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What's Cookin'
Continued from page B-1
"When she first talked to mefashion and I'm hoping to become
she said she's very serious about a fashion designer," she said "So
the project and she said 'I don't this year maybe I'll just get the
know if adults are serious about girls fitted, but next year I'm
it," Matthews said. "I said, 'we'll looking to step it up and do al-
you're here talking about it, you terations."
must be serious." Davis will accept as marly do-
While Davis' desire to help out nations as possible, and plans to
other girls eager to attend prom continue the program in coming
for the first time this spring, she years. She can be reached at 426-
said her desire also stems from a 2071, or at glamourgrrlz@gmail.
love for fashion, com.
"One major reason I wanted Davis shared this recipe for
to do this, is where I go to school gluten-free chocolate chip muf-
there's not many programs for fins.
Gluten eeChocolate Chz Muffins
: , : ".P
4 Tbsp or tapioca starch
3/4 malta m: powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
4 Tlmp ground mixed with
6 Tbsp water (or four eggs for a
non.vegan recipe)
1 cup almond milk, rice milk or
organic soymilk
3/4- 1 cup agave nectar
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 cup coconut oil
I cup chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl, mix all wet ingredients. In a separate
bowl, combine all ingredients, slowly add to wet. Mix until well combined.
Pour into Hned pan. Bake for 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted
comes out dry.
Continued from page B-1
land Eyes Network
with your information
to share in the spirit of
networking for safety.
I bring this up because
I often get a note or a
story from people who
complain about some
of the driving here on
the island. I wish I
could say I was a per-
fect driver, but I'm not.
But, I do try to not fol-
low people too closely.
I think we all could
practice a little safer
Courtesy photo by Darla McDaniel
Harstine Island TOPS #1402 are happy to present their new officers: Linda Immel Assistant Weight Recorder, left, Kathy
Doherty Weight Recorder, Carol Lettich Treasurer, Kare Carpenter Secretary, Brenda Stainbrook Co-Leader, Marlene Ech-
aniz Leader. The group meets every Monday at 9 a.m, at the Harstine Island Community Hall. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Continued from page B-7
Wokojance Jr.
Frank Wokojance Jr., 86,
died, March. 18, 201.1 at his
home in Shelton. He was a
resident for 46 years.
H e
was born
to, Frank
liam, Sr.
and Bil-
lie Mae
Frank jance in
Wokojance Jr. Lansing,
Ohio, on
January 7, 1925.
He lived his early years
in Ohio and a lot of his boy-
hood in Craig, Colorado, rid-
ing horses, climbing, hunt-
ing and fishing, until mov-
ing to Shelton in 1942.
He attended two years
at Hayden High School in
Hayden, Colo.
He was a U.S. Army PFC
Scout from August 7, 1943 rections center where he re- care of children and protect-
to October 24, 1945. mained until he retired, ed them, worried when they
During World War II, he Wokojance was a wild were sick, laughed with
served as a scout in the 2nd game hunter and fisherman, them, told them stories,
Armored 41st Infantry Hell oftentimes taking his family taught them, kept them
on Wheels Division and was along with him. He also en- warm and safe.
awarded numerous medals joyed teaching some of his He is survived by daugh-
and citations for his brav- nephews the finer points of ters Carma L. (Scott) An-
ery and skills. One of those the hunt. Though he gave derson of Olympia, Cathy
includes the Purple Heart up hunting, he continued to L. (Rex) McNish of Shelton
awarded to him in 2006. fish for trout, salmon, smelt and Cindy L. (Loren) Fas-
He married Eloise May or whatever, he made the sett of Fox Island; grand-
Fuller in Bremerton on best-smoked salmon ever. children Heather R. (Na-
April 16, 1948. He enj()yed smelt fishingthan) Benedict of Shelton,
He was employed by the with his buddy, Barry U1-Rex E. McNish, Jr. of Shel-
Santa FeRailroadinEncina, rich of Olympia and even ton, Brittany L. Anderson
N. M. before he was drafted, after he became ill he wor- of Olympia; great-grand-
After his army discharge, ried about getting the nets sons Dakota J. and Noah G.
he moved to Shelton, work- " ready for smelt season. He Benedict of Shelton; sister
ing for Simpson Timber and enjoyed growing tomatoes,June McPherson of Mesa,
Rainier Mills. When jobs be- always hopeful that he*d be Ariz. and brother Rodney
came scarce, he moved his able to grow the ultimateWokojance of Vancouver.
wife and their three young beefsteak and strawberries He was preceded in death
daughters to the Tri-Cities in his garden, tending to the by his wife, Eloise May Wo-
where he became employed fruit trees and raspberrykojance who passed on Octo-
with the Walula Pulp Mill. bushes while morn tended ber 11, 2010; parents, Frank
After five years, the family to her flowers. He and Elo- and Billie Wokojance; sis-
returned to Shelton where ise also enjoyed bringingters, Joyce Miller and Ruth
Wokojance had been hired their dog Tasha with themGibson; brothers, Johnnie
to work for the Washing- in the motor home when Wokojance and his recently
ton State Department of they stayed at the ocean,passed brother, RichardWo-
Corrections as an engineer, but were always happy to be kojance.
He studied hard and later home with all of their other A viewing will be held at
became superintendent of pets. will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
the power plant at the cor- The family shared he tookat McComb Funeral Home
in Shelton on Thursday and be followed by a double in-
Friday March 24 and March urnment service nearby at
25 at 703 W. Railroad Ave. Shelton Memorial Park at
The memorial service 1605 Van Buren St.
will be held at 1 p.m., Fri- Refreshments will be
day, April 1, at St. Edwards served during the reception
Catholic Church located at the Church following the
at 601 W. C St. in Shelton to services
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 24, 2011 - Page B-5