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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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16 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAI, Thursda&apos; ....... Appliances -- Supplies -- Fixtures 4 Sizes--. 2 Styles--"B" Hearing Aid Batteries FOR THE HOME BUILDERS who do timi:t' +Jwil ele,:tric wiring . . . I have everytlliqg neede(l in 'ul)p}ies from the entrance cap to and including fixtures and appliances for the complete job. Information for Peel Jet sizes and tYl)e+<; of material and correct nlethod o£ inst'lling to meet the National or State Electric Code. Always a Fewltems At Bargain Prices Keep Extra Lamp6 on Hand  6 Watts to 1000 Watts Complete Information on Electric Heating IX,ECTRICITY- -Your Best and Cheapest Servant! E. A. Carr Title Insurance Building PHONE 645 Shelton SAGHALIE CONTEST WINNERS HERB LOOP SHIRLEY BAILEY WINNERS IN THE 1949 Saghalle subscription contest, the senior class of Irene S. Reed High School elected as yearbook king and queen, Herb Loop and Shirley Bailey. Both students are active in student affairs, with Miss Bailey's interests lying in the realm of music and Mr. Loop's, in sports. (Cut courtesy of Saghalie.)  WITH THESE Our Meats are All Government Inspected and Graded Good or Choice. Your'complete satisfaction is guaranteed. LENTEN MEALS For your convenience we carry a complete line of fresh and frozen sea delicacies --- sliced, flleted or by the piece for baking. Also an ample stock of freshly frozen crab meat, scallops, prawns and shrimp meat. Oysters fresh daily. SKINLESS OR REGULAR WEINERS lb. 45 ¢ Fresh Pack SAUERKRAUT . . quart 15 + GRADED GOOD - BONELESS BRISKET CORNEl) BEEF lb. 59  Cured Just Right GRADED GOOD - BONELESS BEEF POT ROAST LEAN STREAKED BACON By the Piece PURE PORK lANK SAUSAGE lb. 4S * Seasoned To Perfection HORMEL'S CHILl ROLLS lb. pkg. 49 ¢ For an Economical Meal FRESH 0YSTEIIS pint 65 = Medium Size WHITE FLAKE SALTCODF!SH lb. pkg. 40 ¢ Boneless COUNTRY STYLE  .'I PORK SAUSAGE lb. 39* Seasoned the Good Old Fashioned Way Easy to Carve SMOKED BOSTON BUTI'S lb. 57  Delicious Baked or Fried GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY MEAT DEPARTMENT Established 1895 I N.P. Railroad Tax I Money Distribution i Covers 30 Counties Northern Pacific Railway, Wash- ingles state's largest single prop- l erty taxpayer, has just completed distribution of $1,998,519.15 to 30 I counties, an increase of 6.35 per i cent over last year's property tax payments, it was announced today by Robert S. Maefarlane, execu- tive vice president. In addition the railway made payments + last year of $590,873 within the state for various ex- cise, occupational and miscellan- eous taxes, bringing the Northern Pacific tax bill in Washington to $2,589,392.15. Above and beyound state taxes, Macfarlane pointed out, were huge income and other federal taxes. Mason county received $6,281.04 of the total Northern Pacific property tax bill and shared pro- portionately with other counties in the distribution of excise oc- cupational a n d miscellaneous taxes. More than half of Northern Pa- cific's March'property tax pay- ments will go to the support of schools in the State of Washing- ton. This year the share for schools rose 9.2 per cent from last year to $1 034.833.22. 51.78 per cent of the total. , More than one dollar out of every seven, a total of $297,779.35, will be allocated to roads and bridges in the state. I "In this connection" Macfar- lane noted. "it is interesting that the railway alone among trans- portations agencies owns and maintains its own right of way and pays taxes thereon that help other transportation systems, ol- ten directly competitive." Minerva Park By Mabel Johns Mrs. M L. Watson and Mrs. Hazel McDowell returned to Miu- erva Park from a three-month vt,- it to California, Mexico and Ari- zona Both are looking fine and in excellent health. Fred Manson and Mabel Johns were called to Seatth, last week to serve as witnesses in a federal trial, and on the same trip they went through some Seattle. mar- kets where they found the gro- cery prices higher than in Shclton and Canal stores. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Maley and children of Shelton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carrie Fields of Minerva Park. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Granger of Port Angeles spent Sunday at Minerva Park visiting her father, Fred Han,;on and other friends. Minerva Park was Mrs. Granger's home before she married. Bill Lucia arrived home from Gtmm to spend his furlollgh with his family, Mrs. Lucis and chin tires. Mr. Lucis is a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Griggs of Min- erva Park. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson spent the week end in Seattle on busln(ss, returning home Sunday evening. The baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stout has been ill the last few days but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hicks from , Tacoma spent Sunday at Minerva Park visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johns. Mr. Hicks is employed at Fort Lewis. Minerva Park residents are . making plans for a community club house, now needed as the park has a population of 108. Junior Livestock Show Set April In Auburn Members of 4-H clubs and Fu- ture Farmer Chapters throughout the state are grooming steers, hogs and lambs for entry in the Northwest Junior Livestock Show to be held in Auburn April 13, 1.i and 15. Closing date for entrie, is March 31 when John Eby, show manager, expects approximately half again as many animals to be qualified as there were in last year's successful show+ Estimates received from 4-H leaders by Eby indicated that about 50 steers, 80 hogs and 40 Iambs will be entered in this division. This is double the number entered by club mem- bers last year, Following the jndging of anl- lnals and awards of premiums, all stock entered in tile jmlior live- stock show will be offered for sale at public auction the last (lay of the show, This event last year drew nlally buyc-rs for markets, groceries, hotels, restaurants and private consumers who paid good prices for tile choice stock Tlae dates of the show were set to c, otllcide with spring vacatmn in public schools. The show is sponsored by the Northwest Jun- ior Livestock Show. incorporated, as a non-profit organization, the Grange Livestock Marketing As- sociation and the Auburn Cham- ber of Commerce with the aid of other Auburn organizations and meat packing concerns. Traffic Wrecks Take 1S Lives In State This March Eighhmn lrsons were kiih'd in rnral and urhall traffic avei- dents in VCashlngton daring the. first 15 days of March, 1919, State I'atrol Chief R-y F. ('ari- sen has annount!ed, "()f these fatalities nine have of'cured he- lwm'n March 12 ttnd M'treh 15. Carlson pointed out that dtlr- inn February only 16 lrsons were killed in traffic acehlents in the stLte. VVith tile elmling of fair weather, " 4jnany, motorists will he crowding OIIP highways to eu- ,ioy pleasure driving, All nloior- isis are ilrgcd, the chief added, to exeretmo exirenle ViUlllon and to hi; i,lircful, as "lhe life you save ilia)' he your OIVII." Mirt,h, 1948 recorded 49 traf- fic deaths in the state. In the first two :rod a half inontbs of this year 57 persons were killed In In,ltor vehtele traffic ax, eldents a.s compared to l 15 ill the first tliree nlonths of 1948. Do" you, like otir poetry? We think it smacks of corn But when it comes to our new cat" We sure can blow our horn. It's full of zip, it's full of umph It's ultra! ultra! Wow! You should come in and have a ride Why not do it now? (( PRIDE OF STREAM SALMON ½ Can For 35 ¢ PRICES FOR + , 2bib DUFFS HOT ROLL MIX PLAN YOUR GARDEN NOW! LARGE "M" EGGS .......................... CHEESE v+,voo0000 2-LB. LOAF ................................ PORK & "No. 21 Joan .... BFANS °ar00°n "':?d KRAi:T DINNERS 2,00o taroni & Cheese MACARONi00e'<'°\< 36-Ounce .................................. Libby's Garden (303 Can) Nalley's TANG .... Pt't!l i+ + m VEGETABLES ...... 2 for 35¢ : FISHER'S BLEN D FLOUR +"" Pkg, ' '€lt 7-0#- : We have a complete line of Garden and Flower Seeds in Lilly's Puget Sound Seed Co., Ferry's and Mande. ville & King Co., also Seed Potatoes, Onion Sets, Lawn Grass, etc. SWEET PEAS--Solly's choice collection of Giant Waved SpenDers € 6 10€ Packages for .................... illlul HESTLE'S CHOCOLATE BITS ....... _ Pk,, SPRY SHORTENING .,. i .................... Calf MhlSHMALLOWS Wonder Lb. Food ........ CdlO PECAN NUT MEATS ............... SEEDLESS RAISINS ...... CHEEZITS su.,.o ]Pkg. for DOG FOOD '+g More ............ 2 LUX FLAKES ........  .......... lm 14+ oz. 26 c00A, (3 pAIL. FOI Pkg. + Ac :._-  c.s " AID lJm'+'+"+ Save With Shurfinel ", BORAXO .. For Grimy Hands ........... :..... 21.15c : BATII q 9   LUX Lge. +JO Puritan t "  ' r '/ O SWAN ............ /- cakes OI b FLAKES .......... ]Pkg. &ll TOMA -ES, cello etn. . € SWAN ............ L cakes I GRANULATED.. ]Pkg. il, ea Delicious tar e " -- -"--'- ' APPLES, 2 lbs. " 9 Size ',, t .a,,,, q q,:.. sv. , ,r. .,,,-- ...................... .............. :<+33' / LUX SOAP.,.. L cakes Lb CLEANSER & pkgd. I  +JriZW/l(Jlt o L s.. ,p LIFEBUOY..  cakes &l POWDEI ........... Pkg. LOt, unehes I SHU2';UOY'" &cakesl't* "OAIP '/-cakes|ll  t, r, " , ............. IOMA[ 0 JUICL .... 46-oz. 27 ¢ AEROWAX, No rubbingwax pt, 39¢ GO TO CHURCH L IIJIEADY.I;OOKED Established 1895