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March 24, 2011 |
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Andrew Dean
Andrew Dean Coder, 5,
died Tuesday, March 15,
2011 at Mark Reed Com-
munity Hospital Emergency
Room. He was a three year
Elma resident.
He was
bern May
17, 2005
in Fargo,
July 4, 1972 they moved to
She worked for Stretch Is-
land Fruit for 24 years.
She enjoyed her family
and friends, was a member
of Women of the Moose for 30
She bewled for many
years. She liked reading,
playing games on her com-
puter and chatting with
friends on Facebeok. She
also enjoyed going to Little
N.D. to Creek Casino where she
L o n n i e made many friends.
Lowell and She is survived by her
feeding bears and trapping
beavers. He also trapped
for the Washington Forest
Protection Association. He
continued to do this until his
final days. He also enjoyed
doing tree service and did as
much as he was physically
able to do.
Lund was an avid out-
doorsman and enjoyed
hunting, fishing, clam dig-
ging and trapping. He was
a lifelong member of tlxe
Washington State Trappers
Association. He enjoyed go.
ing hunting in Pierce, Idaho
husband John Fogo, Sr. of and looked forward to it each
She graduated from
Northwestern High School in
Ohio in 1954 and graduated
from Ohio State University
in 1957. She married Garry
Preston May 20, 1960 in
Tangier, Morocco.
She was
a mission-
ary for 10
years in
Spain and
an elemen-
"tary school
Marjorie teacher for
Ann Preston 15 years in
Lynn(Guy) Shelton; son John Fogo, Jr. year. The family shared that Ohio and
Andrew Coder, Jr. (Sharon) of Shelton; daugh- friends and family were very Chicago and a homemaker.
Dean Coder Andrew ters Wendy Medcalf (Mark) important to him. She was a member of the
lived in of Mason County andBarba- He is survived by his parent-teacher association
Moorehead, Minnesota until ra Graham (Willy)of Eastern mother Irene Lund of Shel- in Butte, Mont., St. Luke
moving to Elma. He was a Washington; grandchildren ton; daughter Shelly Reneck- Church of God in Chicago,
student at Elma Elementary Sierra, Jenessa and Andrea er (Brian) of Shelton; grand- Ill. and First Baptist Church
School. Fogo, RiAnne and Anthony son Jordan Renecker of Shel- in Shelton.
Andrew loved Barman Medcalf, Glen, Brian and ton; stepchildren Michael She enjoyed reading
and otherMarvelcharacters, Alysha Bray, Alex, Dallas Hickson of Shelton, Tami books, writing and school
his favorite Transformer and Marriah Graham. Ayers of Wenatchee, sister reform, had published short
was Bumblebee. He enjoyed A service will be held at 2 Judy Dimler (John) of Mon- stories and was an author in
climbing trees, going fishing p.m., Saturday, March 26 at tesano; niece Dawn Mitchell
and mudding in his dad's the Shelton Moose Family of Montesano and nephew
truck. He also enjoyed play- Center, 741 SE Craig Road,
ing Elma Eagles T-ball. Shelton, WA 98584.
He is survived by his par- McComb Funeral Home
ents and his older brother, of Shelton is handling the
Steven Lee Coder, all of the arrangements. For your con-
home in Elma; grandpar- venience online condolences
ents, Keith and Debi Nelson may be sent to the family at
of Fargo, N.D., Lonnie Coder website
Mike Dimler of Raeford, N.C.
He was preceded in death
by his wife Tina Lund and
father Kelly Lund.
A memorial service will
be held at 2 p.m. on Friday,
March 25 at the Hope Cha-
pel. McComb Funeral Home
Shelton; son Travis Watkins Blood Bank, a job she loved,
(Charlotte) of Hollis, Alaska for 12 years.
and Blair Schirman (Sharon) In 1990, she and Alden
Christian magazines.
She is survived by her
sons Peter Scott Preston of Shelton; six grandchildren moved to Lake Land Village
(Edna) of Colorado Springs, in Shelton and Alaska and in Allyn, where they resided
Colo. and Garry David Pres- three great-grandchildren in for 20 years.
ton Loveland,Alaska. While living in Tacoma,
Colo.; daughters Nora Jane There was a private ser- she became active in the Ta-
McDougall-Collins (Conrad) vice for the immediate fam- coma Swim Club for 14 years,
Missoula, Mont. and Ruth fly. Forrest Funeral Home in driving to turnouts, officiat-
Elaine Hockensmith (Dan) Shelton handled the arrange- ing at meets and out-of-town
Sn of Kalispell, Mont., and is handling the arrange- of Shelton; sister Emily ment& Memorial lonations meets and board meetings.
Margaret and Harley Bath of Dennis K. merits. Memorial donations Mumma Lorida, Fla.; seven can be made to the Schirman She enjoyed attending the
Ehna; great-parents Lenore can be made to Washington grandchildren and two great- .Family, 84I E. Loftier Loop, Adventure of Faith Church
Johnston and (Bernice)Guy 'Denny' Lund grandchildren. . Grapeview, WA98546. of Port Orchard.
State Trappers Association, She was an avid reader,
both of Sisseton, S.D. and DennislL Denny. Lund, P,O. Box7472, O]ympia, WA HerhnsbandGarryPrss- Mar ineM.
numerous aunts, uncles and 66, died Saturday, March 12, 98507. For your convenience ton, parents, Robert and cel o~ several hours a day.
cousins. His Rotty-Husky 2011 at his home in Shelton. online condolences may be Edna Metzger and two She liked the sun whether at
sent to the family at me- brothers, Roger and Marvin Williams the Oregon coast or at South
mix named "Jake" also sur- He had lived in Shelton most
vives him at the family home. ofhislife, Metzger, preceded her in ....... Marie Lake Tahoe or Tucson. Some
_wlarcenne -marcy- • •
The services were held at He was death. Williams 81 died Saturda ofber more memorable vlmts
4 p.m. on Saturday, March bern May Richard 'Dick' Aservice was held on ...... 2 ...... Y' were the Palace ofVersailles,
mrcn lz, zul:t Auenmore c el ride to theamids
March 20 at the First Baptist Hospital in Tacoma. c ame .... ,. ,
19, at the Shelton Church of lJ .28,1944 in McGee Church. Memorialdonations ...... I..,,.,, - -*omber menotylmnaaname eam
Christ located at 740W Day- Shelton to
ton Airport Rd. Shelton, WA ~1 Clarence Richard "Dick" McGee, 72, can be made to the First 21,~'~;29"~oW(~e°~a~d~F~a WheelCruise up the Missis-. i
98584. ~1 and Irene died March l7, 2011. Hewas Baptist Church, 428W. Cota Leathers in Sedro-Woolley slpp~o, . ~.,oa .hob-h,:
The family suggests in (Sander- a resident of Richmond, Va. Street, Shelton, WA 98584. B e r n i e .... ntm-
lieu offlowers, memorialdo- Son)Lurid. He was bern and raised in McComb Funeral Home is band of60 years, Alden; sons. .
nations may be made to ~- He at- Shelton and graduated from handling the arrangements. = White ad Dawd (Debra) of Gig Harber,
drew Coder Benefit Fund at Dennis IL t e n d e d IreneS. Reed High School in Online condolences may be . .. " Jeffrey ofTacoma and Daniel
opteaher • •
your local Timberland Bank. Lurid S h e 1 t o n 1956. sent to the family at mc- . . of Olympm; five grandchil-
~ ~ wnen sne ........ "'e John
Please visit and sign the schools un- He is survived by 1" aren; Atasen, , ,
online tribute to Andrew at til the fall of1959 when the daughters Bonnie Hughes % e Haley, and Michael. :
.,..,~a, o,on The family suggests me-
whitesidefamilymortuaries, family moved to Montesano. and Wendy Shroyer; son Sandra (Gilliam)
.... morials to either the Advert-
com. Arrangements are en- He graduated in1962 from Richard McGee; five grand- 5chirman-Freed ture of Faith Church, 4705
trusted to Whiteside Family Montesano High School. children, Kate, Cain, Kris- ~,~©~© ma rngn ..........
liltillialnfl ~ ~ i.. ~ ], o • oacason Avenue ~;, yore ur-
Mortuary in Elma. He married Betty Pole in tina, James and Levi; four Sandra (Gilliam) ..... ~ .... v" ~.: cJaard, WA 98366 or,Tacoma
1972. He had two stopchfl- great-grandchildren; two Schirman-Freed, 64, died
Diana K. Fogo dren, Mike and Tami, and brothers David and Mel Mc- Sunday, March 13, 2011 in 1^47 mass o Orthopedic Association, PO
" Box 5299 MS=311-1TOA
they had one child together, Following high school
Diana If. Fogo, 64, died
Friday, March 18, 2011 at
her home in Shelton. She
was a resident of Shelton for
39 years.
She was
bern Au-
gust i0,
1946 in
Ill. toEl-
bert and
Diana K. ( L o o p )
Fogo Joiner.
married John W. Fogo, Sr. on
October 5, 1963.
She and John moved to
Hoquiam in 1966 and on
Worthy of
Your Trust
Shelton - (360} 427-8044
Funeral Alternatives offers a variety
of simple, cost-effective options.
Shelly. The marriage ended
in divorce after 10 years. He
married Tina Stallings in
He moved back to Shel-
ton to work for Simpson Fi-
berboard. He lei for Alaska
on Goodro's Fern boat on
June 18, 1968. When he re-
turned from Alaska, he re-
sumed working for Simpson.
He worked for the Depart-
ment of National Resources
in Morton; Department of
Fisheries in Washougal; then
Simpson Boom, Simpson
Plywood and he retired from
Olympic Panel in 2006.
ARer retirement, he start-
ed working with the Green
Diamond Resource Company
Gee and sister Phylis Lyons.
Services where held on
March 21 at Central Baptist
Church in Richmond, Va.
Mariorie Ann
Marjorie Ann Preston, 74,
died Thursday, March 17,
2011 in Shelton. She was a
Shelton resident for three
She was bern April 20,
1936 to Robert and Edna
(Funderburg) Metzger in
Pike Township, Ohio.
Bremerton. She was a resi-
Tacoma, WA 96415-0299
dent of Shelton on and off all graduation she worked at Se- Memo: Sara Echert.
of her life.
She was bern January 29,attle First Bank in Olympia. A graveside service will be
She married Alden Wil-
1947 to Wallace Gilliam and lianas on June 17, 1950 in held at 2 p.m. on Thursday,
March 24 at the Odd Fellows
Esther (Monson) Gilliam in Olympia.
Everett. She and Alden moved to Memorial Park, 3802 Cleve-
She was a real estate Seattle where they lived from land Ave. SE, Tumwater,
agent in Shelton. 1950 to 1955 while there she Funeral Arrangements are
She was a wonderful worked at University Na- being handled by Funeral
mother and grandmother her tional Bank until June 1952. Alternatives of Washington,
family shared. She was an ac- in 1955, the family relo- 455 North Street Tumwa-
tive member of the local real cared to Tacoma. She retired ter. To leave remembrances
estate community. She en- from the work force to raise please go to funeralalterna-
joyed reading and traveling, their three sons for the next
She is survived by her27 years. She returned to
husband Charles Freed of work at the Pierce County See Obituaries on page 8-5
Margaret Lorraine Matson
June I, 1920 - March II, 2011
Margaret Matson passed away
with family at her bedside
on Friday March 1 I, 2011.
Born in Sumner Washington,
Margaret was the ninth
child of William and Maggie
Margaret graduated from
Kapowsin High School in 1938.
She served as a Navy Wave during
WorldWar If. Sbe married Olaf Matson in 1948 and
together they owned and operated a drive in restaurant
named" Oles" and a 2nd Hand & Antiques Store in
Centralia. They moved to Olympia in 1969 where she
worked for the Department of Licencing. Margaret
retired at the age of 68 from the Washington State Patrol.
In 2000 she moved to SheltorJ to live with her
family. Margaret loved her famiily, her church, and the
friendliness of the Shelton cormnunity. She will be
remembered for her unselfish commitment to her family,
patriotism, and her contagious exuberance for living.
She is survived by her daughlter Olene Steele, son-in-
law, George Steele and Grandson Chris Ri'chter.
A Memorial Mass will be held on Saturday, April 2,
2011 at 11:00 a.m. at St. Edwards Catholic Church in
Shelton. Margaret's request is t2hat in lieu of flowers,
Raymond E Morris
Raymond E Morris was born January "
28,1933 in Port Angeles, Washington to
the hte Harold and Valda Morris. He
diedMarch 13, 2011 of COPD. In 1951 •
he met Nancy Smith Co. March 15, 1936)
of Beacon Point Resort on Hood Canal.
He and Nancy soon married, Ray in his
Marine Corps uniform. While he spent his
tour of duty in Korea, his daughter Susan
was born in 1952. On lcavingtl~ Corps,
Ray returned to Beacon Point where he and
Nancy worked for her parents, the late Harry and Ruth Smith. Son
II Steven was born in 1955. Ray and Nancy managed the resort and
I sold oysters for new owners until they purchased the resort in the
mid-60s. In 1968 their son Raymond Lee was born. The Morrises
continued to farm oysters on site while the old cabins were sold,
several to former visitors to the resort. Thanksgiving Day of 1998
brought tragedy when Ray and Nancy suffered a terrible fire in
which they lost their home and, much worse, their son Lee. They
returned to the property the next year and lived on the Canal until
the fall of 2009 when they bought Nancy's dream home on Arcadia
Road, Shelton. Nancy died on January 3rd of this year. Among his
'last words to her, Ray said he'd be following her soon, and so he did.
Raymond and Nancy were known, appreciated, and dearly loved
for their friendliness, kindness, humor, generosity, and loving spirits.
They are sorely missed by daughter Susan Parrington (Tad) of
Kingston, WA; son Steven of Shelton, Wa; child-of-the-heart Cindy
Morrow (Jeff) of Shelton; Ray's sisters Beverly Davidson (Richard)
and Lila Morris of Port Angeles; Nancy's brother Wally Smith
CLeatha) of Port Hadlock; grandchildren Graham Parrington (Jana
McKinley) of Olympia, WA and Sheela Shadforth (Mike) of Port
Angeles; two great-grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews; [I /
and countess friends and neighbors. I/ .,
Donations may be made to the American Lung Association, 2625
Third Ave. Seattle, WA 98121-1200 orthe American Red Cross, P.O,/
donations be sent to St. Edwards Catholic Church for the . ,
Box:41 2018, Des Monm, 50 t0-20XS, Ptea= McCe
benefit of the building fund. Funeral Home for service information360-426-4803.: /
t -- Paid Obituary Notice -- plum n=,,, ,, i , r~
- 5helton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 24, 2011 - Pac
Direct Cremation