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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 24, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 24, 2011
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The Chocolate Parade will be held on March 24, 25, and 26 in down- town Shelten. This is an event where shops in downtown Shelten decorate the'w steres and their menus with chocolate themes and treats. Explore the local fare. Mark the code from the door of each business on a scorecard and you can enter to win prizes, fifty percent and you are eligible for second and third place prizes, get all of them and you could win 1st place prizes or a two-night stay at a resort. Each stere will also feature in-stere drawings. Pick up a score card at any of the participating merchants: Steven's on Railroad, Sugar Cakes, Shelton Cinemas, Strip Steak House, Grove Street Brewhouse, 2nd Street Design Studio, John L. Scott Realty, Olympic Gallery and Custom Framing, All- state Insurance, Very LTD Antiques, Bill Schultz Insurance, The First American Corp., Ferguson Flowers and GiRs, Owl in the Attic, Bread of the Presence, Blooms by the Park, Neirs Pharmacy, Ronnie Nicole's Boutique and Gifts, Octopus Garden, Sage Bookstore, Sue's Stitch in Time, Lynch Creek Floral, The Daisy Pot, Treasures Thrift Store and Case by Case Jewelers. Patrons for the Choc- olate parade are keyBank, Thomas Print-ing, Wittenberg, Green Dia- mond Resource Com., Mason County Historical Society, Olsen Furniture, Xinh's. The Super Reunion for the Classes of the '60s and '70s will be held on Saturday, July 16 at the Little Creek Casino Concert Hall at 5 p.m. A Fri- day night social and Sunday picnic are also in the works. A website has been set up for this event at and there's also a Facobookpage under Shelton High School Reunion - 1960s and 1970s classes, Shelten. We're search- ing for all classmates during those years and welcome any help possible. For more information contact Jea- nee Nutt-Wright at 427-2508. Mount Rushmore and Black HillsTrip. Offered by MCSAA Adults 21 and older are invited to participate in an inspiring and exclusive motor coach trip to Mount Rush- more and the Black Hills of South Dakota created for the Mason County Senior Activities Center by a well-re- spected national travel company. The trip departs from Shelton and operates from Saturday, May 14 to Sun- day, May 22, 2011 covering nine days and eight nights. The cost is $699 per person based on double occupancy for MCSAA members. There is a $15 surcharge for non- members. The trip coast includes: transportation from Shel- ton round trip via a spacious restroom quipped mo- ter coach; 8 nights lodging, including four consecutive nights in South Dakota; 14 meals (eight breakfasts and six dinners; admissions to several tours and museums, such as, Mount Rushmore National Museum, Borglum Historical Center, Wildlife Loop Road at Custer State Park; the Crazy Horse Memorial, a guided tour of Dead- wood and more. Contact Terri at the Mason County Senior Activities Center at 426-7374 or e-mail her at for more information and to reserve your place. / Thursday 7" 0 am., Hoodsport Ki- wanis group meeting with guest speaker Terry King, Washington State Sea Grant Program. - 11 am., Learn and practice basic yoga tech- niques, including breathing, stretches and yoga postures. Classes are suitable for all skill levels. We provide mats and props; however, you are welcome to bring your own mat if that is your preference. The cost is $10 per session or save twenty percent with a 10-session pass for $80. Har- mony Hill Retreat Center, 7362 East State Route 106 Union, WA 98592 2 pan., The Lewis-Mason- Thurston Area Agency on Aging" monthly meeting of the council' of governments will be held at 4419 Harrison Ave. NW, Olympia. - 6 pan., Gateway Rental Management ribbon cutting ceremony. Come help us celebrate the downtown location. Light appetizers and refreshments will be served at the open house im- mediately following the rib- bon cutting at 620 W Cota St. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 pan., Apology and Forgiveness workshop presented by Hypatia-in- the-Woods at Holly House. This one-day workshop is designed for anyone who wants to work on personal issues involving reconcilia- tion. A tax-deductible dona- tion for the workshop is $75, and lunch will be provided. To register and receive direc- tions and pre-workshop ma- terials, phone Carolyn Mad- dux at 426-2268. 1 - 3:30 pan,, Spring planting tips and guidelines: irrigation, supports, feed- ing, mulching and what are your plants telling you? This is part of the vegetable gar- dening workshop presented by the Master Gardener Pro- gram for Washington State 2 pan., on Sunday, March University Extension. Cost is 27 at Harstine Community $10 per class, $15 per couple. Hall the Inquiring Mind se- This is a series of workshops, ries, presents "Washington's Series pass options: four First World's Fair: the 1909 workshops for $30 per person Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Ex- or $50 per couple or attend position" presented by Alan all six for $45 per person or Stein. Alan Stein, historian $75 per couple. The class is and co-author of "Alaska- held at Barnyard Gardens Yukon-Pacific Exposition: Nursery, 920 E. Johns Prai- Washington's First World's rie Rd., Shelton. For more Fair" published in 2009, the information and to register, fiftieth anniversary of the ex- stop by the WSU Extension position. office at 303 N. Fourth St. or call 427-9670 ext. 680. Monday II - 11.'30 am., Shelton Timberland Library presents bilingual story times, for children. Story time is for the whole family. Enjoy stories, rhymes and music in Span- ish and English. For more information call 426-1362. Hora de cuentos; sabado, 26 de marzo, 11 a.m., La hora de cuentos bilingue es parR teda ,ta familia, Disfr~tan cuentos, rimas y musica.en espanol e ingles. Pard mas llamada de la informacion 426-1362. Sunday and props; however, you are practice basic yoga tech- welcome to bring your own niques, including breathing, mat if that is your prefer- stretches and yoga postures. ence. Cost is $10 per session Classes are suitable for all or save twenW percent with skill levels. We provide mats a 10-session pass for $80. and props; however, you are Harmony Hill Retreat Cen- welcome to bring your own ter, 7362 East State Route mat if that is your prefer- 106 Union, WA 98592 ence. Cost is $10 per session or save twenty percent with Tuesday a 10-session pass for $80. .45 --10" 0 am., Help Harmony Hill Retreat Cen- with Mock Interviews at ter, 7362 East State Route 106 Union, WA 98592 Shelton High School room 507. Christen Carey, who teaches a class called Life 5- 7 p.m., Shelton Arts 1 p.m., The Friends of the After High School is looking Commission is hosting its Shelton Timberland Library to make that first interview a "Empty Bowls" program. meeting. This organization little easier for her students. Come and participate at the Shelton Civic Center, 525 has helped the community If you'd like to help Carey W. Cota Street to glaze your with hundreds of programs, with the interview process, bowl. Create, play, eat with events and items for the Ii. drop her an email at ccarey@ brary. If you have some vol-, friends and support your unteer time to spare, the neighbors in need. Open to Friends group needs you. For 1:15 - 3".30 p.m., Chronic everyone, all ages welcome. more information call 426- disease and pain self-man- This is a free event. 1362. agement program. The cost $30 for the six-week program p.m., Elks Lodge meeting every Wednesday 6 - 7~0 pJm., Learn and being held at the senior cen- with dinner before. Dances practice basic yoga tech- ter, 826 W. Railroad Ave., will be on the second and niques, including breathing, Shelton. fourth Saturdays and pot- stretches and yoga postures. Classes are suitable for all Wednesday luck on the other Saturdays. Dances and potluck are open skill levels. We provide mats- 11 a.m., Learn and to all. CALENDAR Unless otherwise noted, all events take place at the Mason County Senior Activi- ties Center at 826 W. Raft- road Ave. The Shelten senior center hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday. The cen- ter's telephone desk (426. 7374) is closed for lunch from noon until 12:30 p.m. Thursday 8:05 a.m., gentle, restor- ative yoga. 9 - 11 a.m., intermediate/ advanced line dancing. 9 - 11 a.m., EZ cral~rs. 10:30 a.m., zumba fitness class 11 a.m., bridge, signup the day before. 12 p.m., lunch: lasagna 1 p.m., bingo. 2 p.m., treats from Lean on Me Home Care. 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi. 9 a.m., beginning line dance. 10 - 11 a.m., intermedi- ate/advanced line dancing. 12 p.m., lunch baked fish 12:30 p.m., game day. Friday 1 p.m. pinochle. Foot care by appointmentTuesday 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi. 9 - 11 a.m., open line 8:05 a.m., gentle, restor- dance, ative yoga. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., sewing 9- 11 a.m., intermediate/ circle, advanced line dancing. 11 a.m,, member social 9, a.m. - 1 p.m., sewing 12 p.m., lunch sponsoredcircle. by MCSAA 10:30 a.m., zumba fitness 12:30 p.m., birth celebra- class tion 12 p.m., lunch bean soup 1- 3 p.m., oil painting with 12:30 p.m., bridge signup Paul Kucharik day before. 1:15 - 3:45 p.m., chronic Monday disease class Wednesday 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi. 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., AARP tax aide 9 a.m., beginning line dancing. 9 a.m., Norman 'Rockwell van trip 10 a.m., intermediate/ad- vanced line dancing. 12 p.m., lunch: pot roast 12:30 p.m., game day. 1 p.m., pinochle Come See Our 1 st-R.. 54 Annual or Ham D inner SATURDAY Ad u Its April 2nd, 2011 Children under 12 4:00pro to 8:00prns6oo at the door Tickets available from any Yacht Club member. D&L Automotive, Windermere Real Estate or at the door. Come have fun with us and enjoy a delicious dinner. 1,01[TNG]£ Free Nights VERN'S IS FEATURING LOCAL YAK ANGUS, FRESH SALMON, AND TASTY PASTAS! For more details, find us @ W NW.vernsrestau rant.corn. Dally 4",10, S:45pm Additional Shows Sat-Sun 2:20pm FrI-Sat 8:55pm [] . ~ FEWIm 11L4m 8 MIN. OF PEEVIE~ * education. Tickets available at Art Talks or at the door Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 24, 2011 - Page B-3