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Two local families -- the Nakhla family of Shelton, left, and
Fest April I to 2 at Shelton High School.
Courtesy photos
the Crichton family of Union, right -- will be featured performers at this year's Fiddle
By KEVAN MOORE One evening we went to see every other week and per-
Shelton's 26th Annual the Voetberg Family Fid-form monthly at the Shelton
dlers in concert. We fell in Senior Center.
Fiddle Fest is set to run
April 1 to 2 at the Shelton love with the idea of a family "It still amazes me that, her church's choir, in which
playing music together. We though Len and I have noPaul and the four oldest sing.
High School Performing Arts went to Fiddle Fest around musical background, the The Nakhlas always in-
Center and will showcqse
talent from around Wash- the same time, and loved it." kids are filling our house tended for their children to
ington State. When the couple's second with toe-steppingfiddleparticipate in music.
This year's festival will child, Hunter, asked for a tunes," Jenny said. "We hadn't originally
feature performers ranging violin that summer, the par- The Nakhlas have six planned to do stringed in-
in age from seven to 92, in- ents were on board. Soon, children: Jamie, 11, plays struments," Anne-Marie
Sydney, their oldest child, cello, mandolin, and guitar; said. "My background is in
cluding two new local family
bands. The Crichton Fam- was playing too. Julian, 10, and Lexi, 9, play piano, and Paul's is in vocal
ily of Union and the Nakhla The Crichtons have four fiddle, piano, and mandolin; performance and brass. But
Family of Shelton will each children: Sydney, 14, and and Max, 7, plays piano and once we realized how family-
be performing a set in one of Hunter, 12, play piano and fiddle oriented fiddling can be, we
three shows, fiddle; and Bryson, 10, and Three-year-old twins, So- were totally inspired."
Both families have been Riley, 8, play fiddle and sing. phia and Amikha, often sit Both families began at-
fiddling for about two years. Jenny home-schools the on their mother's lap while tending monthly Washing-
"I would say we just fell children and Len is a state she plays the piano or dance ton Old Time Fiddler Asso-
trooper in Kitsap County. to their older siblings' mu- ciation (WOTFA)workshops
into fiddling," said Jenny The Crichton children play sic. Paul is choir director held in Belfair, led by Laura
Crichton. "My husband, Len, for the Shelton Alpine Way at Shelton High School and Farr and Bill Crabtree.
and I love listening to music,
and go to a lot of concerts. Retirement Center residents Oakland Bay Junior High "The Old Time Fiddlers
and a vocal coach through are special people," Jenny fiddler and teacher."
Olympic College. Anne-Ma- said. "They welcomed us into Farr, a Shelton local and
rie home-schools and directs the organization and swung an award-winning fiddler,
open the doors to the fiddle has organized it the past
world for us. Laura gives her several years. The event is
time and talent to the organi- a benefit for S.O.C.K (Save
zation with a tune-learning Our County's Kids),.an orga-
class, encouragement andnization devoted to helping
more. She is an outstanding at-risk kids.
Ready for some fiddle?
There are three shows slated for this year's festival: Fri-
day at 6:30p.m.; and Saturday at 1:30 and 6:30p.m. Each
show features different performers. There wilt also be a spa-
ghetti feed from 4:30-6:30p.m. at the High School Sub (Stu-
dent Union Building) for $5 per person.
Tickets are available at Sage Bookstore in Shelton, Lau-
rie's at Home in Hoodsport, and Music 6000 and Yenney's
Music in Olympia.
Tickets for each show are $10 in advance or $12 at the
door. A Weekend pass is $25 in advance and $30 at the door.
A family package is available for $8 for the first child, and
$5 for each additional child.
Belfair man hurt, cited for DUI
By KEVAN MOORE roadway to the right.
Frankewicz truck then struck a parked
A young Belfair man was badly hurt in a Ford Bronco, continued westbound, rolled
South Shore car wreck late Tuesday night and struck a power pole. The truck came to
that the state patrol said was the result of rest facing south on the westbound shoulder
driving under the influence, and was partially blocking the roadway.
Belfair's Taylor J. Frankewicz, 22, was The wreck occurred at about 10:57 p.m.
airlifted to Harborview Medical Center in
Seattle with leg and head injuries following ~-- and interrupted traffic on the highway for
about three and a half hours. Both vehicles
the wreck.
The state patrol said that Frankewicz were totaled and impounded.
was driving a 2007 Chevrolet Silverado The state patrol said that the wreck was
pickup truck westbound on State Route 106 the result of speeds too fast for conditions
about four miles southwest of Belfair when and that Frankewicz was also cited for DUI
he failed ot negotiate a left turn and left the and possession ofmarijuana and drug para-
Hearing slated for water system plan
By NATALIE JOHNSON last fall. City commission- tion of a wholesale water
ers plan to vote on the plan rate, forecasted operational
The city of Shelton plans soon. and capital improvement
to hold a public hearingLast year, the city hired costs and a plan to pay for
during its regular city corn- a consultant, the FCS fire control out of the gen-
mission meeting on Mon- Group, to help update it's eral fund.
day to discuss a proposed water system plan and ac- During it's first review-"
update to its Water System count for the Lane vs. Seat- last fall, the new water
Plan. tle ruling that determined rates, which for some cus-
The plan, which is up- that cities must fund fire tomers included increases,
dated every six years, was control through the general generated some concern.
a frequent topic of discus- fund and not utility rates. City staff plans to outline
sion before last year's bud- The updated plan in- changes to the water rate
get process, and a previous cludes changes in billing, in detail during the public
public hearing was held water rates, and the addi- hearing next Monday.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 24, 2011 - Page A-3