March 24, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 24, 1949 |
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Pag..e 4 ,FmLTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL , Thlr,,'dav, f£ :
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o., ,tl DE_00THS WELLS SHOULD BE CHECKED FOR School Press Club '
' ' $3.46 lived qt the home (,f his son. in areas e×periencinz he:ivy run-nf wells, l es even '
f." ltql']]l/"" 1,1€ /t :tZ]:rfi('-- 415 ,it. walter, in Shell,,,. died March orf of spring snowmelt and wiih In the c,qse of dug wells, the Jouralists at Irene S. Reed
12 al the homo of :mother son. Ieavy spring rainfall are remind- ('amng slmnld I)e eh)sely inspected High School stepped out of prini-
• l'hl.t I;),; ll:lr.hl, in Sealth od this weolt by the Washington for perkins qu'dities that may be er's lnl¢ long enough to enjoy :1 ['¢kl,LJ : .... :,Q .:, ,,,, L,,,,,., Mr Aust,,, was I,,,,',l September St,,t,. I)cl,,,,'t,,lent ,,r Health t,, l,el'n,ittinv se,,pag,, it, t,, the shaft. Press Ch,b banquet, h,itiate :wv,.,,
T,x 12. 1875 in l)epuyst,.r, N. Y. He che(.l¢ the saJ'ely of well-waler Drilled wells should have the new members, and compare notes l • • ,
was : rc.idenl of l,ol)eZ Island fro' S,,lmlies 'lgainst l)olluli(m, h,)le around the top at the sin'- on exciting experiences in creative' By Bon(h'd, Licensed Eh ctricial ""
, file(' of the grotlnd checked
12 years later Hi(lying to Whidbey A(COILI})ING TO the engineer- to writing. .: ]J(
I.-'.h, nd. ink division of the State Health insure that there is no seepage Miss Margaret Paldwin, ener- ELECT
'ln,,.'a] ..¢.,,,',ees w,.',, held Dep:,rtmcnt. after the past wm,er aown alon the steet .,haft. getic journalism director, led the KILLMEB "
Mai'ch 16 nnd irlernwnl was m of heavy precipitation all prop- Driven wells should be Checked]invocation, which was followed by
tb(, L.p('z Center c,(,metm'y, erty owners with individual wells for leaks at joints in tile drive Ja dinner reported collectively Io he €
urviving are two :.:ons. VValter. .hould che(!t lnr accumulations of pipe which extends down to the[delicious. L
"FOR Stlellon, and Harold. Seatth,; a water near well sites. Porating of :om'ee of supply. So-called older] After dinner th¢ prograln Wq,¢] Lt O]
GENERATIONS Mrs. Edith Tlwdunga, :m'lace water or rain water near model '*pitcher pumps" for this[turnc d over to the student lead- LOCAL DEALERS FOR MONARCH RAN
Ik GREAT Wh;dlwy Island: two br,)tl'('rs. Wells may result m ral)id seep- ' .l_'
• type and older wells with open ters for speeches, initiations, intro- CROSLEV APPLIANCES, APEX WASHER6 E;
KENTUCKY Newton. Seattle. and tm'ton. Red- age of contamination into the SllOUts.may cause p?llution.thZ{ductions" Bill Leonard presented i1-I
YAVORIT|" l'mds. Calif.. and three Gr:ln(l- srmree of uupply.
.... (] Cota Street
pump wazago, tacmng seam at la Press Club Din to Delmar Cole o
ohihlrun. All dug, drivea and drilled the pumps should he checked tO[o f The Journal, the group's first
wells, say health 4epartment en- ,.. ". ...... . ]he o a y m .
........................................ uscert,fin that an absolutely tight n z z ember
A KentucD ,,leel'S. should have locations conneeuon ,s not allowing any- I Those initiated are Irene Bes-
MRS. MARY ('ARI,ON ()T ('.heckel to make aure ground sin'- thing to enter. {sett Gene Harst, Frances John-
Mrs. Mary Carlson ()st. 68. died faces at the tops of the wells are The nearest local health de. son, Lois Perry, Louise Rayburn,
March 1 at a h)cal hospital and graded so that they slope aw-y -- :|: NT
allonal Distillers Prod. Carp., N.Y.. B6 Pr,,l*65',; Cr, ln Neulral Spirits the fulleral sorvit:e was held at fl'om the wells. Shallow wells par-partment or the State Health De- Shirley Vvjte and Helen Wiggin. ,i q---MBURG "a
Funeral ttome wtth the Reverend time fox' contamination, garding well pollution or construc- copy desk chiefs carried the pro- X An
..................................................................................................... ptml Swecncy, of [-/<mdsp\