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Shelton-Mason County Journal
Lynae Brown
throwing to
the bases dur-
ing Shelton's
practice in
the Mini
Dome on
Journal photo by
Emily Hanson
By EMILY HANSON F~~ strikeouts and four ~ walks," Goldsby said.
Despite poor
weather canceling
In what was supposed to be its third the team's first two
game of the season but was actually the preseason games
first game due to weather, the Shelton and confining the
~fastpitch team won on the road last week. MONDAY: Lady Highclimbers
On Friday the Lady Highclimbers Shelton .......... 8 to the Shelton Mini
defeated Timberline 8-5. Timberline .... 5 Dome, Goldsby said
"We literally did not know we were the team played well
playing until noon or 12:30 that after- TOMORROW: against Timberline.
noon," head coach Kim Goldsby said. Shelton vs. " J o r d a n n e
"At first, I thought we wouldn't be Olympia at Krumpols scored
ready, but it kind of relaxed us." MCRA, 7 p.m.three runs and
Goldsby said the fact that the team walked twice, Ken-
ended up being late to Timberline ac- nedy O'Connor scored two runs and
tually helped because the pitcher, Mor- Mitchell, Kelsey Albaugh and Brynnen
gan Mitchell, had never pitched a var- Beierle scored one run each," Goldsby
sity game before and did not have time said. "All of them did a good job."
to deal with nerves before the game. She said Krumpols played well as
"In Morgan's first varsity game and catcher and that Lynae Brown played
first complete game, she pitched five amazingly at first base.
"None of our outfielders had played
varsity before and two of them had
never played in the outfield before,"
Goldsby said.
She said that after so many game
cancellations and reschedules last
week, she is not going to count on any
of this week's games being played.
"We've had one outdoor practice
at Mason County Recreation Area
(MCRA) and the rest have been indoor,"
she said. "The weather messes with us
because you don't get to do what you
need to do.".
As of press time, the results of the
LadyHighclimbers' home game against
Bremerton on Tuesday, were ngt yet
The team had not yet played Bellar-
mine by press time on Wednesday.
The Lady Highclimbers are set to
play next at 4 p.m. on Friday at MCRA
against Olympia.
SHS senior
set to run
in college
When Kandcye Bragg
received her college accep-
tance letter, it held two sur-
prises for her.
The first was that Bragg,
a senior at Shelton High
School, had received a par-
tial academic scholarship
to Viterbo University in La
Crosse, Wis:, for $28,000
to be split among her four
years with the university.
The second was an offer to
run track for the V-Hawks
on a $2,000 per year athletic
ing this
Bragg has
been run-
ning track
for nine
years and
in the 400
Kandyce 4 0 0 - m e -
Bragg ter relay,
relay and
1600-meter relay.
"I like that track is an
individual and team sport,"
Bragg said. "We all have the
same amount of dedication
to it."
Bragg first participated
in track when she was a
third-grade student at Hood
Canal School and her physi-
cal education teacher took
her class out to the track.
"That's when I discov-
ered I'm fast," Bragg said.
"I'm really competitive and
figured l could use it to go
Bragg said she knows
now that she figured right,
since she'll be compet-
ing on Viterbo's track and
field team next year. Next
spring, when Bragg said she
hopes she will begin run-
ning for the V-Hawks, will
be the second year the uni-
versity has had a track and
field team.
"I'm hoping to set some
records for them," she said.
While at Viterbo. Bragg
plans to work toward a
bachelor's degree in psy-
"I was thinking about
going into the army to be
a psychologist," she said.
"I have family in the army
and I've seen how Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder
can affect families. I want to
give back to them."
See Athlete on page C-4
Shelton senior Lolly Jones spins for the discus toss during the Mason County Jamboree
place in the girls' discus with a 104'10" toss, a personal record.
Shelton senior Bryton Rodgers clears the bar
in the pole vault. Rodgers took first in the pole
vault, clearing lr6".
Journal DnOlO Dy Emil) rlanson
on Friday. Jones took first
By EMILY HANSON "Either way it turned out, I want- ed this meet to be a learning experi-
........................................ ence," Sells said. "Shelton did very well
against our Mason County neighbors.
The Shelton boys' and girls' track Team-wise. we outscored our compe-
and field teams won the first Mason titiors and won on both the boys' and
County Jamboree last week. girls' sides. I think it was a great mo-
On Friday the boys' and girls' teams rale booster for the Shelton kids."
took first place with 73 points each. Sells said that he thinks the jambo-
"I think that the jamboree went ree -- a matchup between the 4A High-
very well for Shelton," head coach Doug climbers, the 2A North Mason Bulldogs
Sells said. "First of all, the rain stopped and the 1B Mary M. Knight Owls --
right before the meet and we didn't see was beneficial for all three schools.
a single drop all night. I think every- "Despite the size difference in teams,
one was very happy about that because everyone got to compete and run their
we have been getting soaked all year at event,!' he said. "The other, teams came
practices." in with the same no-pressure attitude
He said the meet worked perfectly about the meet."
for the Highclimbers because it was He said he spoke to head coaches
small and there was no pressure on the Jeff Bevers of NMHS and Kitty Breh-
athletes, meyer of MMK after the meet and they
"For some, this was the first time were thrilled and optimistic about hold-
putting on a Shelton uniform anding this jamobree every year.
hearing the starting pistol fire," Sells "This was the first, I hope to be able
said. "For others, who have been with to see the 30th annual Mason County
the program for a few years, it was a Jambore," Sells said.
chance to shake out the legs and estab- Sells said he was surprised by many
lish a benchmark to work off of for the of the Highclimbers' performances at
rest of the season." the jamboree.
He said that before the meet began, "There were a few lifetime personal
he told the Highclimbers that it was records (PRs)from some of our athletes
the day to figure out what they liked
and what they didn't like. See SHS Track on page C-4
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, March 22, 2012 - Page C-1