. Usually the hall is packed and filled with excite- ment. So mark your calendar and bring some spare change. Sewing will be at Brenda Stainbrook's house March 27. Okay Harstine Island students, now is the time to be working on those scholarship applica- tions. The Harstine Island Wom- en's Club has for years offered a couple of real good ones. The deadline for getting applications in is May 4. So, if you are a Harst- ine Island resident and if you are graduating from high school, or you are attending a college, university or vocational school, you can apply for the Women's Club $1,000 scholarships. The club will pay the money directly to the students' school of choice with proof of attendance. Applica- tions are available from school counselors at Olympic Community College (Shelton) and South Puget Sound Community college; North Mason, Shelton and CHOICE high schools. Also they can be found at Sound Learning (Mason Co. Literacy). Additional applications may be obtained from Harstine Island Women's club Scholarship Committee; Attn: Scholarship Committee c/o Sandra Herndon, 449 Pointes Drive E., Shelton WA, 98584. And as I noted, these ap- plications need to be turned in by May 4, so that means you have to start working on them now. Funeral Alternatives Introduces Lew Ferris Lew is proud to help Mason County with any funeral needs including pre-planning. ¢SwaeU EST A Reputation Built on Service Provider Shelton - (360) 427-8044 • : ........ O! m la:--360)9 3 6363 .::..:i::;.:: .:.:(:... : .=. :. : 1 426-4412 0 Jennifer Louise Thompson-Sylvester 2/1/1972 -- 312411997 Although it's been 15 years we've been apart, you are always close to our hearts. We think about you all the time and cherish the memories you left behind. Love and miss you so much Jenny! ~;,~ Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 22, 2012