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Team to play at Yelm if weather's not poor
By EMILY HANSON F~ Desirae Klokkevold lost
e~iZy@mc~oncoztntyoC!Orn ~ 1-6, 0-6, No. 2 doubles
team Clara Robbins and
Yemas Ly lost 0-6, 0-6
The Shelton girls' tennis team lost its and No. 3 doubles team
first match of the season earlier this week. sisters Serena Ranney
On Monday the Lady Highclimbers lost and Meghan Ranney lost
5-0 at Bellarmine. MONDAY: 1-6, 4-6.
"This was one of the coldest games I've Bellarmine .... 5 "Even though we
been to in 18 years," assistant coach Dann Shelton...: ...... 0 had a lot of 0-6 sets, the
Gagnon said. "We had a little hail, a little scores were closer," Ga-
rain and a little snow intermittently. It TOMORROW: gnon said. "There were a
would clear up and we'd play and then get Shelton at lot of game ties."
bad again." Yelm, 3:30 p.m. Gagnon said the Ran-
No. 1 singles player Willow Walker lost ney sisters had the best
0-6, 0-6 while No. 2 singles player Rebecca match for the day, win-
Dickson lost 0-6, 0-6. ning five of their games.
No. 1 doubles team Allison Hunter and"We have so many young girls, a lot of
~lthem were intimidated
by playing Bellarmine,"
Gagnon said.
Poor weather over the
last few weeks has con-
fined the tennis team to
the Shelton Mini Dome.
The weather also can-
celed the team's Tuesday,
March 20 home match
Serena against Capital.
aanney "Our morale is high,
though," Gagnon said.
"These girls don't com-
plain. They would play in a hurricane if
we'd let them."
The Capital match was originally re-
scheduled to Wednesday, March 21 but
will be rescheduled at a later date due to
conferences happening on that day.
"I'm hoping we'll get to play on Thurs-
day at Yelm," Gagnon
The team is scheduled
to play at 3:30 p.m. today
at Yelm. The schedule
is subject to change de-
pending on the weather,
To check the schedule
for the girls' tennis team,
visit the SHS website at under
the athletics and activi-
ties tab and the spring
athletics link.
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a hurricane if we d
let themoo "
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Journal photo by Emily Hal3son
The Shelton girls' rugby 15s team gathers for a scrum during its home game against Mudd Bay on Sunday.
girl "rugby ome
Sunday's game at Kent may be moved or rescheduled
pain, and prevent or limit permanent By EMILY HANSON "This game was a humbling ex- Kent, I think our girls will do quite
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brains began to shift their resources so accepted.
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in brain gray matter are permanent has helps underline how much a patient's
attitude and determination may play
yet to be determined. In any case, the roles in rehabilitation and recovery.
emi(y@,,?~asonco{tnty,com perience for the team and Monday's well."
................................ practice was the best we've had in a Kent is a nationally ranked team,
while," he said. he said, which defeated the No. 1 --
The Shelton girls' rugby 15s team Hailey Cougher scored the lone Fallbrooke -- team in the nation last
lost at home earlier this week.Shelton goal. week at a rugby tournament. Later
On Sunday, Shelton lost 10-5 to"This is Hailey's third year with on at that same tournament, Fall-
Mudd Bay at Oakland Bay Junior us and the first time she's scored," brooke defeated Kent.
High (OBJH). Nesmith said. "Her position is more "We optimistically still think
"We shouldn't have lost that game for setting up goals, not scoring." we can beat them," Nesmith said.
because of our girls' overall talent," As of press time, the team was "This week, the girls are taking a
head coach Chris Nesmith said. "The set to play at 1 p.m. on Sunday at new approach to practice and will
girls did not play to their abilities Kent, however Nesmith said all of be miles ahead of where they were
or with the skills of their last two the Kent fields have been closed due last week."
matches." to the rain. The team is scheduled to have its
Nesmith said that while the loss "We might play at a neutral next home match at 1 p.m. on Sun-
is disappointing, it has a big benefit middle ground or reschedule theday, April 1 at OBJH. This game will
to the team. match," he said. "When we do play be against Rainier Plateau.
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Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 22; 2012