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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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= .... &apos; ' ..... t[ SI,U ADVRTmrNO I£GAL , I'UBLICAT00 OlU,00,_ ,l, RATES l .... [ 25 words or less (minimum NO 3 m charge) 75c single insertion, $1.26 .......  '.,.n. n , I two insertions $1.50 three laser- " .... ............... *'MS II tlons. Additional ins lions Z0c r ,rm, mu x.r, • ""  { each Larger ads at rate of 10e IN THE SUI ERIOR COURT OF THE [  ..... h  .A. oh.a 9 STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR .................... '.-J ...... OUN., [I Reader notices 15o per line. 75c t  zz _ II minimum charge on each notice. .... (IN P ROBATE • --. I[ Card of Thank $1.00' original In the Matter of the atate of yr- I ' ' ,,L  ,,.= w ........ ,4 I q poetry 60c per tnch ;' classified dls- tl.2..."t";"',%7,',%.u',t,t., ,-t[ play rates on request. uxJ .t r xv "=l dvertisements accepted over • ' P " ' I[ the telephone from phone sub- has been appointed ann ha qualified accompanythe undersigned Rudol h W ]tman scribers, Cash should 'ecutor of th Last Will an.'res- I I all other orders or payment made tfuent anti el toe estate Ol .MytHS .... within five (5) days of the first I M Oltman deceued' and that all I m.serti,,, t, save exn,nme .€ hill- persons having claims against th r ' ins. An extra char e of 10c will said estate or the said deceased are, [ ...........  • • " '  lltate wllen Dil|lng la neces- hereby requ.ired, to serve the same duly [ ] sary. verlfled In aupncate with the necessary i 1 - ,,,,, , vouchere att,hed, upon the under: | z- w signed Executor or his attorney or -- record at the law office of B. ]frank- ....... i Its Heuston, Angle Building, Shelton, I EPAI DIIDI IPATiIUtI(/ Washington anU file such cimnm to- LIEIIh I-UI[3hI|/4|IUII,I gether with proof of service with h ---- , , Clerk of the above ttitled Court - ' ' within stx (6) months after the data of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: March 3rd 1949, or all ('linla not sO presented ahd.flled will be for- ever barred, RUDOLPII W, ?LTMAN, Executor of the. Estate of Myrtle M. Oltran. deceased. Address : 619 Cascade Shelton_ Washington B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON. Attorney for maid ltata Angle Building, Shelto,l. Wash, 3-3-10-17-24---4t. NO. 05 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FDR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASItINGTON FOR MASON coUNTY IN PROBATE, In the• Matter of the Estate of Harriet A. McMlllan. Deceased, Notice is hereby given that Sanford C. De Leo, Executor of the Estate of }Iaxrlet A. McMillan. deceased, has fil- ed In the office of the Clerk of said Court his final Report and petition Cot distribution, asking the Court to settle said Report, distribute the property bate Department of said Court, at hlch time and place any raon In* forested m said, Estate may. appear and file objections thereto and contest the same. " Dated this 14th day of March, 1949. (SEAL) H, IA Ray_ DEYETTE, erk of said Court. By DORISANN MOREHOUSE, "Deputy. PAT MYERS, Attorney for Estate, 114 Olympic National Bldg, Seattle, Wash. • 3.17-244-7-14--4t NO. NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR HARING xN THE suPpleR COURT OF ,E @Z4T. OZ..t.WAHINGTON FOI IN PROEATE In the Matter of the Ftate of Agnes Pauline RufL Deceases. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Nick RUff, Executor of the estate of Agnes Pauline Rff: Deceased, has filed with the Clerx of the above entitled court, his Final Report and Petition for Distribution. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the bearing on the said Final Report and Petition for Distribution will be eard on .Friday, the 8th dty of April, s, at tne nour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the Court Room in the Court House in Shelton, Washington, 1 Dated. this th day of February, HARRY DEYETTE, County Clerk CIXS. R. LWI, Attorney for Uld ]tate, 119 South FourthSt,, Bell Building Shelto=, 00.00t%3w00007100f00T ' NO. $0: - DISTRIBUTION E IN THI4iU  COURT OF TH MArl O , Y In the Matter o£ the Estate of Loren Pauline Stagey, Admlntstratrtx el tile estate of Loren T. Staley, has filed in the offloe of the Clerk of said court her final rport and petition for dltrtbution, asking the eurt to set- tie said report to dtstr/butc the prop- erty o ne stte to _the person or persons thereto entitles and to dis- charge said Admlnistratrx, and that said report and petition will be heard on the 9th day of April, 949, at the hou of I0 o'lock a,m, on said _de_Y, at the court house In Shelton, Wuhlngton. Dated this 7th day of March, 149. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of said court. J. W• GRAIIAM, Attorney for Admlntstratrix Govey Bids,, Shelton, Wash. (SEAL) 3-10-17-4--3t. NO.  NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO , PRESENT AND ° FILE CLAIM 'ZN TH SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASttlNGTON FOR MASON COUNTY .. fin PRORATE) In the Matter of the Estate of Caro- line Btensa(.r, Deceased. N(TPICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, O, H, Stensager, nas been appointed and has qualified as Executor of the Last Will and Testa- ment and of the estate of Caroline Steaget', deceased; and that all per- soa saving cmim against the said estate or the said deceased are hereby rulred to serve 'the same duly veri- fied in aulicate with the neceasgry Vouchers attached, upon the under- signed Executm" or his attorney ef record at the law office of B Frank- lin Houston, Angle Building, Shelton, Washington, and file sucl) clalms to- gether with prom o! ervce with tie Clerk Of the above entitled Court within six i6) months after the date ef the first publication of this notice, to-wlt: March 3rd, 1949, or all claims not so pveset ad filed will be for- ever barred. S O, H, TENSAG Executor of the Estate of Caroline Stensaer, decea, sed• Addre : Star Route 1 Sheltou, Waslllngtoa B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Atterny for aid Estate Angle Building, Shclton, Wash. NO. 20 NOTICE Tt) CREDITORS IN THE sUPERIOR COURT OF THE STA'FE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Em- ma Pelllschek, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that letters of Administration on above entitled estate were granted to the undersigned on the 8th day of March, 1949. by said Superior Court. Notice is further given that all per- sons havmg claims against said estate are hereby required to serve them, with the necessary vouchers, upon the Adminlstratrix of said estate or upon the attorney of record for std estate, Room 5, Gooey Bldg,, Shelton Wash- ington, being the place designated for the transaction of the business of said estate, and file the same with the Clerk of s&d court, together with proof of suchservlce, within six (6), monthafter sate of first publication of thi notice, to wit, ,March 10th, 1949, o said claims will bc forever barred, ALICE M, RUNNEL, Admlnlstratrlx of sald Estate. J. W. GRAHAM. Attorney for Adminlstratrix, Gooey Building, Shelton, Wash, 3-10-17-24-31--4t, NO. 073 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THESUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter o! the estate of James T. Dunbar, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that letters testamentary on above entitled estate were granted t0 the undersigned on the 5th day of March, 1949, by said Superior Court. Notice is further gtven that all per- sons having claims against said estate are hereby required to serve them, with the necessary vouchers, upon the k Executrix of said estate or upon the attorney of record for said estate Room 5 Govey Bldg., Sbelton. Wnsh-' lngton, being the place designated for the transaction of the business of said estate, and file the same with the Clerk of said court, together with proof of such service, within six (6) months after date of first publication of this notice, to wit, March 10, 1949, or said claims will be forever barred. RETHA M. DUNBAR, • Executrix of said Estate. J. W. GRAHAM, Attorney for Executrix. Room 5 Gooey Bldg., Shelton, Washington. 3-10-17-24-31--4t. NO. 3067 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIlE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Fmtate of Mar- tha E, Ferguson, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that letters testamentary on above entitled estate ware granted to the undersigned on the 5th day of February, 1949, by said Superior Court.. NoUce Is urmer glvel that all per- sons having claims agafrst said estate are hereby required-to serve them, wlth the necessary vouee,'a, upon the Executor of said estgtM or upon the attorney of record fo Id estate 5 vey idg., lton, Wash'- tng,n, lnff the place! dulgnated for the /ransact/on of the umness of the tate, and file the .same with the rk of said court, together with proof of such service, within six (6) months after date of the first publi- cation of this notice to wit, March Brd, 1949, or said clllns will be for- ever barred. ARTtIUR J. FERGUSON. Executor of said Estate. J, W. GRAHAM Attorney for Ex'ecutor, Room 5 Govey Bldg., Shelton, Wash. 3-3-10-17-244t, Classified Service CHIMNEYS CLEANED snd recapped. (_ill stoves and furnaces vacuuln e,h,aned Free estimates. Phone 3486 days, 7026 evenings. Olympia, Wash. Pg-24tfn. kind. Phone 765-J.1. Walter Bueslg, 3-24--4-14 d'PERT WORK, Reanahle charger /stlmates ms¢le In V.r boe t'v .egurteoust bonded employs, 1o o I Iallon. l,esvv ,'-0s at Tits Jourfia Snel ton. Phone 100. SINGER SEWinG cHz 6101 I0. 4tla Ave. Olnpig E'XP-" ITTIN'(" "an-d-- alterotl,)'n done. Mrs. M. McCann. 222 South Fourth St. Phone 489M• 13-9tin sore and knives slmrpen6d. Inquire 427 Bellevue Ave.. Shelton. Phone 976-M. l4-tfa supports, phone 799-5 for appoint- ment or call at 1416 Summit Drive. 9-26-46tfn, nhollng, Mrs. Ellis Wells, 4045 A eadla Avenue. (orner Areadte an Boundary Streets,) 9-1t tlons. Expert work. Machine made button holes. 408 Cota Street. S3-24tfn, send in your new, renew or gift subscriptions. No extra cost Pronpt servlce• Phon 459R, 728 Franklin. Shellon. 3-10-24 ilSl I 8.3-10-17-24.-.-4t, Title ]nsu ranee--Abt ractsscrowe ......... SH ELTON-BELL NOTICE OF WARRANT CAI,I Ahstraet & Title Co., Ins. Notice Is hereby given thet the fol. :119 S. 4th (Bell Bldg.) Shelton, Wn. lowing Mason Cotmty Warrants are PHONE 65 , ealledfor payment at: the office of the Treasurer o said Courtly.. a.d that Mason County agent for Puget interest will cease on the aata of the ptbJJ(t|on of this n0tlcJ,: uound TiUc Insurance Corn- CURRENT IXPENSE FUND--War- pany of Seattle rant Nee. 102 to 553 Inclusive. FIRE PROTECTION NO. 2--War* Member Washington Land Title Aas'n. at Nos. 1 to 7 inclusive, : SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2 GENER- Amemcan Title Ass'n, AI-Warrant Nee. 896 to 3330 /nciu- i, i I ii _ L give. SCHOOI.. DISTRICP NO, 45 GEN-" ...............  ....... "--wr- RAIr-Warraat Nes. 5557 to 5646 In* E. F FULMER )ltve. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 3|1 GEN- DECORATOR . SEAL--Warrants N. 8173 to 31 clIve. P.alnting, Paper SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 10 BUIII)- IO--Warra= Nee.  io 22 rag, Spray Paintmg s. . SITH Treaettrer of Mason County, PHON 100 Wahliigton, (SEAL) or wlqte me, Star Route, Allyn Dated at helton, Washington. Marsh State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Collision Coverage On Gars as Old s 1937 For Qualified Applioante • t Rtes, Set, me'for Policy Holders Transfers Now Available at BOB ERVIN MOTORS , 653 Ioth First Street Phme 673 - , SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNA $ Jtt  FOR SALE FOR SALLY: see Olympic Me,or ;Sales for anto parts and accessnrles, First ___d._Mi)l Streets. rhone__5_95- __7_:4 n GAI,VANIZEI.) PIPE. ,:, %, i. ,,, and 1V inch izes, at Hillcrest Hardware. 3-17 ,,. i . ' " ! FOR SALE: wide selection of Oregon vwmvv--*-v,,wv.v'v'vwvv,wwvvwvw-wvvvvvvww v-wwww-vwwwwvwwvvvvwvww ' ,wwwwwvvvvvvwvvvvvvwvwwv, grown CAMELIAS, all colors, at Wagener Feed Store, 219 S. First St, Classified Sei DAY OR NIGHT aranteed service on home or auto radios. Free estimates gladly gwen if desired• Reasonable prises. Free pickup and delivery. Closed Friday eveulngs and Satur- days, or leave work at Killmer Elec- tric. BURGESON RADIO SERVICE, REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE: good business location including small three-room cabin. large shed with equipment for mak- ing your own cement blocks, 130 ft. frontage on highway and located between Union and Alderbrook Inn. REAL ESTATE [ FOR SALE FOR SALE: 5 acres in SkokomishiP()ILTRY NETTING in 2. 4. 6 and Valley. 5 roon house. Interior un- I 8-foot sizes, at Hilicrest Hardware. finished. Wired for range. Has well 3-17 and creek running across baek end "OR-SALE:-one--h.P. yrs-])dmp. of property. M,'. l,lna,' Kjesbu, Box also 80 gallon pressure tank. 800 262 or inquire al Third house on feet outside wiring• Tom Sergeant, left past Five Corners on Lost Lake Capitol ttlll. 1-6tfn Road. K3-17-24 ........................................................... Thursday, M ......... i ............. • "FOR FOR SALE: oil conditiou. Call I ...................... POPPY tires, roller $14.95. Hillcrest FOR SALE: fence 35(" each. 3-3-31 $1.60 galh,u in ........................... ers Supply. WATCII FOR OUR 5 FOR 4 DEAL. Ray'sRichficld Service, Mt. View. ....................................... 3-3-31 FOR SALE: fruit trees, 2 and 3 year olds. well branched. Wagener Feed Store. 219 S. First St. 3-3-31 t221 Franklin, near Loop Field, Note new phone No. 845-W. 5-20-tf© PLOWING, BLADING, scooping, exca- vating, harrowingwith traetor. Call PhLllip Hardie, Routs 1, Box 137, PRESCRIPTION SERVlCI on medi- room for ten or more cabins or large motel. Has city wate,', utility pole set and wire run for stove, etc., for camp, ground on level with highway. Will trade for large furn- ished house in Shelton, Must be close in. For further information phone Union 344. W3-10-31 lV0R -SAiI :-" ]oi  urb. bl,;ek - }l",:eh. eal contracts, old age mlstanee, or Olympic View Addition. See Mrs. direct on your d of tore Martha Aleckson, McKinley and order, t'repp•s Drug Store, tmeond Pioneer Streets. A3-24-31 FLOORS SANDED and REFINISHED: Priced for quick sale, $1,000, Will New hardwood floors installed, old sell separately, Inside lots $150, or new homes. J. A. Schlange, Box! corner lots $175. Ideal building site. 28. Belfair. Phone Belfair 5-3981. Phone 828J or 605. P3-10-24 7-17-'47t fn. " i CHARIS corsetlere. Bernice Stewart, 616 No. First Street. Garments for every figure type. Nylons and other materials. Appointments by phone, 372-R, 3-24--4-7 I Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 576-W 620 Cedar St I Septic Tanks Cleaned LES JONES Contents Hauled Away Quick Service 1714 East 9th, Olympia Phone 3486 or 7026 1-1---t£n I II II WE REPAIR All makeg of RADIOS, WASHING MACHINES and SMALL APPLIANCES Expertly and Reasonably Rllllln Ig|t111100 I I KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanl (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 465-W Reliable, xperUy Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the Muon County Medical .sn. Or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 for IMMEDIATE CASH LOANS SEE EDDY BUSINESS SERVICE PHONE 540 120 South Third Street, Shelton. Wash. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: six-room house with batil and full basement. 7 acres of good sell with year around creek running through ard, Can be 'nlade into a beautiful honle, on Deer Creek, L. C. McCowan, ate, 2, Box 113A, 3-24-31 i'D'--E"-'AI'ION, for sale by owner, three,-year-old modern home. two bedrooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, automatic oil furna(.l, full basement, bedroom flnislled in bam- nmnt. Phone 314-W or /nqulr 1019 Olympia Ave. W3-24t fn fronl Bremert)n on 'highway 21-B. Fh, o room modern home with fire- place, furnace, deep freeze, berrlos and rcllard, Wrlte Box L, c-o Jour- nal. She|ten.. L3-2.t-31 ......... --- PA-fTT-- Three small houses each on 60x100 foot lot. Priced from $1500 to $,000, Terms. See J. B. Schott, corner Laurel and K St. (Mr. View). 12-30L-14 side htl], 2nd and Untversity. Very good locaUon on the new sewer. Phone 543-W. O .-.4--4-7--6t ZINTHEO'S VALUES FOUR-ROOM MODERN and two lots; wired for range, autos, elec- tric tank, new shingle roof, Johns- Manville exterior; garage 18x22 with cement floor; reasonably priced at $4200. Terms. %% $ $ THREE - BEDROOM MODERN home on corner lot, oak floors, fireplace, breakfast nook, base- sent. furnace. Improved street, cement walk; on bus line, $6800. $ a 4-BEDROOM FURNISHED mod- em home with basement and furn- ace, laundry trays, automatic else. hot water tank; unexcelled view; Price Reduced by $1000, for quick sale. Now only $5850. $ $ * $800 WILL HANDLE this new four room bungalow, with bath and utility room; balance at $60 a month. $ $ $ ONLY $3,250.00 for this 4-room modern furnished house in Olym- pic View Addition. • S * WATERFRONT and CITY LOTS in various locations. • $ s tor Realty Buys ConsuIt a Retof M. C. ZINTHEO Phone 157  Title Ins. Building Sheltn II O-CNE BLO-K OF CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE Four bedroom h6me on Southside hill. Large living and dining room with fireplace, automatic dish- washer and built-in electric range |n kitchen with pleasant dinette. Full basement with double garage. Automatic oil furnace with air- condtUoner. Beautiful surrounding groun-90200 ft Four room house, electric range and automatic water heater, elec- tric heat Lot 60x100 ft. Four room house on lot 90x100 ft. Also 3 tmtmproved 50x100 ft. lots. Will sell separately or as a unit. Will make good rental property. Mrs. Claude Danielson Rt 3, Box 209-C Phone 348W 3-17-tfn ' FOR SALE 5 room modern home in good con- dition with' 3 bedrooms, gas auto- matic range, hotwater heater and oil circulator. Also, small build- ing on property suitable for small store or repair shop. $ $'$ 4-room modern home practically ncw, with utility room, elec. h.w. heater, wired for elec. range, oil circulator, washing machine, liv- ing room rug, 275-gal, oil tank, Home double construoted, insu- lated and weather proofed. Corner lot 100x 100 with lawn. Garage attached. G.I. loan balance at 4% interest, monthly payments $43.00 per month including insurance, interest and taxes. Priced to sell for $7350 with $2700 equity down payment. FOR RENT 9-rooms located over business building suitable for transient or steady rental rooms. Two front rooms could be rented for busi- ness purposes • • FOR SALE modern plastered home with large upstairs room sealed with veneer. Fireplace, dining room, hardwood floors and full basement Nice yard with concrete Walks and driveway. $5,000 G•I. L loan balance with monthly pay- ments of $54.00 including interest, taxes and insurance. $4950 down and assume G.I. loan. S $ $ FOR SALE 5-room modern home with large unfinished upstairs. Including el- ectric hot water heater, fireplace and oil circulator. Also wired for electric range, concrete walks and good yard. Located close-in, $6,350 with $2,000 down and $50 a month to a reliable party. • • $ Business building located on Sec- ond Street. Well located for most every type of business. . * * 6-room modern home with din- ing room and 3 bedrooms, in- cludes gas range, hot water heater and oil circulator. Lo- cated on Mt. View corner lot 60x120, garage attached to home. Priced at $5850 and contract can be assumed. Herbert G. Angle J FLOOR COVERINGS: tile or' linoleum. ttAVE $12,000.00 equity 1n-$19,500.00 installed or lay it yourself. Easy Seattle North cnd Lake Washington terms, 3 years to pay. Lawton Lure- waterfront property (5 room house ber, 420 S. First St,, phone 56. 150 ft. frontage) to trade for tIood 3-3tfn. Canal house. Might consider water- _ ....................................................... front or view property near Shelton. Call Union 251. Fl-13tfn partly furnished, and garage, on one lot 50' x 129'. Also small furn- ished house, rented, on two lots. Will sell separately or together. Priced for quick sale. Phone 93-W. C3-17-24 living quarters. On mare highway Iiillcrest, Pries reduced for qul(.k sale. Phone 288 Shelton or 8179 Olympia. $3-24--4- / LOST AND FOUND LOST: small red plastic purse on road to Pickerlng Pass, Finder please call 757-M. 1017 East Dearborn. R3-24 LOST: brown man's icatt3er billfold. Valuable cards and papers. Reward. Phone 860J3. K3-24 L'-O-S-T ladies Wyler wrist watch at Tropics dance hall Saturday night (March 12), Family keepsake. Lib- eral reward. Return to Charles Wh te Route 1, Box 111-A (Kamil- che). 3-17tfn• Miscellaneous WE ARE BUYING se,'ap Iron, Junk, batteries, tied cars and wrecks. Pdger Bros. Garage, 1 mile south on Olympia Hiway. R3-4-tfn Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. at We- man's Club Bldg., 10th & Washing- ton. Olympia, Wash. 3-17tfn. FOR RENT FOR RENT: partly furnished cottages one mile north of Hoodsport, 25 per month. Inquire Dusty Rhodes Resort, Phone Hoodsport 15-W-11, ..................... 3-!0tin- D-8 CATERPILLAR FOR HIRE. With blade, clearing teeth and logging  winch. Carder and DeRosier. Phone FOR SALE: Chicken fertilizer, cow manure. Skokomish top soil, t,'actor ph)wing. Phone 483-W. O2-2ttfn FOR SALE: Logging team, weight 1750 lbs apiece• W. J. McGowan, Rt 2, Box 262, (Agate) Shelton. 3--10-24 GARDEN 1lOSE remnants, first Trade quality, 13c per foot. Hillcrest Hard- ware. 3-17 BATH TUB with fittings, $30, I1ot waler tank $15, Electric hot' plate $15. Bh'd cage and stand $7. Wil- lla,n Hamilton. Route 2, Box 64. two miles out Bayshore. 3--10-24 FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1942-Cus--h - man scooter. 16 ga. bolt  action shot gun (J• C. 111ggins). 1942 model gas range, standaru size, all white enamel, pilot light. All iu good condition. Phone 350-R or in- ._ _qul_re2_23 _ Nor th 5th_ R3--17t_fn_ BARBED WIRE, reg. $11.25, special $10.50. at Hlllcrest Hacdware. 3-17 F0R- SALE :--- Used- da,;eno--a"nil'--b-d .: room suite. In good condition. Call 705-M after 5. S 3--17-24 tor with plow, cultivator, harrow and bulldozer blade. Mrs, Claude Logan, at. 3, Box 145. Phone 718-J. ....................................... L/._3 T-17--_2_ 4 WOOD FOR SALE: delivered for stove, fireplace or furnace. Phone 722-J, M3-17-31 FOR SALE: big two year old mare colt, just. hroke single or double: Will go 1200 lbs. now. Sell cheap. See 10 miles south Matlock, Brady Road. Jack Freed, Rt, 1, Box 153. _ E!p2.= ....................... =4_ FOR SALE: one light weight drag saw motor or will trad for ,, h.p. or larger electric motor. F. A. Me- Intyre. Star at.. Atlyn. 3-244-7 one who will give thetn a good home. Phone 11F14. D3-24-31 -FOR. SALE : Gib.s(n- trac-to'r--with -is: plements. Two year old Island Belle and Whit Diamond grape plants. Phone 760R4 after 6 P.m.L. Geist. __ Rt? t 2, .Box.. 135. 3-24--4-7 FOR SALE: wh/te spring oats for 562-W. C3-10-31 seed, also barley for seed• Bert Rau. -OLD---SLhE--B-0X-E.S---fo-=--rex: . _ Phene 9-F-12. 3-24-31 Pitons 62-R. Mr. View Lockers. Star WRINGER ROLLS for all- nakes o Route 1, Box 32-B. 3-24tin --'R--i-Nr-- .two sleep/ha rooms, sec- ond floor, garage if desired quiet home close in• Phone 691-W. Q3-24tfn. FOR-RENT-"h( and l-uhs'--p - erty on maiu higlway Hillcrest. Will consider lease te suitable tenants. Phone Shelton 288 or Olympia 8179. $3-24--4-7 FOR RENT OR SALE: 8 rounl house on corner lot naar Junior High School, Phone 843M or inquire at 1139 Franklin Street. 3-17-31 entrance. Private bath. Phone 72-R, 634 Dearborn, M3-17tfn. F-OR"RE-T-.; furnished apartment, 3 rooms and hath. Adults only. Angle- side. Phons 110R May and 8th Sts. P3-17-24 APPLIANCES FOR RENT Hllco Electric Floor Sanders Johnson Electric Floor Polish- qrs Sterling Electrlc portable hand Sanders eavy Duty Clark Electric Floor Waxer. LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. 1st Phone 56 2-10-tfn WANTED WANTED: specialty salcsnlan, exl)er- lence desirable, either ulan or wo- lnan. Must have car. Excellent pro- position in Mason county. Reply stating qualifications c-o Box A. Jom'nal, A3-24 retarial experience desh'es employ- ment in Shclton. Write Donna Hemphlll, 109 Jelferson St. Olym- pia, Wash. "3---10-31 %.ELIABLE SENIOt% girl will care for ehlldren day or night in your hom or mine. Phone 885-R. K6-10tfn feed. Myers and Hasten Mink Farm. OlYmpi Phone 4678 collect. 1-1tfn courtaous qervtce. Phone us couecot oct. Elms 121-J. Grays Itarbor Rend.or- trig. Ic. s-'/tfn, stumpage. Write Daniel and Flet- chcr Logging Co,, P.O. Box 35, Olal- a, wash, 11-4tfn, my home by day" or night, also your home evenings. Mrs. Ed Ber- geson, 1411 Railroad. Phone 272R. 12-9tfn, work. Three adults and small baby in family. Go home nights, Phone 541-R. , J3-10tfn. one or two years, interest 7 per cent, gc.)d security. Write B )x S. $3-2t V'ANTED" two salesmen w'i' s. • , " W, it I all full ttnle m.n or women, .. ' ' • ' omig, Route 2. Box 480, Belfalr: Wash, 3- WAN-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N- used tractor, must b*' in good condition. Write O. W. A,l- thony, Route 2. Box 301. Sheiln ----4-' "WNaTgD .=-ii:ii-F"tS-,i:i'9-" i4--f}{oi b at with 6:00 . 16 tires Phone 784W or inquire 1318 Edgcwood, Shelton. L3-24 ties to offer some one famthar with power sewing machine operation. Write Box M, c-o Jou,•nal Office, , M3-10-24 Boysen. Call 62-R. 3-17-31 nays and Sundays. See Gerald Lang, Rt, 1. Box 238, Shelton. B3-17-31 WANTEb:--ibiUmbing Work -/ill khds. G30,'aranteed sallsfaetion. C. J. Shup- ,'m. Ilt. 3 .rcadia Road 1.'hon,, 89t-J. ' $3-17 -4-7 I . LOGS PAYING HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR LOGS Delivered To Our Mill R,F.D. 3, Shelton, 2 Miles East of Hillcrest on Arcadia Road to the "sign," COSELMAN MILL CO. washers. Bring in your old rolls fer replacements, Eells & Valley Ap- pliance Center, 123 S. Second. Phom 334. 3-24.--4 -7 FOR -SALE : "Copelahd-t w)7-ton" (-one=. merelal refrigerator unit, nearly new. It. Greve, Star Route 2, Box 95 (Math)ek road). 3-24-3/ yard load delivered $5.00. Phorle 852. C. A. Fisk. F3-24--4-7 I WATCH FOR OUR 5 FOR 4 DEAL. Ray's Richfield Service, Mt. View. 3-3-31 After the Weddin' Here They Cum Buyin' Lumber From Coselmun And how right they are because 1STThe Price; it's lower. 2ND--The Grade; it's better. 3RDThe Selection; it's larger with more off grade, off size and short length sorts obtain- able at bargain prices. 4THThe 2x4's, $4S; good ones can still be had at $49.50 M. de- livered. 5TH---The rush; none unless plce talks for already the usual spring price rise for lumber has started elsewhere but not here --yet. 6THFIR LOGS custom sawed. WOOD .... Some available again. Slabs, planer ends, edgings. $11.00 load, about two cords delivered. RFD 3, Shelton, 2 Miles East of Hillcrest on Arcadia Road to the "sign." COSELMAN MILL CO. Phone 867-R-1 Evenings |ll ROSE BUSHES March is last month for suc- cessful planting. Over 1000 Varieties To Choose From BELFAIR GARDENS 1000 feet north Allyn-Canal Junction 3-17-24-2t --'SIGNS-- Of All Kinds Neon Sales & Service MODERN SIGN SERVICE Phone Shelton 21 3-7-tfn CHICKS - CHICKS I ANy BREED - ANY QUANTITY U.S Certified, U,S. Approved Pullorum free! Also ducklings, goslings, tur- key poults, guinea chicks. FARMERS' SUPPLY Hillcrest - Phone 812 2-24-tf I PLUMBING HEATING Soxauer System Repairing Pumps, Hot Water Tanks and Plmnbing Fixturcs. Licensed Master Plumber Ernest Swearingen I ' Phone 405-W Star Rt. 2, Box 97, Shelton 12-9tfn. -- I plants. $2.50 hundred. Second per house on left sldc of Cole road, three miles out. William Marcy, Route 3. Box 248A. 3-10-24 .............................. FOR SALE: baby Tcnda. practically, new and in vcry good condition. I Phone 83J. G3-10-24 BE AN INSUIAICi--AGENT--.Auto. Truck, Fire. Agents needed for Hoodsport. Union, Belfair. Allyn, Bill Pearson. District Agent• 121 East Grove Street, Shelton. Phone 654. 2--3tfn FOR SALE: New Hampshire chicks. Can take care of any order. Wagener Feed Store, 219 S. Ylrst St, 3-3-31 Ray's Rlch£ield Service. Mt. View. 3-3-31 FOR SALE: rose. shes of fine qual- ity, sturdy stock, in several gorgeous colors. Wagener Feed Store. 219 S First St. 3-3-31 ONE-GALLON gas pump, 300 gallon heavy tank. $35.  ton electric hoist cost $195 priced $100 (prac- tically new). 8 gauge 48" inserted tooth mill saw, $50. 5 h.p. outboard motor Seava Roebuck, $40. Glen C lfford, Star Route 2. Box 51 (Day- ton)• 3-17-31 LARGE SHIPMENT just received of spring fishing tackle. Get yours ear- ly.Reels from 60<'. to $25. telescope poles $4.50 to $8. Hillcrest Hardware• ................ 3-17 FOR SALE: oM;r-i:i.4 ir-Te/-'i0 x 21. 31 inches tall. Like new. $80. Can be seen at Dick's Mobil ,t.- tion. Hoodsport. D3-17-24 FOR SALE: seven wnzte enao*e* cux stoves, Kalamazoos. $35 each, Seven wood-coal heating stoves, $5 each. Seven tee boxes, $5 eaeh. Hot water tanks, $5 each. Phono 868-J-4. Rt. 3. Box 162. • Mc8-17-24 FOR SALE: used kitchen range and used baby stroller. Gah, anized wa- ter tank, 791-R. C3-17-24 tlILLCREST been appointed Jaeobson power carry thcm in delivery, GALVANIZED $2.50. $2.75, $3 and Hardware. JACOBSON stock for immediate he,'e by resent crest Hardware. FOR SALE: 4-1)urncr electric 699. I-OR S.LE : 24' burning furnace, ister and 14-F-13. USED FOR. SALE : 1937 assembly, Will cluding 1940. Cheap. Don Fay, .Street. FOR SALE: 1934 conditioned motor, or at. 3, Box 162. '()R SALE : 194 ber. radio and tion. Phone 712-J. 1946 FORD end, 21.000 A-1 condition, logging trailer, Clifford, Star ton). FOR SALE: 1941 321 North Fifth. 6:30. TRUCK FOR with long stake 20 tlre. Good quire 401 FOR Will consider sent. Bill Dlckte, ft. 1946 Willys jeep with power "i;ORSALE: takeoff. May be seen at 1411 Rail- condttlon, road. $3-17-31 ed, $295 cash. FOR SALE: box springs, twin size, like new. Electric washing machine motor. Set of used golf clubs and bag, Five isls. boiled linseed oil. Phone 455-J or write at. 1, Box 252, Shelton. $3-17-31 FOR SALE: Dexter washing machine, large wringer rolls, washes well. $25. Phone 899. K3-17--4-7 FOR SALE: seed I)otatoes, Early Rose. White, Rose, Earliest of All. 7Vzc lb. $7 per 100 Ibs. Farmers SqPDly Hlllcrest. Phone 812 3-17 PYREX chip-resistant glasses, 49c doz. while they last. Hillcrcst Herd- ware, 3-17 FOR SALE: ground goat fertilizer. Will deliver when notified. Sold by sack only. A. A Bennett. Rt. 3, Box 247, Shelton. - 3-21---4-7 '-()R--SAL*E {-12-gauge -dotil)le ":lr{;c[ she(gun, $30. Excelb'nt Less lhau . year ohl. Phonc 897R. A3-24-31 FOR SALE: wo good miik goats, will freshen about April 15. Will sell reasonable. Inquire L. A. Todd, Star Route 2. One mile west on Matlock road. 3-2.1-31 ROSES 3 for $1 These are No, 3 but full of vigor, not storage bushes. Also over 100 varieties No. 1 or better in Standard or Pat- ented varieties, all proven roses of Puget S o u n d and grown in the Northwest. April 1st is end of planting time. BELFAIR GARDENS' 1000 feet north of Allyn canal junction. 3-24-1t MILL WOOD $10 a load Delivered I Shelton Our Wood Is Always a Cord or Better to the Load. Enitai Lumber Co. Minerva Park Phone H?odsport 38-W-12 3-24-tin ELECTROLUX SALES, SERVICE, SUPPLIES Free Pickup and Delivery Phone Shelton 650 125 Cota -- Shelton Jack Manley 7-15tfn NICE FAT WORMS FOR FISHING Any Quantity Shelton Worm Ranch 1st & Harvard 3-10-tin MISKELLA SUPPLY • Oh;spin High'ay • Your "BEST BET" for REFRIGERATION, Garden-Tractors, Pumps, • Aluminum, Etc. 9-2-tfn Motors on FOR SALE : sedan, 59,000 miles, radio and Htchings, 610 336-M, '46 FORD sedan, heater, like son, 219-M. FOR 764.R-2. -FOR SALE : 1940 door, radio, heater Phone 310W after FOR SALE: 1940 R & H. Excellent out. Make me an FOPs• SALE: '35 condition, new tested. A good bu at Mill Creek on FOR SALE : and short Mt. View GOOD 1947 HUDSON. Six Club heater 1941 FORD excellent '1941 R&H .................. 1941 FORD 1942 105-ton truck. 1942 Internatio panel delivery IMMEDIATE New 1-ton panels KIMBEL Ist & Mill AUTO New Trucks Complete "Ace" R.F. PHON FOR See Your Frank Packard PHO 222 No. Quality SPRING SALE- USED '41 Pontiac 6-cyl. Coupe, R & H '47 Ford Super ']:)el. Sedan, R & '42 Chevrolet Sedan .............. : ......... '39"DeSo(o Sedan, motor over] '41 Lincoln Club Cpe., new motor '38 Chevrolet Tudor, new paint .... '35 Ford Sedan, new motor ........... :. Thc Owucrs of These Good Used Now Ride, Drive and Get the New AL HUERBY PHONE 16 ,FIFTH &