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March 24, 2011 |
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Continued from page A-1
are also tools called local improve-
ment districts, or road improvement
districts, and that's somewhat similar
to a levy. The debt for a road improve-
ment project is assessed to their prop-
erty taxes and they pay on it for years."
Neither of those options has been
terribly successful, he said.
Goin~ said that he plans to create a
i0 to 15 year plan for street repair in
the city before the next budget cycle.
While street repair is technically on
a schedule now, Goins said that this
new plan would be more comprehen-
sive and would outline exactly what
the city would need to do to accomplish
the goal of resurfacing or repairing all
of the roads in town.
"Part of what that would point out
to the community is just how much
that would cost," he said. "I think that
will be a healthy dialogue, I think it
will be sobering a bit, but I think it will
give people a tool to understand what
we're up against here."
Quake who random passengers stopped to help.
"The young girl who was with us, when
Continued from page A-1 they came around with water for us, she
got water for us, and then she got water
residents recognized storm clouds rapidly for her," he said. "People would step by and
approaching, help her ... It was nice to see this camara-
"It was cold, we all came out of the trop- derie."
ics, short pants, short tank tops, we weren't Frey also said he lei~ his cell phone at
prepared for the weather," he said. "It home for his vacation, and an Australian
started getting dark and they started mov- traveler let Prey borrow his phone for a
ing us back into the building and at that super-long distance call to, of all places, the
point there was a major tremor every five port.
minutes." As the sun came up, and the dust cleared,
Power was intermittent in the building, people started to move around the airport
and Prey and his companions spent a cold and as his flight was rebooking all it's pas-
night on the floor as airport and airline em- sengers, Prey noticed that life was instant-
ployees tried to keep passengers warm, fed ly returning to normal at the airport.
and calm. "All of the big retail stores, Cartier, they
"At that point we had been up so long were all open-I thought that was interest-
that i was shaking and I couldn't tell if it ing, the food places are all still closed, you
was fatigue or an earthquake," Frey said. can't get water, you can't get food, but you
Throughout all the trauma Prey. and his can go get an Armani suit," he said.
fellow travelers dealt with during the 36 Frey spoke at last week's Port of Shelton
hours they spent huddled together through meeting about what he learned from his ex-
the worst of the ai~ershocks in the dark perience.
airport, he said that camaraderie and kind- "What I took away from it is how to pre-
ness between passengers never went away. pare here. Like the news always says, it's
Frey told the story of a blind woman who not if we're going to get it, it's when we're
was alone through the earthquakes, but going to get it,'he said.
Continued from page A-1
fighter of the Year. For the second year in
a row, Justin Zipperer was named EMT
of the Year.
The Officer of the Year award went to
Lt. Eric Oberg and Assistant Chief Sal-
zer earned a Meritorious Service Award.
The IAFF presented an outstanding
service award to head mechanic Jeff
Johnson. The Firefighter Association pre-
sented their "Above and Beyond" awards
to Brain Hardie and Steve Holloway.
The fire district also presented "Above
and Beyond" awards to Paula Wood for
her years of dedication to the district
and Bob Molesworth for his dedication
~md commitment to community safety.
Both Wood and Moleswrth also recently
announced their retirements.
Other Above and Beyond awards went
to the DeiTmbaugh family for the many
hours they put in for responses and
training and Garnett Curtis for his com-
mitment to the fire district and the num-
ber of firefighters that have been trained
under his tenure as the drillmaster.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 24, 2011 - Page A-7