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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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]949. Change in SEATTLE Trains i Effectn,e April 1st 401, leaving Portland p.m. April 1st, and there- Will arrive at Seattle q STATION, instead of Station; and train 402 11:30 p.m. April aereafter, will depart STATION i n- St. Station. Auburn and Sumner, made at the Union cStations, instead of eat North. at Payallup, stop e made at North Puyallup UNION NORTHERN PACIFIC PACIFIC ), 7 St,TTON-MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL i" * r  BOOKMOBILt, TO ER THREE MORERURAL R()I00 1 ES NEX3 WEI00K Middle Nl¢okonfish, Union The 13ookmobilo will travel on (his route on Tuesday, March 29 ;I lid (HI ;ilterlh&apos;lte Tiles(lays. Middle Skokomish school, 10:;10 to l l; hatchery corner, 11:05 fo ll :115; Vi]inson's, 11 :0 to 11:30; I agan's, 11:35 to 111:,t5; ]{ay- bllrllS, I noon to 12:10: Cotlnty b',lrn, •12:15 to 12:25;'s Itaven, 12:,t0 to 12::50. AddinK many miles to the lh;ok- nlobi]( HPI'Vill °" rllr{ll collnlllniti(s ill I:lson cotlnly, th(, libl'lLl'y-(Hi- who(,ls will l)'avol over t}lree dif- ferelmt )'miles next weok, Miss Lil- lien Collins, l{egiona] Public l,ib- l'3l'ifll3, has announc(,d. The scheduh, for nexl wr,ek', lool¢m()bih, slops is "s folh)ws; Mary M. Knight El.heel ., Union sc.hool, 1:20 to 1:50; Us- This route will be covered Mtm- ] ion, 1:50 to 2:20; Robin Hood day, March 28 and on allernate h)tlge, 2:15 t() 2:25; Camp Bet- Mondays thereafte)'. M;qlle c()urt, 10 a.m.; Kronas, quist, 2:25 to 2:35; Youngs, 2:,10 t.o to i2 F)() Island Lake south, 3:10 to 10:15 to 10:25' l) ayton 10:30 ..... 3:20, and Island Lake north, "1:30 10:.15; Lake Nahwatzel, 10:55 t() Io :{:40. 11; Matlock, 11:10 to 11:20; Port- man's, 11:30 to 11>10; ,l'ord road, 11:45 to 11:55; Dcckerville cross- road, 12 neon to 12:10; second crossroad, 12:10.1o 12:20. Mary M. Knight school, 12:45 o 1:45; Scott Ford crossroad, 1:50 to 2; Evett's, 2:05 to 2:15; Shaw's, 2:15 to 2:25; cut-off road, 2:25 to 2:35; Trenckman's, 2:40 to 2:50; state park corner', 2:55 to 3:05; Buck prairie, 4 to 4:10, and Hol- man road corner, 4:20 to 4:ao. Lumber Company R SANDERS FOR RENT In Our Location on Mountain View ON THE OLYMPIC HIGHWAY MAILING ADDRESS  P.O. Box 598, Shlton (harles. ,Welrauch PHONE 657 Forhen, Oyster Bay This route will be covered Wed- nesday, March 30 anti on alter- nate Wednesdays. Kennedy creek, 9:45 to 9:55; Oyster Bay school, 10 to 10:30; Forbes school, 10:30 to 11; Old Callow school, 11:05 to 11:15; Kamilche, 11:25 to 11:35; Kamil- ('he Point road, 11:40 to 11:50; Ilill creek road, 11:55 to 12:10; Soutilside (Saeger's store), 12:45 to 12:55. Southside sdhool, 1 to 1:30; Canney poifit (Castle's), 1:40 to 1:50; Arcadia, 1:55 to 2:05; Deer harbor, 2:15 to 2:25; Brumbaugh road, 2:30 to 2:,]0; Cloquallmn road (Layton's), 2:55 to 3:05; Lake Isabella loop, 3:10 to 3:20; Shelton Valley (Glover'g), 3:25 to 3::15; Grange or Echo farm, 3:,t0 to 3:50; Shelton Valley north, 3:55 to ,1:05, aud Isabelht Lake corner, ,1:20 to 4:30. Battles To Be Filmed On Fort Lewis Ground Fort Lewis--This post will be- come a vast movie set and soldiers of the Second Infantry Division will be actors when Metro- Goldwyn-Mayer films colossal bat- tle scenes on the military reser- vation. Advance agents of the motion picture eompsny here arrived here to make arrangements for participation of division troops in the scenes. To be represented are battle scenes fomous in the his- tory of World War II. In one sequence, according go the film industry representative, to be used in one of the two pic- tures to be produced, the men and equipment of tile division will im- personate soldier. of a famous warime parachute unit in one of the 'ar's most heroic fights. It was not determined when the first sequences will be filmed. When shooting begins, all men, tanks and guns of the Division will move into action. SAYS" I tv v v v ,,,- v v,qr v v 'qlr ,r v v  v v v 'v v v,qr v v, Harstine Island By Mrs, Earl llarrlman Friends and neiglb¢)rs or Mrs. Mary Carlson Ost were saddt,nod by her sudden I)nssing last li'riday evcning. She came tn the Island over 40 years ago where she had r'tised her family but had recently lnade her holn( in T/teo)lla, where she married Felix Ost last Nov- ember. A large turn ()HI of Island nieghbors attended her funeral in Shelton Monday afternoan. Mr. and Mrs. t.oseoe Page an(1 Miss Ollie McCay gave Mrs. Hil- ma Wingert a surpris]i birtlday party last Wednesda evening. Cards and dainty hluch were ell- joyed. Eighteen ladies attended the Itarstine Women's Chtb meeting last Thursday afternoon "it the home of Mrs. Margie Gillette. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harriman, Sr., of Vaughn, and Mr. and Mrs, Glen Harriman, ,It'., and chihh'cn were last Wednesday evening sup- per guests at the Earl Harriman home. Later they were at the home of Glen Harriman, Jr., last Sunday afternoon for a birthday dinner for Glen Harriman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George Waite and Mrs. Earl Harriman and son Clyde attended a double wedding in Seattle Saturday night for the two daughters of Mrs. Jessie Jones of Pickering. Martin Goetsch is building a boat cradle for the Itarstine fer- ry to be put in very shortly for its Spring painting. It will be off the run a few days. Mrs. Leona Otterstad of Aber- deen was a caller at the Earl Harriman home Monday after° noon. Mrs. Anna Johnson is staying at the home of her' daughter and httsband, Mr. and Mrs. Irvie Win- gert. They came Saturday from her son's home, Sundius Johnson, of Olympia. LEGAL PUBLICATIONS II I I I 1 SUMMONS FOR PUBI,I('ATION IN THE sUPERIOR COURT OF' TIlE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COIINTY. IN lqgOBA'l' E LEO M. FLICK, Plaintiff, VS. ANNA FLICK. Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said Anna Flick. Defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within 60 days after the date of the first publleatum of this summons, to- wit: withln 60 days after the 10th day of February. 1949. nnd defend the above 0ntitled action in the above ('n- titled court and (!llswer Ill(? complaint  of Plaintiff and serve a (!opy of y(.)tll' answer upon t|l(! und(:l'SJgned At- torney for Plaintiff at his office below I stated and in case (it' your failure sol to do. judgment will be rendered I against you aec'ording to the demands I of the complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said court. The ol)- iect of Plaintiff's action is to secur'e It d vorce I reel Def(,ndant tilden gl'oLInds Of deserth)l| and ahalldon- meet and fathlre to live together for IllOl'(} than five years last• CHAS. R. LEWIS P ant fl s Altorff,y. Post Office and Office Ad* dl'es : Bell Building, 1L9 So. Fourth St )'eet, Shelton, Mason County, Washing|on. 2--10-17-2-t. 3--10-17-24--7t PROFESSIONAL CARDS vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv B, FRANKLIN HEUSTON ATTORNEY Angle Bldg. Shelton i t Combined Ckurch Choirs To Present Concert In May A concert by the eontbine(l (!hureh ehoir,,s of Shelton nnd cmn- mtmity will be giveh at the hig'h school attdttorium on Sunday eve- ning, May 1. The church groups will be dirce.t(tl by L. M. Sher- wood. The event pronHses to be a real musical trea.t for residents in Shelton. First practice will bc held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 11 at the school auditorium. Any nlember of any church choir in the Shelton area is welcome to participate• Anyone who belongs to a church not having a regular choir, but who would like to sing, is invited to come. Money raised at the concert will be used for school scholar- ships. Rev. Bovee To Give Ordination Message Reverend and Mrs. J. O. Bovee will be in Portland, Ore., over this week end. Mr. Bovee has been in- vited to give the ordination mes- sage st the ordination of Kit'. Lowell Powers on Monday eve- ning. Mr. Powers accepted the Ix)rd under the ministry of Mr. Bovee and was for "t time the superin- tendent of the Baptist Sunday school. He is now pastor of the Lynch Baptist Church and instruc- tor at the Powelhurst Bible Insti- tute in Portland. FAITII LUTHERAN CIIURCI! ()HURCII John DeBoer, Pastor Services are held in the I.O.O.F. Hall. Sunday sehool and adttlt Bi- ble classes begin at 9:45 a.m. Divine worship is at 11 a.m. Sermon topic is "Heavenly Food." Adult instx'uction class for con- firmation meets at 7:30 p.m. Tues- day. Choir meets at 8 p.m. Thurs- day. Tbq pastor lives at 627 J street; phone number 959-M. CIIRISTIAN S('[ENCE "Reality" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon whic.h will be read next Snnday in all branches of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Golden Text: Philippians 4: 8. "Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, what- soever things are pure, whatso- ever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." The following ver,qe from Mat- thew is included in the Lesson° Sermon: "Verily I say nnto you, Except ye be converted, and be- come as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." From "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy is the following cor r xelative statement: "Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false landmarks and joy to see them disappear,---this disposition helps to precipitate the ultimate har- 'mony. The purification of sense and self is a proof of progress." Two Bremerton Youths" Pass State Bar Exams Two Bremerton youths who have successfully passed examina- tions to the Wasttington State Rat' J , i i ii i ,,  • . _. ("f---- AT THt- "' FIRST METHODIST CHURCII Rev. Wayne Wright, Pttstor Divine services start at 11 a.m. on Sunday, March 27. The service will have a pre-Easter theme and music. Young adults will sponsor the fellowship h(mr following the service. here will ,be refresh, meets. Stmday school is at 9:45 a.m. with important training for all mentbers of the family. There are classes for every age group. Youth fellnwship with refresh- meets is at 6:30 p.m. The senior iigh school group meets in the fireplace room and the junior high grollp in the basement. Evening Sunday worship and song service at 8 o'clock, continu- ing a series of discussions on "The Quest of a Kingdom." Young adtLlts are to be the guests of the yotmg adult group of the Olympia Methodist church[ Saturday "evening. For details and transportation call the parsonage 276) or ,Claude Pevey (298-M). I Annum congregational meeting] of the church begins with I)otluck] dinner at 6 p.m. March 30. Dr.I S'l'. El)WARD'S ('IIURCtl Rev. Mark %Vie(,Innann Sunday, March 27 is the fourth Sunday of Lent. First Mass is 8 a.m. and second High Mass is 10:30 a.m. The gospel is St..lohn, chapter 6, v(*rses 1 to 115. Sf'.t'lLI )It snbjeet: "Born of the Virf in M ry. Mary Truly ,the Mother t)l' (;od." Catechisn for all children and chtu'ch 'tnd li,it)l' hisiory instruc- tion for alt high school students at 9:,15. Evening devotion. Stations of the Way 01! the Cross and bencdi(:- tion at 7:,'{0 p,m. l, Vednesday evening at 7:20 o'clock is devot.itm sernlnll and benediction. Friday, March 25 is the feast of the annuntiation of the Bless- ed Virgin Mary. The next inquiry class wit1 be held in the basement of the £:hurch at 8:15 on April 6. ST. DAVID'S El lNC()I AL CH[ R(.I! Fourlh and Cedar Rev. Francis II. Iall, |n charge Holy Comntt|ni()n is al S Page 15 n ,, , Hi-" i, *.h ; % Ill I III I Mt. View Alliance Chapel Rev, Theo. W, Chapman, Pastor 9:,15 am, Stinday School 11 q.m. Morning evvlce 7:!!0 p.rm ]ljph'atioual ,qervlee :X Ile:)rly \\;Velcrmw to All BAPTIST CHURCH ,I, O. I;OVEE, Pastor %VARREN HAI A:!], Assistant Pro,qclling services : Bibh, School, 9:15 A.M. Morning Vv'ol"shlp, 1l A.M. Y()ting People's, 6:10, Ev(min.,;' WorMfil), 7:30 p.m. We preach Christ (?rueified, Rism and (!?oming Again. A cordial invita.tion is cxtended lo all. UNITY TRUTIt[ CENI ER Mine Hoekett, Ieader 408 Cotg Street gunday: 11:00' a.m. Sunday School; 8:00 p.m. Services. Tuesday: 8:00 p.m. Class Work. William C. Bowman, district su- Sunday, March 27. Friday: 8:00 p.m, Bible Study perintendent, will be present. An- Church st:hool meets at 9:45 1:30 Wednesday Meditation nual reports of all committees, or- a.m. I:h,a]ing' Vqorl -All Wclconle ganizations and groups will be Service and sermon is at 11 made, and election of officers attd a.m. committees will be held. Congre- The Guild will meet at Guild gation mentbers urged to be pres- hall at 2 p.m. Moitday, Mrs. H. - ................................................................................. ent:. Berg is the st)eak(.r, f' Choir practice is at 7:30 p.m ...................................... TO ALL Thursday. Refreshments follow. MOUNT OIAVE LIVrlltEIIAN ....................................................... Win. M. AII)ach, Pastor INTERESTED IN FillST BAPTIST CIIURCII Illgh,,'ay a.n(I (,a,t,atte f'I.IIlDPU ill? PUDI¢'IP Fifth and Cot Streets Friday: The Lutheran %Vomen's UHUIIbll UI" UIIIIlO 1 J. O. Bovee, IPaslor Missonary League lneets at 8 p. Y'arren Hale, Assistant m. This meeting features a kit- i Meetings Bible School, 9:45 a.m. All- chen stmwer for the church kit- ] Each Sunday A.M. graded Bible lessons for every age. ('.hen. Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Ray Saturday: The Junic)r M(,ntber- For Bible Study Mainwaring will bring the morn- ship Class meets at 9 a.m. ( and Communion ing message. Snnday: Sunday Seho()l ap, d I Call MRS. H.;.L. MILLER Young People's Services, 6:;]0 Adult Bible Clas.' ' ' bein ;it 9:.15 Phone 72-R  Or p.m. Three age groups meet for a.m. Services begin qt 11 a.ln. The W. KOBEI_, Phone 614.R-1 Bible study and felh:)wship. Sae, rantent of the Altar will be ad- For Information Evening Evangelistic Service, ministered in this service. The ' 7:30 p.m. Mr. Warren Hale, as- Mountain View Bran(.h Sunday sistant pastor, will bring the rues- School begimt at 9:3(i) a,m. - ......................................... 7---7T:=-- sage. Tuesday: The Sunday School FoursquareChurch Monday Evening Devotional Teachers' Bible Chtss )scots at 8 910 E. Dearborn t. Hour, 7:30 p.m. The fellows and p.m. at the hem(, of Mrs. Alfred Sunday School---9:45 girls will have a combined meet- Miehaolson, 212 Wyandotte. Worship Selvice---11:0 , ing, at the. church., e ' : ' Wednesday: I,enten serv ts he- Crusader Service-.--6:45 tuesday  v rang Home Build- • , , , .... • .... '-  - gm at 8 p.m. The S(..(n Ways )f er's Bible Class, 7.:4,) Sorrow, the season's general t.opm, Evangelistic Selwice=--7:45 Thursday Evenmg Piayez and c l t , h = m dt " " - '" ' " will be cmtinld it : "ta- REV. E. E. FITCH Pra!se Service., 7:30 p.m. .... I lion ripen the tlmme: The Way to Pastor unmr r'racuee tmmeQmtciy [ol, I t.olne, s Tribunal, lowing the prayer service, I The Choir lneets imTned] l e V The Baptist Churel extends a 'after Lenten ,tervices. cordial invitation and a hearty *"_' .......................................................................... welcome t6 all wlio (:all attend these services. St. 0avid's ....................  ....................... Episcopal Churcii Tacoma Police CaDta in 4th & Cedar St. To Talk At Church lle(t Ch.,.ch S<),,,,, .,,1 ,..,,,, .:.,, Captain Al I'arra.r of Lhe Taco- a.lii. MOl'ltiiig Pi':tyl'l' alid Si,rlii,Hi, lla, m. ma police force will speak at 8 Rev. li'l'aneis II. Ihill, Ih.vtor o'clock the evening of March 27 in the Foursquare church, 910 ........................................................................................................................................ .................................................. East Dearborn street. The Reverend E. E. Fitch pas- tor, announced that the public, is tnvited, and the subject will be one of general Interest. Baptist Primary School Has Record Attendance The primary department of the Baptist Sunday School had a rec- ord attendance of 88 last Sunday. Floyd Witherow is superintendent of the department, and it includes  all children from cradle-roll age through the third grade. A staff of nine teachers and helpers instruct the children in First Methodist chUrch "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Community" 4th & Pine ....... Parsonage 320 N, 4th -.- Pllone 276 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -- Morntng Worship 1"1 a.m. WAYNE VVRTGHT, Minister ........................................................................................................... , .......... " ........... :T:: Z:: ASSEMBLY OF GOD TABERNACLE 130 EAST PINE ST. Sunday School, 9:45 .a.m ..... Worship S(..rtce. 11. a.m. Evangelistic, 7:45 I,.m. Young People's Service--Tuesday, 7:45 pm. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY ROY J. KIMBEL ENTERPRISES GE0, M. GRISDALE CONSTRUffION ,C0. RA¥ONIER INCORPORATED Phone 166 HERBERT ROTTER PUBLIC ACCOUNTING SERVICE Title Insurance Bldg. PHONE 170 Shelton, Washington CRAIG P. ELIOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Title Insurance Bldg. Phone 645 m CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW 119-121 South Fourth St. Bell Bldg. Shelton, Washington ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title ,Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 - Shelton ELLIOT B. 8PRINT] Accounting tax Services I I Bo0kkeeldng 8y=teme I 123 4th St. Phone 56 I I INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building , WIT$1ERS FUN]IAL HOME Ll¢ensed Embalmtrs W. A. Wltaler, Prop. \\; Phone 180 - - Shelton, Wash. GLENN E. CORREA ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Govey Bldg. Phone 22 Association include William R. the word of God each Sunday Garland and Nell J. Hoff, both morning at 9:45 n.m. young veterans of World War II. ............................................................... Garland is the son of Attorney l|OOD CAN&L COMMUNITY and Mrs. Marion Garland, SL'., who in previous years had served as prosecuting attorney for Mason county. Hoff is the son of Rev- erend and Mrs. P. B. Hoff. VISIT MT. VERNON Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett and grandson Billy Bernert spent the week end in Mt. Vernon visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Criss. Despite the rain, they enjoyed a great deal of sightseeing. RetUrn- ins Sunday afternoon they visited Mrs. Julia Stuart, a former Shel- tonian, who now lives in Olympia. CttURCti Homebuilders are to meet next Monday night at the home of Mrs. Shirley O'Niel. A party of visitors from the Hood Canal Community Church traveled to Bremerton Monday :night to attend the evangelistic revival campaign at which the Reverend Paul Rood was sched- uled to speak in the First Presby- terian Church. Almost all leather gloves made in the United States are washable" and, if washed frequently, give better wear. ' [ W ...... Y I , bl P ] EEKL CROSSWORD UZZLE i '  i i HORIZONTAL Here's the 1,7 Pictured |WRNI ' former U. $. lalvmmNilNll pretldent Itlll,'lllVlll- II Type msure lgIOI I 13lt 18 On the IlllJJ =!heRertd side 14 Altitude (abbr.) 15 Faer 18 Eurasian plant  18 Pertaining to a |On. ,' ' " 20 Before (prefix) , 54 One (Scot.) 21 Electrical 55 Strain machine ' 50 Publications $ Yrozen water ap.peering 24 Danlah ytrly VIt¢ICAI, miionary to Greenlbnd 1 Assistant (1688.17S8) 2 Come into 2() Go term view 27 Mutt( note jl"' i i 28 Redaet 1[0 Lone Scout Jlt I ' (abbr.) , 01 3!  (p,) $= Senior (abbr.) llO J $4 NorwayCllpltal of Jl" J 36 Opera (abbr,) 38 Dampen .J 40 Malayen n "" i 41 l°a name 41 Take for 8ranted 45 Hypothetical ueral P'l uai, m . ili ill Ilnglal ict I i 4, m= I ...ll0 Hal.m m t =1 Lelllll point lu[ 11Fsllm bttildiag := : - nswer itlfl:alli.i.lll 191lt:lml,4131. 711OIN114.1 IISIVlVI i I Ng IIAIQn3tuk:ll s indian i0 haraetstic of an elc 11 Runners 17 Beta 19 Clamp 2 Countries 25 Greek iand 29 Small islands 32 Strikes 35 Rat 35 ]obks flxly 38 "ling experience $7 Gs by 3 Nocturnal .. 39 John (Gaelic) ing mammal 40 Sesame 4 Ignored 43 Intend 5 Depend 44 Merit e Symbol for 47 Native metal tellurium 49 Anhal • 7 Laughter 52 Steamship , sound (abbr.) 8 Medley 53 Soul (El3pt) i II I II r" m III I I I Jubilee Service ..... Friday, 7:45 pro. THE CHRIST FOR THE CRISIS .................................................. " |, First Church of Christ, Scientist SHELTON Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of ChrisL Scientist Boston, Mass. Subject Next Sunday: ()6 r  99 REALI 1 Y SUNDAY SCHOOL .AT 9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Alt, ler Street, open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4: o'cIock. and Wednesdays fern 6:45 to 7:45 o'clock All are cordially invited to attend the services and visit the Reading Room. CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET WEEKLY GOSPEL BULLETIN by Charles Thomas Shaffer, Minister MARCH 24, 1949. This diversity of color and species is peou)iar to the inhabitants of each of these one hundred worlds, and because of tle func- tion of'those inhabitants to reproduce their own kind they are called Gentiles, and are bisexual, that is, male and female. Nor is any two species allocated to the same world. "The field IS the world," said Jesus Christ, Also, while it is true that God made of one blood all of thee peoples there is =i di, versity of vir- tue in that blood, proof of this diversity being seen in the diverse races of mankind, and ,other creatures today dwelling in our world and begetting THEIR OWN kind. Nor did God plan for these diverse races to people any other world than the one in which he planted tlem at the beginning (Acts 17:24-28). Also, "saith the scripture (Ecclesiastes 3:11-15,) "1 know that what- soever God doeth, it shall be FOREVER; nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it: and God doeth jt that men hould fear before Him." Now God hath created man with tie power of Chetoe and with that power he has created both Good and Evil, both of which also are eternal. These he has put in THE HEART of every creature, along with a clear understanding of the destinies of the good, and of the evil. God gives each creature absolute liberty in the exercise of this Conscience, not tempting any creature either way. (James 1:13, 14.) This is true of all angela as well as of each other oreature. Also, in the bles=ing pro- nounced upon every creature (Genesis 1:22-28} he told them, "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: FOR WHEN HE IS TRIED, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised for them that love him" (Jamea 1:12). How- ever, the first one of thse seven angels, he of the ohurch of Ephesus, chose an evil thought, and cultivated an ambition to be like the Most High, an office and work fo, whioh he was neither created nor empowered to fill, the Son ef God only being thus endowed. God the Father was not willing that thta great angel should perish, even though his choice 0e=tlnod him to perish. He reoounted to him his great and god'worko in the first day (Gen. 1:1-5), and pleaded with him to repent (E=ekiel 28:11.15 and Revelation 2:1-5.) but he tubbrnly refused. (Continued from this point in'the ncx;t isus of The JournaL)'