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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1949. E Representative in Mason County for ia Oil & Wood mm l PRODUCTS COMPANY Grade Fuel and Diesel Oils ' 1st and Franklin Phone 397 PROMPT SERVICE II SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ..... ' '£!. ......... LL..L ........... I i ............... ...... BODIES OF THREE SHELTON WAR DEAD BEING RETURNED The IHxlies of three Inel! from Shclion who died in V¢orld War ll are being returned to the United Statt from Europe aboard the army transport ]laiti Victory, the department of the army has annollnCed. Aboard the ship are 44 bodies of Washington State men. The army said next of kin would be notified In advance of the arrival time of the veel. The war deml coming to Shel- ton are Corimral Vinton G. Blanehard, Star Route 1, Box 146, Shelton; 2nd Lieutenant Miles E. Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Elllott, Shelton; Captain Ilarold J. Moore, son of Jonettle Moore, Star Route 1, Box 25, Shelton. THE FORUM I ,I MORE TAX MONEY [ REFUNDS FOR 1949 j Nearly 40 per cent more money [I has been refunded so far thi' year : to individual income taxpayers in People of Shelton: Now that Spring has sprung (ac::ording to the calendar) I would like to make a very urgent plea to you good people of Shel- ton. After you have cleaned your yard, attic and shed, and so forth, please, please, please don't dump :/our garbage along our lovely the Washington-Alaska Internal Revenue collection district than during the corresponding period last year, Collector Clark Squire has reported in Tacoma. Refunds to 234,858 persons total $13,128,191. One year ago the re- fund amount was $9,406,306 to 193,911 taxpayers and two years ago it was $7,469,607 to 160,007 taxpayers. The increases are attri- county roads. "It's no farther to buted largely to" earlier filing of the regular garbage dump than it returns is out to some side road along  the highway. 'Girl/Not Boy ................. So let's add a word to our slo- gan and Keep Washington Green Mr. and Mrs. Lorell Selje.;tad and CLEAN. became parents of a daughter, Mrs. Carets Nutt, born March 13 at the Shelton Lost Lake Road, General Hospital, instead of a son Shelton, Wash. as previously reported. in l Ask about convenient terms ! Learn all these famous Frigidaire appliances ! Refrigerators • Automatic Washer Electric Ranges • Electric Clothes Dryer Electric Water Heaters • Electric Ironer Home Freezers • Electric Dehumidifier FRIGIDAIRE 'ii!ffy Measure | the handy, useful 8 oz. JIFFY MEASURE. It's marked in pints, cups, tablespQons and ounces and will be S r g ! one of your most convenient kitchen gadgets. It's FREE during the Frigidaire ,Spring Showing. e @ Now going on| Every day this week! You are invited l €i. ctel st Plan now to see the big Spring Showing of Frigidaire Home Appliances for kitchen and laundry. See all the modern, conveniences and features you get in Frigid- oiro's flnest lin of home appliances. 5ee,,too, hW, easy it is to own them. I © v3V III f De Luxe Model D J-9 has °hal-keeping advantages ! I!twidth SU'Per-Freezer Chest On top, to its "rPl ed Hydrator on the bottom, this r.l gerator has deluxe conveniences-- • eR TM. dependability. Learn about all etngerators from 6 cu ft. size to 11 mb • Other madeis from $209.75 Frigidaire All-Porcelain Automatic Washer has Live-Water Action ! Just put in clothes and soap, set the Select-O-Dial and forget ill In less than half an hour Live-Water action washes clothes cleaner, rinses them twice in clean water. And the Rapidry-Spin dries them many pounds lighter. • • some clothes are so dry they are ready for immediate ironingl s299.75 Frigidaire RK-60 Electric Range has many exclusive features! Here's stunning, all.porcelain beauty combined with matchless automatic conveniences to make cooking easier, faster, and meals tastier, better every day in the year. See it now| See all the Frigidaire Electric Range models. They're porcelain inside and out-- there's one to fit your individ,,,,I -,eds. o..., =...= s154.75 Come inl Ask about convenient termsl Learn about all these famous Frigidaire appliancesl Heine Frsers lileclric Dehumidiflm' qmbermen's I Established 1895 m tile I II II I 4-H ORGANIZE PROJECrS FOR COMING SPRING AND SUMMER Responsible youngsters in Ma- Carroll Kelley, reporter. son county arc organizing their Andy's Aids club, named in 4-H clubs this month in prepara- honor of extension agent Kruts- lion for Spring au(I Snmmer con- Wyk, have us leaders Wihna Wilk- tests and for their annual fair, iuson, presiden't; Ruth Robertson, WILBERT S. CATTO Representative of EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE t SOCIETY Life Insurance & Retirements Aldercroft Nursery Phone 591-W at which their works will be dis- played. ONE I'R()JE(T the girls and boys carry all months of the year is their snmll, but well written and edited paper, "4-H Broad- caster," which is distributed each month to all participants a n d leaders. Editors of {he rimeographed paper are Elin(,re Brumbaugh and Pat Hart of Southside 4-tI club. A reporter from each of the organizations in Mason county sends in summaries of activities of club doings, and Miss Peggy Slater does the typing and mime- ographing work in the county extension office. BARBARA JEFYEINON, scribe for Agate Tip-Tops, annouees new officers for 1949 with Shirlcmj Hamilton, president; Jane Greaves, vice president, and Lois Hamilton, secretary. The group is going to raise Spring flowers and sponsor ;t candy sale. The Dayton Aggies already have started new projects. Wayne Wickizer and Dick Scott a r e raising calves, Freddy Meyers has a buck rabbit to care for, Doris Adams is working on a pot holder, Della Adams has just finished a pair of pajamas, and Donna Scott, I the cook, has been preparing cakes! and cookies. Jennie MacRae is club reporter. TIlE NAMES OF some of the 4-H groups in the county show the keen imagination of the youngsters• Over in the Allyn area Geraldine Baker reports for the Allyn Acorns, led by Irene Wynn, pres- ident; Wesley Stock, vice presi- dent; Joy Wynn, secretary-treas- urer; Margie Dove, historian. During the past Winter the members of Little Egypt 4-I club have been holding parties and going skating together. Con- nie Cowan, reporter for the Broad- caster, said that the group has been meeting at the community club. Audrey Bailey is presi- dent, and Gwendolyn Johnson, secretary. In the disfrict of Belfair are two 4-H groups, one callled the Belfair Belies, and the other, B-Fair Club. The Belles are sponsoring a dance to raise funds for the camp at Panhandle lake, reporter Mary Denevan said. The B-Fair's also are considering pro- jects with which to raise rtmney for the camp, said Marilyn Moll. KAMILCIIE KIDS have been expanding in membership with Roy Taylor, Roy Scott and Georgie Durktn latest enrollees. Frankie Marler is president, and qv,/v ,w v v ,rmp'r  'qe tr'r 'v'qP v v V v 'w"v'v'qr ' Southside Grange , aa dk ,tt..4a ak.4 la 4a db dk .. dk 41a ,a .aa.,t.    By ()pal Hardle i March 18 the Southside Grange i met with'48 .membara and two visitors present: B1otherrand Sis- ter Siva were ehoosen as dele- gates to attend state convention at Pullman and Brother and Sis- ter Hootman as alternates. Next meeting is gavel meeting and Progress Grange is the vis- iting grange• We hope to have a btg crowd out as it is quite im- portant. We are scored on our at- tendance, too. A very impressive eeremony was given in draping of the char- ter for Sister Abel, whose passing we regret. The Ladies Auxiliary met last week and election was held. May Cruson is our new president, and Delores Siva the vice-president. Other officers were retained. The Ladies Auxiliary is holding a public Easter Breakfast at the hall on Easter morning. Another attempt will be made this Monday night to organize a drill team for the first and second degree work. Anyone interested get in touch with grange officers. Cloquallum  ,v v v ,v v,,v•r v ,@*,v v v v v qp,, V v v ,qr v v ,q By Marguerite LeGault Cloquallum Grange wishes to thank the folks wbo so generously helped us in giving our neighbor such a successful benefit dance. We were able to present Mrs. Zella Makoviney with between $,t50 and $500, for which she is very grateful. Lovely gifts donated by mer- chants of both Shelton and Elms were a grand drawing eacd in helping induce more people to at- tend. Again we thank you. Mrs. Thehna Leorstcher had what might be called a reverse surprise last week on her birth- day, as on that day her family has for several years given her a party. But this time they suro prised her by not giving her the expected party. She was hnnored by an evening out with her hus- band and friends. They attended a show and had dinner afterward. The Keno party given by Clo- quallum Grange Saturday night was enjoyed by those who attend- ed. Mrs, Tonic Annensen has re- turned to her home from the Shel. ton hospital wlere she recently had an appendectomy. _Harry Mathews. not quite as lucky as she, had to remain in the hospital longer. He had to undergo further surgery but now he is home and doing very well. Mr. and Mrs. Albert LeGault were surprised on their anniver- sary and their family gave them lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hiloboki of Aberdeen Were guests of the George Labokis last week. Joe Schuster was honored on his birthday last week. A party was held at George Labokis. Mrs. ttartloy Leorstcher and Mrs. Dop Searger were callers at the LcGault home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cooper were visitors over the week end at the Al LeGault home, Their home is in Seattle. Bill Bethworth is digging clams at Copalis beach. A .i-H Club meeting was held Sunday night. :Mrs. Harry Math- ews presided, vice secretary; Jeanie Sallee, reporter. Plans to take part in tle Ki- wanian White Elephant sale March 25 were discussed by the Ivy Climbers at their last ses- sion, Helen Welch announced. Dtu'- ing the meeting Warren Duffey, vice president, demonstrated "how to press a pair of pa,ts," and Jy(:e Welch showed h(,w to :ew buttons. Bobbilee Evans is presi- dent. TIlE THREAD AND Needle club at Kamilche has started a building fund as one of their pro- jects, Dorothy Rogers said. Lead- ers include Elaine Ellis, presi- dent; Mary t.ogers, vice presi- dent; Mary Petus, secretary, and Mary Ann Rogers, program chair- m an. Veteran 4-H organizer Lee Hus- ton was honored speaker at the last meeting of :the* Southslde c}ub. He described garden dis- eases, while David %Vetter demon- strated the correct way to treat seeds. Keith Hurst is new as- sistant leader to Lee Huston, and Elinore Brurnbaugh is rcporfer. Mrs. Opal Hardie is girls' leader. president; Linda Johnson, ........................................................... I J. L. CATT0 HARDWARE 317 Railroad Phone 48 ,,i ,, ,i,-17 ,; ......................................... ,, ........................ AIRCO WELDING SUPPLIES and EQUIPMENT HEADQUARTERS FOR AIRCO WELDING SUPPLIES & EOUIP00 LOGGERS, CONTRACTORS, MILL SUPPLIES Steel Construction Materials, Wire Rope, Tools, Re-Inforcing Iron, Pitm Fittings, Heavy Hardware LUMB00ERMEN'S MERCANTILE WHOLESALE,,...00 DIV00ON 606 uth First St,, .... Slielttltt--.Pllolle .... 805 i J i •, PENN EY'S semi-annual Coat Fair... top favorites ... but budget priced! ALL WO TWEED COVERT GABARDINE I 24 "7s to 49 "7s No .... being well-dressed need not be eX- pensive! Here, a coat witll good lines, good fabric, good tailoring.., a lucky-find price." " STAMPED . PILLOW CASES Stamped for F00broidery 00.18 GO TO CtIURCII SUNDAY