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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Oil Concern Builds Fuel Storage Tanks Construction of more than $1,000,000 in ]lOw oil st(n&apos;age tanks ItS insllr[tfl(,'e against any possi- ble stortage of heating fuel in the Pacific Nortliwest has been an- nounced by S. E. Stretton, Seattle District Manager for Standard Oil Company of California. Six new tanks for the st,)ragc of heating and diesel oils qre be- ing erected on a hill above Stand- ard's main plant at Pnt Wells. They will hold sufficient oil to heat 50,000 average homes thru a wmter season. One of the tanks is rated among the largest such steel storage vessels ever built on the Pacific Coast. It is 48 feet high and 150 feet in dial:aster, and its steel plates at the bottom atT one aud one-quarter iuches thick. 4, 1949. HOME LOANS Terms Rates i)EI¥ County Savings Association InsuPinoa Bldg. CHRYSLERS & PLYMOUTHS Now On Display at KIMBEL MOTORS Complete Richfield Oil Products GAS, OIL, LUBE SERVICE Complete Automotive Body & Fender Repair and Car Painting Augmenting Our Former Services of Repairing and Rebuilding -- Trucks- Tractors Logging Equipment [G - WASHING - POLISHING Pick-up and Delivery Service REFRIGERATION By International-Harvester FACTORY APPROVED I - Plymouth - International SALES . PARTS - SERVICE 8OUth 1st at Mill St. Phone 601 COLLEGE OF PUGET SOUND BANDS PLAY TONIGHT blSPLA/-- at Clrysler dealers everywhere. ]'he T Chrysler. With more safety and per- its "well.bred beauty! engineering. years, our Silver it rellects iluagiuation of tile • our greater safety... our greater safisfactiou • • • these come first STUDENT MEMBERS of the two College of Puget Sound bands that will play in Shelton Thursday, March 24, are being featured in many ways on their current five-day tour which is taking them through North- west Washington. This afternoon the Concert band ia performing for students at the high school. Tonight at 8 o'clock a.program will be pre- sented to residents in Shelton and Mason county. The con- certs are scheduled at the Irene S. Reed high school auditorium. Featured work in the program by the Concert band is Grieg's "Piano Concerto" by B e tsy Huhn, a sophomore. Five other Monarch & Tono Stoker $8 50 • • • • $ $10 Lump ..... 50 Range .... $9.50 CAPITAL CITY FUEL 504 N. Garrison St. Olympia Phone 5515 (Collect) students will be given opportun- ity to direct selections. One work features six trumpets. Members of the Workshop band, directed by Leroy Ostran-, sky, are featured as arrangers. Most of them are members of the Concert band. Both Ostran- sky and J.ohn O'Connor, Conce, rt ALERT GRAPEVIEW FIRE CHIEF RESPONDS TO ETHEREAL ALARM By Lydia Wren It is the general practice for Bill Somers, at whose garage the fire truck is housed while they are building the fire house, to warm up the fire truck occasion- ally and try out the siren to see if it works. Saturday afternoon Les Rice, fire chief, was working in his own garden when he heard the fire siren blast. He rnshed to his car and drove to the store listening all the time for more blasts from the siren to get the direction which the fire truck would be going. ItEARING NO further blasts, he thought the truck was under- mnned, and the driver couldn't drive and blow the siren too. He 'called the fire phone number. Someone was on the line, so Mr. asked if he could have the line as this was an emergency and the party obligingly hung up. Mr. Rice modestly asserts this was nothing, but hc wants t()l thank the party on the telephone]', for getting off the line in case I it might have been an emergency.,] e eautit00u00 There's more horsepower from the f(,re,nost high compression engine, the mighty. Chrysler Spitfirel With Prestomatie Huid l)rive I ransmissi,,n . .. with Safctv-Levcl-Ride. •. with exclusive Safety. Rim whe(ls that make it ahaost iml,ossiblc to th,'ow a tire.., with more than 50 advances in safetv, comforE connience, at]d Derfornial]co --.rids is the ear you'll talk about for years to some. We cordially iuvite you to see am] ride in it . . . by far the greatest value otfi'red! I'RESTOMATIC FLUID DRIVE* TR A NSMISSION in the Chrysler way of building cars. And once lan X) ] ]] mtant Inl )lo\\;e again, witl more i}' , " [ " . " .I' '.,- , r trst h0tn Clu)sle[ tim men]& you are get]is gfi .' "" "',i ," advances that really count. The full beauty of lhe Silver Anui'ersa].y Chryshrr goes (at beyond all that is exciting to the eye, Tailored to taste, with ample headroom --witl] plenty of shouhlcr room and legroonl-- ,,   1'1 is] flat reriett with widcr el;air-hei.h!.ieaI,C ", " t "' "[  ' , in every detail rigflt to its ash tray. AG,.IIN )OU GEl' TIlE GOOD TIIINGS FIRST I,'ROM CIIRISLER eW rys00er ' ' L to TQke Care of Our Own--lVith Chrysler-Plyntotttlt Service That Matches Chrysler-Plymouth Englneerl KIMBEL MOTORS, 707 S. FIRST ST. The Sarah Eckert Orthopedic !Auxiliary met at the home of :Mrs. Margaret Rice on March 18. Sixteen members and three guests were present. Officers for this tear are Mrs. Madge Pennebera, president; Mrs. Edana Strickland, vice-president; Mrs. Evelyn Hy- SOl, secretary, and Mrs. Margie Hell, treasurer. The group is plan- ning to give a play probably in June. Mrs. Murial Somers is in Charge. The Bookmobile will call at Grapevicw on alternate Tuesdays. It started March 22, so the next call should be April 5. It stops at the store from 1:45 until 2 p.m. They make a call at the school just before this time. A pleasant going way-handker- chief-pinochle party was given by Mrs. Vi Barrett last Sunday eve- ning with Mrs. Jane Mitchell as honor guest. Mrs. Mitchell is leaving sot)]] for several week;;' visit ira the east. Guests enjoying the evening were Mesdames Fran- ces Spooner, Sarah Tschida, Pet- erson, Buckingham, F, iee, G r- trude Lombard, Jane Mitchell and the hostess besides Clara Eddy and Carol Lombard. Mrs. [>,ice I walked off with both first prize land floating prize. Mrs. Peterson won low score. FAIRHARBOR Grange open- house picnic scheduled for ,last Sunday was postponed because of ay weather nntil next: Sunday, March 27, Everyone is asked to bring garden tools and extra plants or shrubs. Should next Sun- day be rainy it will be set for another time. The blasting heard recently has b('t,n on Zizz island where they a)'o prel:)arinv tracts for future sale. Mr. Mclntyre floated his bull- dozer over from the mainland for work on the island. Tim property known h(,r(, as l.h(' Onsrud place ha,. been divided in- to several plot.; and sold. We have been promised a list of the buyer's names for this column soon. While Mr. and Mrs. Orin Iauck- ingham were ira Seattle recently, they c.alle(l on (]eorgc Palms, a Grapevicw boy who i,,; a l:atient at Firlands imspital in that city, George's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Palms, and Dean Buel(ing- ham and Chester Hanscn aL';o call- ed at the same time. Geozge had many callers that one clay but it was pointed out that there are many days when no one calls,. It might be a good idea for George's other friends to drop him a card or letter occasionally, address, The Firlands, Seattle. Wash. Vis- iting hours are Thursdays and Sundays from 2 until 4 Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler (Eleanor Mitchell have signed up to stay another year in Prague, Czek. George is teaching part time at one of the universities and Eleanor is working at journalism. The four children, Frank, Tobey, Nora and Mary Jo are attending an English speaking school. Here's another reminder of the Grapeview community's card par* ty to be given the evening of March 25. Proceeds will go to make a contribution to the Book- mobile. Prizes and refreshments. Barnyard Babies Need Close Attention Early Unnecessary loss of thi. y:ar's "barnyard babies." the spring crop of pigs, calves a,d IZtI,IDA, eJ,, b,] prevented with attctntiou to good management practices, M a s o n connty extension Andy Kruiswyk says. He pa.sses ahmg a li,,t of sug- gestions from Joe Muir, exten- sion "animal husbandman at Wash- ington Stat o Collcge. Feed the mother animals (,,om- piece ration, l)roviding animal l)ro- reins, vitamins and minerals, and inclnding leglune hay. Keep brood sows. cows and ewes comfortable ald clean: free from lice, mites and frith. Have the new animals born on clean pasture m" in clean d)'y, well-bedded quarters, frec from eMily drafts. Toward the mad of the gest.ation period be alert tt) assist at birth if necesary. Disinfect the navels of the young. }e F'llre ne\\;v born IIIIiDI;tIt3 aFe nn|'sing ])roperly. (alve: Ilted ('0[ostl'llnl I I'irst r llilk hi'tel' (':liv- ing). Have clea,i sod :]cccs:;ible to rags up to three weeks old. r \\;, ateh for scenting. It may be a sign of .improper feeding, over-feeding or ()f disease, FOUND SOMETttlNG? Rcturn it through a Journal CLASSIFIED AT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM band director, are active in a .number of fields of music. Both play with the Tacoma Sym- phony, and both are composers. One of the numbers to be played tonight by the Concert band was writte n by Prof. O'Connor under his pen name of Ronnoco. He is music director GOLFING IN OLYMI'IA Taking advantage of spring weather last Tuesday, Iedanles Art Parrett, Roy McConkey, Har- old Ahlskog and V¢inston Scott spent the afternoon at tim Olym- pia Country Club where they had hnlch and played golf. A new anti-submarine destroy- er will be named ill honor of Ad- miral Marc Andrew Mitcher. J for the annuai Daffodil Festival and adviser for the city-wide music festival held annually in Tacoma. m--,--'m,,mmm AN AWFUL PICKLE ,,t," • / " ' c< 7./o .... but dashed right down to Pacific Ra6;o, wnere i;s prob- lems weer solved in a jiffy! GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Phone 842 Over Million Maytags Sold! Three models--S134.95 to $189.95, asy t,ermsliberal trade-in. Let us show i,hem to yOU today. EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER z- GEORGE AND, SINCERE MERRITI' EXTEND THEIR APPRECIATION To All Who Attended Their Open House Friday and Saturday Such a warm and welcome response to our invitation to visit our appliance firm and our entry into this community's bus- iness life as full-fledged owners of our,own business eb. lishment gives us a "lift" we appreciate beyond wor,ts. We thank you humbly and zincerely for such a wonderful welcome  for giving us such encourage- ment. We pledge in return our every effort t,) con- tinue to warrant such faith by giving you the kind of service and the quality of merchandise you wish us to provide. . , WE ALSO COINGRATUI00,ATE OUR DOOR PRIZE WINNERS-- :, 1--C()nllie Cronquist, Route 3, Box 108-B, who re- ceived the MIXMASTER. 2--Catherine Moyer, 1733 Summit Drive, who re- ceived the EMERSON PORTABLE RADIO. 3--Merritt Johnson, 728 Cots Street, who received the SUNBEAM ELECTRIC IRON. Last Friday and Saturday was our official open house, but we invite you to consider us as holding open house any time. Just drop in whenever you are in town or down- town. We stand ready to answer any questions you have regarding the proper appliances for your paz%ic- ular home and to help you to the best of our ability in properly furnishing your home. It will be our aim to serve you always in l)oviding tim finest lines of nationally known and proven appliances-- HOTPOINT, MAYTAG, SPARK, II. C. IATTLE, EMERSON, SUNBEAM, GENERAL ELECTRIC, PROCTOR, ARVIN, RCA TELEVISION, and others  as well as expert appliance repair and installation service• tins Is Your Store as Well as Ours • • We Want You to Feel ' " EELLS & VALLEY Appliance Center MERRITF EELLS and GEORGE," " VALLIN, Successors to Walter Nash of Nash Brolhers 123 South Second Street Shelton Phone 334