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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, ri Page S ,mn nn, ,n,, n inn n in n n u nn n n n ited the Eells &amp; Valley Appliance and Mrs. George Andrews reach* ,, (;t'llt/w open hollse i'riday and ,q;t;tlrday io c ,'r4cly press the L',c,t- ler-than-tlf)0 figure which was r(,f..otd(!d at th( l..Jillbel M,)b)rs open hous( .ius a wcek prevh ilSly. It'× t('.tly 91l) pcrx;fms ptat!ed their II;llll,'S hi thp gI,QSt register lit the EeqJ!l & V:lih:>y f,{o, v,'hih iTlll[t' ;I il((nll)ci' dl'lqcd ill with- oill .<4igliill lh(, I((l(tk, "\\;V!. €:eJ'lililily v¢t!l,o llh?tl,qanlly .<Mlii)('il,d ttlld greillij lllt!asod lit 14114!]1 1 VCll'lYi "vl!l(Ponlc lr If I t (J I l II 11 (11' liliSillt'l' '•'f'lll(lll," lhc I\\;VO y(Ir) l I i 1  liartl>:r:J .ulitt ill rxp('c.'4si!ig tlidr 14To til ll,tC for ill*! ,ll(c.Ktlcc]:vdiy filtC V(!'il)llU HI! ,) t]'lOi F IIIVI[;I[iOII to vL4H; thoh' r(.d,,(:oraled lill:4inets (ltlal'tt,rs lit ]73 SOlltil Se('.¢)lid ,Dl.rm!l. ']'hf! l',A•(i 11€9,V ir, ll'lHIf"J'51, {leorg(, V'41ley and Mi.rrlll lqelt, had x.",p, qil ii ;irl',, eveldilK hotwf lllitl, i;1/.2. ((i liCW pfiiil[ ilHd bllildillg zl(lw' display .lwlve:: aiid cotllil;i:q's lif all:,active knotty pine fin. lheir OJ u qi hii(te. "rht i]l'Ct, fhlc (to ' prizes they put iip foF their open house g(lcsi.s Wclil. {,) (',onnle Crollql(tsl, l:{i)il{e 3, t,N,x t(t,-lJ, Wile vi;oil tile 5'lix- JTllltl'F; { }ilt Ill' r i(lti tdll 1%' I* r, 1 7JJ l(illlllit Ill'iv, b who wo,'l iht' |!]l,1- crs, m lorlabh. ,. rm'lio; aild Mr,rill ,loltli,.io(i, 7'..t Cot:l streei, who won ttlo llnbCalrl el0,.:trlc il'ol. All il,tcreslmg sidelighl; COil- :tin, : ]'..gtr. Valley, who bandit's the stiles t'!liCl of llie partnership, is tti,> fact that Ilis first e×pe('- icl(('o JH saleslllanshJ l) came as a grad,c school yozltll 13 years ::lgO iD E[']I(:' ,]()ilFllal',¢4 .<qibseripthm con. tcsl of 1936, George won ffrst prizo in the rnral district in that contest, earrfing a beautiful bicy- t>l( arid cash (:on3111issicin for hill :ll,tlilig at)ilil y. IJy Wny >f rc(lirii:;,.ence, other bit.vile \\;villi ic I'f4 in that Rll In(! callll)aibUi ",A'ore Jeannlilli O'Neill, \\;,€he led the "livid it( ll,c c.ily dis- lrqct, lilitli II(iwe elf Math'tel( l{te, " Mod.lG.i6cutil xi.,. 7'/i or I0 HP  • llilr '11 ed home last we(,k after a three wceR motor trip to Southern Cali- t(irnia (ill wt(ich they combined pioastlre with concerning their Andrews Photo Studio. They encountered perfect wea- lher during their journey and took advantage i,f it Io take a consid- crab!+, quantity of both still and ITliJti()l/ ilictures In oilier and black' and whirr. They side-Lracked inLo the de,<ert tlntl recorded really of [llO Iol'gOOIJS desert flowers on ihcir filn( which were just com- ing rote full bh)om while the Shel- ton couple were in l.hnt Illca. l!t{l '. l(l((l (I'S. AIIdrcws spcnt some tinw while in the south with Mr. lind Mrs. Mel Bearden (if Pot- latch, who drove south at the s'illle Lime, Mr. Beal'd(,ll doing co((si(lerahlo paiating i(i tile des- crt. Slllli(., of tile Andrews' plc- titrc8 show MI'. Bcal'den ;it work. Another sign of falling costs of living comes this week in the an- nonncement through Kimbel Mo- tors of price reductions as high as $39.75 on some models of In- ternational - Harvester rcfl'igera- tors. The new arid old prices, along with tie savings awtilable with ettCll model, /nay be studied in the Kimbel Motors advertisement on page 7 of this editlbi,. ¢ ,: ,g hi this same vein is the ari- nounced reduction of the price of milk by one eenta quart effec- tive last Monday by most leading milk distributors, The Kitaap Dairymen's Association, largest rnilk distributor In Maaoil county, has announced this, and other, price cuts in milk products. An advertisement on pagc 4 gives details. The Safcway grocery ddvcrtise- nient on page 8 today also show, a lowered price for Lucerne milk, featlired by Safeway stores. 4 ,:. A group of Saturday specials i leading item featured at a substantial reduction fronl regu- htr selling price in virtually every d(:partmtmt within its family--is advertised by the IAmbernlen's Mercantile on page 3 of today's .hiilrnal, This is to be. a weekly fel/ture at the L. M, hereafter, accor'dilltl to Gene ihinson, advertisilTg and soft goods mcwchandislng man. a/4el'. Journal readers are urged t.o \\;vatcl for these specials in ('1-!<(![1 week's edition from now on. SPECIAL!: Town House, sweet or 'naturel GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Full O'* Gold ORANGE JUICE, Blend O' Gold ORANGE & GRAPE- FRUIT JUICEall 18-oz: Cans. SI-ILTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ,,, ,, , ,, ,, , ,-.___ ........ '! .... - ....... G/I#//Y GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Don Rio, Texait natural '0OU' 21 , (unsweetened) juice. CAN Wonderful value! GRAPEFRUH' JUICE quality sweet or natur- al (unsweetened) juice. CAN ORANGE JUICE Full o'Gold, fancy 46-OUNCE quality pure orange juice. Delicious flavor. CAN BI,ENDED JUICE Libby's, fancy quality, 46-OUNCE Orange and Grapefruit CAN juice blend. BLENDED JUICE. Blend o'Gold, fancy 46-OUNCE grade, Orange and CAN Grapefruit juice blend ORANGE, JUICE Libby's, fancy quality, 46-OUNCE pure Orange Juice. CAN Stock up now! Favorite Lenten Foods! Chatham, Mild Cheddar CHEESE ............... lb. 45¢ Great Northern, selected Washburn Beans 2-lb. 33¢ Brigade, fancy grade CRAB MEAT .. 7-oz, 59¢ Washburn, Yellow or green SPLIT PEAS .. 2-lb. 27¢ "Quality," pure egg NOODLES .... 12-oz. 21¢ Busy Baker or Snow Flake CRACKERS .. 2-1bs. 45¢ Van Camp's, 6-Oz. package TENDERONI ...... 2/'23¢ Show Boat. 1-1b, 18¢ FANCY RICE . 2-lb. 35¢ SOLID PACK TUNA Star Kist or Bell Buoy solid pack, fancy light meat Tuna Fish. ,oz39 CAN € SHORTENING Choice "of Popular Brands SPRY, CRISCO SNOWDRIFT 3 lbs. 87* Thursday, The Recognized Leader in Rotary Tillage 'Ask for free demonstration oa " ) our own soll ! M.E Rotary Tiller CtlIS and inixcs vegetation evenly drou/,hout filled deplh ... aer- ates soil . , . leaves it humus, .. boosts crop yields and profits for you. 4-cycle engines on all garden models, patented fine unit with no line breakage on both garden and tractor power takc-off models. Ct)nvenient t c I'113;. Model FA-36 Model G-16 36" Swath ]6" Swalh Sickle bar, s¢cder, h/ller, [ur- ower, bulldozer, sprayer ava, ila- bl¢ for garden models. FARMER'S SUPPLY HILLCREST ¢, llit9 Mtl'aaukee nuipmnt llltUlllf&c[llrlqll Co, I J I _&/& A Wsdding lJ an ov,nt that la loag romsm- bered. And not the llasi el tho happy customs is the eonding ol Announce. monts and Inv/latfou. Don't 1st yo-r frionds lsorn lhe good n,wl tust by h,arsa. Our Wlldding samplsl ars eemploto; a size for every lancy and lot every purse; they have thai cstain touch that spells relinement tad good tolte.  ¢',dl [c,t y,,.r 11/# rnpv r,/ t&s l'eav'. IJ, zde B.,',Ue!,. • a u'ealh o# iufor. ma/wn #tu# the many o I,Vcddlng etiqueUe. TIE JOURNAL PHONE 100 Mrs. Bernh,e Ntevarl, local Charts c(irseitierc, was among 25 %vestern WashingLon eorsettieres who attended a Charis style show 11 Seattle Monday and saw the rw.w stylea of garments in nylon and othcr inaterial for all figure t, ypcs. The merehandising address for the gtitllcring was given by Georgt Miller, district Chart,<3 lylallager. Democrat Speeches Heard At Annual Dinner Celebration Sl(cecles by local democratic l):rty dignitaries marked the an- liilal Jeffer,qon-Jacleson day din- rler held last Thursday at the I. ().O.b'. flail. Charle.<i W. Hodde, ,'qmalcer of the ]-I(mse of Rel)re- sontativcs, from Colvilic, delivered the main address. " Tin persons sat at the speak- rr's fable, and there were ten speeches giveil before approxi- rna.tcly 60 persons. EXPLAINING the difficulties oncoulltered by tho senators and representatives in the 31st aes- sion at Olympia. Hodde said that party Incs determine the activity /if rlersoris (,liRl,ged ill lawn mRIng, lhal a legislator i, obliged to work wilh the party if he is to get any- thing done. Itodde disetts'cd the need for new school buildings and told of progress and set-backs in the late sessi(m. }-/e also told of accom- |)]itdnncilts tn party unity, farmer aids. public power. "These are not critical times nlr, v," Hodde said. "and the most (,riti('al thing is fenr that the COlll'ltT'y will have Hgain such con- dilhms a8 in 19aa." RI,;I'iESENTATIVI' C 1 a yton Farringto:L Olynlpla teacher, out. lined education measures pushed into law and criticized a 17-mil- liol>dollar cuL hi school appropri- Ill itt(IS. l,el(gth of the 31st tess]oil, Ioilg. (,st lawnlaking meetirig In Wash- ,ngton's history, was blamed by Senator Francis Pr, arson on the cMay in bringing the budget bill out of conlmittee for action. "The appr(q)riatil)llS 111 e a s I1 r c was brought out m the 60th day of the :essl(in. wi]c(1 ordinarily it rom('s tl) thc floor on about the 55th (hty.' I.)c, arson ab;o f<'(linpared Lhe fin- [:lnt'ial ey.Lravag, arlces of ex-govcr- nor M(in Wallgrerl to those of Gov- eriltn A.rt]l,lr Laoglic and clliJnwd I hat the ])elllf)('.rals werl! th,, cl-tli,(>nly-n, il,ded ImO ple. Il,Jl'l{ ES IqNTATIV1ES Edward l.ust',(Lor(Iol, San(lison and (eorge Adams in general ternls tohl of accor11])li,:hnicnts nlade ill Olym- pi,Js C'apltol bni]ding slllce Jan- ttary J0 Of thin ycar, OTIIEI{ SPEAKERS were Har- 1'3' T{cI,'.oI1. executive secretary of t],o ,talc ('Ollllllit[er'; Mrs. Susie [>a llley, c(ulilLy colnnlittee vice t,hali'll,an; lie)r] I]aker, state colrl- tlli{tt'lTnltlll, and Charles Savage, colnlty coniniittee chairman. Earl ("Pl'l', 13,aster of CeF01"llorl- io& tntrolluccd g•ncats who ilichid- ell i%layllr lhlrry Car]eli, llcrl) I )irllb;iJll. VilIc(ilt Pal]l, liVari'cii IAiicoln and Mar]lilt Newlttrk, Mrs, IAlllrie Hill, eouli{y COlll- ll, ittco treasurer, presellLed a cor- >qagc 1.0 (harlas Hodde for' Mrs. Hoddi  a; an acknowledgcnlent of their wt;dding anniversary March 18. Out ideals are our better selves. ...... A, Broniiort Al¢ot Sylvan Brand, in heavy syrup KADOTA FIGS ... 17-oz. can 2/27 ¢ Salad Dreaslng ( MIRACLE WHiP ...... quart 63* Libby's, fancy, Hawaiian,. 46-oz. can  f PINEAPPLE . . r, r JUICE ....... .37  Golden, round, c sp pa ty crackere TEA TIMERS ..... .. pkg. 25 ¢ Boysenberries,-- Del Monte ........ ..... L 17-oz. 31¢ Green Asparagus, Walls Walls, 14½-oz. 32¢ Blended Sweet Peas, Sugar ,Belle i... 20-oz. 19¢ Rice Krispiesl Kcllogg's ......... ........... 8-oz. 19¢ H-O Quick Rlled Oats ............ f ....... 2-lb. 34¢ Perma Brooms, Modglin, plastic ...... Ea. 1.69 Machine Oil, Three-in-One., .............. 1-oz. 10¢ 7-Up Beverage, add deposit, 7-oz ..... 6 for 25¢ Scooter, Lemon-lime (add dep.) .. 2 qts. 29¢ Acme Beck Beer (case 3.09) ........ ll-oz. 2/27¢ Port Wine, Private Reserve  .... fift!l.93¢ lb. 43€ IILICED PENES .. Morrell's Short Shanked, Smoked Picnics, Popular 6 to 8-Lb. Sizes HAMS ... lb. 59€ Diamond "F" Brand, 0 Smoked Sklnn©d Hams. Under 15-1b. Sizes Ready-Drawn Cliickens The modern way to buy chickenl--- Strictly fresh  ready;drawn, heads and feet removed. No waste to pay forf w FRESH READY DRAWN .lil FRYERS ................................. Lb. '-"°" °"w" II: FOWL .................................... Lb. BEEF RIB ROAST, U.S. "Good" ........................... Lb. BEEF POT ROAST, "Good," blade ................... Lb. lilll¢ BOILING BEEF, 23 ¢ U.S. "Good" . ..................... Lb, PORK ROAST, 47 ¢ Round Bone Shoulder ....... Lb. PORK ROAST. 55 ¢ Rib end, loin .......................... Lb. LINK SAUSAGE, sS' Pure pork ............................... Lb. SKINLESS WIENERS, 49  Tender! .............................. Lb. TONGUE LOAF 69' or Salami ............. Lb, . II II I . CAMAY SOAP The soap of beautiful women. Regular 9€ Bara 1 49c SMELT Fresh Columbia Rivcr (2 Lbs. 19€) Pan-ready steaks --- Lb. Salmon .. 67¢ Pan-ready stcaks .... Lb. Halibut.. 53¢ Pan-ready ..... Lb. Sole ..... 45¢ Dressed .... Lb. Whiting.. 29¢ Wholo, fresh Lb. Crab ..... 29¢ =. II IJ I I SUPER SUDS Floods of Suds with Stlllter Suds! 23-Ounce 2gt Package FARM-FR PRODU POTATOES U.S. No. 1 Florida Red Bliss New Potatoes • . 7%* 0 Fresh, green LB, ASPAR New Crop! All.Green Fresh Asparagus with Tender Tips FI ORANGES Sweet and Juicy. Just Lfi, Right Size for Juice! Broccoli .... lb, 19¢ Salad Mix .. lb. 14¢ Carrots .... lb, 8 ½ ¢ Onions .. 10-lb. 49¢ Parsnips .... lb, 10¢ Turnips .. lb. 12 ½ ¢ Washed & Yakirna NO. 2 - Fcy. & E]X. MRS. WRIGHT'S ,, _____-,x, ' FRESH BREAD ilit] White or wheat, enriched• Made with 44  "'li lots of milk and sugar. Feels tender lz -o Illl Ill ... eatsende,. "'=" llll lil ......... |lllii Canterbury, Black Tea (16 bags 1 Liuarant.eo quaulty, parcnment wrappeo € III1[ FRESH BUTTER . ....... lb. 64 Ilil TEA BAGS .... 41 Wash. Co-op, white or brown /Ill LARGE, "AA" EGGS .... doz. 58 ¢ !ill Roya, sat,n, a,, pu,pose F,.o G,a.u,ated (2-,bs. $.) [//I SHORTENING. 3. C & H SUGAR ....... 10 lbs. 92¢//// Suga, Cured Kitchen Craft (2-,b. bag $1.95) //// gWllTT'g PW,M 19. FLOUR ... 10 lbs.83 //// ///z' To,, .ouso Cook,., 0Oz k j, ESToS MORSE : OD ...... ,, LUCERNE MILK E D W A R D S lIk ,, ' whon ill Grade A" homogenized and --  More good cups per pound! . kX " pasteurized. Dollvered fresh ql all  / i' . .-lb. 54¢ 4-LB. ..'ll every day! Feather'weighti'r UuHvk' 2-1b. CAN Mild IkXX cartons. --" nv 99¢ dlUVi 3r "* SAFEWAY IVES YOU TRE BEST VALFO YOUR Winesaps Fcy. & Ex. ] A AND 26TH, 1949, IN SH SORRY, WE MUST REDEEM YOUR P & G COUPONS AT SAFEWAY! IVORY FLAKES TIDE OXYDOL 12-0z. 18-OZ. Pkg. 29 ¢ Pkg. 29¢ .oz. Pkg 79 ¢ PRICES ,JVIARKET CHANGES AND STOCK. LIMIT QUANTITIES, EFFECTIVE FRIOAY AND SATUROAV. MARCH .25 NO SALES TO DEALERS. ClNGH CAKE MIX, Oevils Food .................... 1.1b, 39¢ SWANS DOWN INSTANT CAKE MIX, white l-lb. 35¢ SWEETHEART ... 4 DEVILS FOOD CAKI MIX, Dromedary .... 14-oz, 27¢ WHITE CAKE MIX, Dromedary .................... 1-1b, 34¢ SPECIAL Blu-White Flakes 1€ Sale! FISHER'S PANCAKE MIX No. 27 ............... 2-lb. 29¢ BLU-WHITE ..... 4 Pancakes & Syrup ;,i Pancake Flour! Saving price[ :| • THE CLEANSER That Works WondSl*ll Suzanna ...... 40-oz. 30¢ j: !I SUNBRITE ......... 1 Rich maple flavor. 12-oz. boLLle Sleepy Hollow ...... 25¢ CAMELS, LUCKY STRIKE (CARTON CIGARETTES ...... EVAPORATED MILK CHERUB OR DARIGOLD Powdered or Tall Tins 2 for 3¢ C. & H. CANE C,SE O 5.49 10' (48) 1-Lb. Boxes Get Your Favorites at Safeway At Saving Prices! t3ctty Crockcr DEVILS FOOD or PARTY CAKE MIX ........ 20-oz. 34¢ White or Golden PREPARED FLOURS SPECIAL DEAL! 1€ Sale on 4th Barl SPECIAL DEAL! 1 Reg. Price and 1 HII LUX TOILET. bath