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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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24," 1+ ft q. , Equipment By Men EXCAw T. ot Water LOGS Rachael Knott Guild 1&apos;<) Repeat Project [ [ The Raehnel Knott Guihl of the Orthopedic Hospital Association met at the home of Mr.:. A. W. Calh,w and Mrs. Pearl Dutcher for 46th Woddi a hmehcon meeting last Priday. v llO'..t, Members vot,,d h, provide a food y Oh00orvod hf}oth agi:lin this year at the an- _ear llIlal Orthopedic A,+soeiation dance, I I"1 I) I " +is :, f,,.(1 raising proict. IJV l+flW{llngs M' 'S lau os W,qrYen volul teer(,d  ..... . ..... • .  , . • [ llFprlsc(l 13\\; r lritntls anti ]iclgn- LO scrve as ll(lViScr Lo lUnlOr i - --+ ...... r, • ' , , , . " . , * OO1'4 \\;veFe Nil'. [In(I VII•S Vy• ,-'5 ortholledtc gllilu wnlcn llaclla(l . ' ,. ....... ' .... , Knott nlemhers have sIionsored. A oil lil,n" qt)iiI wc(t(t 114 new resident of Shelton, Mrs. Charles Allison, formerly of Scat- tle, was welcomed as a member of the guild. The next meeting will be held April 15 at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam McKenzie. Members planning to attend are to notify Mrs. War- ren, 523-W, before April 13. Mixed Chorus Plans Music Week Program Shelton Mixed Chorus rehears- als are now underway for Music Week- Sunday Vesper Program which.will be given I} cooperation with the various choral groups in Shelton. With only five remaining weeks of practice a special request has ben made by the chorus for every member to come and bring a friend to the meeting Monday night, March 28, at 8 p.m. in the high school music room. V.F.W. AUXILIARY The V.F.W. Auxiliary will hold a regular meeting Monday, March 28, at the Memorial Hall• Annual election of officers will be held• OE your HOME MODERN WAY home construction calls streamlined home financing Fits equal monthly payments ur income, brings you to free- • ownership. Ask about our @ County Federal & Loan Association Security Bldg., Olympia, WasrL DIRECTORS I, SEARS K. L. PARTLOW V. BRIDENSTINE FRED HOLM H, C. BRODI lm Couple United In Church Service ll ;:In informal, impressive cere- ninny at 8::10 p.m. Marcii 19, Mar- ian E. Adams, dallghter of Mr. and Mrs. Del Adams, became the Bride (if Glen G. Rickards, the son of Mrs. Charles Hitehings of South SPRING 'YOU LADLES... Rosanna Knits Strike a feminine • 0 Note Smart as it's custom-made sister But Less Than Half the Price! In Six heavenly Shades. Sizes 10 to 16 $25.00 to $45.00 I I II ...................................... IIII III i i +SHELTON GARDEN CLUB PLANS iiospltal ' ---;---- ...... ---------PLANTING OF RAILROAD AVENUE 0000_Jza A SHELTON GENERAL I Due to inclement weather theist the Lulnbermen's Mercantile. Shelton Garden Club members had For the the conservation hmch- / t° p°stp°ne the l:ilamled t°nr °f c°n i° bc held al'12:3O April 4 PLUMBER green houses and s regular meet° at the Colonhd Itollse, the Slate ins was held last. Monday at the Dcpartnlcnt of (lani¢. it/ Seattle home of Mrs. L. D. Hack. iv sending a representative* to The club has again agreed It) I sp(,ak and show colored sound • raise fnnds to rephmt a block and fihns Oil lho work beiog done by one half on Railroad Avemle, the lthe dcp'lrtment in t)romoting and Patients admitted to Shetton General Hospital for treatment this weel< included Leo Flick, Mrs. Ga- zclla Makoviney, Mary Way, Judy Ann Daylay, James Ray, George Tozier, Mrs. Grant Richeson, Bert Dickinson, Charles Wars, Mrs. !O. K. Stephens, Mrs. Victor Nel- ' son and Mrs. Harry Weekhorst of Allyn. • Treated in the emergency room and released were Harold Smith only part left that can be planted prot:(,cting wild life in tile state, i of the original i'our block strip :Mrs. it, 11. Hayes and Mrs. Boyd planted several years ago, Anderson, president and vice-pros- The first fund raising project a n I 1 t VCl'al'y. The, Rawdings, who have been in Shclton since 1935, live at 829 Railroad Ave. Mr. Rawding has' been emph)yed by Simpson Log- gins cons)any dtlring his residence l)akota . Rcv. J. O. Bovec performed l:hei double ring ceremony before the I huckleberry and dogwood decor ated altar of the Baptist church. Baskets and bouquets of greens and Phone 48 J. L. CATTO IIARDWABE WEAR DEPARTMENT and Eddie Cochran. Patients discharged were era Chamberlain, Mrs. Mel Dobson, Colonel Blake, Mrs. I. H. Woods, was the award of two dolls made by Mrs. Leola Millard, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith won the bru- nette doll and the blonde doll went to Mrs. Ella Chase. The members ident of the state federation plan I to attcn<:l this luncheon. Reserva-+ tioliS must be made by April 1 to ................................................ Mrs. H. E. Munson, phone 325. Mrs. Frank Willard, horticulture c.hairnmn, urged members to make here. 'llc children of Mr. and pink roses flanked the altar. Mr.<+. RawdinK include Mrs, Ruth l:echiold Sotith Dakota; Mrs. Es- The attractive bride chose a .... ' ......... navy blue suit with blue aceess- l:l/Ir 1 I11(1 nelk( 1+ Jvirs Avma r ' " ' orsa e of ted los ' ' ' " . 0 les aria a e • g ' ' .es Wh+',(,lcr, Shclton: Lob Rawdmg,  ", _.. __s_.l_ Shelion; Jacl< Rawding, Shelton;ltO'At<;rd?;°lne g ffi';te;"a2'maid oft Willie Rawding of Hoquian" and _ • , s ,.7'--- ll I ,, +' ........ +a M,-'Ki '<,i''- 'Pon I n°n°r' Miss iAlCllle At:Is s wore a l ""_ ...... <:? ...... . ......... V ..... I blue urev suit with black accesser I Ihu'ing .... toe evening earas were ies anti'-'a pinK"  carnation corsa-eg played and refl'est mcnts served ' " : n was He -'[ • I erving as oest ma , .re-. ......... eft Baze. ionta Club to Judge "Always" was sting before the "l+mi:-..l llli,l, lS;--At.S Iscrvice by Virginia Cooper who l h' .*' .lW&l I I [9ID It It iaatlvlI ,. t was. aceom, panied b"y Mrs,..Charles'. A regular hmeheon meeting of , I . . . . . = the Zonta Club will bc held this I For her daughter's wedding Mrs. noon, March 2, in the Shelton Ho-I Adams ('hose a black suit with tel dining room. ! gold blltton trim. Her corsage[ Tiw (,lull h<ls been appointed by , o'  d ' ....... . : ." was _I oar_enlas. , th( Forest Festival ehawman Mrs Rickards is a graduate of] Rudy Werberger, to contact mer- Irene'S Reed high school with the l chants to plan for window displays ,'. of" :17 during the feshval week. Zonta the young couple will reside in] members will also act as judges Shelton where Mr Rickards is on the completed displays, employed as assistant manager of Safeway Stores, Inc. Baby Jean Nault, John Schneider, Buck Mackey, Charles Woodall wish to thank Mrs. Millard, who and Mrs. S. Shelton. not only made the dolls, lint sold . . all of the tickets on one of them, and Mrs. Charles Lentz, Mr. and CLINIC HOSPITAL Mrs. Guy Hutchinson and Mrs. Patients admitted to the Clinic Orle Gonter for their untiring el- Hospital for surgery this week h- l'orts. cluded Mrs. Fleming Byars, Mrs. Plans wire made for a food Robert Serge, Mrs. S. K. Smith, sale to be held Saturday, April 9 Bill Stone, James Heron and Ruth ......... Hull of Bremerton. Other patients admitted were Missionary Groups Roy J. Ki:nbel and William Young. Patients discharged this week E taln Guests were ErnesHarold, Jack Liegel nter and Dan Davidson. I The Baptist Women's  Mlssi( n- t ary Society enter(aired their RAINBOW INITIATION ,,friends and members with an eve- Itiation will be held at the reg- sing of entertainment and social ular meeting of the Rainbow Girls time Tuesday, March 15. on Monday, March 28. A skating The program started withgroup party will be held on March 30. singing. Mr. Floyd Witimrow ten- Skating will start at 7:30 in the dered a violin solo, accompanied skating rink on Mt. View. by Mrs. Witherow on the piano. Newt. Rasm- sang a solo and Mr. rise of the bulletills available in the post office basement. Of spe- cial interest are Rockerie, No. 90, Bulb Insect Diseases No. 128 and No. 122 lint[ ,i-H Fun Fixing Flow- ers, No. 496 and 499. To the meeting, Mrs. Orle Gon- ter brought gorgeous bird of par- adise and pink anthirium blooms which had been flown from Hawaii for a Seattle wedding last Satm'day at which Mrs. Gonter' daughtel' was a bridesmaid. Mrs. L, B, Barton was welcom- ed as a new member of the club. Refreshments .were served by the hostesscs, Mrs, George Drake and Mrs. H. E. Munson. AGATE NEWS By Mrs, ll, P, llamllton Mrs. Martin Remmen has been quite ill recently biit is reported EAGLES AUXILIARY Rasor anti Marcus Copeland fav- improved. SON FOR McCOMBS' Following the ceremony a re- A meeting of the Eagles Auxil- ored the group with a duet. These Ted Hovind has accepted em- A six pound, eleven ounce son ee tion was held for the couple,, • l er ,en e' - +  n   P,,v " p ...... ; lary will be held Monday, March two men, (f Ab. de. , w le dele- Dlovment at Tacoma temuorarilv was corn % :'.,. :%-: --"4' ....... in the cnurcn 28," at 8 pm All interested in gates at a youth conferencc in, Ie'ho,es oon to lhve wni'k near,' morning tel" Mr. aim zvrs. James wilh the reception were Mrs. tnet: ,,.m • ,,t, oo "et,, ,,-, t,,,., • ., €,,,. m,,,it,l,,,, ths ,)s  ,:,,,, I . t- ...... - M((omb at Shelton General Ho Baze Mrs Reyno|d Mason and iti The mother theformer lo- + :" "' practice March 31 at 8 p.m, They had the opportunity of tak- 1 ':: * * v • . ," + . : .... " . I ira aze. , -- [ ins many interesting pictures I Mrs m,, xr--,cr'4al entertain anne Fnrert, is tne oaugnter o[] ....... + which the showed Mr :-  .... '" ........ " Mr and Mrs. E. H Fanbert, while . . GUEST ]. ]_ . _. y... . . . Jasor ed the sewing club at her home ._ • ..... .................. I u. oF w: ........... Shelton Woman . orougn00 a ShOt< message. Tht, rsd'<y. Ma,+h . .e,t00ht- toe. is(per. Is uie Ul, YCt&Llll. alll[Jta- I Scott Kline, chemical engineer. ......... i The ,rou n then a(Do ..... ea +,, t .... : '-- -" . .^.2.e .. vidff Ill;'+ youttfful father's cigars i Mr and Mrs+Georg e Cropper. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Durand an- n+ur c+P!eb+rteerthi,..b,hday;! !.n sewing and visiting. Late in • • Combs  " "' ' ' "i e of eir , +m,,,,, . e at.,...v-,,+,., toe alLernoom gue+tt Wt re re- ior the commercial. The Me  ' , Kline is here working on hint nounce the mare ag th .t ....... ,.,+ r,re,H .......  ] ...... = ltave a daughter, Pamela, at 1mine t thesis For his topic he ia using daughter, Mrs. Erline Durand :,- ,,,=(. ,,.,s  ] (luesea to cu snamr0cs troma awaiting the arrival (if her young as materi'd Rayonier and Simpson Drake to Garvin Monrad Herig- ''::' ,';,,.'.:=;( ".,:,Y I piece of gTe.en .paper, the p.rize brotl'-r "  ' -- '-- *stad of San Mateo, Calif. - ................... , ....... ,, v,:- I going ro Dolly anaurmm. Those " ."%. The Children's B e nevol ent 5, has ee pos poned until April .... 1 '  " " ",,,. League will hold a food and apron' 8th i T ,,,,* ---' [i ..... :: .... ' can " Mrs.. Pete York wm agreeably • " ,,. sale at the Lumbermen s Met" - - lBffllll Celebrate • :. "  . . 2= c-"6 FROM SOUTH DAKOTA ; v  suprised when members of her tim nn aturaay, mar,n z . t • '  ...... : Mrs. Ruth Bechtold and daugh- atranth I:t,4¢],,r I m t 0 w!sh her a - ter, Bubbles, of White River, South  v llilli 1.ll bl[l[L  nappy irrnuay. Tne party inctua- , ' -- ed two sons and lheir wives, tan A  I  , Dakota, are visiting Mrs, Bech-I Mrs. Elward Burnett entertain- ' . .... _" .,. '" t z--]k u J.x.# told s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. : ed with a birthday party on Sat- grmta cmlaren anct rive grea- Need Fixing? Try She Depends On You . . . for all her needs. And you can depend on ns for -, ., the best . in freshly - stocked baby foods and vitamin products. Y(m'll like the assurance of quality in shopping for baby supplies hera . "A Healthy Child Is a Happy One" GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY PREPP'S LOU'S 10010 Mt. View - Phone 675-W Next To Skating Rhlk Ray's Jewelry. 117 Cote Phone 633 CLOT Rawdtng. They plan to remain here until May. TO NEW YORK George Cropper, operations man- ager for Rayonier Incorporated, left this week for a three week business trip to Erie, Pennsylvania, and New York City. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. Donold Whinery, 226 4th Street, became parents of a daughter born March 17 at the Shelton General Hospital. ING urday, March 19 honoring the sev- rand children• REXALL enth birthday of her twins, Bobby The evening was spent in cards and Barbara. and music The opening of the School mates invited for an af- gifts wars followed by a bountiful DRUG STORE ternoon of games ald refresh- hmch. The highlight was a dec- I+ ments were Sharri Coults, Nicl!e orated cake with plenty of can- s PHONE 89 and Nancy Burner(, Joyce WIN' dles and the crowd singing happy liams, Valarie Latham, Karlee birthday. Hunter, Mary Rupert, Betty Mit. - " - "+" , . " ...................... chell, Becky Sharp, Barbara Ump- !  henour, Mary Brown, Nicky Cal- kins, Mike Walto. Roger Hill- yard, Jan Norvold, Jerry Patrick Frank and Dean Make. Charles Bunko and Tommy Bssett. Elma Guests Invited To Rebekah Meeting :++, . regular meeting of the Re- +++ ++' g00T00gd! March 25 at 8 p.m. in the I.O.O.F. #: The New Wostinghou. Hall  ...... Look of' mas'ive magni- Guests from Elms are expected ficence that represents and a program has been planned ...iiii in which Ehna will take part. the finest in Inodrll Odd Fellows have also been in- ookingl FOR YOU BOYS AND GIRLS vited to attend this meeting. . , Those wishing, may weatfor- • Little Boys' ats ALPHA CtI-i--OMEGA ' ', ALUMNAE MEETS The Olympia-Shetton Alumnae  ;  Houndstooth Check and All Wool Covert Club of Alpha Chi ?,mega held its regular monthly me(.ting at th  jf[l)J  __ Sizes qlAI ml Sizes S41 mJl home of Mrs. Harold Ahlskog on 1 to 3 JLIMO 3 to 6 JLII March 17. - |';;:.:!:ii:i.}7}. = ' Those attending from Olympia '. |i'i:;;:::'i':;!i!:i:i -   === -- ---.,,,,ll , Dress Hats " "I - were Mrs. G. H. Andrews, Mrs. . +:,i:::;i+i+::::!:gi:',;i::+: .... -+--+ Nina Curry, Miss Phyllis Moil, Mrs. John Lanmon and Mrs. L.R. :i!i !i::iiil] i: Turnbull. Shelton members pres- /:ii.!iiii'!::i .' Color Tan, Blue, Brown ent were Miss Dora Fredson, Mrs. i:L::i:!;}!;i;::i,,ii.::.i i R.H. Allan, Mrs. H., B, Frank, _|::V!i/i:!iii':...!: $1.69 Mrs. Oliver Ashford, Mrs. V.T. | ! :"}!.:+ ::::'::i'#: !! ! • ,.:ihl i;::. . _...- . Connolly and the hostdss, Mrs j ca. oth ++++ ------ Harold Ahlskog. + ..|::!::::ii.i::'::;i;:,:   Il +j/ White s Br cl S rt Shirts Progress Grange Shies .-Ii:+!++!++:+++i171111 -_ _ +-----------"--- Dance For March 26 !:::+:+}+7+#: .----+--=---- r --- --. . "• opt Sleeve. Yes, folks, we .re having an- + i+i+i+++i! i   .... "- s,,e,, to + $I,98 other dance at Progress Grange , / ............. "::{i++:++,.p+++;:i.,::,+"'i'++..:+;.!:++ II llll SUR.;_ +. '+ 111'I / Long Sleeves $ 4 Proceeds are to be used to put gl / Sizes 3 to 6 illIIi prize and waltz prizes will be giv- en away. A goodwill offering will "ly0n Dresses be taken later in the evening. Miss Sarah Waldrlp and Mrs. Zora Waldrip were in Tacoma on ,, With EmbroideredTrim - PastelY°keScolorsand Ruffled cominggavelbusinesss° u thside Grange willtoFriday,M°ndaYProgreSSMarch°f Grangethis25.carry theweek'this #@/ . _._ #/ .... Mrs. John Akin left last Thurs- SUPER-SIZE MIRACLE OYEM SURFACE COOKING CAPACITY Size "'13 ----Z5 "4"-- ----50 day for Illinois to rejoin her hu+- ¢.kl  18 . . Im,ltsl I-- .rld.ll .Imm. btw. Ikdlll 1 to 3 • and • band. He is attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keyzers arc ew spaciousness! New 4full-sizeCorox UnitslNew Size 3 2S $4 SO Mrs. Akin'.+ parents, speed] New perSect heat, circulation] room for large utensils[. 3 to 6 i and • , CALIFORNIA-GUESTS , Mr. and Mrs. ,lay Augustin of l ....... • Pale Al to, Ca lifo rnia, we re the. ## SEE 7 Sze14 $6.25 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Winston , Scott last week. The Augustins, i TO CHUR00 SUNDAY who are in the Northwest to en-[ Cfl i joy skiing, spent a day with the [ Sll RLIID €OOKHI6 €ON1110tS Scotts at Copalis Beach where, t 0it el li,I lilm• I THI STARTLING, NEVi JF I wtih the helpful instruction of I Mike Tokes and Ray Whitesides, a] BeSt Cooko Tel-A-Glance SIMPLIFI|O RANG| IT ' t successful clam dig was held" 1 Switches d Single Dial unghou KIODIES KORNER DEIqEE OF HO-NOR UNIORS OvmControil ...... ]VVCS S The Junior Club of the D'egree -- of Honor will meet at 11 a.m. Sat- I / urday, March 26. at the I+O.O.F.' Hall. Refreshments will be served E|ectric following the ____btness sessiov. . : : BABY GIRL Mr. d M, l:laald Haid, B, W. 80PER +.,:.,- .:: ,,..,' ., '":',: 'o: Pines Auto, became parents of a at the Govey Building Phone 154.W