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MGH ly, difficult recruits for a encouraging local compa-
small community," Hill-nies to apply.
Continued from page A-1 burn said. "It's really important to
Hospital representa-the hospital and the board
For example, while the tives said they were ex- that we generate as much
new surgical wing is be- cited to not only do such a local trade interest as pos-
ing constructed, doctors big project over a period of sible for the expansion
will continue to perform two years, but also to get a project," Ray said.
surgeries in the existing good deal on it. Hospital commission-
unit. When the new surgi- "It's a very favorable ers and administration
cal wing is complete, the bidding climate. The con- said that in the end, the
old area will be remodeled struction project will come expanded hospital will
to help expand the emer- in about 30 percent less be better able to support
gency and digital imaging than if we did it four years the community as it also
areas, ago," Hillburu said. "We changes and grows.
Also, as patient exam were able to secure the"For me it's always been
rooms are remodeled, only funding at a very favorable a partnership between the
a few will be closed off at rate ... without going back hospital and the commu-
any one time, while others and asking the propertynity, the more the hospital
will remain operational, owners in the county touses us, the more we'll be
The new construction support a bond issue." here for folks when they
will allow the hospital to Over the next four need it,~ Appel said. "This
have room for a new MRI weeks, Ray said that the presents us with the op-
machine, and has allowed general c,ontractor, Hoff- portunity to have a great
it to recruit two new or- man Construction Corn- facility now and then into
thopedic surgeons and one pany, is looking to award the foreseeable future that"
general surgeon. 30 bid packages to subcon- we'll meet the needs of the
"Those are, quite frank- tractors, and are strongly community."
.~ournal photo by Natalie Johnson
Mason General Hospital officials including Erie Moll, chief administra-
tive officer, left, Scott Hillburn, hospital commission trustee, Don Wil-
son, commission chair, Nancy Trucksess, commission trustee, and Bob
Appel, chief executive officer.
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Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Mason County PUD 3 crews
cut down a historic cedar
tree in front of the county's
Juvenile Detention Facility
on Monday. Mason County
and the PUD decided to
cut down the tree because
of continued interference
with power lines, said Tyson
Latham, of PUD 3. "It's in
the way of the power lines,"
he said. "We've trimmed it
a bunch of times because it
keeps getting in the trans-
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Page A-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday. March 24, 2011